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How to Prevent Hair Loss
Six Parts: Caring for your hair Eating for good hair Dealing with stress Testing for thinning
Treating hair loss What's behind hair loss (and growth)?
Hair loss has multiple causes, including diet, mineral deficiency, medications,
stress, pollution, and your genetics. wearing helmets and caps can also
increase hair loss.
Up to one third of the population suffers from hair loss,
and of that third, thousands are women.
Whatever the cause of hair loss that
might be worrying you, it's important to understand what is hair loss, how hair
grows, and what you could be doing before hair loss even becomes an issue
for you. In this article, you'll find out all three answers, as well as some short
advice on what to do if hair loss does become an issue for you.
Take care of your hair. There are no guarantees that you can prevent hair loss
that is genetically programmed or hair loss caused by factors not within your
control. However, you can do the best by your hair at all stages to give it the greatest
chance of staying in top condition and not leaving your head sooner than it needs to.
There are a number of things you can do to take good care of your hair:
Don't subject your hair to frequent, constant heating and drying procedures.
Heat weakens hair proteins, no matter the gimmicks promising softness and
shine, and constant heating and drying can lead to brittleness and fragility that
Part 1 of 6: Caring for your hair
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causes hair loss that would not have occurred otherwise.
Minimize the usage
of hair dryers, hot curlers, hot brushes, hair straighteners, hair fasteners, and
chemical treatments and your hair will last longer.
And watch where you put
those heated tools; burned scalps can permanently damage hair follicles!
Ultimately, natural drying is best for you hair, so aim to dry it naturally more
often than drying it with heat.
Slow down on the dyeing. Never color your hair more often than 6 to 8 weeks
and try for semi-coverage rather than full dyeing. When it comes to going gray,
it's a lot kinder to your hair to let it turn gray than to dye it. While there are a lot
of well-meaning comments about not needing to look older than you are, this
ageist "beauty before health" slant overlooks the value of having your hair at all!
Be careful how you style your hair. Some styles that require tight pulling and
elastics, clips, etc. can be a cause of hair loss if done on a daily basis. For
example, tight ponytails, braiding tightly, corn-rows, and plaits, can lead to significant
hair loss when done daily.
Winding hair tightly onto rollers, especially heated rollers, is
also liable to cause more hair loss.
The medical name for loss of hair due to hairstyles
that are too tight is known as "traction alopecia" and it is completely preventable as a
cause in and of itself!
Be careful with layering styles that lose a lot of your hair. If you're already
experiencing hair loss, don't speed it up by having the hairdresser remove more
hair! However, careful layering can actually create a fuller look to the hair. Hair
that is too long and all one length can pull the roots flat to the scalp and make
the hair thinner.
Anti-Aging Secrets
12 Natural Ways to Stimulate Your Cells to Grow
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Wash hair regularly with mild shampoo and be gentle with your hair. Hair washing
can form a part of preventing hair loss as it can keep your hair and scalp clean
(preventing the chances of infections, etc. that might cause hair loss), and provided you
use a mild shampoo, clean hair will give the impression of more volume than dirty hair,
which tends to sit flatter and more parted than clean hair.
Avoid brushing wet hair. This snaps off a lot of hair that could still be growing! If
you must comb wet hair, use a very wide-toothed comb.
Also avoid brushing
hair too frequently as doing so can injure hair and increase loss.
Use your
fingers to undo tangles, not a comb or brush.
Avoid rubbing hair vigorously with a towel after washing it. This can also lead to
hair breakage. Pat it dry gently instead.
Protein-enhanced shampoos and conditioners are an eye-trick, not a hair
solution. They make hair smoother and thicker temporarily because they fill in
gaps on the hair shaft.
However, they do not repair damaged hair, so hair
that is going to fall out from poor care or other reasons, will still fall out.
Shampoo does not increase hair amount either.
When your hair is dried, use a soft-bristled brush to brush it.
Eat your way to top form hair. Nutritional responses to preventing hair loss are
simple common sense approaches to keeping you, your hair, and your scalp
healthy and are beneficial for your health all round a healthy body is more likely to
Part 2 of 6: Eating for good hair
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have healthy hair than an unhealthy one. It is possible that hair loss can be slowed by a
healthy diet filled with vegetables and fruits.
The following nutritional requirements
that can be sourced adequately from a healthy diet in most cases can be of help with
preventing or minimizing hair loss:
Iron: This is an essential mineral, known as heme iron in animal food sources
and non-heme iron in plant sources. Good sources of iron in your diet include:
liver, beef, pork, fish, leafy greens, fortified cereal, beans, and pumpkin seeds.
