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The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)

ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

* D. Qusay Hatem Khalaf Al-Saadi , ** Muslim Hassab allah Ibrahim Al-Tamimi
* ,** Physical Education College/ Diyala University.

The rapid development of this game ame as a res!lt of !sing modern sientifi methods in sports training and that
ontri"!ted to the development of harmoni and s#ills apa"ilities and that the s!ess of an$ proess of training
depends on the "ases own in preparation Integrated %er effetiveness to reah for the high level of performane
and the orret !nderstanding of the ahievement of the d!ties entr!sted to him ph$siall$ thro!gh oah and re&
ate a wonderf!l performers in t!ne and streamline the movement of the pla$er individ!all$ and olletivel$' rel$&
ing on mind reading "etween the pla$ers on the one hand and the oah of the other hand.
The game of foot"all needs to !se the e(erises of an environmental s#ills approah to pla$ing ondition for reah
the learners to orret performane in handling and rolling and soring and hange enters and ontrol the "all
and the positions of offensive and defensive and transfer the mehanism of the orret sprinting and attri"!tion
The researh dis!ssed the modern sientifi methods in training sports and e(erises !sed whih
ontri"!ted to the development of )armoni apa"ilities that inrease the onfidene of the pla$&
ers' the researh pro"lem lies in the la# of !sing training methods' parti!larl$ e(erises of tatial
approahes in foot"all training so researhers felt to prepare these e(erises in a sientifi field
manner. The researh aims to !se e(erises of tatial approahes in the development of the most
important harmoni apa"ilities and its relationship to self&esteem among $o!ngster*s ages 1+&1,
$ears. -lso to!hed on the importane of foot"all training and the importane of e(erises and re&
searhers to!hed also to harmoni apa"ilities to self&onfidene and to the age gro!p of pla$ers
aged .1+&1, $ears/. The e(perimental method was hosen as for s!ita"ilit$ and nat!re of the pro"&
lem' the researhers !sed devies and tools pertaining to their wor#. The researhers then re&
viewed the res!lts the$ reahed and dis!ssed them and the development. Then researhers on&
l!ded that the !sed e(erises have positive impat in the development of the most important har&
moni apait$ and its relationship to self&esteem among $o!ngsters foot"all.
KEY!"DS# E$E"%ISES. HA"M!&I% %A'I(I)ITIES. *!!T(A)) .DE+E)!'ME&T.

The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

and hoose the appropriate loations and possession of the "all et. The implementation of all these re0!irements
serving the final o!tome of the proper "!ilding for performane of the team .tehnial and the tatial/' and it is
an advaned state of learning "$ !sing the priniple of the hanging and random e(erises in an approah environ&
ment to the pla$ing ondition.
1ailitating the tas# of the emerging and simplif$ing the plan in the learning proess help to inrease adherene
"etween s#ills ed!ation and plan and this simplifiation of the plan helped him to teah s#ills performane among
varia"les of pla$ing and inrease the sense of e(isting varia"les d!ring pla$ing.
)ene lies the importane of researh "eing an attempt to researh interest in the impat of the e(erises of
tatial approahes in the development of interopera"ilit$ apa"ilities and then find a relationship "etween them
and the self&onfidene of $o!ng pla$ers "etween the ages of .1+&1,/ $ears in foot"all and thro!gh appliation to
ahieve this goal. -s well as e(periene in the !se of these wor#o!ts n!m"ers and tatial s#ill' whih is harater&
i2ed "$ the rapid appliation of high preision' and to #now the e(tent of their infl!ene in the development of the
speed of the "asi s#ills of foot"all.
+. R343-RC) %RO5637
Thro!gh the e(periene of researhers in this field ' the$ fo!nd that there is a pro"lem in the wea#ness of the lin#
"etween motor performane and s#ill and tatial performane and there is a "ig differene in the s#ills perfor&
mane separatel$ and "etween their performane d!ring pla$ing and this is what affets a "ig pro"lem' namel$
isolation "etween learning of s#ills and "etween their performane thro!gh %la$ing positions whih means that
learning s#ills separatel$ from pla$ing varia"les or ompetition will lead to wea#ness in the proess of s#ills perfor&
mane while performing d!ties tatiall$' whih has great importane in the o!tome of the math or ompetition
and th!s lead to wea#ness in the orret tatial disposition of the s#ills and ta#ing the appropriate apait$ when
faing pla$ing sit!ations whih are varia"le and m!ltiple and implementation of the re0!ired tatial d!ties .
3. R343-RC) 8O-64
1. %repare e(erises of tatial approahes of foot"all
+. 9nowing the effet of tatial approahes in the development of the most important apa"ilities interop&
era"ilit$ among $o!ngsters "etween the ages of .1+&1, $ears/
3. 9nowing the relationship "etween tatial approahes and onfidene of the $o!ngsters foot"all ages .1+&
1, $ears/.
,. R343-RC) ):%OT)3434
1. There were statistiall$ signifiant differenes "etween tri"al and a posteriori tests of the e(perimental
gro!p in the harmoni apa"ilities for foot"all and in favor of a posteriori tests.
+. There is a signifiant relationship "etween moral harmoni apait$ and onfidene of the $o!ngsters
foot"all aged .1+&1, $ears/
;. R343-RC) 73T)ODO6O8:
The researhers !sed the e(perimental method and its relevane to the nat!re of the searh.
<. R343-RC) 4-7%63
a sample researh Inl!ded on the 1= pla$ers from the pla$ers of Di$ala athleti l!" j!nior lass foot"all and has
hosen the intentional wa$ o!t of +3 pla$ers' as were e(l!ded .3/ pla$ers as the$ are sample of the e(periene
e(plorator$ who moved then to the $o!th ategor$ and .+/ pla$ers are goal#eepers for this ratio the perentage of
the sample .>=.+<?/.
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

