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17 December 2009

California Edition

Calendar A Shift For California’s Uninsured

Government Rolls Grow; Private Sector’s Shrinks
January 28
New reports by the California HealthCare still has nearly 1 million fewer uninsured
Foundation have shown a significant than California.
9-+:/;(2!<++-=/(;/-4!->!?-1;3)*4! demographic shift among the state’s insured Paul Frontsin, director of the health
'(;/)4;!?(>);& this decade, driven in part by the recent research and education program for the
8-22(%-*(;/.)!8-22-@1/1AB!9/2;-4!9-;)26! steep recession. Employee Benefits Research Institute,
'(+(0)4(B!C(*/-1+!%*)(D-1;!+)++/-4+!-4! Although the percentage of the state’s which compiled and analyzed the data
@1(2/;&!/++1)+B uninsured increased only slightly between for CHCF, believes much of the shift
2000 and 2008, the proportion of toward public health plans has come
F)5/+;)*!-42/4)G California’s insured enrolled in Medi-Cal, since the prolonged recession that began
the state’s Medicaid Likelihhod of Workers Being Uninsured, in late 2007.
3;;:GHHIIIB3(+=B-*5H:-:1:B=>AJ program, increased from “There are fewer
By Percentage And Employer Types
;(+DK0)+=*/:;/-4,A-012)KL,;)A:2(;)KL$, 13.8% in 2000 to people working,
17.4% – a more 29.5 and (the
30 27.3
January 24-27 than 25% increase.
workplace) is
Meanwhile, the where most people
22.5 18.8 still access
proportion of those
9MN<!F)5/-4(2!8-4>)*)4=)B! with private sector 14.8 13.5 healthcare
8()+(*’+!'(2(=)6!7(+ 15
coverage dropped 8.3 benefits,” Frontsin
from 60.8% in 6.3 says, adding that
D)&4-;)!+:)(D)*B 7.5
2000 to 55.6% in the trend has
EQ$QRESTQ last year – a drop 0 accelerated
of more than 8%. Total Self-Employed Public Sector 500+ Employees greatly in
F)5/+;)*!U42/4)G Those enrolled in the past
3;;:GHHIIIB3>A(*)5/-4LL+&A:-+/1AB-*5H California
Medicare and Source: CHCF
U.S. year.
individual plans saw slight Demographically, this is
February 10 increases, but overall they still represent reflected by the breakdown in insurance
less than 10% of all those with coverage. by age group. Among those likely to lack
Some 20.6% of California’s population coverage in 2008, 28% were between the
V4+1*)0!W3)!X4/4+1*)06!LT;3!<441(2! is uninsured, according to the CHCF’s ages of 21 to 54, considered the prime
8-4>)*)4=)B!?(=*(A)4;-!8-4.)4;/-4! “Snapshot of the Uninsured.” That’s working ages. That compares to an
8)4;)*B compared to 20% in 2000. However, the uninsured rate of 24% in 2000 – an
->!;3)!14/4+1*)0B!ETQRELYQB 6.6 million people lacking coverage is far overall increase of nearly 17%.
more than any other state. Texas, which has
F)5/+;)*!-42/4)G the largest proportion of uninsured – 28% – Continued on Next Page

E-Mail with
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Coverage (Continued from Page One)