Vegetarian women may experience a lack of enough iron more than other
Protein: Protein is essential for strong hair, but it's protein from the diet, not from
a shampoo, that matters! A deficiency in protein can lead to hair loss and
adequate protein can help to provide the amino acids that strengthen hair. Good
sources of protein include: Seafood, white-meat poultry, milk, cheese, yogurt,
eggs, beans, pork tenderloin, soy, lean beef, and protein bars.
dairy-free consumers, and others can get good non-animal protein from
tempeh, tofu, wholewheat bread, peanut butter, brown rice, lentils, quinoa, nuts,
seitan, beans, broccoli, potatoes, etc.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C foods help in the good absorption of iron. Try to combine
the iron source with a vitamin C source at the same time. Good sources of
vitamin C include: Citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables, salad, baked potatoes,
tomatoes, etc.
Omega-3 fatty acids: These fats keep hair healthy and have a role in preventing
hair from becoming dry and brittle.
Good sources include: tuna, salmon,
mackerel, flaxseeds, and walnuts.
Biotin: This is a B vitamin of importance for healthy hair.
Good sources of
biotin include: brewer's yeast, bulgur wheat, lentils, sunflower seeds, soybeans,
and walnuts.
Zinc: Zinc is important for hair nourishment too. Good sources include: oysters,
lean beef, peanut butter, turkey, and pumpkin seeds.
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Avoid food or eating habits that can inhibit hair growth or encourage hair
loss. There are some things you should not do or eat in order to avoid hurrying
hair loss. The following things can harm your hair and bring about hair loss, either
temporarily or even permanently depending on your genetic make-up:
Avoid very low-calorie liquid diets. As well as depleting your energy in a major
way, such diets can cause hair loss.
Avoid eating raw egg whites. Not only can these harbor bacteria that can harm
you, raw egg whites contain a substance that binds biotin. This prevents its
Consider supplements. Talk with your medical practitioner first but you might like
to consider using supplements to prevent hair loss. The types of supplements to
inquire about include biotin, inositol, iron, vitamin C, and saw palmetto.
The latter,
saw palmetto, is a herbal remedy used for prostate enlargement and some experts think
it might help stimulate hair growth in men.
Get your stress under control. Stress damages all of your body, and your hair is
no exception. Loss of hair can be one of your body's primary signals that you're
overdoing things and that it's time to pull back.
Be sure to get adequate sleep, the restorer of good health.
Exercise regularly. Good as a stress reduction strategy, physical activity also
Part 3 of 6: Dealing with stress
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encourages better circulation, including for your scalp.
Test your hair for thinning if you're concerned. Testing whether or not you're
suffering from hair loss can be done using what is known as the "tug test". Take a
small bunch of hair, about 20-30 hairs, and hold it between your thumb and index finger.
Pull slowly but firmly; if more than six hairs come out at the same time, you may have a
hair loss problem.
However, this is not the last word and you shouldn't panic; instead,
you should see a doctor or a trichologist immediately if you think you're losing more hair
than normal, remembering that we lose a lot of hairs each day naturally.
Your doctor has the ability to take relevant hair tests, such as to test thyroid or
iron deficiencies, and to take skin biopsies where relevant. Your doctor will also
ask you about any medications you've been taking.
Consider treatments if you have hair loss confirmed. While this article is
concerned with prevention of hair loss, treatments can be used to arrest hair loss
dependent on your background and personal needs and may play a part in hair loss
Part 4 of 6: Testing for thinning
Part 5 of 6: Treating hair loss
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minimization for a time. Your first line of defense is accurate diagnosis, because
temporary hair loss usually remedies itself, or can be helped with specific therapy or
treatments. For ongoing hair loss, treatments you might like to consider include:
Medications. Some medications can slow or even prevent hair loss. For both
men and women, Minoxidil (Rogaine) can be used, or for men-only, Finasteride
(Propecia) can be obtained through your doctor. Minoxidil is sprayed onto the
scalp twice daily and arrests hair loss and may even cause regrowth in a few
Finasteride is taken as an oral drug. In both cases, it takes about a
year to see whether they're effective for you as an individual.
works in about 60 percent of men who take it.
It is strongly recommended
you research possible side effects before taking Finasteride. Recent studies
have linked Finasteride to potentially irreversible sexual dysfunction.
