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October 2014 Newsletter
Worship Services:
Special Services:
Sunday, October 26
Aurora S.S.
Communion Worship Services:
Sunday, October 5
& 19

Suicide Awareness Event
October 1
, 6:30pm at Aurora
On Wednesday, October 1
, at 6:30pm, Rev. E.
Corrine Chilstrom, wife of former presiding
Bishop Herb Chilstrom, to come speak at
Aurora about Suicide Awareness and her
experience with their son Andrews suicide.
She plans to speak about the prevalence,
stigma, and history of suicide. She will also
address the feelings that surround it, what
goes on in the mind of a person who is
considering suicide, and what you can do to
help. Corrine has also written a book about
her experience, called Andrew, You Died Too
Soon. It is a heartbreaking, and yet powerful
read. This is an open event for people of all
Tuesdays at Olivias
A small group from Aurora and Trinity meets
every Tuesday at !"#pm at Olivia$s
%estaurant to sociali&e and get to 'now
each other better. (ery informal, ALL are
welcome to )oin.
Feed My Starving Children
Aurora/Trinity Parish is signed up for the Feed My
Starving Children Event on Saturday, October !
the St" #ohn$s %utheran Church" There are &' slots
reserved for pac(ing during the )*&'+,'*&' a- shift"
%oo( for infor-ation as .ell as a sign+up sheet in
the Aurora narthe/" There are so-e age
re0uire-ents for this event, as .ell as a no 1e.elry
policy 2.hich is included on the sign+up sheet3" For
0uestions, contact %isa 4orbel at !'5+6!7+'56'"

!ood Shel" Sunday
The ne*t food shelf Sunday is October 5
both Aurora and Trinity
Council #eetin$s:
Joint Aurora and Trinity Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 15
at 6:!"# at Aurora
(Trinity Council will meet before at 6pm at Aurora
and Aurora Council will meet afterward.
Youth and Families
October Con%rmation Schedule:
$uicide A%areness &'ent at 6:!"# at Aurora
Confir#ation $ession at 6:!"# at Aurora
Confir#ation $ession at 6:!"# at Aurora
Confir#ation $ession at 6:!"# at Aurora
!all !estival:
Everyone is welcome to attend the +all
+estival at ,en -restegard$s on Sat., Oct.

