How To Hiding Feelings

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Hiding Feelings

How do you like my new shoes?

I dont think Ive ever seen any quite like that
Oh, theyre nice.
Your cologne is certainly unusual.
The cake is certainly different.
Your artwork is certainly interesting.
Well, she seems nice, but Ive only known her a few days.
Its still a little early to tell, but Im sure I will when I get to know her a little better.
Well, she seems interesting, but I dont know her very well yet.
She has a good sense of humor
The salad is nice, but I'm starting to get full
The salad is nice, but I've eaten too much already
The salad is nice, but I'm not really hungry
It is quite good, but I can't eat any more. I'm trying to lose weight
It is quite good, but I can't eat any more. I'm full
It is quite good, but I can't eat any more. I'm not feeling very well.
Thats a pretty blouse, but I think the green one suits you better.
A movie would be fine, but what about going bowling for a change?
Yes, the beans are delicious, but Id really prefer some more corn, please.
All right, I guess.
I cant complain.
I shouldnt complain.
Im starting to feel better.
Ive felt better.
Ive felt worse.
Oh, what a nice gift. I was hoping Id get one.
Thanks a lot. Its really nice.
What a thoughtful gift! I really appreciate it.
Oh, its okay.
Oh, its all right.
I hope Ill have better luck next time.
Well, thats life?
Its no big deal! (Informal)

Are you afraid?
Arent you nervous?

No, Im fine.
No, Im all right.
No, Im okay.
Not at all.
Not much.
Not really.

Im not nervous at all

Requesting And Offering Assistance
Help! Ive been robbed!
Help me! Stop that thief!
Quick! Dont let that man get away! He stole my wallet!

Help! Hes choking! Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver?
Help me! Is there a doctor? Its an emergency!
Someone! Quick! Get a doctor! Hes choking!

If its not too much trouble, could you...?
Could I impose on you to...?
Could I ask you a favor? Would you...?
I hope you dont mind, but could...?
Would you mind helping me?
Would you mind doing something for me?
I have a favor to ask. Would you...?
Could/Would/Can/Will you help me?
Could/Would/Can/Will you lend me a hand?
How about assisting me with...?

What seems to be the trouble, Wong? Do you need some help?
Hi. Do you need some help?
Can I help you look for something?
Hello, is there anything I can help you with today?
May I help you?
No, thank you. Im just browsing

May I help you?
Would you like some help?
Do you need some help?
Can I give you some help?
Would you like some assistance?
What can I do for you?
How may I help you?
What seems to be the matter?
What seems to be the trouble?

Here! Let me help you!
Let me give you a hand with that.

Expressing And Receiving Sympathy
I am/was deeply sorry to hear about your fathers death.
I am/was really sorry to hear about your fathers death.
I am/was truly sorry to hear about your fathers death.
Im sorry that you lost your job.
I want to tell you how sorry I am that your grandmother is ill.
I was shocked to learn that youll be leaving the company.
I was sorry to learn that youll be leaving the company.
I was upset to learn that youll be leaving the company.
What a shame that you didnt win the photography contest!
How shocking to hear about Joes accident!
How sad to hear about Joes accident!
How awful to hear about Joes accident!
How terrible to hear about Joes accident!
How horrible to hear about Joes accident!
Thats too bad about Harrys dog. (Informal)
Too bad that you didnt make an A on the quiz. (Informal)

I know how you must feel.
I understand what youre going through right now.
I know your feelings.
I understand how sad you must feel.
I understand how angry you must feel.
I understand how upset you must feel.
I understand how hurt you must feel.
I understand how frustrated you must feel.

Please let me know if theres anything I can do.
Ill be here if you need me.
If you need me, please call.
Is there anything I can do for you?
Please dont hesitate to ask if theres something I can do

Im deeply moved. Thank you very much (Formal)
Im deeply touched. Thank you very much (Formal)
Im deeply grateful. Thank you very much (Formal)
I appreciate your kindness.
Thank you.
Its very nice of you to offer to help.
Its very kind of you to offer to help.
Its very sweet of you to offer to help.
Thank you for your sympathy.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for all your help.
Thank you for showing your care.
Thank you for being here when I needed you.
Thank you for your concern.
Thank you for your great support.
Yes, Ill call you if I need you. Thanks.

