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H S Manjunath

TEENAGE taekwondo sensa-

tion Sorn Seavmey returned
home from the 17th Asian
Games late on Sunday as
Cambodias rst gold medal-
list in 60 years of participa-
tion, receiving a thunderous
ovation from a throng of fans
at Phnom Penh International
Within a short time of her
arrival along with the rest of
the Kingdoms sports con-
tingent, Seavmey was driven
straight to the Peace Build-
ing, where Prime Minister
Hun Sen and members of his
Cabinet gave the golden girl
and her family members a
rousing reception.
Addressing a gathering of
prominent sports person-
alities, including national ath-
letes, coaches, administrators
and top ranking ofcials, the
prime minister declared that
Seavmeys spectacular gold
Wage decision delayed
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL


MP vows
again to
settle land
PM leads
for Sorn
Postponement finds backers on both sides of garment industry debate
A man peers out of a mock house during a
demonstration in front of the National
Assembly in Phnom Penh yesterday as
part of World Habitat Day. HENGCHIVOAN
Sean Teehan and Sen David
INISTER of Labour Ith
Sam Heng yesterday
postponed his ministrys
Labour Advisory Commit-
tees decision on Cambodias garment
sector minimum wage from Friday un-
til next month, leaving some optimistic
and others dubious.
In the original schedule, the mini-
mum wage for 2015 was slated to be set
in October and go into effect in January.
The LAC had been expected to set the
minimum wage unilaterally a system
that concerned some unionists but
according to a statement released by
the Labour Ministry yesterday evening,
a specic date for the setting of the new
wage has yet to be determined.
If they come up with a better strat-
egy [for setting the wage] in this time,
its good, said Kong Athit, vice president
of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel
Workers Democratic Union (C.CAWDU),
which is represented on the LAC. But if
they dont, it will just make people lose
condence and get worried.
Labour Ministry spokesman Heng
Sour could not be reached yesterday
evening for comment.
In past years, the LACs two indepen-
dent unions C.CAWDU and the Na-
tional Independent Federation Textile
Union of Cambodia (NIFTUC) clashed
with unions perceived to be govern-
ment-leaning, such as the Cambodian
Union Federation (CUF). However, this
May Titthara and Sean Teehan
AS PROTESTERS from some 50
communities marched in the
capital to mark World Habitat
Day yesterday, a ruling party
politician pledged to not only
resolve a raft of land disputes
but push a policy of on-site
development redevelop-
ment that does not remove
people from their communi-
ties over mass relocations.
Speaking to a crowd of
about 1,000 outside the Na-
tional Assembly, Cambodian
Peoples Party lawmaker Lork
Kheng, deputy chair of the as-
semblys Commission on Hu-
man Rights and Complaints,
said she would push govern-
ment departments to solve
land disputes an issue rights
group Adhoc says has affect-
ed more than 700,000 people
since 2000.
We support on-site devel-
opment . . . [and] not pushing
people from their homes,
Kheng said. We will push for
other [government] depart-
ments to solve these prob-
lems. Every one of your re-
quests will be debated within
the commission.
Its not the rst time Kheng
has promised to resolve land
disputes through the National
Early last month, the law-
maker vowed to end the years-
long dispute between the
politically connected KDC In-
ternational company and vil-
lagers in Kampong Chnnangs
Lorpeang district within a
week, as well as other disputes
within a month.
While the government end-
ed a long-running conict be-
tween villagers in Kratie and
a South Korean agricultural
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Strike violence
Several hurt
as workers
storm plant
EVERAL Chinese managers
and two female workers
from the Juhui Footwear
factory in Kampong Chams Cheng
Prey district sustained minor inju-
ries yesterday when striking work-
ers stormed onto factory grounds,
hurling projectiles, police said.
About 3,000 workers have been
protesting for more than a month
and have demanded lunch allow-
ances and overtime payment.
District police chief Heng Vuthy
said workers threw projectiles
at the company representatives
when they came out of their ofce
to negotiate.
We have a few re trucks to
crack down on the demonstrators,
but we remained restrained,
he said, adding that about 100
mixed security ofcers armed
with shields and batons had been
deployed to the scene. We did not
take any measures to crack down.
We tried to compromise in order
to let the two sides negotiate a
peaceful solution.
While Vuthy said the managers
were only slightly injured, a factory
representative who declined to be
named said that about 10 Chinese
nationals had been injured.
Most of the workers threw
rocks at us. They received injuries
to their heads, face, arms and
bodies, the representative said.
Coalition of Cambodia Ap-
parel Workers Democratic Union
labour dispute ofcer Khun
Sokhom, who joined fruitless
negotiations between the union
and management after the clash,
said workers acted in self-de-
fence. This had been a nonviolent
protest. The [managers] pushed
the workers [rst].
Sokhom said the factory was
ignoring a court order to reinstate
5,000 workers whose contracts
were terminated last month for
joining protests. The factory re-
ceived a letter from the provincial
court ordering them to take back
the workers, but they have not.
Negotiations will resume on
Decision on wage postponed
Continued from page 1

year, all LAC unions met and
agreed to seek a minimum
monthly wage of $150.
The unprecedented unity
among the seven unions rep-
resented on the LAC the
21-member committee also
includes seven government
representatives and seven fac-
tory representatives is a large
part of why the ministry is err-
ing on the side of taking its time,
said Dave Welsh, country direc-
tor for labour rights group Soli-
darity Center.
I think the fact that there is
a very strong unied line . . . is
unprecedented and more time
to assess how to deal with it is
something that the government
is looking at, Welsh said.
CUF president Chuon Mom
Thol yesterday praised the min-
istrys decision to postpone a -
nal vote until next month. More
discussion and workshops on
the issue could help avoid a
situation like last year, when the
ministrys decision to set wages
at $60 less than independent
unions demanded sparked a
10-day nationwide strike.
Previously, we did not have
enough time to discuss some of
the issues, but now the minis-
ters are trying to allow as much
discussion as possible, Mom
Thol said. He praised Labour
Minister Sam Hengs judge-
ment that the ministry should
also meet with unions not rep-
resented in the LAC.
Pav Sina, president of the
Collective Union of Movement
of Workers (CUMW), said yes-
terday that he also favoured
the new policy of meeting with
unions outside the LAC. CUMW
is a stronger activist union than
the independent or pro-gov-
ernment unions represented in
the LAC,
If the ministry only meets
with the LAC . . . there would be
no chance they would increase
the minimum wage enough,
Sina said yesterday.
Moeun Tola, head of the
Community Legal Education
Centers labour program, said
the Ministry of Labour should
do away with the LAC and nd
a completely new system of set-
ting the minimum wage.
While the LAC sets the mini-
mum wage, by law, it is only
supposed to advise the govern-
ment on wages, Tola said. The
makeup of the committee and
its perceived power allows it to
be the governments scapegoat.
The LAC only has the power
to advise, he said.
Giving people enough time
to talk out their differences
also resonated with Ken Loo,
secretary-general of the Gar-
ment Manufacturers Associa-
tion in Cambodia.
GMAC previously offered a
minimum monthly wage hike
from $100 to $110 saying
thats the maximum it could
pay and declined to negoti-
ate with unions. GMAC also
said it would abide by the
LACs decision.
I understand the basis of
the statement, [but] what we
said is our numbers informed
us that the amount we could
afford to pay is $110, Loo told
the Post.
But the postponement
would allow us more time to
[speak with] our membership
and see if their position has
changed, he added.
NIFTUC president Morm
Nhim said yesterday that she
disagreed with the postpone-
ment and thought workers
have waited long enough for a
minimum wage raise. Morm
said if they set a minimum
wage closer to January 1, when
it is scheduled to be imple-
mented, unions will have less
time to dispute the oor salary
if its seen as unfair.
If they postpone, we cannot
reject the governments deci-
sion, Nhim said.
Garment workers hold placards and chant in front of the Ministry of Labour during a protest in June calling for higher wages and better working conditions. PHA LINA
Laignee Barron
and Cheang Sokha
FIVE people, including three
presumed ethnic Uighurs
from China, were arrested on
Sunday after a retired Thai
police ofcer drove them il-
legally across the Cambodian
border, Thai media reported
The retired ofcer was
stopped after waiting pa-
trols spotted his pickup truck
speeding away from the border
in Thailands Sa Kaeo province.
Police claimed to have received
a tip that the ve foreigners,
who had been hiding in Poi-
pet, were going to be smuggled
across the border. Two Bangla-
deshi passengers with pass-
ports but no visas and three
suspected Uighurs without
documents were questioned
and detained.
Representatives at the Thai
Embassy in Phnom Penh and
Cambodian government of-
cials said they had no informa-
tion about the arrests.
Hundreds of ethnic minority
Muslim Uighurs have report-
edly crossed into Cambodia
this year alone as they ee vio-
lence and persecution in Chi-
nas restive northwest Xinjiang
province. Despite evidence of
well-oiled human smuggling
networks that transit eeing
Uighurs from China in a route
through Vietnam, Cambodia,
Thailand, Malaysia and then
onwards to Turkey or other
destinations, Cambodian of-
cials have repeatedly denied
allegations that the Kingdom
serves as a point of transit for
the asylum seekers.
It is completely impossible;
we have had no foreign na-
tional [Uighurs] hiding inside
Cambodian territory, said So
Channary, commander of the
911 border police unit in Ban-
teay Meanchey.
In March, 15 Uighurs were
arrested in Sa Kaeo hours after
they were deported to Thai-
land with help from Cambo-
dian authorities, according to
Human Rights Watch. In July,
Indonesian media reported
that four extremist Uighurs
in the country had rst trav-
elled through Cambodia to
Thailand, where they obtained
fake passports.
Cambodia also repatriated
20 Uighurs to China in 2009,
where many reportedly met
with long prison sentences.
Those people were illegal,
government spokesman Phay
Arrested Uighurs might
have been in Kingdom
New buses off to slow start
Charles Rollet and Taing Vida

CROSS the street from
the night market, bus-
es from Phnom Penhs
second and third new
routes pull in to pick up pas-
sengers. Its a normal scene at
any bus station except the
buses are almost empty.
Line 2 driver Krey Soechea,
37, said he sometimes goes
the entire route from the night
market to Takhmao town and
back picking up just six or sev-
en passengers. There are too
many buses, he said.
One month after its open-
ing, Phnom Penhs new Line 2
has few customers, according
to both passengers and drivers.
Line 3, which runs east-west
from the night market to Cho-
am Chao commune, is more
popular, but not by much.
When Soechea rst started
working on Line 3, he saw sig-
nicantly more customers, but
said that no [buses] were . . .
more than half full.
However, City Hall spokes-
man Long Dimanche said he
was very proud of the two
new bus lines performance.
Dont listen to [the drivers],
listen to me, he said.
According to City Hall, the
original Line 1, which runs
along Monivong Boulevard, av-
erages 1,171 daily passengers,
while Line 2 averages 938 and
1,625 for Line 3.
In late July, Prime Minis-
ter Hun Sen publicly called
on Phnom Penh Governor Pa
Socheatvong to ensure that a
planned 18 routes would be op-
erational before the end of his
tenure. City Hall had promised
that up to 18 lines would be cre-
ated by 2035.
Some employees are optimis-
tic that numbers will pick up as
people familiarise themselves
with the routes.
Even though he sometimes
only picks up 10 passengers
along an entire route, Line 2
driver Neang Sophea, 30, said
it could improve in the long
term, while ticket taker Sot
Sopheap, 21, said the bus had
a comparatively larger number
of passengers in the evening.
Nevertheless, at least one
Phnom Penh resident is con-
cerned the project will go south
like a short-lived bus experi-
ment in 2001.
It Samun, 30, who uses the
bus every day, said he liked the
reasonable cost, but feared for
the future. Im afraid City Hall
cant afford the service, because
I am used to it now, he said.
A bus waits for passengers at a stop on Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh yesterday. Two new bus lines have
failed to draw strong passenger numbers, according to bus drivers. PHA LINA
Judges (back row) stand before the pronouncement of the verdict in Case 002/01 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in
August. ECCC
Judges targeted in new filing
Stuart White

