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Humanities Abstracts

Margaret C. Andersons Little Review

Sophia Estante and Lorrie Moore (Mentor), English
This research looks at the work of Margaret C. Anderson, the editor of the
Little Review. The review published first works by Sherwood Anderson,
James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, and Ezra Pound. This research draws upon
mostly primary sources including memoirs, published letters, and a complete
collection of the Little Review. Most prior research on Anderson focuses on
her connection to the famous writers and personalities that she published and
associated with. This focus undermines her role as the dominant creative
force behind one of the most influential little magazines published in the 20th
Century. This case example shows how little magazine publishing is arguably
a literary art.
"The Commemoration and Memorialization of the
American Revolution
Benjamin Herman and Jean Lee (Mentor), History
This project involves discovering how the American Revolution was
remembered during the nineteenth century. The goal is to show that the
American Revolution was memorialized by the actions of the United States
government during the 1800s. This has been done by examining events such
as the Supreme Court cases of John Marshall and the Nullification Crisis.
Upon examination of these events, it becomes clear that John Marshall and
John Calhoun (creator of the Doctrine of Nullification) attempted to use the
American Revolution to bolster their claims by citing speeches from Founding
Fathers. Through showing that the American Revolution lives on in memory,
this research highlights the importance of the revolution in shaping the actions
of the United States government.
Social Science Abstracts
Subtype of Autism: Developmental Verbal
Amanda Babin and Morton Gernbascher (Mentor), Psychology
The purpose of this research is to identify a subtype of autism called
Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia (DVD). DVD is a motor-speech problem,
disabling oral-motor movements needed for speaking. The first phase of the
project involves a screening interview where we identify DVD and Non-DVD
kids. We also use home videos to validate answers on the screening
interview. The final phase involves home visits where we use several
assessments to confirm the childs diagnosis and examine the connection
between manual and oral motor challenges. By identifying DVD as a subtype
of Autism, we will eliminate the assumption that all Autistics have the same
characteristics. This will allow for more individual consideration of Autistic
people and may direct future research on the genetic factors in autism.
The Tony Hawk Learning Project
Lauren Silberman and Elisabeth (Betty) Hayes (Mentor), Curriculum &
The study is to show how even a sport video game can incorporate many
types of learning, to call attention to what might be overlooked as significant
forms of learning, and to understand and take advantage of the opportunities
video games afford as more deliberate learning environments. The aspects
explored are the skills and techniques required to be successful in the game,
the environment that skaters skate in, the personal vs. group identity that is
shown through the general appearance of the skater, and the values and
icons that the game teaches players. We are finding that sport video games
support learning; we hope to find how one learns about oneself as a learner
from playing.
Hard Science Abstracts
Biogeography of Chemical Defense in Birch
Sarah Brown and Michael Stevens (Mentor), Botany
The Latitudinal Defense Hypothesis predicts that levels of defense are highest
near the equator and decrease toward the poles. This hypothesis is based
mainly on insect herbivory that occurs during the summer. Mammilian
herbivory in the winter is a more likely driver of plant defense levels in
northern latitudes. Early successional trees such as birches are favored by
fire and provide an important food source for mammals like snowshoe hares.
In order to test the Latitudinal Defense Hypothesis, we collected birch seeds
from eight locations in northwestern Canada and grew seedlings in a common
garden. We assessed levels of defense by counting resin glands because
resin glands are negatively correlated with snowshoe hare preference. This
research will provide valuable information regarding the biogeography of
defense and address the role of fire in plant-mammal interactions on a
continental scale.
Understanding Cell-Mediated Immune
Responses Against Simian Immunodeficiency
Virus (SIV)"
Sean Spenser and John Loffredo, David Watkins (Mentors), Primate
Research Center
Each day 14,000 people become infected with HIV/AIDS, making the
development of an effective vaccine one of the worlds top public health
priorities. David Watkins laboratory is attempting to develop HIV vaccines
that elicit cellular immune responses utilizing the simian immunodeficiency
virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaque animal model. A major component of
the cell-mediated immune response are cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). It is
thought that CTL play an important role in controlling HIV and SIV. Most
standard immunological assays do not measure antiviral activity directly,
limiting our understanding of CTL effectiveness. To address this, the Watkins
laboratory developed a novel neutralization assay that quantifies the ability of
virus-specific CTL populations to control viral growth. Evaluating the antiviral
activity of CTL of different specificities will identify those CTL most effective
against SIV. This information will likely impact the design of future HIV
The Genetics of Bone Strength in Mice
Jonathan Vu and Robert Blank (Mentor), Endocrinology
The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between the physical and
genetic characteristics of bones in mice. The physical characteristics include
size, density, and the force required to break the bone, while the genetic ones
are the genes of the marker loci associated with the genes that affect these
qualities. This study uses strains of mice with reduced genetic variation. The
two strains of mice that are the most phenotypically extreme, meaning those
with the strongest and weakest bones, are crossed. The F2 generation from
that cross is then analyzed. The results of this analysis can be used to find
which genotypes correlate with specific bone properties like size, density, and
failure load. The anticipated outcome of this lab is the identification of the
genotypes that affect bone strength in mice. The findings may be useful in
treating medical conditions that are related to bone strength.