>. ID3NTI1: R343-RC) @-RI-5634
-fter seeing the -ra"i so!res and 7asters and dissertations of dotorate and some sientifi researh that have
"een !sed and ontained on how to and the importane of harmoni apa"ilities and tests and meas!rement of
self&onfidene and the fat that Atests of the most important means of eval!ating the pla$ers whether to stand at
the level of their a"ilities .ph$sial' motor' emotional' mental/ and their level of s#ill for ativities speiali2ed that
the$ pratie A.5astawisi' 1BB<C +==/ .
=. 73-4UR373NT O1 4361&CON1ID3NC3
This meas!re originall$ set .R!"in %hill$/ in 1B=< and %romising -ra"i image .7ohammad )assan -llawi/ and
onsists of meas!ring .13/ paragraph ' the athlete will answer on paragraphs of the list on a sale onsisting of .B/
sores and grades are .B'='> ' <';','3'+'1/ determine the degree of onfidene whih is harateri2ed "$ athleti
pla$er and less on the Rihter sale .13/ degrees and the degree of ne!tralit$ .<;/ degrees and higher degrees are
.1>/ and the orretion of sale is done thro!gh grades olleted "$ pla$er on the olletion of paragraphs and the
loser the total sores of the top lass of D .11>/ also the pla$er harateri2ed "$ degree "igger than the apait$
of self&onfidene. Ta"le 1 shows the val!es of relia"ilit$ oeffiient for the meas!rement of 4elf&onfidene for
foot"all pla$ers.
Ta"le 1 represents the val!es of relia"ilit$ oeffiient for the meas!rement of the self&onfidene of the soer

4ta"ilit$ %s$hologial s#ills ran#
0.=1 4elf onfidene 1
B. TRI5-6 T34T4
Tri"al test have "een done for the sample searh after determining and fi(ing all the onditions in terms of plae
and time and the tools !sed and the s!pport staff and so on 7onda$' 11.11.+01, .
10. T)3 7-IN 3E%3I73NT
The approah has "een applied to researh sample thro!gh their training !nits and in the da$s and times alloated
to them' as the n!m"er of mod!les .3</ and a training mod!le and "$ .3/ training !nits per wee# spread over 1+
wee#s as the time mod!le .B0 d/ and e(erise time was "etween .1 d & 1; d/' has "een wor#ing in the main e(peri&
ment on 7onda$' 1=F11F+013 and ompleted on Th!rsda$ 0+F+>F+01, .
11. %O4T3RIORI T34T4
%osteriori tests were done for the researh sample after determining and fi(ing all the onditions in terms of plae
and time and the tools !sed and the s!pport staff and so on 7onda$' 03F03F+01,
1+. 4T-TI4TIC-6 73T)OD4
The researhers !sed statistial methods appropriate to deal with the res!lting data thro!gh pre and post &tests "$
the s$stem .spss/.
13. DI4%6-:I N T)3 R34U6T4' -N-6:GIN8 -ND DI4CU443D T)37
4howing res!lts of s$nerg$ indiators of foot"all in the pre and post& tests of a researh sample of and anal$sis
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

