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Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for

Multiple Assets of the Road Network

UK Experience

PIARC International Seminar on Road Infrastructure Management
Current Practice and Development Prospective
Cancn (MEX) 31 March to 2 April 2014
Sam Beamish
Technical Director, Mouchel, UK
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Content of Presentation
Work being carried out by TC 4.1/WG 4.1.2 Optimization
of maintenance strategies for multiple assets of the road
UK practice/experience particular reference to Highways
Some ideas/thoughts for the future.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization - Definitions
Mathematical definition large number of variables, difficult
to achieve.
Prioritisation implies a degree of engineering judgement,
aided by decision support tools.
PAS55 provides a useful definition best value
compromise between conflicting factors such as
performance, cost and retained risk.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization - Definitions

What do we need?
Cicero if you dont know which port you are heading to, no
wind is favourable.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization - Definitions
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization - Definitions

What we need a system with a well linked top down and
bottom up approach.
We need a line of sight aligned objectives.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization - Definitions
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Working Group 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance
strategies for multiple assets of the road network
Aim to investigate the approaches implemented for
determining maintenance strategies aiming at making the
best use of allocated resources.
In particular:
If and how the strategy is related to the search for an
optimum level of expenditure.
Budgeting constraint led approaches.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
WG 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance strategies
for multiple assets of the road network
Literature research.
Interviews with road authorities in member countries
(developed, transition, developing) to investigate
approaches used.
Categorization and analysis of data arising from
Report presenting the methodologies and approaches

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
WG 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance strategies
for multiple assets of the road network
Maintenance strategy.
Asset monitoring and assessment.
Cross asset management.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
WG 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance strategies
for multiple assets of the road network
Key Question Approach to Cross Asset Management:

Current status in road authorities:
Aspiration for well linked Top Down & Bottom Up approach.
Reality is more Botton Up than Top Down?

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
WG 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance strategies
for multiple assets of the road network
UK Road Authority Interviews:
Highways Agency.
Northern Ireland Road Service
Transport for London
Autolink (M74 DBFO)

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
WG 4.1.2 Optimization of maintenance strategies
for multiple assets of the road network
UK Road Authority Interviews - Common Messages:
Well developed asset monitoring and scheme
development processes.
Strategy and operations not always fully aligned.
Prioritisation procedures exist.
Cross asset management processes are limited.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Highways Agency
An Executive Agency of the UK Department of Transport,
responsible for operating, maintaining and improving the
strategic road network in England.
Responsible for motorways and all purpose trunk roads a
total of 42,000 lane km on 6,950 km of highway.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Highways Agency
Strategic road network:
Motorway 3,700km
Other primary roads

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Englands Highway Networks
400,000 kilometres
154 highway authorities
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Highways Agency Strategic Targets
A strategic road network which:
Supports and facilitates economic growth.
Is maintained in a safe and serviceable condition.
Is operated efficiently and effectively.
Minimizes negative impacts on users, local communities
and the environment.
Balances the needs of individuals and businesses that
rely on it.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Highways Agency Goals
We provide a service that our customers trust.
We set the standard for delivery.
We deliver sustainable solutions.
Our roads are the safest in the world.
Our network is a dynamic and resilient asset.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Highways Agency
13 maintenance areas:
Managing area contract.
Moving to an asset
support contract form
(more outcome based).
Providers responsible for:
Day to day operation.
Delivery of maintenance
and improvement
schemes (to a threshold
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Asset Monitoring and Assessment
Annual TRACS, SCRIM, TSD and Ecodyne surveys.
Supplemented by providers visual surveys.
General and Principal Inspections (2&6 yearly)
Five year inspection programme.
Incident led flooding inspections.
Plus VRS, Lighting, Signs, Road Furniture

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
New Asset Support Contracts
Asset Maintenance and
Operational Requirements
Describes outcomes.
Provider free to choose
methods by which outcomes
can be achieved.
Allows Provider to
innovate. Should reduce