Service Project Abstracts
Southeast Asian Political Action Committee:
Democracy at Work!
Lauren Breshahan and Marlys Macken (Mentor), Linguistics
Upon receiving the Wisconsin Idea Undergraduate Fellowship the summer
and fall 2003 semesters were spent designing and implementing a Hmong
Political Council, Inc. (HPC). The fellowship addressed the immediate need
felt by our local government and the Hmong refugee community to develop a
political voice expressing the economic, political, and social needs of the
Hmong refugee community. It was implemented through the collaboration of
the United Refugee Services of Wisconsin, Professor Macken, the Hmong
community, and myself. Extensive research was conducted at the local, state,
and national level involving the studying of IRS requirements, lobbying rights,
other political councils, and the needs of the Wisconsin Hmong community.
HPC is now a legal non-profit organization that has held two fundraisers,
released press statements, and worked with State and National political
figures to address the needs of the Hmong community. Within the year HPC
plans to be lobbying at the state level.
Fostering H.O.P.E.: Helping Overcome Poverty
through Education for Teen Moms
Angela Cunningham and Sherrill Sellers (Mentor), Social Work
This program was designed to address the prevalent issues of teen
parenthood and poverty. The idea was to introduce and reinforce the
importance of obtaining a post secondary education to teen mothers in their
junior or senior year of high school. The program ran for eight weeks during
the summer of 2003. Participants met once a week to participate in group
building activities, get insights to what it will take to finish school, and receive
information on services that are available to help them along the way. The
young women also had the opportunity to tour the UW and MATC campuses.
The participants walked away from the program with a sense of hope that they
are able to pursue their dreams despite their difficult situations.

Visual and Performing Arts Abstracts
Blind Construction: Mixed Media
Diana Dewi, Jennifer Kittleson, and Wendy Hagedorn (Mentor),
Apparel and Textile Design
The basis of this project was to create a garment using mixed media in order
to mimic the human body. The materials we used to create this piece include:
buckram, copper wire, spray paint, fabric paint, a variety of novelty fabrics,
and chains. The techniques we created in order to manipulate the piece
include: fabric branding and burning, grid painting, sewing, draping, molding
buckram, and coiling. Our overall approach was to create a theatrical
wearable art piece. Upon completion of the assignment we found the piece
aesthetically pleasing because of the way it molds to the human body, but can
be a piece all on its own.

How to Write a Preface
By Timothy Sexton, eHow Contributor



39Found This Helpful
A preface occurs at the beginning of a book or other type of prose document, and outlines
such elements as the purpose of the book and the scope of information that is contained
within. It may also contain information relating to the origin of the idea for the book, an
explanation of the perceived audience, and an acknowledgment of those who contributed
to the realization of the book.
Other People Are Reading
How to Create a Preface
Rules for Writing a Preface
Things You'll Need
Complete document
List of those to be acknowledged
o 1
Outline exactly and succinctly what the core purpose of the book is. Reveal the purpose in
usually fewer than 50 words by describing why the book was written, taking care to
accurately get across, not just what the book or document is about, but why it matters.
