Chapter No. - 2: Review of Related Literature

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2.1] Review of related literature for researcher
2.2] Innovations & its usefulness of research wor
Review of relate literat!re
2." I#tro!$tio# %-
The review of literature was found in different volums of survey of
educational research by M..B.Buch . The review of related literature
acuints the researchers with the wor! done by other researchers which may
be useful to conduct the research.
Review of Relate Literat!re
&oo'( %- Boo!s which are related to the researcher to"ic #ive a lot of
information as in what ste"s can be ta!en to solve the "roblems new &
innovative ideas .
T)e worl *oo' e#$+$lo,eia vol!-e . / E#0li() 1 %-
Pa0e No. 222 E#0li() la#0!a0e
$ %n#lish law is the most widely s"o!en lan#ua#e in the world. It is
used as either a "rimary or secondary lan#ua#e in many countries.&
'urin# the 1())*( fewer than 2 million "eo"le s"o!e %n#lish. +ll of them
lived in what is now ,nited -in#dom. Throu#h the countries* as the result of
various historical events* %n#lish s"read throu#hout the world. Today about
.)) million "eo"le s"ea! %n#lish as their native lan#ua#e . +nother 1))
3a0a4i#e( &oo'( New( Pa,er( 5o!r#al(
million "eo"le * chiefly livin# in India* /a!istan & in many +frican
countries* s"ea! %n#lish in addition to their own lan#ua#e * because of this
we see the most of the "eo"le in India who find "roblems while
communicatin# & writin# also.
E#0li() Di,lo-a i# Tea$)er E!$atio# fir(t +ear %-
Prof. T!()ari'a Li-a+e 6 ,a0e #o. ".76 ".8
$ %n#lish lan#ua#e is a window of the world as now a days %n#lish
lan#ua#e is used in every as"ect of life for e0am"le in the #overnments *
sho"s* travelin#* wor! "laces etc.&
T)e Worl &oo' E#$+$lo,eia Vol!-e "9 / (o-(4 1
Pa0e #o ": I-,rove (,elli#0 t)e# !lti-atel+ t)e+ i-,rove o!r writi#0.
1"ellin# is the writin# of a word or words with the necessary letters &
diacrities "resent in an acce"ted standard order.
A$tio# Re(ear$) ; I##ovatio#( %-
Arvi# L. <a,ole6 &a#(i &i)ari Pa#it.
Pa0e #o.2.96 2.= Review of relate -aterial.
$ The researcher should have the !nowled#e of the ste"s of research &
also he should find out whether other researcher have already wor!ed on the
same sub2ect* their method of wor! for the researcher will #et a lot of
information about the methods * "ro#ramme develo"ed by the "revious
Re(ear$) o# I-,rove Ha#writi#0 % -
1tatement of the /roblem 34 + study of a "ro#ramme to im"rove
%n#lish 5andwritin# in* relation with s"ellin#s & readin# s!ill also.
O*>e$tive( %-
Tom find out difficulties of students in writin# words.
To develo" the ability to s"ell the word correct.
To study effectiveness of the "ro#ramme develo"ed.
3a>or fi#i#0( %-
1tudents who concentrate on the content while readin# or writin# words
1tudents founds it easier to read the content that to learn the s"ellin#s
6isuali7in# the words while readin# made it easy to retain s"ellin#s.
These who are #ood in readin# s!ill are better s"ellin#s.
&a('ra# Her*ert( "=9= ?3. P)ill@
%ducation +la#a""a ,niversity. The "roblem was studied to the
im"act of remedial teachin# "ro#rammer on the common error commited by
students of standard 12
in written %n#lish.
5o()i. V.A.A. E. (o$iet+ $olle0e of e!$atio# A)e-a#a0ar "=28.
The "roblem was a study of errors in writin# %n#lish and remedial
B)ai') A.A. "==2 P!#e 3. B. *!ra! of teCt *oo'.
The "roblem was a critical study of errors in Marathi writin#
committed by ,rdu s"ea!in# "u"ils of standard 8
2.2 I##ovatio# a# ItD( !(ef!l#e(( of re(ear$) wor'
I##ovatio# %-
$+n innovative is a new idea "erceived by the individual.&
$To innovate is to create to trade new "attern in an ori#inal mode.&
Innovation means to create somethin# new* introduce new thin#s.
