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7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita, KS 67205-1759
(316) 722-7721
FAX (316) 722-7727
Cooperative Extension Service Sedgwick County
Extension Education Center
7001 W. 21
St. North
Wichita, KS 67205-1759
FAX 316-722-7727
Page 1
Suggested Grades: 4
and 5

Electricity is caused by the movement of the electrons that are present in all atoms.
Static electricity results from electrons jumping or transferring short distances from one
object to another in a random fashion. Static electric charges only build up on objects
that have electrons that do not move easily such as plastic, rubber, and nylon.
Current electricity results from a orderly flow of electrons that move easily along a path
of conductive material, much like the movement of water through a pipe or hose. The
path that electrons follow is called an electric circuit. The circuit usually includes three
main parts: (1) a source of electrical energy that supplies electrons, such as a battery;
(2) an object that makes use of the electricity, such as a light bulb; and (3) a conductor
that connects everything together, usually metal wire.
Batteries are often used as a source of electrical energy. The chemicals in a battery
react with each other to cause a buildup of electrons on the negative (-) end of the
battery. This movement of electrons leaves positively charged particles at the positive
(+) end of the battery. This difference in electrical pressure or potential between the two
battery ends is called voltage.
Because of the way a battery is constructed, the positive and negative charges that
would normally be attracted to each other are kept separated. When an outside
connection links the two ends, the negatively charged electrons flow towards the
positively charged end of the battery.
An uninterrupted path through which electrons flow is called a complete or closed
circuit. If a circuit includes more than one path, electrons will go through all of the
available paths. A large number of observations by scientists has shown that there is a
simple set of rules that determines how much current follows each path.
Page 2
If an electrical circuit is broken or interrupted the current cannot flow and the path is
called an open circuit. Sometimes a circuit is broken accidentally when a wire is loose
or a bulb burned out. Often, though, circuits are opened intentionally with an on-off
switch. This allows people to switch off lights at bedtime, set a furnace thermostat to
stay warm, or use the memory of a computer to play a favorite game.
Electrons will only flow if there is a potential difference; a source of available negative
electrons that can be attracted to an area of positive charge. The flow of electricity is
somewhat similar to the flow of water through a hose. In order for the water to flow,
there needs to be a difference in pressure between the ends of the hose. Water is
pushed from the high pressure end (the faucet) toward the low pressure end (the
nozzle). In an electric circuit, electrons flow from the negative pole of the battery through
a conductor to the positive pole of the battery.
Conductors provide the path for the electrons to follow from the negative pole to the
positive pole of the battery, just as a hose forms the path for water to flow through from
the faucet to the nozzle. Some materials are easier for electrons to move through freely
and evenly without accumulating in one place. These materials are called conductors.
Most good conductors are metal or metal alloys.
Materials that are poor conductors of electrons are called insulators. Electrons do not
move freely through these materials, so they are often used to cover the outside of
electric wires or electrical equipment. Insulators are nonmetals; rubber, wood, glass,
cloth, or plastics.
How are circuits formed and used?
What materials make the most effective electrical circuits?
Students will construct parallel and series circuits and explain how each type of
circuit works
Students will describe the qualities that define good and poor conductors of
electricity and will list at least three of each type of conductor
Page 3
Lamp Demonstration
1 old lamp that can be taken apart
Flashlight Circuit Analysis
1 flashlight for each activity group
paper and pencil for each student
Simple Circuit Making Activity
1 copy of Simple Circuit Data
Sheet for each student (p 18)
1 D-cell battery (mercury free, if
possible) for each activity group
2 strips of aluminum foil, about 1
cm (112 in.) wide and 12-15 cm (5-
6 in.) long for each activity group
Alternative: 2 pieces of insulated
copper wire, 12-15 cm (5-6 in.)
1 flashlight bulb (about a 3-volt
rating) for each activity group
1 pen or pencil for each student
Optional (to help hold the circuit
components together): 2 strips of
masking or transparent tape (2 in.)
long for each activity group
Testing for Conductors and
Insulators Activity
1 D-cell battery (mercury-free, if
possible) for each activity group
1 strip of aluminum foil, about 1 cm
(1/2 in.) wide and 12-15 cm (5-6
in.) long for each activity group
Alternative: piece of insulated
copper wire, 12-15 cm (5-6 in.)