Illustrate how the subject has importance in the real world, and place it in the context of
utilitarian usefulness.
o 2
Explain the genesis of the work to follow. This is the perfect opportunity to further cement
the usefulness of the book by using a personal example of how the topic of the book relates
to real life. Discuss any external input that led to the writing, such as focus groups, surveys,
or even just being inspired by a movie or song. Take this chance to draw the reader into
what made the author or authors excited covering this subject.
o Sponsored Links
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o 3
Justify the organization of the book or paper by detailing how the book is organized. If the
organization is not done in a strictly linear way, give advice on how any users of the book
may approach the structure differently. Point out whether any of the sections are optional or
tangential to the overall thematic design.
o 4
Discuss your sources and their contributions. Explain the use and layout of special features
like maps, graphs, sidebars and case studies. If there is an accompanying website or other
type of resource that contains further information, mention it and discuss how a reader may
access these materials.
o 5
Give thanks and acknowledgment to those who provided assistance, inspiration, or help at
any point along the way. There are no hard and fast rules for handing out acknowledgment,
but the more formal the document that follows the preface, the less inclined you should be
to hand out thanks to those who did not concretely contribute to the process. For a less
formal book, it is more acceptable to include less conventional acknowledgments.
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Preface from Book
As educators, we all have the same goal: to help our students make the maximum possible
academic gains in a positive, respectful environment that promotes their success and nurtures
their desire to learn. One of the greatest tools available to us in this pursuit is explicit
instructioninstruction that is systematic, direct, engaging, and success oriented. The
effectiveness of explicit instruction has been validated again and again in research involving
both general education and special education students. While it has proven to be very helpful
for normally progressing students, it is essential for students with learning challenges. Explicit
instruction is absolutely necessary in teaching content that students could not otherwise
discover. For example, without explicit input, how would an individual discover the sound
associated with a letter, the quantity associated with a number, the steps in an efficient math
algorithm, the order of operations in algebra, the process for sounding out words, the
construction of a persuasive essay, the elements in scientific inquiry, or a spelling rule for
dropping the final e? Explicit instruction is helpful not only when discovery is impossible, but
when discovery may be inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, or inefficient. For example, a
student may generate a strategy for taking notes on text, but the strategy may be laborious and
the notes incomprehensible. This student would benefit from explicit instruction on a more
effective alternative. Another student may have a cursory idea of a concept through reading
text, but may need explicit instruction to ensure that the nuances of the concept are understood.
The goal of this book is to empower teachers in the use of explicit instruction, given that it is
both an effective and efficient procedure for teaching our children. We begin in Chapter 1 with a
review of the basic elements, principles, and research on explicit instruction. In Chapters 2, 3,
and 4, explicit instruction is applied to skills and strategies, vocabulary and concepts, and
rulesthree types of content that all educators teach and that students have difficulty
discovering independently. Within these chapters, basic instructional procedures are presented
and illustrated with example lessons representing many content areas, grade levels, and
student populations (special education and general education). In Chapter 2, a general model of
instruction including the steps of modeling, prompted or guided practice, and unprompted
practice (referred to as I do it. We do it. You do it.) is introduced and applied to the teaching of
skills and strategies in which students perform some behavior (e.g., sounding out a word, writing
a coherent paragraph, completing a science experiment). Chapter 3 focuses on research-
validated practices for selecting and teaching vocabulary terms and their underlying conceptual
base, using both examples and non-examples. Chapter 4 concentrates on the importance of
using examples and non-examples when teaching rules or lawful (IfThen) relationships.
Although teachers are certainly empowered when they understand the explicit instructional
steps involved in teaching this content, there is so much more to teaching than developing
lesson plans. In Chapter 5, we focus on establishing an environment and climate that supports
both teachers and students. We provide suggestions for organizing the physical space and for
establishing and introducing classroom rules, guidelines, procedures, and routines. When these
systematic actions are taken, the resulting environment will be more peaceful and productive.
Perhaps the most important aspect of explicit instruction is the delivery of lessons. A teacher
can design a perfect lesson plan, but if this plan is delivered in a manner that fails to involve or
engage students, learning will not occur. Because effective delivery of instruction is paramount
in explicit instruction, two chapters are dedicated to this topic. Chapter 6 presents scientifically
validated procedures for gaining responses in small or large groups, with abundant examples to
enliven the procedures. Chapter 7 extends the discussion of delivery skills with an emphasis on
monitoring students responses, providing feedback on correct and incorrect responses, and
maintaining a brisk pace that helps to engage students
Chapter 8 concentrates on a topic too seldom discussed and implemented in classrooms:
appropriate practice, including initial, distributed, and cumulative practice implemented as
independent work or homework. If skills, strategies, vocabulary, concepts, or rules are briefly
introduced without adequate subsequent practice, the result is that students are overexposed
and underdeveloped, lacking the level of mastery and automaticity needed for effortless
In keeping with the books focus on explicit instruction, we have marshaled the same
procedures in writing each of the chapters. Each teaching procedure is explained, then modeled
with example items and lessons and in some cases contrasted with non-example lessons, and
finally practiced through the application exercises. However, it is difficult to capture in print the
dynamic, interactive nature of instruction. For this reason, we have established a companion
website ( where you can watch or download video clips of lessons
illustrating the books procedures. Other materials, such as additional example lessons and
application exercises, are also posted on the website.