In this "ro"osal* im"rovin# %n#lish handwritin#* the teacher uses different
teachin# aids* new noteboo!s* stic! ca"ital letters and small letters on the
wall* etc. 1tudent im"roves his9her handwritin# easily. Teacher su##est
remedies to im"rove handwritin#.
I1 Teachin# write correct s"ellin#s to students only after they !now correct
meanin# * "ronunciation of the word. : This can be done with the hel" of
audio ; visual aids ]
II1 <ritin# the word & #ivin# the students enou#h time to visuali7e the
III1 +s! the students to write down the word neatly & correctly.
IV1 ,sin# the word in many sentences.
V1 +fter the above . "oints are followed the researcher used many words &
to "lay word #ame li!e this missin# letters* crossword* dictation & im"rove
their h2andwritin#.
U(ef!l#e(( %-
1] This research is useful mainly for students of the "rimary classes as it
will hel" them to develo" confidence to write correct s"ellin# & also he
useful to them to "en down their own thou#hts as in writin# a""lication
based answer.
2] This research will be more useful for these students who are wee! in
%n#lish lan#ua#es.
=] This research will hel" student to try new & difficult word it into "arts &
.] This research will hel" teachers to teach s"ellin#s by #ivin# s"ell #ames
which are very effective & useful.
1] Ala# B. &row#* 'e"artment of "sycholo#y * southern Methodist
university* volume 2 * no. .* 1>>) .
2] Ala# B. &row#6 + review of recent research on s"ellin#* volume 2 *
no .* 1>>).
=] Arvi# L. <a,ole ; &a#(i &i)ari Pa#it6 A$tio# Re(ear$) ;
I##ovatio#6 ?irali /ra!ashan * 2))8.
.] T)e Worl &oo' E#$+$lo,eia 6 % 6olume @ * + 1cott Aet7er
(] T)e Worl &oo' E#$+$lo,eia (o (4 vol!-e "96 + 1cott Ae7er
Bom"any * 1>>(.
I-,le-e#tatio# of Re(ear$)
=.1 Research Methodolo#y
=.2 1am"le
=.= Tools & Techniues
=.. Remedial Measures
I-,le-e#tatio# of re(ear$)
E." Re(ear$) 3et)oolo0+
Re(ear$) 3et)o
B!rve+ 3et)o %-
<hen ever a curriculum is im"lemented it is necessary to understand
the o"inion of the concerned "eo"le who will be actually
im"lementin# the same e.#. when your new curriculum is
im"lemented from the year 2))( whats the view "oint of the
"rofessors who will be teachin# the sub2ects as "er the new
Hi(tori$al 3et)o %-
Aor studyin# different "roblems in social * economical * scientific or
educational field* com"ilation of information and statistics is the first
ste". To do so in the re"resentation form * & to draw conclusions from
the from the com"iled information s"ecific method is used.
EC,eri-e#tal 3et)o%
tal -et)o
In this research* the researcher has ado"ted the
e0"erimental method for studyin# the "roblem. In this research* affect
on the factor to others in scientific term. %0"erimental research means
e0aminin# the hy"othesis indicatin# the cause and effect relation.
%0"erimental research is conducted to understand the effect
of factor li!e teachin# method educational instrument. ?o. of. 1tudent
in classroom on the factor li!e motivation* attitude towards education
C)ara$teri(ti$( of EC,eri-e#tal 3et)o%
Aor ma!in# com"arative study for e0"erimental and control #rou".
This hel" to find out the effect on action research and which action is
more effective.
<hat action is to be ta!en and to what e0tent* is decided by the
It is not "ossible to handle inde"endent variable li!e a#e* social and
economical condition.
Crou"s are divided eually by usin# random sam"lin# method.
%0ternal variable which is not included in study which can effect the
e0"eriment controlled usin# their controlled "rocess.In e0"erimental
research only one research.
If this is not done the e0tend factor will ma!e effect on the other
E.2 Ba-,le
T+,e( of (a-,li#0 -et)o %-
I1 Pro*a*ilit+
1] Random sam"lin# method
2] Incidental sam"lin# method
=] 1tratified sam"lin# method
II1 No# Pro*a*ilit+
1] /ur"osive sam"lin# method
2] Duota sam"lin# method
P!r,o(ive (a-,li#0 -et)o %
In this method the researcher select the sam"le for "o"ulation of
his interest and with satisfied a "articular "ur"ose.
