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1 To be a bad fit: Khng va
2 To be a bear for punishment: Chu ng c s hnh h
3 To be a believer in ghosts: K tin ma qu
4 To be a believer in sth: Ngi tin vic g
5 To be a bit cracky: [ (thng tuc) gn, d hi] (Ngi) Hi in, hi mt, tng tng
To be a bit groggy about the legs, to feel groggy
i khng vng, i chp chng
{chnh chong (v mi dy, v thiu ngu...)}
7 To be a burden to sb: L mt gnh nng cho ngi no
8 To be a church-goer: Ngi nng i nh th, nng i xem l
9 To be a comfort to sb: L ngun an ui cua ngi no
10 To be a connoisseur of antiques: [n'ti:k] Snh v c {[,kni's:]:ngi thnh tho}
11 To be a cup too low: Chn nn, nn lng
12 To be a dab (hand) at sth{[db](long)tay c/tho} Hiu r, gii, thng tho vic g
13 To be a dead ringer for sb: (Long) Ging nh c
14 To be a demon for work: Lm vic hng hi
15 To be a dog in the manger:
Sng ch k (ch k, khng mun ai dng ci m
mnh khng cn n)
16 To be a drug on the market: (Hng hoa) L mt mon hng trn th trng
17 To be a favourite of sb; to be sb's favourite: c ngi no yu mn
18 To be a fiasco [fi'skou][(sn) ~s, ~es s tht bi] Tht bi to
19 To be a fiend at football: K ti ba v bong
20 To be a fluent speaker: n noi hot bt, lu lot
21 To be a foe to sth: Nghch vi iu g
22 To be a frequent caller at sb's house: Nng ti lui nh ngi no
To be a gentleman of leisure;
to lead a gentleman's life: Sng nh hu li hng nm
24 To be a good judge of wine: Bit rnh v ru, gii nm ru
25 To be a good puller (Nga) ko gii, khe
26 To be a good walker: i (b) gii
27 To be a good whip: nh xe nga gii
28 To be a good, bad writer: Vit ch tt, xu
29 To be a hiding place to nothing: Chng co c may no thnh cng
30 To be a law unto oneself: Lm theo ng li cua mnh, bt chp lut l
31 To be a lump of selfishness: i ch k {[lmp] (n) cuc, tng, ming}
32 To be a man in irons: Con ngi t ti (b khoa tay, b xing xch)
To be a mere machine: {[mi] (adj) chi l}
{merely ['mili] (adv) chi, n thun} (Ngi) Chi l mt ci my
34 To be a mess trong tnh trng bi ri
35 To be a mirror of the time L tm gng cua thi i
36 To be a novice in, at sth cha tho, cha quen vic g
37 to be a pendant to...['pendnt](n) l vt i xng cua.. {vt ging/i xng}
38 To be a poor situation: trong hon cnh ngho nn
To be a retarder of progress:
[ri'ta:d] (n)
Nhn t lm chm s tin b
{ cht lm chm/ km ham/ c ch}
40 To be a shark at maths: [:k] (n)
Gii v ton hc
{c mp; k la o;(long)tay c,tay chin}
41 To be a sheet in the wind (Bng) Ng ng say
42 To be a shingle short: Hi in, khng khng
43 To be a slave to custom: [sleiv] (n) N l tp tuc [ngi n l (en & bong)]
44 To be a spy on sb's conduct: Theo di hnh ng cua ai
To be a stickler over trifles: ['stikl] (n)
Qu ti mi, cu n v nhng chuyn khng u
{(+ for) ngi qu kht khe (v mt ci g)
(My(thng tuc) ngi kin tr ( sticker)}
To be a swine to sb [swain](n) {con ln;(thng tuc) ngi
(vt) ng ght/gh tm} Chi xu, chi x ngi no
47 To be a tax on sb: L mt gnh nng cho ngi no
48 To be a terror to...: Lm mt mi kinh hai i vi..
To be a testimony to sth:
{['testimni](n) s/ li chng nhn, li khai
in testimony of: lm chng cho} Lm chng cho chuyn g
To be a thrall to one's passions:
[r:l] (n) ngi n l (en & bong)
(v) bt lm n l/l thuc/phuc tng N l cho s am m
51 To be a tight fit Va nh in
52 To be a total abstainer (from alcohol) King ru hon ton
53 To be a tower of strength to sb: L ngi co u sc bo v ai
54 To be a transmitter of (sth): (Ngi) Truyn mt bnh g
55 To be abashed: Bi ri, hong ht
56 To be abhorrent to sb: B ai gh tm, b ai ght cay ght ng
To be abhorrent to, from sth: [b'hrnt] (adj)
(+ from) tri/mu thun vi, khng hp vi
(Vic) Khng hp, tri ngc,
tng phn vi vic khc
58 To be able to do sth: Bit, co th lm vic g
To be able to react to nuances of meaning
['nju::ns] (n) sc thi
Co kh nng nhy cm vi cc sc thi
cua ngha
To be ablush with shame
{['bl] (adj & adv) then mt} mt v xu h
To be abominated by sb
['bmineit] (v)
B ai cm ght
{gh tm; ght cay ght ng
(thng tuc) khng a, ght mt}
62 To be about sth: ang bn iu g
63 To be about to (do): Sp sa lm g?
64 To be above (all) suspicion Khng nghi ng cht no c
65 To be under suspicion B nghi ng lm iu sai tri
66 To be abreast with, (of) the times: Theo kp, tin hoa,hp vi phong tro ang thi
67 To be absolutely right: ng hon ton
68 To be absolutely wrong: Hon ton sai lm, hon ton tri
69 To be absorbed in new thought/the study of sth Mit mi trong t tng mi/nghin cu ci g
70 To be acclaimed Emperor/King c tn lm Hong
71 To be accommodated in the hotel: Tr khch sn
72 To be accomplice in a crime ['kmplis;'kmplis](n) D vo ti tng phm{k tng phm/ng loa}
73 To be accountable for a sum of money: Thiu, mc n mt s tin
74 To be accountable for one's action: Gii thch v hnh ng cua mnh
75 To be accountable to sb: Chu trch nhim trc ai
76 To be accused of plagiarism: B kt ti n cp vn
77 To be acquainted with facts of the case: Hiu r vn
78 To be acquainted with sb: Quen thuc vi, quen bit
79 To be acquitted one's crime: ['kwit] c tha bng, tuyn b trng n
80 To be addicted to drink: ['dikt] (n)
Ghin/nghin ru, ru ch b tha
{ ngi nghin (ma ty, ru...): a heroin addict;
ngi say m ci g: a chess addict}
81 To be admitted to the Academy: c nhn vo Hn lm vin
82 To be admitted to the exhibition gratis: c cho vo xem trin lam min ph
83 To be adroit in: ['drit] (adj) Kho lo v
84 To be adverse to a policy: Tri ngc vi mt chnh sch
85 To be affected by fever: B mc bnh st rt
86 To be affected in one's manners: iu b qu
87 To be affected to a service: c b nhim mt cng vic g
88 To be affected with a disease: B bnh
89 To be affianced to sb: ['fains] (v) nh/ha hn a ha hn vi ai
90 To be afflicted by a piece of news: Bun ru v mt tin
91 To be afield: ngoi ng, ngoi mt trn
92 To be afloat: Ni trn mt nc
93 To be after sth: Theo ui ci g
94 To be against: Chng li
95 To be agog for sth: ang ch i vic g
96 To be agreeable to sth: Bng lng vic g
97 To be agreeable to the taste: Hp vi s thch, khu v
98 To be ahead: vo th thun li
99 To be akin to sth: Ging vt g; co lin quan, quan h vi vic g
100 To be alarmed at sth: S hai, lo s chuyn g
101 To be alive to one's interests: Ch n quyn li cua mnh
102 To be alive to the importance of Nhn r s quan trng cua.
103 To be all abroad: Hon ton lm ln
104 To be all ears: Lng nghe
105 To be all eyes: Nhn chm chm
106 To be all in a fluster: Hon ton bi ri
107 To be all in a tumble: Ln xn, hn lon
108 To be all legs: Cao lu nghu
109 To be all mixed up: Bi ri v cng
110 To be all of a dither, to have the dithers: Run, run lp cp
111 To be all of a dither: Bi ri, ri lon, khng bit nh th no
112 To be all of a glow: mt, then
113 To be all of a tremble, all in a tremble Run, run lp cp
114 To be all the same to: Khng co g khc i vi
115 To be all the world to: L tt c (l ci qu nht)
116 To be all tongue: Noi lun ming
117 To be always after a petticoat: Lun lun theo gi
To be always harping on the same string
(on the same note): Noi i noi li mai mt cu chuyn
119 To be always merry and bright: Lc no cng vui v
120 To be always on the move: Lun lun di ng
121 To be always ready for a row: Hay gy chuyn nh nhau
122 To be always to the fore in a fight: Thng chin u lun, hot ng khng ngng
123 To be always willing to oblige: Lun lun sn lng gip
124 To be ambitious to do sth: Khao kht lm vic g
125 To be ambushed: B phuc kch
126 To be an abominator of sth: Ght vic g
127 To be an early waker: Ngi (thng thng) thc dy sm
128 To be an encumbrance to sb: Tr thnh gnh nng (cho ai)
129 To be an excessive drinker: Ung qu
130 To be an improvement on sb: Vt qu, hn ngi no, gi tr hn ngi no
131 To be an integral part of sth: Hp thnh nht th vi, dnh vi, lin vi vt g
132 To be an occasion of great festivity: L dp hi h vui v
133 To be an oldster: Gi ri
134 To be an onlooker at a football match: Xem mt trn bong
135 To be an umpire at a match: Lm trng ti cho mt trn u (th thao)
136 To be anticipative of sth: Trng vo vic g, ang ch vic g
137 To be anxious for sth: Khao kht, ao c vt g
138 To be applicable to sth: Hp vi ci g
139 To be appreciative of music: Bit, thch m nhc
140 To be apprehensive for sb: Lo s cho ai
141 To be apprehensive of danger: S nguy him
142 To be apprised of a fact: c bo trc mt vic g
143 To be apt for sth: Gii, co ti v vic g
144 To be as bright as a button: Rt thng minh, nhanh tr khn
145 To be as brittle as glass: Gin nh thuy tinh
146 To be as drunk as a fish: Say b ti
147 To be as happy as a king, (as a bird on the tree) Sung sng nh tin
148 To be as hungry as a wolf: Rt oi
149 To be as mute as a fish: Cm nh hn
150 To be as slippery as an eel: Ln leo nh ln, khng tin cy c
151 To be as slippery as an eel: Trn nh ln, trn tut
152 To be at a loss for money: Hut tin, tng tin
153 To be at a loss what to do, what to say: Bi ri khng bit nn lm g, nn noi g
154 To be at a loss: B lng tng, bi ri
155 To be at a nonplus: Bi ri, lng tng
156 To be at an end; to come to an end: Hon thnh, kt liu, kt thc
157 To be at bat: Gi vai tr quan trng
158 To be at cross-purposes: Hiu lm
159 To be at dinner: ang n cm
160 To be at enmity with sb.: Th ch vi ai
161 To be at fault: Mt hi mt con mi
162 To be at feud with sb: Cu ch vi ngi no
163 To be at grass: (Sc vt) ngoi ng c
164 To be at grips with the enemy: Vt ln vi ch thu
165 To be at handgrips with sb: nh nhau vi ngi no
166 To be at issue on a question: ang tho lun v mt vn
167 To be at its height: Ln n inh cao nht
168 To be at large: c t do
169 To be at loggerheads with sb: Gy ln, bt ha, bt ng kin vi ngi no
170 To be at odds with sb: Gy s vi ai
171 To be at odds with sb:
Khng ng vi ngi no,
bt ha vi ngi no
172 To be at one with sb: ng vi ngi no
173 To be at one's best: vo thi im thun li nht
174 To be at one's lowest ebb: (Cuc sng) ang tri qua thi k en ti nht
175 To be at play: ang chi
176 To be at puberty: n tui dy th
177 To be at sb's beck and call:
Hon ton tun lnh ai, chu s sai khin,
ngoan ngoan phuc tng ai
178 To be at sb's elbow: ng bn cnh ngi no
179 To be at sb's heels: Theo bn gt ai
180 To be at sb's service: Sn sng gip ai
181 To be at stake: B lm nguy, ang b e da
182 To be at stand: Khng tin ln c, lng tng
183 To be at strife (with): Xung t (vi)
184 To be at the back of sb: ng sau lng ngi no, ung h ngi no
185 To be at the end of one's resources: Ht cch, v phng
186 To be at the end of one's tether:
n ch kit sc, khng chu ng ni na;
ht phng
187 To be at the front: Ti mt trn
188 To be at the helm: Cm li, qun l
189 To be at the last shift: Cng ng
190 To be at the pain of doing sth: Chu kho nhc lm ci g
191 To be at the top of the tree: Ln ti a v cao nht cua ngh nghip
192 To be at the top the of the form: ng u trong lp hc
193 To be at the wheel: Li xe
194 To be at the zenith of glory: Ln n tt inh cua danh vng
195 to be at variance with someone: xch mch (mu thun) vi ai
196 To be at work: ang lm vic
197 To be athirst for sth: Kht khao ci g
198 To be attached to: Kt ngha vi
199 To be attacked by a disease: B bnh
200 To be attacked from ambush: B phuc kch
201 To be attacked: B tn cng
202 To be averse to (from) sth: Gm, ght, khng thch vt (vic) g
203 To be awake to one's own interests: Ch n quyn li cua mnh
204 To be aware of sth a long way off:
on trc, bit trc vic g s xy ra
kh lu trc o
205 To be aware of sth: Bit vic g, thc c vic g
206 To be awkward with one's hands: i tay ngng ngng, lng tng
207 To be badly off: Ngho x xc
208 To be balled up: Bi ri, lng tng (trong khi ng ln noi)
209 To be bankrupt in (of) intelligence: Khng co, thiu thng minh
210 To be bathed in perspiration: M hi t nh tm
211 To be beaten out and out: B nh bi hon ton
212 To be beautifully gowned: n mc ep
213 To be beforehand with the world: Sn sng tin bc
214 To be beforehand with: Lm trc, iu g
215 To be behind prison bars: B giam, t
216 To be behindhand in one's circumstances: Tng thiu, thiu tin
217 To be behindhand with his payment: Chm tr trong vic thanh ton(n)
218 To be beholden to sb: Mang n ngi no
219 To be beneath contempt: Khng ng cho ngi ta khinh
220 To be bent on quarrelling: Hay sinh s
221 To be bent on: Nht quyt, quyt tm
222 To be bent with age: Cng lng v gi
223 To be bereaved of one's parents: B cp mt i cha me
224 To be bereft of speech: Mt kh nng noi
225 To be beside oneself with joy: Mng pht in ln
226 To be besieged with questions: B cht vn dn dp
227 To be betrayed to the enemy: B phn em np cho ch
228 To be better off: Sung tc hn, kh hn
229 To be between the devil and the deep sea:
Lm vo cnh trn e di ba,
lm vo cnh b tc, tin thoi lng nan
230 To be bewildered by the crowd and traffic: Ng ngc trc m ng v xe c
231 To be beyond one's ken: Vt khi s hiu bit
232 To be bitten with a desire to do sth: Khao kht lm vic g
233 To be bitten with: Say m, ham m (ci g)
234 To be blackmailed: B lm tin, b tng tin
235 To be blessed with good health.: c may mn co sc khe
236 To be bolshie about sth: Ngoan c v vic g
237 To be bored to death: Chn mun cht, chn qu sc
238 To be born blind: Sinh ra th a m
239 To be born of the purple: L dng di vng gi
240 To be born on the wrong side of the blanket: hoang
241 To be born under a lucky star: Sinh ra di mt ngi sao tt (may mn)
242 To be born under an unclucky star: Sinh ra i di mt ngi sao xu
243 To be bound apprentice to a tailor: Hc ngh may nh ngi th may
244 To be bowled over: Nga nga
245 To be bred (to be) a doctor: c nui n hc tr thnh bc s
246 To be brilliant at: Gii, xut sc v
247 To be brought before the court: B a ra trc ta n
248 To be brought to an early grave: Cht non, cht yu
249 To be brought to bed: Sinh
250 To be brought up in the spirit of duty: c gio duc theo tinh thn trch nhim
251 To be brown off: (Thtuc) Chn
252 To be buffeted by the crowd: B m ng y ti
253 To be bumptious: Lm oai, lm cao, t phu
254 To be bunged up: B nghet mi
255 To be burdened with debts: N cht chng
256 To be buried in thoughts: Chm m trong suy ngh
257 To be burning to do sth: Nng lng lm g
258 To be burnt alive: B thiu sng
259 To be burried with militairy honours: An tng theo nghi thc qun i
260 To be bursting to do sth: Hng hi lm ci g
To be bursting with a secret;
to be bursting to tell a secret Nong lng mun noi iu b mt
262 To be bursting with delight: Sng in ln, vui pht in
263 To be bursting with pride: Trn y s kiu hanh
264 To be bushwhacked: B phuc kch
265 To be busy as a bee: Bn rn lu b
266 To be called away: B gi ra ngoi
267 To be called to the bar: c nhn vo lut s on
268 To be called up for the active service: B gi nhp ng
269 To be called up: B gi nhp ng
270 To be capacitated to do sth: Co t cch lm vic g
271 To be careful to do sth: Ch lm vic g
272 To be carried away by that bad news: B mt bnh tnh v tin bun
273 To be cast away on the desert island: B tri dt vo o hoang
274 To be cast away: (Tu) B m, chm
275 To be cast down: Chn nn, tht vng
276 To be caught by the police: B lnh cnh st bt
277 To be caught in a machine: Mc trong my
278 To be caught in a noose: B mc by
279 To be caught in a snare: (Ngi) B mc mu
280 To be caught in a snare: (Th..) B mc by
281 To be caught in the net: Mc li, mc by
282 To be caught with chaff: B la bp mt cch d dng
283 To be caught with one's hand in the till: B bt qu tang, b bt ti trn
284 To be cautioned by a judge: B quan ta khuyn co
285 To be cautious in doing sth: Lm vic g cn thn, n o
286 To be censored: B kim duyt, b cm
287 To be chippy: Hay gt gng, hay quu, hay cu
288 To be chucked (at an examination): B nh hng(trong mt cuc thi)
289 To be churched:
(Ngi n b sau khi sinh) Chu l gii c; (cp
v chng mi ci) d l mi sa ln u tin sau
khi lm l hn phi
290 To be clamorous for sth: La ht i ci g
291 To be clear about sth: Tin chc vic g
292 To be clever at drawing: Co khiu v hi ha
293 To be close behind sb: Theo st ngi no
294 To be close with one's money: D xin ng tin
295 To be closeted with sb: ong kn ca phng noi chuyn vi ngi no
296 To be cognizant of sth: Bit r v ci g
297 To be cold with sb: T v lanh m vi ngi no
298 To be comfortable: (Ngi bnh) Thy d chu trong mnh
299 To be comfortably off: Phong lu, sung tc
300 To be commissioned to do sth: c uy nhim lm vic g
301 To be compacted of..: Kt hp li bng
302 To be compelled to do sth: B bt buc lm vic g
303 To be concerned about sb: Lo lng, lo ngi cho ngi no
304 To be condemned to the stake: B thiu
305 To be confident of the future: Tin chc tng lai
306 To be confidential (with sb): Noi chuyn ring, giai by tm s(vi ngi no)
307 To be confined (for space): cht hep
308 To be confined to barracks: B gi li trong tri
309 To be confined: (n b) Trong thi gian lm bn
310 To be confronted with (by) a difficulty: ng trc mt s kho khn
311 To be connected with a family: Kt thng gia, kt thn vi mt gia nh no
312 To be connected with sb, sth:
Co giao thip vi ngi no, co lin quan,
lin h n vic g
313 To be conscious of sth: thc r iu g
314 To be conspicuous (in a crowd..):
Lm cho mi ngi
n mnh ( mt m ng .
315 To be consumed with hunger: B cn oi dy v, lm cho tiu tuy
316 To be consumed with jealousy: Tiu tuy v ghen tung
317 To be contaminated by bad companions: B bn xu lm h hng
318 To be content to do sth: Bng lng lm vic g
319 To be continued in our next: S ng tip s (bo) sau
320 To be convicted of felony: B kt n trng ti
321 To be convulsed (to shake, to rock) with laughter Ci tht rut, ci v bung
322 To be convulsed with laughter: Ci ngt, ci ng nghing
323 To be convulsed with pain: B co git v au n
324 To be cool towards sb: Lanh m vi ngi no
325 To be correspondent to (with) sth: Xng vi, hp vi, vt g
326 To be couched on the ground: Nm di di t
327 To be counted as a member: c k trong s nhng hi vin
328 To be counted out:
B nh nga, b o vn (khng dy ni sau khi
trng ti m ti mi)