You may be wondering: How does this book fit into a series titled What Works for Special-
Needs Learners? The answers are intervention and prevention. First,explicit instruction is at
the heart of scientifically based interventions for special-needs learners in all of the content
areas covered in previous books in this series: word recognition, reading comprehension,
writing, and mathematics. Research (see Chapter 1) has made it very clear that interventions for
special-needs students, whether intensive or strategic, require well-organized, explicit
instruction that is unambiguous if they are to thrive academically. Second, explicit instruction
is also at the heart of preventionthose actions taken in our schools to reduce the number of
students requiring strategic or intensive interventions and to promote achievement gains across
students. Given that the research supporting explicit instruction is equally strong in regard to
teaching academic skills, strategies, and concepts in general education classes (especially in
the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics), initial instruction must be clear, explicit, and
engaging so that all students can thrive.
Our desire in writing this book is to support you, the teachers, who have the very demanding
task of delivering instruction on a daily basis, knowing that the fate of childrens academic
growth is truly in your hands. As you read these chapters, including the embedded example
lessons, you will find that they reinforce much of what you already know. Be sure to
acknowledge your current knowledge. In some cases, you will be reminded of a practice that
you are currently not using but could include or reinstate within your daily teaching. Finally, we
hope to expand your knowledge of effective and efficient teaching, for it is our strong belief that
how well you teach = how well they learn.
As you will see, effective and efficient explicit instruction requires that we attend to the details of
instruction because the details do make a significant difference in providing quality instruction
that promotes growth and success. Thus, we must remember our English teachers mantra:
Dont forget to dot your is and cross your ts. (Did you miss the designers humor in creating the
With deep respect and humility, we thank you for your dedication to children and our shared
Anita L. Archer
Charles A. Hughes
Copyright 2011 The Guilford Press. All rights reserved under International Copyright
Convention. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, or stored in or
introduced into any information storage or retrieval system, in any form or by any means,
whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the written
permission of The Guilford Press.
Guilford Publications, 72 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012, 212-431-

How to Write an Executive Summary: Why Write It?
Investors, lenders, executives, managers, and CEOs are busy. Always. That means that the
executive summary is an essential gateway for your business plan to get read. Think about it this
way: If you had an endless list of things to do, and someone handed you an 80-page document and
said "Read this!" you'd probably first want to know why.
"The most important reason to include an executive summary is that in many cases, it is the only
thing the reader will read," says Pablo Bonjour, founder and CEO of Katy, Texas-based SMG
Business Plans, a company that offers entrepreneurs assistance in writing business plans.
According to Bonjour, investors will read the executive summary to decide if they will even bother
reading the rest of the business plan. It's rare for an investor or lender to read an entire business
plan, at least in the initial stages of analysis and consideration for funding, so having a strong
executive summary is key.
When you're writing your business plan, your goal is to get your foot in the door and face-time
with the investor. "Assuming that your business is a good fit for the investor, a strong executive
summary will get you invited in for a meeting," Hirai says. "A poor executive summary will leave
you standing in the cold."
Dig Deeper: How to Write a Great Business Plan

How to Write an Executive Summary: The First Paragraph
Just as a movie might begin with a fight scene or a magazine article opens with a funny anecdote,
you'll need a strong hook for your executive summary.
"The most important part of an executive summary is the first paragraph that clearly explains what
the company does," according to Dave Lavinsky, president of Growthink, a Los Angeles-based
company that helps entrepreneurs develop business plans and raise capital. "Most business plans
start with a story that tries to create excitement, and this doesn't always work."
One way to think about it, says Hirai, is that your executive summary needs an executive summary.
The first paragraph needs to compel the reader to read the rest of the summary. Perhaps you have a
compelling "aha!" moment, so you might start with that. If you've identified a problem in the
marketplace that isn't being adequately serviced, you might start with that, too.

