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David Martin

Anaheim, CA 92804
Career Summary:
H$man 'e(o$rce( )ro*e((ional !ith ($cce((*$l +HA,-.-/,0 e1perience. /$t(tan#ing interper(onal ("ill( !ith
a%ility to !or" a( a colla%orating partner !ith all le2el( o* (ta** 3 management. Creati2e pro%lem (ol2er !ith
e1perti(e in #e2eloping an# maintaining all *acet( o* H'. C$rrently atten#ing ,ational 4ni2er(ity p$r($ing 5A.
Area( o* e1perti(e an# ($cce(( incl$#e:
A-) )ayroll 6)C)7, 'eport(mith, 89la%or:
.ta**ing 3 'ecr$iting
8mployee 'elation(
5ene*it( A#mini(tration
)ayche1 )ayroll
7or"er;( Comp A#mini(tration
./< Compliance
=egal Compliance 6.tate an# >e#eral:
Con*lict ?anagement
?a(-90 an# @$c"%oo"( ($pport
Professional Experience:
Independent Contractor 01/10- now

Contracte# to 2ario$( companie( on a per a((ignment %a(i(
Con#$cte# A *$ll B9 a$#it(
A((i(te# !ith t!o *$ll payroll an# employee *ile a$#it(
Con#$cte# preliminary re(earch on potential contract( *or a$tomoti2e company
Gen. Office Asst. Sonar Inc. Orange, CA 0/0! 01/10

)ro2i#e# general o**ice ($pport *or Acco$nting #ept.
Coor#inate# ne!-hire (creening *or all (tore(.
5ac"e#-$p payroll a( nee#e#.
)roce((e# alcohol %e2erage licen(ing *or *i2e location(.
)ro2i#e# H' ($pport to o**ice manager.
)roce((e# employee termination(.
"# Specia$ist A%&assadors ''C (ewport )eac*, CA Contractor +/0,-1-/0, , 1-/0, 0/0
)ro2i#e# H' ($pport to a m$lti-(ite operation( organi9ation o* 140 employee( incl$#ing technical, %$(ine((,
an# creati2e #i(cipline(. 'e(pon(i%le *or acti2itie( incl$#ing payroll, %ene*it( a#mini(tration, !or"er;(
compen(ation, H' reporting an# employee comm$nication. )rimary contact *or recr$iting, incl$#ing temp,
permanent an# in#epen#ent contractor(.
Coor#inate# (et-$p o* licen(e( *or %$(ine(( in ne! (tate( an# coor#inate# all nece((ary (et-$p o* payroll
recor#( *or ne! (tate(.
A#mini(tere# recr$iting operation( incl$#ing han#(-on recr$iting an# internal jo% po(ting(, initiate# initial
can#i#ate contact an# con#$cte# all initial jo% (creening(.
Bmplemente# (treamline# (creening proce#$re( to C$ic"en recr$iting proce((.
)ro#$ce# A-) payroll *or 140 m$lti-(tate employee( on %i-monthly %a(i(.
A#mini(tere# 5ene*it( *or 140 m$lti-(tate employee( on an on-going %a(i(.
A#mini(tere# %ene*it( open enrollment proce(( !ith carrier change in a t!o-!ee" perio#.
Con#$cte# B9 an# %ac"gro$n# chec"( to en($re *e#eral an# (tate la! compliance.
"# 'in. /0e%p1 "# 'in. Irvine, CA 01/0, 0+/0,

7or"e# !ith client to (treamline an# $p#ate *ile control(.
A((i(te# in collating an# $p#ating H' policy man$al(
"# Coordinator Ingra% Micro Santa Ana, CA 02/02 0/0+
)rimary contact *or H' #ept. )roperly ro$te# all H' i(($e( to correct H' #i2i(ion.
?aintaine# 'i#e(hare )rogram *or .anta Ana location. .$cce((*$lly pa((e# A con(ec$ti2e yearly a$#it( o*
'i#e(hare program %y A@?-.
?aintaine# employee recognition program. .$cce((*$lly implemente# ne! type( o* a!ar#( !ith per(onal
engra2ing !hile not increa(ing %$#getary e1pen#it$re
.$pporte# %i- !ee"ly ,e! Hire 8mployee /rientation 6,H/: proce((
A((i(te# 'ecr$iting area !ith all pre-employmentpre-promotional company ("ill( te(ting. A#mini(tere#
an# (core# all ("ill( te(t(.
)repare# %$#get( *or H' a!ar#( an# #ept. ($pplie( on an ann$al %a(i(
A((i(te# compliance #ept. !ith H1-5 2i(a an# B-9 compliance
7or"e# !ith ?ira =oma location on 'i#e(hare, A!ar#( an# primary 8' i(($e(.
#ecr3iting Specia$ist- Castec Inc.. (ort* "o$$4wood, CA 10/0- 5/06
'e(pon(i%le *or all primary hiring an# coor#inating temp. nee#(.
A((i(te# !ith )ayroll a#mini(tration an# 5ene*it( a#mini(tration in a %ac"-$p capacity.
Con#$cte# 5ene*it %illing a$#it that re($lte# in $p#ating o* all %illing proce#$re( an# got company c$rrent
a*ter %eing in arrear( *or D0 #ay(.
7or"e# on ne! employee han#%oo" an# $p#ating legal po(ting(.
?anage# 7or"er;( Compen(ation proce((.
=ea# .a*ety Committee an# implemente# ne! (a*ety proce#$re( that re($lte# in lo!er (a*ety inci#ent(.
4p#ate# B-9 proce#$re( to en($re correct implementation. 'eco2ere# o2er 80 mi((ing B-9;( to en($re 100E
"# Specia$ist- 7oot ' 8ood$and "i$$s, CA !/01 +/0-
'e(pon(i%le *or H' ($pport *or 220 (tore( in !e(tern region
Con#$cte# B-9 a$#it( *or all (tore( an# a((i(te# (tore( in *ile retention(
)artnere# !ith (tore( to en($re e**ecti2e per*ormance re2ie! completion
'epre(ente# (tore( at 4B hearing(
A((igne# (pecial project( %y 7e(t 'egion Fice )re(i#ent a( nee#e#
"3%an #eso3rces 0ea% 'eader- Merv4n9s.. 'odi, CA 10/!, 5/01
)rimary contact *or all H' *$nction( 6hiring, payroll, %ene*it(, !or"er;( comp, etc:
Create# !ee"ly (che#$le( *or entire (tore (ta**
Coor#inate# hiring proce((
?aintaine# all H' *ile( an# control( 6B-9, )er(onnel, 5ene*it(, )ayroll, etc.:
?anage# %ac"-o**ice (ta** o* 8-10 employee(
Acte# a( (tore management !ith opening an# clo(ing re(pon(i%ilitie(
8n($re# great c$(tomer (er2ice !hile in management capacity
Professional Memberships:
.i1 .igma Gello! 5elt H I$ne 200&
Certi*ie# '$le 2002 'i#e(hare Bmplementation, .eptem%er 2004
Technical Skills:
A-))C)7J 'eport(mithJ )eople(o*tJ 89la%orJ ?. /**ice 67or#, 81cel, /$tloo", )o!er)oint, Acce((, )roject:

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