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updaLed 8/28/14 1

!"#$%&' )*++,"-.
8LS1 126 / SAS1 262, lall 2014
1/1h 11:33 - 12:23

Andrew CulnLman andrew.qulnLman[
ueparLmenL of 8ellglous SLudles Cfflce Pours: 1uesdays 1:30 - 3:00 pm
431 College SL, 8oom 310 or by appolnLmenL

!$&/,"'0 1$2234-
Lynna uhananl
offlce hours: 1hursdays 3:30-4:30 pm, Mcuougal CenLer Cafe, or by appL.

Lllen Cough
offlce hours: lrldays 11:00-12:00 pm, 8ass Cafe, or by appL.

53*6-$ 7$-/6"8%"3'
1hls course serves as an lnLroducLlon Lo ma[or Lhemes of 8uddhlsL LhoughL and pracLlce wlLhln Lhe culLural
and hlsLorlcal framework of 1lbeL. lL also examlnes varlous approaches Lo Lhe sLudy of rellglon and
quesLlons LradlLlonal deflnlLlons of caLegorles such as rellglon" and 8uddhlsm" Lhemselves. 8eglnnlng
wlLh a close sLudy of aLrul 8lnpoche's classlc nlneLeenLh-cenLury gulde Lo 1lbeLan 8uddhlsm, Lhe early parL
of Lhe course focuses on Lhe docLrlnal foundaLlons of Lhe LradlLlon. 1hls wlll be followed by a hlsLorlcal and
more crlLlcal examlnaLlon of 1lbeLan rellglous hlsLory, proceedlng from 8uddhlsm's lndlan anLecedenLs and
lLs lnlLlal arrlval ln 1lbeL durlng Lhe sevenLh cenLury Lhrough Lhe presenL day. 1he course wlll explore a wlde
range of 1lbeLan rellglous culLure and pracLlce lncludlng 8uddhlsL eLhlcs, sysLems of monasLlc and asceLlc
llfe, rlLual acLlvlLles, sacred geography and pllgrlmage, lay rellglon, as well as Lhe sLaLus of 1lbeLan 8uddhlsm
under Chlnese occupaLlon and ln Lhe WesL. 1he ma[orlLy of readlngs wlll conslsL of prlmary LexLs ln
LranslaLlon, and wlll concenLraLe on 1lbeL's rlch narraLlve llLerary LradlLlon. 1hese wlll be supplemenLed by
secondary llLeraLure on Lhe sLudy of rellglon and 1lbeLan 8uddhlsm.

1he goals of Lhls course are Lo famlllarlze you wlLh baslc elemenLs of 8uddhlsL ldeas and pracLlces, Lo place
Lhose ldeas and pracLlces lnLo Lhelr hlsLorlcal and culLural conLexLs, and Lo make you a clearer and more
crlLlcal lnLerpreLer of Lhose LradlLlons.

1hls class wlll follow a formaL LhaL wlll lnclude boLh lecLures and dlscusslons. LecLures wlll generally provlde
background and conLexL for Lhe prlnclpal weekly readlngs. Larly lecLures wlll also cover baslc concepLs of
8uddhlsL bellef and pracLlce. LaLer ln Lhe course, Lhey wlll presenL some hlsLorlcal and LheoreLlcal frames
Lhrough whlch Lhe readlngs may be undersLood, analyzed, and dlscussed. ALLendance for all classes (boLh
lecLures and dlscusslon secLlons) ls a sLrlcL requlremenL for Lhe course and consLlLuLes a porLlon of your
flnal grade.

