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National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, GBPEC
Pauri, 26-27 une 2!"#
A Review Article on Regenerative Braking System
Shubham Aggarwal and
Daksh Rawat
Student Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.B.P.E.C, Pauri-Garhwal !ttara"hand#-2$%1&$, '(D'),
Con*er,ation of energ- ha* .ecome of prime importance after the energ- cri*i* of the
1&/01*. 2he mo*t common wa*tage of energ- *een in the current world i* the "inetic energ- lo*t in
.ra"ing of the automo.ile*. 2hi* energ- i* totall- wa*ted a* heat e,er- da- in all part* of the world
and ha* great potential of .eing reu*ed again .- tapping and *toring it. 2he method for reco,ering
the energ- i* called a* 3egenerati,e Bra"ing S-*tem. 4inetic Energ- 3eco,er- S-*tem 4E3S# i*
a t-pe of regenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem which ha* different approache* to *tore and reu*e the lo*t
energ-. 2hi* paper focu*e* on the different energ- *torage medium* u*ed for the reco,er-
*-*tem* and the critical need ari*ing in the world a*"ing for regenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem.
Key ords! 3egenerati,e Bra"ing, 4E3S, Efficient Bra"ing, 5l-wheel Storage.
1" #$TR%D&CT#%$
3e*earch and de,elopment in the energ- con*er,ation *ector i* .eing largel- *upported .-
go,ernmental agencie*, indu*tr- leader* and pu.lic around the world due to the ri*ing fuel cri*i*
and the alarming rate of warming. 2he focu* of engineer* around the world ha* now *hifted
toward* de,elopment of more efficient technologie* with the lea*t en,ironmental impact and
minimum car.on footprint.
'n .ra"ing *-*tem* of con,entional ,ehicle*, friction i* u*ed to counteract the forward motion of a
mo,ing ,ehicle. )* the .ra"e pad* ru. again*t the wheel* or a di*c that i* connected to the
wheel*, the "inetic energ- i* con,erted to heat energ- due to friction. 2hi* heat energ- di**ipate*
into the air, wa*ting a* much a* one-third of the ,ehicle6* generated power. 7,er time, thi* c-cle of
friction and wa*ted heat energ- reduce* the ,ehicle6* fuel efficienc-. More energ- from the engine
i* re8uired to replace the energ- that wa* lo*t .- .ra"ing thu* decrea*ing the mileage of the
,ehicle. ) 3egenerati,e Bra"e i* a Mechani*m that reduce* ,ehicle *peed .- con,erting *ome of
it* "inetic energ- into *ome other "ind of u*eful form of energ- 9 rotational energ- of fl-wheel,
electric current and compre**ed air :1;. 7ther form* of energ- *torage which ma- .e u*ed include
compre**ed air and fl-wheel* :2;.
3egenerati,e .ra"ing doe* more than *impl- *top the car, howe,er. Electric motor* and electric
generator* < *uch a* a car6* alternator < are e**entiall- two *ide* of the *ame technolog-= .oth
u*e magnetic field* and coiled wire*, .ut in different configuration*. 3egenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem*
ta"e ad,antage of thi* dualit-. >hene,er the electric motor of a h-.rid car .egin* to re,er*e
direction, it .ecome* an electric generator. 2hi* generated electricit- i* then *tored in a power
*torage *-*tem or .ac" to the *-*tem li"e in ca*e of an electric regenerati,e in an electric railwa-.
2he technolog- emplo-ed during regenerati,e .ra"ing ta"e* the energ- that i* normall- wa*ted
during .ra"ing and turn* it into u*a.le energ-. ) h-.rid ,ehicle i* not, howe,er, a t-pe of perpetual
motion machine. Energ- i* *till lo*t through friction with the road *urface and other drain* on the
*-*tem. 2he energ- collected during .ra"ing doe* not re*tore all of the energ- that i* lo*t during
dri,ing. 't doe* impro,e energ- efficienc-, howe,er, and it a**i*t* the main alternator.