Ta"le + shows the val!es of the arithmeti means and standard deviations for pre and post tests and differene of
arithmeti means and the proportion of development for tests of loo&motor indiators of foot"all

The propor&
tion of devel&
%ost&test %re& test Unit of meas&

1+.B0+? 1.13; 0.=B= >.<<+ 1.0<> =.>B> 4e Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
1=.=0B? +.+03 1.0++ B.;0B 1.30> 11.>1+ se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
13.B1<? 1.;>1 1.0<; B.B<< 1.1>+ 11.;3> se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
1,.3+;? 1.=>+ 0.<;3 11.1B< +.00< 13.0<= se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
It is fo!nd from the ta"le .+/ the val!es of arithmeti means and standard deviations and differene of arithmeti
means and the perentage of development in the pre and post& tests of )armoni apait$ of foot"all !nder dis&
!ssion' for the p!rpose of #nowing signifiane of differenes "etween pre and post& tests of the indiators of
harmoni apait$ !nder dis!ssion' the researhers !sed the appropriate statistial laws for data proessing a&
ording to the data shown in ta"le 3.
Ta"le .3/ shows the val!es of arithmeti means of the differenes and s!m of s0!ares of the standard deviations
from the average val!e of these differenes and al!lated and ta"!lated .T/ and the signifiane of the differ&
enes "etween pre and post tests for indiators of )armoni apait$ tests
of differ&
Unit of meas&
signifiant +.11 ,.<B; 1.0+< 1.13; se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

signifiant +.11 >.<;+ 1.++1 +.+03 se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
signifiant +.11 <.B=; 0.B;3 1.;>0 se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
signifiant +.11 ,.<;< 1.>0< 1.=>+ se Compati"ilit$
"etween the
e$e and the
two legs al&
+alue ,f tabulated -T. -/.00. at the le1el ,f si23ifica3ce -4.45. a3d the de2ree ,f freed,m -06.
Ta"le 3 shows !s the val!es of arithmeti means of the differenes and the s!m of s0!ared deviations of the dif&
ferenes from the average of those differenes and the val!e of al!lated and ta"!lated .T/ and the signifiane
of the differenes "etween pre and post tests for tests of )armoni apait$ indiators !nder dis!ssion
The val!e of al!lated .T/ in all the tests and that their val!e is greater than the val!e of Ta"!lated .T/ .+.11/ at
the level of signifiane .0.0;/ and the degree of freedom .1>/' and this means that there were signifiant differ&
enes "etween pre and post tests and in favor of post&test
Discussi,3 ,f the results ,f tests ,f the harm,3ic ca7acity i3dicat,rs ,f f,,tball#
Thro!gh the presentation and anal$sis of res!lts in the previo!s ta"les noted that there are signifiant differ&
enes with statistiall$ signifiant "etween pre and post tests for the researh sample in indiators of s$nerg$ and
for the "enefit of post&test
and This shows the e(tent of the effet of e(erises of tatiall$ approahes whih introd!ed in the training
!rri!l!m of the researh sample' in the development of harmoni apait$ indiators that a foot"all pla$er
needs' and this was onfirmed "$ .Hasim la2am' +00,C ,</ AThe movements arried o!t "$ the foot"aller re0!ire
s!ffiient strength and aompanied at an appropriate speed and good fle(i"ilit$ and ompati"ilit$' and high om&
pati"ilit$ .... 4o performane will "e nie and onsistent and onsisten$ is preisel$ the onept of agile pla$er
1or the s!ess of a foot"all pla$er in the integration of several "asi s#ills in one frame and hange of speed and
diretion' and this is referred to "$ .)anafi 7ahmo!d 1BB,.<0/ A a foot"all pla$er needs to !se his entire "od$ for
performane with the !tmost perfetion with the a"ilit$ to hange diretion and speed in eas$ and smooth wa$'
and the foot"all pla$er needs agilit$ and ompati"ilit$ to tr$ to s!eed in the integration of several "asi s#ills in
the onte(t of one of s#ill or hange to another or hange of speed and diretion
Thro!gh this ' the researhers arg!e that the effet of e(erises of tatiall$ approahes in the development of
ompati"ilit$ indiators thro!gh morale differenes that emerged in the post tests' thro!gh the development of
the researh sample and their )armon$ in the performane of s!h wor#o!t "!t it is a modern st$le in foot"all
training espeiall$ in the Ira0i environment and this refers to "$ .Hassim )assan )!ssein 1BB0.1,/ A-n$ sporting
ativit$ related with f!ntionalit$ hardware of the athlete espeiall$ m!s!lar ompati"ilit$ where re0!ired man$
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