1 flashlight bulb (about a 3-volt
rating) for each activity group
1 clothespin (spring type) for
each activity group
1 piece of masking or transparent
tape, about 15 cm (6 in.) long for
each activity group
1 pen or pencil for each student
At least 6 objects to test for each
activity group (at least three
metal conductors and three
nonmetal insulators)
1 copy of Conductors and
Insulators Data Sheet for each
student (p19)
Make a Battery Holder
1 D Cell battery for each activity
1 Toilet paper tube for each
activity group
2 nails for each activity group

2 Thick rubber bands for each
activity group
2 Pieces of foil for each activity
2 1-foot long wires with washers
for each activity group
Long strips of newspaper
Page 4
Electricity Role Play -- Demonstrate the behavior of an electrical current when
it comes in contact with conductors and insulators.
1. Have the students stand in a continuous line side-by-side.
2. Students will simulate a conductor by putting their arms around each
others shoulders. The first person in line starts a wave by bending over
and then standing back up. This sequentially pulls everyone else in the
line over too, simulating electricity flowing through a conductor.
3. Students will simulate an insulator by standing very close together and
very straight, still side-by-side, but this time with their arms down by their
sides. Again, the first person in the line bends over at the waist and
stands up.
What happens this time? Nothing. The first persons bending over has no
effect on the other people in the line. This simulates the effect of
insulators, which are materials that do not allow electricity to easily flow
through the material.
4. Point out that a good conductor is a poor insulator and a poor conductor
is a good insulator. Brainstorm two lists with the students of objects that
they think would be good conductors and those that would be good
insulators. Ask them how they would find out which was which. After
completing the lesson, revisit this hypothesis with the students to see if
their experiments with insulators and conductors confirm or refute their
Lamp Demonstration -- As a demonstration, take apart an old lamp so the
students can see its circuits. Remind them NOT to do this at home!
1. Unplug the lamp and remove the shade and bulb.
2. Point out the thin wire filament inside the bulb, and tell students that
electric current flowing through it emits light.
3. Hold up the socket so the students can look inside. Tell them that it has
two metal pieces or tabs where the electricity flows from the socket into
the metal base of the bulb, and then into the bulbs filament so it can
Page 5
produce light. Electricity travels along these metal parts easily because
they are good conductors.
4. Unscrew the base of the lamp to reveal the cord that connects from the
bottom of the lamp pedestal to the base of the bulb socket. Point out the
wires that connect to the base of the socket. The electricity enters and
comes out of the socket and bulb through these connections. Remind the
students that the path must make a loop or complete circuit back to the
source of electricity.
5. Ask the students to describe and/or draw the path of the electricity from
the plug to the bulb filament and back to the plug. Tell them that this is
called a complete, or closed circuit
Flashlight Circuit Analysis -- Students will take a flashlight apart and trace the
circuits path. Use the drawing on the next page to help students trace the
movement of electrons through the flashlights bulb.
1. Unscrew the top or bottom of the flashlight and remove the batteries.
Have students look at the batteries and identify the positive and negative
2. Find the metal strip lining the inside wall of the flashlight body where the
current from the batteries flows from the battery terminals into the
flashlight circuit.
3. Trace the metal strip to the place where it connects to the base of the
bulb socket. Find the metal pieces that conduct the current through the
socket to the metal part of the bulb.
4. The current flows through the filament, causing it to glow, then flows
back to the base of the bulb.
5. From the metal base of the bulb, the current travels through the socket
to the metal strip or tab that completes the circuit by connecting it to the
other end of the battery.
6. Locate the place along this circuit where the switch completes the
connection that allows the current to flow. How does the switch turn the
light on and off?
