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Republic of the Philippines


First Judicial Region
Branch __
Baguio City
Plaintiff, CRIM. CASE No.
-ersus- !"R# P$%SICA& AB'SE
RE&A(I"N (" R.A.)*+,
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
I/ R"MME& M. SA&ES/ +* years ol0/ single / resi0ing at Puro1-2 &iberta0/ Baguio City/
after haing been s3orn to in accor0ance 3ith the la3 0o hereby 0epose an0 state#
(hat !iscal JA&&EL ROSE T% RE'UERO is the counsel 3ho con0ucte0 an0
superise0 4y e5a4ination as a 3itness at her office at Proincial Prosecutor6s "ffice/ Baguio
(hat I a4 ans3ering the 8uestions herein fully conscious that I 0o so un0er oath an0 that
I 4ay be cri4inally liable for false testi4ony or per9ury7
(he follo3ing are the :uestions propoun0e0 by !iscal ;A<<E& R"SE (. RE:'ER"
an0 4y ans3ers in English language#
:+# =o you s3ear to tell the truth an0 nothing but the truth>
A+# %es Ma6a4.
:?# Are you the sa4e Ro44el M. Sales/ the priate co4plainant in this case for Physical
Abuse in Relation to R.A. )*+, no3 pen0ing before the Regional (rial Court/ Branch +
of Baguio City>
A?# %es Ma6a4
:2# @hat is your highest e0ucational attain4ent>
A2# 2
year $igh School at &iberta0 National $igh School.
:A# =o you personally 1no3 the accuse0 in this case/ Mr. Marcelo Baya4bago>
AA# %es Ma6a4.
:B# Can you tell us 3hy you personally 1no3 Mr. Baya4bago>
AB# $e also lies in Puro1 2 &iberta0. $e is our neighbor an0 their house is 9ust besi0e
our house. @e are frien0s since I 3as a chil0.
:*# @here 3ere you on ;anuary 2/ ?,+2 at about +,#,, o6cloc1 in the 4orning>
A*# I 3as 3al1ing ho4e at that ti4e after I ha0 isite0 4y frien0 Paolo Balesteros at Puro1 +
&iberta0/ Baguio City.
:)# @ho 3as 3ith you 0uring that ti4e you 3ere 3al1ing ho4e>
A)# I 3as 3ith 4y other frien0/ Racine Monsteclaros.
:C# @hat transpire0 0uring that ti4e>
AC# I 3as 3al1ing 3ith 4y frien0 Racine Montesclaros. @hen 3e reache0 in front of
Baya4bago6s house Marcelo Baya4bago 3ho 3as loo1ing ery angry ca4e out an0 tol0
4e in isayan 3or0s to 8uote D Mosugat gyu0 1a haE un8uote. (hen he punche0 4y right
portion of 4y bo0y.
:F# @hen he punche0 you/ 3hat 0i0 you 0o>
AF# I 0i0n6t 0o anything Ma6a4. I coul0 not 0o anything.