HE trial chamber judges of the
Khmer Rouge tribunal have ex-
hibited a consistent pattern of
judicial bias and warrant imme-
diate disqualication from the upcoming
Case 002/02, according to a 50-page ling
from the Nuon Chea defence that was
made public yesterday.
The ling drawing largely on remarks
made by former judge Silvia Cartwright
and the trial chambers verdict sentencing
co-accused Nuon Chea and Khieu Sam-
phan to life in prison argues that over
the course of Case 002/01, the chamber
repeatedly demonstrated a preformed
negative opinion of Chea and a funda-
mental lack of open-mindedness on a
host of topics.
One of the main issues taken with the
chambers handling of Case 002/01 was its
refusal to call former Khmer Rouge mili-
tary commander and current National As-
sembly President Heng Samrin, whom the
defence characterised as the cases single
most important witness overall.
Chea, through his defence, has claimed
that the crimes attributed to the Khmer
Rouge regime were in fact the work of an
opposing faction within the regime that
actively attempted to sabotage the par-
tys central committee. This faction, it is
claimed, was led by cadre Sao Phim and
counted Samrin as a member.
The courts Cambodian judges refusal
to hear this evidence, the ling goes on
to contend, is an effort to ensure that the
ction of the unied, strictly hierarchical
CPK pyramid can sustain itself so that the
faction led rst by Sao Phim
and later Heng Samrin can
continue to shift responsibility
for its heinous criminal acts to
Pol Pot and Nuon Chea.
Drawing on remarks made
by Cartwright, the former
judge, the ling also faults the
national-side judges for their
perceived inability to impartially judge
the leaders of a regime at whose hands
they allegedly suffered.
But all of the judges, not just the nation-
al ones, displayed bias in their apparently
dismissive attitude towards evidence and
assertions presented by the defence, par-
ticularly their allegations of factional divi-
sions and outside Vietnamese aggression,
the motion argues.
Long Panhavuth, a program ofcer with
the Cambodian Justice Initiative, said that
while he had not read the ling, some of
the concerns voiced within reected long-
standing concerns with the tribunal.
For example, the opacity with which the
chamber decided not to call insider wit-
nesses like Samrin was troubling, and the
trial chambers treatment of the defence
throughout Case 002/01 represented a
failure to handle in a professional man-
ner the defences objections.
For the proceedings of Case 002/01,
I would say that many of the objections
raised by the defence were mostly rejected
or denied by the trial chamber, while most
of the objections of the prosecution were
upheld, he said, adding that a statistical
analysis would help determine the extent
of the problem.
A request for comment from the trial
chamber regarding the de-
fences accusations was not
returned as of press time
Lawyers for the courts civil
parties also sought to lay the
groundwork for the upcoming
Case 002/02 yesterday, with
attorneys and victims gather-
ing again to discuss the parties expecta-
tions and recommendations for potential
reparations ahead of the trials October
17 commencement.
Many of the recommendations were
offered with the aim of educating the
young generation. One civil party from
Kampong Cham suggested hiring experts
to help maintain the bones of victims
found in the hundreds of mass graves
dotting the country in order to preserve
those remains . . . to prove the atrocities.
Multiple civil parties resurrected the
long-standing calls for memorial stupas
to be built, a request that was denied in
the judgement in Case 002/01 due to a
lack of funding, though civil party lead co-
lawyer Marie Guiraud said that another
such request would be made.
One civil party suggested setting aside a
5-hectare social land concession to serve
as a burial site for Nuon Chea, Khieu Sam-
phan and S-21 commandant Kaing Guek
Eav, aka Duch, so that their remains could
become a tourist destination and a testa-
ment to the regimes crimes.
However, civil party lawyer Ven Pov gen-
tly put the suggestion to rest, saying that
such a thing wasnt that easy: They are
bound by the law when are alive . . . [but]
the law doesnt govern the dead.
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
and Alice Cuddy
A HUGE haul of endangered
wildlife products was found
yesterday in a property owned
by a high-ranking ofcial and
rented by a Chinese national,
ofcials said.
Forestry Administration of-
cials, in cooperation with
military police and the Wild-
life Alliance (WA), raided the
property in the capitals Tuol
Sangke commune and uncov-
ered an array of animals, skins
and bones.
Among the items found were
19 clouded leopard skins, 10
otter skins, four eagle claws,
six Asian Golden Cat paws and
six tortoises.
The property is owned by an
excellency who rented [it] to a
Chinese national, according
to the WA.
Huy Hean, a Tuol Sangke
commune police ofcial, said
the Sichuan Chongqing Cam-
bodia Development Associa-
tion operates out of the proper-
ty. Two men who stay [there]
were brought for interrogation
by the expert police forces,
Hean said.
A housekeeper has also been
questioned by the Forestry Ad-
ministration, the WA said.
Speaking on condition of
anonymity, a Forestry Admin-
istration ofcial who took part
in the raid said the two men
had claimed they were not
involved in the business, and
named 48-year-old Liv Ely as
the person who rented the
We are still interrogating the
two men. We do not know the
real intention for those goods
. . . whether they were [going] to
be exported to another country
[or not], the ofcial said.
Elizabeth John, senior com-
munications ofcer for wild-
life trade-monitoring network
TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, said
the scale of the raid and the an-
imals involved were very wor-
rying, citing the otter skins as
a particular point of concern.
Those kinds of numbers
are very large . . . [and] those
are some really rare animals,
she said. The important thing
now is that the people behind
this are properly investigated
and brought to justice. Traders
must be made to realise that
there is a cost.
Pech Sotheary
HUNDREDS of Khmer Krom
protesters marched to the
French Embassy and the
Council of Ministers yester-
day, calling for support in their
demands for an apology from
Vietnam over comments made
four months ago by a former
embassy spokesman.
In early June, then-spokes-
man Trung Van Thong said that
the former Kampuchea Krom
provinces in the Mekong Delta
belonged to Vietnam long be-
fore being ofcially ceded by
colonial power France in 1949.
Yesterday marked the third
day of the latest round of pro-
tests over the comments.
If there is no apology,
the Cambodian government
should temporarily cut off its
diplomatic relationship [with
Vietnam] until the Vietnamese
government [does so], and all
Cambodian people both inside
and outside the country should
stop using Vietnamese prod-
ucts and services, said Thach
Setha, president of the Khmer
Kampuchea Krom Association.
Representatives of the
French Embassy and the
Council of Ministers accepted
the protesters petitions.
During yesterdays action,
protesters handed out leaets
promoting the boycott of Viet-
namese products.
Motorbike drivers should
stop drinking Vietnamese cof-
fee and turn to our Cambodi-
an products, one said.
In front of the Vietnamese
Embassy, more protesters
gathered and, for the third
day running, set re to Viet-
namese ags.
Analyst Kem Ley said that
the unrest may continue in-
denitely if the governments
fail to explain an agreed-
upon history for the disputed
Capital raid unearths
cache of animal parts
Khmer Krom embassy
protest enters third day
Jostling for position
leads to tuk-tuk melee
AN ARGUMENT among five
friends over their tuk-tuk
seating arrangement turned
into a police matter on Satur-
day night in Kampot province.
As the friends road in the tuk-
tuk, some became jealous of
others position in the vehicle,
and a verbal argument turned
into a physical fight, with one
of the men falling out, police
said. Police approaching at
first thought they were
responding to a traffic acci-
dent, but then proceeded to
arrest all five. DEUM AMPIL
Addicted to gambling,
and fleeing from police
SEVEN gamblers in Poipet
rolled the dice one too many
times when police arrested
them at an illegal gaming den
on Sunday. District police raided
the rental house where they dis-
covered about 15 people
addicted to gambling. Upon
their arrival, gamblers scram-
bled to escape, and all but four
men and three women evaded
arrest. Authorities confiscated
the motorbikes belonging to
those who escaped. DEUMAMPIL
Rock beatdown serves
as mans last course
A MANS dinner was rudely
interrupted with a vicious beat-
ing in Phnom Penhs Poipet
district, police there said. The
24-year-old was eating at a
market when four men
approached, one holding a
knife, while the others attacked
with rocks, seriously injuring
him. The victim knew his
attackers, police said. The sus-
pects fled the scene before
police arrived. Police are
searching for the perpetrators.
Pair bleeping angry
over beeping motorist
HONKING is an ever-present
sound on Cambodias streets,
but two suspects obviously did
not take kindly to a car horn on
Saturday night, police in Kratie
said. The two suspects, aged 25
and 27, were crossing the street
when a motorist heading
toward them honked his horn
to avoid an accident. Annoyed
by the perceived insult, the two
men picked up rocks and
smashed a mirror on his door.
Police patrolling the area saw
the incident and arrested the
Cash rustlers wait for
buffalo sale, pounce
HER husband and three chil-
dren away for a party and newly
flush from selling her familys
buffaloes, a Kandal woman was
a sitting duck for a pair of gun-
toting robbers on Sunday. Police
said the 39-year-old was home
alone when two men wearing
masks emerged and demanded
all the cash in the home. After
tossing the house turned up
nothing, the suspects checked
her person and found 2 million
riel (about $500) on her. Luckily,
that only represented a quarter
of her profits, as the other three
buyers had not yet paid. Police
believe the men had been aware
of the sales and were staking
out her home. KOHSANTEPHEAP
Translated by Sen David
Locally Engaged Employee (Expatriate)
The Australian Embassy invites applications from suitably qualied
individuals for the position of Defence Ofce Manager in the Defence Section,
Australian Embassy,Phnom Penh. The position is available from 27 October 2014
on a 12 month renewable contract that includes an initial 3 month probationary
period. If the employee remains in the role for at least 2 years the contract will
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Cambodian Labour Law. The basic monthly salary for the position starts at
USD2,036and includes participation in a performance management and bonus
scheme. As this is a Designated Security Assessed Position an extra allowance
will be applied and assessed on an individual basis.
Successful applicants must be eligible to be granted an Australian Security
Selection Criteria
1. A demonstrated capacity to respond exibly to changing demands in the
workplace and a demonstrated ability to work effectively during periods of high
workload and narrow timeframes.
2. Good information managementskills with experience in the use of Microsoft
Word, Excel and Outlook programs.
3. Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to develop good working
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4.Highly developed oral and written communication skills.
5. A general knowledge of the Australian Defence Force and an
ability to quickly learn to interpret and apply Australian Defence Force
Financial Managementregulations and administrative procedures.
Applications must include:
A statement (maximum 2 pages) addressing all of the selection criteria;
A current resume setting out employment and educational history;
Full contact details, and
Names and contact details of two referees who have recent knowledge of the
applicants work performance.
A full job description of the position can be obtained from the Australian
Embassys website
Applications should be e-mailed to: or mailed to the
following address:
Defence Section
Australian Embassy Phnom Penh
No. 16B National Assembly Street, Phnom Penh
Late applications or applications that do not address the selection criteria will
not be considered. Only those applicants short listed for interview will be
Applications close 4pm on Friday 10
October 2014
The Australian Embassy is an equal opportunity employer and the successful
candidate will be selected on merit.
Our Cambodia Ofce seeks energetic, result driven, change-oriented,
creative and proactive service-minded Cambodians to join us.
Position:Area Development Program Manager
Location: 1.Kralanh District, Siem Reap Province,
2.Varin District, Siem Reap Province
3. One another District, Siem Reap Province
4. Chey Saen District, Preah Vihear Provice
5. Sangkhum Thmey District, Preah Vihear Province
6. Preah Netr Preah District, Banteay Meanchey Province
7. One another District, Banteay Meanchey Province
8. Koh Andaet District,Takeo Province
General Description
To provide overall leadership and management for the area development 1.
program in accordance with relevant World Vision strategies (e.g.
National and Secondary), policies (e.g. Transformational Development,
Child Sponsorship) and frameworks (e.g. Learning through Evaluation
with Accountability and Planning (LEAP)
To effectively represent and model World Visions mission, vision, core 2.
values and identity through good relationships and networks with
relevant internal and external stakeholders, including staff, community
groups, local church, local leaders, government departments and other
Fully able to embrace organizational values and possess a high level of 1.
commitment towards the mission of WVC.
Bachelor of Business Management or Rural Development. 2.
Minimum 2 years of appropriate professional experience in management 3.
and leadership of a comparable community development program/
Experience in project and program design, implementation, monitoring, 4.
evaluation, and report writing.
Previous experience in advocacy and networking. 5.
Christian commitment and maturity is an advantage. 6.
Competent in written English communication and Computer literate; 7.
Microsoft Word and Excel.
Willingness to travel and stay overnight at project sites, sometimes in 8.
remote areas
Interested applicants should obtain an application form from
WVC ofce or download from WVC Website and submit a cover
letter, Personal CV, and ONLY photocopies of relevant formal
Education certicates such as High School certicate, university
degree, etc. : HR Department,World Vision Cambodia # 20, St.71,
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479 Tel: 023 216 052.
Website: Email to:
OR EQUIVALENTS ONLY with your application.
DO NOT submit photocopies of other certicates.
Closing Date: 17 Oct 2014
An international Christian child focused
humanitarian organization working with
the poor and oppressed to promote
human transformation and fullness of
life for every child
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
Athletes take note
and diploma
to be offered
S OF yesterday, there are
now two ways to pass Cam-
bodias high stakes grade
12 national exam: demonstrate
academic prociency absorbed
over more than a decade of study,
or bring home a gold medal.
On Sunday, teenage taekwondo
star Sorn Seavmey became
the countrys rst student to
automatically pass the exam after
her historic victory last weekend
earned Cambodia long sought
gold medal prestige.
Her unprecedented win in South
Korea ushered into effect an
unprecedented policy; from now
on, any Cambodian gold medallist
at the Asian Games or the Olym-
pics will also earn themselves a
diploma and university scholar-
ship, according to the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sport.
Six high school athletes who
competed in the Southeast Asian
Games in Myanmar and also
failed the national exam asked
the government for a special
allowance, but the request was
not granted.
This is an extraordinary
exception because of a high
performance, said Minister of
Education Hang Chuon Naron.
MP vows to settle disputes
Continued from page 1

company last month, many
other disputes including
the KDC dispute, remain un-
Contacted after the protest,
Kheng did not say which dis-
putes would be given priority,
nor would she speak about
the status of the conict in-
volving KDC, a company for
whom she is alleged to have
at times acted as a repre-
sentative. Despite the delay,
Kheng said, progress was be-
ing made on resolving land
Since Prime Minister Hun
Sens announcement, we have
done a lot of work on this, she
said. Kheng was referring to
a speech made by the prime
minister in August, when he ab-
solved himself of responsibility
for evictions instead blaming
lazy provincial ofcials for
damage caused.
We have found solutions
in Kratie, Battambang, Kam-
pong Chhnang and some
other provinces are still under
review. We really want to nd
justice for the people, but we
have a lot of cases, she said.
As part of the World Habitat
Day event yesterday, demon-
strators brought a mock house
as a symbol of what many had
lost. The crowd left the National
Assembly on tuk-tuks, motor-
bikes and on foot, chanting and
marching toward Wat Botum.
A group of about 60 police
and Daun Penh security guards
stood behind a barricade set
up in the street. Speeches by
activists including Yorn Bopha
continued as a representative
from City Hall accepted the
groups petition.
The Cambodia National
Rescue Party also promised
to resolve the land disputes at
yesterdays event. We cannot
allow disputes like the previ-
ous ones . . . we urge those in-
volved in relevant departments
to [solve the problems], law-
maker Ke Sovannaroth said.
Sia Phearum, secretariat di-
rector of the Housing Rights
Task Force, welcomed the
pledge from the CPP and said
that the promise of on-site de-
velopment sounds great.
[Kheng] said this mandate
is different from previous
mandates, he said. So we
hope that she will not cheat
the voters.
In practice, however, prom-
ises to keep villagers in their
own community after redevel-
opment have brought mixed
results. Borei Keila, for exam-
ple, remains unresolved more
than a decade after on site
redevelopment began.
Villagers were promised new
housing adjacent to where
they lived in exchange for their
land, but many were ultimately
denied land and shipped to
squalid relocation sites outside
the capital.
Phnom Penh Governor Pa
Socheatvong promised to
end the Borei Keila and Boe-
ung Kak disputes almost 18
months ago, but neither have
been resolved.
The new governor has
shown his commitment,
Phearum said. He has opened
doors, spoken to NGOs . . . but
the problem is still slow.
Many of yesterdays demon-
strators were from provincial
areas. Some, including Lor-
peang villager Reach Seyma,
were dismissive of Khengs
promises, saying it was just a
performance for a big crowd.
They seldom allow the poor
to live near their development
project, he said. They prefer
to buy other land to exchange
Protesters march on the National Assembly in Phnom Penh to mark
World Habitat Day. HENG CHIVOAN
Kratie MPs
accused of
Phak Seangly
FOUR Kratie military police
officers have failed to respond to
a court summons after more
than 100 villagers accused them
of extortion, threats of violence
and illegal detention.
Two villagers in Sombou dis-
tricts OKreung commune, Hear
Long and Chum Boeun, said yes-
terday that the lawsuit had been
filed against Kratie deputy mili-
tary police commander Mut Van-
nak and three subordinates.
The villagers accuse the offic-
ers of illegally detaining them at
gunpoint and accusing them of
illegal logging to extort cash.
Vannak and his subordi-
nates extorted from $400 to
$1,000 from the villagers, who
just transported wood to make
doors and windows, not for
sale, Boeun said.
Long a driver for a local tim-
ber dealer said that the officers
stopped his Lexus on Wednes-
day, accused him of transporting
wild animals, pointed their guns
at his chest and detained him at
the 708 security office.
They said that my car was
loaded with wild animals, but
they found nothing. They point-
ed their rifles and guns at me
and detained me for two days
and a night. They demanded
$6,000 from my boss for the
release, he claimed.
Ty Sovin Thal, Kratie provincial
court prosecutor, said the case
had been forwarded to the pro-
vincial prosecutor, while Ros
Sarett, a deputy commander of
the Kratie provincial military
police, said the broker and the
provincial military police had
settled outside of court.
Indicative Exchange Rates as of 6/10/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.
rouses calls
for better
tax system
Eddie Morton
GOVERNMENT revenue raising
was thrust into the limelight dur-
ing the first day of this years
International Business Chamber
of Cambodia (IBC) Investment
More than 300 heads of indus-
try and government, including
Prime Minister Hun Sen, attend-
ed the event in Phnom Penh
yesterday to discuss the King-
doms economic outlook.
While forecasting continued
above-7-per-cent growth for
Cambodia over the next five
years, Ahmed Faisal, representa-
tive in Cambodia for the Inter-
national Monetary Fund urged
the government to increase
domestic revenue.
Improve government revenue
mobilisation and expenditure.
That is the proxy that investors
are looking to as a key sign of
quality reform, Faisal said.
In Channy, CEO of the coun-
trys largest bank, Acleda Bank,
also called on the government to
support the development of
electronic tax payment systems
to simplify tax compliance for
tax payers.
More convenient tax pay-
ment options, such as the inter-
net, in-branch, and even mobile
need the governments support,
Channy said.
Nguon Sokha, secretary of
state for the Ministry of Economy
and Finance admitted that the
existing tax collection methods
needed improvement, however
he pointed the finger equally at
the private sector for meeting
their own tax obligations.
You cant get a 100 per cent
perfect system, but were work-
ing on it, Sokha said. Its the
private sectors role to contrib-
ute to the economy and they
should do more to meet their
tax obligations.
PM wants energy price review
Chan Muyhong