. The fun starts at .!"# p.m. There
will be wagon rides, a potluc' meal / a
bon0re. 1ring a dish to pass as well as
the entire family2friends for a fun night
&urora Sunday School Students to
The Aurora Sunday School Students will be
singing during the Sunday, October 26
, worship
Wartbur$ 'outh (ay) *
November 1 All 5th - 9th graders are encouraged
to attend the Annual Youth Day at Wartburg College on Sat.,
Nov. 1st. Ths s a !un !lled ns"ratonal day #th s"rtual
educaton, recreatonal actvtes, and dnner #th Wartburg
College students. Ths year$s the%e s based on The &ood
Sa%artan. We #ll be leavng Aurora at 9'(( a.%. and
returnng around 9'(( ".%. The cost o! ths event s )5
"er "erson. A "orton o! the regstraton !ee #ll be donated to
the Water to Thrve to buld #ater #ells n rural A!rca. To sgn
u", "lease contact *astor +on or ,ayla *aa"e. -egstraton
deadlne s Sun., .ct. 1/th.
Lets Finish the Playground at
As many of you know, the Aurora
S.S. has recently raised funds for
a new playground. The
playground was installed this past
Spring and has already seen a lot
of great use! But it isnt fnished!
We still need to install a safer
area around the playground, with
grounded up tire mulch. We
anticipate needing aout !",###
to fnish this pro$ect. %n %ct. "&
the Sunday School will sing in
church and we will start a '(week
campaign to raise this money. )f
each person can donate $ust !*
per week of the '(week campaign
+or a total of !,,-, the money will
e raised! .ets fnish this and
feed our childrens odies with a
safe playground and with the lo/e
of 0esus!
'oun$ &dults +roup
The October 4oung Adults group
will meet on +riday, October 5
at 5!##. 6e will be meeting at
-astor 7on and 8auren$s house.
8ast month we partoo' in
something new called The 6ired
The Wired Word is program
that we subscribed to that
ofers us weekly current
events for us to discuss and
relate to our Christian lives!
Last month we talked about
the Donald terling case! "t
was ama#ing to see the
directions our conversations
took us!
9f you$re able to come, you can
bring a snac' if you$d li'e and
your own beverage. 6e had so
much fun last month3 6e hope
that you can ma'e it to the ne*t
6:8;A will meet on Tuesday, October
at 6!"# p.m. at the ;hamber O<ce.
This month$s coordinator is 7ulie.
==6:8;A is loo'ing for a volunteer to be a
6:8;A >irector for 2#?. This position
will help plan and coordinate 6elca
events for the year. 9f you are interested
or want to 'now more about the position,
contact a current director @,ay ,lemmer,
7odi ,ec', Angie 7ensen or 7eanne
October ,shers:
Trinity: -Roger Manges & Rich Paulsen
Aurora: Brian Jensen & Brad Thurnau
**Aurora ushers: If you are unable to usher anytime during
your assigned month please contact Jef Hendricks at 507-
Newsletter Information Deadline
Please have all information for the Nov. newsletter and
calendar to Lisa by Mon. Oct 20
. Send your info to:
auroratrinityoffice@mail!com or you can call 5"#$%5&$
Who Is Invited to the Table?
A cou"le of #onths ago, + brought u" the to"ic of ,oly Co##union and %ho can recei'e it- + told the story
about a friend.s grandfather %ho %as denied ,oly Co##union near the ti#e of death, because he suffered fro#
de#entia- The "astor belie'ed that because he couldn.t understand %hat %as ha""ening in ,oly Co##union, he
shouldn.t recei'e it-
This raises a lot of /uestions about ,oly Co##union- The "ri#ary /uestion is this: Who is welcome and invited
to receive Holy Communion? The &0CA is beginning to ha'e as1 this 'ery con'ersation and is re/uesting that
indi'idual congregation to tal1 about it too-
2o you ha'e to be a certain age to recei'e ,oly Co##union3 2o you ha'e to be ba"ti4ed3 As the &0CA
considers its "osition on these /uestions, it %ants our feedbac1- What do you, the "eo"le of 5od, thin13
Alongside this, one of our #ission goals for this year is to offer an adult catechis# class, as a %ay of Feedin
!inds with the "ove of #esus 6our #ission the#e7- Therefore, as a %ay of tac1ling both of these things, co#ing
u" in 8o'e#ber, + a# offering an Adult Catechis# class on 9a"tis# and ,oly Co##union- +f you ha'e al%ays
%anted to go bac1 to Confir#ation or ha'e ne'er gone to confir#ation, no% is your chance:
We %ill s"end ; %ee1s %restling and tal1ing about %hat ba"tis# and ,oly Co##union are and %hat %e
belie'e about the#- We %ill be using Martin 0uther.s $mall Catechism, as %ell as the &0CA.s docu#ent The
%se of the !ean&s of 'race.
At the end, %e %ill be in'ited to send feedbac1 to the &0CA about our discussions and %here %e feel the ,oly
$"irit is leading us in the con'ersation- Which #eans that you ha'e a 'oice in the &0CA and can ha'e an i#"act
on ho% the &0CA decides its "osition on the /uestion of %ho can recei'e ,oly Co##union-
There %ill be t%o o""ortunities to be "art of this con'ersation-
<lease consider =oining us for this i#"ortant con'ersation- + thin1 it %ill be engaging, thought "ro'o1ing, and an
o'erall good ti#e- This is #ost certainly true-
With gratitude and lo'e for each of you,
-astor 7on
T-.N.T' /,T01-&N C0,-C0 #ONT0/' CO,NC./ #11T.N+
Monday Evenings
8o'- 1!
, 1>
, );
, and 2ec- 1
@en and Anne <restegard.s ,ouse
;>5* $& ;(
$t- O%atonna, M8
Tuesday Afternoons
8o'- 11
, 1(
, )5
, and 2ec- )

Oli'ia.s Aestaurant
8ear Wal#art in O%atonna
Sunday2 September 142 2014
Beeting called to order by -res. 7an. Opening prayer given by -astor 7on.
Sec. report presented by Shari, written by 7an in Shari$s absence. Approved as read.
Co Treas. report. 8orna is absent.
N1W 3,S.N1SS:
;on0rmation! Trinity has one student. (ictoria ;on'lin has started her second year. She
meets with -astor 7on for
classes, and also has a mentor to help her.
+lag! There are lights on the new sign that will shine on the Dag. 6e are missing the clips to
put it up with. ;raig will
loo' into getting some.
;ement! The cement at the entrance to the church needs to be sealed. Eary will loo' into
getting the supplies.
;oat >rive! The ;lothesline of Steele ;ounty is accepting coats, scarves, hats, and mittens.
1udget Beeting! Trinity will schedule a council meeting to come up with the budget for 2#?.
This will be done
before the )oint budget meeting with Aurora. 9t will be held late Oct.2early Cov.
-astor 7on will 0nd
out from Aurora when the )oint meeting is, so we can plan a day.
O/( 3,S.N1SS:
Aurora >iner! -astor 7on passed on appreciation for the FEreat supportG Trinity gave to this
8ifetouch! There will be more about this in the fall.
Organist! 7an put an ad in the Steele ;ounty Spar's. There have not been any calls on it.
-astor 7on will wor' on
getting it into the Synod page. >ebbie will continue to come to Trinity once in a while to
play for us.
9nsulation for basement! This will get done sometime in Oct. %oger will order in supplies.
Screen door! ;raig is loo'ing into getting a new screen door for the bac' entrance of the
1anners! The banners have arrived. 7an will get the hardware needed to install them.
(&T1S TO -1##1N31-:
6ed. Oct. ?
! Trinity council will meet at Aurora at 6!##, with the )oint council meeting
beginning at 6!"#.
Sun. Cov. 6
! Trinity congregational meeting following the church service.
>ates for budget meetings to be determined.
6ith nothing further to be discussed, motion to ad)ourn was made by Eary, and seconded by
%espectfully submitted,
Shari Banges, Trinity Secretary

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