:+,# @hat 0i0 your frien0 Racine Montesclaros 0o>
A+,# $e 0i0 nothing too. @e both coul0 0o nothing.
:++# @hy 0o you say that you coul0n6t 0o anything>
A++# Because Marcelo Baya4bago is bigger an0 stronger than the t3o of us. No one 0are0 to
fight 3ith hi4 Ma6a4.
:+?# @hy 0o you say that he 3as angry 0uring that ti4e>
A+?# Because 3hen he got out of their house/ he 3as s3earing an0 he see4e0 to be pisse0 off
of so4ething insi0e their house.
:+2# @as Marcelo Baya4bago 0run1 at that ti4e>
A+2# No Ma6a4. $e 0i0n6t s4ell or loo1 li1e he 3as 0run1.
:+A# Can you tell us ho3 big Marcelo is>
A+A# $e is BE* tall. $is bo0y structure is fir4 an0 has strong 4uscles because he 3or1s out
so4eti4es. $e acts li1e he can beat all of us s4aller than hi4. @e are actually terrifie0 by his
presence because of his unpleasant behaior.
:+B# @hy 0o you say unpleasant behaior>
A+B# Because 3heneer 4e an0 4y frien0s are 9o1ing an0 laughing/ he 9ust su00enly
interrupts shouting at us an0 telling us to shut our 4ouths. $e then threatens us that if 3e
are ta1ing about hi4/ 3e surely 3oul0 get a priGe fro4 hi4.
:+*# @hat priGe 3oul0 this be>
A+*# Maybe a punch or a 1ic1.
:+)# Asi0e fro4 the inci0ent that happene0 last ;anuary 2/ ?,+2/ 3as there
any other inci0ent of punching you>
A+)# %es Ma6a4.
:+C# Can you tell us 3hat happene0 an0 3hen it happene0>
A+C# "n ;anuary B/ ?,+2 4ore or less 2#,, o6 cloc1 in the afternoon/ in front of Cyber
;aGGer/ Puro1-2 &iberta0/ Baguio City. @hile I 3as passing by the Internet CafH/ I sa3
Marcelo Baya4bago/ ;r. ca4e out fro4 the Cyber ;aGGer Internet CafH. $e ran
to3ar0s 4e an0 punche0 4e t3ice hitting on the right shoul0er thus causing pain
on it.
:+F# @hen he punche0 you/ 3hat 0i0 you 0o>
A+F# I trie0 to retaliate after he punche0 4e. $o3eer/ he grabbe0 4y ar4s an0
t3iste0 it oer 4y bac1 an0 he sai0 in isayan 3or0s to 8uote DAy 4osu1ol na1a haE
un8uote. (hen he punche0 4e again on 4y right portion of the bo0y an0 1ic1e0 4y left
leg. I fell 0o3n the groun0 after that strong punch an0 1ic1e0. It 3as really painful that it
4a0e 4e crie0.
:?,# =i0 anybo0y see the inci0ent>
A?,# %es Ma6a4. "ur frien0 ;ulius =u4anon $ellar0es/ the o3ner of the Internet Cafe
3as there.
:?+# @hat 0i0 ;ulius =u4anon 0o>
A?+# $e shoute0 at Marcelo Baya4bago an0 tol0 hi4 to stop.
:??# @hat 0i0 Marcelo 0o 3hen ;ulius =u4anon tol0 hi4 to stop>
A??# $e 9ust laughe0 an0 sai0 in isayan 3or0s again to 8uote DMosu1ol na4an gyu0 Bai/
4aayo nang pitolonE. (hen he left.
:?2# @hat 0i0 you 0o then>
A?2# I stoo0 up an0 ;ulius =u4anon helpe0 as I har0ly can 3al1. (hen he acco4panie0
4e bac1 ho4e.
:?A# An0 then/ 3hat happene0 ne5t>
A?A# @hen I got ho4e I tol0 4y 4other about the inci0ent an0 then 3e reporte0 the
inci0ent to police Station2 in &iberta0/ Butuan City.
:?B# =o you hae any proof of all your allegations>
A?B# I hae 4y 3itnesses Ma6a4/ 4y frien0 Racine Montesclaros an0 ;ulius =u4anon.
:?*# =o you hae any 4e0ical certificate to support your allegations>
A?*# %es/ Ma6a4/ I hae.
Attache0 to this ;u0icial Affi0ait is an original copy of the 4e0ical certificate 4ar1e0 as
E5hibit DAE.
:?)# Base0 on this 4e0ical certificate you are sho3ing to us that the in9uries 3oul0 hae
incapacitate0 you for a perio0 of ) to +, 0ays>
A?)# %es/ Ma6a4/ I 3as actually incapable to 9oin 4y classes at &iberta0 National $igh School
for 4ore than a 3ee1 0ue to the pain that I suffere0. (he ne5t 0ay after the inci0ent I ha0
bruises an0 it 3as absolutely 0ifficult for 4e to stan0.
:?C# @ho issue0 this 4e0ical certificate>
A?C# It 3as =r Rocel0a & Mirasol Ma6a4/ Me0ical "fficer III at Baguio Me0ical Center
:?F# @ho6s signature is this in the 4e0ical certificate>
A?F# My 0octor/ Ma6a4/ =r. Rocel0a &. Mirasol.
:2,# @hy 0i0 you say that it 3as =r. Mirasol 3ho signe0 it>
A2,# Because I 3as in front of her 3hen she signe0 the 4e0ical certificate.
:2+# =o you hae anything to say/ Mr. Sales>
A2+# No 4ore/ Ma6a4.
IN @I(NESS @$ERE"!/ I hae hereunto affi5e0 4y signature this )
0ay of !ebruary
?,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.
Priate Co4plainant
S'BSCRIBE= AN= S@"RN to before 4e this )
0ay of !ebruary ?,+2 at Baguio City/
Asst. Proincial Prosecutor
=etaile0 PP"-Baguio City
MC&E Co4pliance No. II ,,,,,,
I/ JA&&EL ROSE T% RE'UERO, Asst. Proincial Prosecutor/ =etaile0 PP"-Baguio
City/ after haing been s3orn to in accor0ance 3ith the la3 0o hereby 0epose an0 say#
+. (hat I hae faithfully recor0e0 or cause0 to be recor0e0 the 8uestions I as1e0 an0 the
correspon0ing ans3ers that 3itness/ Iictoria &. Sole0a0/ gae7
?. (hat I hae not/ nor any other person present or assisting coache0 the 3itness
regar0ing the 3itness6 ans3ers7 an0
2. (hat I fully un0erstan0 that any false attestation shall sub9ect 4e to 0isciplinary
action/ inclu0ing 0isbar4ent.
IN @I(NESS @$ERE"!/ I hae hereunto affi5e0 4y signature this +*
0ay of March
?,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.
Counsel for the State
S'BSCRIBE= AN= S@"RN to before 4e this +*
0ay of March ?,+2 at Baguio City/
Public Attorney II
Public Attorney6s "ffice
Baguio City

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