Faith Involves Your Brain

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Faith Involves Your Brain, Too

How to survive with an intellectual faith in an emotional church.

I dont like devotional books.
I rarely get swept up in emotional worship experiences.
And as much as Ive wanted to be the girl who sings with her arms raised, eyes closed
and heart full of joy, I just end up fixated on whether or not Im flashing sweaty armpits
to everyone around me (spoiler: I probably am).
For years, I participated in small groups and Bible studies feeling like there must be
something wrong with me. I couldnt connect to the kind of devotional, emotional
spirituality so many of my friends seemed to enjoy; and most of the time Id rather study
the details of Pauls arguments about justification than meditate on a Psalm.
Then I came across an essay by C.S. Lewis called, On the Reading of Old Books, and
it completely changed my perspective. For my own part, I tend to find the doctrinal
books often more helpful in devotion than the devotional books, Lewis wrote, and I
rather suspect that the same experience may await many others. Years of worry that I
was unspiritual or a bad Christian began to melt away. Lewis continued:
I believe that many who find that nothing happens when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of
devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough
bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hands.
Swap the pencil for a laptop and the pipe for a beer and hed nailed my experience
exactly. But if C.S. Lewis of all people was on my side, why did it seem like we were
hanging out alone?
You see, the American church has done an excellent job of catering to a devotional or
emotional style of spiritualityand thats a good thing! But its also a bad thing, because
it leaves a lot of us, the ones for whom nothing happens when we try to grow closer to
God that way, out in the cold.
This is a shame, not only because of the feelings of frustration and inadequacy it can
cause people like me, who dont fit the devotional mold, but also because Jesus showed
He was more than capable of loving and ministering to both of these spiritual styles.
Remember Mary and Martha, the sisters of Bethany? These women were on the
opposite ends of the emotional-intellectual spectrum of spirituality. When Jesus came to
raise their brother Lazarus, each sister met him with the exact same lament: Lord, if
you had been here, my brother would not have died. But Jesus does not respond to
them identically.
To Mary, He gives emotional comfort, openly grieving with her. He doesnt explain
Himself or the circumstances; He simply weeps with her. She seems content with this;
an explanation is not what she seeks.
To Martha, however, Jesus offers intellectual comfort through teaching. When Martha
says But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask, shes not just
making a statement; shes challenging Jesus to fix her situation. And Jesus challenges
her in turn, pushing her to examine the depth and source of her faith. Though tears
were what Mary needed, just weeping together would not have helped Martha.
Mary is emotionally comforted by Jesus empathy; Martha is intellectually comforted by
His word.
The story doesnt present either spiritual style as better than the other; it presents a
Savior who can love and use them both. As the corporate body of Christ, we must have
the same adaptability. So what does that look like for intellectual types in the modern,
American church?
Dont be scared to speak up.
If you want to study some heavy theology instead of another devotional book, say so! I
was afraid for years to tell people that devotional-style books didnt resonate with me,
because I thought I was the only one. But Im not; and youre not; and Im betting that
even those who have a more emotional spirituality would be up for trying something
new with you.
Figure out new ways to participate.
If the current roles available at your church dont fit with your spiritual gifting or style,
create new roles. For example, if you dont feel comfortable leading an emotional prayer
time, ask if you could instead read and briefly explain a passage of Scripture which is
relevant to the topic at hand.
Practice emotional spiritualitysometimes.
Its important to engage in spiritual practices which work for you, but for those of us on
the intellectual end of the spectrum, theres a real risk of emotional disengagement. Just
as we have a unique perspective to offer our more emotionally oriented friends, so we
need to learn from them. It may feel strange or awkward, especially at first, but Jesus
never said following Him would be easy.
Extend grace to people you dont understand.
Though it may be a natural human tendency to do so, we neednt value heart over
head, Mary over Martha (or vice versa!). Both have important contributions to make to
the body of Christ. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord, who is as
deft with Marthas challenges as He is with Marys tears.

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