RIME Minister Hun
Sen has called on his
government to review
electricity pricing for
industrial consumption in a
bid to increase Cambodias
attractiveness as an invest-
ment destination.
Speaking at the opening of
the International Investment
Conference 2014 held yesterday
in Phnom Penh, the prime min-
ister said Cambodias electricity
supply had reached a turning
point in 2014, with several ma-
jor development projects in-
cluding hydro- and coal-fuelled
power plants beginning op-
erations this year.
To meet electricity demand
for the expansion of the indus-
try sector and to ensure Cam-
bodias investment attractive-
ness, I would like to instruct the
Ministry of Mine and Energy,
Cambodia Electricity Authority
and Electricit du Cambodge
and the Ministry of Economy
and Finance to work together
to access the possibility of revis-
ing electricity tariffs for indus-
trial consumption during night
time, large commercial cus-
tomers and prioritised zones,
he said.
The prime minister said the
commencement of new power
producing facilities had led to a
surplus of about 246 megawatts
during the rainy season. This
was yet to be fully tapped how-
ever due to a shortage of trans-
mission infrastructure.
Hun Sen remained condent
that despite still relatively high
electricity costs compared
to neighbouring countries,
progress was being made to
increase Cambodias competi-
tiveness in attracting foreign
From now to 2018, electricity
tariffs will not increase, but will
gradually decrease, the prime
minister pledged.
Teng Sokhomal, director of
Tariff and Monitoring Licens-
ees Account Department, told
the Post yesterday that work to
reprice electricity for large-scale
enterprises was already under
way with the announcement of
new tariffs for industrial, com-
mercial and agricultural use set
by the Electricity Authority of
Cambodia in late August.
There is unused power at
night that is wasted. The new
tariffs will encourage indus-
tries to use more electricity at
night to reduce power short-
ages during peak times, he
said yesterday.
The new pricing structure
offers a cheaper rate for night
time use, but varies depending
on the source of energy.
It ranges from 13.90 to
19.00 cents per kilowatt hour
(kWh), from 7am to 9pm, to
between 9.50 and 15 cents
per kWh between the hours
of 9pm and 7am.
Companies can weigh up
the advantage of the new
rates to the standard 24-hour
prices which ranges from be-
tween 12.90 and 18.18 cents
per kWh.
Depending on their loca-
tion, a business can access
energy from one of four differ-
ent sources within the national
supply, which will determine
their rate of pay.
For those who think they
can take advantage from this
tariff by operating a night shift
can do it, while at the same
time it reduces unused elec-
tricity waste, Sokhomal he
told the Post.
Large energy-consuming
businesses, such as factories
and even large hotels, can ap-
ply for the new tariffs with the
state-owned Electricite du
Cambodge, Sokomal added.
Further incentives could well
come in the future he said.
Ken Loo, secretary-general
of the Garment Manufactur-
ers Association in Cambodia,
welcomed greater choices for
power pricing.
It is good news for those
who are affected. It also gives
more exibility because they
are now trying to introduce
night tariffs which are lower
than the day tariffs, so this
might encourage factories to
consider opening a second
shift or a night shift, Loo said.
For factories that are already
running a night shift, they will
see lower electricity cost. For
factories that are currently con-
sidering running a night shift,
the new tariff will be some-
thing to consider as it will help
to lower, or subsidise the labor
wage working the night shift,
he added.
Last year, Cambodia pro-
duced about 2,050 million kilo
watts of power and imported
around 2,300 million kilo watts
to support its energy needs.
Hiroshi Suzuki, Chief Econo-
mist Business Research Insti-
tute for Cambodia (BRIC), said
if successful, effective energy
pricing will encourage further
Expensive electricity is one
of the biggest bottlenecks for
Cambodia to attract foreign di-
rect investment, he said
If the government is success-
ful, it would be highly effective
to attract [foreign direct invest-
ment, he added.
A worker installs new electricity lines in Phnom Penh in July. The government recently announced that it will implement discounts for industrial
consumption during off-peak times. HENG CHIVOAN
Founder of Taiwans
Fubon Group Tsai dies
FUBON Group founder Tsai
Wan-tsai, Taiwans second-
richest man, died on Sunday,
according to the firm, which
gave his age as 86. Fubon
Financial Holding Co, Taiwans
second-largest listed lender by
market capitalisation, didnt
provide details in its statement
about Tsais death. He was
ranked the worlds 154th-
richest person with a net
worth of $7.9 billion, according
to Bloomberg Billionaires
Index. Tsai founded Cathay
Insurance with two of his
brothers, Tsai Wan-chun and
Tsai Wan-lin, in 1961 when
Taiwan removed restrictions
on private capital. BLOOMBERG
China a drag on global
steel demand: WSA
GLOBAL demand for steel will
grow by just 2 per cent this
year owing to a rebalancing of
the Chinese economy and a
slowdown in other emerging
countries, the sectors trade
body said yesterday. The
growth forecast to 1,562
million tonnes in steel use by
the World Steel Association is
down from the 3.1 per cent
rate it forecast in April and the
3.8 per cent recorded in 2013.
The WSA now expects just 1
per cent growth in Chinas
steel use this year to 748.3
million tonnes, and 0.8 per
cent growth in 2015. AFP
World Bank cuts Asia outlook
HE World Bank yes-
terday trimmed its
growth forecasts for
developing East Asian
economies this year and next,
as Chinas economic expan-
sion loses momentum and
policymakers face tighter
global monetary conditions.
Developing countries in East
Asia and the Pacic are likely
to see a growth of 6.9 per cent
this year and in 2015, slower
than the 7.1 per cent the bank
had forecast in April, it said in
an updated report.
Chinas economy is forecast
to grow 7.4 per cent this year
and 7.2 per cent next year,
compared with 7.6 per cent
and 7.5 per cent projected in
April as the government ad-
dresses nancial vulnerabili-
ties and structural constraints.
Chinas economy expanded
7.7 per cent in 2013.
However, the banks chief
Asia economist Suhdir Shetty
said Chinas slowdown is un-
likely to be dramatic enough
to have a major impact on the
region as a whole.
Chinas slowdown is gradu-
al . . . It is slower but its not the
bottom falling out of Chinas
growth, he said.
Shetty also said that the link
between the giant Chinese
economy and the rest of Asia
does not only involve demand,
which is expected to weaken
due to the slowdown. Chinas
links also involve investments
which could even increase to
parts of Asia as Chinese rms
venture out of the country..
Developing East Asian coun-
tries, excluding China, are
expected to grow 4.8 per cent
this year and 5.3 per cent in
2015 from 5.2 per cent in 2013.
Growth in Southeast Asias
ve biggest economies In-
donesia, Malaysia, the Philip-
pines, Thailand and Vietnam
is forecast to slow down to
4.5 per cent this year from 5
per cent in 2013, but is likely
to pick up and expand 5 per
cent next year as demand for
exports grow.
The good news for the
ASEAN Five is that there will
be a period of rising demand
for their exports, Shetty said,
adding however that these
countries must continue to
implement structural reforms,
invest in infrastructure and im-
prove their investment climate
in order to sustain growth.
Malaysias growth is forecast
to rise to 5.7 per cent this year
from 4.7 per cent last year, be-
fore easing to 4.9 per cent in
Thailand is likely to grow 1.5
per cent this year and 3.5 per
cent next year from 2.9 per
cent in 2013 as the political
situation stabilises.
Vietnam is expected to grow
5.4 per cent this year and 5.5
per cent next year. It expanded
5.4 per cent in 2013.
Shetty said that a key risk
for regional economies is a
disorderly tightening of
monetary policy in the Unit-
ed States, Europe and Japan
which would lead to a steep
rise in interest rates.
He said there was no reason
to doubt that a tightening of
monetary policy in the de-
veloped economies would be
gradual, but there was also a
risk that it could be abrupt.
To be completely frank,
these are uncharted waters . . .
Yes, there is a possibility it will
happen in a disorderly fashion
and thats when there could be
risks, Shetty said.
Sharply higher interest rates
could lead to a reduction in
capital ows and affect coun-
tries which are dependent on
them to nance their decits,
he said. Higher rates could hurt
the property markets in several
countries, he added. AFP
to build
$15 billion
chip plant
SAMSUNG Electronics Co will
spend 15.6 trillion won ($15 bil-
lion) building a chip plant in
South Korea as it heads for the
roughest quarterly result in
years amid competition from
Apple Inc and Xiaomi Corp
Construction in Gyeonggi
province, south of Seoul, will
begin in the first half of next
year with semiconductor oper-
ations due to commence in
2017, Suwon, South Korea-
based Samsung said. Samsung
is shifting toward more compli-
cated and lucrative processors
to be the brains for new busi-
nesses such as wearable devic-
es and smart cars.
The biggest memory-chip
maker is investing as its smart-
phone business struggles to
stay dominant with Apple intro-
ducing bigger-screen iPhones
and Xiaomi selling low-cost
devices in more overseas mar-
kets. Its third-quarter operating
profit, due to be released tomor-
row, is projected to plunge 47
per cent. Sales may drop 15 per
cent in the steepest declines
since at least 2009, according to
analyst estimates. BLOOMBERG
The World Bank headquarters located in Washington, DC. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Automobile in Cambodia
The 4
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Sat, 11 October 2014
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Booking: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 | Artwork : Thu, 09 Oct 2014
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The preparing of the 2
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Which driving school should be considered? Whats its requirements?
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Interview with all car engine experts
Car price in Cambodia compared with neighbor countries and global market
Big motorbike market catching Cambodian youths interest
Start of luxurious bike selling in Phnom Penh
Knowing about usage, maintenances, check, prepare, lubricant change, spare parts
and car-wash in raining season.
Published in Khmer language, inserted in
CambodiaWeekend or Kampuchea Chong Sabada
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Thailand targeting corruption
Department has set
up a channel to allow
the public, exporters
and importers direct access
to the heads of units to make
complaints against ofcials.
The move is part of its effort to
address corruption.
The Customs Bell project is
aimed at solving problems at
a faster rate, said director-gen-
eral Somchai Sujjapongse.
Under the project, the de-
partment allows service users
to know the telephone num-
bers of heads of units. People
can also lodge complaints
through the Customs Depart-
ments 1331 hotline.
Eradicating corruption is a
priority of Somchai since he
took ofce recently as the Cus-
toms Department has received
numerous complaints about
its lack of transparency.
The project is part of its at-
tempt to improve its image.
In 2009, the Customs Depart-
ment set up a centre to en-
hance transparency and good
governance of its ofcials.
Shortly after Somchai took
the helm, the Customs De-
partment began tracking more
than 400 supercars that disap-
peared from private warehous-
es in a bid to nd their owners
and recover the tax owed.
The department later
threatened to le complaints
against any importers, own-
ers of bonded warehouses and
customs ofcials found to be
involved in avoiding duty pay-
ment on these luxury cars.
The Customs Department
also plans to lower the reward
given to customs ofcials and
third-party whistleblowers
on any customs avoidance,
and reduce the penalty to
make investigations more
transparent and reduce of-
cials overzealous crackdown
on tax evasion driven by high
The current reward-sharing
system offers 55 per cent of
the penalty recovered from an
offender to be distributed as
a reward. Of this amount, 30
per cent is given to third-party
whistleblowers. The remaining
25 per cent is shared among
the customs ofcials who iden-
tied and handled the case.
The department has said
that it will cut the maximum
paid to ofcials to 15 per cent
of the penalty, or 5 million
baht (about $150,000), which-
ever is lower. For outsiders, the
ceiling amount will be set at
10 million but the maximum
remains at 30 per cent of the
penalty, whichever is lower.
Thai demonstrators rally against corruption and the Yingluck Shinawatra-led government last year. The
Customs Department has started the Customs Bell project aimed at curbing graft. BLOOMBERG
Hor Kimsay
NEW startup airline, Bas-
saka Air (BA), was yesterday
granted its aircraft opera-
tion certicate (AOC) from
the State Secretariat of Civil
Aviation (SSCA).
Representatives from BA,
which has partnered with the
state-owned China Interna-
tional Travel Services (CITS)
and will lease its two Airbus
A320 aircraft from casino rm
Nagacorp to ferry in Chinese
tourists, said the rst ight is
yet to be conrmed.
This is only the rst step.
We have many more steps to
go before we can schedule our
ight, Joseph Stecker, Chief
Executive Ofcer of BA said.
The fact is that now we have
AOC. Others steps have to take
place before we can take ight
and I cannot give any specic
Yesterdays approval comes
just weeks after the Post re-
vealed NagaCorps plan to
launch its own commercial
ights between Phnom Penh
and China under the lessor
name, Bassaka Air, in an ef-
fort to boost its Chinese VIP
junket program.
Stecker denied the casino
operator had any nancial
interest in BA, however con-
rmed the aircraft were leased
from NagaCorp.
Sin Chanserey Vutha,
spokesman of SSCA, said there
are many Chinese businesses
in Cambodia that need easy
connections between the two
nations. He also said there are
many Chinese tourists who
come to Cambodia purely for
What do Chinese tourists
like? We know. They like eating
and gambling. I cannot say
that the company [BA] focus-
es only Chinese gamblers as it
might also focus on business-
man or tourists, he said.
Meanwhile, NagaCorp,
owner of Cambodias larg-
est gaming operation, Naga-
World, yesterday published
nancial results for the rst
nine months of the year.
According to the rms un-
audited statement, gross gam-
ing revenue totalled $271.9
million, up 26 per cent from
$215 million during the same
period last year.
VIP junket rollings for Na-
gaCorp totalled almost $4.1
billion at the end of Septem-
ber, according to the October
3 statement, up 25 per cent
compared to the same period
in 2013.
Bassaka Air approved
to y in China gamers
HP set to split into two companies
has announced plans to
split into two separate
companies, a personal-
computer and printer business, and
corporate hardware and services op-
erations, a person with knowledge of
the matter said.
The rm was to announce the move
yesterday, said the person, who asked
not to be identied because the plans
arent public. The breakup will be
a tax-free distribution of shares to
shareholders next year, according to
the Wall Street Journal, which rst re-
ported the split-up of Hewlett-Pack-
ard on Sunday.
The separation of Hewlett-Pack-
ard into two businesses has been
oated as an idea before. In 2011,
chief executive ofcer Meg Whitman
ended plans by her predecessor Leo
Apotheker to spin off the PC unit. A
split would be a major turning point
for the iconic company, which was
founded 75 years ago by Bill Hewlett
and Dave Packard in a garage in Palo
Alto, California.
While Hewlett-Packard put Silicon
Valley on the map and spawned oth-
er successful technology companies,
it and other rivals such as Dell Inc
and International Business Machines
Corp are facing major transforma-
tions as the industry shifts away from
traditional computing to mobile de-
vices and web-based software.
Efforts to spin off businesses are
gathering steam at other technology
companies. IBM has been shedding
its hardware operations, including
the sale of its PC unit to Chinas Leno-
vo Group Ltd in 2005, and last month,
EBay Inc announced that it would
spin off its PayPal unit.
EMC Corp, a maker of storage com-
puters, is exploring strategic options
that could include a full or partial
sale, or a spinoff of VMware Inc, and
has also held merger talks with Hewl-
ett-Packard, people familiar with the
matter have said. The idea of Hewl-
ett-Packard spinning off or separat-
ing the printers and PCs businesses
came up in those discussions, a per-
son familiar with the matter said. The
idea would have been to have a com-
bined company focusing on areas
such as storage, servers, software and
security, the person said.
Whitman will be CEO of the en-
terprise business and chairman of
the PC and printer company, the
newspaper reported. Current lead
independent director Patricia Rus-
so will be chairman of the enter-
prise company and Dion Weisler,
the vice president in charge of the
PC and printer operation, will be-
come CEO of that business, the
Journal reported.
Whitman has been introducing
new products and cutting jobs to
trim costs since she took over as CEO
in September 2011, seeking to turn
around the iconic Silicon Valley com-
pany. Hewlett-Packard has fallen be-
hind in mobile computing at a time
when consumers have migrated to
smartphones and tablets, and last
year lost its place as the largest maker
of PCs to Lenovo.
Spinning off the legacy PC and
printer business will have a small
long-term effect on shareholder value
unless the enterprise business takes
off, said Erik Gordon, a University of
Michigan business professor.
It is a little troubling to see Whit-
man split her time between a full-
time job as CEO of the enterprise
business and time-consuming duties
as chairwoman of the legacy business
that will require a lot of attention at
the strategic level, Gordon said in an
emailed statement. BLOOMBERG
Hewlett-Packard has announced that it is to split its personal-computer and printer business, and corporate hardware and
services operations to make two separate businesses. BLOOMBERG
Cybercrime is costing the
US billions, says FBI chief
Euro Disney to recapitalise
Israel plans $4B in privatisations
CHINA is waging an aggressive
cyberwar against the United
States which costs American
business billions of dollars
every year, Federal Bureau of
Investigation director James
Comey said on Sunday.
The FBI chief told CBS tele-
visions 60 Minutes program
that China topped the list of
countries seeking to pilfer
secrets from US firms, sug-
gesting that almost every
major company in America
had been targeted.
There are two kinds of big
companies in the United
States, Comey said. There are
those whove been hacked by
the Chinese, and those who
dont know theyve been hacked
by the Chinese.
Annual losses from cyberat-
tacks launched from China
were impossible to count,
Comey said, but measured
in billions.
Asked which countries were
targeting the United States,
Comey replied: I dont want to
give you a complete list. But . . .
I cant tell you top of the list is
the Chinese.
Comey cited the historic case
of five members of Chinas Peo-
ples Liberation Army indicted
with hacking US companies for
trade secrets, a move which
outraged Chi na when
announced in May.
The case is the first-ever fed-
eral prosecution of state actors
over cyberespionage.
The PLA unit is accused of
hacking into US computers to
benefit Chinese state-owned
companies, leading to job loss-
es in the United States in steel,
solar and other industries.
They are extremely aggres-
sive and widespread in their
efforts to break into American
systems to steal information
that would benefit their
industry, Comey said of Chi-
nas hackers.
Comey said China was seek-
ing to obtain information
thats useful to them so they
dont have to invent.
They can copy or steal to
learn about how a company
might approach negotiations
with a Chinese company all
manner of things, he said.
But Chinas hacking efforts
were often easy to detect,
Comey said.
I liken them a bit to a drunk
burglar. Theyre kickin in the
front door, knocking over the
vase, while theyre walking out
with your television set,
he said.
Theyre just prolific. Their
strategy seems to be, Well just
be everywhere all the time. And
theres no way they can
stop us.
Asked for a dollar estimate of
the intellectual property stolen
by China, Comey said it was
incalculable. Impossible to
count, he said. Billions.
Last week, big bank JPMorgan
Chase revealed that a hack it had
reported in August had compro-
mised data on 76 million house-
hold customers and seven mil-
lion businesses, including their
names, email addresses and tel-
ephone numbers.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew,
speaking on ABC television,
declined top address the JPMor-
gan Chase case specifically.
But he stressed: we have
made enormous efforts to bring
attention to this and resources
to this. The president [Barack
Obama] has taken action
through an executive order.
Ive spoken to it publicly as
recently as this summer in
New York and met with CEOs
in the financial sector quite
financial sector quite regu-
larly since becoming secre-
tary. Theyre taking it seri-
ously. I dont think theres a
CEO in the financial sector
that doesnt wake up in the
morni ng wit h t hi s on
their mind. AFP
EURO Disney, which runs Dis-
neyland Paris, one of Europes
top tourist attractions, said yes-
terday it was receiving a billion-
euro refinancing package to
overcome a crisis after a drastic
fall in visitor numbers.
The news sent shares in the
company plummeting by as
much as 21 per cent on the
Paris stock market, which was
marginally in positive territory
overall for the day.
The plan, unveiled at a crisis
meeting early yesterday before
markets opened, includes a
cash infusion of 420 million
($526 million) by US parent
company Disney and a conver-
sion of 600 million of debt
owed to Disney into equity.
Tom Wolber, president of
Euro Disney, blamed the diffi-
cult economic environment in
Europe for the problems.
Disneyland Paris is Europes
number one tourist destina-
tion, but the ongoing econom-
ic challenges in Europe and
our debt burden have signifi-
cantly decreased operating
revenues and liquidity, he said
in a statement.
The emergency plan is essen-
tial to improve our financial
health and enable us to con-
tinue making investments in
the resort that enhance the
guest experience.
Disneyland Paris, once
described as a cultural Cher-
nobyl for its blend of French
and US traditions, opened in
1992 on the eastern outskirts of
Paris in a blaze of publicity.
But it took time to take off and
has since run into a series of
crises and struggled to turn a
profit. Nevertheless, the site
eventually built up its visitor
numbers and has welcomed
more than 275 million guests,
making it Europes top private
tourist attraction.
It draws more than the Mona
Lisa in the Louvre Museum
and Pariss iconic Eiffel Tower
combined, according to the
most recent figures from City
Hall. AFP
ISRAEL plans to fully or partly privatise a number
of state-owned companies in a move aimed at
boosting efficiency, reducing the national debt
and fighting corruption.
The decision, approved by the ministerial
socioeconomic cabinet, was expected to add 15
billion shekels ($4.07 billion) to state coffers over
the next three years, the finance ministry said
on Sunday.
Minority stocks will be issued for firms in
which the state has an interest in retaining long-
term governmental control such as Israels
electricity corporation, aviation, trains, water,
mail and natural gas industries, a ministry state-
ment read.
It will also sell companies in which it has no
long-term interest, such as the ports at Ashdod
and Haifa, a modified and declassified military
industry (with the state retaining the right to
determine the ownership), the Dead Sea Works
and others.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a
statement the reform will increase the states
income and enable greater transparency in gov-
ernment companies.
Finance Minister Yair Lapid called the move
an additional measure to end the politicisation
of companies and reduce corruption in them.
Netanyahu had previously overseen a series of
privatisations when he was himself finance min-
ister some 10 years ago.
But the companies sold off then were easy
compared to what was currently on the privatisa-
tion list, one economics expert said. AFP
EG Whitman shelved plans to
spin off Hewlett-Packard Cos
personal-computer business when
she became chief executive officer
three years ago. Now, shes
reversing her position.
After struggling to turn around the
company since becoming CEO in
2011, Whitman is adopting a plan to
split Hewlett-Packards PC and
printer divisions off from its
enterprise hardware and service
groups, according to a person with
knowledge of the matter. Its a
scenario she rejected as recently as
last year, saying more time was
needed to restore the companys
stature as the innovator that put
Silicon Valley on the map.
If you try to hive a division off, its
really hard because you almost have
to recreate the whole thing,
Whitman told Bloomberg News in
2011. Last year, Whitman defended
her strategy for the company, saying
it will be one of the great comeback
stories in American business.
She may have to shift gears now,
from having been a very prudent,
careful CEO, to being a CEO whos
getting the ball moving, said Erik
Gordon, a University of Michigan
business professor. BLOOMBERG
They are extremely
aggressive and
widespread in their
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Oct 5
FTSE Straits Times Index, Oct 5 FTSE BursaMalaysiaKLCI, Oct 5
Hang Seng Index, Oct 5 CSI 300 Index, Oct 5
Nikkei 225, Oct 5 Taiwan Taiex Index, Oct 5
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Oct 5
2,450.99 23,315.04
1,840.82 3,253.24
614.42 1,033.36
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KRX 100 Index, Oct 5 PSEI - Philippine Se Idx, Oct 5
Laos Composite Index, Oct 5 Jakarta Composite Index, Oct 5
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Oct 5 Karachi 100 Index, Oct 5
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Oct 5 NZX 50 Index, Oct 5
30,103.23 26,567.99
5,000.14 1,398.70
7,247.03 4,099.63
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 89.81 0.07 0.08% 9:02:20
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 92.28 -0.03 -0.03% 9:01:58
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.92 -0.12 -2.92% 9:02:04
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 238.65 0.8 0.34% 9:02:33
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 261.43 -0.2 -0.08% 9:02:12
ICEGasoil USD/MT 787.5 6.25 0.80% 9:01:48
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 12.57 -0.02 -0.16% 8:43:34
CME Lumber USD/tbf 349.2 1.4 0.40% 17:00:00
Asia grapples with food safety
Martin Abbugao