Attracting Attention And Warning
Hey! Look out!
Watch out! Theres a car coming!
Get out of the way! Quick!
Look out!
Be careful
Get out of the way!

Andy, youd better not drink any more. You have to drive home, remember?
Andy, if I were you, Id slow down on the beer drinking. Youve got a long drive home

You must stop smoking so much.
You ought to eat less sugar and less red meat
You need to think twice about spending all that money on a stereo.
Youd better not drive so fast
You should study harder or you might not pass
If I were you, I would not waste my time on that.
If I were in your shoes, I would not waste my time on that.
If I were in your situation, I would not waste my time on that.
I think it would be a good idea if you exercised more.
Dont you think you had better unplug the toaster before fixing it?
Dont you think you ought to unplug the toaster before fixing it?
Dont you think you should unplug the toaster before fixing it?
Perhaps you should think about studying more and playing video games less.
Maybe you ought to drive more carefully at night.

Joe, your sales are slow this month. You need to get out there and hustle more!.
Henry this is just a warning, but you need to shape up if you expect to stay in your position!
Laura, you had better study harder, or Im going to have to ground you during the week.

Expressing Opinions, Agreeing And Disagreeing
What do you think about....
The point Im making is... (Formal)
In my opinion...
It seems to me that...
I believe that...
I think that...
I feel that...
As I see it...
If you ask me...
Personally, I think....
Frankly, I think...

I firmly believe inflation will get worse during the next ten months!
Well. Im not quite sure, but I believe...
I still have some doubts, but my feeling is that...
Although Im not 100 percent sure, I still think that...
Well, I dont know, but Im beginning to think that...

Are you opposed to ... ?
Are you in favor of ... ?
What do you think about...?
Whats your opinion on...?
Whats your opinion about...?
How do you feel about...?
Id be interested to know your thoughts on...

I couldnt agree more!
How true!
Youre exactly right!
Thats exactly right!
I agree wholeheartedly with what you say!
Thats exactly what I was thinking!
Thats exactly what I believe!
Thats exactly how I feel!
Theres no doubt about it.
Thats my opinion, too.
You can say that again (Informal)
For sure! (Informal)
You bet! (Informal)
And how! (Informal)
Ill say (Informal)
Right on ! (Informal)

Its hot in here, isnt it?
That was a fantastic burger, wasnt it?
San Francisco is certainly a beutiful city, isnt it?
That surely wasnt a very interesting movie, was it?

Dont you think its hot in here?
Dont you agree that was a fantastic burger?
Isnt San Francisco a beautiful city?
Wasnt that a boring movie?

Youve got to be kidding!
Youve got to be joking!
Are you joking?
Are you kidding me?
Are you crazy?
Dont make me laugh!
Thats absurd!
Thats ridiculous!
You cant really be serious!
You cant really believe that!
You cant really think that!
Oh, come off it (Very informal)
Oh, get out of here ! (Very informal)

I disagree with what youre saying.
I dont see it that way.
I dont think so.
I dont agree with you.
I respect your opinion, but I think...
Im not sure if I agree with you completely on...
Well, you have a right to your opinion, but I...
I understand what you are saying, but in my opinion...
Yes, thats true, but my feeling is that...
You could be right, but dont you think that...?
You have a point, but dont you think that...?
I have to disagree with you, but I believe...

This steak tastes like leather!
This steak seems to be overdone
Could you please have the cook prepare me another one medium rare, as I requested.
This report is incomplete. Finish it, please.
Do you mind if I skip the meeting tonight? Im very tired.

Alan: Whats wrong?
Bob: I have a terrible sore throat and cough.
Alan: Have you seen a doctor?
Bob: A doctor? I dont have time! Im so busy I can hardly take the time to eat!
Im sorry to hear that
Well, dont work so hard
Ill take over for you while you go to the doctor.

Wife: That program on drug abuse is supposed to be excellent, honey. Is the game almost over?
Husband: About 30 more minutes maybe more.
Wife: It seems like youve been watching it all night. I hope its over by 9:30
Husband: It probably wont be, but I dont mind if you want to change channels. Its not a very good game.
Wife: Are you sure?
Husband: Im sure. San Franciscos going to lose anyway.

