Force and Moment Reactions in V14

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Force and Moment Reactions in V14.5
Previous editions of ANSYS Workbench had the opportunity of post-processing reaction forces and moments, however with limited options. In ANSYS 14.5 you are able to
look at the reaction forces and moments anywhere on the geometry.
Reaction forces
Step 1: Create a coordinate system in the region you want to look at a reaction force
The coordinate system can be placed anywhere you want by selecting a point, line, surface or body on your geometry.
In addition, you can move, rotate and flip in the x, y and z directions.
Then you can enter values in the detail window.
Step 2: Create a surface and select the coordinate system you created in Step 1
Note that it will use the x-y plane, as the cutting plane
Step 3: In the solution folder, you can now insert the force reaction at the surface created.
Location Method: Gives you several opportunities regarding the location to investigate your force reaction.
Surface: The surface created in the Construction Geometry field
Geometry: Select the body you want to slice
Orientation: Enables you to change the direction, thus the axis where the results are retrieved
Extraction: Whether you want to study nodes in front or behind the cutting plane (the nodes on those elements cut by the plane)
Remember to set nodal forces to yes in the analysis setting before you do the Solve!
Your force reaction will look something like Figure 1 , and can also be studied in the wireframe mode.
The wireframe can be toggled on or off by clicking the button shown in the figure below
Figure 1
The results can be found in the Tabular data window.
Moment reaction
The moment reaction can be found by following the same procedure as above. Instead of choosing force reaction, you select the moment reaction in the solution branch (see
step 3)
Note that you get one more option when calculating the moment. Summation allows you to choose Orientation System and Centroid. Orientation system calculates results
about the axes located at the cutting plane you made. If you choose Centroid as summation, the results are calculated at the center of the geometry chosen. You must be
aware that it contains a bug, and may give you wrong results if you dont match the Design Modeler with the Mechanical units.
Figure 2: Moment reaction: Orientation System Figure 3: Moment reaction: Centroid
Your moment reaction results about all three axes can be found in the Tabular Data window.
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