) 3egenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem i* mo*t *uita.le in *ituation* *uch a*
) ,ehicle i* operated in cit- traffic with fre8uent *top* and re8uirement of ,aria.le *peed*
li"e in the ca*e of the deli,er- ,an*, gar.age pic"up truc"*, etc.
2he )nnual running co*t of the ,ehicle i* *ufficient enough to pa- off the initial in*talling co*t
of the *etup.
5ig. 1? Simple 3epre*entation of 3egenerati,e Bra"ing S-*tem
) t-pe of 3egenerati,e .ra"ing i* called 4E3S. 4E3S i* an automoti,e *-*tem for reco,ering a
mo,ing ,ehicle6* "inetic energ- under .ra"ing. 2he reco,ered energ- i* *tored in a re*er,oir for
e@ample a fl-wheel or a .atter- or *uper capacitor# for later u*e under acceleration. Electrical
*-*tem* u*e a motor-generator incorporated in the car1* tran*mi**ion which con,ert* mechanical
energ- into electrical energ- and ,ice ,er*a. 7nce the energ- ha* .een harne**ed, it i* *tored in a
.atter- and relea*ed when re8uired :A;.
2here are different t-pe of de,ice* and form* in which the 4inetic Energ- lo*t while .ra"ing
can .e *tored. 2he- are?
Mechanical 4E3S
Electric 4E3S
B-draulic 4E3S
B-dro-electric 4E3S BESS#
2" '$'R() ST%RA(' S)ST'*S
2"1" *echanical storage system
2he mechanical h-.rid utiliCe* a rotating ma** or fl-wheel# a* the energ- *torage de,ice
and a ,aria.le dri,e tran*mi**ion to control and tran*fer the energ- to and from the dri,eline. 2he
tran*fer of ,ehicle "inetic energ- to fl-wheel "inetic energ- can .e *een a* a momentum
e@change :$;. Energ- i* drawn from the ,ehicle and *upplied to the fl-wheel. 'n doing thi*, the
*peed of the ,ehicle reduce*, effecti,el- thi* i* .ra"ing#, whil*t the *peed of the fl-wheel
increa*e* :D;. )t the *tart of .ra"ing the ,ehicle ha* a high *peed and the fl-wheel a low *peed,
gi,ing a certain gear ratio .etween them :%;. )t the end of .ra"ing the ,ehicle ha* a low *peed,
and the fl-wheel a high *peed, *o the ratio of *peed* ha* changed :%;. 2he ratio .etween ,ehicle
*peed and fl-wheel *peed nece**aril- change* continuou*l- during the energ- tran*fer e,ent :D;
:%;. 't ha* .een put into u*e for 5ormula 1 car* *ince the -ear 200&.
5ig. 2 ) >illiam* B-.rid 5l-wheel S-*tem :/;
2"2" 'lectrical storage system
2he electrical h-.rid *-*tem* utiliCe chemical .atterie* a* the *torage medium and electric
motor E generator *-*tem* a* the energ- tran*fer and control media. 4E3S component* for
.atter- *torage *-*tem* are? Electric Propul*ion Motor EGenerator, Power Electronic* 9 'n,erter,
and the Fuad 5l-wheel Storage. Electric Propul*ion Motor and Generator in one are al*o "nown
a* a MG! 9 Motor Generator !nit :G; :&;. Capacitor* are fundamental electrical circuit element*
that *tore electrical energ- in the order of microfarad* and a**i*t in filtering. 2he main function of
a capacitor i* to charge or di*charge electricit-. Super-capacitor* ha,e *pecial feature* *uch a*
long life, rapid charging, low internal re*i*tance, high power den*it-, and *imple charging method
a* compared to capacitor* and .atterie*.