329 To be cramped for room: B p, b dn cht khng u ch cha
330 To be crazy (over, about) sb: Say m ngi no
331 To be cross with sb: Cu vi ai
332 To be crowned with glory: c hng vinh quang
333 To be cut out for sth: Co thin t, co khiu v vic g
334 To be dainty: Kh tnh
335 To be dark-complexioned: Co nc da ngm ngm
336 To be dead against sth: Kch lit phn i vic g
337 To be dead keen on sb: Say m ai
338 To be dead-set on doing sth: Kin quyt lm vic g
339 To be debarred from voting in the eletion: Tc quyn bu c
340 To be declared guilty of murder: B ln n st nhn
341 To be deeply in debt: N ngp u
342 To be defective in sth: Thiu vt g, co t vt ni no
343 To be deferential to sb: Knh trng ngi no
344 To be deliberate in speech: n noi thn trng;
345 To be delivered of a poem: Sng tc mt bi th
346 To be delivered of: (en, bong) ra, cho ra i
347 To be demented, to become demented: in, lon tr
348 To be dependent on sb: Da vo ai
349 To be deranged: (Ngi) Lon tr, lon oc
350 To be derelict (in one's duty): (Ngi) Lang qun bn phn cua mnh
351 To be derived, (from): Pht sinh t
352 To be desirous of sth, of doing sth: Mun, khao kht vt g, mun lm vic g
353 To be destined for a place: i, sp sa i n mt ni no
354 To be destined for some purpose: dnh ring cho mt muc ch no o
355 To be different from: Khc vi
356 To be dight with (in) diamond: Trang sc bng kim cng
357 To be disabled: (My, tu) Ht chy c
358 To be disappointed in love: Tht vng v tnh, tht tnh
359 To be discomfited by questions: B bi ri v cc cu hi
360 To be discontented with one's job: Bt man vi cng vic cua mnh
361 To be disinclined to: Khng mun.
362 To be disloyal to one's country: Khng trung thnh vi t quc
363 To be dismissed from the service: B ui khi s
364 To be displaced by..: (Chi mt o qun) c thay th (lnh)
365 To be displeased at (with)sth: Khng hi lng v ci g, bc mnh v ci g
366 To be disrespectful to sb: V l vi ngi no
367 To be dissatisfied with (at)sth: Khng hi lng iu g
368 To be distinctly superior: L k b trn r rng
369 To be divorced from reality: Ly d vi thc ti
370 To be dotty on one's legs: Chn ng khng vng, lo o
371 To be double the length of sth: Di bng hai vt g
372 To be doubtful of sth: Khng chc vic g
373 To be down in (at) heath: Sc khe gim st
374 To be down in the mouth: Chn nn, tht vng
375 To be drafted into the army: B gi nhp ng
376 To be dressed in black, in silk: Mc en, hng lua
377 To be dressed in green: Mc qun o mu luc
378 To be dressed up to the nines (to the knocker): Din kng
379 To be driven ashore: B tri git vo b
380 To be drowned in sleep: Chm m trong gic ngu
381 To be drowned: Cht ui
382 To be due to: Do, ti
383 To be dull of mind: n n
384 To be dull of sight, of hearing: Mt yu, tai nng(khng thnh)
385 To be dying for sth: Mun, thm mun ci g mt cch cng cc
386 To be eager in the pursuit of science: Tha thit theo ui con ng khoa hc
387 To be eager to do sth: Khao kht lm vic g
388 To be easily offended: D gin, hay gin
389 To be eaten up with pride: B tnh kiu ngo dy v
390 To be economical with sth: Tit kim vt g
391 To be elastic: Ny ln
392 To be elated with joy:
Mng qunh ln, ly lm hn hoan,
ly lm hanh din
393 To be elbowed into a corner: B b ra, b loi ra
394 To be eleven: Mi mt tui
395 To be eliminated in the first heat: B loi vng u
396 To be embarrassed by lack of money.: Lng tng v thiu tin
397 To be embarrassed for money: B mc n, thiu n
398 To be employed in doing sth: Bn lm vic g
399 To be empowered to..: c trn quyn .
400 To be enamoured of (with) sth: Say m ci g
401 To be enamoured of sb: Phi lng ai, b ai quyn r
402 To be encumbered with a large family: B lng tng v gnh nng gia nh
403 To be endued with many virtues: c ph cho nhiu c tnh
404 To be engaged in politics, business: Hot ng chnh tr, kinh doanh
405 To be engaged upon a novel: ang bn vit mt cun tiu thuyt
406 To be enraged at (by) sb's stupidity: Gin in ln v s ngu xun cua ngi no
407 To be enraptured with sth: Ngn ngi trc vic g
408 To be ensnarled in a plot: B dnh lu vo mt m mu
409 To be entangled in the meshes of political intrigue Vng vo mng li m mu chnh tr
410 To be enthralled by a woman's beauty:
Say m trc,
b m hoc bi sc ep cua mt ngi n b
411 To be enthralled by an exciting story: B say m bi cu truyn hp dn
412 To be entirely at sb's service: Sn sng gip ngi no
413 To be entitled to a seat on a committee or a board Co quyn gi mt gh trong mt uy ban no
414 To be entitled to do sth: c php, co quyn lm vic g
415 To be envious of sb's succcess: Ganh t v s thnh cng cua ngi no
416 To be enwrapped in slumber: ang m mng trong gic ip
417 To be enwrapped: ang trm ngm
418 To be equal to a task:
Lm ni, lm trn mt bn phn,
ngang tm vi bn phn
419 To be equal to doing sth: u sc lm vic g
420 To be equal to one's responsibility: Ngang tm vi trch nhim cua mnh
421 To be equal to the occasion: Co u kh nng i pho vi tnh hnh
422 To be estopped from doing sth: B ngn cn khng cho lm vic g
423 To be euchred: Lng tng, b lm vo ng b, ng cng
424 To be expectant of sth: Ch i vic g
425 To be expected: Co th xy ra
426 To be expecting a baby: C thai
427 To be expert in, at sth: Thng tho vic g
428 To be expressly forbidden: B nghim cm
429 To be extremely welcome: c tip n cn, nim n
430 To be faced with a difficulty: ng u vi kho khn
431 To be fagged out: Kit sc, mt dc, mt lm
432 To be faint with hunger: Mt l v oi
433 To be faithful in the performance of one's duties: Nhit tnh khi thi hnh bn phn
434 To be familiar with sth: Quen bit vt g, quen dng vt g, gii mn g
435 To be famished: oi cht c
436 To be far from all friends: Khng giao thip vi ai
437 To be far gone with child: Co mang sp n thng
438 To be fastidious: Kh tnh
439 To be favoured by circumstances: Thun gio, xui gio, thun cnh, thun tin
440 To be feel sleepy: Bun ngu
441 To be filled with amazement: Ht sc ngc nhin
442 To be filled with astonishment: y s ngc nhin
443 To be filled with concern: V cng lo lng
444 To be firm fleshed: Da tht rn chc
445 To be five meters in depth: Su nm thc
446 To be five years old: c nm tui, ln nm
447 To be flayed alive: B lt da sng
448 To be fleeced by dishonest men: B la gt bi nhng tn bt lng
449 To be flooded with light: Trn ngp nh sng
450 To be flush with sth: Bng, ngang mt vi vt g
451 To be flush: Co nhiu tin, tin y ti
452 To be fond of bottle: Thch nhu
453 To be fond of good fare: Thch tic tng
454 To be fond of music: Thch m nhc
455 To be fond of study: Thch nghin cu
456 To be fond of the limelight:
Thch rm r,
thch ngi ta bit cng vic mnh lm
457 To be fond of travel: Thch i du lch
458 To be fooled into doing sth: B gt lm vic g
459 To be for: ng v pha ai, ung h ai
460 To be forced to do sth: Bt buc lm ci g
To be forced to the inescapable conclusion
that he is a liar
Buc i n kt lun khng th trnh c
rng no l k noi di
462 To be forewarned is to be forearmed: c bo trc l a chun b trc
463 To be forgetful of one's duties: Qun bn phn
464 To be fortunate: Gp vn may
465 To be forward in one's work: St sng vi cng vic cua mnh
466 To be foully murdered: B git mt cch tn c
467 To be found guilty of blackmail: B buc ti tng tin
468 To be found guilty of espionage: B kt ti lm gin ip
469 To be found wanting: B chng t thiu t cch k
co kh nng(lm g)
470 To be free in one's favours: T do luyn i
471 To be free to confess: T th nhn
472 To be free with one's money: Rt rng rai; khng n tin bc
473 To be friendly with sb: Thn mt vi ngi no
474 To be frightened of doing sth: S lm vic g
475 To be frightened to death: S cht c
476 To be frozen to the marrow: Lnh but xng
477 To be frugal of one's time: Tit kim th gi
478 To be full of beans: Hng hi si ni
479 To be full of business: Rt bn vic
480 To be full of cares: y ni lo lng, lo u
481 To be full of conceit: Rt t cao, t i
482 To be full of hope: y hy vng, trn tr hy vng
483 To be full of idle fancies: Ton l t tng hao huyn
484 To be full of joy: Hn h, vui mng
485 To be full of life: Linh hot, sinh kh di do, y sinh lc
486 To be full of mettle: y nhu kh
487 To be full of oneself: T phu, t man
488 To be full of years: Nhiu tui, co tui
489 To be fully satisfied: Tha man hon ton
490 To be furtive in one's movements: Co hnh ng nham him (vi ngi no)
491 To be fussy: Thch nhng x, ri rt
492 To be game: Co ngh lc, gan d
493 To be gammy for anything: co ngh lc lm bt c ci g
494 To be gasping for liberty: Khao kht t do
495 To be generous with one's money: Rng rai v chuyn tin nong
496 To be getting chronic: Thnh thi quen
497 To be gibbeted in the press: B bu ru trn bo
498 To be ginned down by a fallen tree: B cy
499 To be given over to evil courses: Co phm hnh xu
500 To be given over to gambling: am m c bc
501 To be glad to hear sth: Sung sng khi nghe c chuyn g
502 To be glowing with health: hng ho
503 To be going on for: Gn ti, xp xi
504 To be going: ang chy
505 To be gone on sb: Yu, say m, phi lng ngi no
506 To be good at dancing: Nhy gii, khiu v gii
507 To be good at games: Gii v nhng cuc chi v th thao
508 To be good at housekeeping: T gia ni tr gii(gii cng vic nh)
509 To be good at numbers: Gii v s hc
510 To be good at repartee: i p lanh li
511 To be good safe catch:
(Mt li nh cu bng vt g Anh)
Bt cu rt gii
512 To be goody-goody: Gi o c, (c gi) lm ra v o c
513 To be governed by the opinions of others: B nhng kin ngi khc chi phi
514 To be gracious to sb: n cn vi ngi no, l vi ngi no
515 To be grateful to sb for sth, for having done sth: Bit n ngi no a lm vic g
516 To be gravelled: Lng tng, khng th p li c
517 To be great at tennis: Gii v qun vt
518 To be great with sb: Lm bn thn thit vi ngi no
519 To be greedy: Tham n
520 To be greeted with applause: c cho on vi trng pho tay
521 To be grieved to see sth: Nhn thy vic g m cm thy xot xa
522 To be guarded in one's speech: Thn trng li noi
523 To be guarded in what you say!: Hay cn thn trong li n ting noi!
524 To be guilty of a crime: Phm mt trng ti
525 To be guilty of forgery: Phm ti gi mo
526 To be gunning for sb: Tm c hi tn cng ai
527 To be hard pressed: B ui gp
528 To be had: B gt, b mc la
529 To be hail-fellow (well-met) with everyone: i ai hon ton thn mt vi tt c mi ngi
530 To be hale and hearty: Cn trng kin
531 To be hand in (and) glove with: Rt thn vi, cng tc vi
532 To be handicapped by ill health: Gp cn tr v sc khe khng tt
533 To be hanged for a pirate: B x gio v ti n cp
534 To be hard of hearing: Nng tai
535 To be hard on (upon)sb: Khc nghit vi ai
536 To be hard to solve: Kho m gii quyt
537 To be hard up against it; to have it hard:
(My) Lm vo hon cnh kho khn,
phi va chm vi nhng kho khn
538 To be hard up for: B tc khng tm u ra (ci g)
539 To be hard up: Cn ti, ht tin
540 To be haunted by memories: B m nh bi k nim
541 To be hazy about sth: Bit, nh li vic g l m, khng r, k
542 To be heart-broken: au lng, au kh
543 To be heavily taxed: B nh thu nng
544 To be heavy on (in) hand:
1.Kho cm cng (nga);
2.Kho lm vui, kho lm cho khuy kha(ngi)
545 To be heavy with sleep: Bun ngu qu chng
546 To be held in an abhorrence by sb: B ngi no o ght cay ght ng
547 To be held in captivity: B giam gi
548 To be held in derision by all: Lm tr ci cho thin h
549 To be hellishly treated: B i x tn t
