Dowell QA QC Inspector

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MOBILE : +971- 0553248192(UAE)
: +91-9567900991 (INDIA).
E-m!" : #$%!"&'()*m!".+,m.
Career Objective:
To grow synergy with the organization by contributing with the best of my abilities to
achieve the organizations goal and simultaneously getting the opportunity to progress so as
to keep the curve of my professional growth also rising.
Education Details:
University/Board Year Grade
B. Tech (Mechanical) alicut !niversity "##$%"##& 'irst class
(iploma (Mechanical) )erala *tate Board +f Technical ,ducation "##-%"##$ 'irst class
*.*... )erala *tate Board +f ,ducation "##"%"##- 'irst class
Training Certification!
CSWIP 3.1 (Certiic!te N"#$er : %&'(& !n) E*pir+ D!te: ,-/',/,'1(..
Le/e0 II In 1T2 PT 23T !n) RT.
Conine) sp!ce24,S24e!t Stress2 Wor5 At 4ei67t 8 9o$ s!et+ !n!0+ses.
P: Dip0o#! In Oi0 Fie0) En6ineerin6 8 Q"!0it+ Contro0.
Dip0o#! In Reri6er!tion 8 Air Con)itionin6.
"#areness $n $nternational Codes % &tandards s'ecs!
/*M, *ec 001 2120001 031B -4.41 B -4.-1 B 4$.5 14$."414$.-6 etc
/7* (4.41/8*0 9 /*TM.
/:0 44#61 $5#1$"#1 5;#1 5;41 5;61 5;;1 5;&1 $5#1$5-15.9 5;< etc.
*audi /ramco *tandards (*audi /rabia).
/(8+ *tandards (!/,).
(aterial )andled!
1 arbon *teel (/4#$1/$;4=> $5 .""1 / -$(:late)1/54$
grade55(:late)1/5-1 /:0 5. =>.B :*."1 /--- =>.$(.T*)1 /--5(alloy steel))
2 *tainless *teel / -4" (T: -#61 -#6.1 T:-4$1 T: -4$.1-5<)1 (uple?.
3 Monel1 0nconel1 &#6.1 /lloy"#1 Titanium. ,tc.
E*'erience su++ary!
< years 9 - months of e?periences in the field of :etrochemical 9 +il and =as 0ndustry (0ndia 1 ).*./9
1. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,.L1'.U-.
Client : ADCO.
Contractor : Descon Engineering.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
Period : Aug. 2014 To Till Date.
Project Name : nstallation O! Ne" Po"er #$ids %or &&P E#P'# %or %i(e
E)isting *ater Cluster n +u,asa.
-eason o! lea(ing : #ee$ing %or Career .ro"t,.
2. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,.L1'.U-.
Client :ADCO.
Contractor :/etro!ac.
#u0contractor : Consolidated Contracting Com/an1 2CCC3.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
Period : jul1 2014 To Aug2014.
Project Name : +A+ &a0s,an 41 De(elo/ment Project P,ase41. 2#,o/
%a0rication onl13.
-eason o! lea(ing : Trans!er To Anot,er Project.
3. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,.L1'.U-.(E50
Client : National Drilling com/an1 2NDC3.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
Period : 5une 2014 To 5ul1 2014.
Project Name : Adjusta0le Plat!orm2 s,o/ #tructural %a0rication onl13.
-eason o! lea(ing : %inis, Project .
4. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,.L1'.U-.(E50
Client : A0u D,a0i Pol1mers Com/an1 6imited. 2+orouge3.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
Period : 7a1 2014 To 5une 2014.
Project Name : +orouge Pol1ole8n %lare -eco(er1 Petroc,emicals Project
2#,o/ %a0rication onl13.
-eason o! lea(ing : Trans!er To Anot,er Project .
5. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,. L1'. U- .(E50
Client : A0u D,a0i .as ndustries 6td.2.asco3.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
TP : +urea 9eritas 6td. :ae.
Period : 7arc, 2014 To 7a1 2014.
