About The Cyclopean Walls

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By Polat Kaya
The following is a citing from an article entitled Mysteries of Ancient Greece
by Coen Vonk at link: http://wwwtheosocietyorg/pasadena/s!nrise/"#$%#$"/me$
'e writes:
Cyclopean Walls and Pyramids
Cyclopean walls are one of the most impressive remains from archaic civilizations. They are
found in many places in Greece, but have been found all over the world for example, in
Italy, Turey, !"ypt, #eru, $apan, %ustralia, and !aster Island which maes the masonry
style universal. The renowned cyclopean walls of Tiryns and &ycenae are attributed to the
&ycenaeans, also called the %chaeans or #elas"ians, and are "enerally assi"ned to the '(th
and ')th centuries *C!. +owever, they may be much older because they are built directly on
the rocy plateau and have been incorporated in rebuildin" phases.,
-ome names of Gree deities are non.Gree in ori"in and mi"ht date bac to the
time of the #elas"ians. Therefore, by i"norin" the influence and immi"ration of the
#elas"ians, who are mentioned time and a"ain by classical Gree authors, as well
as other ancient races, today/s scholars have reduced their chances of findin" out
more about the beliefs of these ancient people.,
(olat )aya: The term C*C+,(-A. /A++0 refers to ancient massi&e stone
walls constr!cted by (elasgians 1 say by (elasgians beca!se the name
Cyclopean and the name (elasgian are ling!istically so intertwined with
each other that we can say that they are one and the same This we can see as
/hen the term C*C+,(-A. is deciphered in the form of PELACCYON2
we see that the name C*C+,(-A. is an altered and restr!ct!red form of the
name PELASKYAN or PELAS!AN Th!s2 these two terms clearly
identify with each other /e see that2 e&en in this case2 the ling!istic trick of
altering words into 1ndo$-!ropean so!nding words has been !sed ,therwise2
there wo!ld be almost 3ero probability of finding the word (elasgian in the
word Cyclopean or &ice &ersa4
This also pro&es the fact that the ling!istic trick of generating new words by
altering and restr!ct!ring the words and phrases of the ancient T!ranian
lang!age of T!rkish has been !sed by some secreti&e lang!age engineers for
tho!sands of years
1n an earlier paper 1 analy3ed and deciphered the name (-+A0G1A. in detail
and reco&ered the following T!rkish e6pressions embedded in the word
(-+A0G1A.2 7http://wwwpolatkayanet/(elasgians89html::
a; "BAL!S!AN" #BAL!KC!LA$% meaning "the fishermen", "the Sea
People who fish in the open seas"
b; "ALYANC!" #ALYONCU& KALYONCU% meaning "warship builders
and owners, military navy ship owners; seawolf, galleon builder and owner"
c; "YELKENC! Bei" meaning "sailboat builder and owner (lord)"
d; "B'L'C'AN" #B'L'C'LE$% meaning "men of knowledge"
e; "B'LEN SAKA" meaning "Saka who knows", "Saka who has the
f; "AL BA(C!AN" #AL BA(C!LA$% meaning "Red heads", "Red head
g; "AL BEN')C'" meaning "red faced ones"
h; "ALBANC!Y')" #ALBENC'Y')% meaning "we are lban (l !en)
i; "BALKANC! E*" meaning "houses from !alkan""
<; "BEN ALAC!" #BEN KALEC!% meaning "# am castle builder""
k; "ANALC!" BEY meaning "# am channel builder lord""
l; "BEN AYAC!" meaning "# am rock dealer, # am rock professional""
m; "'L BA+C!LA$!" meaning "the grape grower of the country""
n; "BOL EK'NC'" meaning "they were the farmers of grains""
o; "'L SABANC!" #EK'NC'LE$% meaning "the plough (plow) owners, the
grain farmers, the country farmers""
p; "BALC!AN!)" #BALC!LA$!)% meaning "we are honey$producers"
=; "BOL 'NEKC'" meaning "he who has plenty of cows""
r; "BOL KOYUNCU" meaning "he who has plenty of sheep""
s; "BEN !L!C!" #BEN Y!LK!C!%" meaning "# am the owner of horse
t; "BEN A+!LC!" meaning "# own sheep$pens""