550 To be hep to sb's trick: Bit r tr la bp cua ai
551 To be hissed off the stage: B hut so ui xung sn khu
552 To be hit by a bullet: B trng n
553 To be hitched up: (c) a co v
554 To be hoarse: B khan ting
555 To be hooked by a passing car: B mt chic xe chy ngang qua quet, moc phi
556 To be hopeful of success: Hy vng vo s thnh cng
557 To be hopelessly in love: Yu thng mt cch tuyt vng
558 To be horrid to sb: Hung d, c nghit vi ngi no
559 To be hot on the track of sb: ui rit theo, ui rit ngi no
560 To be hot: ng c
561 To be hounded out of the town: B ui ra khi thnh ph
562 To be hugely successful: Thnh cng mt cch my man
563 To be hungry for fame: Khao kht danh vng
564 To be hungry for sth: Khao kht iu g
565 To be in (secret) communication with the enemy: t thng vi qun ch
566 To be in (to get into) a flap: Lo s php phng
567 To be in a (blue) funk: S xanh mt, khip m
568 To be in a (dead) faint, to fall down in a faint: Bt tinh nhn s
569 To be in a (dead)faint: Cht gic, bt tinh nhn s
570 To be in a clutter: Mt trt t
571 To be in a fever of: Bn chn
572 To be in a fever: B st, b nong lnh
573 To be in a fine pickle: Gp cnh ng kho khn
574 To be in a fix: vo mt cnh ng lng tng
575 To be in a flutter: Bi ri
576 To be in a fog: Khng hiu g, hon ton m tt
577 To be in a fret: Cu kinh
578 To be in a fuddled state: B ri tr v say ru
579 To be in a fume: Lc gin
580 To be in a good temper: Co kh sc vui v
581 To be in a hopeless state:
(Bnh nhn) Lm vo mt tnh trng tuyt
vng, khng hy vng cu van c
582 To be in a huff: Tc gin
583 To be in a hypnotic trance: trong tnh trng b thi min
584 To be in a maze: trong tnh trng ri rm
585 To be in a mess: trong tnh trng bi ri, lng tng
586 To be in a mix: T tng ln xn, u oc bi ri
587 To be in a muck of a sweat: , chy m hi ht
588 To be in a muddle: ( vt) Ln xn, khng co th t
589 To be in a nice glow: Cm thy trong ngi d chu
590 To be in a paddy (in one of one's paddies): Ni gin
591 To be in a position of victory: vo th thng
592 To be in a puzzle: trong mt tnh trng kho x
593 To be in a quagmire: Gp tnh cnh kho khn
594 To be in a quandary: trong tnh th nghi ng
595 To be in a rage: Gin d, ni gin
596 To be in a sad case: trong hon cnh ng bun
597 To be in a sad plight: trong hon cnh bun
598 To be in a state of mortal anxiety: Lo s cht i c
599 To be in a state of nerves: Bc bi, kho chu
600 To be in a sweat of fear: S tot m hi
601 To be in a tangle: B lc ng, lc li
602 To be in a tantrum: ang bc bi, cha ngui gin, cha ht gin
603 To be in a terrible state of disorder: trong tnh trng ht sc ba bai, v trt t
604 To be in a thundering rage: Gin d
605 To be in a ticklish situation: vo mt tnh th kho khn, kho x
606 To be in a tight box: trong mt tnh trng b tc, nguy ngp
607 To be in a wax: Ni gin, pht gin; tc gin
608 To be in a wrong box: Lm vo cnh kho x
609 To be in abeyance: B tm nh chi
610 To be in accord with sth: Tn thnh vic g
611 To be in active employment, to be on the active list ang lm vic
612 To be in agreement with sb: ng vi ai
613 To be in ambush: Phuc sn
614 To be in an awful bate: Gin in ln
615 To be in an ecstasy of joy: Sng ngt i
616 To be in an excellent humour: trong tnh trng sng khoi
617 To be in an expansive mood after a few drinks: Tr nn ci m sau vi ly ru
618 To be in an interesting condition: C mang, c thai
619 To be in an offside position: v tr vit v
620 To be in apple-pie order: Hon ton co trt t
621 To be in besetment with rivers on every side: Sng bao bc khp ni
622 To be in bud: Mc mm non, ny chi
623 To be in cahoot(s) with sb: ng mu, thng ng, cu kt vi ngi no
624 To be in cash: Co tin
625 To be in chafe: Pht cu, ni gin
626 To be in charge with an important misson: c giao nhim vu quan trng
627 To be in charge: Chu trch nhim
628 To be in clink: Nm trong khm
629 To be in comfortable circumstances: T gia sung tc, y u
630 To be in command of a troop: Chi huy mt i qun
631 To be in commission: c trang b y u
632 To be in communication with sb: Lin lc thng tin vi
633 To be in concord with..: Hp vi
634 To be in confinement: B giam cm, b qun thc
635 To be in conflict with sb: Xung t, bt ha vi ngi no
636 To be in connivance with sb: m mu, ng la vi ngi no
637 To be in contact with sb: Giao thip, tip xc vi ngi no
638 To be in control: ang kim sot, ang iu hnh
To be in correspondence,
have correspondence with sb:
Th t vi ngi no,
lin lc bng th t vi ngi no
640 To be in danger: Lm nguy, gp nn, ng nn
641 To be in debt: Thiu n tin
642 To be in deep water: Lm vo cnh hon nn
643 To be in despair: Chn nn, tht vng
644 To be in direct communication with: Lin lc trc tip vi
645 To be in direct contradiction: Hon ton mu thun
646 To be in disagreement with sb: Khng ng vi ngi no
647 To be in disfavour with sb: B ngi no ght
648 To be in doubt: Nghi ng, hoi nghi
649 To be in drink (under the influence of drink): Say ru
650 To be in evidence: R rt, hin nhin
651 To be in fear of sb (of sth): S hai ngi no, ci g
652 To be in fine, (in good) fettle: (Nga) Khe mnh, (my) ang chy tt
653 To be in flesh: Bo ph
654 To be in focus: t vo tm im
655 To be in for trouble: Lm vo tnh cnh kho khn
656 To be in for: Dnh vo, vo(tnh trng)
657 To be in force: (o lut..) Co hiu lc, hin hnh
658 To be in form, out of form: Sung sc, khng sung sc
659 To be in front of the church: trc mt, i din vi nh th
660 To be in full bearing: ang sinh li
661 To be in full feather: (Ngi) n mc din; co tin
662 To be in full rig: Mc i l phuc (mc ln)
663 To be in gaol: B t
664 To be in good health: Mnh khe
665 To be in good odour with sb: Co cm tnh vi ai, giao ho vi ai
666 To be in good spirits: Vui v; kh sc vui v
667 To be in good, bad odour: Co ting tt, ting xu
668 To be in good, bad repute: Co ting tt, xu
669 To be in great form: Rt phn khi
670 To be in great want: Rt ngho nn, khn kh
671 To be in harmony with: Ha thun vi, ha hp vi
672 To be in high feather: Khi sc, tnh tnh vui v phn khi
673 To be in high mood: Hng ch
674 To be in high spirit: Cao hng, phn khi
675 To be in hot water: Lng tng, lm vo tnh cnh kho khn
676 To be in irons: (Hi) B tung bum
677 To be in jeopardy:
ang mc nn, ang lm nguy, ang gp hn;
(danh d) b thng tn;(cng vic) suy vi
678 To be in juxtaposition: k nhau
679 To be in keeping with sth: Hp vi iu g
680 To be in leading-strings:
Phi ty thuc ngi khc,
chu s chi o nh mt a b
681 To be in league with: Lin minh vi
682 To be in line with: ng vi, tn thnh, ung h
683 To be in liquor; to be the worse for liquor: Say ru
684 To be in love with sb: Yu, m ngi no; phi lng ngi no
685 To be in love with: Say m ai, ang yu
686 To be in low spirit: Mt hng, chn chng
687 To be in low water: Cn tin
688 To be in luck, in luck's way: c may mn, gp may
689 To be In manuscript: cha em in
690 To be in narcotic state: M man v cht thuc b
691 To be in necessitous circumstances: trong cnh tng thiu, bn cng
692 To be in necessity: trong cnh bn cng
693 To be in negotiation with sb: m phn vi ai
694 To be in no hurry: Khng gp, co u th gi
695 To be in no mood for jollity: Lng khng vui v, khng thit i chi
696 To be in occupation of a house: Chim, mt ci nh
697 To be in one's cups: ang say sa
698 To be in one's element: trong hon cnh thun tin nh c gp nc
699 To be in one's minority: Cn trong tui v thnh nin
700 To be in one's nineties: Trong la tui t 90 n 99
701 To be in one's second childhood:
Tr li thi tr con th hai,
tc l thi k lm cm cua tui gi
702 To be in one's senses: u oc thng minh
703 To be in one's teens: ang tui thanh xun, vo tui 1319
704 To be in one's thinking box: Suy ngh chn chn thn trng
705 To be in place: ti ch, ng ch
706 To be in pop: Cm tim cm
707 To be in prison: B giam vo t
708 To be in process of removal: ang dn nh
709 To be in Queen's street:
(Long) Khung hong ti chnh,
gp kho khn v tin bc
710 To be in rags: n mc rch ri
711 To be in rapport with: Co quan h vi, lin h mt thit
712 To be in recollections: Trong k c
713 To be in relationship with sb: Giao thip vi ngi no
714 To be in retreat: Tho lui
715 To be in sb's bad books: B ngi no ght, co tn trong s en cua ai
716 To be in sb's black books: Khng c ai a, co tn trong s en cua ai
717 To be in sb's clutches: di nanh vut cua ngi no
718 To be in sb's company: Cng i vi ngi no
719 To be in sb's confidence: c d vo nhng iu b mt cua ngi no
720 To be in sb's good books: c ngi no qu mn, ch n
721 To be in sb's good graces: c ngi no knh trng, knh nhng
722 To be in sb's goodwill: c ngi no chiu c, trng ai
723 To be in sb's train: Theo sau ngi no
724 To be in search of sth: ang tm kim vt g
725 To be in season: Cn ang ma
726 To be in serious strait: trong tnh trng kho khn, nguy ngp
727 To be in shabby clothes: n mc xc xch, d bn
728 To be in soak: B em cm c
729 To be in solution: trong tnh trng khng n ( kin)
730 To be in sore need of sth: Rt cn dng vt g
731 To be in terror: Khip m, kinh hai
732 To be in the band-wagon: ng v phe thng c
733 To be in the can:
(in nh My) a thu hnh xong,
sn sng em ra chiu
734 To be in the cart: Lng tng
735 To be in the clouds: Sng trn my, m m mng mng
736 To be in the cold: (Bong) Sng c c, hiu qunh
737 To be in the conspiracy: D vo, nhng tay vo cuc m mu
738 To be in the dark: B giam, t; khng hay bit g
739 To be in the death agony: Gn cht, hp hi
740 To be in the dog-house: Xung dc tht th
741 To be in the doldrums: Co nhng tng bun ru, en ti
742 To be in the employ of sb: Lm vic cho ai
743 To be in the enjoyment of good health: Hng sc khe tt
744 To be in the first flight: trong tp u, trong nhom gii nht
745 To be in the flower of one's age: ang tui thanh xun
746 To be in the front line: tin tuyn
747 To be in the full flush of health: Co mt sc khe di do
748 To be in the habit of doing sth: Co thoi quen lm vic g
749 To be in the humour to do sth: Sn lng, vui lng lm vic g
750 To be in the know:
Bit r(cng vic); (ua nga) c tin mch
ring, c mch nc nh c
751 To be in the late forties: Gn 50 tui
752 To be in the late twenties: Hn hai mi
753 To be in the limelight: c mi ngi ch n, ni ting
754 To be in the mood for doing sth: Mun lm ci g
755 To be in the pouts: Nhn nho kho chu
756 To be in the running: Co hy vng thng gii
757 To be in the same box: Cng chung cnh ng
758 To be in the secret: trong tnh trng b mt
759 To be in the seventies: By mi my tui
760 To be in the shipping way: Lm ngh bun bn theo ng bin
761 To be in the soup: vo tnh trng kho x, bi ri, lng tng
762 To be in the suds: Trong hon cnh kho khn lng tng
763 To be in the swim: Ha mnh lm vic vi on th
764 To be in the utmost poverty: Ngho ht sc, ngho rt mng ti
765 To be incapacitated from voting: Khng co t cch bu c
766 To be incensed at sb's remarks: Ni gin v s chi trch cua ai
767 To be inclusive of sth: Gm co vt g
768 To be incompetent to do sth: Khng u sc, khng u ti lm vic g
769 To be incumbent on sb to do sth: v phn s cua ngi no phi lm vic g
770 To be indebted to a large amount to sb: Thiu ngi no mt s tin ln
771 To be independent of sb: Khng ty thuc ngi no
772 To be indignant at sth: Bc tc, phn n v vic g
773 To be indiscriminate in making friends: Kt bn ba bai, khng chn la
To be indulgent towards one's children's faults;
to look on one's children with an indulgent eye:
T ra khoan dung i vi nhng li lm
cua con ci
775 To be infatuated with a pretty girl: Say m mt c gi xinh ep
776 To be infatuated with sb: M, say m ngi no
777 To be influential: Co th gy nh hng cho
778 To be informed of sb's doings: Bit r hnh ng, c chi cua ngi no
779 To be instant with sb to do sth: Khn cu ngi no lm vic g
780 To be intelligent of a fact: Thng tho vic g, bit r vic g
781 To be intent on one's work: Mit mi vo cng vic cua mnh
782 To be into the red: Lm vo cnh n nn
783 To be intoxicated with success: Ngt ngy v thnh cng
784 To be intrigued by the suddenness of an event: Ngc nhin v bin c t ngt
785 To be inundated with requests for help: Trn ngp nhng li yu cu gip
786 To be inward-looking: Hng ni, hng v ni tm
787 To be irresolute: Lng l, bn khon
788 To be jealous of one's rights: Quyt tm bo v quyn li cua mnh
789 To be jealous of sb: Ghen ght ngi no
790 To be joined to sth: Gn k, tip gip, tip cn vi vt g
791 To be juiced:
B hnh hnh trn gh in,
b hnh hnh bng in, b in git
792 To be jumpy: B kch thch
793 To be just doing sth: Hin ang lm vic g
794 To be kept in quarantine for six months: B cch ly trong vng su thng
795 To be killed on the spot: B git ngay
796 To be kin to sb: B con, thn thch, h hng vi ngi no
797 To be kind to sb: Co lng tt, c x t t i vi ngi no
798 To be knee-deep trouble: Dnh vo chuyn qu rc ri
799 To be knocked out in an exam: B nh hng, thi rt
800 To be lacking in personality: Thiu c tnh, thiu bn lnh
801 To be lacking in: Thiu, khng u
802 To be lavish in praises: Khng tic li khen ngi
803 To be lavish in spending the money: Xi ph
804 To be lax in (carrying out)one's duties: B tr bn phn cua mnh
805 To be learned in the law: Gii v lut
806 To be leery of sb: Nghi ng ngi no
807 To be left out in the cold: B xa lnh, i x lnh nht
808 To be left over: Cn li
809 To be letter perfect in: Thuc lng, thuc lu
810 To be licensed to sell sth: c php bn vt g
811 To be lifted up with pride: Dng dng t c
812 To be light-headed: B m sng
813 To be like a bear with a sore head: Hay gt gng, nhn nho, cu nhu
814 To be live, on friendly, on good terms with sb: Giao ho thn thit vi ngi no
815 To be living in want: Gp cn tng thiu, sng trong cnh thiu thn
816 To be loath for sb to do sth: Khng mun cho ngi no lm vic g
817 To be loath to do sth: K
mun, khng thch, min cng lm vic g
818 To be located in a place: mt ch, mt ni no
819 To be loss of shame: Khng cn bit xu
820 To be lost in meditation: Trm ngm, trm t mc tng
821 To be lost to all sense of shame: Khng cn bit xu h na
822 To be loved by sb: c ngi no yu
823 To be low of speech: Noi nng khng lu lot, khng tri chy
824 To be lucky: c may mn, gp vn may
825 To be lured into the trap: B du vo cm by
826 To be mad (at) missing the train: Bc bi v tr xe la
827 To be mad about (after, on) sth: Ham mun, khao kht, say m vt g
828 To be made in several sizes: c sn xut theo nhiu c
829 To be man enough to refuse: Co u can m t chi
830 To be mashed on sb: Yu say m ngi no
831 To be mass of: Nhiu
832 To be master of oneself: Lm chu bn thn
833 To be master of the situation: Lm chu tnh th
834 To be match for sb: Ngang sc vi ngi no
835 To be mauled by a tiger: B cp x
836 To be mindful of one's good name: Gi gn danh gi
837 To be mindful to do sth: Nh lm vic g
838 To be mindless of danger: Khng ch s nguy him
839 To be misled by bad companions: B bn b xu lm cho lm ng lc li
840 To be mistaken about sb's intentions: Hiu lm nh cua ngi no
To be mistrusful of one's ability to make
the right decision
Nghi ng kh nng co th a ra quyt nh
ng n cua mnh
842 To be mixed up in an affair: B lin can vo vic g
843 To be more exact..: Noi cho ng hn.
844 To be much addicted to opium: Nghin phin nng
845 To be much cut up by a piece of news: Bi ri, xc ng, au n v mt tin tc
846 To be mulcted of one's money: B tc tin bc
847 To be mured up in a small room all day: B nht, giam sut ngy trong cn phng nh
848 To be mutually assistant: Gip ln nhau
849 To be near of kin: B con gn
850 To be near one's end: Gn t xa tri, sp vnh bit cuc i
851 To be near one's last: Lc lm chung, lc hp hi
852 To be neat with one's hands: Kho tay, lanh tay
853 To be neglectful of sth: B l, khng ch
854 To be neglectful to do sth: (Vn) Qun khng lm vic g
855 To be negligent of sth: Khng ch n vic g, lang b (bn phn)
856 To be nice to sb: T ra t t, d thng i vi ngi no
857 To be no disciplinarian: Ngi khng tn trng k lut
858 To be no mood for: Khng co hng lm g
859 To be no picnic: Khng d dng, phin phc, kho khn
860 To be no respecter of persons: Khng thin v, t v ngi no
861 To be no skin of sb's back: Khng ung chm n ai, k
dnh dng n ai
862 To be no slouch at sth: Rt gii v mn g
863 To be not long for this world: Gn t xa tri
864 To be noticed to quit: c bo trc phi dn i
865 To be nutty (up) on sb: Say m ngi no
866 To be nutty on sb: M ai
867 To be of a cheerful disposition: Co tnh vui v
868 To be of a confiding nature: Ngun gc Trung Hoa
869 To be of frequent occurrence: Thng xy n, xy ra
870 To be of generous make-up: Bn cht l ngi ho phong
871 To be of good cheer: y hy vng, dng cm
872 To be of good descent: Thuc dng di trm anh
873 To be of good stock: Dng di trm anh th phit
874 To be of humble birth: Xut thn t tng lp l dn
875 To be of kinship with sb: B con vi ngi no
876 To be of limited understanding: Thin cn, thin kin
877 To be of noble birth: Dng di qu tc
878 To be of sb's mind, to be of a mind with sb: ng vi ngi no
879 To be of sterling gold: Bng vng tht
880 To be of tender age: ng tui tr v cn non nt
881 To be of the last importance: (Vic) Ht sc quan trng
882 To be of the Roman Catholic persuasion: Tn Gio hi La ma
883 To be of use for: C ch cho
884 To be of value: co gi tr
885 To be off (with) one's bargain: Tht c trong vic mua bn
886 To be off colour: Kho chu, khng khe
887 To be off like a shot: i nhanh nh n, nh tn bay
888 To be off one's base: (My) Mt tr
889 To be off one's chump: Gn gn
890 To be off one's food: n khng ngon
891 To be off one's guard: Xao lang phng
892 To be off one's nut: Khng, in, mt tr
893 To be off one's rocker: Hi khng khng, hi gn
894 To be off the hinges: Tnh trng ln xn lc , i xa chu im
895 To be offended at, with, by sth: Gin v vic g
896 To be offended with sb: Gin ngi no
897 To be offensive to sb: Lm xc phm, lm nhuc ngi no
898 To be on a bed of thorns: trong tnh th kho khn
899 To be on a diet: n ung phi king c
900 To be on a good footing with sb: Co quan h tt vi ai
901 To be on a good wicket: th thun li
902 To be on a level with sb: Ngang hng vi ngi no,trnh = ngi no
903 To be on a par with sb: Ngang c vi ngi no
904 To be on a razor-edge: Lm vo cnh lm nguy
905 To be on a sticky wicket: th bt li
906 To be on boardwages: Lanh tin phu cp lng thc
907 To be on decline: Trn gim
908 To be on distant terms with sb: Co thi cch bit vi ai
909 To be on duty: ang phin gc
910 To be on duty: ang trc
911 To be on edge:
1. Bc mnh
2. D gt gng
912 To be on equal terms with sb: Ngang hng vi ngi no
913 To be on familiar ground: vo th li
914 To be on fighting terms: Cu ch vi nhau
915 To be on furlough: Nghi php
916 To be on guard (duty): (Qun) Gc phin trc
917 To be on holiday: Nghi
918 To be on loaf: Chi rong
919 To be on low wage: Sng bng ng lng thp km
920 To be on nettle: nh ngi phi gai
921 To be on one's back: m lit ging; lm vo ng cng
922 To be on one's beam-ends: Ht phng, ht cch
923 To be on one's bone: Tng qun
924 To be on one's game: Sung sc
925 To be on one's guard: Cnh gic phng
926 To be on one's guard: Gi th thu, phng tn cng
927 To be on one's legs: ng, i li c sau cn bnh nng
928 To be on one's lone(s), by one's lone(s): C c, l loi, mt mnh mt bong
929 To be on one's lonesome: Mt mnh mt bong, c n
930 To be on one's mettle: Phn khi
931 To be on one's own dunghill: nh mnh, co quyn t chu
932 To be on pain of death: B t hnh
933 To be on parole: Ha danh d
934 To be on patrol: Tun tra
935 To be on pins and needles: Lo lng, bn chn, bt rt
936 To be on post: ang ng gc
937 To be on probation.: ang tp s
938 To be on reflection: Suy ngh
939 To be on remand: B giam ch x
940 To be on sentry duty: ang canh gc
941 To be on sentry-go: ang canh gc
942 To be on short commons: n kham kh
943 To be on short leave, on leave of absence: c nghi php
944 to be on short time: lm vic khng u ngy
945 To be on street: Lang thang u ng xo ch
946 To be on the alert against an attack: Canh gc phng mt cuc tn cng
947 To be on the alert: cao cnh gic
948 To be on the anvil: ang lm, ang xem xt, ang nghin cu
949 To be on the beat: i tun
950 To be on the booze: Ung qu
951 To be on the cadge: Kim n, n chc
952 To be on the decrease: Bt ln, gim ln
953 To be on the dole:
Sng nh vo cua b th,
sng nh vo tin tr cp tht nghip
954 To be on the down-grade: Ht thi, mt vn
955 To be on the downward path: ang hi sup , suy vi
956 To be on the firm ground: Trn c s vng vng
957 To be on the froth: Gin si gan, gin si bt mp
958 To be on the fuddle: Say b ti
959 To be on the gad: i khp mi ni, i lang thang, v vn
960 To be on the go: (Thtuc) Rt bn rn
961 To be on the grab: i n trm
962 To be on the gridiron: Bn chn nh ngi trn ng la
963 To be on the high rope: B tht c
964 To be on the highway to success: ang co ng tin chc n thnh cng
965 To be on the hike: i lang thang, lu lng
966 To be on the listen: Lng nghe, vnh tai nghe, lng tai
967 To be on the loose: i chi bi by b
968 To be on the loose: Sng phong ang
969 To be on the lurk: n np, rnh m, d thm
970 To be on the march: i theo nhp qun hnh
971 To be on the mend: ang bnh phuc gn lnh mnh
972 To be on the night-shift: Lm ca m
973 To be on the pad: i lu lng ngoi ng
974 To be on the point of departing: Sp sa ra i
975 To be on the point of starting: Sp sa ra i
976 To be on the rampage: Gin in ln
977 To be on the rampage: Quy ph (v say)
978 To be on the right side of fortv: Di bn mi tui
979 To be on the rise: (C) Ni ln p mi
980 To be on the rove: i lang thang
981 To be on the safe side: Li th
982 To be on the straight: Sng mt cch lng thin
983 To be on the tip-toe with curiosity: T m mun bit
984 To be on the tramp: i lang thang ngoi ng ph, khc ni
985 to be on the verge of forty: gn bn mi tui
986 To be on the waggon: (Lng)
C ru; cai ru ;
(My) xe (ch hnh khch hoc hng hoa)
987 To be on the wallaby (track): i lang thang ngoi ng
988 To be on the wane: (Ngi) tr v gi
989 To be on the watch for sb: Rnh ngi no
990 To be on the watch for: phng, cnh gic, nht l mt s nguy him
991 To be on the wrong side of forty: a ngoi bn mi tui
992 To be on the wrong side of forty: Trn bn mi tui
993 To be on the wrong side of the door: B nht ngoi
to be on visiting terms with;
to have a visiting acquaintance with: co quan h thm hi vi
995 To be on watch: ang phin gc
996 To be on, up stump: Lm vo cnh cng qun
997 To be one's own enemy: T hi mnh
998 To be one's own man:
Mnh t lm chu cuc sng cua mnh,
sng c lp
999 To be one's own trumpeter: T thi phng ln khoe khoang
1000 To be onto:
Theo di ai tm ra hnh ng phm ti
cua ngi o
1001 To be oofy: Giu tin, lm bc
1002 To be open to conviction: Sn sng nghe nhn chng
1003 To be open-minded on political issues: Co t tng chnh
1004 To be opposed to the intervention of a third nation Phn i s can thip cua nc th ba
1005 To be or not to be: c gop mt or k
c gop mt trn i ny
1006 To be ordained: Thu gii, thu phong
1007 To be out at elbow(s):
(o) Lng, rch ci ch;