Dig Deeper: Business Executive Summary Template
How to Write an Executive Summary: The Nuts and Bolts
There is no set structure for an executive summary, but there are guidelines you must follow to
ensure your business plan or investment proposal gets the attention it deserves. First, think about
your core strengths. Use bullet points to present your ideas, and make sure you always use concise
"You need to match your story to your audience, your business, and your desired outcomes," says
Hirai. "If you have an exceptional management team, you might start with that."
Ask yourself what's unique and exciting about your company. After you've explained what your
company does, it's time to sell why you believe you're uniquely qualified to succeed.
Lavinksy recommends addressing these questions when putting together your executive summary:
Do you have a unique partnership?
Do you already have customers and traction?
Do you have patents or technology?
Is your marketing plan special in some way?
Depending on your audience, you can also try a more rigid approach to the executive summary.
After the first paragraph, Bonjour says one effective structure is to summarize each section in the
same order in which the items are presented within the full business plan. To make the structure as
relevant as possible for the reader, typically an investor or a lender, he suggests considering these
A Company Description Summary
The Problem
Your Solution
Why Now
The "Why Now" category is one of the most important questions to answer, because it makes your
executive summary timely. The last thing you want is to leave the reader feeling like there's plenty
of time to act. Chances are, if there isn't any urgency to your executive summary, your business
plan won't get read.
After describing the elements above, the executive summary should also have a brief financial
summary. For your financials, Bonjour suggests including the valuation of the deal, so that the
reader knows right away what the risks are, and what the returns can be.
Dig Deeper: Executive Summary as a Guiding Light

How to Write an Executive Summary: Strictly Professional or Humorous? What's the
This depends on who your readers are. Do your research. If you're presenting your plan to
investors, make sure the language of the executive summary caters to their backgrounds. For
example, if you know your investor has a degree in chemical engineering, your language might be
different from that in the executive summary presented to an investor who studied philosophy.
In other words, "use language that will resonate with your target audience," says Hirai. Don't be
afraid to change your executive summary when you present it to different investors. Consider
creating different versions for each audience, he says, but make sure that it's always kept
professional, crisp, and free of any embarrassing errors. Another good tip he gives is to use
personal pronouns (e.g., "we" and "our") over general nouns (e.g., "the company"). Your reader
will feel a stronger personal connection with you, your brand, and your idea if you can relate to
them in the first person.
Don't forget to be confident, either. If the writer does not clearly believe in this company, says
Bonjour, why should the reader believe in it? Put yourself in your reader's shoes, and ask yourself
why you would want to invest in a company. "Think about it like a job interview or asking a girl
out on a date," he says. "If you are not confident and don't act like you want it, chances are you
won't get anywhere."
Dig Deeper: ToneCheck: An E-mail App That Edits Your Tone

How to Write an Executive Summary: The Length
Remember, every executive summary is--and should be--unique. Depending on the size of the
business plan or investment proposal you're sending, the executive summary will vary. However,
the general consensus is that an executive summary should be between one and four pages long.
Think logically. A two-page summary can be printed on the front and back of a single page, which
can feel like a professional brochure. And, if you can't tell the essence of your story in a page or
two, says Hirai, then you probably haven't thought things through well enough.
Echoing this thought, Bonjour asserts "you can cheat a bit by using smaller fonts, widening your
margins, shrinking images and tables, but ultimately you need to summarize everything contained
within the executive summary. After all, it is called a 'summary' for a reason."
Dig Deeper: How to Refine Your Business Idea

How to Write an Executive Summary: What to Avoid
"The reason most business entrepreneurs get executive summaries wrong, is that they believe the
goal of the executive summary is to get the investors to give them a check," says Lavinsky. "The
goal of the executive summary is to get the investor to read the business plan or to meet with you."
With that in mind, clear your vocabularies of any superlatives, clichs, or any claims that can't be
backed up, he adds. Avoid using terms like "the best," "groundbreaking," "cutting-edge," and
"world class." "Investors see those words day in and day out," he says, "and eventually they lose
Dig Deeper: How to Kill a Great Idea!
How to Write an Executive Summary: Is It Any Good?
The most important element to any executive summary is a clear, concise, and relevant explanation
of what your company does. Obviously, you should devote a good portion of your time to reading
and re-reading the summary. But there are some tricks. Dave Lavinksy shares his litmus test: Have
a fifth-grader or any non-investor read your executive summary, even just the first paragraph.
Then, ask them to explain to you what your company does. If they explain it with ease, you're
good. If you hear crickets, you'll need to rework it.