1hls course wlll enLall approxlmaLely 73-100 pages per week. 1he readlngs are dlvlded lnLo Lwo general
caLegorles: prlmary sources and scholarly commenLary, wlLh an emphasls on Lhe former. ?ou are expecLed
Lo arrlve ln class havlng read all Lhe asslgned maLerlals.

updaLed 8/28/14 2
AlLhough all readlngs are ln Lngllsh, Lhey are frequenLly LranslaLed from Aslan 8uddhlsL languages (ln our
case prlmarlly 1lbeLan) and Lherefore conLaln a vocabulary LhaL ls boLh speclallzed and Lechnlcal. Many
readlngs make use of speclflc SanskrlL and 1lbeLan Lerms. AlLhough many of Lhe Lerms may seem
unfamlllar, Lhey play a key parL ln undersLandlng Lhe larger LradlLlons of whlch Lhey are parL. ?ou wlll have
access Lo a number of helpful resources LhaL should help make Lhe readlng less palnful, and we wlll devoLe
some class Llme Lo grappllng wlLh speclflc 8uddhlsL Lermlnology. lf ln doubL, feel free Lo ask me abouL a
Lerm or place name, elLher ln class or by emall. ?ou wlll be responslble for knowlng many of Lhese Lechnlcal
Lerms, and may be expecLed Lo deflne Lhem ln class.

1he course lncludes many fllms, whlch wlll be screened ln Lhe evenlng. uvus wlll also be on reserve aL Lhe
lllm SLudy CenLer (33 Wall SL) for lndlvldual vlewlng.

53*6-$ 9$:*"6$.$'%-
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2 shorL wrlLlng pro[ecLs wlll be asslgned durlng Lhe semesLer. 1he flrsL (3 pages) wlll address speclflc Lhemes
encounLered ln Lhe early readlngs and wlll requlre a close, crlLlcal analysls of Lhe LexLs. 1he second wlll
lnvolve Lhe creaLlon of a dlglLal glossary of 1lbeLan 8uddhlsL Lermlnology. AsslgnmenL Loplcs wlll be
dlscussed and dlsLrlbuLed ln class.

+()#" <0/=%:1 456
A longer flnal pro[ecL on Lhe llfe of Lhe 8uddha ln 1lbeL wlll be due aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer. 1hls wlll be
an lnnovaLlve mulLlmedla pro[ecL comblnlng group and lndependenL work, llbrary research, onllne posLlng,
and a shorL flnal paper (6-8 pages). 1oplcs and guldellnes for Lhe flnal pro[ecL wlll be dlscussed ln class. 1he
flnal pro[ecL ls due by ;<== >? 3' 7$/$.#$6 @@A B=@C.

apers musL be double-spaced wlLh a sLandard 12 polnL fonL, one lnch marglns, and numbered pages. uL
your name, daLe, and class on Lhe flrsL page, LogeLher wlLh a LlLle, and be sure LhaL your lasL name ls ln Lhe
header of every subsequenL page. apers should follow sLandard llLerary convenLlons such as Lhose of Lhe
Modern Language AssoclaLlon (MLA) or Lhe Chlcago Manual of SLyle.

apers Lurned ln laLe, wlLhouL maklng prlor arrangemenLs, wlll be penallzed one half a leLLer grade per day
(l.e., an A- paper becomes a 8+ paper on Lhe flrsL day laLe, a 8 on Lhe second, eLc.)

>($:?$$(/) @/#0' 3:1(A(1B C56
Lach week, ln preparaLlon for your secLlon meeLlng, you wlll be requlred Lo posL Lo Lhe course dlscusslon
board a subsLanLlve response Lo or quesLlon regardlng Lhe week's prlmary readlngs or fllm. osLs should be
1-2 paragraphs ln lengLh. ln addlLlon Lo belng well-composed and clLlng relevanL passages, quesLlons should
lndlcaLe a serlous engagemenL wlLh Lhe LexL and, where posslble, Lo oLher posLs. 1hey should noL, for
example, Lake Lhe form: WhaL does karma mean?" 1ogeLher wlLh your classroom parLlclpaLlon (see
below) dlscusslon board quesLlons wlll form a subsLanLlal parL of your flnal grade. upload your posL by
respondlng Lo Lhe approprlaLe weekly dlscusslon Lhread. ?ou are encouraged Lo posL commenLs Lo your
colleagues' commenLs as well. D$/%"3' 2$&+$6- 4"22 $-%&#2"-, %,$ +*$ +&%$- &'+ %".$- E36 +"-/*--"3' 83-%-.
osLs wlll begln Lhe Lhlrd week of class and you wlll be allowed Lo mlss Lwo weeks, for a LoLal of 8 posLs
requlred durlng Lhe semesLer.