(ngi) rch ri, t ti
1008 To be out for seven seconds: (V s) Nm o vn trong by giy
1009 To be out for sth: C gng kim c ginh c ci g
1010 To be out in one's reckoning: Lm ton sai, ln, lm
1011 To be out in one's reckoning: Tnh ln, sai
1012 To be out of a job: Mt vic lm, tht nghip
1013 To be out of a situation: Tht nghip
1014 To be out of alignment: Lch hng
1015 To be out of business: V n, ph sn
1016 To be out of cash: Ht tin
1017 To be out of employment: Tht nghip
1018 To be out of harmony: Khng ha hp vi
1019 To be out of humour: Gt gng, cu nhu
1020 To be out of measure: Xa qu tm kim, xa ch thu qu
1021 To be out of one's depth: (Bong) Vt qu tm hiu bit
1022 To be out of one's element:
Lc lng, bt c k s,
khng phi s trng cua mnh
1023 To be out of one's mind: Khng cn bnh tnh
1024 To be out of one's mind: Mt tr nh, khng th nh c
1025 To be out of one's wits, to have lost one's wits: in, mt tr khn
1026 To be out of patience: Mt kin nhn, khng kin nhn c na
1027 To be out of sorts: Thy kho chu
1028 To be out of the question: Khng thnh vn
1029 To be out of the red: (Gip ai) Thot cnh n nn
1030 To be out of the straight: Khng thng, cong
1031 To be out of training: Khng cn sung sc
1032 To be out of trim: Khng c khe
1033 To be out of tune with one's surrounding: n khng ha thun vi hng xom lng ging
1034 To be out of vogue: khng cn thnh hnh
1035 To be out of work: T ht nghip
1036 To be out on a dike: Mc l phuc, mc qun o ep
1037 To be out shooting: i sn
1038 To be out with one's mash: i do vi ngi yu
1039 To be outspoken: Noi thng, noi ngay
1040 To be over hasty in doing sth: Qu hp tp lm vic g
1041 To be over hump: Vt qua tnh hung kho khn
1042 To be over the hill: a tr thnh gi c
1043 To be over-staffed: Co nhn vin qu ng
1044 To be paid a good screw: c tr lng hu hi
1045 To be paid by the quarter: Tr tin ba thng mt k
1046 To be paid montly: Tr lng hng thng
1047 To be pally with sb: Kt giao vi ngi no
1048 To be parched with thirst: Kht qu, kht kh c ming
1049 To be partial to music: M thch m nhc
1050 To be partial to sb: T v ngi no
1051 To be particular about one's food: Cnh v, kn n
1052 To be past master in a subject: Bc thy v mn g
1053 To be past one's prime:
Gn tr v gi, gn n tui gi,
ht thi xun lung tui
1054 To be perfect in one's service: Thnh tho cng vic
1055 To be perished with cold: Cht rt
1056 To be persuaded that: Tin chc rng
1057 To be perturbed by that news: B dao ng v tin o
1058 To be pervious to the right words: Tip thu li noi phi
1059 To be pinched with cold/ poverty: Chu ng gi rt/ngho kh
1060 To be pinched with cold: But i v lnh
1061 To be pinched with hunger: oi cn co
1062 To be pitchforked into an office: B y vo chc vu
1063 To be placed in leader of the troop: c c lm chi huy c ton
1064 To be plain with sb: Tht tnh, ngay thng vi ngi no
1065 To be plainly dressed: n mc n s, gin d
1066 To be plastered: Say ru
1067 To be pleased with sth: Hi lng v vic g
1068 to be ploughed in the viva voce: (t long) b nh hng k thi vn p
1069 To be poles apart: Khc bit to ln
1070 To be poor at mathematics: Yu, km (d) v ton hc
1071 To be poorly housed: Cho tr tin nghi qu ngho nn
1072 To be poorly off: Lm vo tnh cnh thiu hut
1073 To be possessed by the devil: B qui m, b m nh
1074 To be possessed of: Co phm cht
1075 To be practised upon: B bp, b gt
1076 To be preoccupied by family troubles: Bn tr v nhng lo lng cho gia nh
1077 To be prepared to: Sn sng, vui lng (lm g)
1078 To be present in great strength: Co mt ng lm
1079 To be prey to sth; to fall prey to: B lm mi cho
1080 To be privy to sth: Co lin can vo vu g
1081 To be proficient in Latin: Gii La tinh
1082 To be profuse in one's praises: Khng tic li khen ngi
1083 To be promoted (to be) captain: c thng i y
1084 To be promoted by seniority: c thng chc v thm nin
1085 To be promoted to the rank of..: c thng ln chc
1086 To be prone to sth:
Co khuynh hng v vic g,
co mun nghing v vic g
1087 To be prostrated by the heat: B mt l v nong nc
1088 To be prostrated with grief: Bun r ri
1089 To be proud of having done sth: T c a lm c vic g
1090 To be public knowledge: Ai cng bit
1091 To be pumped by running: Chy mt ht hi
1092 To be punctual in the payment of one's rent: Tr tin mn rt ng k
1093 To be punished by sb: B ngi no trng pht
1094 To be purged from sin: Ra sch ti li
1095 To be purposed to do sth: Quyt nh lm vic g
1096 To be pushed for money: Tng tin, thiu tin
1097 To be put in the stocks: B gng
1098 To be put into (reduced to)a dilemma: B t vo th kho x
1099 To be put off eggs: Chn ngn trng g
1100 To be put out about sth: Bt man v vic g
1101 To be put to fire and sword: Trong cnh du si la bng
1102 To be qualified for a post: Co u t cch nhn mt chc vu
1103 To be quarrelsome in one's cup: Ru vo l gy g
1104 To be quartered with sb: tr nh ngi no
1105 To be queer: B m
1106 To be quick at accounts: Tnh le
1107 To be quick of apprehension: Tip thu nhanh
To be quick of hearing,
to have a keen sense of hearing Sng tai, thnh tai
1109 To be quick on one's pin: Nhanh chn
1110 To be quick on the draw: Rt sng nhanh
1111 To be quick on the trigger: Khng ch bn
1112 To be quick to sympathize: D thng cm
1113 To be quit of sb: Ht b ngi no rng buc
1114 To be quite frank with sb: Ngay tht i vi ai
1115 To be quite innocent of English grammar: M tt v vn phm ting Anh
1116 To be raised to the bench: c ct ln chc thm phn
1117 To be raised to the purple: c phong Hng Y, or c phong Hong
1118 To be rather puffed: Gn nh t hi
1119 To be ravenous: oi cn co
1120 To be ready for any eventualities: Sn sng trc mi bin c
1121 To be red with shame: mt v h then
1122 To be reduced by illness: Suy yu v au m
1123 To be reduced to beggary: Lm vo tnh cnh khn kh
1124 To be reduced to extremes: Cng ng
1125 To be reduced to the last extremity: B a vo ng cng, nc b
1126 To be regardful of the common aim: Quan tm n muc ch chung
1127 To be related to..: Co h hng vi.
1128 To be relentless in doing: Lm vic g hng hi
1129 To be reliant on sb to do sth: Da vo ai lm g
1130 To be reluctant to do sth: Min cng lm vic g
1131 To be remanded for a week: nh li mt tun l
1132 To be resigned to one's fate: Cam chu s phn mnh
1133 To be resolute in one's demands for peace: Quyt tm trong vic i hi ha bnh
1134 To be responsible for sth: Chu trch nhim v vic g
1135 To be responsible for the expenditure: Chu trch nhim chi tiu
1136 To be reticent about sth: Noi p m v iu g
1137 To be rich in imagery: Phong ph, giu hnh tng
1138 To be ridden by sth: Chu nng bi ci g
1139 To be rife with sth: Co nhiu vt g
1140 To be right in a conjecture: Phng on ng
1141 To be robbed of the rewards of one's labo(u)r: B cp mt phn thng cua cng lao
1142 To be rolling in cash: Tin nhiu nh nc
1143 To be rosy about the gills: Nc da hng ho
1144 To be round with sb: Noi thng vi ngi no
1145 To be roundly abused: B chi thng vo mt
1146 To be roused to anger: B chc gin
1147 To be rubbed out by the gangsters: B cp thu tiu
1148 To be rude to sb, to say rude things to sb: Tr li v l, l mang vi ngi no
1149 To be ruined by play: B st nghip v c bc
1150 To be ruled by sb: B ai khng ch
1151 To be sb's dependence: L ch nng ta cua ai
1152 To be sb's man: L ngi thuc phe ai
1153 To be sb's slave: Lm n l cho ngi no
1154 To be sb's superior in courage: Can m hn ngi no
1155 To be scalded to death: B cht phng
1156 To be scant of speech: t ni
1157 To be scarce of money: Ht tin
1158 To be scornful of material things: Xem nhe vt cht, coi khinh n~ nhu cu vt cht
1159 To be sea-sick: Say sng
1160 To be second to none: Chng thua km ai
1161 To be seconded by sb: c ngi no phu lc
1162 To be secure from attack: Bo m khng s b tn cng
1163 To be seething with hatred: Si suc cm th
1164 To be seized by panic: Tht kinh hong s
1165 To be seized with apoplexy: B nghet mu
1166 To be seized with compunction: B giy v v hi hn
1167 To be self-conscious in doing sth: T thc lm g
1168 To be sensible of one's defects: thc c cc khuyt im cua mnh
1169 To be sent on a mission: Ln ng thi hnh nhim vu
1170 To be sent to the block: B x chm
1171 To be sentenced to ten years' hard-labour: B kt n mi nm kh sai
1172 To be served round: Mi khp c
1173 To be severe upon sb: Nghim khc vi ai
1174 To be sewed up: Mt l, say mm
1175 To be shadowed by the police: B cnh st theo di
1176 To be sharp-set: Rt oi bung (oi co rut)
1177 To be shipwreck: B chm, b m
1178 To be shocked: B kinh hai
1179 To be shorn of human right: B tc ht nhn quyn
1180 To be short of cash: Thiu tin mt
1181 To be short of hand: Thiu ngi phu gip
1182 To be short of sth: Thiu, khng co u vt g
1183 To be short of the stuff: Tng tin, cn tin
1184 To be short of work: Tht nghip, khng co vic lm
1185 To be short with sb: V l vi ai
1186 To be shut off from society: B khai tr khi hi
1187 To be shy of (on) money: Thiu, hut, tng tin
1188 To be shy of doing sth: Lng l, do d, khng mun lm vic g
1189 To be sick at heart: Chn nn, ngao ngn
1190 To be sick for home: Nh nh, nh qu hng
1191 To be sick for love: Su mun v tnh, su tng t
1192 To be sick of a fever: B nong lnh, b st
1193 To be sick of the whole business: Chn ngy vic ny ri
1194 To be sickening for an illness: Co bnh ngm, co bnh sp pht khi
1195 To be slack in, doing sth: Lm bing lm vic g
1196 To be slightly elevated: Hi say, ng ng say
1197 To be slightly stimulated: Chnh chong, ng ng say
1198 To be slightly tipsy: Say ng ng
1199 To be slow of apprehension: Chm hiu
1200 To be slow of wit: Km thng minh
1201 To be smitten down with the plague: B bnh dch hch
1202 To be smitten with remorse: B hi hn giy v
1203 To be smittenby sb: Phi lng (yu) ngi no, c no
1204 To be smothered by the dust: B bui lm ngp th
1205 To be snagged: ung ngm, ung vt chng ngi
1206 To be snipped: B mt ngi np bn
1207 To be snookered: Trong hon cnh kho khn
1208 To be soft on sb: Say m, say m, phi lng ngi no
1209 To be sold on sth: Tin tt v iu g, hng ng iu g
1210 To be sole agent for: i l c quyn cho.
1211 To be solicitous of sth: Ham mun, c ao vt g
1212 To be sopping with rain: t m nc ma
1213 To be sound asleep: Ngu m
1214 To be spoiling for a fight: Hm h mun nh nhau
1215 To be spoons on sb: Phi lng ai, m ai nh iu
1216 To be spoony on sb: Tru mn ngi no
1217 To be sprung from a noble race: Xut thn t dng di qu tc
1218 To be square with sb: Ht mc n ngi no; sng phng vi ai