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
New Asset Support Contracts
Maintenance Requirements
Risk based processes and
procedures for Inspection
and Make Safe and Repair.
Risk assessments and
assumptions made about
categorisation and
prioritisation of defects.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Risk Based Asset Management and Maintenance
Outcome rather than performance/prescribed.
Risk Based Methodology:
Establish what would prevent non achievement of the
outcome (failure mode).
Evaluate the risk of the failure mode arising.
Relate risks to network.
Establish Maintenance (and Inspection) Requirements:
By asset type and location.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Risk Based Asset Management and Maintenance
Review maintenance requirements for
each asset type.
Determine if any prescribed
maintenance requirements exist.
Determine Local Network Risk Schedule.
Establish risk characteristics for
each asset type.
Collate generic maintenance
requirements for all asset types.
Produce prioritised Area Risk Schedule
and Defect Decision Matrix.
Develop annual routine inspection
programme and maintenance
requirements plan.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Risk Based Asset Management and Maintenance
Area 3 Network Risk Rating
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Risk Based Asset Management and Maintenance
Establish Risk Characteristics for each Asset Type:
Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).
Evaluate the Functional Outcomes required for each
asset type and analyse what could prevent achieving
Evaluate the risk associated with each potential
failure mode.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Risk Based Asset Management and Maintenance
Collate generic maintenance
requirements for all asset
Produce prioritised Area Risk
Schedule and Defect Decision
Develop Annual Routine
Maintenance Programme and
Maintenance Requirements
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Asset Information Systems
Pavement: HAPMS
Structures: SMIS
Geotechnical: HAGDMS
Drainage: HADDMS
All hold condition, monitoring and scheme data.
All are to be replaced by an integrated system IAM-IS
in due course.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Scheme Identification/Development
Pavement: HAPMS and SWEEP
Structures: SMIS
Geotechnical: HAGDMS
Drainage: HADDMS
HA are looking to develop a suite of decision support
tools to enhance and support current systems.
Pavement tool is imminent.
Value Management process/tools used for prioritisation.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Value Management (VM)
Key Process to ensure:
Needs of the network are
Schemes are aligned with
the aims and objectives of
the HA.
Value for money.
VM Process designed to:
Establish quality of
Provide mechanism for
prioritising into a national
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Process Benefits
Review, confirm and consolidate the project objectives
Choose between alternative project options and benefits.
Provide a technical review of the project.
Contribute to the achievement of the HAs strategic
Provide VM scores that can be used to develop a forward
Governance in terms of records of changes in terms of
impacts and benefits at each stage of the project
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Steps
Identify need:
Inspections, assessments, etc.
Assess identified need and options:
Do nothing.
Do minimum.
Do something (holding).
Do something.
Prioritise needs:
Risk based.
Produce project programme:
Four year programme.
Uses a scoring process for prioritisation within process.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Key Outcome required from VM is that:
Identified network needs are addressed and
prioritised, and projects are promoted that
address the greatest needs of the network, to
maximise value for money and prolong the life of
the asset by intervention at the most appropriate
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Scoring
Define the Risk Event.
Assess Likelihood of Risk Event:
Certain, high, medium, low.
Assess Consequences of the Risk Event:
High, medium, low.
Four criteria safety, functionality, sustainability, environment.
Assess Level of Overall Risk:

Score Project.
Baseline and supplementary scores.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Scoring - Examples
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Scoring - Examples
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Scoring - Examples
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
VM Scoring - Examples
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Value Management (VM) - Summary
Needs of the network are addressed.
Schemes are aligned with the aims and objectives of the HA.
Value for money.
Provides a mechanism for prioritising schemes
Not a true cross asset system.
Principal use is within asset classes.
Needs to be made less asset specific..
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Cross Asset Optimization (or Prioritisation)
Work in Progress:
Integrated simple asset management system.
Intelligent decision support tools.
In development but full systems not available for several
Asset Support Contracts.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)
TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
CT 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple
Assets of the Road Network
UK Experience
Thank you for listening.

Optimization of Maintenance Strategies for Multiple Assets of the Road Network - UK Experience
Sam Beamish - 2014-04-01 PIARC International Seminar Cancn (MEX)

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