%# 3 1tudents well in "ro"er %n#lish writin# li!e use ca"ital letters*
use "unctuation mar!s etc are selected by the teacher to #ive the
I#$ie#tal (a-,li#0 -et)o %
<hen the sam"le is to be selected from the "o"ulation of the
researcher select the sam"le from his surroundin# as on when the
sam"le units are available . This method is !nown as incidental
sam"lin# method.
E.E Tool( a# Te$)#iF!e( of t)e A$tio# Re(ear$) %
Tool( a# te$)#iF!e( of t)e A$tio# Re(ear$)
O*(ervatio# G!e(tio##aire I#terview Te(t
G!e(tio##aire %
1eries of "re ; arran#ed uestions "ut forward for collection
information is called uestionnaire.
+ccordin# to Bar* $ <ell arran#ed set of the uestions #iven to the
"erson from whom information is to be collected is called
uestionnaire . In order words a "re arran#ed series of uestions
"resented for collectin# information is called as uestionnaire.
C)ara$teri(ti$ of Aoo G!e(tio##aire %
%very uestion in the uestionnaire should be clear.
+ll the uestion should on the basic of definite ob2ectives.
The uestion should not be indicative ty"es.
?othin# should be not double meanin#.
It should be made as "er division .
+ "ro"er and suitable title should be #iven to the uestionnaire.
The name of the researcher * the sub2ect of research and the name of
#uide and year should mention.
Instruction should be clear and limited.
,nclear and more instructions are not "ro"er.
Before ma!in# a uestionnaire one should study some more
uestionnaire made by some other researcher.
The lan#ua#e of uestion should be clear.
The uestion as!ed should be about a "articular ob2ectives.
The uestion should be #rammatically correct.
The "rints of uestionnaire should be clean and clear.
The len#th of the uestion should be limited.
Ava#ta0e( %
It is "ossible to #et the res"onse from the "ersons stayin# at different
Many "ersons can "artici"ate as the res"onsive "ersons.
'efine answers can be com"lied throu#h a uestionnaire.
Those who cant #ive oral answers to the uestion can send written
answers throu#h the uestionnaire.
1ince the res"onsive "ersons are answerin# the uestions * the
res"onse is ob2ectives.
Res"onsive "erson can send his res"onse accordin# to
his convenience.
3.4Re-eial 3ea(!re(
Researcher too! the followin# measures while conductin# the research
.The researcher had decided to Mean *Median and ET test .
Researcher used e0"erimental method for this research. Airst
researcher ta!e "re test. Researcher #ives them some sentences & as!
them to write students ma!e mista!es in writin# that is they not use
"ro"er "unctuation mar!s* s"ellin# mista!es. Then teacher im"lement
the "ro#ramme . researcher #ives all information about #ood writin#.
5ow to use "unctuation mar!s* where we use ca"ital and small letters*
try to write correct s"ellin#s etc. +fter the im"lementation "ro#ramme
researcher ta!e "ost test.
Researcher #ives them same sentences which is in "re test.
+utomatically students used all "unctuation mar!s* ca"ital letters
finaly researcher #et success.
3ea# F G0 9 ?
HtD val!e F G' 9
1] Arvi# L. <a,ole ; &a#(i &i)ari Pa#it6 A$tio# Re(ear$) ;
I##ovatio#6 ?irali /ra!ashan * 2))8.
2] Ala# B. &row#6 'e"artment of "sycholo#y * southern Methodist
university* volume 2 * no. .* 1>>) .
=] Ala# B. &row#6 + review of recent research on s"ellin#* volume 2*
no .* 1>>).
.] Prof. Re*e$$a Teri-a# * research on : s"ellin# ]
Colle$tio# of i#for-atio# a# ata it( (+#t)e(i( a#
..1] /resentation of information and data
..2] +nalysis and Inter"retation
..=] Bonclusion
7." Pre(e#tatio# of i#for-atio# a# ata % 1tudents name /re test /ost test
1 1a#ar 1hinde 11 1@
2 1ayali 1hinde 18 21
= 1hubham 1hinde 1> 22
. 1eema <a!hare 22 28
( Man#esh +ware 1. 22
@ Ravi 1hitole 1> 2=
8 -anchan 1hinde 18 21
H 1ahil Tivari 1= 1@
> /ama ,bale 18 21
1) 1artha! Core 1> 2(
11 ?anda -ola"e 1= 1@
12 -rushna -ale 1H 22
1= +sha /awar 1H 2@
1. 1ameer 1hinde 12 1H
1( 1uchita -ale 1> 2.
