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30 Powerful Quotes on Failure

By Ekaterina Walter
Try to avoid it, and we question ourselves every time we have unconventional ideas. But the simple truth is
no great success was ever achieved without failure. It may be one epic failure. Or a series of failures such as
Edisons !",""" attempts to create a light bulb or #ysons $,!%& attempts to invent a bagless vacuum cleaner.
But, whether we li'e it or not, failure is a necessary stepping stone to achieving our dreams.
(everal months ago I gave a short, TE#)style tal' on the topic. *nd today I wanted to share this collection of +"
quotes that will hopefully inspire you to loo' at failure differently.
!. ,-ailure isnt fatal, but failure to change might be. /ohn 0ooden
%. ,Everything you want is on the other side of fear.. ) /ac' 1anfield
+. ,(uccess is most often achieved by those who dont 'now that failure is inevitable.. ) 1oco 1hanel
2. ,Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.. ) 3obert -. 4ennedy
$. ,The phoeni5 must burn to emerge.. ) /anet -itch
&. ,If youre not prepared to be wrong, youll never come up with anything original.. ) 4en 3obinson
6. ,7iving up is the only sure way to fail.. ) 7ena (howalter
8. ,If you dont try at anything, you cant fail9 it ta'es bac' bone to lead the life you want. ) 3ichard :ates
;. ,-ailure should be our teacher, not our underta'er. -ailure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not
a dead end. -ailure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.. )
#enis 0aitley
!". ,0hen you ta'e ris's you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when
you fail, and both are equally important.. ) Ellen #e7eneres
!!. ,Its failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.. ) Ellen #e7eneres
!%. ,There is no failure e5cept in no longer trying.. ) 1hris Bradford
!+. ,I have not failed. Ive <ust found !",""" ways that wont wor'.. ) Thomas *. Edison

!2. ,(uccess is not final, failure is not fatal= it is the courage to continue that counts.. ) 0inston 1hurchill
!$. ,There is only one thing that ma'es a dream impossible to achieve= the fear of failure.. ) >aulo 1oelho
!&. ,>ain is temporary. ?uitting lasts forever.. ) @ance *rmstrong
!6. ,(uccess is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.. ) 0inston 1hurchill
!8. ,Id rather be partly great than entirely useless.. ) Aeal (husterman
!;. ,0e are all failures at least the best of us are.. ) /.B. Barrie
%". ,The only real mista'e is the one from which we learn nothing.. ) Cenry -ord
%!. ,-ailures are finger posts on the road to achievement.. ) 1.(. @ewis

%%. ,0inners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. -ailure is part of the process of success. >eople who avoid
failure also avoid success.. ) 3obert T. 4iyosa'i
%+. ,Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.. )
Aapoleon Cill
%2. ,:ou build on failure. :ou use it as a stepping stone. 1lose the door on the past. :ou dont try to forget the
mista'es, but you dont dwell on it. :ou dont let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your
space.. ) /ohnny 1ash
%$. ,Its not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.. ) Dig Diglar
%&. ,-ailure is so important. 0e spea' about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure
that often leads to greater success. Ive met people who dont want to try for fear of failing.. ) /.4. 3owling

%6. ,Ao human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better
you are as a person. Ever meet someone whos always had everything wor' out for them with Eero struggleF
They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they dont e5ist.. ) 1hris Cardwic'
%8. ,0hen we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to e5cel.. )
Eloise 3istad
%;. ,0ith a hint of good <udgment, to fear nothing, not failure or suffering or even death, indicates that you
value life the most. :ou live to the e5tremeG you push limitsG you spend your time building legacies. Those do
not die.. ) 1riss /ami
+". ,0hat is the point of being alive if you dont at least try to do something remar'ableF. /ohn 7reen

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