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Number Word/Phrase Part of Speech Definition Sample sentence

UNIT 1 Relationships
Reading 1 Pages 6-7
1.1 relationship noun the way in which two or more people behave towards each other What was your relationship to your mother like?
1.2 anger noun the strong feeling that makes someone want to hurt another person or
shout at them
Some people express their anger through violence.
1.3 annoy verb to make someone feel slightly angry If you annoy that dog too much, it may bite you.
1.4 argument noun an angry disagreement between people My father and I often have arguments.
1.5 criticism noun a comment or comments that show that you think something is wrong
or bad
Her mother's criticisms towards her daughter were often unfair
1.6 demand verb to expect something from someone else The teacher demanded total silence when the children were in doing tests.
1.7 hurtful adjective causing emotional pain He was always very hurtful towards his younger brothers and sisters.
1.8 blog noun a type of personal diary on a website He updates his blog each day.
1.9 blame verb to say or think that someone or something is responsible for a problem
or a bad situation
You must not blame all your problems on your family.
1.10 communicate verb to let someone else know what you are feeling or thinking so you can
have a good relationship
She says that they do not seem to communicate well anymore.
1.11 break up verb if two people break up, the relationship ends He's just broken up with his girlfriend.
1.12 suggestion noun an idea or plan that you offer and that someone can think about The students had some helpful suggestions to improve the school bus service.
1.13 issue noun a problem that people discuss about One of the biggest issues for teenagers is relationships with their parents.
1.14 link noun a connection between one internet file or section and another Click this link to find out more.
1.15 approach noun a way of dealing with something He has a relaxed approach to life.
1.16 take it out on someone phrase when you are angry, to treat someone badly if they have done nothing
When he was angry he always took it out on his children.
1.17 rough patch noun a time when your life is difficult or unpleasant Fortunately the country's rough patch didn't last too long.
1.18 realize verb to know or understand something At that time I never realized how unhappy I was.
1.19 expectation noun a hope that something will be good or that someone will do well They had high expectations for their children.
1.20 disappointment noun someone or something that is not as good as you thought they would
The film, which we were told would be good, turned out to be a disappointment.
1.21 achieve verb to succeed in doing or having something Most students achieved high grades.
1.22 attitude noun opinions or feelings that you show by your behaviour His positive attitude helped him a lot a school.
1.23 fault noun being responsible for a bad or unpleasant situation It's my fault - I forgot to give him the message.
1.24 the same goes for phrase what I have said about one person or thing is also true for another
person or thing
Nikos, you need to do better in your tests; the same goes for you, Kostas.
1.25 responsible adjective in charge of someone or something The teachers are not always responsible for the success of their students.
1.26 share verb to have the same opinion or feeling as someone else Not all students share the same enthusiasm when they do their homework.
Grammar 1 Page 8
1.27 permanent adjective lasting a long time or forever He doesn't think of his job at the company as permanent - he's always looking for
something better
1.28 get on well with phrasal verb to have a good relationship with someone Are you getting on well with your mother-in-law?
1.29 fancy (doing sth) verb to want to do something What do you fancy doing at the weekend?
1.30 easy-going adjective relaxed and happy; easy to make friends with I'd like to meet an easy-going man for a change; I seem to run into difficult, stubborn
ones lately!
1.31 pick up phrasal verb to collect My mum picks me up from my English class every evening.
Vocabulary Page 9
1.32 let someone down phrasal verb disappoint, not to do something that someone expects you or trusts
you to do
My friend let me down when she didn't come to my party
1.33 put up with phrasal verb tolerate, accept an unpleasant situation without complaining I couldn't put up with the loud music the neighbours played every night so I called the
1.34 befriend verb to make friends with someone He befriends the worst students at school, we are so worried about him!
1.35 obedience noun the act of doing what other people want you to do Soldiers must show obedience to their superiors.
1.36 nervous adjective anxious; tense; worried; not clam Being in the presence of my favourite actress made me feel very nervous .
1.37 annoyed adjective slightly angry; irritated I was annoyed the other day when you saw me and didnt even say hello to me.
1.38 sincere adjective honest; speaking the truth Please accept my sincere apologies; honestly, I never meant to upset you.
1.39 approve (of something) verb to think that something is good or suitable My father approved of my new hairstyle.
1.40 smack verb to hit with an open hand Most parents nowadays dont smack their children they punish them in other ways.
Listening Page 10
1.41 acquaintance noun someone you know, but not very well Hes not my friend; hes just an acquaintance.
1.42 bump into verb to meet accidentally As we were on our way to meet the others, we bumped into our physics teacher.
1.43 selfish adjective thinking only about yourself and not caring about other peoples
Stop being so selfish! Give your brother some of the chocolate!
1.44 arrogant adjective behaving as if one is superior or better than other people They are so arrogant; theyve got lots of money and they think thats all that counts!
1.45 engagement noun an agreement between two people to get married Their engagement lasted for two years before they decided to get married.
1.46 nag verb to keep asking someone to do something they dont want to do Stop nagging me about my hair! I like it long; Im not having it cut!