Page 6
Page 7
Distribute one set of materials (battery, foil, bulb) to each activity group. Give
each student a copy of the Simple Circuit Data Sheet on page 18
Direct the students to look at the battery and compare its two ends.
a) Ask them to notice that one is labeled with a negative symbol (-) and
the other end with a positive symbol (+).
b) Which end is dented in slightly? (the negative end)
Which end sticks out? (the positive end)
c) How many volts does it contain? (look at the label- D cells contain 1.5
d) Ask the students which end has the most electrons. (negative terminal)
Direct the students to experiment with the battery, foil strip, and bulb to try to get
the bulb to light. Allow them test their own ideas to find out what works and what
does not work, but tell them that each student MUST draw or sketch each circuit
that the group tests on his/her Simple Circuit Data Sheet whether it works or not.
Challenge the students to find as many different ways as possible to build a
complete circuit. If a group is having trouble, ask them to explain or draw a
circular path for electrons to follow that includes the bulb and the battery. Help
them figure out what needs to be connected to make the bulb light.
a) If the students are having difficulty holding the connections together,
suggest that they use tape to hold the foil ends on the battery terminals.
b) To make a good connection between the foil and the metal base of the
bulb, the foil strip should be wrapped around the bulb base, leaving
enough foil to connect to the battery ends. Using a clothes pin to hold the
foil and bulb, as described in the next activity may help.
Page 8
Hold a class discussion using the following questions as a guide:
What did you find most challenging about this activity?
Describe how you overcame your challenges.
Answers will vary.
Was there anything that surprised you about any part of the activity?
What was it?
Answers will vary.
Compare the circuits that caused the bulb to light up with the ones that
didnt. How are they alike? How are they different?
The circuits that make the bulb light will have an unbroken path for
the flow of electrons between the positive and negative ends of the
Why do you think the other circuits did not cause the bulb to light up?
Because the circuit path was broken somewhere, interrupting the
flow of electrons and preventing them from reaching the other end
of the battery.
How many ways did you find to light up the bulb?
Answers will vary.
What do you think happens when one bulb in a string of Christmas lights
is defective?
Somewhere along the circuit path, there is a break that interrupts
the flow of current. In some types of lights, if a bulb bums out, the
break in the bulbs filament interrupts the path. Lights wired this way
have series circuits. Other types of lights are designed with circuits
that can bypass or go around individual light bulbs so that the
circuit is not broken if a bulb burns out. This type of circuit is called
a parallel circuit.
Where might you find insulators and conductors in the world?
Electric appliances and motors, generating plants, computers,
electric outlets, etc.
Do you think that air is an insulator or a conductor? Why?
An insulator, because it does not allow electrons to flow freely and
evenly through it.
Page 9
Answers To Questions Frequently Asked By Students
Why do batteries die?
After a while, the chemical reactions inside the battery that cause
electrons to move are exhausted OR the battery can no longer
keep the negative and positive charges inside the battery apart.
Without a difference in electrical pressure or potential between the
two ends of the battery, there can be no voltage.
What does the number of volts on a battery mean?
The voltage is the limit of the amount of current that can be
produced by the battery.. Batteries, such as A, AA, C, and D carry
1.5 volts, but additional voltage can be obtained by connecting
batteries together. For example, flashlights often require 2 batteries
to power a 3-volt bulb.
Why do batteries come in different sizes?
The different-sized batteries contain different amounts of chemicals.
Larger batteries contain more chemicals than smaller ones of the
same type, so they can deliver a current for a longer time.
Share the following information with the students
Why It Happens
In order for the light bulb to light, the bulb must be part of an uninterrupted
circuit or path between the two battery terminals. Since electrons will not
flow through the bulbs glass or plastic (glass and plastic are insulators),
the metal parts of the bulb must be connected to the circuit so they can
conduct electricity.
The light bulb lights because it contains a tiny wire, called a filament. This
filament has a very high resistance or opposition to the flow of electricity
through it. The resistance in the filament causes heat to build until the
filament gets so hot that it glows.

The current in a circuit depends upon the available voltage available and
the resistance of the materials in the circuit. The larger the voltage and/or
the lower the resistance in a circuit, the greater the current produced in
that circuit.