It is not
recommended for those trying to conceive a child, as it may impact the fetus
Egg oil massage. Regularly massage your scalp with egg oil. Egg oil is an
excellent natural solution to all round hair care to prevent hair fall, treat dandruff,
arrest graying, moisturize the scalp and promote new healthy hair growth
HRT. This may work for some women. However, you need to discuss the ins
and outs of taking HRT with your doctor.
Ask your doctor about steroid creams, corticosteroids, or PUVA (a light/drug
combination therapy) in the case of alopecia areata.
Irritation can
sometimes stimulate hair growth too, such as applying irritating chemicals
prescribed by the doctor.
Get a hair transplant. Micro-transplants are commonly performed for male-
pattern baldness. This consists of small transplants of one or two hairs at a time
and it appears very natural.
Try hair restoration surgery. This is the transplantation or redistribution of hair.
Hair is removed from the dense area of hair and placed into the areas where
hair has been lost. Since the follicle goes with it, the grows into old age, goes
gray and is permanent. Micro-transplant surgery takes a strip from the back of
the head which is then stitched; it heals so that it is virtually unseen and then
transplanted. It is also possible to take a scalp section, remove a piece of scalp
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and tuck it in so that the bald area is removed and the hair-bearing areas are
stitched together to do away with the bald patch. This can only work on a small
area where there has been a scar though.
Hair restoration surgery is usually
done on men, not women.
Consider laser treatment. Try laser therapy, which may stimulate hair growth by
increasing blood flow to hair follicles. Some dermatologists and many hair-loss
centers offer in-house sessions, or you can purchase a laser comb or brush that
you use at home.
Wake Up Dormant Hair follicles. When hair follicles go dormant, you begin to
lose your hair. The dormant follicles no longer create hair, so when enough of
the follicles in a specific area shut down, your hair will appear thinner. What is a
dormant hair follicle? Is it: small tiny hair visible on the scalp but not growing, no
visible hair on the skin but existing beneath the skin, hair that is only visible with
a microscope. Some technique can activate dormant hair follicles.
Watch the news on stem cell or gene therapy with respect to hair loss.
Research is ongoing and it's likely a baldness cure will be eventual but for now,
it's under research.
Understand why hair loss happens. Hair loss (alopecia) occurs mainly on the
head but it can also happen on other parts of the body.
It can happen at any
age and will affect an estimated 30 to 40 percent of any population.
It is not always
easy to identify the reason behind hair loss in an individual case but the generally known
reasons behind hair loss can range from genetics and aging to diseases and stress and
poor diet. Even childbirth can trigger hair loss for some women. There are several types
of hair loss, as follows:
Part 6 of 6: What's behind hair loss (and growth)?
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Androgenic alopecia: This is the most common form of hair loss and is also
referred to as male-pattern or female-pattern baldness. Hormones and genetics
seem to play the main role here. Male-pattern baldness is hereditary, from
either side of the family, and can even skip generations.
It tends to occur on
the crown and at the temples and when these patches join together, the top of
the hair is left completely bald. Statistics show that this type of hair loss affects
30 percent of men aged 30, 50 percent of men aged 50, and 70 percent of men
aged 70.
For women, the hair thins initially on the frontal area and the crown
and moves down the sides of the head, while the back of the head remains
dense with hair.
This is hereditary and tends to affect women mostly after
Toxic alopecia: This type of hair loss seems to occur following physical or
emotional stress. Things such as illness, scalp infections, sudden loss of
weight, surgery, drugs, and pregnancy/childbirth can cause this type of hair
loss. Diseases such as lupus, diabetes, and thyroid disease can bring about
such hair loss, as can chemotherapy, heart disease drugs, and radiation
Hair loss that occurs as a result of a mental or physical stress can
occur some 2 to 3 months after the event that sparked the stress.
Alopecia areata: This is actually a skin disorder which causes hair on the
affected skin areas to fall out. It is usually the scalp or beard and is thought to
have autoimmune causes. This type of hair loss seems to be most common in
young people. The hair usually grows back.
Alopecia universalis or totalis: All body hair is lost, from everywhere, including
eyebrows and eyelashes.
Hair follicles are not destroyed; the inability to
grow hair back is psychological and getting hair to grow back again is not easy.
Trichotillomania: This is hair loss due to hair pulling, a habit or condition that
can be corrected with treatment.
Scarring alopecia: This is hair loss that occurs at the site of scars or damaged
areas such as burns or skin cancer.