All of these decipherments describe who the (elasgians were and what kinds of
acti&ities they were doing They were embedded in <!st one word that was !sed
as a name for the people of (-+A0G1A. 1n addition to these findings2 1 <!st
showed that the term PELAS!AN is also embedded in the term
1n the conte6t that the term C*C+,(-A. refers to the ancient and
magnificently b!ilt stone walls2 we can also reco&er >decipher;2 from the word
C*C+,(-A.2 the following definitions in T!rkish regarding the identity of
these ancient walls
?irst2 when the term CYCLOPEAN is deciphered by rearranging it as ,PN-
KALE-COY2 1 find that the name CYCLOPEAN is an altered and
restr!ct!red form of the T!rkish e6pression ,BEN KALE K.Y meaning "#
am %astle &illage' $ which they were in the ancient past and still are4 They were
self contained &illages that were s!rro!nded with hea&ily fortified stone walls and
e&en b!ildings within the castle were constr!cted with big stones
0econdly2 CYCLOPEAN is deciphered in the form of ,AN-PAS-OKYLE2 1
find that the name CYCLOPEAN is also an altered and restr!ct!red form of the
T!rkish e6pression ,AN BA( OKUL! meaning "Sky (ead School' which
refers to a high school where most likely sky obser&ations were made Additionally2
it is the T!rkish e6pression ,HAN BA( OKUL! meaning ")ord (ead
School' which refers to a school where the h!man head is trained in different
s!b<ects to achie&e &ery diffic!lt tasks
.ow2 let !s also !se a more phonetic form of the name C*C+,(-A. s!ch as
the form SAYKLOPEAN The term C*C+,(-A. is act!ally &oiced as
0A*)+,(-A. $ contrary to its spelling
/hen the term 0A*)+,(-A. is deciphered in the form of ,PN-SAKA-
OYLE2 1 find that the name 0A*)+,(-A. is an altered and restr!ct!red
form of the T!rkish e6pression ,BEN SAKA .YL/ meaning "# am from
Saka house' (i"e", # am from Saka people, # am Scythian)" $ which they were4
Additionally2 when the name 0A*)+,(-A. is deciphered by rearranging it as
,PN-KALA-OYE-S2 1 find that the name 0A*)+,(-A. is also an altered2
restr!ct!red and Aryan@i3ed form of the T!rkish e6pression "BeN KALA .Y/
#E*'%" meaning "# am castle house" $ which again they were4
?!rthermore2 when the name 0A*)+,(-A. is deciphered as (0$,+$
)A*A-.2 1 find that the name 0A*)+,(-A. has embedded in it the T!rkish
e6pression "Bi) ULU KAYAAN #B') ULU KAYALA$% meaning "we are
great rocks" which they are4 1n this case2 s!ffi6 A-. >$A.; is the ancient T!rkish
pl!rality s!ffi6
T!rkish word BEN means *#; # am'2 SAKA means *water man; Saka +urk'2
K.Y means *village'2 .Y means *house, home'2 .YL/ means *with house,
from house'2 KALE #KALA& ALA% means *castle'2 KAYA means *rock',
ULU means *great'2 Bi) means *we'
These decipherments e6plain what the term C*C+,(-A. meant in the conte6t
of cyclopean walls2 and for what p!rpose2 and by whom they were b!ilt4 They
definitely belonged to the ancient T!ranian ci&ili3ation4
The name CYCLOPEAN appears to ha&e been made !p from one of se&eral
possible e6pressions of p!re T!rkish whose meanings line !p e6actly with the
p!rpose and the essence of the Cyclopean walls $ despite the fact that the tr!e
meaning and the T!rkishness of the word CYCLOPEAN ha&e been disg!ised
&ery cle&erly4 By this act2 this ancient T!ranian ci&ili3ation has been intentionally
obliterated and swept into the obsc!rity of ancient r!ins $ while its grande!r and
glory is wrongly assigned to Greeks 1n other words2 the identity of the (elasgians
is being passed to !s as an !nsol&ed mystery when in reality there is no mystery
that they were T!ranians4 The Cyclopean walls are fo!nd all o&er the world This
shows how e6tensi&ely the ancient T!ranian 0A)A T!rks and their ci&ili3ation had
spread all o&er the world
/hen people see the term C*C+,(-A.2 they wrongly ass!me that Cyclopean
walls were either b!ilt by the ancient Greeks or that they belonged to the ancient
Greek ci&ili3ation B!t in reality they were b!ilt by ancient T!ranian
T!r/T!rk/,g!3 peoples who pop!lated Asia2 -!rope2 Africa and e&en .orth and
0o!th America far earlier than the so$called Aryan gro!ps
Greek mythology gi&es the impression that the Cyclopean walls were b!ilt by one$
eyed giants called CYCLOPS2 >ie2 ,TEPE.) in T!rkish mythology;2 who
were able to lift &ery hea&y stones This wrong presentation con&eniently co&ers !p
the fact that these immense and magnificent walls were b!ilt by people who had the
knowledge and skills to b!ild them They were not one$eyed giants as we are led
to belie&e ?rom the name (-+A0G1A.2 and their lang!age >see my paper abo!t
the decipherment of the (elasgian writing on the +emnos 1sland 0telae at CD+:
http://membersstormca/Ecm$tntr/lemsteleahtml; we know that they were the
knowledgable and learned 0A)A T!rks who b!ilt them 1t was their ad&anced
scientific knowledge and skill ac=!ired in schools that made the 0aka T!rks
giants in e&ery field that they to!ched ?or instance2 b!ilding ocean$going &essels
to go on ocean trips was not an easy task B!ilding water channels !ndergro!nd or
abo&e gro!nd was not an easy task4 B!ilding magnificent castles of all kinds and
shapes on top of cliffs and hills was not an easy task4 B!ilding pyramids was not
an easy task2 so m!ch so2 that modern science is still str!ggling to !nderstand how
they were made All this on top of the Cyclopean walls These e6tremely diffic!lt
and magnificent achie&ements co!ld only be accomplished thro!gh the knowledge
and skill of the ancient (elasgians ?or them2 the h!man '-AF2 that is2 >T-(-
>BAG; in T!rkish;2 was the most important godly creation of 0ky$God and his eye
the 0!n$God /ith these 1 concl!de this st!dy the Cyclopean walls
-6amples of magnificent Cyclopean walls can be &iewed at the link below
Cyclopean walls images
/ith my best wishes to all2
(olat )aya

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