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Synopsis Submitted for the Registration of
Ph. D.
In the
SU%"I!!#D %Y
Dr. &i(esh %. "unot
". Com.' .".' N#!' S#!' Ph. D. )a*+
Assistant Professor
Amo,a-.hand &idhi "aha/idya,aya' Ya/atma,
Dr. Padma-ar ". !a,ey
Asso.iate Professor
)Smt. 2. . Co,,ege' Amra/ati+
3456 )7ANUARY+
Industrial growth, development, and improvement in productivity mainly
depend on industrial peace preserve by the industry. In preserving the industrial peace,
COLLECTIVE B!"I#I#" plays an important and signi$icant role. In the world o$
industry and commerce, a process has been evolved and until now evolving $or the
negotiation between management and employees o$ terms and conditions o$ service and
the establishment o$ peace$ul, orderly relations at the place o$ wor% through mutual
settlement o$ di$$erences and the cooperation o$ all those engaged in the enterprise. This
process is %nown as Collective Bargaining.
The phrase collective bargaining appears to have been $irst coined by &ydney
and Beatrice 'ebb in their boo% on the Co(operative )ovement, but in Industrial
*emocracy, a study o$ trade unionism published in +,-., they enlarged upon it,
describing the process o$ collective bargaining as(
/In unorgani0ed trades the individual wor%man accepts or re$uses the terms
o$$ered by the employer without communication with his $ellow(wor%man111 . 2or
the sale o$ his labour he ma%es with the employer a strictly individual bargain. But, i$ a
group o$ wor%men concert, and send representatives to conduct the bargaining on behal$
o$ the whole body the position is at once changed. Instead o$ the employer ma%ing a
series o$ separate contracts with isolated individuals, he meets with a collective will,
and settles in a single agreement the principles upon which, $or the time being all
wor%men1 will be engaged.3
In a 'or%ers4 Education )anual issued by the International Labour O$$ice
5Bargaining I. L. O. "eneva, +-678, collective bargaining is de$ined as(
/negotiations about wor%ing conditions and terms o$ employment between an
employer, a group o$ employers or one or more employers4 organi0ations, on the one
hand, and one or more representatives wor%ers4 organi0ations, on the other, with a view
to reaching agreement3.
It is $urther stated that /the terms o$ an agreement serve as a code de$ining the
rights and obligations o$ each party in their employment relations with one another9 it
$i:es a large number o$ detailed conditions o$ employment9 and during its validity noe
o$ the matters it deals with can in normal circumstances give grounds $or a dispute
concerning an individual wor%er3.
The International Con$ederation o$ 2ree Trade ;nions in a teaching guide $or
union training has described a collective agreement as /a wor%er4s Bill o$ !ights3 and
stated the union4s ob<ects in collective bargaining as $ollows(
+. To established and build up union recognition as an authority in the wor%
=. To raise wor%ers4 standards o$ living and win a better share in company4s
>. To e:press in practical terms the wor%ers4 desire to be treated with due
respect and to achieve democratic participation in decisions a$$ecting their
wor%ing conditions9
?. To establish orderly practices $or sharing in these decisions and to settle
disputes which may arise in the day(to(day li$e o$ the company9
@. To achieve broad general ob<ectives such as de$ending and promoting the
wor%ers9 interests throughout the country.
Even the Aon4ble &upreme Court several time reiterated the importance o$ the
collective bargaining in its decisions.
&ettlement o$ labour disputes by direct negotiation and collective bargaining is
always to be pre$erred $or it is the best guarantee o$ industrial peace, which is the aim o$
all legislations $or settlement o$ labour disputes (National Engineering Industries Ltd.
vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR 2000 SC 4!".
In National Engineering Industries Li#ited vs. State of Rajasthan, (AIR 2000
SC 4!", the Court stressed the principle o$ collective bargaining in these words B
/It has to be %ept in view that the Industrial *ispute ct is based on the principle
o$ collective bargaining $or resolving industrial disputes and $or maintaining industrial
peace. Thus, principle o$ industrial democracy is the bedroc% o$ the ct. The employer
or a class o$ employers on the one hand and the accredited representatives o$ the
wor%men on the other are e:pected to resolve the industrial dispute amicably as $ar as
possible by entering into the settlement outside the conciliation proceedings or i$ no
settlement is reached and the dispute reaches the conciliator even during conciliation
proceedings. In all these negotiations based on collective bargaining, the individual
wor%man necessarily recedes to the bac%ground. The reins o$ bargaining on his behal$
are handed over to the union representing such wor%man. The unions espouse the
common cause on behal$ o$ all their members. ConseCuently, settlement arrived at by
them with management would bind at least their members and i$ such settlement is
arrived at during conciliation proceedings, it would bind even non(members. Thus,
settlements are the live wires under the ct $or ensuring industrial peace and
Bargaining is collective because chosen representatives o$ labour D
management acts as bargaining agents. Collective bargaining was introduced in India
$or the $irst time in +-@=9 collective bargaining in India grew on par with the growth o$
Trade ;nionism. Collective Bargaining arrangements, in India, $or the $irst time were
made at hmadabad Cotton Te:tile Industry.
