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Chapter 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (remove those not applicable)

I. Project profile and analysis

Project issues
i. Trends ( design trends, environmental trends, etc)
ii. Current issues ( envi issues, technological issues)
Legal framework
i. Legal considerations
ii. National codes / laws
iii. Specific code requirement for the project
iv. Local code and ordinances
v. Zoning reqt
vi. Height limitation
II. Site analysis
Site Selection and Justification
i. Criteria and site selection
ii. Site selection and justification
Regional Profile
i. Location and area
ii. Historical background
Site Profile
i. Site physical profile
-Geology and soil
i. Earthquake hazard / seismic shaking
ii. Faulting
iii. Soil liquefaction
iv. Slope stability
v. Groundwater problems / flood
vi. Environmental hazard
i. Solar orientation
ii. Temperature
iii. Prevailing wind
iv. Precipitation and hydrology
i. Vegetation and natural features
Man made styructures / geographical distance
Availability of utilities
Land use and zoning
Site analysis
i. Vicinity map
ii. Location plan
iii. Site photo and analysis
Prominent vision lines / visual linkages
Sensuous qualities
a. Air quality
b. Land quality
c. Water quality
d. Landmarks
Traffic factors
1. Restriction due to traffic congestion
2. Mass transit accessibility

III. Cultural profile
Residents and user population
Social structure
Economic structure
Political structure
On adjacent site behaviour setting
Site values, rights and restraints
IV. Data correlation
Classification of site
Analysis of current and future changes of the site
Identification of significant problems
V. Technical description
VI. Synthesis
Swot analysis
VII. Special analysis
User analysis
Organizational profile of users
Functional charts
User behavior analysis
Definition of space
Summary of spaces
Activity flow
Space program
Accessibility matrices
Building technology and utilities
Type of construction
Method of construction
Architectural solution
Structural solution
Electrical reqt
Sanitary reqt
Mechl reqt
Acoustics and lighting reqt
Survey data analysisi
Economics of construction
Building construction cost
Land development cost
Cost of property lot

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