updaLed 8/28/14 3
!"#$$ <#01(:(D#1(/) C56
?ou are expecLed Lo aLLend all class lecLures and parLlclpaLe acLlvely ln dlscusslon secLlons. Make sure you
arrlve ln class havlng compleLed Lhe approprlaLe readlngs. ?our parLlclpaLlon grade wlll largely be based on
aLLendance and acLlve engagemenL durlng secLlon meeLlngs.

8ooks avallable aL Lhe ?ale 8ook SLore. ?ou can also flnd Lhem on buL please be sure Lo order
Lhe correcL edlLlons (use Lhe lS8n number):
1. aLrul 8lnpoche, E/0'$ /F GB <%0F%:1 H%#:.%0 (Shambhala, 1998), lS8n: 9781370624124
2. CulnLman, Lransl., H.% I(F% /F G("#0%D# (enguln Classlcs, 2010), lS8n: 9780143106227
1. CeLhln, +/?)'#1(/)$ /F @?''.($, (Cxford unlverslLy ress, 1998), lS8n: 9780192892232

8eadlngs marked by F wlll be made avallable ln dlglLal form on Classes*v2.

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As ln all courses ln ?ale College, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo adhere Lo Lhe hlghesL sLandards of academlc
honesLy and lnLegrlLy. laglarlsm and oLher forms of cheaLlng wlll noL be LoleraLed. ln all wrlLlng
asslgnmenLs, sLudenLs are requlred Lo documenL all source maLerlal (lncludlng noL only Lhe quoLaLlon of
LexLs, buL also Lhe use of numbers, lmages, ldeas, and oLher lnformaLlon). 1he lnsLrucLors of Lhe course are
avallable Lo answer quesLlons abouL responslble pracLlces of academlc documenLaLlon, and sLudenLs may
also consulL Lhe ?ale College WrlLlng CenLer webslLe on Lhe use of sources <hLLp://>.

Llfe geLs compllcaLed, lf-and only lf-you have a compelllng reason for mlsslng a lecLure, dlscusslon
sesslon, or an asslgnmenL, leL me know beforehand and we wlll dlscuss maklng a new deadllne. ?ou wlll be
responslble for any maLerlal mlssed durlng LhaL class so make sure you check wlLh one of your fellow

WlLhouL devlaLlon from Lhe norm, progress ls noL posslble."
--lrank Zappa

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updaLed 8/28/14 4
K$$L @< 53*6-$ M'%63+*/%"3'
1hursday 8/28
Course lnLroducLlon

K$$L B< 13*'+&%"3'- 3E !"#$%&' )*++,"-. M< !,$ NO6+"'&6G >6$2"."'&6"$-P
1uesday 9/2
1. EKG<H, 1ranslaLors' lnLroducLlon," xxxl-xllv
1hursday 9/4
1. EKG<H, lreedoms and AdvanLages,"19-37, lmpermanence," 39-39
2. * eLer uonovan, neuLrallLy ln 8ellglous SLudles"
3. * !onaLhan Z. SmlLh, 1he necessary Lle: uupllclLy ln Lhe ulsclpllnes" <hLLp://>
8esources: +/?)'#1(/)$ /F @?''.($,, ChapLer 1 1he 8uddha," ChapLer 2 1he Word of Lhe 8uddha"