A short circuit is caused when there is no device (bulb or motor) included
in the circuit to use the electricity that is flowing. This causes a larger
amount of current to flow, which causes the conductor (foil or wire) to get
Page 10
much warmer than usual. It will also cause the battery to die sooner than
it normally would.
Circuits are designed to include a certain amount of resistance. This
resistance helps regulate the flow of current and keeps too much current
from flowing through the circuit. A circuit with too little resistance causes
too much heat to be produced; that is why a short circuit in a home or
building can cause a fire. A 1.5 volt battery does not have enough voltage
to produce a dangerous amount of current.
Series circuits have just one path for electrons to follow. Two light bulbs
connected in series with the same amount of current provided causes both
bulbs to burn more dimly than one bulb burning alone. This is because
the bulbs must share the current.
Parallel circuits offer electrons more than one pathway in which to travel.
This allows two bulbs to burn as brightly as one because the bulbs do not
have to share the current. This also allows one bulb to continue shining if
the other burns out since there is still a complete circuit.
Page 11
A simple test that is completed with an easy-to build tester can help students distinguish
between conductors of electricity and insulators. Have students follow the instructions
below to build a tester and then use it to test a variety of materials for conductivity.
Build a Tester
1. Distribute foil (or wire), bulb, battery, spring-type clothespin, and tape to
each activity group.
2. Tell students to fold the aluminum foil lengthwise in the direction that
will give them the longest strip of foil. Wrap one end of the foil strip
around the metal base of the light bulb and secure it in place with the
3. Have students use a piece of masking or transparent tape to hold the
free end of the foil strip to the bottom or negative end of the battery.
4. Test the circuit to make sure everything is connected correctly by
touching the bulb to the top or positive end of the battery. If the bulb does
not light, ask leading questions that will help the students find and repair
the break in their circuit.
The most likely places for a break in the circuit are between the bulb and
the foil, or between the base of the battery and the foil strip. Often re-
wrapping the foil around the base of the bulb and re-clamping the
clothespin or using a new piece of tape to hold the foil to the base of the
battery may fix the connection. If the bulb still does not light, check to
make sure the bulb is working and the battery is charged.
Testing Materials for Conductivity
1. Distribute the test materials to each activity group. Give each student a
copy of the Conductors and Insulators Data Sheet, page 19. Ask students
how they will know if an object is a conductor or an insulator.
If an object is a conductor, the bulb will light when the object is placed
between the bulb and the battery. If the object is an insulator, the bulb will
not light when that object is put between the bulb and the battery.
2. Before any of the materials are tested, each group should predict which
ones will be conductors and which will be insulators and write the
Page 12
predictions in the spaces provided on the Conductors and Insulators Data
3. Groups should test their predictions by placing the objects, one at a
time, between the positive end of the battery and the base of the flashlight
bulb wrapped in foil. If the test object is a conductor, the circuit will be
completed and the bulb will light; if it is an insulator, the bulb will not light.
Discuss the class conductor and insulator test results using the following
questions as a guide:
What was the most enjoyable part of this activity? Why did you think so?
Answers will vary.
Were you surprised by any of the results of the test you did? What
surprised you and why?
Answers will vary.
Before you tested the objects, how did you decide if the object was a
conductor or an insulator?
These answers will vary, but should have something to do with the
type of material from which an object is made.
What objects conducted electricity?
Here are some conductors that might have been tested:
(If the metal bottle cap has a plastic or other coating, it may behave
like an insulator)
copper wire screw
graphite part of the pencil (lead)
metal paper clip metal bottle cap
metal band on pencil
nail coins metal spoon
bolt tin can
Which objects did not conduct electricity?
Here are some insulators that may have been tested:
string tape plastic spoon
plastic cup wood crayon or wax
foam cup pencil eraser plastic bottle cap
rubber band cloth marble or glass
Page 13
How could you tell for sure if an object conducted electricity?
The bulb lights!
Compare the objects that conducted electricity. What do they have in
Most of the conductors contain metal.
Why is it dangerous to be wet or standing in water when youre working
with something electrical?