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential Premiums have also skyrocketed. Latinos, traditionally the group most likely
According to the CHCF’s “Employer to lack coverage, made some gains, from a
Advertise Health Benefits Survey,” premiums 33% likelihood of being uninsured in 2000
increased more than 117% between 2002 to just under 30% last year. African-
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 and 2009 – more than five times the Americans also made slight gains in
overall rate of inflation. That’s put insurance, and there was a slight dip among
enormous cost pressure on purchasers, Caucasians. Although Frontsin believes the
In Brief prompting some to drop coverage.
Anthony Wright, executive director
changes are not large enough to be
statistically significant, he attributes the
of Health Access, a Sacramento-based shifts in part to acculturation by immigrant
consumer advocate, is alarmed by the populations.
trend. “A lot of immigrants are not use to the
Childrens’ Health
“As more and more employers culture of health insurance. They either
Improves, Poverty a dropping coverage, in some cases, the come from a place with a single-payer
Pressing Issue public programs have been succeeding in system, or pay for it out of their own
picking up the slack, but it’s at a rate that pocket,” he says. “That changes when
A new study of the health of is not sustainable,” Wright says. people have lived here for a period of time.”
California’s children suggests they
Meanwhile, those between the ages
have made strides in the past
decade, but the current recession of 55-64 actually made coverage gains.
could impede future progress. Nearly 20% of this age group was likely
The study, by the Lucile to be uninsured in 2000, versus 16.6% in
Packard Foundation for Children’s 2008. Correction
Health, estimated that the physical
and emotional well-being of Frontsin believes this is a reflection
of a segment of the workforce less likely It was reported in last week’s edition of
California’s children increased 16%
between 1995 and 2006. The to relinquish their jobs than in the past. Payers & Providers that a $125,000-per-
Foundation tracked 16 specific physician loan forgiveness program to
“This is a group that does not have
categories, including educational recruit pediatric specialists to Orange
the means to afford retirement as they
attainment, emotional well-being, County offered six times the amount of other
health and safety/behavioral once did, and are particularly vulnerable state-run programs. That was mistakenly in
concerns. to high premiums if they leave their jobs,” reference to programs aimed at allied
The research for the study was he says. “So they are doing whatever they health professionals. The Steven M.
performed by Kenneth Land, a can to hold onto their coverage.” Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment
sociologist on the faculty of Duke
University. There have also been shifts among Program, operated by the California
One category where children minority groups. Among Asians in Medical Board, offers up to $105,000 in
lost ground was the economic well- California, more than 20% are likely to forgiveness.
being of families, which dropped be uninsured, versus 16.6% in 2000.
21%. Land estimates that as many
as 27% of the state’s children will
be living below the poverty line in

Allergan Leads Fight Against “Botax”

2010, or about $22,000 for a family
of four. That compares to a 2007
poverty rate of 17%.
“Given that the family
economics domain already was Activists Scoff At Claims Middle Class Would Be Hit
falling in 2006, we have to ask
what the long-term effects of the
more recent ‘Great Recession’ will Irvine-based biotech giant Allergan, Inc. has
be on California’s kids,” Land says. in the forehead and eyebrow. It also sells
“Although it’s impossible to come under re for a highly visible campaign implantable devices for breast augmentation.
determine just how much poverty to stamp out a proposed 5% tax on cosmetic About 30% of the company’s $4.4 billion in
will affect the overall California procedures to help fund federal initiatives to annual revenues is derived from botox sales,
index…rates are likely to weigh expand healthcare insurance coverage. and about 5% from breast implants.
down what, at least until 2006,
The tax, part of the proposed federal Aside from Allergan and its competitors,
were general improvements in child
well-being.” healthcare reform legislation, would raise the tax has drawn opposition from virtually
Land expects the poverty rate about $600 million a year. It would be every organization that represents physicians
to moderate only slightly after next imposed on patients seeking cosmetic who perform cosmetic procedures, as well as
year, projecting an overall rate of procedures, virtually all of which are elective
24% by 2012, still far higher than the American Academy of Ophthalmology,
the levels experienced before the and paid for out-of-pocket. Reconstructive the American Academy of Dermatology, and
recession struck. procedures would be exempt. the American College of Surgeons.
Allergan has a vested interest against any
Continued on Page 3 such tax: it manufactures and distributes
Continued on Next Page
Botox, the famous derivative of the botulism
bacterium used to temporarily erase wrinkles

