Chocolate Fondant With Salted Caramel

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For the salted caramel
15g/oz dark muscovado sugar
200ml/7fl oz whipping or double cream
20g/oz glucose
60g/2oz cas!er sugar
lemon "uice# !o !as!e
pinch sal!
freshl$ ground black pepper# !o !as!e
For the chocolate fondant
15g/oz cocoa powder
15g/oz cas!er sugar
%0g/2oz good&'uali!$ dark chocola!e# minimum 60 per cen! cocoa solids# roughl$ chopped
%0g/2oz bu!!er# plus e(!ra for greasing
2 free&range eggs
1 free&range egg $olk
)5g/1oz icing sugar
1%g/&oz arrowroo!
For the chocolate sace
*0ml/+fl oz full&fa! milk
1+0g/)oz good&'uali!$ dark chocola!e# minimum %0 per cen! cocoa solids# roughl$ chopped
To ser!e
icing sugar# !o dus!
2&+ !bsp caramelised almonds and pis!achios# roughl$ chopped
) 'uenelles read$&made pis!achio ice cream
"re#aration method
1, -or !he sal!ed caramel# place !he dark muscovado sugar and cream in a saucepan, .sing
!horoughl$ we! hands and spoon# add !he glucose !o !he sugar and cream mi(!ure and bring !he
mi(!ure !o !he boil, /012 3lucose s!icks !o dr$ hands and spoons,4
2, 5eanwhile# hea! !he cas!er sugar in ano!her pan over a low hea!# s!irring con!inuousl$ un!il
golden&brown and caramelised, 6emove from !he hea! ins!an!l$,
+, 7arefull$# pour !he ho! cream and glucose mi(!ure over !he caramelised sugar /!he mi(!ure ma$
splu!!er4 and re!urn !he mi(!ure !o a simmer, 7on!inue !o simmer un!il !he caramel mi(!ure has
!hickened and darkened and !he !empera!ure reaches 1027, /012 .se a sugar !hermome!er !o check
!he !empera!ure of !he caramel,4
), 6emove !he pan from !he hea! and carefull$ s!ir in !he lemon "uice and sal!, 8eason wi!h freshl$
ground black pepper and s!ir gen!l$ once more, 8e! aside !o cool sligh!l$,
5, 9our !he caramel in!o small silicone moulds or ice cube !ra$s, :hen !he caramel has comple!el$
cooled# freeze i! for a! leas! 2 hours# or un!il se!, /012 ;ou will no! need all of !he caramel for !his
recipe, <he remaining caramel can be s!ored in !he freezer for up !o + mon!hs,4
6, -or !he chocola!e fondan!# grease !he insides of ) ring moulds# 5cm/2in diame!er and 6cm/2in
deep# wi!h sof!ened bu!!er,
7, =n a bowl# mi( !oge!her !he cocoa powder and cas!er sugar un!il well combined, >us! !he inside
of !he ring moulds wi!h !he mi(!ure# shaking off an$ e(cess, 9lace !he prepared ring moulds on!o a
baking !ra$ lined wi!h greaseproof paper,
%, 5el! !he chocola!e and bu!!er in a hea!proof bowl se! over a pan of simmering wa!er /do no!
allow !he base of !he bowl !o !ouch !he wa!er4,
*, 5eanwhile# place !he eggs and egg $olk in!o a bowl and whisk !oge!her un!il pale and fluff$,
10, 8if! !he icing sugar in!o !he whisked eggs# whisking un!il well combined, 0e(!# sif! in !he
arrowroo! and whisk un!il !he mi(!ure is pale# !hick# has doubled in volume and !he bea!ers leave a
!rail on !he surface of !he mi(!ure when lif!ed, /012 <his is called !he ribbon s!age,4
11, :hisk !he mel!ed chocola!e mi(!ure in!o !he egg mi(!ure un!il well combined,
12, .sing a ladle# fill each of !he prepared ring moulds wi!h !he chocola!e fondan! mi(!ure un!il
!he$ are !hree&'uar!ers full,
1+, ?dd one piece of frozen caramel !o !he cen!re of each ring mould and press down so !ha! i! is
nes!led halfwa$ down !he mould, 3en!l$ push !he chocola!e fondan! mi(!ure over !he caramel !o
cover i! comple!el$, 7hill !he chocola!e fondan!s in !he fridge for a! leas! +0 minu!es and up !o 2)
1), :hen !he chocola!e fondan!s have chilled# prehea! !he oven !o 2007/+*0-/3as 6,
15, <ransfer !he chilled chocola!e fondan!s !o !he oven and bake for 5 minu!es# or un!il !he !ops have
"us! formed a crus!, 6emove !he fondan!s from !he oven and allow !o cool,
16, :hen !he fondan!s have cooled# run a bu!!er knife around !he insides of each mould !o loosen
!he fondan!s, 7arefull$ remove !he moulds, 7hill !he fondan!s in !he fridge for a! leas! +0 minu!es,
17, 5eanwhile# for !he chocola!e sauce# hea! !he milk in a pan un!il "us! simmering, ?dd !he
chocola!e and whisk well un!il smoo!h and well combined# !hen remove from !he hea!,
1%, :hen read$ !o serve# prehea! !he oven !o 1%07/+55-/3as ),
1*, 1ake !he fondan!s for % minu!es# or un!il !he cakes have risen,
20, <o serve# place a spoonful of !he chocola!e sauce in!o !he cen!re of each of four serving pla!es#
smoo!hing i! ou! in!o an oblong, >us! !he chocola!e fondan!s wi!h icing sugar and place on !op of
!he puddle of sauce# in !he middle, 8prinkle !he caramelised pis!achios and almonds around !he
pla!e, 9lace one 'uenelle of pis!achio ice cream ne(! !o !he fondan!, 8erve immedia!el$,

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