VERY morning, food sam-
ples are laid out on a long
table at a pristine laboratory
run by a German rm in Sin-
gapore but theyre not meant for
chefs or gourmets. Testing company
TUV SUD is watching out for con-
taminants that could harm consum-
ers in Singapore and other parts of
Asia, which has recently been rocked
by food-safety scandals.
Sales of US fast food giant McDon-
alds in China were hammered this
year following news reports alleging
that a supplier mixed expired meat
with fresh deliveries.
A Taiwan company is currently
embroiled in a widening scare af-
ter it was found selling hundreds of
tonnes of waste gutter oil to food
makers, bakeries and restaurants
forcing the recall of cakes, bread,
instant noodles, cookies, dumplings
and other food items at home and in
Hong Kong.
Ive been working in the industry
for the past 25 years and every few
years theres something major, said
Chong Kok Yong, a vice president
responsible for food safety at TUV
SUD in Singapore. Its an ongoing
challenge because there are parties
who want to make more from less, so
they are always trying to make poor-
quality food look good. So theres
always temptation for them to do
something illegal.
Changing consumption patterns
driven by Asias expanding middle
class, the globalisation of the food
chain and the transfer of new dis-
eases from animals to humans have
made it more complicated to com-
bat the risks, experts warned.
Sivapuram VRK Prabhakar, a senior
policy researcher at the Japan-based
Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies (IGES), said many coun-
tries still handle the issue by hand-
ing over bits and pieces of the food
safety puzzle to various ministries
and agencies without much coordi-
nation and collaboration.
The intensication of food produc-
tion has also given rise to concerns
over the excessive and improper use
of pesticides in crops and antibiotics
in animals.
India uses less pesticides per hect-
are than Taiwan and Japan but still
reports a bigger number of pesti-
cide residue cases due mainly to im-
proper application and the type of
chemicals used, a study co-written
by Prabhakar said.
Hiroyuki Konuma, who heads the
UN Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion in Asia Pacic, said unsafe food
causes a great number of acute and
lifelong diseases ranging from diar-
rhoea to various forms of cancer,
with more than 200 diseases spread
through contaminated food.
Unsafe food can also have adverse
effects on productivity, tourism and
trade, and can result in economic
losses through wastage, he said.
Expenses incurred by food pro-
ducers directly associated with
product recalls due to safety issues
averaged 9.4 per cent of annual rev-
enue, a TUV SUD study showed.
This could severely hurt prot in an
industry where gross margins range
between 5 and 15 per cent, it said.
The infrastructure needed to ensure
food safety throughout the entire
production chain such as refrig-
erated storage facilities is lacking,
and laws governing food safety are
not keeping pace with the emerging
trends, they said.
Konuma said that once a hazard
enters the food chain, it is not always
possible to remove it, making it nec-
essary to implement safety measures
across the entire process to ensure a
product is safe to sell and consume.
Ishan Palit, chief executive at TUV
SUD Global Product Services, said
most checks are being done at the
tail end of the chain, although more
countries are hiring third-party rms
to conduct tests at source.
Strong control at the border is not
good enough, Palit said. Unlike an
electronic device where each part
can be stamped with a part number
that is traceable to the factory where
it came from in food you cannot
do that.
Government policymakers must
also update food-safety policies, ex-
perts said. Very few countries have
stand alone laws on food safety.
However, relevant laws are under re-
view in several countries, according
to Konuma. AFP
A chemist at the Singapore laboratory of German testing company TUV SUD. The
company tests for contaminants in a variety of food products. AFP
Thai king
after op on
gall bladder
THAILANDS revered 86-year-
old King Bhumibol Adulyadej
has had his gall bladder
removed, the palace said yes-
terday, two days after he was
rushed to hospital sparking
fears for his health in the polit-
ically turbulent nation.
Bhumibol, who is the worlds
longest-serving monarch but
has suffered from numerous
ailments in recent years, is
treated as a near-deity in Thai-
land and his health is a subject
of great public concern.
The nation is beset by anxi-
ety over the future once Bhu-
mibols more than six-decade
reign comes to an end.
The king was driven from his
coastal palace to Bangkoks Sir-
iraj hospital with a fever on
Friday evening.
Tests over the weekend
found he had a swollen gall
bladder, prompting the opera-
tion to remove the organ late
on Sunday, the Royal House-
hold Bureau said.
Doctors were satisfied
with the surgery and the
kings condition was improv-
ing early yesterday, the state-
ment added.
Surgery to remove the gall
bladder is common and
patients tend to recovery
quickly from the operation.
Bhumibol, who is officially
King Rama IX, left the Siriraj
last month after a stay of almost
six weeks for a check-up.
He lived in the same hospi-
tal for nearly four years after
being admitted with respira-
tory problems in 2009 but
there was no explanation
from the palace over his pro-
longed stay.
As a constitutional monarch
the king has no official politi-
cal role, but Thais see him as a
unifying figure and a moral
force during a long reign that
has been flecked by political
In August he formal ly
endorsed the kingdoms new
pri me mi nister, Prayuth
Chan-ocha who seized pow-
er from the elected adminis-
tration on May 22 as head of
t he army, short ly af ter
Yingluck Shinawatra was
removed from office by a con-
troversial court ruling.
Prayut led his military-
stacked cabinet to the hospital
on Monday morning to sign a
book of well wishing for the
On October 2 the king
endorsed a 250-strong list of
members of a reform council,
according to a notice in the
Royal Gazette yesterday.
The junta has charged the
appointed council many of
whose members have been
outspoken enemies of Thaksin
with crafting wide-ranging
reforms that many believe will
chisel away at Thaksins power
bases. AFP
Incumbent Rousseff to face Neves in runoff
BRAZILS leftist president, Dilma Rous-
seff, won a first-round election on Sun-
day and will face business favourite
Aecio Neves in what is shaping up to be
a hard-fought runoff.
With nearly all ballots counted, Rous-
seff had 41 per cent of the vote and
Neves 34 per cent, leaving popular envi-
ronmentalist Marina Silva who once
looked set to become Brazils first black
president relegated with 21 per cent.
The incumbent, who is looking to win
a second four-year term and extend 12
years of Workers Party (PT) govern-
ment, is the favourite three weeks out
from the October 26 runoff.
But Neves, a former governor with a
reputation as a smooth operator, has
momentum in his favour after fending
off the once unstoppable-looking Silva
and finishing the first round well above
the 27 per cent support pollsters had
given him on the eve of the vote.
After a campaign packed with all the
twists and turns of a telenovela a can-
didates death in a fiery plane crash, a
poor maids rise to the cusp of the pres-
idency, a seedy oil scandal the election
produced a traditional-looking second
round between the two parties that
have led the worlds seventh-largest
economy for the past 20 years.
But Neves, the scion of a powerful
political family, vowed to carry the man-
tle of change, the buzzword of the
campaign after four years of economic
slowdown, corruption allegations, frus-
tration with poor public services and
record spending for the World Cup.
He made an emotional appeal to Sil-
vas Socialist party supporters, whose
electoral race was thrown into turmoil
on August 13 when their original can-
didate, Eduardo Campos, was killed in
a plane crash.
Silva, his running mate, took Cam-
poss place and initially leapt in the polls
with her broad-based appeal.
But despite her compelling person-
al story a one-time maid, she rose
from illiteracy and poverty to become
a respected conservation activist,
senator and environment minister
she lost steam in the last month of the
Neves paid warm tribute to Campos
and told Socialist voters: Its time to
unite our forces.
But Silva, a former PT stalwart who
remains close with some in the party,
did not rush to endorse anyone.
Rousseff for her part said four more
years of PT rule was the best path to
change. AFP
Exhausted protesters dwindle
Aaron Tam and Laura Mannering
ONG Kong pro-
testers were under
pressure yesterday
to end their pro-
democracy campaign as their
numbers dwindled after a
chaotic week of mass rallies,
and frustration grew over dis-
ruption and trafc gridlock.
The demonstrations that
had drawn tens of thousands
evaporated on Sunday night
in the face of a warning from
Hong Kongs embattled leader
Leung Chun-ying to leave the
streets and allow government
ofces to reopen.
Crowds ebbed to just a few
hundred weary activists at
their main site in the harbour-
side Admiralty district but
were beginning to gradually
pick up again as people left
work and headed back to the
streets late yesterday.
Student leaders denied their
campaign for free elections
had lost momentum, saying
they were dug in and would
remain until the government
agrees to conditions for talks
on political reform.
But Leung issued another
warning to disperse, saying
they should leave the ash-
point district of Mongkok
on the Kowloon peninsula,
which has seen ugly scufes
with triad mobs, as soon as
To prevent violent crime
and to reduce the amount of
injuries, police will take action
at the right time, Leung said
in a televised address, describ-
ing the area as high risk.
The protesters and their
well-organised campaign
have enjoyed strong public
support, with sympathy soar-
ing after police used tear gas
on the crowds. But after shut-
ting down parts of the city for
more than a week, irritation
has grown.
Highways were jammed with
trafc and subway trains were
packed yesterday as frustrated
commuters tried to nd their
way to and from work, battling
cancelled bus routes and road
They have to let the cars
through as soon as possible
they are blocking the way, 25-
year-old Michael Lau said as
he travelled on the citys iconic
tram network.
However, secondary schools
closures in affected areas,
which had been a particular
headache for families, were
lifted and the government
said primary schools would
reopen today.
To demonstrate is one
thing, but dont affect our live-
lihoods any more because we
have rent to pay, said a fruit
juice seller who gave her name
as Mrs Hau. From her small
shop in Admiralty she de-
scribed the blockaded streets
as a dead city.
The property tycoons are
not going to say: Lets re-
duce the rent this month it
still has to be paid, her hus-
band said.
Those protesters who re-
mained were battling fatigue
yesterday, as the energy of a
once-euphoric campaign be-
gan to subside.
I hoped that something
would happen so we could
end this thing quickly, said
Otto Ng Chun-lung, an 18-
year-old sociology student.
Everyone is just exhausted
and we cant go a long time.
But student leader Alex
Chow said the occupation of
the streets would continue
until the government agrees to
preconditions the demonstra-
tors have set for negotiations.
All our energy is going into
preparing for the talks and
ensuring the students are on
equal footing with the gov-
ernment, Chow, leader of the
Hong Kong Federation of Stu-
dents, said.
I think it may drag on for
some time because we havent
seen any progress at all in
terms of negotiation, said po-
litical analyst Ma Ngok.
University leaders and other
movement supporters have
been trying to persuade the
remaining students that they
should beat a tactical retreat.
I think its a wise decision
to make a strategic draw down
[of people on the ground] as
its hard to convince the public
that continuing the blockade
would achieve results, politi-
cal analyst Willy Lam said.
If talks between the stu-
dents and the government
prove totally futile . . . and
[Chinese president] Xi Jinping
is against concessions, then
its possible to switch on the
movement again. AFP
FOUR-DAY environment symposium
that was to gather 11 Nobel laureates
in Hong Kong beginning Wednesday
has been scrapped due to sustained
disruptions in the city, the organisers said
Efforts will be made to reschedule the event
in Hong Kong, the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Asia
Society Hong Kong Centre (ASHK) said in a
statement received in Paris.
Called the Nobel Laureates Symposium on
Global Sustainability, the event was to focus on
Asias urbanisation in the face of worsening
scenarios for global warming.
The organisers took the difficult decision to
cancel the event due to the sustained
disruptions in the city, the statement said.
They will intensely explore options to
reschedule the symposium . . . for Hong Kong,
which is an important laboratory of
urbanisation for all of Asia, it said. AFP
A pro-democracy protester sleeps on the roof of an MTR station as others occupy a street in the Mong Kok district of Hong Kong early
yesterday. AFP
IS flags flying on hill
overlooking Kobane
URDISH militia in
Kobane came un-
der renewed assault
by the Islamic State
yesterday, as 20 jihadists were
reportedly killed after enter-
ing the key Syrian town for the
rst time.
IS militants were trying to
storm Kobane on the border
with Turkey from both east
and west of a strategic hill to
the south, but Kurdish ghters
repulsed the attack, the Syr-
ian Observatory for Human
Rights said.
It said at least 20 jihadists
were killed late on Sunday af-
ter entering an eastern neigh-
bourhood and being am-
bushed by Peoples Protection
Units (YPG) ghters.
The jihadists died in an
ambush by the YPG after they
entered Street 48 in the east of
Kobane overnight, Observa-
tory director Rami Abdel Rah-
man said.
Their assault appeared to be
the rst time IS ghters had
entered Kobane since their
advance on it began nearly
three weeks ago.
A Syrian Kurdish ofcial in-
side Kobane said it had come
under heavy bombardment.
Idris Nahsen said by tele-
phone that he could not
conrm if IS jihadists were
inside the town, but an AFP
photographer reported from
the Turkish border that two IS
ags were ying yesterday on
Kobanes eastern side.
IS ghters seized part of
Mishtenur Hill, which over-
looks Kobane, late on Sat-
urday, but US-led air strikes
slowed their advance.
Nahsen had said Saturday
from Kobane that airstrikes
alone were not enough to stop
the IS assault.
Kobane might fall to IS soon,
an ofcial there said, the BBC
In a sign of mounting des-
peration, a Kurdish female
ghter blew herself up at an
IS position east of Kobane on
Sunday, the Observatory said.
It was the rst reported in-
stance of a female Kurdish
ghter employing a tactic of-
ten used by the jihadists, said
the Britain-based watchdog,
which has a wide network of
sources inside Syria.
The bomber, in her 20s, was
a full-time YPG ghter identi-
ed as Dilar Gencxemis, alias
Arin Mirkan, from Kurdish-
controlled Afrin in northwest-
ern Syria. The Syrian Kurdish
YPG, like its ally in Turkey the
outlawed Kurdistan Workers
Party, has a large number of
women under arms.
She killed dozens of gang
members and demonstrated
the YPG ghters determined
resistance, the group said in a
statement carried by the pro-
Kurdish Firat news agency.
If necessary, all YPG ght-
ers will follow her example.
Sundays ghting around
Kobane also known as Ain al-
Arab killed at least 19 Kurd-
ish ghters and 27 IS jihadists,
the Observatory said.
The town has become a
crucial battleground in the
ght against the jihadists, who
sparked further outrage at the
weekend with the release of a
video showing the beheading
of Briton Alan Henning.
The video the latest in a se-
ries of on-camera beheadings
of Western hostages also in-
cluded a threat to another
hostage, US aid worker Peter
Kassig. His parents have is-
sued a video plea for their
sons release, urging his cap-
tors to show mercy towards
the 26-year-old former US
soldier who has converted to
Islam. AFP
An IS ag is placed on a hill above the Syrian town known as Kobane by
Kurds, as seen from the Turkish-Syrian border yesterday. AFP
Dewani pleads not guilty
in honeymoon murder
BRITISH millionaire Shrien
Dewani pleaded not guilty to
murdering his young bride
while on a honeymoon in Cape
Town and admitted he was
bisexual, in an explosive
opening to his long-awaited
trial yesterday. Dewani told the
court he was not guilty of
charges of murder, kidnapping
and obstructing justice. For
three years he had fought
extradition to South Africa,
where he is now being tried for
killing Swedish-born bride Anni
(nee Hindocha), who was shot
dead on November 13, 2010,
aged 28. AFP
British McCann troll

found dead in hotel
A BRITISH woman accused by a
television station of directing
Twitter abuse at the parents of
missing girl Madeleine McCann
has been found dead, press
reports said on Sunday. Brenda
Leyland, 63, was confronted on
the street by a Sky News
reporter who accused her of
being in a group of online
trolls who directed abuse at
the McCanns, whose daughter
has been missing since 2007.
The death is not being treated
as suspicious, a police spokes-
man said. British press have
reported that police are invest-
igating abuse on social media
towards the McCanns. AFP
FORMER French intelligence officer
who defected to al-Qaeda was
targeted by US strikes in Syria last
month, US press group McClatchy
said, in a report almost immediately denied
by Paris.
According to the report, European
intelligence sources describe the former
agent who allegedly defected from either
French military intelligence services or the
countrys foreign spy agency the DGSE
as the highest ranking defector ever
to go over to the terrorist group.
The article adds that the man, who
reportedly joined al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
and went to Syria, was one of the
targets of a round of US strikes in the
war-torn country aimed at the
al-Nusra Front, al-Qaedas Syrian
affiliate. AFP
THE hunt for missing Malaysia
Airlines Flight MH370 entered
a new phase yesterday with
the resumption of the under-
water search for the aircraft,
officials said.
Until now experts had been
concentrating on mapping
the seabed in the southern
Indian Ocean search zone
where the plane carrying 239
people is thought to have
crashed in March.
The Malaysian-contracted
GO Phoenix vessel has now
arrived in the area and begun
its work scanning the ocean
floor for the jet, the Australian
Transport Safety Bureau
(ATSB) said.
Australia has been spear-
heading the hunt for the plane
which is believed to have hit
the ocean after mysteriously
diverting off-course from Kua-
la Lumpur to Beijing and run-
ning out of fuel.
The search for MH370 has
been frustrated by a lack of
solid information about the
jetliners final hours and the
vast and largely unexplored
area in which it is presumed to
have crashed.
Given that the unknown
nature of the ocean floor in
that area since found to
include extinct volcanoes,
sheer ridges and deep trench-
es a bathymetric survey to
map the seabed was consid-
ered vital before an underwa-
ter search could start.
This survey, which has
mapped some 110,000 square
kilometres (44,000 square
miles) of the remote area since
May, has paved the way for the
work of the GO Phoenix that
will conduct a deep-water,
side scan sonar search.
The GO Phoenix will tow
sensitive underwater equip-
ment over the seabed in the
hunt for irregularities, such as
large parts of the aircraft that
could still be in intact like the
engines and fuselage, the ATSB
has said.
Australian authorities have
said they are cautiously opti-
mistic that the plane will be
located in the refined search
zone, although they have said
the process could take up to a
year. AFP

Decapitation killer dad
hangs himself: reports
THE father of a 16-year-old
Japanese schoolgirl who
confessed to decapitating a
classmate earlier this year has
killed himself, news reports
said yesterday. The 53-year-old,
whose name was withheld, was
found hanged in his home on
Sunday in Sasebo, southwest
Japan, Jiji Press said. His
daughter was arrested in late
July on suspicion of murdering
her 15-year-old fellow student
after police discovered a
dismembered body on a bed in
the suspects home. My
daughters act can never be
forgiven for any reason or
cause, her father said in
August. When I think of the
shock and sorrow felt by the
bereaved family, it breaks my
heart, he said. I cant find the
words for an apology. AFP
Two Swiss shot dead in