This cake was cooked too long, I think. It tastes pretty dry.
Someone took the wet paint sign off before the paint was dry. Now I have paint all over my hands!
My racket wasnt strung lightly enough. No wonder Im not playing well today !
My new shirt seems to be missing. I wonder if someone borrowed it without asking.

Does it seem a little chilly in here to you? Would you mind if I closed the window?
The paper appear to be a little messy. Maybe it should be retyped.

Im very sorry, sir. Ill bring you another right away
You didnt cut my hair short enough last time in the back
Oh, no? Well. Ill definitely make sure I get it right this time

Joe: Ali, I wish youd asked me before you borrowed my jacket. I wanted to wear it last night, but I couldnt find it.
Ali: Im really sorry about that, Joe. I didnt think youd mind. You let me borrow it once before, remember?

Luis: Carl, do you mind turning off the overhead light? Ive got a big day tomorrow, and I really need some sleep.
Carl: Sorry. Ill turn it off in a second. I just need to finish reading this chapter.

Mahtab: Joyce, there seems to be a little too much salt in the meat. Would you mind not salting it before you cook it
next time.
Joyce: Sure, I forgot you dont like salt. Ill remember next time.

Complimenting And Responding
Youre too kind (Formal) (Compliment: The dinner was delicious)
Thank you for saying so (Compliment: You did a fine job on the report)
I appreciate the compliment (Compliment: Thats a beautiful belt!)
Thank you. Im glad you like it (Compliment: Your hair looks nice)
Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it (Compliment: The cake was wonderful)
Thank you. Im glad you think so (Compliment: Your car drives great!)
Thanks. I like your _________, too. (Return the compliment)

Robert: You really have beautiful eyes, Barbara. Ive never seen such a gorgeous shade of blue
Barbara: Thank you, Robert. Thats a nice compliment.

Abdulla: Gosh, you look great, Beverly! Have you lost weight?
Beverly: Thats nice of you to notice- Ive lost about ten pounds, but I still need to lose another 5 or 6.

Gene: Your new hairstyle is terrifice, Cindy!
Cindy: Thanks, Gene. I think Ive finally found a style that looks decent and is easy to handle.

Pat: I didnt know you could play the guitar so well, Nak. Your song was lovely!
Nak: Thanks, Pat. Im glad you enjoyed it.

Yumi: Joe, your backhand is getting stronger every time we play!
Joe: Do you really think so? Ive been practicing every day, and Im pleased you can see an improvement.

Maxine: Bud, your photographs are unbelievable! I really wish youd give me some advice to help my pictures come
out better. [Asking for someones help, advice or suggestions on something that person is good at is a type of
compliment itself]
Bud: Thank you, Maxine. Im not sure how much help I can be, but Id be glad to give you a few tips.

Jos: You know, Jack, your English is much better than most Americans.
Jack: Thanks, Jos, but really mines not so good. I make a lot of mistakes like most people.
Jos: But you really understand the rules of grammar better than most people. And youre so patient with people
like with my Spanish friends. When theyre visiting and they ask you a question you take the time to answer and
explain it. Not many Americans do that. Well, I was... uh... wondering Jack, could you take a look at my composition
and let me know if Ive made any big mistakes? Id really appreciate it.
Jack: Well, er... I dont know, Jos. I really think you ought to do your own work.
Jos: Ive done the work! Its just that youre a lot better at spotting grammar mistakes than I am, and Id really
appreciate your helping me out.
Jack: Well, okay. I guess I could point out a few of your big mistakes, but I want you to try to correct them yourself,
Jos: Sure! And thanks a lot, Jack.

Millie: You did a fine job on the room, Mike. I dont think Ive never seen it that clean!
Mike: Oh, it was nothing. Im glad I could help.

Mr. Jones: Congratulations, Barry! That report you wrote was excellent! Id like to use it as a model at the staff
meeting Friday.
Barry: Thank you, Mr. Jones. Id be flattered for you to use it

Wang: I dont know how you did it, Carl, but the stereo works beautifully now. You deserve a medal for your work.
Carl: It wasnt hard at all. Im electronics major remember?