2"+" ,ydraulic storage system
3egenerati,e .ra"ing in ,ehicle* u*ing a ,aria.le di*placement h-draulic pumpEmotor
together with a h-dro pneumatic accumulator ha* attracted con*idera.le intere*t during the la*t
2092D -ear*. Such a *-*tem i* particularl- *uita.le for application in cit- .u*e*. De*pite the
*ignificant gain* in the efficient u*e of energ- that can .e .rought a.out .- h-dro-pneumatic
regenerati,e .ra"ing, it* u*e ha* not attained great popularit-. 2he added co*t, which ma-
repre*ent 1091DH of the total for the ,ehicle, i* undou.tedl- a deterrent.
2"-" ,ydro.electric storage system
B-draulic accumulator ha* the characteri*tic* of higher power den*it- and i* well *uited for
fre8uent acceleration and deceleration under cit- traffic condition*. 't can pro,ide high power for
acceleration* and can reco,er more efficientl- power during regenerati,e .ra"ing in compari*on
with electric counterpart*. Bowe,er, the relati,el- lower energ- den*it- .ring* the pac"aging limit
for the increa*ing accumulator *iCe. ) h-draulic accumulatorE.atter- h-.rid energ- *-*tem, called
h-draulicEelectric *-nerg- *-*tem BESS#, i* de*igned to o,ercome the"* of e@i*ting
*ingle energ- *torage *ource* u*ed in hea,- h-.rid ,ehicle*, which adopt* h-.rid energ-
*tructure to com.ine high power h-draulic accumulator and high *pecific energ- .atter- together
+" T,' $''D /%R R'('$'RAT#0' BRAK#$( S)ST'*
'n the -ear* following the energ- cri*i* of the earl- /01* numerou* re*earcher* ha,e *tudied the
fea*i.ilit- and practicalit- of implementing h-.rid power train* incorporating regenerati,e .ra"ing
which ha,e the potential to impro,e the fuel econom- of ,ehicle* operating under dri,ing
condition*. 2he price increa*e of petroleum .a*ed fuel in the pa*t few -ear* ha* al*o gi,en ri*e to
,ariou* re*earch and de,elopment effort* for energ- con*er,ation. Bowe,er, reduced fuel
con*umption and therefore operating co*t and reduced ga*eou* emi**ion* including primaril-
car.on dio@ide hence warming# are the maIor dri,ing force* .ehind commercial
con*ideration* of *uch *-*tem*.
3egenerati,e .ra"ing onl- promi*e* *ignificant gain* in town dri,ing *ince %2.DH of energ- i*
di**ipated in the Metropolitan c-cle due to fre8uent .ra"ing. 'f all .ra"e energ- could .e
regenerated with no lo** in the regenerati,e *-*tem, fuel con*umption would .e impro,ed .- AAH
:11;. 3e*earch .- Jol"*wagen ha* *hown that a h-.rid dri,e with .oth electric dri,e and 'CE offer*
potential fuel *a,ing* of o,er 20H compared with Iu*t D-%H from purel- electric :12;.
Mo*t )merican motor ,ehicle manufacturer* .elie,e that h-.rid *-*tem* are the wa- to achie,e
more fle@i.ilit- and range out of electric ,ehicle* until .etter .atterie* are a,aila.le. 2hi* would
allow them to meet the *tringent Californian e@hau*t emi**ion *tandard* .eing pha*ed in for
pa**enger car* o,er the ne@t few -ear*. !ltra Kow Emi**ion Jehicle* !KEJ# *tandard* are
e@pected to pro,ide a niche for h-.rid dri,e ,ehicle* which i* wh- manufacturer*1 intere*t i*
heightened at pre*ent. 't i* widel- .elie,ed that mo*t of the electricEh-.rid ,ehicle* *old i* li"el- to
.e *econd or third ,ehicle* u*ed *pecificall- for local commuting and not needing to pro,ide the
*ame all round performance a* con,entional car* :1A;.
European manufacturer* .elie,e h-.rid ,ehicle* are a wa- to achie,e high fuel efficienc- and
,er- low emi**ion* from li8uid fuelled ,ehicle*. 2he differing ,iew i* due to fact that in the K) .a*in
the air pollution pro.lem e@tend* o,er a ,a*t area re8uiring a ,ehicle with goog range and Cero
emi**ion capa.ilit-. 'n Europe pollution tend* to .e a locali*ed e,ent concentrated in area*,
thi* com.ined with the fact that fewer European familie* ha,e two or more car* mean*
manufacturer* need to pro,ide a car that ca. deal with local air 8ualit- .ut al*o tra,el at higher
*peed for and long di*tance dri,ing:1A;.
