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Chris & Dave Lucchetti,

Nicole & Stan Van Vleck, and

Theresa & Tom Kandris
Gail & Al Montna,
Boehner Northern California Finance Chairman
Cordially Invite You
to a Lunch to Support
Doug Ose
Republican Nominee for Congress
With Special Guest
Congressman John Boehner
Speaker of the House
Monday, October 6, 2014
11:30 am Photo Opportunity
12:001:30 pm Lunch
At the Home of
Theresa and Tom Kandris
6120 Terracina Court
Loomis, CA
$1,000 per person (lunch)
$2,600 per person (lunch & photo)
$10,000 Host (10 tickets plus 1 photo)
R.S.V.P. to Wendy Wareld: Tel: 916.492.9604 Fax: 916.492.9382
o Host: $10,000. Yes, I will Host the Lunch. Enclosed is my check for
$10,000. For my contribution, I will receive 10 tickets and 1 photo with
Doug Ose and Congressman Boehner (2 people per photo).
o Sponsor: $2,600. Yes, I will Sponsor the Lunch. Enclosed is my check
for $2,600. For my contribution, I will 1 ticket to the lunch, and 1 photo.
o Yes, I will attend the Reception. Enclosed is my check for _____ ticket(s)
at $1,000 per person.
o No, I am unable to attend but will contribute $________.
(Federal law requires that we have the following information before we may accept your contribution.)
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________
CITY ________________________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP _________________
OCCUPATION ___________________________________ EMPLOYER _____________________________
HOME PHONE ___________________________________ WORK PHONE __________________________
FAX _____________________________ EMAIL _________________________________________________
Please charge my: o Visa o Mastercard o American Express o Discover
Card # ___________________________________________________________ Exp Date: _________
Please make checks payable to:
Ose Victory Fund
(FEC ID# C00567339)
c/o Wendy Wareld & Associates
921 11th Street, Suite 701 Sacramento, CA 95814
The Ose Victory Fund is a joint fundraising committee composed of the Doug Ose
for Congress (Candidate), the National Republican Congressional Committee
(NRCC) and the California Republican Partys federal account (State Party),
(collectively the Committees).
Any contributions to the Ose Victory Fund permissible under the Federal Election
Campaign Act, as amended (FECA), 2 U.S.C. 431 et seq., from donors who
have not exceeded their applicable Federal contribution limits shall be allocated
between the Committees pursuant to FECA and the following method:
a. The Candidate shall receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribution
to the JFC, made by an individual or non-multicandidate federal political com-
mittee, up to a maximum of $2,600, and designated for the general election;
b. The Candidate shall receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribu-
tion to the JFC made by a federal multi-candidate political committee up to a
maximum of $5,000 or less, and designated for the general election.
c. The State Party will receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribution
to the Ose Victory Fund made by an individual or non-multicandidate federal
political committee, after the rst $2,600, in an amount not to exceed $10,000
per calendar year; and
d. The State Party will receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribution
to the Ose Victory Fund made by a federal multi-candidate political committee,
after the rst $5,000 in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per calendar year.
e. The NRCC will receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribution to the
Ose Victory Fund made by an individual or non-multicandidate federal political
committee, after the rst 12,600, in an amount not to exceed $32,400 per
calendar year; and
f. The NRCC will receive, for deposit in its general account, any contribution to the
Ose Victory Fund made by a federal multicandidate political committee, after
the rst $10,000, in an amount not to exceed $15,000 per calendar year.
The contributors signature below shall serve as written designation of his or her
contribution to the particular elections described above.
All contributions otherwise permissible under FECA, but which would cause a con-
tributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit to a specic committee,
shall be reallocated to the remaining Committee to the extent permitted by FECA
according to this allocation formula. Any contribution that would cause a con-
tributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit, even after re-allocation,
or is otherwise impermissible under FECA shall be refunded to the contributor.
Any contributor may designate his or her contribution to a specic participating
Committee to the extent permissible by FECA. Any contributor may make his or
her contribution payable directly to a specic participating Committee listed in
the Preamble to this Notice. Any such designated contribution that causes the
contributor to exceed the contribution limit to the designated Committee shall not
be reallocated by the Ose Victory Fund absent the prior written permission of the
contributor as required by law.
Contributions to the Ose Victory Fund, or any participating committee individually,
are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
Funds received in response to this solicitation are subject to federal contribution
limits and prohibitions. Contributions from corporations, labor union, foreign na-
tionals without green cards, and federal government contractors are prohibited.
The maximum amount an individual or a non-multicandidate federal political com-
mittee may contribute to the Ose Victory Fund per calendar year is $45,000. The
maximum amount a multi-candidate political committee may contribute to the Ose
Victory Fund per calendar year is $25,000.
State, local, and district political party committees share a contribution limit of
$10,000 per year to the extent those committees are afliated. An individual or
non-multicandidate federal political committee may contribute a total of up to
$10,000 per calendar year to the State Party and any other afliated local or dis-
trict federal political party committee. A multicandidate committee may contribute
a total of up to $5,000 per calendar year to the State Party and any other afliated
local or district federal political party committee.
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mail-
ing address, occupation, and name of employer of each individual whose aggregate
contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle or calendar year, as applicable.
For more information, please contact:
Wendy Wareld at 916.492.9604
Paid for by the Ose Victory Fund, a joint fundraising
committee authorized by and composed of Doug Ose
for Congress, the National Republican Congressional
Committee and the California Republican Party.
The Ose Victory Fund
9321 Silverbend Lane Elk Grove, CA 95624
Event Chairs
Pam & Steve Eggert
Gerry Kamilos
Theresa & Tom Kandris
Finance Committee
Chris & Dave Lucchetti, Co-Chairs
Nicole & Stan Van Vleck, Co-Chairs
Gail & Bill Allen
Jim Boras
Rajinder Chohan
Pam & Steve Eggert
Mark Emmerson
Rick Fowler
Michael Genovese
Rita Gibson
Stacey & Tovey Giezentanner
Jerry Haleva
Gerry Kamilos
Carolyn & George Kammerer
Julie & Ken LaGrande
Barbara LeVake
Honorable Roberta MacGlashan
Gail & Al Montna
Gary Parker
Bill Pauli
Honorable Susan Peters
George Phillips
Kellie & Jeff Randle
Jan Rosati
Debra & Anthony Russo
Kermit Schayltz
Michelle Smira Brattmiller
Honorable Sandy Smoley
John Sullivan
J. David Taormino
Garnett Vann
Honorable Kim Vann
Megan Vincent
Michael Wackman
** partial list
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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