Abdal: Your new sweater is very pretty, Sue.
Sue: Thank you. My sister gave it to me for my birthday. I like yours, too. Is it new?

Yoko: Your house is lovely! I especially like what youve done to the front yard.
Lynn: Really? Thats nice of you to say so.

Arthur: You know, I do like your new glasses, Bob. I dont know exactly what it is but they make you look older.
Bob: Thanks. I take that as a compliment, I guess. I think they help my new image as a banker, dont you.

Making Excuses
I wish I could, Carl, but Im not going into the office until late because I have some clients to call on in the
Im sorry about your cup, Hernando. I wasnt looking where I was going, I knocked it against the refrigerator,
and it broke. Of course, Ill buy you another one
Thats all right, Bill. Dont worry about it!
You dont have to. It wasnt expensive
Well, thanks, Bill. Id appreciate it.
Gosh, I cant believe how late it is. I need to be leaving. I have a long day tomorrow
I have some things to do
I need to get back to work

Apologizing And Responding
Im sorry,
Im sorry Im late
Professor Johnson, Im sorry I was late for class this morning. Im afraid I overslept and missed the bus.

Im sorry my little boy opened that candy bar. Ill gladly pay for it
I wont let it happen again
I promise Ill be on time from now on

I beg your pardon, sir. (I didnt realize you were speaking to me) (Formal)
Pardon me, please, for stepping on your foot (Formal)
I hope youll forgive my absence yesterday. I was ill. (Formal)
Excuse me for being late. I forgot about the time.
I appologize for knocking over your cup. I didnt see it.
I'm very sorry...
I'm really sorry that I woke you.
I'm awfully sorry...
Sorry about the steak. Ill be glad to prepare you another one.
Sorry about that. (Informal)

Thats quite all right (Formal)
Think nothing of it.
Its all right.
Dont worry about it.
No harm done.
Thats okay.
Forget it (Informal)
No problem (Informal)
No big thing (Informal)
No sweat (Very informal)

Making Requests
Bring me the Hastings account
Excuse me, Ms. Stevens. Please bring me the Hastings account!
Cant you read the sign, mister? No smoking allowed !
Its against the law to smoke in elevators, mister !
Excuse me, but would you mind putting out your cigarette until youre out of the elevator?
Im sorry, sir, but smoking in elevators isnt allowed.
Please dont smoke in here, sir. Its against the law, and its also very annoying to nonsmokers.

May I have an apple?
May I have a Coke?
May I have another helping of rice, please?

Could I borrow ten dollars?
Could I borrow your rake?
Could I borrow that book, please?

Can I use that umbrella?
Can I use your hairdryer?
Can I use the phone, if you don't mind?

Would you mind if I had a sandwich?
Would you mind if I borrowed your newspaper?
Would you mind if I used your car this afternoon?

Could I trouble you to get me a cold drink?
Could I trouble you to help me with this?
Could I bother you to answer the phone?

Will you answer the phone while I'm out, if you don't mind?
Will you hand me that picture frame, please?
Will you please clean your room before going outside?

Would you mind not smoking at the table?
Would you mind speaking more slowly, please?
Would you mind retyping this letter before you leave?

How about helping me with the dishes?
How about picking up some soft drinks on your way home?
What about turning your stereo down a little?

Yes, Im more than willing to contribute to the Cancer Society (Formal)
Certainly, Id love to help with the dance decorations.
Certainly, Id like to help with the dance decorations.
Of course, its no problem to change your appointment to Friday
No, it wouldnt be any trouble to get you more tea.
Not at all. (In response to Would you mind...?")
I dont mind one bit watering your plants while youre away.
Sure, Ill be glad to help you fix dinner.
No problem. Ill be happy to pick up the kids after school (Informal)
No sweat. I dont mind lending you my skis (Very informal)
Piece of cake! Id be glad to show you how to use the key. (Very informal)

Im afraid I cant lend you that book because... (offer excuse) (Formal)
I wish I could let you borrow $20.00, but...
Im sorry, but...
Its impossible for me to change your appointment because...
I cant pick up your drycleaning because..
Sorry, but I... (Informal)