Philippines, police say
TWO Swiss nationals have been
shot dead in a southern
Philippine resort town, police
said yesterday. The victims,
67-year-old Robert Erich Loever
and 78-year-old Baltazar
Johann Erni, had just stepped
out from a beach resort at 1pm
(0500 GMT) on Sunday in Opol
town, Misamis Oriental province,
when unidentified gunmen shot
them in the head, municipal
police chief Senior Inspector
Alwin Baclao said. The
assailants fled on foot, Baclao
said, according to the victims
two female companions who
witnessed the attack. Police
ruled out robbery as motive
after the suspects ran away
without taking the victims
belongings, Baclao said,
adding an investigation was
under way. AFP
Oz chef cooked parts of
girlfriends body: paper
AUSTRALIAN police said
yesterday that they had begun a
murder probe after they found
human remains in an
apartment, but refused to
confirm reports that body parts
were cooking on the stove.
Authorities went to the home in
an upmarket area of Brisbane
on Saturday night after
neighbours reported a terrible
smell. Police have given few
details on the case, but
confirmed that human remains
were found inside the apartment
in Teneriffe and that a mans
body was found in a nearby
street. Queenslands Courier-
Mail said the dead man was a
28-year-old chef who had
recently moved into the
apartment with his Indonesian
girlfriend. Police would not
comment on the papers report
that the man slit his own throat
after he fled the apartment, or
that they had found parts of the
womans body cooking in an
industrial pot on the stove. AFP
Seven crewmen aboard
missing gunboat safe
THE commander of a Malaysian
gunboat that went missing on
Sunday has confirmed the
safety of all seven crew onboard
after establishing radio contact,
however rough seas were
hampering rescue operations,
the navy said yesterday. The
vessel went missing after it set
out for a routine sea patrol in
the South China Sea on Sunday
near Mengalum island off
Borneo. AFP
Malaysia urged not to deport Uighur migrants
Next phase of MH370 search begins
A MALAYSIAN human rights group
called on the government on Sunday
not to forcibly deport 155 Chinese eth-
nic Uighurs reported to be in the coun-
try illegally, amid concerns for their fate
in China.
Malaysian media reported on Friday
that the Uighurs, including 76 children,
were found in a pair of cramped apart-
ments in the capital Kuala Lumpur in a
raid two days earlier by immigration
The Malaysian government, which
has sought closer trade ties with Beijing,
came under criticism 18 months ago
from human rights groups and the UN
refugee agency for sending six Uighurs
back to China in an earlier case.
Malaysian rights group Suaram said
there was concern that deporting the
Uighurs might put their life at risk,
especially since there are 76 children
involved. Malaysia is not a signatory
to the UNs key refugee treaty, but the
government is bound by international
principles against deporting persons
to places where they may face persecu-
tion, Suaram said.
Xinjiang tensions have soared amid a
wave of violence over the past year,
including deadly attacks on civilians,
which China blames on terrorists.
A Malaysian immigration department
official reached on Sunday declined to
comment. Malaysia is a major trans-
shipment point on regional refugee and
people-smuggling routes.
Authorities in Muslim-majority
Malaysia have expressed growing
alarm over reports that scores of its
citizens had gone to Syria to take part
in its civil war, prompting fears they
could join the radical Islamic State
group and import extremist ideas on
their return home.
Similar fears have been expressed in
neighbouring Indonesia. Indonesian
police said in mid-September that they
had arrested four Uighurs suspected of
being linked to the Islamic State.
Suaram said any detained Uighurs
should have their cases adjudicated by
Malaysian courts, and urged the gov-
ernment to work with the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
on the matter.
A UNHCR spokeswoman said the
agency was still seeking information
from authorities on the report of the 155
Uighurs and declined comment.
Malaysia deported six Uighurs in
December 2012 while the UNHCR was
processing their refugee claims, spark-
ing an outcry.
It deported an earlier batch of 11
Uighurs in 2011, saying they were
involved in a human-smuggling syndi-
cate. AFP
Typhoon slams into Japan
Miwa Suzuki
TRONG typhoon Phanfone
slammed into Japan yesterday,
packing gusting winds and
huge waves that swept three US
military ofcials out to sea in another
stark reminder of the countrys vulner-
ability to nature.
Just over a week after a volcano killed
dozens of hikers when it erupted with-
out warning, winds of up to 180 kilo-
metres (112 miles) per hour whipped
ashore, bringing heavy rain and travel
chaos throughout a swathe of the
The storm whirled over Tokyo at
around 11:00am (0200 GMT) and then
headed northeast, dumping rain fur-
ther up the coast of Honshu while its
eye moved out over the Pacic Ocean.
Seven people were left dead or miss-
ing, including the three US military
ofcials who had been photographing
the storm, Japanese police and coast
guards said.
Typhoon Phanfone grounded more
than 600 ights, and caused the can-
cellation of dozens of bullet train
services, leaving travellers stranded
in stations. The leading edge of the
storm brought a nasty commute to
Tokyos morning rush hour, with hun-
dreds of thousands of ofce workers
caught up in the driving rain that
lashed the streets.
Localised ooding was reported
while television footage showed
around 15 of the 20-metre high poles
holding up the netting at a golf driv-
ing range had collapsed, crashing into
houses in Chiba, east of Tokyo.
The storm also battered Japans auto
Toyota Motor temporarily suspend-
ed operations at its 12 factories in
Aichi, central Japan, due to the impact
of the typhoon on its parts supplies, a
company spokeswoman said, adding
that production lines reopened by yes-
terday evening.
The weather agency warned that
even as the storm passed out to sea
landslides and oods were still a risk in
a country where a relatively wet sum-
mer brought numerous landslides, in-
cluding in Hiroshima where more than
70 people died.
In the central Japanese prefecture
of Shizuoka, more than 50,000 people
were ordered to evacuate their homes,
while around 1.7 million others were
advised to take refuge, local authori-
ties said.
The three US military ofcials were
engulfed by high waves triggered by
the storm on the southern island of
Three ofcials were taking pictures
with high waves whipped up by the
typhoon in the background, a local
police spokesman said.
One has been found dead, with the
two others still missing, he said early
A 21-year-old surfer was also missing
in the Pacic off Fujisawa, southwest of
Tokyo, a coast guard spokesman said.
And rescuers were searching through
the mess left by two separate land-
slides in Yokohama, southwest of To-
kyo, where two people were missing.
A junior high school boy had also
disappeared after being swamped by
high waves on the coast at Yokosuka,
south of Tokyo, a city ofcial said.
About 57 people were injured across
the country in storm-related accidents,
public broadcaster NHK said.
Tokyo Electric Power Co, the opera-
tor of the tsunami-crippled Fukushi-
ma Daiichi nuclear power plant on the
northeastern Pacic coast, said it had
halted ground and sea operations, and
bundled away cables and hoses.
We are also patrolling and checking
where water may ow in, a company
spokesman said.
In the mountainous centre of the
country, the typhoon meant the sus-
pension of the search for the bodies
of at least 12 hikers believed to be ly-
ing on the still-smouldering Mount
Ontake. The mountain has already
yielded 51.
The volcano was packed with walk-
ers when it burst angrily to life on Sep-
tember 27, with many there to witness
the spectacular colours of the country-
side as summer turned to autumn.
The eruption was Japans deadliest
in almost 90 years and nearly 1,000
troops, reghters and police have
participated in a search made treach-
erous by the gases still rising from the
peak, as well as a knee-deep layer of
sticky ash.
We want to resume operations as
soon as possible when weather per-
mits, said an ofcial of the crisis man-
agement ofce of Nagano, where the
volcano sits. AFP
High waves batter a breakwater at a port at Kihou town in Mie prefecture, central Japan,
yesterday. AFP
Flight MH370 search area
500 km
The fnal arc of satellite
radar bands that MH370
is calculated to have crossed
Priority search
Medium search
Wide search
Latest planned search areas
Broken Ridge
Burst his bubble
Bermuda in
ball venturer
left deated
attempting a bizarre
crossing from Florida to
Bermuda inside an inflatable
bubble has been rescued after
succumbing to exhaustion, the
US Coast Guard said.
US citizen Reza Baluchi was
pulled from the water off the
coast of Florida on Saturday
after triggering a radio beacon
signalling he needed help, a
press release said.
The US Coast Guard said it
had first become aware of Ba-
luchis odyssey on Wednesday
when personnel received a
report of a US citizen floating
in an inflatable bubble.
Baluchi was reportedly
disoriented and asking for
directions to Bermuda, it said.
A US Coast Guard vessel ar-
rived on the scene and urged
Baluchi to halt his trip after
conveying the dangers of his
voyage. Baluchi ignored the
advice and continued.
However, he finally threw in
the towel on Saturday, floating
70 nautical miles (130 kilome-
tres) off the Florida coast. AFP

Iran releases the wife of
detained WP journalist
IRAN has released the journalist
Yeganeh Salehi who was
arrested almost three months
ago with her husband, the
Washington Posts Tehran
correspondent Jason Rezaian,
an official said yesterday.
Rezaian, who holds dual
US-Iranian citizenship, remains
in custody but Salehi, an Iranian,
was freed on bail in the middle
of last week, the official said.
The couples detention has
attracted considerable attention
given the talks between Iran and
the US and other world powers
over the Islamic republics
nuclear program. AFP
Man marries stepmum

