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The purpose of the document is to make the user understand how to get enrolled in the EHS scheme.
Pensioner once enrolled under the scheme will be issued Health Card and avail the benefit. If not
enrolled, heshe cannot avail the benefits under the scheme. The document will give a complete screen
shots of how the Pensioner needs to enroll under the scheme. The guidelines of the scheme is inbuilt in
the software application so that it will guide the user on how to get enrolled under the scheme.
!. "ogin to the EHS web portal using the #$"
%. "ogin as Pensioner with respective Pensioner I& ' Password as shown in screen shot I.
Screen Shot I
(. Click on )$egistrations) tab as shown in screen shot II.
Initiate Health Card/View Alication!
This is to initiall* enroll for an health card or to view the alread* enrolled application.
Initiate New/Re"ected #ene$iciarie%!
This is to add beneficiar* or to remove alread* added beneficiar*.
Download Health Card!
+or downloading the health card, initiall* the submitted application has to be approved.
Ca%e Sheet! To check the status of patient health record.
,. Click on Re&i%tration% ' Initiate Health Card/View Alication as shown in screen shot II.
Login as 'pensioner'
click 'login'
username & password
Screen Shot II
-. .n clicking on (Initiate Health Card/View Alication( ta)* a screen will be displa*ed
wherein the user/pensioner0 has to provide either 1adhaar 2o. /or0 1adhaar Enrollment 2o. for
appl*ing for an Health Card as shown in screen shot III.
Screen Shot III
14 digit Aadhaar no.
click here
to retrieve details
Click here for appl*ing for health card
3. .n selecting either of the radio button/1adhaar 2o. /or0 1adhaar Enrollment 2o.0, a te4t bo4 is
provided for entering the 1adhaar1adhaar Enrollment 2o., .nce entered the appropriate
number, click on )$etrieve &etails) button as shown in screen shot III.
5. .n clicking )$etrieve) button, a page will be displa*ed as shown in screen shot I6 wherein all
the mandator* details to be filled b* the user which includes personal details/$etirement
t*pe0,address details/$esidential0,identification details,la%t o%tin& detail%*en%ion o$$ice
detail%,CIC details.
Pen%ioner Card Alication
Screen Shot IV
7. 1fter providing the mandator* information, the user needs to )save) the application form. .n
clicking save button, a message will be displa*ed as (Enroll+ent alication %a,ed
%-cce%%$-ll.( as shown in screen shot 6.
To erase
the data & re-enter the details
To save the
entered details e!ore sumission
Screen Shot V
8. .nce the application form is saved, the user/pensioner0 has a provision to add )famil* member
details) as shown in screen shot 6I.
Screen Shot VI
click here
to add ene!iciar" details
A## $E%E&'('A)* +()EE%
%,TE- If the dependent famil* member DO# i% )elow /.ear%* then it re0-e%t% $or DO# certi$icate
and Photo1
%,TE- If the dependent famil* member DO# i% a)o,e /.ear%* then it re0-e%t% $or Aadhaar card
certi$icate and Photo1
#,$ elow ."ears
'! #,$ elow ."rs/
then it re0uests !or #,$ certi!icate & photo
'! #,$ aove ."rs/
then it re0uests !or aadhaar certi!icate & photo
'! memer disaled '"es'
then it re0uest !or disailit" & disailit" percent
To sumit
the added ene!iciar" details
)eset is to
re-enter the data
%,TE- If the deendent $a+il. +e+)er %o-%e i% 2o,t,t Pen%ioner/Other%* then it
re9uests for:
For E3a+le!
If the So-%e i% a 2o,ern+ent Pen%ioner!
2o,t1 Pen%ioner! it re9uests for Emplo*eePensioner I&,H.&,"ast Posted &istrict,Pension .ffice
&istrict,ST. .ffice #nit, Pa* Source,P$C, Pa* ;rade, 1adhaar Certificate ' Photo.
If the So-%e i% a 2o,ern+ent!
2o,t1! it re9uests for Emplo*eePensioner I&,H.&, &istrict, &&. Code,
&esignation,Service,Categor*,Pa* Source, P$C, Pa* ;rade, Current Pa*, Certificate, Photo ' Service
$egister 1ttachment.
Condition% $or addin& )ene$iciar.!
/!0 If the dependent famil* member &.< is above -*ears, then it re9uests for 1adhaar card
certificate and Photo.
/%0 If the dependent famil* member &.< is below -*ears, then it re9uests for &.< certificate
and Photo.
/(0 <eneficiar* once added for an* relationship, cannot be added twice in dependent famil*
/,0 members details.
/-0 Son)s age greater than %- can not be added. If son is disabled, then age greater that %- will
/30 accepted.
/50 &ependent)s daughter age greater than %- is acceptable.
/70 $elationship and ;ender must match.
!=. 1fter adding the famil* member details, the user can find few options like:
Sa,e! Save tab is to save the enrolled application.
Re%et! $eset tab is to erase the entered data and re>enter the details.
S-)+it Alication! is to submit the filled application form. .nce submitted, user
cannot make an* changes in the application.
Add attach+ent%! $elevant attachments to be added.
Print Alication! In order to print the application, the user should for compulsion
click on save button.
Screen Shot VII
!!. <efore submitting the application, the user has a provision to )print the application) for
verification purpose. .nce done with verification, the user can submit the application form as
shown in screen shot 6III.
Screen Shot VIII
NOTE! .nce the application form is submitted, the user has no provision to modif* the details.
!%. .n clicking )Submit 1pplication), a message ( Enroll+ent initiated %-cce%%$-ll. with
Enroll+ent ID EMP444444 and %i&ned alication $or+ i% endin& to -load( will be
displa*ed as shown in screen shot I?.
Screen Shot I5
!(. .nce the enrollment initiated successfull*, the user/pensioner0 needs to attach the signed
application form as shown in screen shot ?.
S-)+it $or Aro,al! is to submit the verified application to the concerned person.
Add attach+ent%! is a provision to upload the scanned cop* of the signed
application form.
View Attach+ent%! is to view the previousl* added attachments.
Print/View Alication! is to view the printed application.
Screen Shot 5
!,. .n clicking )Submit for 1pproval), a message ( S-)+itted %-cce%%$-ll. and endin& with
tr-%t $or ,eri$ication( will pop up as shown in screen shot ?I.
Screen Shot 5I
Proce%% Flow a$ter the -%er6en%ioner7 %-)+it% the alication $or+!
.nce the user/pensioner0 submits the application form, the form moves to e4ecutive/trust0 for approval
process wherein the the e4ecutive has option to 6erif*$e@ect.n hold1dd attachmentsClose.
Veri$.! .nce the application form is verified, the re9uest will go to concerned ST. for further process.
ST. has an option to either 1pprove$e@ect the application form. If $e@ected, it goes back to pensioner
for correction. If 1pproved, the application form goes to the card vendor wherein a temporar* card will
be generated for the beneficiar*.
Re"ect! .nce the application form is re@ected, the application form is sent back to the user/pensioner0
for verification process.
On Hold! E4ecutive has a provision to keep the re9uest )on hold). If the re9uest is on hold, it goes to
Team "eader/T"0 wherein he has a provision to either 1pprove$e@ect the application form. If
$e@ected, it goes back to pensioner for correction. If 1pproved, the application form goes to the
concerned ST. and the process flows again from ST..

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