Co,,e.ti/e %argaining and ibera,i9ation' Pri/ati9ation and
$,oba,i9ation )P$+
Collective bargaining actually meant $or bringing democratic environment in
commercial and industrial sphere. It helps in developing a sense o$ responsibility on the
part o$ both employer and employee. #evertheless, "overnment and civil society are
necessary sta%eholders and part and parcel o$ the process.
The economy may be capitalistic, socialistic or mi:ed economy. In
Liberali0ation and "lobali0ation, &tate acting as a corporate agent which main $unction
is to remove all barriers $or capital accumulation and its mobility. It may adversely
a$$ect on right to organi0e and collective bargaining.
In +--+, India has adopted the LE", model o$ development. In LE" model there
is mar%et based strategy to accelerate development with least amount o$ &tate
intervention. It added strength to the Indian capitalist class. new meaning was given
to the term Flabour re$orm4, which implied the power to Fhire and $ire4 wor%ers, $reedom
to determine wages according to the mar%et demand and supply. lthough the state did
not underta%e Flabour re$orms4 by introducing a new legislation to legitimise the
demand o$ the capitalist class, it silently wor%ed to reduce state intervention. The
minimi0ing role o$ &tate to intervene in the labour interests wea%ened the trade unions.
In $act, recent era witnesses, labour $le:ibility by the &tate in practice.
2or the development o$ an underta%ing or an industry, industrial peace is
indispensable. Labour legislation and the en$orcement machinery set up $or its
implementation can only provide a suitable $ramewor% in which employers and wor%ers
can $unction. The best solution to common problems, however, can be $ound by mutual
!he aims and ob(e.ti/es of the proposed resear.h is enumerated as fo,,o*s ;
+. The researcher ardent to %now and investigate the $actors a$$ecting collective
bargaining. The main hindrances, which may come in the way o$ collective
bargaining, as well as the $actors, which made collective bargaining success$ul,
should be sort out.
=. The researcher is $ervent to %now the impact o$ LE"( a model o$ development,
on "overnment, capitalist class, trade unions and on collective bargaining power
o$ trade unions.
>. The study is aimed at identi$ying the role o$ Gudiciary in protecting labour
interests pre(LE" and post(LE" phase.
?. The study is aimed at identi$ying the e$$ect o$ legislation, compulsory arbitration
and national and international conventions on the growth o$ collective
bargaining in India.
@. To %now about $actors which are pre(reCuisites o$ collective bargaining, the
e$$ect o$ collective bargaining and change in employer(wor%man relationship
a$termath collective bargaining.
6. To %now about the legal regime and wor%ing o$ law relating to collective
bargaining in India.
.. The thorough study o$ concept o$ collective bargaining, its process, wor%ing,
e$$ect, role o$ government and trade unions etc. would help at %nowing the
practicalness o$ the problem, and bringing out the positive solution.
,. The sub<ect in the proposed wor% has gained the global phenomenon. It is ardent
desire o$ the researcher to %now about the wor%ing o$ collective bargaining
phenomenon at global level.
-. The proposed wor% aimed at spreading awareness about collective bargaining
among the wor%ers, employers and other related sections o$ the society along
with to give encouragement to collective bargaining in bringing industrial peace
and development.
SCOP# < I"I!A!IONS OF !0# :OR2
The collective bargaining is process o$ <oint decision(ma%ing and basically
represents a democratic way o$ wor%ing in industry. It is the process o$ negotiation
between management and representatives o$ wor%ers $or resolving the dispute between
them with amicable manage and to secure industrial peace and development. The
purpose o$ collective bargaining is to meet at mutually agreeable conditions o$
employment. The process o$ collective bargaining essentially involves negotiation,
mediation, conciliation and arbitration to reach at an understanding acceptable to both
the parties.