after French court battle
A FORMER stepson and
stepmother finally tied the knot
on Saturday after fighting for
months with French authorities
for the right to marry. Elisabeth
Lorentz, 48, married Eric
Holder, three years her junior, in
the small village of Dabo in
northeastern France. She was
previously married to Holders
father but the couple are not
blood relatives. Nonetheless,
French law prohibits all unions
between stepchildren and step-
parents even former ones.
They finally obtained the right to
marry from a local court in
June. The ex-husband of the
bride, father of the groom, was
reportedly among the guests. AFP
India-Pakistan border
clash kills five civilians
INDIAN and Pakistan security
forces traded fire along their
troubled frontier, leaving five
civilians dead in Indian Kashmir
and four in Pakistan, marring the
Muslim festival of Eid, officials on
the two sides said yesterday. The
countries accused each other of
provoking the firing, which
stoked fresh tensions between
the nuclear-armed nations that
have fought three wars, two over
Muslim-majority Kashmir. AFP
Kohl chides Merkel, Gorbachev in new book
ANGELA Merkel could barely hold a
knife and fork properly, while Mikhail
Gorbachev left behind a pretty forget-
table legacy. Such are the musings of
Helmut Kohl according to a new book,
which also shows the formidable former
German chancellor in less than chari-
table mood towards the East German
civil rights activists who helped bring
down the Berlin Wall 25 years ago.
In Legacy: the Kohl Transcripts, a series
of interview transcripts to be published
without Kohls consent this week, the
longest-serving German chancellor
cautions against overestimating the role
of the civil rights movement, which
sprung up in cities like Dresden and
Leipzig in the late 1980s, in bringing
about German reunification.
It would be wrong to pretend that the
Holy Ghost has suddenly descended
over Leipzig and changed the world,
Kohl said in reference to the 1989 pro-
tests that saw hundreds of thousands of
citizens take to the street against the
East German regime.
Instead, he the fall of the wall was
above all the result of the Soviet Unions
struggling economy. Gorbachev went
through the books and had to concede
that his game was up, and that he could
not prop up the regime.
The former chancellors verdict on his
Soviet counterpart is surprisingly
reserved. Gorbachevs legacy is he
called time on Communism, partially
against his will, but de facto he finished
it off. Without bloodshed. Beyond that
I am struggling to think of much else in
terms of real legacy.
The current chancellor Angela Mer-
kel, who Kohl promoted but turned
against after an expenses scandal in
1999, is described in even less flattering
terms: Ms Merkel couldnt even hold
her fork and knife properly. She loitered
at state dinners so that I had to repeat-
edly tell her to pull herself together.
The frank tone of the 84-year-olds
comments suggests that he probably
never expected them to be published in
his lifetime. Recorded during a series of
more than 100 interviews with the jour-
nalist Heribert Schwan in 2001 and 2002
after the suicide of his first wife Han-
nelore, the transcripts were originally
intended to form the basis for the fourth
volume of his autobiography.
Schwan claims that he was sacked as
Kohls biographer and ordered to return
the tapes after falling out with his new
wife, Maike Kohl-Richter. Now Schwan
has gone ahead and published the tapes
anyway a decision that could yet have
legal repercussions.
According to the news magazine Der
Spiegel, which has printed excerpts
from the book in its current edition, the
Kohl transcripts show a man smarting
from not having received the full recog-
nition he felt he deserved.
His Social Democrat predecessors
Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt
enjoyed reputations as cosmopolitan
statesman, but Kohls bulky frame,
strong regional accent and taste for
hearty German cuisine often invited
ridicule in Germany, meaning his repu-
tation abroad often exceeded that in his
home country. THE GUARDIAN
IS turning us all into recruiters
Owen Jones
HEY are eeing Lati-
ya a city just out-
side Baghdad in
their thousands. A
few months ago, it had a pop-
ulation of 200,000, but now
only 50,000 remain. This is a
town of horror.
According to Human Rights
Watch, Islamist militias are
summarily executing civil-
ians. People are being taken
out of cars, ordered to kneel
on the pavement and then
shot in the head. On June 11,
137 men were seized from the
towns Um Weilha market.
Thirty bodies have so far been
recovered; the fate of the oth-
ers remains a mystery.
More evidence of the need
for Western air power to pum-
mel these barbarians, you
might think. But the persecu-
tors here are not the Islamic
State (IS). They are Shia ght-
ers under the control of former
Western-backed prime minis-
ter Nouri al-Maliki, whose vio-
lent sectarianism did so much
to fuel the rise of IS.
They are murdering and
torturing Sunni Muslims,
victims whose lives have
been deemed to be of no sig-
nicance. As Human Rights
Watch points out, their sto-
ries are falling on deaf ears.
No white Westerners were
forced to recite chilling mes-
sages in videos before being
murdered, so no horror is
expressed by Western politi-
cians. There arent ever louder
and more irresistible calls to
do something.
None of this is to understate
the barbarity of IS. We grow
more terried of it; we ex-
press our terror, and so help
to spread it. Western media
compete over inammatory
language to express the evil of
IS, and add to its almost oth-
erworldly, terrifying mystique
a mystique IS has depended
on to conquer large swaths
of Iraq and Syria, because its
opponents are left too fright-
ened to resist.
Stills of its videos are plas-
tered on front pages and vi-
cious anti-Muslim diatribes
are posted on Twitter which
must delight IS: the more ha-
tred of Muslims ratchets up,
the better chance it has of
winning support.
Some belated realisation
we are simply following ISs
script is ltering through.
This weeks Independent on
Sunday front page featured
simply white text on black.
Social media abounds with
calls to share pictures of the
murdered British taxi driv-
er Alan Henning hugging a
Syrian child to showcase his
kindness, rather than his last
moments, as IS would want.
The fact is, we are playing
the part IS has written for us
in an even more profound
way. We must do something
has too often proved to be the
cry of a man pouring a can of
petrol over a burning home.
IS knows that, which is why
it is doing everything it can to
incite Western intervention.
A British jihadi has called
for the UK to send all your
forces so IS can send them
all back in cofns. In the up-
setting propaganda videos he
has made under duress, the
British hostage John Cantlie
says IS cannot be defeated
by air power, but only with
ground forces.
As General Jonathan Shaw
the former assistant chief of
the UKs defence staff says:
What possible advantage
is there to [IS] of bringing us
into the campaign? Answer:
to unite the Muslim world
against the Christian world.
We played into their hands.
Weve done what they wanted
us to do.
Far from stemming its ad-
vance, since the bombs began
to fall, IS has continued its on-
ward march. Heet, near Bagh-
dad, is believed to have fallen;
IS could already be within ar-
tillery range of the capital; and
it appears to be on the verge
of seizing the northern Syrian
town of Kobane.
In the initial phase of
bombing, IS is believed to
have added 6,000 recruits to
its ranks. Its growing online
support intensied after the
bombing raids, says the FBI
director, James Comey.
So what can be done? At the
moment, many Iraqi Sunni
Muslims prefer IS to the sec-
tarian Shia militias. Until
that is addressed through a
process of national reconcili-
ation and by integrating the
Sunni minority reversing
the damage done by Maliki-
style sectarianism little
will change.
Murderous Shia militias
must be dismantled. Kurdish
peshmerga must, undoubt-
edly, be properly armed. The
Western-backed dictator-
ships of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
and Qatar must be compelled
to crack down on the funding
networks helping to sustain
IS and other terrorists.
External military interven-
tion in Iraq and Syria must be
led by regional powers, not by
estern forces as IS craves.
Will common sense prevail?
Unlikely, given the more-than-
understandable revulsion that
has swept Britain and beyond
since the brutality against Alan
Henning. But that, of course,
is what IS intends.
We cannot bomb an ideol-
ogy out of existence. One can
only imagine the satisfaction
among IS ranks that we are
following a script it has writ-
ten to the letter. THE GUARDIAN
Members of the Colla Vella
Xiquets de Valls human tower
team form a castell during the
25th human towers, or castells,
competition in Tarragona, Spain,
on Sunday. These human towers,
built traditionally in festivals
within Catalonia, gather several
teams tha attempt to safely build
and dismantle a human tower
structure. AFP
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T IS not wholly true to say that
the eyes of the entire world are
on Hong Kong. They would be,
of course, if people in mainland
China were allowed to know what is
happening in their countrys most
successful city. But Chinas govern-
ment has tried to block any news
about the Hong Kong democracy
demonstrations from reaching the
rest of the country not exactly a
sign of confidence on the part of Chi-
nas rulers in their system of authori-
tarian government.
Before suggesting a way forward
for Hong Kongs ham-fisted authori-
ties, three things need to be made
clear. First, it is a slur on the integrity
and principles of Hong Kongs citi-
zens to assert, as the Chinese gov-
ernments propaganda machine
does, that they are being manipulat-
ed by outside forces. What motivates
Hong Kongs tens of thousands of
demonstrators is a passionate belief
that they should be able to run their
affairs as they were promised, choos-
ing those who govern them in free
and fair elections.
Second, others outside of Hong
Kong have a legitimate interest in
what happens in the city. Hong Kong
is a great international centre, whose
freedoms and autonomy were guar-
anteed in a treaty registered at the
UN. In particular, the United King-
dom, the other party to this Sino-
British Joint Declaration, sought and
received guarantees that Hong
Kongs autonomy and liberties would
be guaranteed for 50 years.
So it is ridiculous to suggest that
British ministers and parliamentari-
ans should keep their noses out of
Hong Kongs affairs. In fact, they
have a right and a moral obligation to
continue to check on whether China
is keeping its side of the bargain as,
to be fair, it has mostly done so far.
But, third, the biggest problems
have arisen because of a dispute
about where Hong Kongs promised
path to democracy should take it,
and when. No one told Hong Kongers
when they were assured of universal
suffrage that it would not mean
being able to choose for whom they
could vote. No one said that Iran was
the democratic model that Chinas
Communist bureaucracy had in
mind, with the Chinese government
authorized to exercise an effective
veto over candidates.
In fact, that is not what China had in
mind. As early as 1993, Chinas chief
negotiator on Hong Kong, Lu Ping,
told Peoples Daily, the Communist
Partys mouthpiece, The [method of
universal suffrage] should be reported
to [Chinas Parliament] for the record,
whereas the central governments
agreement is not necessary. How
Hong Kong develops its democracy in
the future is completely within the
sphere of the autonomy of Hong Kong.
The central government will not inter-
fere. The following year, Chinas for-
eign ministry confirmed this.
The British Parliament summa-
rized what had been said and prom-
ised in a report on Hong Kong in
2000. The Chinese government has
therefore formally accepted that it is
for the Hong Kong government to
determine the extent and nature of
democracy in Hong Kong.
So, what next?
The peaceful demonstrators in
Hong Kong, with their umbrellas and
refuse-collection bags, will not
themselves be swept off the streets
like garbage or bullied into submis-
sion by tear gas and pepper spray.
Any attempt to do so would present a
terrible and damaging picture of
Hong Kong and China to the world,
and would be an affront to all that
China should aspire to be.
The Hong Kong authorities have
gravely miscalculated the views of
their citizens. Like the bad courtiers
against whom Confucius warned,
they went to Beijing and told the
emperor what they thought he want-
ed to hear, not what the situation
really was in the city. They must
think again.
Under the existing plans, there is
supposed to be a second phase of
consultations on democratic devel-
opment to follow what turned out to
be a counterfeit start to the process.
Hong Kongs government should
now offer its people a proper second
round of consultation, one that is
open and honest. Dialogue is the
only sensible way forward. Hong
Kongs citizens are not irresponsible
or unreasonable. A decent compro-
mise that allows for elections that
people can recognize as fair, not
fixed, is surely available.
The demonstrators in Hong Kong,
young and old, represent the citys
future. Their hopes are for a peaceful
and prosperous life in which they can
enjoy the freedoms and rule of law
that they were promised. That is not
only in the interest of their city; it is in
Chinas interest, too. Hong Kongs
future is the main issue; but so, too, is
Chinas honor and its standing in the
The way ahead in Hong Kong
Umbrellas with messages of support are displayed at a pro-democracy protest site in the Mong Kok district of Hong Kong yesterday. AFP
Chris Patten, the last British governor of
Hong Kong, is chancellor of the University
of Oxford.
Chris Patten
Lifestyle Lifestyle
THANK you, Bill Murray, and thank
you, curiously enough, Mickey
Mouse: Star Wars Rebels, a new ani-
mated series that premiered on Fri-
day in the US on the Disney Channel,
is a shipshape, neato-burrito side
project that finds the right balance
between hype and hyperspace.
The first double-length episode,
subtitled Spark of Rebellion, is a per-
fectly acceptable entry in the Star
Wars universe. Its also clearly meant
for 10-year-olds, so whats with all
the 45-year-olds asking me if Ive
seen it yet?
Well, you know, this is religious stuff
for some of us original fanboys, and
Rebels is the first indication of what
will become of Star Wars under the
stewardship of Disney, which
acquired the entire Lucasfilm opera-
tion a couple of years ago and prompt-
ly floated a number of ways in which
it intends to amp up the brand.
To everyones surprise, this
included a green light for Episode
VII, which is due in movie theatres
in time for Christmas 2015 and
brings Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
and Mark Hamill back as Han Solo,
Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.
One thing is certain about the new
ownership: Disney intends to make
as much money as it can on Star
Wars, no offence to your sacred
childhood memories.
These days, you can have as much
or as little going on in your own pri-
vate Star Wars-sphere as you like.
For some, the movies are plenty.
Most of us can admit almost with-
out twitching that George Lucass
prequel trilogy pretty much soured
the relationship. The bright spot in
the prequels, I suppose, was that
they taught us to not take Star Wars
personally. This was a problem.
Of course, Rebels is not the first trip
to cartoonland for Star Wars. Anima-
tor Dave Filonis Star Wars: The Clone
Wars debuted in 2008 and ran for an
impressive 125 episodes on Cartoon
Network. Clone Wars had a style all its
own, filling in the huge blanks
between Lucass Epsiode II: The Attack
of the Clones (2002) and Episode III:
Revenge of the Sith (2005), in which
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker,
Yoda and the old guard actually
fought and experienced the so-called
Clone Wars that everyone in the films
talked so much about. Clone Wars was
harmless fun a toy commercial with
a noticeable moral code and a willing-
ness to experiment.
Snuffed out by the Disney deal,
Clone Wars nevertheless left Filoni
and his Rebels co-creators, Carrie
Beck and Simon Kinberg, with a reli-
able blueprint for how to do Star Wars
purely for kids (after all, Star Wars
should rightfully belong to kids) in a
half-hour format, while appeasing
the childlike devotion in adult fans.
In addition to a slightly more
sophisticated animation style, Rebels
has the benefit of taking place in
what is undoubtedly the proven
sweet spot of Star Wars: Its set five
years before the events seen in the
original 1977 film. That means that
Rebels is more recognisably and vis-
ually Star Wars-ish than the stories
set in the failed art-deco/hotel atri-
um aesthetics of the prequel era.
In Rebels, there are once again
stormtroopers, Imperial officers,
Star Destroyers, TIE fighters and AT-
ATs, all with their attendant sound
effects and movements and John
Williams music cues. At long last we
are home, where the obfuscation
between good guys and bad
guys has fallen away.
As fans already know, the Rebels
animators looked for inspiration to
the paintings and sketches of the
late conceptual art ist Ralph
McQuarrie, whom Lucas hired in
the early 1970s when Star Wars was
just a germ of an idea. Before anyone
really knew what Star Wars would
look and feel like, McQuarrie had
begun drawing rudimentary notions
of droids, Wookiees and Sith Lords.
One of the good guys in Rebels, a
lumbering creature named Zeb
Orrelios (voiced by Steven Blum), is
a dead-ringer for McQuarries earli-
est take on Chewbacca.
Theres a story here too, by the way:
On a far-off planet thats recently
come under Imperial occupation, a
skilled teenage thief named Ezra
Bridger (Taylor Gray) runs into a
band of thieves headed by Kanan Jar-
rus (Freddie Prinze Jr) and unwit-
tingly foils their latest heist. The
more Ezra hangs out with Kanans
crew, it begins to dawn on him that
theyre working for a larger, secret
alliance dedicated to overthrowing
the Galactic Empire.
And thats where the fun begins.
Thats where it always did. THE WASH-
Katya Kazakina
AIRE British col-
lector Frank Co-
hen waited eight
years for the Jeff Koons sculp-
ture he had purchased to be
completed. It turned out that
Balloon Monkey (Orange) was
too big for his nonprot art
centre in London.
So now hes selling it. The
2006-2013 orange stainless
steel creature is heading to
Christies with an estimate
of $20 million to $30 million
and will be among the high-
lights of the bellwether post-
war and contemporary eve-
ning sale on November 12 in
New York. Sothebys also has
a Koons artwork up for sale
on November 11. It will offer
Moon (Yellow), a stainless-
steel sculpture of a mylar bal-
loon that can be mounted on
a wall. Its estimated at $12
million to $18 million.
Koons became the most ex-
pensive living artist at auction
after his 1994-2000 sculpture,
Balloon Dog (Orange), fetched
$58.4 million at Christies in
November 2013. His total auc-
tion sales in 2013 jumped 84
per cent from the previous year
to $71.1 million, according to
Paris-based arts data research-
er Artprice.
For six weeks starting Oc-
tober 6, the 12.5-foot-tall, 20-
foot-long Balloon Monkey (Or-
ange) will be displayed in front
of Christies Rockefeller Plaza
Its an incredible outdoor
piece, said Nicolai Frahm,
who co-founded with Cohen
the Dairy Art Centre near the
British Museum in London
in 2013 and who conrmed
Cohen is selling it. He origi-
nally had a specic place for
it, which didnt work out. Its
too massive, unfortunately. He
thought it didnt make sense to
keep something incredible like
this in storage.
Cohen unsuccessfully ap-
proached a number of mu-
seums once he realised the
sculpture wouldnt t indoors
and was too big for the space
outside, Frahm said. It would
look ridiculous.
Manchester, England-born
Cohen is ranked as one of the
worlds top 200 collectors by
ArtNews in 2014. His collection
includes art by Tracey Emin,
Stanley Spencer and Ai Weiwei.
Im opening this space be-
cause of my passion for art,
Cohen said in a Bloomberg
News interview last year about
Dairy Art Centre.
Koonss career retrospec-
tive at the Whitney Museum
of American Art has attracted
250,000 people from its open-
ing in June through September
30, making it one of the best
attended exhibitions in the
museums history, according to
the museum. The show closes
on October 19.
Jeff wanted something that
had a sense of abstraction and
was very recognisable, Brett
Gorvy, Christies international
head of contemporary art, said
about the monkey sculpture.
Everything he did with Balloon
Dog he took a step further.
The work is one of ve
unique versions, each in a dif-
ferent colour. Another monkey
was exhibited at Gagosian Gal-
lery in New York in 2013, along
with two other inatable crea-
tures, a rabbit and a swan.
The monkeys are important
to Jeff, Gorvy said. Its a very
lovable, peevish character. In
Chinese symbolism, its some-
thing very positive.
Balloon Dog (Orange), which
was bought by New York art
collector Jose Mugrabi, attract-
ed bidders from the Middle
East, Asia, Mexico and Europe,
according to Gorvy. He said he
expects similarly global com-
petition for the monkey.
So many of our clients are
looking for large-scale, outdoor
sculpture whether its by Koons
or Calder, Gorvy said.
The Sothebys Moon (Yel-
low) Koons sculpture is part of
the artists Celebration series
that includes Balloon Dog and
some of the other most expen-
sive Koons works sold at auc-
tion. Works from the series are
owned by billionaire collectors
Francois Pinault, Steven Co-
hen and Victor Pinchuk, deal-
ers said.
Each of the ve versions of
the moon sculpture is painted
in a different colour and mea-
sures 11 feet in diameter. They
have never appeared at auction
until now, according to Alexan-
der Rotter, co-head of Sothe-
bys worldwide contemporary
art department. The reective
light pink version is currently
on view at the Whitney.
It was always considered
very desirable because you
can hang it on the wall, Rot-
ter said. I chased it for a long
Koonss Balloon Monkey heading to
Christies, looking for a price of $30M
Star Wars Rebels: In visuals and in spirit, its a new hope
Jeff Koonss sculptures Balloon Swan (Blue), Balloon Monkey (Red) and Balloon Rabbit (Yellow) on display at
Gagosian New York in May 2013. AFP
The Disney Channels Star Wars Rebels revolves around the character Ezra Bridger,
voiced by Taylor Gray. DISNEY XD
Udderly sexist?
star in media
cleavage row
NDIAN director Homi Ada-
jania has thrown his support
behind Bollywood star
Deepika Padukone in her spat
with a leading newspaper over
remarks it made about her
cleavage on social media.
Last month the Times of India
posted a link on Twitter to a
year-old clip of Padukone which
was shot from above, adding
the caption OMG! Deepika
Padukones cleavage show.
The post sparked furious
debate about media standards
across India, and Bollywood
stars rushed to offer their
support for Padukone, 28.
At some level you have to
realise that your star is a
human being and needs to be
given that respect, said Ada-
jania, speaking at the Busan
Film Festival on Sunday.
If a person like Dee-
pika didnt draw the line now,
where will it go? he added,
describing such coverage as
totally ruthless.
Padukone has starred in
blockbuster Bollywood hits
such as Om Shanti Om (2007)
and Chennai Express, as well
as Adajanias latest feature
Finding Fanny. AFP
Weaver Chalard Saowanont prepares cotton for her loom. BANGKOKPOST
A holiday
looms in
Ban Na Or
Karnjana Karnjanatawe

HALARD Saowanont,
66, has weaved cot-
ton cloth since she
was young. She also
grows cotton plants and opens
her home to visitors as a weav-
ing and learning centre in Ban
Na Or, a Tai Lue village, about
540km northeast of Bangkok.
Weaving is one of the
skills that has been passed on
through generations, said
Chalard, the president of Thai-
Loei Weavers Club.
Their ancestors were Tai Lue
people who emigrated from Lu-
ang Prabang and Vientiane in
1683. They still keep old weav-
ing patterns, one of which is
called kang pla, meaning sh
bones. The design is a geomet-
ric pattern requiring high skill
and concentration to control
the special design of loom used
for it, with four heddles and six
treadlers, she said.
The Tai-Loei Weavers Club
of Ban Na Or also demon-
strates to visitors how they
collect cotton from the plants
as they grow the cotton at the
centre. One of the highlights is
the yellowish brown cotton.
In fact, we do not call the
colour brown. We call it si tui,
as the colour is naturally mixed
between yellow to orange
shades and brown, like the peel
of a ripe santol, said Chalard.
In addition to cotton plants,
the group also has small cot-
ton gins made of wood used
for removing cotton seeds.
They also have mai kong, a
tool which looks like a bow
and is used to make the cotton
uffy by repeatedly plucking
the string. The cotton is then
spun into yarn for weaving.
Chalard and her team are
also willing to teach and let
visitors try each step, includ-
ing weaving, in the cotton
yarn-making process.
Apart from the weavers club,
Ban Na Or also has other at-
tractions, such as Wat Sri Chan
Pradit, the villages rst temple.
It houses a local museum that
displays many old items found
in the village earthenware,
looms, and tools for farming
and shing.
Thaweesak Charoenprawat,
76, a volunteer village guide,
loves to show visitors around
the temple. One of the high-
lights is a group of traditional
Tai Lue houses.
We have some traditional
houses scattered around the
village, but in Wat Sri Chan
visitors can see several of them
in one place, he said.
Those houses have been
converted into living quarters
for monks. Visitors are not al-
lowed to enter, but they can
walk around to observe the
structure and design.
The Tai Lue houses are
made completely from wood
and built on stilts, which are
placed on bricks, not attached
to the soil. Like other farmers
houses, the area underneath
was used as a living space and
storage for farming tools, said
The roof is high and the tiles
made of baked clay. The ladder
must have ve steps, represent-
ing the ve precepts of Bud-
dhism [abstaining from killing,
stealing, sexual misconduct,
lying and consuming addictive
substances], he said.
Thaweesak also likes to lead
visitors to his village, where he
shows them a granary that is
used to store rice, visits elderly
residents and stops by houses
where trees bearing fruit such
as longan are grown.
Ban Na Or also offers home
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
PG 930 Daily 13:20 14:30 PG 939 Daily 11:20 12:30
PG 938 Daily 06:20 07:30 PG 931 Daily 08:10 09:25
PG 932 Daily 10:15 11:25 TG 580 Daily 07:55 09:05
TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
FD 607 Daily 17:05 18:15 PG 935 Daily 17:10 18:20
PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
QR 965 Daily 16:30 23:05 QR 964 Daily 01:00 15:05
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 11:40 CZ 6059 2.4.7 12:00 13:45
CZ 6060 2.4.7 14:45 18:10 CZ 323 Daily 19:05 20:50
VN 840 Daily 17:30 20:35 VN 841 Daily 09:40 13:00
QR 965 Daily 16:30 17:30 QR 964 Daily 14:05 15:05
VN 841 Daily 14:00 14:45 VN 920 Daily 15:50 16:30
VN 3856 Daily 19:20 20:05 VN 3857 Daily 18:00 18:45
KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
KA 207 6 11:45 22:25 KA 206 3.5.7 14:30 16:05
KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |
1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 1 Call/week
3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
(4 calls/moth)
1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 1 Call/week
2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 1 Call/week
(4 calls/onth)
Sun 09:00-23:00 1 Call/week
(4 calls/month)
Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 1 Call/week SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ
(4 calls/month)
Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SIN
(2 calls/month)
Irregula 2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)
34 call/month
BUS= Busan, Korea
HKG= HongKong
kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC
Kob= Kebe, Japan
KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia
LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand
NBO= Ningbo, China
OSA= Osaka, Japan
SGN= Saigon, Vietnam
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand
SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia
SIN= Singapore
TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia
TYO= Tokyo, Japan
TXG= Taichung, Taiwan
YAT= Yantian, China
YOK= Yokohama, Japan
Air Asia (AK)
Room T6, PP International
Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555
Fax: 023 890 071
Cambodia Angkor Air (K6)
PP Ofce, #206A, Preah
Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
#168, Monireth, PP
Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.
5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20

9:15am - FORCES OF NATURE:A soon-to-be-married man
encounters an excitng stranger afer his plane sufers an
accident on takeof. HBO
12pm - RUSH HOUR: Two cops in Los Angeles team up
to get back a kidnapped daughter, but cultures clash and
tempers fares in this cop buddy movie. Starring Jackie Chan
and Chris Tucker. HBO
3:15pm - JUST LIKE HEAVEN: A lonely landscape architect
falls for the spirit of the beautful woman who used to live
in his new apartment. HBO
7:05pm - THE GREAT GATSBY: A Midwestern war veteran
fnds himself drawn to the past and lifestyle of his
millionaire neighbour. Starring Leonardo Dicaprio. Based on
the book by F Scot Fitzgerald. HBO
9pm - BLADE: In a world where vampires walk the Earth, a
half-vampire, half-mortal man becomes a protector of the
mortal race, while slaying evil vampires. Starring Wesley
Snipes. HBO
Thinking caps Thinking caps
1 Having moxie
6 As ___ instructions
9 Graf rival, once
14 Exiled elephant
15 Barbary beast
16 Helpful, as a tool
17 Awesome hotel lobbies
18 Spare bone
19 Small tree
20 Colorful part of the decor
23 Schmuck
24 Whats ___?
25 Leave scratches on
28 Maine or Montana
30 Lawyers grp.
33 Severe colic
36 Avoid work
39 Prove positively
42 Small scraps
43 Some sandwich cookies
44 Commandments count
45 Out-of-fashion
48 Secret agent
49 Lift over snow
51 Gardeners need
54 Start bawling
61 Break ones spirit
62 Capital attachment
63 Counter a point
64 Express sorrow
65 60s war zone, informally
66 Family-reunion attendee
67 Jittery
68 Gals counterpart
69 Classroom units
1 Lingerie catalog items
2 Campus recruiting grp.
3 City on the Yamuna River
4 Theyre taken to the cleaners
5 Tract of wasteland
6 Pet shop squawker
7 Like some proportions
8 Present an opposing view
9 Japanese fish dish
10 Small, decorative cases
11 Airport pickup
12 Spirited quality
13 Moments, for short
21 German spa town Bad ___
22 Peanut cover
25 Central area
26 Classic dress style
27 Varnish component
29 Accumulate
30 Feverish conditions
31 40s jazz style
32 Pretentious, as a display
34 Baseball judge
35 Champagne sample
37 Words from the bride and groom
38 Here-there link
40 Calyx component
41 Famished
46 Symptom of a wheel
47 One billion years, geologically
49 The ___ Bride (Rimsky-Korsak-
ov opera)
50 Pretty, in Dundee
52 King novel (with The)
53 Spine-tingling
54 Defunct Russian parliament
55 Knowing, as a secret
56 Censors target
57 Jacobs twin
58 Quite a while
59 The usual run of things
60 Catches sight of
Mondays solution Mondays solution

