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Determining Conditions of Probation Simulation

Evan Packard, Johnathan Evans, Tanisha Dugger,
Tommorra Shelton
#ctober ", $1"
%elen &ord
Case File #1: Stanley Gravas

Stanle' (ravas is married and has t)o children* There )as a third child but the famil' lost a
son in a boating accident three 'ears ago* The loss of their child had a +rofound effect on the
entire famil', but es+eciall' on ,r* (ravas* The team sus+ected that the (ravas famil' did not
+ro+erl' deal )ith their loss and are no) seeing the long term effects of that* This is ,r* (ravas-
second Driving .hile /nto0icated 1D./2 offense* /t is most likel' that ,r* (ravas is having
emotional +roblems that he has attem+ted to su++ress )ith alcohol* %e has recentl' served three
da's in 3ail )ith !$ da's in 3ail sus+ended, and a t)o 'ear +eriod of +robation*
After revie)ing the Pre4Sentence /nvestigation 1PS/2 re+ort, the consensus )as to assign ,r*
(ravas +robation conditions that not onl' assisted him +ersonall', but )ould also benefit the
entire famil' in dealing )ith the tragic event that occurred* /t )as decided that ,r* (ravas )ill be
re5uired to attend drug and alcohol treatment on a regular basis* /n addition to the alcohol
treatment, ,r* (ravas and his famil' )ill attend famil' counseling so that the' ma' learn ho) to
deal )ith their grief in an effective manner that )ill strengthen the entire famil'*
After 6$ da's, ,r* (ravas has achieved being alcohol free for 7$ da's* %e has become a
model +robationer and attends his re5uired meetings regularl'* ,r* (ravas- entire famil' have
faithfull' attended famil' counseling and their thera+ist re+orts the' are all doing )ell* At this
+oint ,r* (ravas and his famil' are doing ever'thing the' need to do to com+lete a successful
+robation +eriod* The s+ecial conditions of +robation a++ear to be ver' effective so there is no
reason to believe an' changes need to be made* .e are ver' +leased )ith the +rogress he has
made and are confident that ,r* (ravas has turned his life around after having his e'es o+ened
follo)ing his second D./*
Case #2: Gary Harrison
(ar' %arrison is 6 'ears old and has a histor' of violent criminal behavior* ,r* %arrison has a
difficult famil' histor' that could have ver' easil' led him to this +oint in his life* %e is one of five
children so there is a chance he did not receive the attention that he desired gro)ing u+* /t is ver'
+ossible that ,r* %arrison turned to alcohol and drug abuse because of the lack of attention*
Additionall', ,r* %arrison )as a high school dro+out, he is single )ith no kids, and has never
been married* %e had a 3ob but he suffered from mental illness and could not hold on to an' 3obs
because of his drug and alcohol abuse* ,r* %arrison has been diagnosed )ith bi+olar disease but
treatment in the +ast has not been effective and the medication has been 5uestionable* As a child
,r* %arrison )as abused mentall' and +h'sicall' b' his father )hich )e assume led to man' of his
After revie)ing his PS/ re+ort, )e identified ,r* %arrison as high risk and someone that )ill
need intensive su+ervision in order to have a successful +robation* /t is recommended that ,r*
%arrison attends drug and alcohol treatment, +s'chiatric treatment, and anger management
Although the recommendations )ere correct, and could +otentiall' be the most effective to
treat ,r* %arrison, the +robation )as not successful* %e failed to take his +rescribed medications,
he refused to attend his re5uired meetings, he continued to use drugs, and at one +oint he
assaulted his brother then fled*
Since ever' other o+tion )as alread' attem+ted there is not much else )e can recommend*
#ur onl' other o+tion is to add famil' counseling for ,r* %arrison and his brother* The' could
both benefit from the counseling to hel+ them resolve the +roblems bet)een them and also the
+roblems the' both ma' have had gro)ing u+ under an abusive father* Through counseling his
brother could sho) better su++ort to ,r* %arrison and hel+ him through this difficult time in his
A likel' recommendation that )ould be included in the conditions of +robation and +arole
)ould be to have ankle monitors* An ankle monitor )ould assist in locating ,r* %arrison* /t )as
+redetermined that ,r* %arrison )as a high risk +arolee, )ho had e0treme violent tendencies and
)as un+redictable* ,r* %arrison8s mental health status and treatment )ere highl' 5uestionable and
needed stabilit'* Due to ,r* %arrison8s re3ection to obe'ing his +arole conditions, he )as never
stabili9ed and continued to live an unla)ful lifest'le*
Case #3: Kenneth Stanfield
At 7 'ears old :enneth Stanfield has served 6$ da's in 3ail for his second charge of felon'
+ossession of a controlled substance 1mari3uana2* .hen he )as arrested he tested +ositive for
mari3uana, metham+hetamines, and cocaine* ,r* Stanfield comes from a famil' home )ith t)o
other siblings* %e gre) u+ in a stable environment, graduated from high school, but dro++ed out
of college after his first 'ear* Currentl', he is unem+lo'ed and living in his car*
%is PS/ )as revie)ed and the decision )as that his best o+tions for +robation are to attend a
drug and alcohol treatment +rogram, 3ob training, and em+lo'ment assistance* ;ased on his
current living conditions, housing assistance is also recommended* .ithin the last 7$ da's ,r*
Stanfield has made substantial +rogress* %e has been consistentl' attending his +rescribed
meetings and has not tested +ositive for an' controlled substances* ,r* Stanfield has found a 3ob
and has earned enough mone' to find an a+artment to live in as )ell* /f ,r* Stanfield can
continue do)n his current +ath he )ill be able to hold his 3ob and sta' out of trouble )ith the la)
in the future*

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