2he main ad,antage* of regenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem* can .e *ummari*ed :1$; a*?
'mpro,ed fuel econom- 9 dependent on dut- c-cle, powertrain de*ign, control *trateg- and
the efficienc- of the indi,idual component*.
Emi**ion* reduction 9 engine emi**ion* reduced .- engine decoupling, reducing total
engine re,olution* and total time of engine operationengine onEoff *trateg-#
'mpro,ed performance
3eduction in engine wear 9 engine onEoff *trateg-.
3eduction in .ra"e wear 9 reducing co*t of replacement .ra"e lining*, co*t of la.our to
in*tall them and ,ehicle down time.
Smaller acce**orie* 9 h-.rid powertrain offer* potential for eliminating electric *tarter# or
down*iCing fuel tan"# *ome acce**orie*, thu* partiall- off*etting the increa*ed ,ehicle
weight and co*t due to h-.rid hardware addition*.
7perating range i* compara.le with con,entional ,ehicle* 9 a pro.lem not -et o,ercome .-
electric ,ehicle*.
5ig.A >or"ing of 3egenerati,e Bra"ing S-*tem
2he po**i.le di*ad,antage* of regenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem* can .e *ummari*ed a*?
)dded weightE.ul" 9 e@tra component* can increa*e weight increa*ing fuel con*umption,
off*et .- *maller engine operating at it* .e*t efficienc-.
Comple@it- 9 depend* on control nece**ar- for operation of regenerati,e .ra"ing *-*tem.
Co*t 9 of component*, engineering, manufacturing and in*tallation. Ma** production would
.ring co*t* down to a more rea*ona.le le,el.
(oi*e 9 dependent on *-*tem.
Safet- 9 Primar- concern with an- energ- *torage unit of high energ- den*it-. 2here mu*t
.e ,er- little chance of dangerou* failure during normal ,ehicle operation. Pa**enger mu*t
.e protected from ri*" that ma- .e cau*ed .- the failure of the h-.rid *-*tem.
SiCe and pac"aging con*traint* 9 mo*t important for car*.
)dded maintenance re8uirement 9 dependent on comple@it- of de*ign.
-" 1#*#TAT#%$S
2raditional friction-.a*ed .ra"ing i* u*ed in conIunction with mechanical regenerati,e .ra"ing
for the following rea*on* :1D;?
2he regenerati,e .ra"ing effect drop* off at lower *peed*= therefore the friction .ra"e i* *till
re8uired in order to .ring the ,ehicle to a complete halt. Ph-*ical loc"ing of the rotor i* al*o
re8uired to pre,ent ,ehicle* from rolling down hill*.
2he friction .ra"e i* a nece**ar- .ac"-up in the e,ent of failure of the regenerati,e .ra"e.
Mo*t road ,ehicle* with regenerati,e .ra"ing onl- ha,e power on *ome wheel* a* in a
two-wheel dri,e car# and regenerati,e .ra"ing power onl- applie* to *uch wheel* .ecau*e
the- are the onl- wheel* lin"ed to the dri,e motor, *o in order to pro,ide controlled .ra"ing
under difficult condition* *uch a* in wet road*# friction .a*ed .ra"ing i* nece**ar- on the
other wheel*.
2he amount of electrical energ- capa.le of di**ipation i* limited .- either the capacit- of
the *uppl- *-*tem to a.*or. thi* energ- or on the *tate of charge of the .atter- or
capacitor*. Effecti,e regenerati,e .ra"ing can onl- occur if the .atter- or capacitor* are not
full- charged. 5or thi* rea*on, it i* normal to al*o incorporate d-namic .ra"ing to a.*or. the
e@ce** energ-.