adaptations s!h as ne!rom!s!lar adaptation . adaptation happens "$ doses of motivation' training and adj!st&
ment for eah t$pe of training whih leads to inrease readiness of the "od$ or organi s$stems on the t$pe of
training and a willingness 'adaptation leads to inrease apa"ilities of the ompati"ilit$ of eah movement or s#ill
thro!gh this researh see that e(erises ontri"!ted to inrease the apait$ of the pla$ers on the right s#ills per&
formane as a res!lt of the development of harmoni apait$ indiators and this is onsistent with what pointed
him .-li 4allo!m 0.+00,C 1,</ AThe more mista#es that freshmen did it is the ina"ilit$ to ompati"ilit$ d!ring per&
formane of movements "$ involving m!sles not re0!ired when performing movements a!sing disorders of
movement so will "e more onf!sed
the researhers arg!e that e(erise the$ hosen is similar to what happens in the game so that the pla$er is re&
strited to speifi area of pith not fl!ent thro!gho!t the training mod!le and this is what at!all$ happens in
modern foot"all and onsidered a "asi neessities for a foot"all pla$er to "e a"le to #eep the "all and move right
"etween rows of ompetitors as well as to reate opport!nities for himself and for his team&mates' and this was
onfirmed .7!fti I"rahim' 1BB,C 3=/ Aas the foot"all pla$er m!st has the a"ilit$ to determine the right plae
where an send the "all in a timel$ fashion in the re0!ired speed on aording to the speed and distane eah of
his olleag!e who send the "all to him as well as giving the other team.
Dis7lay a3d a3alysis ,f self-c,3fide3ce am,32 a research sam7le
Ta"le .,/ shows the arithmeti mean and standard deviation of the res!lts of self&onfidene.