1.47 call off phrasal verb to cancel The coach called off the training as the weather didnt permit us to train outdoors.
1.48 look down on phrasal verb to think that you are better or more important than someone else It is bad to look down on other students; after all, we are all part of a team.
Speaking Page 11
1.49 rehearse verb to practise; to prepare The actors rehearsed the play for weeks before the opening night.
1.50 contraction noun a shortened form of a word or words In formal letters you shouldnt use any contractions.
Reading 2 Page 12 and 13
1.51 depressed adjective unhappy; miserable I was depressed because of the weather Id been looking forward to a sunny weekend
on the beach!
1.52 incompatible adjective not able to fit in or work with something else This document is for Apple computers; its incompatible with Windows.
1.53 have something in common phrase share the same interests John and Mike have much in common ; they both like the cinema and they both play
1.54 quarrel noun an argument They are having a big quarrel on what to watch on television in front of their children.
1.55 reject verb not to accept; to dismiss I rejected their offer of a job because the salary wasnt high enough.
1.56 last verb to continue to exist for a period of time I hope these new saucepans last longer than my other ones did.
1.57 betrayal noun the act of breaking the promise that you have made to someone It was his betrayal that hurt me the most; he told everyone the one secret I had asked
him to keep.
1.58 humiliate verb to make someone feel ashamed or embarrassed The whole country was humiliated by our national football team losing 11-0.
1.59 impulsive adjective acting without thinking about what will happen Its refreshing to meet someone as direct and impulsive as Joanna; although she says
some unbelievable things sometimes!
1.60 pierce verb to make a hole with a sharp object Janet had her ears pierced when she was 14.
1.61 corny adjective If a joke or story is corny, it is unfunny and unoriginal. I cant put up with his corny jokes anymore; someone has to tell him to stop!
1.62 be tempted to do something verb to be persuaded to do something which is not very good for you I was tempted to have a second slice of chocolate fudge cake but I managed to resist!
1.63 on the rebound expression If someone is on the rebound after a relationship has ended, they are
looking for a new relationship with someone who might not be suitable
for them.
Joe was on the rebound from his relationship and went out every night for about a
1.64 bear verb to tolerate; to put up with someone or something I cant bear the thought of not seeing my friends again! I dont want us to move to the
1.65 emotional adjective easily upset; showing ones feelings openly Janet gets very emotional when talking about her childhood.
1.66 former adjective ex-; previous The former prime minister is now a well-respected author of historical books.
1.67 heal verb to get better; to improve (after an injury, illness or unhappy situation) Time can heal the pain you might feel after a divorce.
Use of English Page 15
1.68 rebel noun someone who doesnt like authority and chooses not to obey it Nowadays, most teenagers are rebels; they are against everything and everybody for no
apparent reason.
1.69 dental technician noun a person who makes false teeth The dental technician fitted my grandmas new false teeth last week.
1.70 minor adjective not serious; unimportant He survived the crash with minor injuries.
1.71 commercial noun an advertisement broadcast on television or radio Did you see Helen in that yoghurt commercial? She must have been paid a lot of money
for that one.
1.72 legend noun If a famous person becomes a legend, they are admired after their
death by a lot of people and remembered for many generations.
Elvis Presley had so many fans around the world in the 60s that he became a legend.
1.73 icon noun a very famous person who has become a symbol of something Many people think of Frank Sinatra as an icon of music in the 50s.
1.74 take over phrasal verb to take control of The hijackers took over the plane before anybody had a chance to react.
1.75 take off phrasal verb to leave the ground; to remove The plane took off as scheduled at 6.45. Take off your jacket if youre too hot.
1.76 take place phrase to happen; to occur The concert took place at the new concert hall.
1.77 adore verb to feel great love for someone or something I like coffee, I love chocolate but I absolutely adore cheesecake!
1.78 worship verb to practise a religion; to praise God A church is a place where we worship God.
1.79 era noun a period of time The Middle Ages were an era when a lot of diseases killed millions of people throughout
1.80 unique adjective the only example of something The Parthenon is a unique sample of Greek architecture.
Writing Page 16
1.81 attach verb to fasten or connect one object to another Ive attached some photos from the wedding for you to see.
1.82 dye verb to change the colour of something My mother has been dyeing her hair since it turned grey.
1.83 hang out phrasal verb to spend time with people socially They are not my best friends; we just hang out together once in a while.
1.84 sustain verb to maintain something, keep it going for a period of time In order to sustain yourself when walking long distances, you need to eat chocolate or
nuts for extra energy.
1.85 define verb to describe something correctly and in detail and say what it is exactly Sometimes its very difficult to define what happiness is.
1.86 tricky adjective difficult to do or deal with Hmm thats a tricky question to answer; let me think about it for a bit.
1.87 fair-weather friend phrase A fair-weather friend is somebody you think is a real friend, but who
does not help you when you have problems.
I thought George was a real friend, but when I needed him he disappeared and I realised
he had only been a fair-weather friend.
1.88 traditionally adverb If something happens traditionally, it has been happening the same
way for a very long time.
This club has traditionally been considered a mens club only.

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