1219 To be staked through the body: (Hnh pht i xa ) B ong cc xuyn ln rut
1220 To be steady in one's principles: Trung thnh vi nguyn tc
1221 To be stifled by the smoke: B ngp khoi
1222 To be stigmatized as a coward and a liar: B lit l k hn nht v di tr
1223 To be still active: Cn lanh le
1224 To be still in one's nonage: Cn nh, cha n tui trng thnh
1225 To be strict with sb: Nghim khc i vi ngi no
1226 To be strong in one's resolve: Dt khot trong s quyt tm
1227 To be strong on sth: Gii, rnh v
1228 To be struck all of a heap: Sng st, kinh ngc
1229 To be struck on sb: Phi lng ngi no
1230 To be struggling with adversity: Chng chi vi nghch cnh
1231 To be stumped for an answer: B khng th tr li
1232 To be submerged by paperwork: Ngp lut v giy t chng cht
1233 To be subsidized by the State: c chnh phu tr cp
1234 To be successful in doing sth: Lm vic g co kt qu, thnh tu
1235 To be suited to, for sth: Thch hp vi vt g
1236 To be superior in numbers to the enemy: ng hn ch qun
1237 To be supposed, to do sth: c yu cu, co nhim vu g
1238 To be sure of oneself: T tin
1239 To be surprised at: Ly lm ngc nhin v
1240 To be swamped with work: Qu bn vic, cng vic lt u
1241 To be sweet on sb: Si tnh ngi no
1242 To be sworn (in): Tuyn th
1243 To be taken aback: Ngc nhin
1244 To be taken captive: B bt
1245 To be taken in: B la gt
1246 To be tantamount to sth: Bng vi vt g
1247 To be tardy for school: i hc tr gi
1248 To be ten meters deep: Mi thc b su, su mi thc
1249 To be ten years old: Mi tui
1250 To be thankful to sb for sth: Bit n, cm n ngi no v vic g
1251 To be the anchorage of sb's hope: L ngun hy vng cua ai
1252 To be the architect of one's own fortunes: T mnh lm giu
1253 To be the chattel of..: (Ngi n l) L vt s hu cua.
1254 To be the child of..: L thnh qu cua..; do sinh ra bi.
1255 To be the craze: Tr thnh mt
1256 To be the focal point of one's thinking: L im tp trung suy ngh cua ai
1257 To be the gainer by: Thng ci g
1258 To be the glory of the age: Nim vinh quang cua thi i
1259 To be the heart and soul of: L thnh phn ct cn cua (t chc, hi.)
1260 To be the last to come: L ngi n chot
1261 To be the loser of a battle: L k thua, bi trn
1262 To be the making of: Lm cho pht trin
1263 To be the pits: D, ti t
1264 To be the plaything of fate: L tr chi cua nh mnh
1265 To be the same flesh and blood: Cng dng h
1266 To be the slave of (a slave to) a passion: N l cho mt am m
1267 To be the staff of sb: L ch nng ta cua ai
1268 To be the stay of sb's old age: Ch nng ta cua ai trong lc tui gi
1269 To be the twelfth in one's class: ng hng mi hai trong lp
1270 To be the very picture of wickedness: Hin thn cua ti c
1271 To be there in full strength: Co mt ng u o (k
thiu sot ngi no)
1272 To be thirsty for blood: Kht mu
1273 To be thorough musician: Mt nhc s hon ton
1274 To be thoroughly mixed up: Bi ri ht sc
1275 To be thoroughly up in sth: Thng hiu, tho v vic g
1276 To be thrilled with joy: Mng rn
1277 To be thrown into transports of delight: Trn y hoan lc
1278 To be thrown out of the saddle: T nga, (bong) chng hng
1279 To be thunderstruck: Sng st, kinh ngc
To be tied (to be pinned) to
one's wife's apron-strings Bm ly gu vy v, hon ton l thuc vo v
1281 To be tied to one's mother's apron-strings: Ln qun bn mnh me
1282 To be tied up with: Co lin h n, co lin kt vi
1283 To be tin-hats: Say ru
1284 To be tired of: Chn ngn, chn ngy
1285 To be to blame: Chu trch nhim
1286 To be top dog: trong th co quyn lc
1287 To be transfixed with terror: S cht trn
1288 to be translated into the vernacular: c dch sang ting bn x
1289 To be transported with joy: Hoan hi, mng qunh ln
1290 To be transported with rage: Gin in ln
1291 To be transported with: Trn ngp cm kch bi, v cng cm kch v
1292 To be treated as a plaything: B coi nh chi
1293 To be treated as pariah: B i ai nh mt tn cng inh
1294 To be treed: Gp ng cng, lng tng
1295 To be tried by court-martial: B a ra ta n qun s
1296 To be troubled about sb: Lo lng, lo ngi cho ngi no
1297 To be troubled with wind: y hi
1298 To be turned out of house and home: B ui ra khi nh sng lang thang
1299 To be twenty years of age: Hai mi tui
1300 To be twice the man/woman (that sb is): Hn, khe hn, tt hn
1301 To be two meters in length: Di hai thc
1302 To be unable to make head or tail of: Khng th hiu
1303 To be unalarmed about sth: Khng lo s v chuyn g
1304 To be unapprehensive of danger: Khng s nguy him
1305 To be unapprehensive of danger: Khng s s nguy him
1306 To be unashamed of doing sth: Lm vic g khng bit xu h, h then
1307 To be unaware of sth: Khng hay bit chuyn g
1308 To be unbreathable in the deep cave: Kho th trong hang su
1309 To be unconscious of sth: Khng bit chuyn g
1310 To be unconversant with a question: Khng hiu r mt vn
1311 To be under a ban: B cm
1312 To be under a cloud: Lm vo cnh tuyt vng; B t ti
1313 To be under a delusion: Sng trong o tng, b mt o tng m nh
1314 to be under a vow to do something: a th (nguyn) lm vic g
1315 To be under an eclipse: B che khut, b n ng
1316 To be under an obligation to do sth: B bt buc lm vic g
1317 To be under compulsion to do sth: B bt buc lm vic g
1318 To be under cross-examination: Ngi gh b co, b ct vn
1319 To be under dog: trong th chu khut phuc
1320 To be under no restraint: T do hnh ng
1321 To be under oath: Th noi tht trc ta n
1322 To be under obligations to sb:
Co ngha vu i vi ngi no,
mang n ngi no
1323 To be under observation: B theo di gt gao
1324 To be under sb's care: Di s trng nom, sn soc, cua ngi no
1325 To be under sb's charge: t di s chm soc cua ai
1326 To be under sb's dominion: di quyn cua ngi no
1327 To be under sb's thumb: B ngi no km ch; di quyn no
1328 To be under sb's wardship: di s gim h cua ngi no
1329 To be under the conduct of sb: Di s hng dn, iu khin cua ngi no
1330 To be under the control of sb: Di quyn chi huy iu hnh cua ai
1331 To be under the harrow: Chu nhng s th thch gay go
1332 To be under the heels of the invader: B giy xo di got chn qun xm lc
1333 To be under the knife: Qua cuc gii phu
1334 To be under the leadership of sb: Di s dn o cua ngi no
1335 To be under the necessity of doing sth: B bt buc lm vic g
1336 To be under the tutelage of a master craftsman: Di s dy d cua thy dy ngh
1337 To be under the weather: (Thtuc) (ngi) Cm thy kho , au
1338 To be undesirous of doing sth: Khng ham mun lm vic g
1339 To be unentitled to sth: Khng co quyn v vic g
1340 To be unequal to doing sth: Khng th, khng u sc lm vic g
1341 To be unfaithful to one's husband: Khng chung thuy vi chng
1342 To be unhorsed: B t nga
1343 To be uninformed on a subject: Khng c cho bit trc v mt vn
1344 To be uninterested in sth: Khng quan tm n (vic g)
1345 To be unneedful of sth: Khng cn dng n vt g
1346 To be unpledged to any party: Khng thuc mt ng phi no c
1347 To be unprovided against an attack:
Khng co phng tin, khng sn sng chng
li mt cuc tn cng
1348 To be unready to do sth: Khng sn sng lm vic g
1349 To be unsatisfied about sth: Cn ng iu g
1350 To be unsteady on one's legs:
i khng vng;(ngi say ru) i lo o,
long chong
1351 To be unstruck by sth:
(Ngi) Khng ng lng,
khng cm ng v chuyn g
1352 To be unsuspicious of sth: Khng nghi ng vic g
1353 To be up a gum-tree: Lng tng
1354 To be up a tree: vo th b, lng tng
1355 To be up against difficulties: Vp phi, gp phi, nhng ni kho khn
1356 To be up against the law: B kin thua, b truy t trc php lut
1357 To be up all night: Thc sut m
1358 To be up betimes: Thc dy sm
1359 To be up to anything:
Co th lm bt c vic g,
vic g cng lm c c
1360 To be up to date: Hin i, hp thi, cp nht
1361 To be up to snuff: Mng nhic ngi no thm t
1362 To be up to sth: Bn lm vic g
1363 To be up to the chin, chin-deep in water: Nc ln ti cm
1364 To be up to the elbow in work: Cng vic nhiu lt u
1365 To be up to the eyes in: (Cng vic, n nn) Ngp u
1366 To be up with new buoy-rope: Phn chn vi nim hy vng mi
1367 To be up: Thc dy; thc m
1368 To be upon the die: Lm vo cnh him ngho
1369 To be uppermost: Chim th hn, c phn hn
1370 To be used for sth: Dng v vic g
1371 To be used to (doing) sth: Quen lm vic g
1372 To be vain of: T c v
1373 to be vastly amused: v cng vui thch
1374 to be vastly mistaken: lm to
1375 to be veiled in mystery: b giu kn trong mn b mt
1376 To be very attentive to sb: Ht sc n cn i vi ngi no
1377 To be very dogmatic: Vic g cng quyt on c
1378 To be very exalted: Rt phn khi
1379 To be very hot: Rt nong
1380 To be very humble towards one's superiors: Co thi qu khm nm i vi cp trn
1381 To be very intimate with sb: Rt thn mt vi ngi no
1382 To be very mean with money: Rt bn tin v tin nong
1383 To be very much annoyed (at, about, sth): Bt man (v vic g)
1384 To be very much in the public eye: L ngi tai mt trong thin h
1385 To be very open-hearted:
Trong lng lm sao th noi ra lm vy,
ngh sao noi vy
1386 To be very punctilious: Qu cu n hnh thc
1387 To be very sore about one's defeat: Rt bun phin v s tht bi cua mnh
1388 To be very talkative: Ming li
1389 to be visited by (with) a disease: b nhim bnh
1390 To be voted into the chair: c bu, c c lm chu tch
1391 To be wary of sth: Coi chng, phng vic g
1392 To be watchful of one's appearance: Thn trng trong b ngoi cua mnh
1393 To be waylaid: B mc by
1394 To be wearing all one's orders: Mang, eo tt c huy chng
1395 To be welcome guest everywhere: Ch no cng c hoan nghnh, trng ai
1396 To be welcomed in great state: c tip on long trng
1397 To be well (badly)groomed: n mc chinh t (li thi)
1398 To be well fixed: Giu c
1399 To be well off: Giu xu, phong lu
1400 To be well on the way to recovery: Trn ng bnh phuc, lnh bnh
1401 To be well primed (with liquor): Say (ru)
1402 To be well shaken before taking: Lc mnh trc khi dng
1403 To be well: Mnh gii, mnh khe
1404 To be well-informed on a subject: Bit r mt vn
1405 To be well-off: Giu co, d gi, phong lu, may mn
To be wet through, wet to the skin, dripping wet,
as wet as a drowned t nh chut lt
1407 To be wholly devoted to sb: Ht lng, tn tm vi ngi no
1408 To be wide of the target: Xa muc tiu
1409 To be wild about: Say m in cung
1410 To be willing to do sth: Rt mun lm vic g
1411 To be winded by a long run: Mt t hi v chy xa
1412 To be with child: Co cha, co mang, co thai
1413 To be with God: trn tri
1414 To be with sb: ng vi ai hay ung h ai