1@ 6rushali Mane 1> 2(
18 Tushar Ten#le 1= 21
1H Ra2 1at"ute 1@ 22
1> 'attu Iele 1H 21
2) Canesh 'ev!ar 1> 21
7.2 A#al+(i( a# I#ter,retatio#
1r. 1tudents ?ame /re ; T. /ost4T. ' '2
1 1a#ar 1hinde 11 1@ ( 2(
2 1ayali 1hinde 18 21 . 1@
= 1hubham 1hinde 1> 22 = >
. 1eema <a!hare 22 28 ( 2(
( Man#esh +ware 1. 22 H @.
@ Ravi 1hitole 1> 2= . 1@
8 -anchan 1hinde 18 21 . 1@
H 1ahil Tivari 12 1@ . 1@
> /ama ,bale 1H 21 = >
1) 1artha! Core 1> 2( @ =@
11 ?anda -ola"e 1= 1@ = >
12 -rushna -ale 1H 22 . 1@
1= +sha /awar 1H 2@ H @.
1. 1ameer 1hinde 12 1H @ =@
1( 1uchita -ale 1> 2. ( 2(
1@ 6rushali Mane 1> 2( @ =@
18 Tushar Ten#le 1. 21 8 .>
1H Ra2 1at"ute 1H 22 . 1@
1> 'attu Iele 1H 21 = >
2) Canesh 'ev!ar 1> 2( @ =@
? F 2) G0
F==@ G0
F.=) G'F >. G'
3ea# of Pre. Te(t I JC
F ==@ 92)
I "..9
3ea# of ,o(t te(t I JC
F .=) 9 2)
I 2".8
ETD val!e
F >. 9
2) 41
F >. 9
F >. 9
F >. 9 8.((
F 12..(
T I "2.7
I#ter,retatio# of Data%
In this way the researcher has com"leted this research and it is
successful. The calculated ET value 12..( is hi#her. The "ro#ram
develo"ed by researcher to im"rove handwritin# is successful.
7.E Co#$l!(io#
In this way* we can conclude easily and see all the information
in "re4test and "ost4test. Bom"are "re4test and "ost4test im"rove the
handwritin# result.
Pre Te(t a# Po(t Te(t %
Teacher #ives the followin# sentences to the students and ta!e "re test.
Then teacher im"lement "ro#ram to im"rovin# handwritin# and ta!e
"ost ; test.
Be#te#$e( % -
1] 1ubhash is #oin# to school.
2] The doctor is #ivin# medicine*
=] They are "layin# cric!et.
.] Teacher as!s * $Blose the door&
(] The boy is boardin# a bus
@] The do# is chasin# a cat.
8] Bhildren are climbin# a tree.
H] The #irl is ridin# a horse.
>] Cirls are dancein#.
1)] /ut your "en and "encil away.
11] 'raw a circle on the noteboo!.
12] Teacher as!s * where do you live J
1] Arvi# L. <a,ole ; &a#(i &i)ari Pa#it6 A$tio# Re(ear$) ;
I##ovatio#6 ?irali /ra!ashan * 2))8.
2] Vi+a)ar N. B)!'la
E!$atio#al Eval!atio# 6 ?irali /ra!ashan * Airst year di"loma in
teacher education.
B!--ar+ 6 Co#$l!(io# a# Re$o--e#atio#
(.1 1ummary
(.2 Bonclusion
(.= Recommendation
(.. 1u##estions for further research
8." B!--ar+ %
I#tro!$tio# 34 In todays education system E %n#lish occu"ies an
im"ortant "lace. Kistenin#* Readin#* <ritin# & 1"ea!in# these are the
four s!ill of im"rove lan#ua#e.
Nee of t)e Pro*le- %- Im"rove handwritin# of the student.
Ma2ority of the student of 5.1.B & 5.1.B fail in %n#lish sub2ect
because of bad handwritin#.
