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Conversation English: Classroom

Teacher: Good morning children. How are you today?

Kids: Fine thank you Miss.
Teacher: Kids, today we going to learn the parts of the body.
Child 1: Miss, are there some song of the parts of body?
Teacher: Yes, there are some songs. Anyone knows any song?
Child 2: Miss I know one, my brother taught me.
Child 1: Child 2 sings the song, we want to hear the song and sing with you.
Kids: Yes, yes sings child 2, sings child2
Teacher: Children, children silence please. First I have to teach the parts of the body, and then, we
sing the song at the end of the class.
Child 1: Ok Miss we understand and wait at the end of the class for sing the song.
Teacher: Fine lets start, Im going to tell some words and you have to repeat after me.
Teacher: head
Kids: head
Teacher: Neck
Kids: neck
Teacher: Chest
Kids: chest
Teacher: Stomach
Child 3: Miss, Miss, please I need help.
Teacher: What happen child 3? What is wrong with you?
ChiId 3: I have stomachache please help me.
Teacher: Well, you have to go to nursing now
Child 3: I dont know where is the nursing, can you explain how to get there?
Teacher: Of course, first you have to go down stairs then go to left, when you see a building that
says: block 44. Walks toward him. When you get there, there are two doors to the left and right,
go to the right.
Child 3: Thanks you Miss, I understood perfectly. Ill be back.
Teacher: Well children we should continue with the class Child 1 can you tell me where is the
Child 1: Miss the neck is behind the head and the chest, connect the head with the rest of body.
Teacher: Excellent Child1. Child2 where is the stomach?
Child2: Miss the stomach is under the chest and there comes what we eat.
Child3: Excuse me Miss, I can spend?
Teacher: Of course, go ahead. How you feel now?
Child3: Much better, the nurse gave me some pills that helped me with the pain.
Child 2: Miss, now that everything is ok, can we sing the song?
Teacher: Ok child2, begins with the song
Child 2: My Body, My Body, My Body, My Body All right.
Two little eyes for look around, Look, Look, Look, Look around.
Two little ears to hear each sound, hear, hear, hear, hear each sound.
One little nose to smell whats sweet, smell, Smell, Smell, Smell whats sweet.
And one little mouth that likes to eat.
My Body, My Body, My Body, My Body All right.
This is my head, these are my shoulders, these are my knees, and these are my toes.
My body, my body Yeahhh!!!!

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