1415 To be with the colours: Ti ng
1416 To be with the Saints: Cht
1417 To be within an ace of death: Gn k ci cht, gn k ming l
1418 To be within sight: Trong tm mt
1419 To be within the competency of a court: Thuc v thm quyn cua mt ta n
1420 To be without friends: Khng co bn b
1421 To be wont to do sth: Co thoi quen, thng quen lm vic g
1422 To be worked by steam, by electricity: (My) Chy bng hi nc, bng in
1423 To be worn out: C, mn qu khng dng c na
1424 To be worn out: Kit sc
1425 To be worn out: Rch t ti
1426 To be worth (one's) while: ng cng (kho nhc)
1427 To be worth a mint of money: (Ngi) Rt giu co
1428 To be worthy of death: ng cht
1429 To be wrecked: (Tu) m, chm
1 To do (say) the correct thing: Lm (noi) ng lc, lm (noi) iu phi
2 To do (sb's) job; to do the job for (sb): Lm hi ai
3 To do (work) miracles: (Thtuc)To kt qu k diu
4 To do a baby up again: Bc ta li cho mt a b
5 To do a course in manicure: Hc mt lp ct, sa mong tay
6 To do a dirty work for him: Lm gip ai vic g nng nhc
7 To do a disappearing act: Chun, bin mt khi cn n
8 To do a good deed every day: Mi ngy lm mt vic thin
9 To do a guy: Trn, tu thot
10 To do a meal: Lm cm
11 To do a person an injustice: i x vi ai mt cch bt cng
12 To do a roaring trade: Bun bn pht t
13 To do a scoot: Trn, chun, nh bi tu ma
14 To do a silly thing: Lm by
15 To do a strip: Thot y
16 To do again: Lm li
17 To do as one pleases: Lm theo mun cua mnh
18 To do by rule: Lm vic theo lut
19 To do credit to sb: To uy tn cho ai
20 To do duty for sb: Thay th ngi no
21 To do everything in, with, due measure: Lm vic g cng co chng mc
22 To do everything that is humanly possible: Lm tt c n~ g m sc ngi co th lm c
23 To do good (in the world): Lm iu lnh, lm phc
24 To do gymnastics: Tp th duc
25 To do job-work: Lm khon (n lng theo sn phm)
26 To do one's best: C gng ht sc; lm tn lc
27 To do one's bit: Lm chia x mt phn trch nhim vo
28 To do one's daily stint: Lm trn phn s mi ngy
29 To do one's duty (to)sb: Lm trn ngha vu i vi ngi no
30 To do one's hair before the glass: Sa toc trc gng
31 To do one's level best: Lm ht sc, c gng ht sc
32 To do one's needs: i i tin, tiu tin
33 To do one's nut: Ni gin
34 To do one's packing: Sa son hnh l
35 To do one's stuff: Tr ht ti nng ra
36 To do one's utmost: Lm ht sc mnh
37 To do outwork for a clothing factory: Lm ngoi gi cho xng may mc
38 To do penance for sth: Chu kh hnh v vic g
39 To do porridge: (Anh, long) t, thi hnh n t
40 To do research on the side effects of the pill: Tm ti phn ng phu cua thuc nga thai
41 To do sb (a) hurt: Lm cho ngi no au, b thng
42 To do sb a (good) turn: Gip, gip ngi no
43 To do sb a bad turn: Lm hi ngi no
44 To do sb a disservice: Lm hi, bo hi ngi no
45 To do sb an injury:
Gy tn hi cho ngi no,
lm hi thanh danh ngi no
46 To do sb brown: Phng gt ngi no
47 To do sb honour: (T ra tn knh) By t nim vinh d i vi ai
48 To do sb wrong, to do wrong to sb: Lm hi, lm thit hi cho ngi no
49 To do sth (all) by oneself: Lm vic g mt mnh khng co ai gip
50 To do sth a divious way: Lm vic khng ngay thng
51 To do sth according to one's light: Lm ci g theo s hiu bit cua mnh
52 To do sth all by one's lonesome: Lm vic g mt mnh
53 To do sth anyhow: Lm vic g ty tin, th no cng c
54 To do sth at (one's) leisure: Lm vic thong th, khng vi
55 To do sth at request: Lm vic g theo li yu cu
56 To do sth at sb's behest: Lm vic g do lnh cua ngi no
57 To do sth at sb's dictation: Lm vic theo s sai khin cua ai
58 To do sth at, (by) sb's command: Lm theo mnh lnh cua ngi no
59 To do sth behind sb's back: Lm g sau lng ai
60 To do sth by halves: Lm ci g na vi
61 To do sth by mistake: Lm vic g mt cch v , s
62 To do sth for a lark: Lm vic g a chi
63 To do sth for amusement: Lm vic g gii tr
64 To do sth for effect: Lm vic g to n tng
65 To do sth for lucre: Lm vic g vu li
66 To do sth for the sake of sb, for sb's sake: Lm vic g v ngi no,v li ch ngi no
67 To do sth in a leisurely fashion: Lm vic g mt cch thong th
68 To do sth in a loose manner: Lm vic g k
co phng php, thiu h thng
69 To do sth in a private capacity: Lm vic vi t cch c nhn
70 To do sth in haste: Lm gp vic g
71 To do sth in sight of everybody: Lm vic g ai ai cng thy
72 To do sth in the army fashion: Lm vic g theo kiu nh binh
73 To do sth in three hours: Lm vic g trong ba ting ng h
74 To do sth of one's free will: Lm vic g t nguyn
75 To do sth of one's own accord: T lm g
76 To do sth of one's own choice: Lm vic g theo ring cua mnh
77 To do sth on one's own hook: Lm vic g mt mnh, khng ngi gip
78 To do sth on one's own: T lm ci g
79 To do sth on principle: Lm g theo nguyn tc
80 To do sth on spec: Lm vic g mong thu li
81 To do sth on the level: Lm g mt cch tht th
82 To do sth on the sly: m thm, kn o giu gim, ln lt lm vic g
83 To do sth on the spot: Lm vic g lp tc
84 To do sth out of spite: Lm vic g do c
85 To do sth right away: Lm vic g ngay lp tc, tc khc
86 To do sth slap-dash, In a slap-dash manner: Lm vic g mt cch cu th
87 To do sth through the instrumentality of sb: Lm vic g nh s gip cua ngi no
88 To do sth to the best of one's ability: Lm vic g ht sc mnh
89 To do sth unasked: T lm vic g
90 To do sth under duress: Lm g do cng p
91 To do sth unhelped: Lm vic g mt mnh
92 To do sth unmasked:
Lm vic g gia ban ngy, khng giu gim,
khng che y
93 To do sth unprompted: T lm vic g
94 To do sth unresisted: Lm vic g khng b ngn tr, k
b phn i
95 To do sth unsought: T lm vic g
To do sth with (all)expediton;
to use expedition in doing sth Lm gp vic
97 To do sth with a good grace: Vui lng lm vic g
98 To do sth with a will: Lm vic g mt cch st sng
99 To do sth with all speed, at speed: Lm vic g rt mau le
100 To do sth with dispatch:
Lm ci g vi vng, nhanh chong;
bn tin, bng thng bo
101 To do sth with grace: Lm vic g mt cch duyn dng
102 To do sth with great care: Lm vic g ht sc cn thn
103 To do sth with great caution: Lm vic g ht sc cn thn
104 To do sth with great clat: Lm ci g thnh cng ln
105 To do sth with great ease: Lm vic g rt d dng
106 To do sth with great facility: Lm vic g rt d dng
107 To do sth with minute detail: Lm vic g ti mi, thn trng tng chi tit
To do sth with no preparation,
without any preparation Lm vic g khng sa son, khng d b
109 To do sth with one's whole heart: Ht lng lm vic g
110 To do sth with reluctance: Lm vic g mt cch min cng
111 To do sth without respect to the results: Lm vic g khng quan tm n kt qu
112 To do sth wrong: Lm trt mt iu g
113 To do sthwith great dexterity: Lm vic rt kho tay
114 To do the cooking: Nu n, lm cm
115 To do the dirty on sb: Chi u ai
116 To do the dirty on; to play a mean trick on: Chi khm ai, chi u ai
117 To do the mending: V qun o
118 To do the rest: Lm vic cn li
119 To do the washing: Git qun o
120 To do things by rule: Lm theo nguyn tc
121 to do time: chu hn t (k co ti)
122 To do up one's face: Gii phn, trang im phn hng
123 To do up one's hair: Bi toc
124 to do violence to one's principles: lm ngc li vi nguyn tc mnh ra
125 To do well by sb: T ra tt, t t, rng rai vi ngi no
126 To do whatever is expedient: Lm bt c ci g co li
127 To do without food: Nhn n
1 To eat (drink) one's fill: n, ung n no n
2 To eat a hearty breakfast: n im tm thnh son
3 To eat and drink in moderation: n ung co iu
4 To eat crow: B lm nhuc
5 To eat dirt: Nut nhuc
6 To eat like a pig: Tham n, hu n nh ln
7 To eat muck: n nhng bn thiu
8 To eat off gold plate: n bng mm ngc a vng
9 To eat one's heart out: Ho hon mn mi v thm mun v ganh t
10 To eat one's words: Nhn l noi sai nn xin rt li li
11 To eat quickly: n mau
12 To eat sb out of house and home: n cua ai st nghip
13 To eat sb's toads: Nnh hot, b ngi no
14 To eat some fruit: n mt t tri cy
15 To eat the bread of affliction: Lo bun, phin nao
16 To eat the bread of idleness: V cng ri ngh
17 To eat the leek: Chu nhuc, nut nhuc, ngm b hn
18 To eat to repletion: n n chn
19 To eat to satiety: n n chn
20 To eat up one's food: n ht n
21 To eat with avidity: n ngu nghin
22 To eat, drink, to excess: n, ung qu
23 To get sth to eat: Kim ci g n (trong tu n)
24 To have breakfast, to eat one's breakfast: n sng
25 To have nothing to eat: Khng co g n c
26 To tempt a child to eat: D tr n
1 To go aboard: Ln tu
2 To go about one's lawful occasion: Lm cng vic mnh trong phm vi hp php
3 To go about one's usual work: Lo cng vic theo thng l
4 To go about to do sth: C gng lm vic g
5 To go across a bridge: i qua cu
6 To go against the current: i ngc dng nc
7 To go against the tide: i nc ngc; ngc chiu nc
8 To go all awry: (K hoch) Hng, tht bi
9 To go along at easy jog: i thong th, chy lp xp
10 To go along dot-and-go-one: i c nhc
11 To go among people: Giao thip vi i
12 To go and seek sb: i kim ngi no
13 To go around the world: i vng quanh th gii (vng quanh a cu)
14 To go ashore: Ln b
15 To go astray: i lc ng
16 To go at a crawl: i l lt, i chm chm
17 To go at a furious pace: Chy rt mau; rt hng
18 To go at a good pace: i ro bc
19 To go at a snail's pace: i chm nh ra, i rt chm chp
20 To go at a spanking pace: (Nga) Chy mau, chy u
21 To go at the foot's pace: i tng bc
22 To go away for a fortnight: i vng hai tun l
23 To go away for ever: i khng tr li
24 To go away with a flea in one's ear: B xua ui v chi trch nng n
25 To go away with sth: em vt g i
26 To go away with sth: Ly, mang vt g i
27 To go back into one's room: Tr vo phng cua mnh
28 To go back into the army: Tr v qun ng
29 To go back on one's word: Khng gi li, nut li
30 To go back the same way: Tr li con ng c
31 To go back to a subject: Tr li mt vn
32 To go back to one's native land: Tr v qu hng, hi hng
33 To go back to the beginning: Bt u li, khi s li
34 To go back to the past: Tr v qu kh, d vang
35 To go back two paces: Bc lui hai bc
36 To go backwards: i git li, i li li, thoi lui
37 To go bad: B thiu, b thi
38 To go bail (to put in bail) for sb: ong tin bo lanh cho ngi no
39 To go bananas: (Long)Tr nn in r
40 To go bankrupt: Ph sn, v n, khnh tn
41 To go before: i ti trc
42 To go behind a decision: Xt li mt quyt nh
43 To go behind sb's words: Tm hiu mt n trong li noi cua ngi no
44 To go beyond all bounds, to pass all bounds: Vt qu phm vi, gii hn
45 To go beyond one's authority: Vt qu quyn hn cua mnh
46 To go blackberrying: i hi du
47 To go blind with rage: Gin tm c ngi
48 To go broody: Mun p trng