;nder this wor%, the aspects li%e meaning o$ collective bargaining, role o$
collective bargaining, its importance, and signi$icance in maintaining peace and
harmony in industrial spear shall considered in depth.
The e$$ect o$ LE" on industrial relations is the core o$ study. The span o$ the
study e:tends to %now the role o$ collective bargaining a$ter the advent o$ LE" in India.
The researcher will study role o$ collective bargaining a$termath LE" speci$ically with
commercial and industrial disputes in 'estern Vidharbha.
The legal regime o$ the collective bargaining process, attitude o$ the
"overnment towards collective bargaining, development o$ collective bargaining in
India and collective bargaining phenomenon at international are among others to be
dealt in this study research. The $eatures, procedure, structure and levels o$ the
collective bargaining shall consider in the proposed research wor%.
2indings and conclusions $rom doctrinal and non(doctrinal i.e. empirical study
and its interpretation is the part o$ the propose wor%. s and when reCuires, it will deal
with non(doctrinal aspect 5such as observation, interviews and preparing model $orms
o$ Cuestionnaires8 which may includes practical visits to industries, o$$ices o$ trade
unions, commercial places etc., to $ind out practicality o$ the problem and appraisal o$
present condition.
The most o$ the research wor% shall based on the phenomenon pertaining to
India with special re$erence to 'estern Vidharbha and wherever it is necessary to ta%e
into consideration, the International Covenants and aspect o$ the sub<ect, shall be
t last, the proposed wor% concluded with conclusions D
I!#RA!UR# R#&I#:
Collective Bargaining re$ers to a process by which employers on the one hand
and representatives o$ the employees on the other attempt to arrive at agreements
covering the conditions under which employees will contribute and be compensated $or
their services. Collective bargaining is concerned with the relations between trade
unions D management.
Hennedy, Van *usen in his boo% ;nion, Employers and "overnment emphasis
that in India4s development as a democratic society, trade unions, as voluntary
organi0ations o$ wor%ers dedicated to improving employment conditions through
collective e$$orts and the method o$ collective bargaining with employers, have an
important part to play. Ae narrates detailed note on trends in collective bargaining and
"overnment policy on collective bargaining.
&ur, )ary in Collective Bargaining 5+-6@8, on his personal e:perience o$
negotiating agreements, presents a brie$ history o$ collective bargaining in Britain and
the ;. &. ., along with in$ormation on Indian e:perience by comparison o$ methods in
di$$erent national and economical and social situations.
Gain and Bhola 5=77-8, is o$ view that collective bargaining is the ultimate in
negotiations and is possible only when wor%er4s and employers4 organi0ations are
eCually strong, mature and conscious o$ their rights and duties.
)amoria, )amoria and "an%ar have argued that the collective bargaining has
not decentrali0ed beyond the plant level because cra$t 5s%illed, e:pertise8 unions are
&harma, . H. opined that "overnment4s intention has never been to discourage
collective bargaining. In $act, the labour in India is not very well organi0ed and it is not
e:pected that it would be able to get its due share through collective bargaining.
The e:isting literature on collective bargaining mostly $ocused on meaning,
signi$icance, role and process o$ collective bargaining. &ome o$ them are $ocuses on the
role o$ "overnment in development o$ collective bargaining and protection o$ interests
o$ labour in India. 'ith regard to collective bargaining process a$ter LE" and e$$ect o$
LE" on collective bargaining, the available literature is scanty.
There is no wide and comprehensive comparative literature which through light
on collective bargaining a$ter the advent o$ LE" in India.
In order to handle this proposed wor% in an appropriate manner and giving
use$ul output $rom the wor%, both the doctrinal 5i.e. analyticalInon(empirical8 as well as
empirical method would be most suitable and per$ect. Aence, in the proposed wor%,
both these method have been and will be utili0ed very well.
Co,,e.tion of DataB
Collection o$ data is nothing but the mesmeri0ing phase o$ research. The sources o$
*ata collection method may be divided into(
+. Erimary &ources o$ *ata Collections
=. &econdary &ources o$ *ata Collections
Erimary sources re$er to original in$ormation collected $or the $irst time. It is
also called as internal source or $ield source o$ data as the data is collected directly $rom
the sub<ect and $ield. The primary sources o$ data as $ar as the proposed study concern
may includes(
a. Observation( by personal visit and reducing observation in writing with the
help o$ Observation &heet.
b. Interviews( o$ all the sta%eholders in the process o$ collective bargaining.
c. JuestionnaireIs( to be prepared $or and $illed in by the Target "roups.