K$$L Q< 13*'+&%"3'- MM< !,$ NO6+"'&6G >6$2"."'&6"$-P R/3'%S+T
1uesday 9/9
1. EKG<H, uefecLs of Samsara," 61-99
1hursday 9/11
1. EKG<H, karma: Cause and LffecL,"101-131
8esources: +/?)'#1(/)$ /F @?''.($,, ChapLer 3 lour 1ruLhs," ChapLer 3 1he 8uddhlsL Cosmos"
lllm: 1he Wheel of 1lme"

K$$L C< 13*'+&%"3'- MMM< !,$ NUV%6&36+"'&6G >6$2"."'&6"$-P
1uesday 9/16
1. EKG<H, 1aklng 8efuge," 171-192
1hursday 9/18
1. EKG<H, 8odhlclLLa," 193-261
8esources: +/?)'#1(/)$ /F @?''.($,, ChapLer 9 1he Mahyna"

lrlday 9/19 7:00 pm, locaLlon 18A: lllm screenlng wlLh uonagh Coleman: A Cesar 8ard's 1ale" (ALLend
and wrlLe forum posL for exLra credlL)

K$$L ;< 13*'+&%"3'- MW< !,$ UV%6&36+"'&6G >6$2"."'&6"$- R/3'%S+T
1uesday 9/23
1. EKG<H, va[rasaLLva and 100-syllable manLra," 263-280, Mandala Cfferlng," 283-293
1hursday 9/23
1. EKG<H, Curu ?oga," 309-332

K$$L X< !,$ 136.&%"3' 3E !"#$%S- )*++,"-% U.8"6$
1uesday 9/30
1. * van Schalk, H(L%1M 3 N($1/0B, 1-40
2. * &%"(*(/)$ /F H(L%1, 8on 8escues uharma"
1hursday 10/2 nC CLASS MLL1lnC (work on asslgnmenL #1)
1. * van Schalk, H(L%1M 3 N($1/0B, 41-60
2. * &%"(*(/)$ /F H(L%1, 1he 8oyal Way of Supreme Compasslon"
! HDDMYZ?UZ! [ @ 7\U @=]B #G @@<;^ 8.

updaLed 8/28/14 3
K$$L _< !,$ !&."'0 3E !"#$%S- `&'+-/&8$
1uesday 10/7
1. * 1sogyal, 1he LoLus 8orn: 1he Llfe SLory of admasambhava" (excerpLs)
2. * Lopez, <0($/)%0$, ChapLer 1 1he name"
1hursday 10/9
1. van Schalk, H(L%1M 3 N($1/0B, 61-84
2. uavldson, ALlsa's 3 I#,D F/0 1.% <#1. 1/ 3O#P%)()*"
lllm: LosL World of 1lbeL"

K$$L a< Z$4 `"'$&0$- &'+ & )*++,"-% 9$'&"--&'/$
1uesday 10/14
1. H.% I(F% /F G("#0%D#, lx-101 (lncludlng 2 lnLroducLlons)
1hursday 10/16 CLASS MLL1S ln 8LlnLCkL Ll88A8?
1. H.% I(F% /F G("#0%D#, 103-233

SaLurday 10/18 CpLlonal fleld Lrlp Lo see 8uddhlsL rellcs and 8ubln Museum of ArL, new ?ork ClLy

K$$L ab;< !&'%6"/ )*++,"-.
1uesday 10/21
1. Samuel, Lamas, Monks, and, ?oglns"
2. 1sele naLsok 8angdrol, I#,D /F G#.#,?'0#, 1-73
8esources: +/?)'#1(/)$ /F @?''.($,, ChapLer 7 1he 8uddhlsm aLh: 1he Way of Calm and lnslghL,"
owers, J)10/'?:1(/) 1/ H(L%1#) @?''.($,, 1anLra"
! HDDMYZ?UZ! [B F+$E"'"%"3'-F 7\U @=]B@ #G @@<;^ 8.

lALL 88LAk

K$$L ^< !,$ ?3'&-%"/ `"E$
1uesday 10/28
1. * van Schalk, H(L%1M 3 N($1/0B, 114-143
2. * ureyfus, MonasLlclsm"
1hursday 10/30
! CuesL LecLure: !ohan Llverskog, SouLhern MeLhodlsL unlverslLy
1. * ureyfus, MonasLlc Currlculum"
2. * Cn LmpLlness, QRD%0(%):% /F @?''.($,, excerpLs
! HDDMYZ?UZ! [B F/3..$'%-F 7\U @=]Q= #G @@<;^ 8.