Unless water is extremely pure, it is a conductor of electricity. A
human being who is touching any electrical appliance while wet is a
conductor, and will receive a shock when he/she completes the
circuit between the appliance and the water.
Does this mean that water is a conductor or an insulator?
Water that contains dissolved materials is a conductor. Only very
pure water is a poor conductor and a weak insulator.
How can you use the information learned in this lesson to be safe around
Answers will vary and may include safety with electricity and water
or use of insulators in electrical cords.
What should you do if someone receives an electrical shock?
Do not touch the person being shocked or you will become part of
the circuit and get shocked, too. Immediately disconnect the
source of electricity, stay with the person who has been shocked,
and send for help.
Share the Following Information
With Students
Why It Happens
All materials contain atoms
and all atoms have electrons.
Whether a material allows
electricity to pass through it
easily, though, depends on
the structure of the atom and
the ease with which it allows
its electrons to be moved.
Page 14
The best conductors are usually metals because their electrons move easily.
Non-metals tend to hold on to their electrons more tightly, which makes them
poor conductors. Those atoms which hold their atoms most tightly make the best
The following list shows some common conductors and insulators. They are
arranged in order, with the most efficient conductors and insulators at the top of
each list. Compare this list to the results obtained in this activity.
Good Conductors Good Insulators
silver amber
copper hard rubber
gold nylon
aluminum porcelain
brass wax , crayons, candles
iron glass
lead wood shellac
mercury very pure water
graphite air
water containing dissolved materials
Page 15
Use the Electron Current Flow activity on page 21 to explore the effect that
resistance has on the flow of electric current.
Explore the concept of using several batteries to increase voltage. Use the
directions on page 23 to construct a battery from a potato or lemon. Explain why this
kind of battery works and how using a series of batteries increases the amount of
electric current generated. How might this be important in our daily life?
Build a Battery Holder that allows batteries to be connected to circuits easily.
1. Wrap a stack of
newspaper strips around the
battery until it fits snugly in
the toilet paper tube. You
may need some tape to hold
the paper in place. BE
2. Put the wrapped battery
into the center of the tube.
3. Mark the tube clearly with
+ and -signs to match those on the battery.
4. Gently crumple a piece of foil and put it in the tube on top of the battery.
5. CAREFULLY push a nail through the tube as close as possible to the foil.
Use a pencil point if necessary to make holes.
6. Turn the tube upside down and repeat steps 4 and 5. Both nails should
stick out of the sides of the tube in the same direction.
7. Put a rubber band over the 2 nails on each side. These rubber bands
should be tight enough to pull the nails toward each other.
8. Attach one wire to each nail by wrapping the bare wire end tightly around
the nail.
Page 16
The Rural Electric Service has an adventure and game page for students, hosted by
Rus the Surfin Squirrel. It includes information about electric distribution systems,
word search games and historical information and pictures of the spread of electricity
through the U.S. It can be accessed at:
The Miami Museum of Science has a kid-friendly website full of interactive electrical and
energy learning activities. Learn about energy conservation at The Mummys Tomb,
play an electric safety game at Frankensteins Electric Library, experience energy
transfer with The Wolf Man, and learn the principles of atoms and matter at The
Phantoms Portrait Parlor. Their website may be accessed at :
Lesson Resources:
Funtivities Hands on Science and Math
Program for Women in Science and Engineering
210 Lab of Mechanics
Ames, Iowa 50011
Batteries and Bulbs
Jeff Goodman
Appalachian State University Teacher Education Program
Downloaded April 17, 2003
Light Up Your Life
Patsy Trout
Upstate Regional Technology Center Curriculum Technology Integration
Downloaded April 17, 2003
Page 17
Series Circuit
Parallel Circuit
Build A Battery Holder
copyright 1997, D.M.Candelora
Hands On Technology Program
Downloaded April 17, 2003
Lesson Written By:
Beth Drescher, County Extension Agent
Sedgwick County Office of K-State Research and Extension
7001 W. 21
St. N.