!nder emergenc- .ra"ing it i* de*ira.le that the .ra"ing force e@erted .e the ma@imum
allowed .- the friction .etween the wheel* and the *urface without *lipping, o,er the entire
*peed range from the ,ehicle6* ma@imum *peed down to Cero. 2he ma@imum force
a,aila.le for acceleration i* t-picall- much le** than thi* e@cept in the ca*e of e@treme
high-performance ,ehicle*. 2herefore, the power re8uired to .e di**ipated .- the .ra"ing
*-*tem under emergenc- .ra"ing condition* ma- .e man- time* the ma@imum power
which i* deli,ered under acceleration. 2raction motor* *iCed to handle the dri,e power ma-
not .e a.le to cope with the e@tra load and the .atter- ma- not .e a.le to accept charge at
a *ufficientl- high rate. 5riction .ra"ing i* re8uired to di**ipate the *urplu* energ- in order
to allow an accepta.le emergenc- .ra"ing performance.
5or the*e rea*on* there i* t-picall- the need to control the regenerati,e .ra"ing and match the
friction and regenerati,e .ra"ing to produce the de*ired total .ra"ing effect :1D;.
2" &SA(' #$ D'1,# *'TR%
2he BOMBARDIER MOVIA metro train* u*ed .- the Delhi Metro 3ail Corporation DM3C#
incorporate the ad,anced BOMBARDIER MITRAC propul*ion *-*tem and regenerati,e .ra"ing,
which can generate up to A0H in energ- *a,ing*. 2hi* en,ironmental technolog- ha* contri.uted
to Delhi Metro earning more than 20 million 'ndian 3upee* 9 the e8ui,alent of L$$%,000 !S
A0G,000 euro# 9 under a !nited (ation*"ed initiati,e to climate change.
>ithin the !nited (ation* Clean De,elopment Mechani*m CDM#, the Delhi Metro 3ail
Corporation ha* claimed Certified Emi**ion 3eduction* CE3*# 9 normall- referred to a* car.on
credit*. 2he CDM ena.le* emi**ion-reduction proIect* to earn car.on credit*, each e8ui,alent to
one tonne of C72. 2he*e car.on credit* can then .e traded and *old, there.- *timulating
*u*taina.le de,elopment and emi**ion reduction*. 2hrough the *ale of car.on credit* o,er two
-ear* a* part of the *cheme, Delhi Metro ha* recei,ed the cumulati,e remuneration of 20 million
'ndian rupee*. 2he initiati,e ha* al*o led Delhi Metro to .ecome the fir*t railwa- proIect .a*ed on
regenerati,e .ra"ing to .e regi*tered .- the !nited (ation* 5ramewor" Con,ention on Climate
Change.:1%; DM3C *a,ed 112,D00M> of power .- u*ing regenerati,e .ra"e* in the train*, and
reduced car.on emi**ion* .- %A0,000t -earl-:1/;.
3" C%$C1&S#%$S
4E3S i* an effecti,e t-pe of regenerati,e .ra"ing which can fulfil the main purpo*e of h-.rid
,ehicle* i.e., *toring and re-u*ing energ- lo*t while .ra"ing. 2he ,ariou* t-pe* of 4E3S *how
different wa-* of *toring and con,erting energ- from one form to another. )* per the anal-*i*,
fl-wheel* ha,e pro,en to .e the .e*t t-pe of 4E3S *o far in term* of ,oltage *ta.ilit-, temperature
range and efficienc-. 'f not for the large *iCe and high co*t, *uper capacitor* ha,e a high chance of
replacing the mechanical *torage de,ice. 2hi* paper i* a .rief o,er,iew of the alternate t-pe of
4E3S. More in depth anal-*i* can .e done on their function*. Studie* are .eing carried out .-
*ome of the referred author* regarding the *ame. 5urther *tudie* can al*o .e done to impro,e the
8ualit- of pre*ent in-u*e 4E3S and further re*earch and de,elopment could help in getting e,en
more "ind* of energ- reco,era.le *-*tem*.
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