4tandard deviation -rithmeti mean Name of l!"
>.3, <;.B+ Researh sample
The ta"le .,/ shows the res!lts of self&onfidene as it reahed the arithmeti mean .<;.B+/ and the standard de&
viation of .>.3,/
Dis7layi32 a3d a3aly8i32 the results ,f self-c,3fide3ce 9ith m,t,r acc,rda3ce# In order to ahieve the goal
whih is identif$ing the nat!re of the relationship "etween self&onfidene and s$nerg$' Ta"le .3/ were presented
and whih shows the res!lts of the orrelation oeffiient when ompared to the ta"!lated val!e of .01;B/ "e&
tween the degree of freedom .1>/ and standard error .0.0;/ ' a sample researh were presented the orrelation
oeffiient was .0',++/.
Ta"le .;/ shows the orrelation oeffiients among a researh sample for the varia"le of self&onfidene with s$n&
signifiane 6evel of error Degree of
@al!e of ta"&
!lated R
@al!e of al&
!lated R
Name of l!"
signifiant 0.0; 13 0.1;B 0.,++ Researh
Discussi,3 the results ,f the le1el ,f self-c,3fide3ce#
This an "e e(plained in that the age level and !lt!ral level of the pla$ers gives a positive dimension to their
j!dgments a"o!t their a"ilities to omplete the tas#s assigned to them' as well as the e(perienes of s!ess have
had an important role in raising the level of self& effetiveness for the pla$ers' and the res!lts of lin# on the signifi&
ant orrelation oeffiients when ompared to the ta"!lar val!e .01;B / with level of error .0.0;/ and the degree
of freedom .1>/ and thro!gh the e(periene of researhers in the field of foot"all' the$ attri"!te the emergene
of orrelations "etween self&onfidene and harmoni apait$ to e(erises of tatial approahes that inrease
their personal onvitions to perform all the tas#s entr!sted to them seamlessl$ ' and "ehind o!tstanding perfor&
mane will "e the wishes of powerf!l and good a!ses and highl$ motivated "$ these pla$ers as said .%andora
1B>>C ;;/ A whenever the level of self&effia$ higher ' the ahievement in the performane will "e well and in&
rease the li#elihood of motivation pla$ers to ma#e greater efforts to s!eed in the tas# A' as indiated "$ the
res!lts of Tesler and 4hwar2 .the pla$ers with high self&onfidene "e at a"le to fae the diffi!lties in life for
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

themselves witho!t having to rel$ on the help of others and motivation to ahievement stronger ompared to
those with self&effia$ of low&l$ing.
1. Tatial approahes e(erise have a positive infl!ene in the development of harmoni apait$ among
$o!ngsters of Di$ala Cl!" for foot"all aged .1+&1, $ears/.
+. Using e(erises within the training !rri!l!m at the stage of preparing has a positive impat in the devel&
opment of effetive motor' s#ills and tatial performane.
3. 4elf&onfidene has an important role in providing what o!ld "e provided "$ the pla$er d!ring the
1;. R3CO773ND-TION4
Thro!gh the findings of researhers whih omes inl!dingC
1. Researhers reommend the adoption of speial e(erises in a ompo!nd st$le within the training !rri&
!l!m for the speial foot"all pla$ers.
+. -ttention m!st "e paid to this e(erise "ea!se it helps effetivel$ the pla$ers with s#illf!lness.
5!ilding training !rri!la dealing with ps$hologial 0!alities for hand"all pla$ers and lin#ed to perfor&
mane of s#ills of the pla$ers.
3. 3mphasis on the e(tent of the strong relationship "etween the oah and the pla$er to assess the mental
state of the pla$er and self&onfidene and ontrol them and to overome all the negatives that an re&
,. The modern methods of raising the level of self&onfidene among the pla$ers thro!gh eno!ragement
and inspire the spirit of enth!siasm and morale "efore the mathes are important things that sho!ld "e
ared "$ the oah.
1. 5astawisi -hmedI fo!ndations of the theories of motionC .Cairo' Dar -l 1i#r al -ra"i' 1BB</
+. Hasim la2amI fo!ndations of learning and teahing of foot"allC .5aghdad' 5aghdad Universit$' +00,/.
3. )anafi 7ahmo!d 7o#htarI fo!ndations of training in foot"allC .Cairo' Dar -l 1i#r al -ra"i 0.1BB,/.
,. Hassim )assan )!sseinI ph$siolog$' priniples and appliations in the field of sportsC .-mman' Dar -l&
1i#r' 1BB0/
;. -li 4al!m JawadI the tests' meas!rement and statistis in the field of sportsC .Universit$ of Hadisi$ah
<. *7!fti I"rahimI the defense to "!ild the atta# in foot"allC .Cairo' Dar -l 1i#r al -ra"i 1BB,/.
-ppendi(1 1C 4hows sample from e(erises of tatial approahes
E:ercise -0. -ha3dli32 ; r,lli32 ; sc,ri32.
3(erise reg!lated "etween the halfwa$ line of the $ard to the goal where pla$er .a/ handled the "all to pla$er ."/'
whih handled it to ./' whih passes it to the pla$er .d/ and then rolling the "all toward the goal.
E:ercise -/. -r,lli32 ; ha3dli32 ; sc,ri32..
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