The empirical research is carried on by collecting and gathering data or
in$ormation by $irst hand study into the universe. This proposed wor% will includes the
preparation o$ Cuestionnaires and observation o$ industries, commercial places and
o$$ices o$ trade unions.
The Cuestionnaires are to be prepared to $ind out role o$ collective bargaining
a$ter the advent o$ LE", its e$$ects, the awareness about the collective bargaining, use o$
collective bargaining, its limitations, and hindrances in bringing out success$ul
collective bargaining, role o$ T;s, Employers, 'or%ers, "overnment and society at
large in collective bargaining process.
Ket another ob<ect o$ preparing the Cuestionnaires is to %now about the
re$ormative steps that have been ta%en at the "overnment level as well as recent
developments in the phenomenon at global level.
Se.ondary is obtained $rom outside. It may include personal documents
li%e li$e histories, diaries, letters, memories and published documents li%e boo%s,
document come $rom public bodies, "overnment and private organi0ations. !esearcher
will go through the relevant boo%s, records, published statistics, reports o$ newspapers
and <ournals and special reports, $ilm or T. V. programmes etc.
*octrinal method involved arranging, ordering and systemati0ing propositions,
analysis o$ case study. The data or in$ormation will be collected $rom te:ts, laws,
international conventions and <udicial decisions.
It is thus, a $act research. It will see% to identi$y and appraise the degree o$
variable, which in$luence the outcome and decision(ma%ing.
Aypotheses are tentative solutions to the research problem. In the proposed
wor%, the researcher has $ormulated the $ollowing Aypothesis(
+. There is considerable reduction in &tate intervention in labour interests a$ter the
advent o$ LE". The LE" model has generated an anti(labour economic
environment in the post(re$orm period as against the pro(labour environment in
the pre(re$orm period.
=. Collective bargaining which may result in <ust and $air settlement would always
be bene$icial to the management as well as to the body o$ wor%men and society
at large as there would be industrial peace and tranCuility pursuant to such
settlement and would avoid unnecessary social stri$e and tribulation on the one
hand and promote industrial and commercial development on the other hand.
>. FLabour Ero4 <udgments o$ the Gudiciary and /Let the matter go $or the
litigation3( lead the collective bargaining process wea%.
?. !ise in trade unionism, Immature T;s, problem o$ multiple and rival ;nions,
Eolitical rivalry and illiteracy o$ many o$ wor%ers D more particularly lac% o$
labour education are the prominent $actors responsible $or $ailure o$ collective
bargaining process.

Chapter 5 B Introductory Overview
Chapter 3 B !esearch )ethodology
Chapter = B Aistorical Bac%ground and Conceptual 2ramewor% o$ Collective
Chapter 6 B Collective Bargaining and LE"
Chapter > B *ata nalysis and Interpretation
Chapter ? B Conclusions and !ecommendations
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6enned), 7an 5usen ' 8nions, E#4lo)ers and 9overn#ent: Essa)s on
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(ana%talas, $o#1a).
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Sur, (a)ur ' Colle+tive $argaining: A Co#4arative Stud) of
5evelo4#ents in India and other Countries, -!>,
Asia 0u1lishing /ouse, Ne3 ?or%.
?usuf, A#ina I,1al ' *he (aharashtra Re+ognition of *rade 8nions
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-!@-, and 0rin+i4les of Colle+tive $argaining,
<irst Edition, 200-, C. 2a#nadas A Co.
+. Collective Bargaining in IndiaB !ecent Trends, by &urendra Eratap, Created on
=. Collective Bargaining EowerB ;nion and )anagement by *r. bhishe% "upta and
#eetu "upta, Eublished in #ational )onthly !e$ereed Gournal o$ !esearch in
Commerce and )anagement, Volume #o. =, Issue #o. ?, I&&# ==..(++66
>. Emerging Trends in Trade ;nion )ovement, )ainstream, Vol. LLVI, #o. =7.
?. The Challenge o$ Employment in IndiaB n In$ormal Economy Eerspective9 Volume I (
)ain !eport9 #ational Commission $or Enterprises in the ;norgani0ed &ector9 =77-.
-. 5aini% $has%ar (/indi"
2. India *oda)
.. Lo%#at *i#es
4. Nav1ahrat (/indi"
>. N)a) 5ee4
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