Project Name : 7odi8cation O! Asa042 -ic, Amine 6ine At .asco Asa0 ;
7odi8cation O! Asa041 7P #team 6ine To Acid .as %lare 2S%$1',6.3
Project < :AE.
-eason o! lea(ing : %inis, Project..
6. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,. L1'. U-.
Client : A0u D,a0i .as ndustries 6td.2.asco3.
Contractor : Tec,int Engineering ; Construction
; Al 5a0er Energ1 ser(ices 66C.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
TP : 7ood1 international.
Period : Dec 2013 To 7arc, 2014.
Project Name : -u"ais #ul/,ur &andling Terminal42 Project <-u"ais < :AE.
-eason o! lea(ing : %inis, Project.
7. D-#+,. E.*!.--(!.* / 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,. L1'. U-.
Client : A0u D,a0i Oil -e8ning com/an1 2Ta$reer3.
P7C : 7ott 7acdonald 6td.
Contractor : Dae"oo Engineering ; Construction Co. 6td.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
TP : +urea 9eritas 6td. :ae.
Period : 5an 2013 To Dec 2013.
Project Name : -u"ais -e8ner1 E)/ansion Project.2EPC44: Tan$age ;
Associated interconnecting /i/ing3-u"ais < :AE.
-eason o! lea(ing : %inis, Project.
8. 0%-"#- A(7! 0,.1(+1!.* .K#.
Client : #audi Ara0ian Oil Com/an1 2#audi Aramco3.
Contractor : #ai/em ; #nam/rogetti.6td. =#A.
Position : 5!4!.* / 8-"'!.* I.#4-+1,(.
Period : Dec 2011 To Dec 2012.
Project Name : 7ani!a Central /rocessing %acilities Project .=#A.2.O#P413.
-eason o! lea(ing : Project +ased Em/lo1ment 2Contractual3.
9. 9$%!( M,%mm' A"-M'.! E#17"!#%m-.1 . K#.
Client : #audi Ara0ian Oil Com/an1 2#audi Aramco3.
Contractor : #ai/em ; #nam/rogetti6td.=sa.
Position : 5!4!.* / 8-"'!.* I.#4-+1,(.
Period : 5ul1 2010 To Dec 2011.
Project Name : 7ani!a Core &1drocar0on %acilities Project .=#A. 27ain
/i/e rac$3.
-eason o! lea(ing : %inis, Project.
10. O.#%,(- 0,.#1($+1!,. 0,m4.: 5;1. L1'. I.'!.
Client : ndian Oil Cor/oration 6td. ndia.
Position : 2A320 I.#4-+1,(.
Period : 5une 200> To 5ul12010.
Project Name : NC9 ; 66DPE #u/erma) Project ; CD:?9D: P,ase T,ree
/roject .ndia.
-eason o! lea(ing : Project +ased Em/lo1ment 2Contractual3.
Duties ,es'onsibilities!
onducting stage wise inspection during fabrication.
Monitoring 7elding and 8(T works .
>eview 8(T >eports.
:reparation of weekly 9 Monthly status report preparation.
:reparation of @ydro test :ackage.
o%ordination with third party inspection agency and lients .
:reparation of Auality plan as per code and customer reAuirement .
@andling all B/CB activities as per the proDect scope.
'amiliar with 0nternational *tandards 9 odes such as /*M,1 /:01
/7* and /*8T reAuirements.
:reparation of B: 9 0T: with respect to the proDect spec.
/rranging 9 witnessing of :B> preparation and welder Aualification tests as per
odes and *tandards .
,stablish the reAuired document system for controlling entire welding activities.
:erforming visual inspection before1 during and after welding.
Monitoring welding 9 related documentation activities to prevent the occurrence
of non%conformance.
8(T co%ordination 9 reviewing >T films.
7itnessing !ltrasonic test in raw material for :ressure 2essels plate and high
pressure valve bodies.
0nterpretation >adiography testing in tubular products plate formed pipes.
:reparation of punch list and verification punch list 9 punch killing.
o%ordination with field engineering dept for @ydro Test 9 Tie%0n :ackages
design and preparation.