Wichita, KS 67205
Lesson Reviewed By:
Sharon Hiebert, School 4-H Program Coordinator
Sedgwick County Office, K-State Research and Extension
7001 W. 21
St. N.
Wichita, KS 67205
Page 18
If you construct more than 4 circuits, draw the others on the back of this sheet.
Circuit #1 Did it work? ____ Yes ____ No
Circuit #2 Did it work? ____ Yes ____ No
Circuit #3 Did it work? ____ Yes ____ No
Circuit #4 Did it work? ____ Yes ____ No
Page 19
Write your conductor and insulator predictions in the spaces below
Predicted Insulators Predicted Conductors
Test the objects that were given to you and write the actual conductors and insulators in
the correct columns below. Check them against your predictions. How many did you
get right?
Actual Insulators Actual Conductors
Which conductors and insulators did you predict correctly? Make a list below.
Page 20
atom building blocks of matter
circuit a continuous path of conductor so that electricity can flow from one end of
the battery, through the device (light bulb) and to the other end of the
closed a circuit with a complete path that allows electricity to flow freely through
conductor a material through which electricity(electric current) can flow easily
electric a form of energy generated by flowing electrons
electricity controlled flow of electrons through a circuit
electron a part of an atom that has a negative charge
Insulator a material through which electricity (electric current) does not flow easily
open an incomplete circuit that will not allow electricity to pass through
circuit completely
parallel a circuit with several paths for electrons to follow
resistance the measure of the each with which electrons may pass through a material
short circuit a circuit that by-passes the device (light bulb). In this circuit the electricity
can flow from one end of the battery to the other without going through the
series a circuit that has only one path for electrons to follow
switch turns the flow of electrons off and on
Page 21
Greg Zipprich
The student will understand how and why electric current passes through a conductor
due to a potential difference.
The student will discover the proportional relationship between voltage and resistance
and their effect on the measurement of current flow.
The student will discover that, with a constant voltage, the smaller the diameter of a
conductor, the smaller the current flow.
Materials needed:
Five-gallon bucket with globe valve attached to the bottom outside rim
3/4 x 18 CPVC pipe w/screw adapter
1/2 x 18 CPVC pipe w/3/4 screw adapter
1/4 x 18 potable water line epoxied to a 3/4 screw adapter
U-tube constructed from 2 12-oz plastic pop bottles glued into 2 3/4 CPVC 90
connected with an 18" length of 3/4 CPVC pipe
10-foot ladder
Enough 3/4 CPVC pipe and couplings to attach the bucket suspended on the ladder to
pipe lengths on the tabletop
Top watch and a 3-liter pop bottle (graduated).
Working on the principle that water and electricity flow with similar characteristics, a
discussion of electric current flow is conducted making analogies to the flow of water. In
the U-tube, using water dyed blue with food coloring, the fact is explained that water
does not move unless additional water is poured into one side causing a difference in
potential. This causes movement in the water until potential equilibrium is reached.
Page 22
Explaining that an excess of electrons at one end of a conductor causes an electrical
potential difference, electrons will similarly flow until electrical equilibrium is reached.
How much flows (introduce the term, current) depends on the potential difference or
pressure (introduce the term, voltage) and the opposition to flow (introduce the term,
Using the bucket of water at tabletop height with the three different sizes of pipe
connected to 3/4 screw adapters, measure the volume of water which flows through
each pipe in ten seconds using the graduated 3-liter pop bottle. One student uses the
stop watch, another measures the volume and a third keeps a chart of the results on the
chalk board.
It can be seen now that if voltage is constant, a smaller pipe (conductor), carries a
smaller current. Now the formula, E = I x R, is placed on the chalk board. The students
discuss the relationships of the values and are asked to derive the equation, I = E / R.
We have seen that if resistance is high (the smaller conductor), current is low and that,
conversely, small resistance (the larger conductor), transports a larger current. At this
time the quantities are introduced for measuring volts, ohms and amperes.
The students are asked, "Looking at the formula how else can we increase the current
besides decreasing the resistance?" A student will answer, "By increasing the voltage."