A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns
the tables on her captors and transforms into a mer-
ciless warrior evolved beyond human logic. Stars:
Scarlet Johansson, Morgan Freeman and Min-sik
City Mall: 12:05pm
Tuol Kork: 7:50pm
An ex-CIA operatve is brought back in on a very
personal mission and fnds himself pited against his
former pupil in a deadly game involving high-level
CIA ofcials and the Russian president-elect. Stars
the actors Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey and Olga
City Mall: 9:30pm
Tuol Kork: 5:50pm
Meanchey: 9:45pm
Thomas is deposited in a community of boys afer
his memory is erased, soon learning theyre all
trapped in a maze that will require him to join
forces with fellow runners for a shot at escape.
Stars: Dylan OBrien, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter.
City Mall: 9:40am, 2:10pm, 6:55pm
Tuol Kork: 9:20am, 1:40pm, 9:45pm
Meanchey: 12pm, 2:10pm, 7:15pm
A man believes he has put his mysterious past
behind him and has dedicated himself to beginning
a new, quiet life. But when he meets a young girl
under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters,
he cant stand idly by he has to help her.
(See above)
4:05pm, 10:30pm
Thai acton movie.
9:20am, 11:15am, 1:10pm, 3pm, 4:45pm, 6:55pm
History Seminar @
Institut Francais
A lesson for students with
intermediate abilities at 8pm,
followed by a party afterward. The
lesson costs $5. The party is free.
The Groove, #1C Street 282 on top of
Terrazza Italian Restaurant. 8pm
Its buy one cocktail, get one free taco at Cocina Cartel. BLOOMBERG
Leonardo Dicaprio stars in The Great Gatsby.
Corn tortillas made from scratch and
prepared in authentic taqueria style.
For the entire day, customers can buy
one cocktail and get a taco with their
meal for free.
Corcina Cartel, #198b Street 19.
Tacos @ Cocina Cartel
Salsa @ The Groove
This seminar with Khuon Khun-Neay,
deputy director of APSARA, will explore
the architectural legacy of the
Sangkum Reast Niyum era from
Institut Francais, #218 Street 184.
Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge again
at this regular exercise class, which
provides a good workout and a lot of
fun. $1.50 per person.
House #55-57 Street 123.
Dodgeball @
Street 123
Rent: $2500/M near Russian
Market 2Living room, 4Bedroom,
5Baths Some Furniture, for Living
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
$580/Mon near Central Market
1Livingroom 2Bedroom & 2Bath
Fully Furbished, Motor Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958

Rent $2600/M Tonle Basac Area
Big Living room, Wester Kitchen
3Bedroom, 4Bath, Full Furniture
Nice Garden Good for Resident
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
BKK1 Big Swimming Pool and
Gym $2500/M 3Bedroom, 3Bath
$1400/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath
$900/Month 1Bedroom, 1Bath
Large Living room, nice Kitchen
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $1900/M South Russian Mar-
ket Private Terrace Big Living room
3Bed , 3Bathroom, Western
Kitchen, Very Nice River Views
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
777 697
Rent $500/M near Olympic Stadium
1Livingroom 1Bedroom & 1Bath
Fully Furbished, Motor Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958

Rent $700/M near Russian Market
1Livingroom 2Bedroom & 2Bath
Fully Furbished, 1Car Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Building 1 For RENT at monthly
price $275-$700, fully furnished,
receptionists, security guards, backup
power, elevator, safe environment
and security camera Location: #37,
ST. 111, Boeung Brolit
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
Building 2 For RENT at monthly
price $620-$900. Fully furnished
1&2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen,
dining room, balcony, internet,
water, cable TV included. Location:
#31, ST. 113, Boeung Brolit
012 944 191 | 012 912 651

Building 3 For RENT, a fully
furnished 1 bedroom, nice river view
from your balcony, price $500/m
with free internet, water, cable TV,
maintenance Location: #112, St.
Tonle Sap (peninsular)
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
Building 4 For RENT, a luxurious
2bedrooms, living room, kitchen,
dining room, monthly price 1,040$,
free for internet, water, cable TV.
Location: #247, ST.51 St. 360, BKK1
012 569 832| 012 944 191
Centers- $10/M2 Facilities Included:
A/Cs, Carpeting oor, Lighting
system, exhausted fans, External
partition and large parking space
Location: Parkway Square, Mao
Tse Toung Blvd, Phnom Penh
012 944 191 | 012 912 651

Please visit VTRUSTServiced
Apartments for requirement of
fully furnished studio room, one
bedroom & 2 bedrooms with price
starts from $275/Month
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
4 bed with 5 bath located in BKKI,
Basic furnished, clean, Western
kitchen, big living room, big balcony,
& nice garden, closed to ISPP, Super
market, UN ofce, and riverside.
Rent: $2500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, & safe, swimming
pool, gym, quiet. Rent: 2500 $/m
Location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
for rent 05 bed with bath located in
DP, Basic furnished, clean, western
kitchen, big living room, nice
swimming pool, big parking.
Rent: $3800 /m Tel: 012 879 231
rent 05 bed with bath located near
BKKI, Basic furnished, clean,
western kitchen, big living room,
nice garden, big parking.
closed to New ISPP, super market,
Rent: $3500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 2 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, included all except electricity,
safe, swimming pool. BKKI.
Rent:$ 1500/m Tel: 012 503 356

rent 2 beds, 2 bath, available near
Independence, fully furnished
quiet, many trees around, western
kitchen, bright inside
Price : $ 1400/m. 012 503 356
100sqm to 400sqm, from 5$/sqm
Parking, 24h security, elevator
Spacious 5 meter high ceilings Lots
of plants & light + 60 sqm.
Tel: 012 869 111
Super Specials. Sirloin
(USA) $10.50 Or T-Bone (AUS) $11.50
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
(At Steves Steakhouse)
Fresh Spring Rolls, Grilled Beef and
Stcky Rice @ only $5.50!
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Cuban or Cuban Quality Nicaraguan
Startng at $9. Buy any 2 cigars and shot of
single malt for free.
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Rent $750/Mon Boeung Kang
Kang3 1Living room, 4Bed , 4Bath
Fully Furnished, 1Car Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $500/M near Independent
Monument, 1Living room
2Bedroom, 2Bath, Furnished
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $750/M, Tonle Basac Area
1Living room 3Bedroom 3Bath
Fully Furnished, Motor Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent: $600/Mnear Central Market
1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath
Motor Parking, Fully Furnished
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $450/M near Central Market
1Living room, 1Bedroom, 1Bath
Fully Furnished, Big Balcony
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $650/M near Russian Market
1Living room, 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Fully Furnished, Big Balcony
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $450/M Free Internet, BKK3
1Living room, 1Bedroom, 1Bath
Fully Furnished, 1Car Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
1 bed 1 bathroom 1 living room
1 kitchen 2 air-cons Fully furnished
Safe and quiet area Parking space
Free Internet and cable TV
Address: No. 36, Street 592 Z, in
Toulkork area, nearby international
schools, super markets, restau-
rants, coffee shop, hospitals
Price: 450$/ unit
Please contact 077 766 866 or
010 414072
Rent $550/M Tonle Basac Area
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
For Rent InBassakGardenCity, 04
bed, very largelivingroom, very nice
design, fully andmodernfurnished,
modernkitchen, nicebalcony, big
parkingandplayground, quiet &safe.
thebest locationfor residence.
Price: US$3,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In BKKI area 04 bedrooms, large &
open living room, basic furniture,
western kitchen, garden and trees,
big parking and playground, quiet
& safety. the best location for resi-
dence and ofce. Price: $3,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Daun Penh area (close to Inde-
pendent Monument), 04 bed , large
&open living room, basic furniture,
western kitchen, garden and trees,
playground, quiet & safety. the best
location for residence and ofce.
Price: US$4,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Villa For Rent In North bridge area,
05 bed plus 01 ofce room, large
living room, very nice design, fully
& modern furnished, nice pool &
garden, western kitchen, nice bal-
cony, big parking Price: $3,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed , large
living room, nice design, fully &
modern furnished, western kitchen,
nice balcony, big parking &
playground, nice garden and trees,
quiet & safe. Price: $2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In BKK3 area, 05 bedrooms, big
living room, western kitchen, park-
ing and play ground, very good for
residence and ofce, very quiet and
safety area.
Price: US$3,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh area (close
to Independent Monument), 03
bedrooms, large and open living
room, basic furniture, western
kitchen, garden and trees, quiet &
safety. Price: US$1,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh area (close
to Independent Monument), 1 bed,
large and open living room, basic
furniture, western kitchen, very big
balcony with many owers, quiet &
safety. Price: US$450/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Boeung Trobek area,
02 bed, large and open living room,
basic furniture, western kitchen,
garden and trees, quiet & safety.
the best location for residence.
Price: US$650/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

For Rent BKK1, 01-02 Bedrooms,
very nice interior designed, large
living room, very light, fully and
modern furniture, western Kitchen,
good condition for living, quiet &
safe. Price: US$800-1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02
bedrooms, Large living room, fully
and modern furnished, modern
kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym,
very good condition for living
Price: US$1,200-US$1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Located in East of Russian
Market, 01-03 bed, large living
room, fully and modern furnished,
modern kitchen, roof top pool and
gym, nice balcony, lots of light, very
good condition for living.
Price: US$850-US$1,300/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bed-
rooms, large living room, fully and
nice furnished, western kitchen,
very big balcony, very good condi-
tion for living, big parking lot.
Price: US$800-US$1,200/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent Located in
BKKI, 01&02&03 bed, roof top pool
& gym, open living room, fully &
modern furnished, western kitchen,
nice balcony, very safety area,
Price: $1,200-$1,800-$2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment For Rent Located in Tonle
Bassak area (near Independent
Monument), 01&02 bed, roof top
pool & gym, open living room, fully
&modernfurnished, modernkitchen,
Price: $1,100-$1,400 m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Daun Penh area
(near BKKI), 02 bed, open living
room, fully and nice furnished,
western kitchen, nice balcony, very
good condition for living, very quiet
and safety. Price: US$750/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent Located at Daun Penh
Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design
and lots of light, open living room,
fully & modern furnished, western
kitchen, nice balcony, nice pool &
gym, very good condition for living.
Price: $1,200-1,500-2,300/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent Located at Wat Phnom
Area, 01-02-03 bedrooms, modern
design and lots of light, open living
room, fully and modern furnished,
western kitchen, very nice balcony,
nice pool and gym, good condition
for living. Price: $1,200-1,500m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

located in on the main street (near
Independent Monument),
230 sqm and $3000 per month,
big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
located in on the main street,
200sqm plus and 300 sqm plus
and $14 per sqm per month,
big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed,
large living room, very modern
designed, some furniture, western
kitchen, nice balcony, big parking
and playground, very safety, The
best location for residence.
Price: US$2,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
At Tonle Bassak area,
04bedrooms, some furnished,
western kitchen, very safety, very
nice trees, very good condition for
living and ofce.
Price: US$1,800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh, 03
bedrooms, some furnished, very
nice and clean kitchen, very safety,
very nice garden and many trees,
very good condition for living.
Price: US$3,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent At Toul Kork area, 03bed,
some furnished, western kitchen,
very safety and very quiet, very nice
trees, very good condition for living
and ofce. Price: US$1,500 /month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

At BKKI, 03bedrooms, some
furnished, very niceandcleankitchen,
very safety, very nicetrees, very good
conditionfor livingandoffice.
Price: US$2,000/month
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

For Rent Near Independent
Monument, 03 bedrooms, very
big and open living room, western
kitchen, big balcony, very good for
residence, very quiet and safety
area. Price: US$800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Located in Daun Penh area
(close to Independent Monument),
01 bedrooms, large living room,
some furnished, nice kitchen, quiet
& safe. big balcony, the best location
for residence.: US$450/m per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01 bedroom,
open living room and kitchen, fully
and modern furnished, very safety
area, very quiet,
very good condition for living.
Price: USD750/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Tonle Bassak area
(close to BKKI), 01 bedroom, open
living room and kitchen, fully and
modern furnished, very safety area,
very quiet, very good condition for
living. Price: 450/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
LocatedalongNorodomBlvd, 100to
1700sqm, bigparkinglot, bigelevator,
bigstaircase, 24hsecurity andmany
Price: US$12- $14/monthper sqm.
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

Located a long Norodom Blvd,
400 sqm , parking lot, big
elevator, big staircase, 24h
security and many facilities
Price: US $15/month per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent located in on the main street,
size: 8x20m, 07bedrooms, 04
stories, very good for showrooms,
banks, micronance, and other
business purpose, big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Price: US$5,500/sqm
Rent located in on the main street,
size: ground oor 8x20m and
rst oor is 12x16m, 03 stories,
very good for showrooms, banks,
micronance, and other business
purpose, big parking lot.
Price: US$3,500/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

A long road No 04 (Factory zone),
Size: 6600 sqm, electricity and
water are connected, very standard
quality, good environment, very
easy to nd workers. $1.8/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Near Russian Market, 01-02
Bed, very nice interior designed,
large living room, very light, fully &
modern furniture, western kitchen,
very good condition for living, quiet
& safe. Price: $600-1,100/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Two Sri Lankan athletes
missing in South Korea
TWO Sri Lankan sportsmen
were missing from their Asian
Games village and believed to
have run away looking for jobs in
the host nation South Korea,
official sources said yesterday. A
hockey player and a member of
the beach volleyball team were
unaccounted for at the time Sri
Lankas 80-strong contingent
prepared to leave on Saturday.
Official sources identified the
missing hockey player as
Prasanna Dissanayake, a Sri
Lankan soldier, and speculated
that he may have run away to
look for a job in South Korea.
The missing beach volleyball
player was not immediately
identified but was also thought
to be a member of the armed
forces. Sri Lanka secured a gold
and a bronze, both for cricket, at
the games. AFP
Pakistan, Australia focus
on spin for ODI series
PAKISTAN and Australia will
focus on spin when they start a
three-match one-day series in
Sharjah today, despite the
absence of top bowler Saeed
Ajmal, who is suspended over
his suspect bowling action.
Pakistan have been hard
pressed to compensate for the
missing Ajmal, who has
single-handedly won them
matches in all three formats of
the game in the last five years.
He was reported for a suspect
bowling action on Pakistans
August tour of Sri Lanka and
was subsequently banned
from international cricket after
a biomechanic analysis found
his action illegal. AFP
Djokovic batters Berdych
to triumph at China Open
WORLD number one Novak
Djokovic crushed Tomas
Berdych 6-0, 6-2 on Sunday to
win the China Open and
maintain a remarkable 100 per
cent record in the Beijing
tournament. The Serb was 5-0
ahead in the second set one
game from serving up a double
bagel but his Czech opponent
staged a brief fightback before
Djokovic marched on to claim
his fifth title in Beijing, an event
he has won the five times he
has entered. AFP
LeBron, Cavs rip Tel Aviv
in preseason opener
LEBRON James was a winner
in his first NBA appearance for
Cleveland since leaving for
Miami in 2010 as the Cavaliers
defeated Maccabi Tel Aviv 107-
80 in an international
exhibition game on Sunday.
James started but played only
20 minutes and did not take
the court in the second half,
finishing with 12 points on
4-of-11 shooting with four
rebounds and four assists. The
preseason tuneup was his first
game for Cleveland since a
playoff loss to Boston four
years ago. AFP
World No 792 Wilson
wins Alfred Dunhill
OLIVER Wilson held his nerve
down the stretch to win his first
career EPGA title as the world
number 792 upset the field at
the Alfred Dunhill Links
Championship. The 34-year-
old Englishman, a losing player
on the 2008 European Ryder
Cup team, finally tasted victory
with a 72-hole total of 17-under
par at St Andrews. AFP
PM leads ovation for Seavmey
Continued from page 1