Making, Accepting And Declining Invitations
Hi, Caroline. What are you up to this weekend?
Oh, really? I was hoping youd be free, so you could go with us to the lake on Saturday.
Hi, Laura. What are you up to this weekend?
No thanks, John. I really dont care to go out with you.
Thanks a lot for inviting me, John, but Im not feeling very well, so I dont think Id better go out
Im sorry, but I already have plans
No, Im afraid I cant because Im busy. Plans

I would like to invite you to a reception next Sunday at my home (Formal)
I would like to invite you to dinner at the new French restaurant (Formal)
Would you care to join us for dessert and coffee?
Would you like to go to Washington with me next month?
I was wondering if youd like to go to the pool on Saturday.
I was wondering if youd like to come to dinner on Tuesday evening.

Can you meet me at the gym after class for some basketball?
Will you come over tomorrow night and watch the game with us?
How about a movie tonight?
What about a movie tonight?
How about a quick game of pool before we go home?
What about a quick game of pool before we go home?
How about canoeing at the lake tomorow afternoon?
What about canoeing at the lake tomorow afternoon?
How about camping out at Mount Mitchell next weekend?
What about camping out at Mount Mitchell next weekend?

Why not jog with me this afternoon?
Why dont you jog with me this afternoon?
Why not stop by for a visit on your way home?
Why dont you stop by for a visit on your way home?

Thank you very much (Formal)
Thanks for your invitation. Id be delighted to. (Formal)
Thanks for your invitation. Id be love to. (Formal)
Thanks. Id like to have dinner with you on Monday.
Thanks. Id like to visit you next weekend at the beach.
Sure.That would be fun.
Sure.That would be wonderful.
What a nice idea! Id really like that.
What a terrific idea! Id really love to.
What a nice idea! Id really love to.
Sounds great! (Informal)
Sounds like fun! (Informal)
Great! (Informal)
Sure (thing)! (Informal)
Super! (Informal)

Thank you, but Im afraid I have other plans for that night. (Formal)
Thank you, but Im afraid I have an appointment that day. (Formal)
Im sorry. I cant go to the movie with you, I... (offer excuse)
Im sorry. I cant join you in New York that weekend, I... (offer excuse)
I wish I could, but Im busy. Maybe another time, though.
I hate to turn you down, but I must... (offer excuse)
I would love to any other time, but Ive already made plans.
I would like to any other time, but Ive already made plans.
Thanks for asking, but... (offer excuse)
I appreciate the invitation, but Im afraid I cant.
Im afraid I cant, but thanks anyway.
Im tied up that day. What about the 14th?
Im tied up that night. What about a rain check?

Im not sure what my plans are at this moment. Could I let you know on Friday?
I may be busy that day. Do you mind if I tell you in a few days?
Well, Im not sure, but I may be busy.
Well, Im not sure, but I may be playing golf.
My plans for that day are still up in the air. Ill let you know by Tuesday, if thats okay with you.
I appreciate the invitation, but I might have an appointment at that time. Could I let you know later this week?
Thanks a lot for the invitation, but Ill have to check my calendar. Could I get back to you tonight?

Thanking People And Responding To Thanks
It was my pleasure (Formal)
Youre welcome. (Formal)
Youre very welcome. (Formal)
Youre more than welcome. (Formal)
Oh, it was the least I could do.
Think nothing of it.
It was nothing.
My pleasure.
Dont mention it.
Any time. (Informal)
No big deal. (Informal)
A: I want to thank you so much for the map and directions. You have no idea what a tremendous
help youve been! (Formal)
B: It was my pleasure. (Formal)

A: Thank you for all your help. I think I can find my way now.
B: Youre welcome. Good luck.

A: Thanks a lot for the information. I really appreciate it.
B: Oh, youre very welcome. Any time.

A: Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me. I hope it wasnt too much of a bother.
B: Not at all. It was the least I could do.