Guidelines for writing a literature review
by Helen Mongan-Rallis. Last updated: April 21, 2014
[Note: For these guidelines, in some sections I have quoted directly some of the the
steps from: Galvan, J. (2006). Writing literature reviews: a guide for students of the
behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.]
What is a literature review?
A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize briefly
each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of the what you have read is
contained within the literature review, it goes well beyond merely summarizing
professional literature. It focuses on a specific topic of interest to you and includes
a critical analysis of the relationship among different works, and relating this research
to your work. It may be written as a stand-alone paper or to provide a theoretical
framework and rationale for a research study (such as a thesis or dissertation).
Step-by-step guide
These guidelines are adapted primarily from Galvan (2006). Galvan outlines a very
clear, step-by-step approach that is very useful to use as you write your review. I have
integrated some other tips within this guide, particularly in suggesting different
technology tools that you might want to consider in helping you organize your review.
In the sections from Step 6-9 what I have included is the outline of those steps exactly
as described by Galvan. I also provide links at the end of this guide to resources that
you should use in order to search the literature and as you write your review.
In addition to using the step-by-step guide that I have provided below, I also
recommend that you (a) locate examples of literature reviews in your field of study
and skim over these to get a feel for what a literature review is and how these are
written (I have also provided links to a couple of examples at the end of these
guidelines (b) read over other guides to writing literature reviews so that you see
different perspectives and approaches: Some examples are:
1. Review of Literature: University of Wisconsin - Madison The Writing Center.
2. How to ..Write a Literature Review: University of California, Santa Cruz
University Library).
3. Information Fluency - Literature Review: Washington & Lee University
4. How to Do A Literature Review? North Carolina A&T State University F.D.
Bluford Library.
5. Selected Links to Resources on Writing a Literature Review
Step 1: Review APA guidelines
Read through the links provided below on APA guidelines so that you become
familiar with the common core elements of how to write in APA style: in particular,
pay attention to general document guidelines (e.g. font, margins, spacing), title page,
abstract, body, text citations, quotations.
Step 2: Decide on a topic
It will help you considerably if your topic for your literature review is the one on
which you intend to do your final M.Ed. project, or is in some way related to the topic
of your final project. However, you may pick any scholarly topic.
Step 3: Identify the literature that you will review:
1. Familiarize yourself with online databases (see UMD library resource links
below for help with this), identifying relevant databases in your field of study.
2. Using relevant databases, search for literature sources using Google Scholar
and also searching using Furl (search all sources, including the Furl accounts of
other Furl members). Some tips for identifying suitable literature and
narrowing your search :
1. Start with a general descriptor from the database thesaurus or one that
you know is already a well defined descriptor based on past work that
you have done in this field. You will need to experiment with different
searches, such as limiting your search to descriptors that appear only in
the document titles, or in both the document title and in the abstract.
2. Redefine your topic if needed: as you search you will quickly find out if
the topic that you are reviewing is too broad. Try to narrow it to a
specific area of interest within the broad area that you have chosen
(remember: this is merely an introductory literature review for Educ
7001). It is a good idea, as part of your literature search, to look for
existing literature reviews that have already been written on this topic.
3. As part of your search, be sure to identify landmark or classic studies
and theorists as these provide you with a framework/context for your
3. Import your references into your RefWorks account (see: Refworks Import
Directions for guide on how to do this from different databases). You can also
enter references manually into RefWorks if you need to.
Step 4: Analyze the literature
Once you have identified and located the articles for your review, you need to analyze
them and organize them before you begin writing:
1. Overview the articles: Skim the articles to get an idea of the general purpose
and content of the article (focus your reading here on the abstract, introduction
and first few paragraphs, the conclusion of each article. Tip: as you skim the
articles, you may want to record the notes that you take on each directly into
RefWorks in the box for User 1. You can take notes onto note cards or into a
word processing document instead or as well as using RefWorks, but having
your notes in RefWorks makes it easy to organize your notes later.
2. Group the articles into categories (e.g. into topics and subtopics and
chronologically within each subtopic). Once again, it's useful to enter this
information into your RefWorks record. You can record the topics in the same
box as before (User 1) or use User 2 box for the topic(s) under which you have
chosen to place this article.
3. Take notes:
1. Decide on the format in which you will take notes as you read the
articles (as mentioned above, you can do this in RefWorks. You can also
do this using a Word Processor, or a concept mapping program like
Inspiration (free 30 trial download), a data base program (e.g. Access or
File Maker Pro), in an Excel spreadsheet, or the "old-fashioned" way of
using note cards. Be consistent in how you record notes.