medal success in the womens under-
73kg class on Friday was a great hon-
our she had brought to the country.
Every Cambodian should be proud
of what she has achieved and I greatly
admire her for dedicating this medal
to the country and its people, Hun
Sen said.
Hailing her performance in South
Korea as an inspiration for generations
to come, the prime minister, who has
been reported to be an avid follower
of Cambodian sports, said Seavmey
had made the countrys painfully long
wait for a coveted Asian Games medal
While recalling Seavmeys career re-
cord of two gold medals and four sil-
vers, Hun Sen urged her not to slow
down but to pursue with greater vigour
the 2016 Olympics qualication and a
medal in Rio de Janeiro.
After his enthusiastic address, the
premier rewarded Seavmey with a na-
tional award and a personal donation
of $10,000, a laptop computer, an iPad
and an annual payment of $1,500 to go
towards her university studies.
The prime ministers cash incentive
is in addition to a $20,000 bonus that
Seavmey is entitled to under a govern-
ment subdecree passed by the Min-
istry of Education, Youth and Sport
that rewards sportsmen and women
for their excellence and outstanding
achievements in major international
National Olympic Committee of
Cambodia (NOCC) partners Naga-
World and Angkor Beer are also giving
cash incentives to the gold medalist.
While Naga is yet to announce the ex-
act amount, Angkor Beer declared yes-
terday that a $10,000 reward would be
handed over to the taekwondo star.
On top of these gifts, the Post has
learned that more money will ow to-
wards Seavmey for her achievement
from several private donors including
government ofcials.
Thanking Hun Sen and the people of
Cambodia for the admiration and af-
fection showered on her, Seavmey said
she could not have won the gold with-
out the solid support from her fam-
ily, the professional help from coach
Choi Yung Sok and the blessings of the
Cambodian people.
Seavmey shared her Asian Games
experiences when she presented her-
self before the local and international
media at the NOCC headquarters yes-
terday morning.
The gold medal winner said she had
not thought of a medal to begin with,
but once she won her quarternal ght
she had a feeling she could do it.
I won the gold medal because I
overcame the strongest opponents
in the quarternals and seminals.
My technique was what helped me
achieve this, Seavmey said.
NOCC secretary-general Vath Cham-
roeun said the committee was over the
moon that the target it had in mind be-
fore the Games had been met.
Seavmey has shown the way that if
our athletes work hard and raise their
competitive levels like she has now
done, we can achieve bigger prizes in
international competition, Chamroe-
un told the Post.
We have won the gold medal not by
chance but after setting a target during
the National Sports Forum in 2010. We
continue to pursue this policy with all
the vigour at our command as we set
our sights on hosting the 2023 SEA
Games, he said.
Local TV channel CNC announced
yesterday that it would set up the Sorn
Seavmey Foundation to help collect
donations for the athlete.
In a gesture that won universal praise
yesterday, Seavmey said she would do-
nate 20 per cent of the foundations
fund to the Cambodian Red Cross and
another 20 per cent to Kantha Bopha
Childrens Hospital.
Even as the country is going gaga
over the Incheon success, sports
chroniclers are rewinding history to
remind the country where and how
the Asian Games journey began in
1954 in Manila.
It wasnt until 1962 that Cambodia
got its rst medal, a bronze, through
boxer You Chin Hong, who lost a
close seminal ght in the 60kg light-
weight class.
It was at the 1970 Games in Bangkok
that Cambodia met with its biggest
success. Boxers Khiev Soeun and Ouk
Savoeun won silver medals while Phat
Sam On made a splash with breast-
stroke bronze.
The popularity of volleyball among
women in the country at the time was
reected when the national team n-
ished third to pick up a bronze medal.
You Chin Hong, who now resides in
Canada, is the only individual medalist
from these times still alive today.
Cambodias medals dried up after
the 1970 Games and the rst decade
of the new millennium ended on a sad
note when wrestler Chov Sotheara and
taekwondo ghter Sorn Davin were
beaten at the quarternal stages in
Guangzhou, China, four years ago.
Davin was not so fortunate again in
Incheon, suffering a broken arm during
her over-73kg quarternal clash with
Akram Khodabandeh of Iran on Friday.
But where Davin failed, her little sis-
ter succeeded to the collective relief a
country for which the Seavmey saga
will remain in the collective conscious-
ness for a long time to come at least
till another gold heist.
Sorn Seavmey holds up her Asian Games gold medal during a press conference at NOCC headquarters yesterday. SRENG MENG SRUN
Dragons put down Warriors, Emporers rule
H S Manjunath
TEAM chemistry worked well
for Smart Dragons in their
85-73 victory over CCPL War-
riors, and Emperors came out
on top against Extra Joss Fight-
ers, 57-42, in a game that
was marked by some low sec-
tionals in the Angkor Beer
Cambodian Basketball League
at the Olympic Indoor Stadium
on Sunday.
The CBL has so far mainly
stuck to weekend action, but
for the first time this season
the organisers have scheduled
evening matches from 7pm
over the next four days to
wind down the league phase
ahead of the eight-team play-
off competition.
A breezy start by Emperors
through Kim Vengngoun sent
an ominous warning to the
Fighters, who in going for
a fast tempo missed a few
easy layups.
It took nearly four minutes
for the Fighters to open their
scoring, but by the end of the
first quarter they were just one
point behind at 13-12.
The second quarter saw
missed baskets by both sides
before the tight zone defence
employed by the Emperors
seemed to shut down the
Fighters for a while. Emperors
were more than happy to take
an eight-point advantage into
the second half.
When Monh Ratana began
to click with his three-point-
ers, the Emperors lead
stretched to 13 after four min-
utes into the third quarter.
The Fighters could only
reduce the gap by two points
going into the business end of
the contest.
The Fighters did manage
a few steals, with Stephen
Siruma doing plenty of good
work with the drive ins. But
that was not enough to rope in
the Emperors.
Dragons do it smart
The sixth-ranked Dragons
set out to get a good playoff
seat, and they got what they
wanted. Despite the absence
of two prime scorers in Ben
Laird and Gabriele Castaldo,
the Dragons bench showed
its might.
Marginally ahead after the
first quarter, the Dragons had
worked themselves to a hap-
pier position by half time with
a seven-point cushion.
The third quarter was more
about Dragons consolida-
tion, with Norodom Rindra
regularly driving to the basket
and flipping the ball to the
2-metre-tall American Jordan
Bergren to do the honours
under the rim.
Though the Dragons had
to bench lively Leng Seng
after his fourth foul, his
replacement, Chhim Taingy-
ou, produced a fabulous run
of 11 points to give his side a
huge lead.
As has been their wont this
season, Warriors warmed up
late with Vince Del Mundo
and Fred Babida working in
tandem to bring a 20-point
deficit to nine at the end of
the third quarter.
If the Warriors thought they
could use the momentum to
rattle the Dragons, they had
no idea what was in store for
them from Cham Nou.
Upon his first contact with
the ball, he hit a three-point-
er and quickly followed it up
with a nice long basket and a
layup from a fast break and
the game was irretrievably
lost for the Warriors.
Score Summaries
Emperors 57 (Kim Vengngoun
18, Monh Ratana 14, Hour Pich-
bounchour 6) Extra Joss Fight-
ers 42 (Stephen Siruma 20,
Arjhay De La Rosa 6)
Smart Dragons 85 (Jordan
Bergren 20, Chhim Taingyou 11,
Hon Wei Chan 11) CCPL War-
riors 73 (Vince Del Mundo 27,
Fred Babida 14 points, Sovann
Panha 13)
Qatar to play host to
Italian Super Cup clash
THE 2014 Italian Super Cup
between champions Juventus
and Cup holders Napoli will be
played in Qatar on December
22, it was announced
yesterday. Serie A President
Maurizio Beretta made the
announcement at a press
conference in Paris along with
the Qatar Football Association
General Secretary Saoud Al
Mohannadi. An announcement
on the exact venue will be
made at a later date, while
Beretta said that the
agreement is only for this
years event as it stands. The
match is usually staged in
August as the curtain-raiser to
the Italian season and has
been played abroad several
times in the recent past, in
Libya, the United States and in
Beijing, which hosted the
Super Cup in 2009, 2011 and
2012. AFP
Soccer great Romario
elected to Brazil senate
BRAZILIAN striker-turned-
politician Romario was elected
on Sunday to the senate with
63.4 per cent of the vote for the
Rio de Janeiro seat. The
48-year-old former soccer star
a 1994 World Champion and
Socialist Party candidate
finished well ahead of
Democratic Party rival Cesar
Maia, who had received 20.5
per cent with 90 per cent of
votes counted. In the 2010
general election Romario was
elected a congressman for the
Socialists. A trenchant critic of
the World Cup held in his
homeland earlier this year,
Romario alleged corruption
through over billing on swanky
new stadiums. The former PSV
Eindhoven and Barcelona
striker also slammed the
Brazilian Football
Confederation as plagued by
corruption. AFP
Hamilton win at Celtic
for first time since 1938
ALI Crawfords second-half
goal gave Hamilton a dramatic
1-0 victory over Scottish
champions Celtic to win at
Parkhead for the first time in 76
years and go top of the
Premiership table on Sunday.
Hamilton midfielder Crawford
silenced the home support
when he struck four minutes
after the break to give Hamilton
the lead. Celtic then missed
numerous chances as
Hamilton hung on to record
their first win at the home of the
Glasgow giants since 1938, with
victory catapulting the visitors
to the top of the table. AFP
Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates after scoring during their Spanish league match against Athletic Club Bilbao at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid on Sunday. AFP
Ronaldo hits another treble
scored his third hat-
trick in ve games as
Real Madrid moved
into the top four for the rst
time this season with a 5-0
win over Athletic Bilbao on
It took Ronaldo just two
minutes to extend his scoring
streak to eight games as he
headed home Gareth Bales
cross and Karim Benzema
made the game safe when he
doubled Madrids lead just
before half-time.
Bale teed up Ronaldo once
more to make it 3-0 and
the Portuguese then turned
provider for Benzema to
tap home his second of the
Ronaldo rounded off the
scoring two minutes from
time when he unintentionally
deected Pepes effort home
to take his tally for the season
to 17 goals in just 11 matches
in all competitions.
Victory takes Real back to
within four points of lead-
ers Barcelona behind Valen-
cia and Sevilla, but ahead of
champions Atletico Madrid
who drop down to fth.
A fourth defeat in ve
league games for Athletic,
meanwhile, means Ernesto
Valverdes men end the week-
end in the relegation zone.
We are improving in some
aspects and we are growing,
said Ronaldo, who equalled
the record of scoring 22 hat-
tricks in La Liga also held by
Telmo Zarra and Real Madrid
legend Alfredo di Stefano.
The team played a great
game and scored ve with-
out conceding, so we are very
And Madrid boss Carlo An-
celotti lauded the contribu-
tion of his front three.
All of the front three were
fanastic. Cristiano scored
three, Karim two and Gareth
gave two assists and worked
very hard for the team.
Having the three of them
working together is funda-
mental for the team.
Bale provided the opener
on his weaker right foot as he
managed to pick out a perfect
cross for the unmarked Ron-
aldo to head home at the back
Athletic keeper Gorka
Iraizoz then made a smart save
low to his right to deny Ronal-
do a second and Benzema just
couldnt stretch to turn home
another Bale cross as the hosts
piled on the pressure.
However, the Basques set-
tled midway through the half
and Iker Muniains spectacu-
lar dipping volley from the
edge of the area forced Iker
Casillas into action with a n-
gertip save.
Crucially Real managed to
get the second goal before
half-time, though, as Ben-
zema rose highest to head
Luka Modrics corner in via
the crossbar.
Bale wasted a great op-
portunity to make it 3-0 ve
minutes into the second-half
as he blazed over with just
Iraizoz to beat.
However, the Welshman
made amends ve minutes
later when he raced onto
Benzemas pass and squared
for Ronaldo to tap home his
second of the night.
Bale came close again when
he shot just wide after being
set up by a lovely backheel
from James Rodriguez and
was then agged offside when
he did nally have the ball in
the net.
Madrid were continuing
to open up the Athletic de-
fence at will and made it 4-0
21 minutes from time when
Ronaldo unselshly squared
for Benzema to roll into an
empty net rather than going
for a hat-trick.
Ronaldo did then go in
search of his third hat-trick
in ve games, forcing Iraizoz
into a ying save with a pow-
erful header.
However, the World Player
of the Year wasnt to be de-
nied and registered his 26th
hat-trick for the club, albeit
with some fortune when he
deected Pepes effort past
the helpless Iraizoz.
Earlier, Sevilla moved into
third with a convincing 4-1
home win over bottom side
Deportivo La Coruna.
Cameroonian midelder
Stephane Mbia continued
his ne scoring form as he
opened the scoring midway
through the rst-half, but
Deportivo levelled soon after
thanks to Haris Medunjanins
However, Sevilla responded
as Colombian international
Carlos Bacca restored their
lead before half-time and
Mbia and Vitolo secured the
three points with further
goals after the break. AFP
Sundays Results
Celta de Vigo 1 Villarreal 3
Espanyol 2 Real Sociedad 0
Alex Read, Molly Heath share gameweek 7 spoils
Dan Riley
THE Cellcard Fantasy League offered
up its latest unheralded hero in
gameweek 7, with Sunderland striker
Steven Fletcher reaping rich rewards
for the four managers out of every
thousand opting to pick him.
The 27-year-old Scot set up the Black
Cats opener against Stoke and then
notched his first goal in nearly a year
for the club. A second strike from
Fletcher meant he walked away with
a top tally of 15 fantasy points.
Newcastle saviour Papiss Demba
Cisse and the midfield trio of Man Unit-
eds Angel Di Maria, Leicesters Riyad
Mahrez and Liverpools Jordan Hend-
erson all earned 13 points apiece for
their goal scoring exploits and accom-
panying performance bonuses.
In a turn up for the books, two man-
agers split a share of the Cellcard prize
of a $20 phone credit for the round
after Alex Reads YoungBoysofPhnom-
Penh and Molly Heaths Mysterious
Molly both ended on 86 points with
two transfers each.
Alex boasted squad selections of
Henderson and Di Maria along with
Chelseas Diego Costa as his skipper
for 12 points, while Molly made the
most of having her captain Stevan
Jovetic remain on the bench to see her
vice captain Hendersons score dou-
bled to 26 points. Di Maria, Sunder-
lands Connor Wickman (11 points)
and Tottenhams Christian Eriksen
(11) were also in Mollys ranks.
The Cellcard Fantasy Facebook page
competition was an interesting affair
in that for the second time this cam-
paign, the correct answer was given
as an example.
Fifteen users rightly stated that the
final score would be 2-0 to Chelsea in
their match against cross-city rivals
Arsenal, but nobody posted Hazard as
their tiebreaker. Thus the weekly prize
of $10 phone credit moves to gameweek
8, which will begin on October 18 after
the international fixtures break.
English Premier League
Man United 2 Everton 1
Chelsea 2 Arsenal 0
Tottenham 1 Southampton 0
West Ham 2 QPR 0
German Bundesliga
Wolfsburg 1 Augsburg 0
Bor Mgladbach 1 Mainz 1
Italian Serie A
Empoli 3 Palermo 0
Lazio 3 Sassuolo 2
Parma 1 Genoa 2
Sampdoria 1 Atalanta 0
Udinese 1 Cesena 1
Juventus 3 Roma 2
Fiorentina 3 Inter Milan 0
Napoli 2 Torino 1
French Ligue 1
St Etienne 0 Toulouse 1
Guingamp 0 Nantes 1
Lyon 3 Lille 0
Paris SG 1 Monaco 1
Manning reaches milestone
ENVER quarterback Pey-
ton Manning notched
another milestone on
Sunday with his 500th
career touchdown pass in the
Broncos 41-20 NFL win over pre-
viously unbeaten Arizona.
Manning threw his 500th touch-
down pass in the first quarter,
connecting with tight end Julius
Thomas for a 7-yard score.
The ve-time NFL Most Valuable
Player joined Brett Favre as the only
other quarterback to throw 500 TD
passes, and by the end of the con-
test, Manning was just ve short of
matching Favres record of 508.
Manning connected with De-
maryius Thomas on a pair of scor-
ing passes, including an 86-yard
strike, and threw a 12-yard scoring
pass to Julius Thomas in the fourth
as he finished the game with a ca-
reer-high 479 passing yards.
The Broncos outscored Arizona
17-0 in the fourth quarter to pull
away for the win.
I do think about how many peo-
ple helped me throughout my ca-
reer, and when something like this
happens, how grateful I am for that
support, Manning said of reach-
ing yet another NFL benchmark.
Football is the ultimate team
game. One man has to accept the
honor, but I really accept it on behalf
of a lot of coaches and teammates.
Another superstar quarterback,
New Englands three-time Super
Bowl winner Tom Brady, silenced
doubters as he led the Patriots to a
43-17 triumph over Cincinnati the
only other team that went into the
fth week of the season unbeaten.
Brady and the Patriots had been
under intense scrutiny all week in
the wake of a 41-14 loss to Kansas
City on the previous Monday.
It was a long week, Brady
admitted. A lot of guys dug re-
ally deep this week coming off a
tough loss like we did.
Brady threw two touchdown
passes for the Patriots. He com-
pleted 23 of 35 passes for 292
yards, becoming the sixth quar-
terback in NFL history to throw for
50,000 yards midway through the
first quarter.
Quarterbacks were in a less wel-
come spotlight in San Diego, where
the Chargers romped past the hap-
less New York Jets 31-0.
San Diegos Philip Rivers passed
for three touchdowns and was rest-
ed late with the game in hand.
Meanwhile, the Jets Geno Smith
and Michael Vick combined to
go 13-of-32 for 74 yards and one
Jets coach Rex Ryan pulled sec-
ond-year signal-caller Smith at
halftime, with New York trailing
Vick, however, fared no better,
completing nine of 20 passes for 47
yards and enduring two sacks.

Saints rebound at home
New Orleans bounced back from
an embarrassing loss to Dallas with
a 37-31 overtime victory over Tam-
pa Bay. The Saints scored 17 unan-
swered points and Khiry Robinson
ran for an 18-yard touchdown in
overtime to seal the victory.
The Cowboys also worked over-
time for a win, Dan Baileys 49-
yard eld goal lifting Dallas 20-17
over the Houston Texans, who had
scored the last 10 points in regula-
tion to force the extra session.
Buffalos Dan Carpenter nailed a
58-yard eld goal with four seconds
to play to lift the Bills to a 17-14 vic-
tory at Detroit.
Bills cornerback Ron Brooks
was stretchered off the eld in the
rst quarter with a neck injury af-
ter he was up-ended covering a
punt return.
Indianapolis quarterback Andrew
Luck passed for a touchdown and
ran for another score, overcoming
four Colts turnovers in a 20-13 vic-
tory over Baltimore.
In other games, Cleveland rallied
from a 25-point rst-half decit to
edge Tennessee 29-28.
Pittsburgh beat Jacksonville 17-9,
Philadelphia defeated St. Louis 34-
28, the New York Giants defeated
Atlanta 30-20, Carolina defeated
Chicago 31-24 and San Francisco
got ve eld goals from Phil Daw-
son in a 22-17 victory over Kansas
City. AFP
Quarterback Peyton Manning (centre) of the Denver Broncos passes against the Arizona Cardinals during a game at Sports Authority Field at Mile High in Denver on Sunday. AFP
Orioles, Royals book American League showdown
THE Baltimore Orioles and
Kansas City Royals, both com-
ing off long Major League Base-
ball playoff droughts, complet-
ed series sweeps on Sunday to
reach the American League
Championship Series.
The Orioles edged Detroit
2-1, while the Royals out-
slugged the Angels of Anaheim
8-3 to take victory in their best-
of-five matchups three games
to none.
The best-of-seven American
League final opens on Friday in
Baltimore with the winner
advancing to the World Series
to face off against the National
League champion.
It means we won an oppor-
tunity, Orioles manager Buck
Showalter said. Its a step.
Its so hard against a team
like Detroit that has a great
pedigree and experience . . . Its
a challenge and it will con-
tinue to be.
The Royals had not reached
the playoffs since winning the
1985 World Series, while the
Orioles have not played in the
league final since 1997 and
have not won a World Series
since 1983.
Nelson Cruzs two-run home
run in the sixth inning gave the
Orioles the only scoring they
needed to win at Detroit.
Cruz lofted the ball just over
the right-field wall and barely
inside the foul pole, tucking it
330 yards away in the shortest
area of the park for a 2-0 lead.
It was Cruzs fourth career
homer off the left-handed
Detroit starting pitcher David
Price, who scattered five hits
and struck out six over eight
innings but still took the loss.
Baltimore starter Bud Norris
surrendered only two hits in six
and one-third innings and
Andrew Miller followed with
one and two-thirds innings of
hitless relief.
Southpaw Zach Britton
entered for the Orioles in the
ninth and surrendered back-to-
back doubles to Victor Martinez
and JD Martinez to give the
Tigers their only run. Detroits
Bryan Holaday struck out and
Hernan Perez grounded into a
series-ending double play.
At Kansas City, Mike Trout
opened the scoring for the
Angels with a solo homer in the
first but the Royals answered
with three runs in the bottom
of the inning on Alex Gordons
bases-loaded double.
That chased Angels starting
pitcher CJ Wilson, who allowed
three runs on three hits before
he was lifted after recording
only two outs.
Eric Hosmer and Mike Mous-
takas homered for the Royals,
whose 95 regular-season home
runs were the fewest of any
major league team.
But the long ball has been key
for Kansas City in the playoffs.

Royals catching re
Moustakas delivered an 11th
inning homer for the Royals in
their game-one victory and
Hosmers two-run homer in the
11th inning set them up for the
win in game two.
Were catching fire at the
right time, said Hosmer, who
hit a two-run homer off Hec-
tor Santiago in the third
inning. AFP
Nelson Cruz of the Baltimore Orioles bats against the Detroit Tigers dur-
ing Game 3 of their American League Division Series on Sunday. AFP

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