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Mandarin Chinese (advanced)
Spanish (beginner)
ArcGIS (intermed.)
Java programming (intermed.)
Mac + PC savvy
Profcient in: Microsoft Ofce
Suite, Adobe Photoshop,
Illustrator, InDesign,
After Efects, Final Cut Pro
TEFL Certifed
Editing, scientifc writing,
journalistic reporting and
interviewing, fact-checking
Excellent organizational and time
management skills
June 2014 - July 2014
Cambridge, Mass.
Aug. 2010 - May 2014
Gainesville, Fla.
May 2011 - Aug. 2011
Beijing, China
Aug. 2013 - May 2014
Gainesville, Fla.
Jan. 2013 - May 2014
Gainesville, Fla.
Mar. 2012 - May 2014
Gainesville, Fla.
Jan. 2011 - May 2014
Gainesville, Fla.
May 2013 - Aug. 2013
New York, N.Y.
Harvard University // Career Discovery
Six-week studio-intensive urban design program. Toroughly
trained in analog modeling, design representation, spatial and multi-
demensional analysis, and historical and contemporary urban design
University of Florida // GPA 3.59
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Minors: Chinese Language + Literature
Sustainability + the Built Enivironment
Scholarship: Florida Academic Scholar Award (4 years)
Tsinghua University // GPA 3.73
Coursework toward Chinese minor
Scholarship: Benjamin A. Gilman Intl Scholarship
College Liaison, UF School of Natural Resources + Environment
Advised underclassmen and prospective SNRE majors on academic
and extracurricular pathways. Met with new students and families,
maintained relationships and served as a role model. Also volun-
teered to design and edit SNREs weekly college-wide emails.
Layout Designer, Tea Literary Magazine
Contributed design direction and application as part of a four
member tea working on the layout and overall aesthetic of UFs an-
nual literary and art magazine. All work done on Adobe InDesign.
Required decisiveness and a sharp eye for style.
Editor-in-Chief, Te Fine Print
Managed a staf of 15+ and orchestrated publication of an inde-
pendent quarterly magazine. Duties included: organize and lead
meetings, conduct interviews, train new staf, design + self-publish
annual literary/arts journal, compose grant applications, and man-
age a $5,000+ annual budget. Demanded great attention to detail
and strict adherence to deadlines.
Writer, Te Fine Print
Wrote and conducted interviews for stories published both in print
and online. I primarily wrote about environmental issues, but occa-
sionally covered political and community social justice pieces. Select
stories are Out of Sight, On the Mine and Te Biomass Contro-
versy. Visit to search for all published work.
Volunteer farmhand, Brooklyn Grange Farm
Planted, tilled, harvested crops on worlds largest rooftop farm. I
was eager to work on the farm because I wanted to learn more about
large scale urban argriculture and community impact frsthand.

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