:reparation of Auality documents for hydro test packages.
Monitoring 9 controlling of hydro test package flow.
7itnessing hydro test activities.
o%ordination with pre%commissioning 9 commissioning activities
o%ordination with construction team for re%instatement activities.
,nsure the completion of shop fabrication on time as per given schedule.
>evision of design as per scope and submit a design proposal that will fit in the
actual site condition in accordance to the />/M+ standards to the accredited
ross checking 0sometrics with :lan(=/() 9 :90( drawings.
onducting daily toolbo? meeting with crew1 making them aware about the
safety measures should be taken while working inside of a live plant.
hecking and killing of punch within the scheduled time in accordance to the
/>/M+ standards.
:reparation of as built (rawings1 /s built control sheet and other related
Mechanical inspection of the system as per : 9 0(.
*ite inspection and respective documentation and control.
:reparation of line history data sheet 9 dossier.
oordinating all documentation and correspondences with client.
:reparing punch list.
>eplying for piping related >'0.
:reparation of Test packages 9 Turnover packages clearance.
>esponsible for 0ncoming material inspection 9 correlating with the mill test
certificate(MT)1 dimensional checks1 condition of materials1 documenting 9
reporting of non%conformity (if any) to specification 9 preparation of M0>.
Monitored piping materials take off1 pre%fabrication and piping erection
>esponsible for assuring and controlling the work Auality as per the approved
specification and drawings.
onducting daily toolbo? meeting.
2isual inspection of welding.
o%ordination with client and subcontractors.
>eview of radiographs1 7itnessing of (:T and witnessing of non% destructive
(ocument preparation.
o%ordination of testing activities.
.ine checking as per as built.
Test package identification1 review and verification.
:repare detailed records and reports at all inspections conducted at the site and
maintain the Auality control documentation.
'inal documentation and hand over.
ross checking 0sometrics with :lan 9 :90( drawings.
Monitor progress with :roDect *chedule.
-ey s.ills "c/ieve+ents!
8 B ertificate @oder.
.eadership 9 Team Management .
Trouble *hooting 9 :roblem *olving.
+ptimizing +utput.
Meeting *trict (eadlines.
Buality Management 9 Buality /ssurence.
Buality /udits.
@ealth 9 *afety Team Training.
:lanning 9 +rganization .
Time Management.
ommunication 9 0nterpersonal *kills.
/bility To drive /nd Maintain / Buality :rogram.
*tatistical /nalysis 9 ontinual 0mprovement.
Co+'uter &.ills!
Ms +ffice.
0ersonal Data:
Nm- : #u,ail. ==.
<-.'-( : 7ale.
M(!1" #11$# : 7arried.
N1!,."!1: : ndian.
D1- O= B!(1% : 1@40A41@AB.
>1%-(# .m- : =o1a. ==.
5-(m.-.1 ''(-## : 7ac,inc,er1 &ouse< Nannam0ra2PO3<
7ala//uram 2Dist3<
=erala 2#t3< ndia.
PN: >B>320.
Em!" : su,ail$
5%,.- : D@1@E>BA42@@12NDA3.
: D@B1 0EE324A1@22:AE3.
n C,arge FA?FC.
Descon Engineering 6imited 2:.A.E3
7o0ile Num0er400@B1 E0A2@3B41
E4mail :
M?.K.B. K(!#%. K$m( 2=ris,na3 .
FA?FC 7anager.
G:&A- 7O&A77ED A647ADAN H #A:D A-A+A.
E4mail : menon3@>C1a,
0ass'ort Details:
5ASS5O?A NUMBE? : &EEE32>3.
ISSUE DAAE : 2040A4200@.
EB5I?C DAAE :1@40A4201@.
5LA0E O> ISSUE : 7A6APP:-A7.
Declaration :
,ere01 declare t,at t,e in!ormation gi(en a0o(e is true to 0est o! m1
$no"ledge and 0elie!.
Place: A+:DA+.:AE. 2#ignature3
Date: 13?03?2014. #u,ail .==.

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