A: Thanks a million for the info. (Informal)
B: You bet! Any time. (Informal)

A: Many thanks for inviting me to your dinner party, Mrs. Gray, but Im afraid I wont be able to
come because of a previous commitment (Formal)
B: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. We certainly will miss you.(Formal)

A: Thanks, Anne! Id love to go to the beach this Saturday!
B: Great! Ill know well have fun!

A: I appreciate the invitation, Tom. Of course Ill come!
B: Good! The play starts at 8:00, so Ill pick you up at 7:30, Okay?

A: Sure! Ive been wanting to go to a soccer game. Thanks for the invite!
B: Youre welcome. Im glad you can come.

A: What a fantastic idea! Ive been dying to see them in concert for a long time! Thanks for the
B: Its my pleasure!

A: Thank you very much for the beautiful book, Mr. Kincaid. It was very nice of you to remember
my birthday. (Formal)
B: It was the least I could do. I hope you enjoy it.

A: The flowers are gorgeous! Thanks a lot, Bob!
B: Dont mention it. Happy anniversary!

A: That was nice of you to bring us the coffee cake, Sarah. Well really enjoy it for breakfast in the
B: Oh, it was nothing! I hope you like it.

A: Wally, the bracelet is beautiful, but really, you shouldnt have!
B: Youre welcome. I think it looks beautiful on you.

A: Doris, these vegetables look fantastic! And you know what a salad eater I am. Thanks a zillion!
B: Any time! There are a lot more in my garden, so Ill bring you more later.

A: Janice, youre a litesaver! I dont know what I would have done if you hadnt helped me make
the decorations for the party! Thanks so much!
B: Oh, it was nothing Im glad I could help out.

A: Thank for working with me on the computer, Bob. Id been struggling with it for over an hour
before you came along.
B: Dont worry about it. I enjoyed helping you.

A: Thanks for helping me with the dinner, Joe. I really appreciate it.
B: It was the least I could do! Thanks for inviting me over.

A: Thanks a million for lending me your car, Ted. That was a big help!
B: Im glad I could help. Let me know if you need to borrow it again.

A: Youre so nice to help with the broken lamp, Don. Im no good at mechanical things.
B: Youre welcome. Im glad I was able to fix it.

A: Thats a beautiful necklace youre wearing.
B: Thanks. I got in Mexico last summer.

A: What a gorgeous flower arrangement! Its really beautiful!
B: Thats nice of you to say so. Im really glad you like it.

A: Would you sing some more, Christos? That last song was lovely!
B: Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins. Im glad you enjoyed it.

A: That kitchen dish was fantastic, Nahmood! You are a great cook!
B: I appreciate the compliment, but I did have a lot of help from my sister!

A: Yumi, you did a beautiful job decorating your home. It looks wonderful
B: Well, thank you for saying so, but I got a lot of help from others.

Say it naturally Giving Directions And Instructions
Excuse me. How do I get to the library from here?
Pardon me, but could you tell me how to load this camera?
Uh, sir, would you mind telling me where the nearest bank is located and how to get there?
Walk two blocks west.
Turn right.
Drive south for three miles, then follow the signs to Lake Wylie
Stop at the third house.
Look for a store that sells groceries.
You cant miss it!
Youll run right into it.
Youll drive or walk right up to it.
Youll see it immediately.
Its right there.
First, plug in the stereo. Then press the power button and hold it down firmly until a green light appears. Next,
select the equipment you want to play: the radio, the tape player, the record player, or the television. Turn the
switch to the proper one. If you want to play a record, put it on the turntable and press start. If you want to play a
cassette, insert the cassette face-up, close the door, and press start. If you want to play the radio or TV, select the
proper channel. After that, adjust the volume and enjoy the entertainment.

Say it naturally Asking For Information
Could you tell me when the next plane leaves? (subject-verb)
Excuse me, but would you mind telling me where the nearest bank is?
Sir, I am/was wondering if you know/knew when the bank closes/closed.
Maam, would you be so kind as to tell me how often the Dallas flight leaves?