I-,orta#$e of t)e Pro*le- %- In todays e0amination system there
is more em"hasis on writin# s!ill.
Btate-e#t %- + study of effectiveness of the "ro#ramme (
students to im"rove handwritin# of the Marathi medium students.
O,eratio#al Defi#itio# %-
I-,rove %- Im"rove is a "ositive level of "ro#ress.
3arat)i 3ei!- % - <here education is conducted in Marathi
O*>e$tive( %- To find out /roblem * To develo" a "ro#ramme to
im"rove handwritin#. 1tudy of effectiveness of this "ro#ramme .
A((!-,tio# %- 1ome students ma!e mista!e in writin# %n#lish. There
is no "ractice to im"rove writin#.
H+,ot)e(i( %- Re(ear$) ; N!ll H+,ot)e(i(
Re(ear$) )+,ot)e(i( %- If there is si#nificant chan#e after
im"lementin# "ro#amme then students are able to write correct.
N!ll )+,ot)e(i( % 4 If there is no si#nificant chan#e after
im"lementation "ro#amme then students are not able to write
Ba-,le %- Researcher selected 2) students of (
std of a L./ 1chool.
B$o,e ; Li-itatio# %-
B$o,e %- The researcher will be beneficial to the student to im"rove
handwritin#. The teacher will su##est remedies to im"rove
Li-itatio# % - This research only limited to (
std Marathi Medium
student. This is limited to L./. 1chool.
8.2 Co#$l!(io# %
Most of the student ma!e mista!es because of ne#li#ence
towards handwritin#.
They not aware of rules of writin# not "ro"er use of "unctuation
mar!s *they do not have "ractice of writin# in four line double line
+fter the im"lementation of a "ro#ram the handwritin# of
students im"roved "ro"er #uidance and individual attention develo"s
confidence amon# the students.
8.E Re$o--e#atio# 3
I] Teacher should tell the im"ortance of #ood handwritin# to the
students and "arents.
II] Teacher should arran#e the handwritin# com"etitions .
III] /arents should "ay attention on the handwritin# of their child.
I6] Teacher should tell the student to write one "a#e daily.
6] /resent research is "re"are by researcher not only for the student
but also teachers * "arents* society. 1o * all should have to ma!e it use
if any mista!e is done by researcher then after the researcher who ever
is #oin# to research on the same should correct the mista!es this is
e0"ected from the researcher.
8.7 B!00etio#( for f!rt)er re(ear$) %
I] This ty"e of study can be done on different standards in school
related to %n#lish sub2ect.
II] This ty"e of study can be done on different standards in school
related to all lan#ua#e handwritin#.
III] This research can be conducted on district and state level.
I6] In the "resent researcher considered the font si7e* "ro"er s"ace
and "unctuation mar!s further research can be done on s"ellin#
mista!es * writin# style * sentence construction .
Li(t of Ta*le % / refere#$e( 1
1] Ala# B. &row#* 'e"artment of "sycholo#y * southern Methodist
university* volume 2 * no. .* 1>>) .
2] Ala# B. &row#6 + review of recent research on s"ellin#* volume 2
no .* 1>>).
=] Arvi# L. <a,ole ; &a#(i &i)ari Pa#it6 A$tio# Re(ear$) ;
I##ovatio#6 ?irali /ra!ashan * 2))8.
.] T)e Worl &oo' E#$+$lo,eia 6 % 6olume @ * + 1cott Aet7er
(] T)e Worl &oo' E#$+$lo,eia (o (4 vol!-e "96 + 1cott Ae7er
Bom"any * 1>>(.
@] Prof. Re*e$$a Teri-a# * research on : s"ellin# ]
8] Vi+a)ar N. B)!'la
E!$atio#al Eval!atio# 6 ?irali /ra!ashan * Airst year di"loma in
teacher education.

Kist of +""endi0es 3
1tudents ?ame
1ayali 1hinde
1hubham 1hinde
1eema <a!hare
Man#esh +ware
Ravi 1hitole
-anchan 1hinde
1ahil Tivari
/ama ,bale
1artha! Core
?anda -ola"e
-rushna -ale
+sha /awar
1ameer 1hinde
1uchita -ale
6rushali Mane
Tushar Ten#le
Ra2 1at"ute
'attu Iele
Canesh 'ev!ar

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