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July 2, 2014
Jameel Alsalam (W4 BAC), Jeanie Osburn (Facilities Committee Chair), Adam Gutbezahl (CM Cheh's Office), Erik Kugler (AL Grosso
- BAC), David Cranor (W6 - BAC), Randall Myers (AL Catania BAC), Andrea Adleman (SEE Committee Chair), Josh Ghaffari (DCOP),
Mike Goodno (DDOT), Ellen Jones (W3 - BAC), Megan Kanagy (Mendelson BAC), David Alexander (W2 - BAC), Allyson Criner Brown
(AL Orange BAC), Darren Buck (DDOT), Jeff Johnson (Resident W6)
DDOT Update from Mike Goodno and Darren Buck
Capital Bikeshare
o Have procured 10 additional stations and some expansion pieces
Will install mostly in downtown within the next 30 days
o Have authorization to purchase another 30-40 stations once the manufacturing supply lines are back up
Will look for new locations for that round
o Phase 2 of Met Branch Trail design kicked off today
Segment between the Ft Totten transfer station and Tacoma Metro
NPS has agreed to proceed with the design
Toole Design Group is a sub on the design team
Jim Sebastian is managing the project (Heather Deutsch has left DDOT)
o Rock Creek Park
FONSI is now posted online
o Oxon Run Trail
30% design done, moving to full design soon
o Suitland Parkway Trail
Lumped into South Capitol Street Bridge project
Construction will be done in phases and completed in 2018-2019
DDOT is scoping the resurfacing of the existing trail now
Jeanie suggested doing a Facilities Committee ride in this area in August
o South Capitol Street Trail
Need to move a wall at Bolling AFB
o Anacostia Riverwalk Trail
Currently under construction
o South Dakota Avenue NE
Currently resurfacing trail
DDOT would also like to look at making improvements on V Street NE too
2014 Planned Bikeways
o 5 miles done already this year
East side cycle track study
o RFQ issued to do study for cycle track running from Florida Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue NW
o Looking at 5
, 6
, 7
, and 9
Mail delivery vehicle outreach
o DDOT reaching out to USPS, UPS, and FedEx regarding parking in cycle tracks
o Working on education / enforcement
o Ellen suggested asking them about where they need loading zones
BIDs can keep an eye out for particularly bad blocks
Committee Reports
o Discussed DDOT reorganization
Didn't see how it solved issues relating to bikes, largely due to silos within DDOT that would remain
Moving CaBi to the transit entity wouldnt help
Adam Gutbezahl, CM Cheh's office: they are trying to discuss how to better integrate planning and
The proposed parking department is definitely not happening
BAC might hold separate meeting to discuss further in late July, in lieu of august Legislative meeting
o See Jeanie's notes
o DDOT is reaching out to United House of Prayer for east side study (located on 6th Street)
o MoveDC comment deadline extended to July 31
o Ellen asked for approval of official BAC comments to submit
Eric Kugler: cycle tracks are preferred, but if cycle tracks are not possible, want to keep door open for
other types of accommodation
Allyson: east-west travel is still difficult, especially important for wards 5, 7 and 8
Will be improving Benning Road Bridge and should include bicycle accommodation
Need to push hard on bridge accommodations when opportunities arise
Mode share
David Cranor: Portland's goal is 25% of all trips, we should pass that along to DDOT
MoveDC is not currently proposing to meet the SustainableDC goals for mode share
Josh Ghaffari added additional agencies to coordinate with
Comments approved with edits
Safety, Education and Enforcement
o Did not meet in June as MPD did not respond to meeting request
o Will make an effort to reach out to ANC education office, Simon Gottleib
Randall can help
o Have recruited new members
Sharon worked previously with Austin Police Department on data collection
o Allyson heard comments from MPD Chief Lanier
DC recently ranked worst for vehicle collisions
Right turns across bike lanes are particularly difficult
Jameel Alsalam on BAC Funds
o Have $10,000 to spend in FY14
o Posted ad today for admin help
o Will hopefully hire within the next month
BAC will vote on recommendation made by Hiring Committee
o Funds might expire on September 30
o Spending funds on printed materials could be ok
o Funds divvied out to us in $2.5k chunks
David Cranor on Bicycle Safety Enhancement Amendment Act of 2008
o Part of act was the requirement of side-underrun guards to be installed on District-owned heavy-duty vehicles
o Now making progress towards implementation
o DPW is purchasing new vehicles with guards as well as retrofitting existing
o Adam G. will share photos on Google group
o BAC could write letter of thanks to DPW point person
Ellen will draft letter to Bill Howland

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