At this time the bucket can be placed on the shelf of the 10-foot ladder. The extra 3/4
CPVC pipe and connectors are used to extend the water supply to the tabletop where
the pipes were before. Again, three students, a timer, a measurer and a recorder, chart
the volume of water from each pipe in ten
seconds. More water will come out across the
chart because the pressure of the water is
increased. Its potential difference is increased.
The students, therefore, find that increasing the
voltage also increases the current.
If time permits, actual values for voltage and
resistance can be supplied and the value for
current can be calculated mathematically or this
can be begun on the following class meeting.
Page 23
Keith DeWeese
Students will make batteries out of lemons, potatoes, and themselves, and hook them
up in a variety of ways.
Purpose: (Objective)
Students will discover how a battery works, as well as learn how current and voltage
relate and interact.
Galvanized (molten, not electrogalvanized) nails
3 Copper wire sections
2 wires with alligator clips on the ends
Getting Ready: (Background Information)
Explain how voltage and current relate using the equation V=IR. You can go into great
detail about the units used as well (ohms, amperes, volts). Explain how series voltages
add together while parallel ones dont. Now explain how parallel currents can add
Motivate! (Engage) Tell the students they are going to make batteries out of lemons or
potatoes. This should be enough.

Activity: (Explore)
First, sandpaper the copper wires. This isnt always necessary, but junk can build up on
them. Next stick the nail and the wire into the potato or lemon. Dont allow them to touch
on the inside. Next take the wires with alligator clips and connect one to the nail and
one to the copper wire. Measure the voltage with the voltmeter. Measure the current.
Page 24
Now take the whole class batteries and hook them up in series and parallel and prove
that series voltages add together while parallel currents increase one another.
Repeat the entire activity letting each student hold the wire in one hand and the nail in
the other.
Safety Tips: The wires and nails can be sharp. Also, lemon juice in the eye hurts! Dont
worry-- nobody can get shocked in this experiment.

Concept Discovery: (Explanation) Show the kids that if a whole class links together
they can generate 15-20 volts. Give examples of what kinds of voltages are used (12 for
a car, 120 for house, 1.5 for a battery). Use their fear of getting shocked to explain
current and why you have to have current to get shocked.

Going Further: (Elaboration)
Talk about large quantities of electricity transformers and other things. Put the electricity
they are making into perspective.
Closure: Review the concepts again next week. See if they remember current and
voltage, and the differences between parallel and series circuits.
Assessment: (Evaluation) There is no real way to evaluate anyone on this.
Connections: (Integration with Other Content Areas)
This was a good activity to explain prefixes, such as milli. Relating the electronics to
meters and grams made this useful.
Page 25
Kansas Science Curricular Standards
Standard 1: Science as Inquiry (3
to 4
Benchmark 1: All students will develop the skills to do full inquiry. Full inquiry
involves asking a simple question, completing an investigation, answering the
question, and sharing the results with others.
*Indicator 1: Ask questions they can answer by investigating
*Indicator 2: Plan and conduct a simple investigation
*Indicator 3: Employ appropriate equipment and tools to gather data.
*Indicator 4: Begin developing the abilities to communicate, critique,
analyze their own investigations, and interpret the work of other students.
Standard 1: Science as Inquiry (5
to 8
Benchmark 1: The students will demonstrate abilities necessary to do the
processes of scientific inquiry.
*Indicator 1: Identify questions that can be answered through scientific
*Indicator 2: Design and conduct a scientific investigation
*Indicator 3: Use appropriate tools, mathematics, technology and
techniques to gather analyze and interpret data
*Indicator 4: Think critically to identify the relationship between evidence
and logical conclusions
Standard 2: Physical Science (3
to 4
Benchmark 4: All students will experiment with electricity and magnetism
* Indicator 3: Construct a simple circuit
Standard 2: Physical Science (5
to 8
Benchmark 4: The students will understand and demonstrate the transfer of
Indicator 1: Understand that energy can be transferred from one form to
another, including mechanical, heat, light, electrical, chemical and nuclear.
Indicator 2: Sequence the transmission of energy through various real life
* = assessed indicator

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