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Richard Suttmeier is the Chief Market Strategist at

ValuEngine is a fundamentally-based quant research firm in Melbourne, FL. ValuEngine

covers over 8,000 stocks every day.

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Oc t ober 7, 2014 Al l maj or aver ages have negat i ve di ver genc es i n week l y moment um.

The only average with rising 12x3x3 weekly slow stochastics is the Dow Utility Average, which
indicates below the surface that stock market investors are seeking companies that pay dividends.

All major averages closed Monday below their five-week modified moving averages at 17,022 Dow
Industrials, 1980.6 S&P 500, 4507 Nasdaq, 8456 Dow Transports and 1139.83 Russell 2000. If this
configuration occurs at Fridays closes all five major averages will have negative weekly charts.

The all-time or multiyear intraday highs are 17350.84 (Sept. 19) Dow Industrials, 2019.26 (Sept. 19)
S&P 500, 4610.57 (Sept 19) Nasdaq, 8714.94 (Sept. 19) Dow Transports, and 1213.55 (J uly 1)
Russell 2000).

This weeks risky levels are 17513 Dow Industrials, 2039.3 S&P 500, 4691 Nasdaq, 8872 Dow
Transports and 1153.72 on the Russell 2000.

Monthly and quarterly risky levels are 17779 and 18045 Dow Industrials, 2079.2 and 2094.6 S&P 500,
4609 and 4713 Nasdaq, 8790 and 9418 Dow Transports and 1159.82 and 1292.59 on Russell 2000.

Semiannual and annual value levels will remain at 16301, 14835 and 13437 Dow Industrials, 1789.3,
1539.1 and 1442.1 S&P 500, 3972, 3471 and 3063 Nasdaq, 7423, 6249 and 5935 Dow Transports
and 966.72 and 879.39 Russell 2000.

Semiannual risky levels remain at 18522 Dow Industrials, 2080.3 S&P 500, 4642 Nasdaq and 1285.37
on the Russell 2000. Semiannual pivots remain at 8447 Dow Transports and 1139.81 Russell 2000.

Dow Industrials: (16992) Daily, semiannual and annual value levels are 16,739, 16310, 14835 and
13467 with the Sept. 19 all-time intraday high at 17350.64 and weekly, monthly, quarterly and
semiannual risky levels at 17512, 17779, 18045 and 18552.
S&P 500 (1964.8) Daily, semiannual and annual value levels are 1932.6, 1789.3, 1539.1 and 1442.1
with the Sept. 19 all-time intraday high at 2019.26, and weekly, monthly, quarterly and semiannual
risky levels at 2039.3, 2079.2, 2094.2 and 2080.3.
NASDAQ (4455) Daily, semiannual and annual value levels are 4382, 3972, 3471 and 3063 with the
Sept. 19 multiyear intraday high at 4610.57 and monthly, semiannual, weekly and quarterly risky levels
at 4609, 4642, 4691 and 4713.

NASDAQ 100 (NDX) (4016) Daily, quarterly, semiannual and annual value levels are 3947, 3515,
3078 and 2669 with a quarterly pivot at 4043, a semiannual risky level at 4105, the Sept. 19 multiyear
intraday high at 4118.91, and monthly and weekly risky levels at 4152 and 4220.

Dow Transports (8385) Daily, semiannual and annual value levels are 8300, 7423, 6249 and 5935
with a semiannual pivot at 8447, the Sept. 19 all-time intraday high at 8714.94, and weekly, monthly
and quarterly risky levels at 8872, 8790 and 9418.
Russell 2000 (1094.65) Daily and annual value levels are 1077.24, 966.72 and 879.39 with
semiannual, monthly and semiannual risky levels at 1139.81, 1159.82 and 1179.36, the J uly 1 all-time
intraday high at 1213.55 and semiannual and quarterly risky levels at 1285.37 and 1292.59.
The SOX (617.97) Daily, semiannual and annual value levels are 611.04, 608.02, 512.94, 371.58
and 337.74 with the Sept. 19 multiyear intraday high 659.64, and weekly, quarterly and monthly risky
levels at 669.29, 687.65 and 691.22.

Dow Utilities: (555.34) Semiannual and annual value levels are 523.72 and 497.53 with daily, annual
and quarterly pivots at 554.25, 548.70 and 553.35, a weekly risky level at 566.36, the J une 30 all-time
intraday high at 576.98, and monthly and semiannual risky levels at 589.67 and 612.49.
10-Year Note (2.424) A quarterly value level is 3.258 with weekly and monthly pivots at 2.500, 2.448
and daily, annual and semiannual risky levels at 2.356, 2.263, 1.999 and 1.779.
30-Year Bond (3.127) Annual and quarterly value levels are 3.283 and 3.963 with daily, weekly,
monthly, semiannual and annual pivots at 3.044, 3.149, 3.089, 3.082 and 3.107.
Comex Gold ($1207.6) Weekly and quarterly value levels are $1176.22 and $906.43 with a daily
pivot at $1204.8, and monthly, semiannual and annual risky levels at $1305.2, $1613.0, $1738.7 and
Nymex Crude Oil ($90.60) A weekly value level is $88.57 with a daily pivot at $90.40 and monthly,
quarterly, semiannual, annual and quarterly risky levels at $100.07, $102.66, $106.48 and $107.52.
The Euro (1.2648) Daily, weekly and semiannual value levels are 1.2519, 1.2417 and 1.2203 with
monthly, annual and quarterly risky levels at 1.3309, 1.3382 and 1.3603.

The Dollar versus Japanese Yen (108.78) Monthly and annual value levels are 105.94 and 93.38
with a daily pivot at 109.14 and weekly and quarterly risky levels at 111.40 and 123.64.

The British Pound (1.6075) A weekly value level is 1.5873 with a daily pivot at 1.5984, quarterly
and annual pivots at 1.6210 and 1.6262 and monthly and semiannual risky levels at 1.6907 and

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