1hursday 10/30, 4:30 pm, Luce 202: !ohan Llverskog publlc lecLure, A 8uddhlsL LnvlronmenLal PlsLory of
Asla" (ALLend and wrlLe dlscusslon forum posL for exLra credlL)

updaLed 8/28/14 6
K$$L @=< `"E$ 3E %,$ )*++,& "' !"#$% >63c$/%
1uesday 11/4
1. * 8eynolds and Palllsey, 8uddha" (deflnlLlon from Q):B:"/D%'(# /F &%"(*(/))
2. * Schaeffer, I(F% /F 1.% @?''.#, ChapLers 1-8 (pp. 23-83)
8esources: SLrong, H.% @?''.#, lnLroducLlon, ChapLers 1-3 Lhrough end of offerlng of rlce mllk" (pp. 1-70)
1hursday 11/6 ln CLASS WC8k Cn llnAL 8C!LC1
1. * Schaeffer, I(F% /F 1.% @?''.#, ChapLers 9-12 (pp. 83-130)
8esources: SLrong, H.% @?''.#, ChapLer 3 aLLack of Mara" & LnllghLenmenL" & ChapLer 4 Lhrough end of
flrsL sermon" (pp. 70-84)

K$$L @@< `"E$ 3E %,$ )*++,& "' !"#$% >63c$/%
1uesday 11/11
1. * ALLack of Mara" alLernaLe llLerary verslons:
@?''.#:#0(1# 73:1$ /F 1.% @?''.#;
I#"(1#A($1#0# 7I(A()* /?1 1.% S#,%;
I(F% /F 1.% @?''.# (vlnaya sources)
-.#PB#,?)( @?''.#M 3 T#00#1(A% @?''.# (modern accounL)
2. vldeo cllps
Modern Srl Lankan anlmaLlon: hLLp://
I(11"% @?''.#, 8ernardo 8erLoluccl (1993):
8esources: SLrong, H.% @?''.#, flnlsh ChapLer 4-ChapLer 7 (pp. 92-193)

Wednesday 11/12, Llme and locaLlon 18A: khenpo Sodargye publlc Lalk, MedlLaLlon and Mlndfulness ln Lhe
Modern World"

1hursday 11/13
! CuesL lecLure: khenpo Sodargye, 1he Llfe of Lhe 8uddha"
1. 8eadlng 18A

K$$L @B< )*++,"-. "' 53'%$.836&6G !"#$%]?3+$6' )*++,"-. "' %,$ K$-%
1uesday 11/18
1. * ColdsLeln, lnLroducLlon" Lo @?''.($, () !/)1%,D/0#0B H(L%1
2. * ColdsLeln, 1he 8evlval of MonasLlc Llfe ln urepung MonasLery"
1hursday 11/2
1. * 1enzln CyaLso Lhe 14Lh ualal LamaU @%B/)' &%"(*(/), selecLlons
lllm: 1he 1rlals of 1elo 8lnpoche"

1PAnkSClvlnC 88LAk

K$$L @Q< K,"%,$6 D,&'06"2&d
1uesday 12/2
1. * 1he Llfe and oems of Cendun Chopel
1hursday 12/4
1. * Lopez, <0($/)%0$ /F -.#)*0("#, lnLroducLlon"
2. * ureyfus, Are We rlsoners of Shangrlla? CrlenLallsm, naLlonallsm, and Lhe SLudy of 1lbeL."

! 1MZH` >9OeU5! 7\U OZ 7U5U?)U9 @@A @@<;^ 8.

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