2. Define key terms: look for differences in the way keys terms are defined
(note these differences).
3. Note key statistics that you may want to use in the introduction to your
4. Select useful quotes that you may want to include in your
review. Important: If you copy the exact words from an article, be sure
to cite the page number as you will need this should you decide to use
the quote when you write your review (as direct quotes must always be
accompanied by page references). To ensure that you have quoted
accurately (and to save time in note taking), if you are accessing the
article in a format that allows this, you can copy and paste using your
computer "edit --> copy --> paste" functions. Note: although you may
collect a large number of quotes during the note taking phase of your
review, when you write the review, use quotes very sparingly. The rule I
follow is to quote only when when some key meaning would be lost in
translation if I were to paraphrase the original author's words, or if using
the original words adds special emphasis to a point that I am making.
5. Note emphases, strengths & weaknesses: Since different research studies
focus on different aspects of the issue being studied, each article that you
read will have different emphases, strengths. and weaknesses. Your role
as a reviewer is to evaluate what you read, so that your review is not a
mere description of different articles, but rather a critical analysis that
makes sense of the collection of articles that you are reviewing. Critique
the research methodologies used in the studies, and distinguish between
assertions (the author's opinion) and actual research findings (derived
from empirical evidence).
6. Identify major trends or patterns: As you read a range of articles on your
topic, you should make note of trends and patterns over time as reported
in the literature. This step requires you to synthesize and make sense of
what you read, since these patterns and trends may not be spelled out in
the literature, but rather become apparent to you as you review the big
picture that has emerged over time. Your analysis can make
generalizations across a majority of studies, but should also note
inconsistencies across studies and over time.
7. Identify gaps in the literature, and reflect on why these might exist
(based on the understandings that you have gained by reading literature
in this field of study). These gaps will be important for you to address as
you plan and write your review.
8. Identify relationships among studies: note relationships among studies,
such as which studies were landmark ones that led to subsequent studies
in the same area. You may also note that studies fall into different
categories (categories that you see emerging or ones that are already
discussed in the literature). When you write your review, you should
address these relationships and different categories and discuss relevant
studies using this as a framework.
9. Keep your review focused on your topic: make sure that the articles you
find are relevant and directly related to your topic. As you take notes,
record which specific aspects of the article you are reading are relevant
to your topic (as you read you will come up with key descriptors that you
can record in your notes that will help you organize your findings when
you come to write up your review). If you are using an electronic form
of note taking, you might note these descriptors in a separate field (e.g.
in RefWorks, put these under User 2 or User 3; in Excel have a separate
column for each descriptor; if you use Inspiration, you might attach a
separate note for key descriptors.
10. Evaluate your references for currency and coverage: Although you can
always find more articles on your topic, you have to decide at what point
you are finished with collecting new resources so that you can focus on
writing up your findings. However, before you begin writing, you must
evaluate your reference list to ensure that it is up to date and has reported
the most current work. Typically a review will cover the last five years,
but should also refer to any landmark studies prior to this time if they
have significance in shaping the direction of the field. If you include
studies prior to the past five years that are not landmark studies, you
should defend why you have chosen these rather than more current ones.
Step 5: Summarize the literature in table or concept map format
1. Galvan (2006) recommends building tables as a key way to help you overview,
organize, and summarize your findings, and suggests that including one or
more of the tables that you create may be helpful in your literature review. If
you do include tables as part of your review each must be accompanied by an
analysis that summarizes, interprets and synthesizes the literature that you have
charted in the table. You can plan your table or do the entire summary chart of
your literature using a concept map (such as using Inspiration)
1. You can create the table using the table feature within Microsoft Word,
or can create it initially in Excel and then copy and paste/import the the
Excel sheet into Word once you have completed the table in Excel. The
advantage of using Excel is that it enables you to sort your findings
according to a variety of factors (e.g. sort by date, and then by author;
sort by methodology and then date)
2. Examples of tables that may be relevant to your review:
1. Definitions of key terms and concepts.
2. Research methods
3. Summary of research results
Step 6: Synthesize the literature prior to writing your review
Using the notes that you have taken and summary tables, develop an outline of your
final review. The following are the key steps as outlined by Galvan (2006: 71-79)
1. Consider your purpose and voice before beginning to write. In the case of this
Educ 7001 introductory literature review, your initial purpose is to provide an
overview of the topic that is of interest to you, demonstrating your
understanding of key works and concepts within your chosen area of focus.