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Botax (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise However, no organization has taken the Dugan, research director for Consumer
battle as far as Allergan: the company has Watchdog, a Santa Monica-based activist
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 launched a Website, group that has been highly critical of the way, and for-prot healthcare rms operate.
*For our ads, not your hospital commissioned Princeton, N.J.-based “It’s completely ridiculous for the plastic
marketing rm Opinion Research Corp. to surgery industry to call a 5% tax a
perform a public opinion poll earlier this disproportionate burden on the middle class,”
In Brief month. Allergan claims the tax discriminates
against women and the middle-class.
she says. “It not only really pushes the
envelope, but it’s just a joke, considering how
“The tax would impact middle class many burdens the middle-class already bears.”
Americans,” Allergan Chief Executive Ofcer According to a poll commissioned by
David Pyott said in a statement issued earlier Allergan of 1,014 individuals earlier this
Anthem Wins Medi-Cal this month. “President Obama promised not month, 49% of respondents say they opposed
Managed Care to raise taxes on the middle class. Yet that is the tax after they were told it would
Contract exactly what the cosmetic tax would do.” disproportionately affect people whose
Allergan has also claimed the tax would household incomes were between $30,000
The California Department of encourage manufacturers to skirt regulation and $90,000. However, Allergan says that
Health Care Services has renewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 52% of respondents opposed the tax
a contract for Anthem Blue Cross although it recently sued the FDA to be altogether, and that older respondents opposed
to provide managed care coverage
to Medi-Cal recipients in Fresno, permitted to provide guidance to physicians the proposed tax in higher numbers.
Kings and Madera Counties. The about how to use Botox outside of currently Allergan did not respond to requests for
contract covers 163,000 lives. approved uses. comment, or to release the poll questions.
Anthem did not disclose the Allergan’s position was blasted by Judy
value of the contract renewal, but
did say it was the third largest
renewal of a Medicaid managed
care contract in the U.S. during
Anthem says it will launch a
PAMF, Mills-Peninsula Okay Merger
new pharmacy management
program for the enrollees.
Groups Are Edging Toward Integrated Model
Health Net Provides Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Mills- Peninsula division after the merger is
2010 Guidance Peninsula Medical Group agreed to merge complete.
earlier this month after months of negotiations. Although ofcials say the Peninsula
Health Net projects that revenue The merger was approved by 88% of Clinic will eventually become a fully
for 2010 will be between $13 and
MPMG shareholders as part of a vote taken integrated medical group, only 40 of MPMG’s
$13.5 billion, about 15% lower
than its guidance for 2009, the last week. It will become nal on April 1. The approximately 350 physicians will join an
result in part of the pending sales merged entity will be called the Peninsula integrated model. The rest will remain part of
of its plans in the eastern U.S. Clinic and have more than 1,300 afliated an IPA model.
However, it does expect earnings physicians and 700,000 lives. “This provides a transitional model,” says
to rebound.
The Woodland Hills-based “Our current business model is not Cecilia Montalvo, a regional vice president
insurer also projected that health sustainable. Our primary care physicians are for business and strategy for Sutter Health.
plan enrollment by year-end 2010 aging just as the population is aging and it has Both groups were afliated with Sutter prior
will be flat compared to the end of been difcult to recruit new primary care to the merger, and that status will not change,
this year. The company reported
physicians to the community,” says MPMG according to Montalvo.
total enrollment of 6.6 million at
the end of the third quarter, Chief Executive Ofcer, Brian Roach, M.D. About 200 MPMG employees will have
including 3 million enrollees Roach will become president of PAMF’s Mills- their positions shifted to PAMF, ofcials say.
through its TRICARE contracts to
care for the dependents of current
and retired members of the
Health Net also projects
diluted earnings of $1.90 to $2.00
per share, including the impact of Expert Healthcare Communications
$69 million in pretax charges. The
company has r eported 12-month !White Papers !Media Campaigns !Newsletters
trailing diluted earnings of 31 cents
per share.
(818) 848-8510

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-2:!;6!<++1)!;= Reform From A Preventative Perch