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Remember how hair grows. It's likely you've already read the statistics on how
hair grows but it's worth being reminded. Around 90 percent of your hair is
following a two to six year growth phase, while the remaining 10 percent is in a two to
three month resting phase. After it rests, it sheds, and we can lose anywhere from 80 to
150 hairs a day, depending on our hair type and genetic background.
As for
eyebrow hairs, we tend to keep them for only 10 weeks!
And the growth rate for hair
tends to be about 1 cm (just under 1/2 an inch) per month.
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If you've been pregnant, don't panic if you get postpartum alopecia.
Hair loss as a result of pregnancy can be frightening but it's a natural
result of the hormonal changes wrought by pregnancy that changed
your hair quality and even thickness. The loss is a sign of hormone
levels returning to normal again.
Hair lost due to postpartum
alopecia usually regrows within a few months.
Dandruff shampoos containing zinc have been shown to promote
modest hair growth.
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Sleep with braided hair rather than keeping it out. You will pull less on
the hair as you toss and turn during sleeping.
Avoid styling gels and other similar products, as these tend to
accelerate hair loss, breakage, and daily wear and tear.
Illnesses and taking antibiotics can result in hair loss, so keeping
yourself in good physical condition enables you to counteract the effect
that these have on your hair.
Prefer mild shampoo and conditioner over any other type; it is gentler
on your hair and will result in better overall condition. Equally, avoid
harsh soaps, especially those containing deodorant, as these harm the
Avoid hot hair styling tools, as they damage hair and can cause split
ends, leading to breakage.
Avoid too much exposure of your hair to sunlight.
Don't always leave your hair open. It makes the hair collect dirt and
increases chances of dandruff. Before going to sleep, do a loose plait
to prevent excess hair loss.
Celiac disease can cause hair loss; speak with your doctor if this is a
Show 2 more tips
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Smoking has been linked to hair loss.
In 4,000 B.C. Egypt, men rubbed a concoction of oil, dates, and ground
animal parts onto their bald scalps in the hope it would make hair grow.
Yet, rubbing or stimulating the scalp may be an old-timer's
treatment but it doesn't prevent hair loss, no matter how much
theorizing suggests otherwise!
In fact, suggesting that people
roughly dry the scalp with a towel, vigorously rubbing the scalp, and
using a hard brush, can actually cause hair loss to increase!
Hair loss can be a sign of poor health, lack of nutrients, well before
bald patches. Speak to your doctor if you have concerns especially if
you have a poor diet, a repressed immune system or you're generally
If you stop applying Rogaine or taking Propecia, you will lose all the
hair you would have lost had you never used them in the first place.
Healthy diet
Soft brush
Things You'll Need
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Mild shampoo
Adequate sleep
Physical exercise
Partial source of article content, Videojug, Hair loss basics, Shared with
Partial source of article, Howcast, How to prevent balding,
Shared with permission.
1. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 120, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
2. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 120, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
3. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
4. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
5. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
6. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
7. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
Sources and Citations
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8. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 122, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
9. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 25, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
10. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
11. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
12. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 23, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
13. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 26, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
14. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
15. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
16. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 32, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
17. Web MD,
20. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
21. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
22. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
24. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
10/4/2014 How to Prevent Hair Loss: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 15/18
25. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
26. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
27. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
28. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
29. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 22, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
30. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
31. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
32. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
33. George Washington Today, March 23rd 2011,
34. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
36. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 122, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
37. The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Hair Loss, p. 1213, (2003),
ISBN 978-0-7434-7733-8
38. The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Hair Loss, p. 1213, (2003),
ISBN 978-0-7434-7733-8
39. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
10/4/2014 How to Prevent Hair Loss: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 16/18
41. The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Hair Loss, p. 1212, (2003),
ISBN 978-0-7434-7733-8
42. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 158, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
43. The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Hair Loss, p. 1212, (2003),
ISBN 978-0-7434-7733-8
44. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
45. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
46. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
47. Videojug, Hair loss basics,
48. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 158, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
49. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 31, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
50. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 121, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
51. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 31, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
52. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 120, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
53. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 158, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
54. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 21, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
55. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 21, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
10/4/2014 How to Prevent Hair Loss: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 17/18
56. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 21, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
58. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 160, (2007), ISBN 978-1-
59. Andrew Jose, Love Your Hair, p. 122, (2002), ISBN 0-00-711900-3
62. Dr Margaret Stearn, Embarrassing medical problems, p. 25, (2001),
ISBN 1-57826-067-1
Categories: Featured Articles | Hair Loss and Scalp Conditions | Articles in
Need of Sources
Recent edits by: Zuibi44, Karen, Anna
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