You are also developing skills in reviewing and writing, to provide a
foundation on which you will build in subsequent courses within your M.Ed.
and ultimately in your final project. In your final project your literature review
should demonstrate your command of your field of study and/or establishing
context for a study that you have done.
2. Consider how you reassemble your notes: plan how you will organize your
findings into a unique analysis of the picture that you have captured in your
notes. Important: A literature review is not series of annotations (like an
annotated bibliography). Galvan (2006:72) captures the difference between an
annotated bibliography and a literature review very well: " essence, like
describing trees when you really should be describing a forest. In the case of a
literature review, you are really creating a new forest, which you will build by
using the trees you found in the literature you read."
3. Create a topic outline that traces your argument: first explain to the reader your
line or argument (or thesis); then your narrative that follows should explain and
justify your line of argument. You may find the program Inspiration useful in
mapping out your argument (and once you have created this in a concept map
form, Inspiration enables you to convert this to a text outline merely by clicking
on the "outline" button). This can then be exported into a Microsoft Word
4. Reorganize your notes according to the path of your argument
5. Within each topic heading, note differences among studies.
6. Within each topic heading, look for obvious gaps or areas needing more
7. Plan to describe relevant theories.
8. Plan to discuss how individual studies relate to and advance theory
9. Plan to summarize periodically and, again near the end of the review
10. Plan to present conclusions and implications
11. Plan to suggest specific directions for future research near the end of the review
12. Flesh out your outline with details from your analysis
Step 7: Writing the review (Galvan, 2006: 81-90)
1. Identify the broad problem area, but avoid global statements
2. Early in the review, indicate why the topic being reviewed is important
3. Distinguish between research finding and other sources of information
4. Indicate why certain studies are important
5. If you are commenting on the timeliness of a topic, be specific in describing the
time frame
6. If citing a classic or landmark study, identify it as such
7. If a landmark study was replicated, mention that and indicate the results of the
8. Discuss other literature reviews on your topic
9. Refer the reader to other reviews on issues that you will not be discussing in
10. Justify comments such as, "no studies were found."
11. Avoid long lists of nonspecific references
12. If the results of previous studies are inconsistent or widely varying, cite them
13. Cite all relevant references in the review section of thesis, dissertation, or
journal article
Step 8: Developing a coherent essay (Galvan, 2006: 91-96)
1. If your review is long, provide an overview near the beginning of the review
2. Near the beginning of a review, state explicitly what will and will not be
3. Specify your point of view early in the review: this serves as the thesis
statement of the review.
4. Aim for a clear and cohesive essay that integrates the key details of the
literature and communicates your point of view (a literature is not a series of
annotated articles).
5. Use subheadings, especially in long reviews
6. Use transitions to help trace your argument
7. If your topic teaches across disciplines, consider reviewing studies from each
discipline separately
8. Write a conclusion for the end of the review: Provide closure so that the path of
the argument ends with a conclusion of some kind. How you end the review,
however, will depend on your reason for writing it. If the review was written to
stand alone, as is the case of a term paper or a review article for publication, the
conclusion needs to make clear how the material in the body of the review has
supported the assertion or proposition presented in the introduction. On the
other hand, a review in a thesis, dissertation, or journal article presenting
original research usually leads to the research questions that will be addressed.
9. Check the flow of your argument for coherence.
Galvan, J. (2006). Writing literature reviews: a guide for students of the behavioral
sciences ( 3rd ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.
1. UMD & library resources and links:
1. UMD library research tools: includes links to
2. Refworks Import Directions: Links to step-by-step directions on how to
important to Refworks from different databases
2. Writing guidelines:
1. Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab): A user-friendly writing lab that
parallels with the 5th edition APA manual.
3. APA guidelines:
1. APA Style Essentials: overview of common core of elements of APA
2. APA Research Style Crib Sheet is a summary of rules for using APA
3. APA Style for Electronic Media and URL's: commonly asked questions
regarding how to cite electronic media
4. Examples of literature reviews:
1. Johnson, B. & Reeves, B. (2005). Challenges. Literature review chapter
from unpublished master's thesis, University of Minnesota Duluth,
2. Maguire, L. (2005). Literature review faculty participation in online
distance education: barriers and motivators. Online Journal of Distance
Learning Administration, Volume 8, No. 1, Spring 2005. State
University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center.

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