Approaches to Care Must Change Along With Policy
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! Whether or not you agree with the together to:
778:!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! provisions of the healthcare reform bill • Increase the use of employer-based
+1%+A*/>B/-4!/+!C$$!(!&)(*! currently simmering in the Senate, there prevention and wellness programs. Studies
DC;E$!/4!%12FG:!<B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! can be little debate that our nation’s show that comprehensive wellness
%&!)HI(/2!(+!(!'JK! healthcare system is broken. The U.S. programs, including screenings, health
(BB(A3I)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! spends more on health care – $2.4 trillion education, health coaches, tobacco
4)L+2)BB)*: in 2008 alone – than any other nation. cessation, weight and stress management
Medical spending accounts for more than programs, and incentives for healthy
20% of all goods and services produced in choices, can reduce employer health costs
@22!!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! the U.S. and exceeds the national defense and enhance productivity. Employers with
)0/B-*/(2!/4M1/*/)+N budget by more than four times. effective health and productivity
DOPPG!"EOH"Q=# Much of this spending could be management programs achieve 20 percent
/4R-S>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+2:A-I prevented or reduced by reforming our more revenue per employee.
system from a disease treatment to a • Expand the focus on preventive care by
T(/2/45!(00*)++N disease prevention modality. For too long pediatricians and primary care physicians,
O;O!U:!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y the healthcare system has ignored the increasing early screenings for obesity,
Y1*%(4F6!8@!$;Z#Z important role that prevention diabetes and other chronic
can play in resolving the diseases, and interventions for
national healthcare crisis. lifestyle changes.
W)%+/B) Doctors shrugged off patient •Make local health improvement
LLL:>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+:A-I discussions about weight a priority. Foster community- and
K(A)%--F management. Hospitals fed state-wide policies and programs
LLL:R(A)%--F:A-I[>(&)*+>*-./0)*+ diabetic patients the same menu that encourage and support
?L/BB)* as non-diabetic patients. And healthy life choices. School lunch
LLL:BL/BB)*:A-I[>(&)*+>*-./0)*+ insurers just paid the bills, programs, bike-to-work days, or
7/4F)0<4 making it easy for consumers to free obesity screenings can all
LLL:2/4F)0/4:A-I[/4[ avoid thinking about the real make an impact on the health of
>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+ costs of medical care. The residents.
consequences of this "laissez-faire" By •Make healthcare accessible to and
attitude include a national obesity rate George affordable for all. Support initiatives that
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 that is the highest in the industrialized DeVries expand insurance and preventive care to
world; an epidemic increase in chronic the 46 million uninsured Americans.
conditions like diabetes; a less healthy and Lack of insurance prevents early detection
productive workforce; and generations of and diagnosis of diseases, allowing them to
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*I(4!-R!B3)! Americans who feel entitled to only the become critical and more costly to treat.
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+>/B(2!,! best (and most expensive) medical Healthcare reform is a fiscal and moral
T)0/A(2!8)4B)* treatments. imperative. We have the knowledge and tools
Employers, economists and the federal to implement preventive care and wellness
_/I!7-BB6!\`)A1B/.)!9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6! government understand what is at stake if reforms that can improve the health of our
V-+>/B(2!@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4! Americans continue spiraling toward bad nation. The time to implement these reforms
8(2/R-*4/( health. At the current pace of increase, is now, so we can begin to ratchet down
medical expenditures could nearly double America's unhealthy habits and their impact
to $4.4 trillion by 2018. That doesn’t on our nation’s fiscal, cultural and moral
'2(4! include the impact of absenteeism and well-being.
presenteeism. It costs the U.S. $260 billion
b)/B3!^/A3I(46!T:J:6!\`)A1B/.)! per year in lost economic output. George DeVries is chairman and chief executive
9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6!7(F)+/0)! The role of healthcare leaders should be officer of American Specialty Health, a San
8-II14/B&!V)(2B3A(*) to influence, encourage and enable Diego-based company that creates preventative
Americans to make better lifestyle choices care programs.
'1%2/+3)* that will keep them healthy. Healthy
^-4!X3/4FI(4 Americans are more productive, and they Op-ed submissions of up to 575 words are
cost employers and health plans less welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
)0/B-*S>(&)*+(40>*-./0)*+:A-I money. And healthy Americans raise, or call
healthier, happier families. (877) 248-2360, ext. 3.
As healthcare leaders we must work

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

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