the e(erise reg!lated from the middle of the pith and p!tt the "all "etween two fi(ed ol!mns and the distane
"etween them .1,C00/ and then wor#s with the oah and then handling the "all roll awa$ "etween other three
fi(ed ol!mns then soring.
E:ercise -<. -r,lli32 ; ha3dli32 ; sc,ri32.
the e(erise reg!lated from the middle of the pith and in the form of two sets of pla$ers and the pla$er of the
gro!p .1/ handles the "all to the pla$er of the gro!p .+/' whih wheeled o!t "etween three fi(ed ol!mns then
pla$ed o!nter&prod!tive to the pla$er .1/ whih r!ns to the front after reeiving the "all and then soring.
E:ercise -=. -ha3dli32 ; r,lli32 ; sc,ri32.
4ame as the previo!s e(erise' "!t this time the pla$er from gro!p .+/ wor# for )andling with oah
E:ercise -5. r,lli32 ; ha3dli32 ; >,22i32 a3d s7i3 the ball
the e(erise reg!lates inside the "o( +0K +0 m' where the pla$ers stand in two opposite sides' and the distane
"etween them 10&1;m ' eah gro!p onsists of five pla$ers and two fi(ed ol!mns plaed on the sides and the
distane "etween them 10&1;m' the "all with the pla$er .1/ and starts the e(erise that the pla$er .1/ r!ns with
the "all to the right !ntil reahing the ol!mn and spins aro!nd it and then pass the "all to .</' whih r!ns with it
aro!nd the ol!mn whih is on the right hand and pass the "all to .+/ and stands "ehind the gro!p.
E:ercise -?. -ha3dli32 ; r,lli32 ; sc,ri32.
3(erise starts from the halfwa$ line. )andling the "all from the pla$er .a/ to the pla$er ."/ then one&to!h ret!rn
the "all to the pla$er .a/ and then handling the "all again from pla$er .a/nto the
pla$er ./whih Lheel the "all then handling it to the."/ whih is responsi"le for soring to the goal. The e(erise
repeated with another pla$er with swithing the enters of pla$ers.
E:ercise -6. -ha3dli32 ; r,lli32 ; sc,ri32.
The e(erise reg!lated from the middle of the pith and the pla$er .a/ r!ns to reeive the "all whih oming to
him from ./ d!ring r!nning and then ran the "all "etween the three winding ol!mns and soring towards the
goal. -nd the pla$er ." with d/ do the same e(erise.
-ppendi( +C 4hows list of state of sports onfidene
Desi23# ",bi3 'hilly
Tra3slati,3# M,hammad Hassa3 Alla9i
Draw a irle aro!nd the n!m"er that $o! thin# $o! deserve at!all$ Ain $o!r self&onfidene at the moment of
pre&s!"sription in athleti ompetition diretl$ ompared with ideal pla$er from $o!r point of view . and who
deserves the highest level of sport onfidene "efore partiipation in the ompetition diretl$' whih amo!nted to
.B/ degrees .
degrees statements ran#
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 d!ring performane of motor
s#ills whih is neessar$ to
ahieve e(ellene thro!gh
sports ompetitions
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In the a"ilit$ to ma#e ritial de&
isions d!ring athleti ompeti&
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In the a"ilit$ to perform !nder
the stress of ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 The a"ilit$ to implement s!&
essf!l plans in the ompetition
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 4. Septembet 2014

B = > < ; , 3 + 1 The a"ilit$ to fo!s well in order
to reali2e s!ess
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 The a"ilit$ to adapt to pla$ing
different positions in order to re&
ali2e win in the ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In in a"ilit$ to perform goals re&
lated with ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In a"ilit$ to "e s!essf!l Ain
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In the a"ilit$ to thin# and to re&
spond s!essf!ll$ d!ring the
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 The a"ilit$ to meet the hallenge
d!ring the ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In the a"ilit$ to "e s!essf!l'
A"ased on the preparation for
this ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In a"ilit$ of ontin!ing the good
performane to "e a good s!&
essf!l in the ompetition
B = > < ; , 3 + 1 In the a"ilit$ to tr$ to s!eed'
even if the opponent stronger
than me

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