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Audience Analysis

Assignment 2 70 Points
Assignment Title Description Departmental
3 Audience
and media use
Conduct alid
researc!, t!in"
critically, #rite
em%race diersity
(* De$ine your target pu%lic+s*' ,e sure to consider !o# t!ey #ill relate to t!e
client ) points
University of North Florida and Florida State College of Jacksonville students to
recruit as volunteers
2* Gie pu%lic+s* a nic"name t!at spea"s to its demograp!ics and
psyc!ograp!ics +i'e' &-./driing soccer moms'* ) points
Compassionate college students
3* Proide a t!ree/paragrap! description o$ your pu%lic0s demograp!ics +i'e'
#!ere t!ey lie, age, educational leel, marital status, income, 12P Code
description, etc'* (0 points
Pawsitive Pets brings the R!"# program to schools located in #uval County and
St John$s County %ithin these counties& there are '' ma(or colleges and universities
)hese institutions are located in the following *ip codes+ ,--.-& ,--./& ,--.0&
,--''&,---1& ,--12& ,--/2& ,--'3& ,-.3'& ,-.31& and ,-.32 )he total post4secondary
student daytime population in the beginning of -.'1 for these *ip codes is shown below+
#aytime Population+ Post4Secondary Student Population -.'1"& Sorted by 5ip
Code for Covered Counties& #uval County and St Johns County
,--''4Jacksonville University4 -&33.
,---1& University of North Florida4 ''&1'/
,--.-& Florida State College Jacksonville 6FSCJ7& #owntown Campus4 -&'18
,--./& FSCJ& 9ent Campus4 '&,8/
,--/2& FSCJ& #eerwood Campus4 ,&0..
,--124 FSCJ& South Campus4 ,&2-.
,--'34 FSCJ& North Campus4 ,&201
,--.04 !dward %aters College4 -&2,8
St Johns
,-.314 Flagler College4 ,&,3'
,-.324 University of St "ugustine for :ealth Sciences4 '&322
,-.3'4 First Coast )echnical College and St Joseph College of Florida4 /.,
For the purpose of this assignment& the focus is on the two campuses closest to the
Pawsitive Pets physical location4 UNF and FSCJ )he target public is college students
between the ages of '3 and -1 that attend these to schools "ccording to #emographics
Now& 12, percent of the population in the ,---1 *ip code and ,11 percent of the
population in the ,--12 *ip code are single ;ased on the results of the -.', <osaic
:ousehold Comparison found on #emographics Now& the target public was narrowed to
a classification of colleges and cafes "ccording to the site& the typical person from this
group is well4educated and a charitable donor )hey typically live in ine=pensive rental
homes and apartments and move relatively often& appro=imately every three years& in
comparison to other demographics in these areas

3* Proide a t!ree/paragrap! description o$ your pu%lic+s*0 psyc!ograp!ics
+t!eir needs, desires, !o# do t!ey use in$ormation, t!eir expectations, etc'*'
(0 points
)his public is hard to define as one whole entity because interests are varied
across the board :owever& most are students in college or recent graduates
"ccording to #r 9apner& these individuals are >idealistic& socially conscious&
individualistic and anti4corporate? )hese individuals e=pect to have successful
careers after college People in this public are highly concerned with self4identity and
this desire often drives life choices and spending habits
"ccording to #emographics Now& this public does not typically use traditional
media platforms to access their news )hose individuals in this public that do use
traditional media platforms only read the first page& comics section and general news
section of newspapers @ncreasingly this public is moving to @nternet new sources&
social media and their peer groups for information
)he most complete psychographic profile of college students was developed by
Peter ;ennett& N# and published in the second edition of "<" #ictionary of
<arketing )erms "ccording to ;ennett& college students have the following
attitudes+ cynicism towards >packaged messages?& e=pectation of constant feedback
and a belief that that they can >make a difference in the world? ;ennett found that
college students have traditional values with what he describes as& > high levels of
voluntarism? @n his analysis ;ennett found that college students are multi4tasking
content creators )hey receive and create news content using a multitude of media
platforms and belong to the first generation of digital natives
)* 4!at are some o$ t!e "ey #ords t!at #ould %e important to include in your
materials5 T!ese s!ould %e #ords t!at relate to your audience0s needs,
#ants, desires and expectations' -se Google Ad#ords to guide your decision'
6ist at least (0' (0 points
' Apportunity
- Compassionate
, !nthusiastic
1 Credit :ours
/ "cademic
2 Comfortable
8 "ssist
3 Rela=ed
0 @nfluential
'. Biving ;ack
'' :elp
'- Reading
', #ogs
'1 ;ooks
'/ Confidence
'2 Children
2* Explain #!at t!at demograp!ic, psyc!ograp!ic and representational
in$ormation suggests a%out #!at0s important to your audience' T!is can only
%e accomplis!ed a$ter su$$iciently ans#ering 7uestions ( /8' 20 points
)he information for this public is confusing because it is difficult to define College is
a time where students form the ideologies that shape their identity and students have an
array of varying interests :owever& one thing is clear& this public is e=tremely
introspective Personal identity and getting through college are e=tremely important to
them "ccording to ;ennett& this public is concerned with the environment and giving
back& especially through volunteer work @n order to appeal to this public$s interests& one
must show how volunteering will benefit them personally

3* A %rie$ outline o$ t!e pu%lic+s*0 in$ormational net#or"s in t!e order t!at t!ey
use in$ormation +i'e' primary source o$ in$ormation is net#or" o$ $riends9
secondary source is T., etc'* / (0 points
' Social network 6peers7
- Social <edia
, @nternet news sources
1 ;logs and non4news internet sites
/ )elevision
2 Radio
8 <aga*ines
3 Newspapers

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