Saying goodbye
Ive enjoyed meeting 2 you.
Ive enjoyed talking to 3 you.
Ive enjoyed seeing 4 you.
Its been good seeing you again.
It was nice talking to you.
Im glad I ran into 5 you.
Id better be going. Its almost... (give time)
Well, its getting late. Ive got to run/go/hurry.
Look at the time! Ive really got to go!
I should be going. Its getting late, and I have a lot to do.
Where has the time gone? I guess Id better be running along.
Lets get together soon.
Lets get together again.
Give me a call sometime!
Give me a ring sometime!
Keep in touch!
Lets have lunch/dinner/coffee soon.
I hope we meet again.
Drop me a line.
Stop by and see me sometime!
Take care.
Have a good day.
Have a nice day.
Have a nice week.
So long!
Take it easy.
Later (Informal)
See you around. (Informal)
See you later. (Informal)

Making And Responding To Introductions
A, it's my pleasure to introduce you to B... (Formal)
A, I'd like to introduce you to B... (Formal)
A, let me introduce you to B...
A, I'd like you to meet B...
A, I don't believe you've ever met B...
A, have you met B?...
A, meet B. B, A... (Informal)
A, this is B. B, A... (Informal)
A: How do you do, B?
B: It's a pleasure to meet you (Formal)
A: Hello, B. I'm pleased to meet you.
B: Yes, it's nice to meet you, too.
A: Hello, Good to meet you.
B: Nice meeting you, too.
A: Hi, B. Nice to meet you.
B: Same here (Informal)
May I introduce myself? I'm...(Formal)
How do you do? My name is... (Formal)
Please let me introduce myself. I'm... (Formal)
Hello, My name is...
Hi, I'm... (Informal)
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is...(Formal)
Hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm...
Hi, I'm... Nice meeting you, too.
Good to meet you. I'm...

Meeting People And Responding
Hello, Jack. How's your jogging coming these days?
Hi, Margot. How's your new job working out?
Good morning, Mrs. Lowell. I heard about your husband's operation. How's he doing?
Good day 1, Dr. Olson. How are you? (Formal)
Good evening 2, Mr. Polinski. How are you tonight? (Formal)
Good afternoon, ma'am 3. You're looking well today. (Formal)
Good morning, sir 4. (Formal)
Hello, Jihad. How're you doing?
Hello. It's a nice evening, isn't it?
Hi, Paula. What are you up to 5 these days?
Morning 6, Li. Are you doing okay?
Hey, Mashan! What have you been doing these days?
Hey, Jack. How's it going?
Hi, Jay. What's happening? 7 (Informal)
I'm doing very well, thank you. And you? 1 (Formal)
I'm fine, thank you.
Fine. How are you?
Great, thanks. What about you?
Couldn't be better! 2 Yourself?
Not bad. You?
Okay, I guess. You doing all right? 3
Can't complain. 4 How about you?
Lousy! (Informal)
Fantastic! (Informal)

Say it naturaly - Using The Telephone
May I speak to John Toomy, please? This is Tad Andrews calling.
Could I speak to John Toomy, please?
Can I speak to John Toomy, please?
I'd like to speak to John Toomy, please. This is Tad Andrews.
This is Tad Andrews from Union National Bank, is John Toomy in, please?
Is John Toomy there?
John Toomy, please?
Would you mind holding a minute while I try to find her?
Could you hold, please?
Please hold a moment.
Just a moment, please.
Wait a
Hang on. I'll get him.
Just a sec.
I'm sorry, but Mr. Jones is not here right now. May I take a message or would you like to call back later?
Ms. Lee is tied up now. Would you like to leave a message?
Ms. Lee is busy now. Would you like to call back later?
Ms. Lee is occupied now. Would you like to have her return your call?
I'm afraid Dr. King can't come to the phone at this time.
I'm afraid Dr. King can't speak to you at this time.
I'm afraid Dr. King can't take the call at this time.
Could you call back in a few minutes?
Could you call back in a little while?
Could you call back later?
I'm sorry, but Margarita is not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message or call back later?
Oh, I'm sorry, I have the wrong number.
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I have the wrong number.
Oh, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number.
Oh, I was trying to reach Mr___________ .
Is this (823961)____ ?
Oh, I'm sorry. I dialed the wrong number.
I'm trying to reach ____ . Is he/she there?
I'm sorry. You have the wrong number.
I'm sorry. There's no one here by that name. I think you dialed the wrong number.

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