49 To go bung: B v n, ph sn
50 To go by boat: i bng tu thuy, bng thuyn
51 To go by certain principles: Hnh ng theo mt s nguyn tc nht nh
52 To go by certain principles: Lm theo mt s nguyn tc no o
53 To go by steam: Chy bng hi nc
54 To go by the directions: Lm theo li dy, li chi dn
55 To go by train: i xe la
56 To go by: i ngang qua
57 To go chestnutting: i hai tri lt, tri d ty
58 To go clear round the globe: i vng quanh th gii
59 To go crazy: Pht in, pht cung
60 To go cuckoo: (My) Hi in, gn, khng gi c bnh tnh
61 To go dead slow: i tht chm
62 To go dead: (Tay, chn) T cong (v lnh)
63 To go down (fall, drop) on one's knees: Qu gi
64 To go down (from the university): T gia (i hc ng)
65 To go down before an opponent: B ch thu nh nga
66 To go down in an exam: Thi hng, rt, b nh hng trong mt k thi
67 To go down into the tomb: Cht, xung m
68 To go down the hill: Xung dc
69 To go down the river: i v min h lu (cua con sng)
70 To go down to the country: V min qu
71 To go down to the South: i v min Nam
72 To go downhill:
(ng) Dc xung;(xe) xung dc;
(ngi) n tui gi yu; lm n tht bi
73 To go down-stream: i v min h lu
74 To go downtown: i ph
75 To go far afield, farther afield: i tht xa nh
76 To go far: i xa
77 To go fifty-fifty: Chia i, chia thnh hai phn bng nhau
78 To go fishing at week ends: i cu c vo ngy nghi cui tun
79 To go fishing: i cu c, nh c
80 To go flop:
(Tung ht) Tht bi;(cng vic) hng,
tht bi; (ngi) nga xiu xung
81 To go foodless: Nhn n
82 To go for a (half-hour's) roam: i do chi (trong na ting ng h)
83 To go for a blow: i hng gio
84 To go for a doctor: i mi bc s
85 To go for a drive: i chi bng xe
86 To go for a good round: i do mt vng
87 To go for a horse ride on the beach: Ci nga i do trn bai bin
88 To go for a quick pee: Tranh thu i tiu
89 To go for a ramble: i do chi
90 To go for a ride, to take a ride: i chi mt vng
91 To go for a row on the river: i cho xung trn sng
92 To go for a run: i do
93 To go for a sail: i du ngon bng thuyn
94 To go for a short run before breakfast: Chy chm mt on ngn trc khi n sng
95 To go for a spin: i do chi
96 To go for a swim: i bi
97 To go for a trip round the lake: i chi mt vng quanh h
98 To go for a trip round the world: i du lch vng quanh th gii
99 To go for a walk: i do, i do mt vng
100 To go for nothing: Khng i n u, khng t g c
101 To go for sb in the papers: Cng kch ngi no trn mt bo
102 To go from bad to worse: Tr nn cng ngy cng ti t
103 To go from hence into the other world: Qua bn kia th gii (cht, la trn)
104 To go from worse to worse: i t t hi ny n t hi khc
105 To go full bat: i ba chn bn cng
106 To go full tear: i rt nhanh
107 To go further than sb: Thu dt thm, noi thm hn ngi no a noi
108 To go gaga: Hoa lm cm; hi mt
109 To go gaping about the streets: i lu lng ngoi ng ph
110 To go gay: (n b) Phong ang, dm ang, truy lc
111 To go goosy: Rn toc gy
112 To go guarantee for sb: ng ra bo lanh cho ai
113 To go halves with sb in sth: Chia x ci g vi ai
114 To go home: (n)Trng ch
115 To go home: V nh
116 To go house hunting: i kim nh ( thu hoc mua)
117 To go hungry: Nhn oi
118 To go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other: Vo tai ny ra tai khc, khng nh g c
119 To go in for an examination: i thi, d b i thi
120 To go in for one's pipe: Tr v ly ng iu
121 To go in for riding: Ln nga
122 To go in for sb: Cu hn ngi no
123 To go in for sports: Ham m, hm m th thao
124 To go in quest of sb: i tm, kim ngi no
125 To go in terror of sb: S ngi no n xanh mt
126 To go in the direction of Si Gn: i v pha, ng Saigon
127 To go indoors: i vo (nh)
128 To go into a convent: i tu dng n
129 To go into a house: i vo trong nh
130 To go into a huddle with sb: Hi ring vi ai
131 To go into a question: Xt mt vn
132 To go into business: i vo hot ng kinh doanh
133 To go into consumption: B lao phi
134 To go into details: i vo chi tit
135 To go into ecstasies over sth: Ngy ngt trc vt g
136 To go into liquidation: B ph sn
137 To go into mourning: Chu tang
138 To go into rapture: Trong s say m
139 To go into retreat: Sng n dt
140 To go into reverse: Cho (xe) chy lui li
141 To go into rhapsodies over: Biu l s ho hng phn khi v cng v.
142 To go into the church: i tu
143 To go into the dock: Tu vo bn
144 To go into the first gear: Sang s mt
145 To go into the melting-pot: (Bong) B bin i
146 To go into the union house: Vo nh t bn
147 To go loose: T do, c th lng
148 To go mad: Pht in
149 To go mushrooming: i nh nm
150 To go must: Ni cn gin
151 To go nesting: i g t chim
152 To go north: i v hng bc, phng bc, pha bc
153 To go off at score: Bt u ht sc si ni (mt bui tranh lun)
154 To go off the boil: Ht si
155 To go off the hooks: Ni gin, gin d; kt hn
156 To go off with sth: em vt g i
157 To go off, to be off: i, b i; trn, chun
158 To go on a bender: Ch chn linh nh
159 To go on a fool's errand: Co ting m khng co ming
160 To go on a hunt for sth: Tm kim vt g
161 To go on a light diet: n nhng nhe
162 To go on a pilgrimage: i hnh hng
163 To go on a ten-miled hike: i b chi 10 dm ng
164 to go on a voyage: i du lch xa bng ng bin
165 To go on appearances: Xt b ngoi, hnh thc
166 To go on as before: Lm nh trc
167 To go on as Hamlet: ong vai Hamlet
168 To go on board: Ln tu
169 To go on crutches: i bng nng
170 To go on foot, by train: i b, i xe la
171 To go on guard: i gc, canh gc
172 To go on one's knees: Qu gi
173 To go on speaking till one is fit to stop: Tip tuc noi cho n lc thch nghi
174 To go on the batter: (Thuyn) Chy xo trnh gio ngc
175 To go on the burst: By tic ln, n ung say sa
176 To go on the gamble: M c bc
177 To go on the prowl: i sn mi
178 To go on the racket: Ham chi, ham n ung say sa
179 To go on the spree: Vui chi, n ung say sa
180 To go on the stage: Bc vo ngh sn khu
181 To go on the streets: Kim tin bng cch lm gi
182 To go on wheels: Tri chy, tin hnh tt ep
183 To go one's own way: Lm theo ring, s thch cua mnh
184 To go out (on strike): Lm reo (nh cng)
185 To go out gunning: i sn bn
186 To go out in a hurry: i ra vi vng, hp tp i ra
187 To go out in the poll: thng
188 To go out of fashion: Qu mt, lc hu thi trang
189 To go out of mourning: Mn tang
190 To go out of one's mind: B qun i
191 To go out of one's way (to do sth): Ct cng chu kho lm vic g
192 To go out of the subject: Ra ngoi , lc
193 to go out of view: i khut khng nhn thy c na
194 To go out poaching on a farmer's land: i bt trm th cua nng tri
195 To go out to dinner: i n cm khch, n cm tim
196 To go out unobserved: i ra ngoi khng ai thy
197 To go out with a gun: i sn
198 To go out, walk out: i ra
199 To go overboard: Rt nhit tnh
200 To go part of the distance on foot: i b mt quang ng
201 To go past: i qua
202 To go phut: Sup , tan v, tht bi
203 To go prawning: i cu tm
204 To go quail-netting: i git li bt chim ct
205 To go right on: i thng ti
206 To go round the globe: i vng quanh a cu
To go round with the hat;to make the hat go round; to
pass round the hat, to send round the hat: i lc quyn
208 To go sealing: i sn hi bo
209 To go shares with sb in the expense of a taxi: Gop tin vi ngi no i xe tc xi
210 To go shooting: i sn bn
211 To go shrimping: i bt tm
212 To go skating before the thaw sets in: i trt tuyt trc khi tuyt tan
213 To go slow: i chm
214 To go slower: i chm li
215 To go smash: (Nh bun) B ph sn
216 To go snacks with sb in sth: Chia vt g vi ngi no
217 To go sour: Tr nn xu, kho chu
218 To go spare: Ni gin
219 To go straight forward: i thng ti trc
220 To go straight: i thng
221 To go ta-tas: i do mt vng
222 To go the pace:
1.n chi phong ang;
2.i nhanh
223 To go through a terrible ordeal: Tri qua mt cuc th thch gay go
224 To go through all the money: Tiu ht tin
225 To go through fire and water: Tri qua nguy him
226 To go through one's facing: Qua s kim tra v nng khiu
227 To go through the roof: Ni trn li nh
228 To go through thick and thin for sb: Mo him v ngi no
229 To go to a better world: Cht, qua bn kia th gii
230 To go to a place: i n mt ni no
231 To go to and fro: i ti i lui
232 To go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark: Ngu sm dy sm, ngu sm nh g
233 To go to bed; to go to bye bye i ngu
To go to Cap.St (Cap Saint Jacques)
Jacques for a sniff of the briny: i cp hng gio bin
235 To go to clink, to be put in clink: B giam
236 To go to communion: i rc l
237 To go to confession: i xng ti
238 To go to earth: (Chn) Np, trn trong hang
239 To go to England via Gibraltar: i n Anh qua Gibranta
240 To go to extremes, to run to an extreme: Dng n nhng bin php cc oan
241 To go to glory: Cht
242 To go to ground: Np, trn vo trong hang, chun (chui) xung l
243 To go to heaven: Ln thin ng
244 To go to ones's head: 1.Lm ri tr, gy kch thch;
245 To go to pieces: B suy sup, b mt bnh tnh
246 To go to pot: (Thtuc)Tiu ma, hng bt
247 To go to rack and ruin: nt, tiu tan, tan thnh my khoi
248 To go to roost: (Ngi) i ngu
249 To go to ruin: B nt
250 To go to sb's funeral: i a m ma ngi no
251 To go to sb's relief: Gip ngi no
252 To go to stool: i tiu
253 To go to stools: i tiu, i ia
254 To go to the bad: (Ngi)Tr nn h hng, h n
255 To go to the bat with sb: Thi u vi ai
256 To go to the bath: i tm
257 To go to the bottom: Chm
258 To go to the devil!: Ct i!
259 To go to the devil: Ph sn, lun bi
260 To go to the fountain-head: Tham cu ngun gc
261 To go to the greenwood: Vo rng ; sng ngoi php lut
262 To go to the hairdresser's for a perm: n tim un toc sa cho toc qun lun
263 To go to the kirk: i nh th
264 To go to the play: i xem kch
265 To go to the poll: D cuc u phiu
266 To go to the races and have a flutter: i coi chy ua v nh c
267 To go to the theatre: i xem ht
268 To go to the tune of: Ph theo iu
269 to go to the vote: i b phiu
270 To go to the wall: Tht bi
271 To go to town to do some shopping: i ph mua sm mt vi th
272 To go to wrack and ruin: B suy sup, nt
273 To go to, to mount, the scaffold: Ln on u i
274 To go together: i chung vi nhau
275 To go too far: i xa qu
276 To go up (down) the stream: i ngc dng
277 To go up a form: (Hc) Ln lp
278 To go up in an aeroplane: Ln phi c
279 To go up in the air: Mt bnh tnh
280 To go up the line: Ra trn
281 To go up the stairs: Bc ln thang lu
282 To go up to the university: Vo trng i hc
283 To go up: i ln
284 To go upstairs: Ln lu
285 To go uptown: i ln khu dn c ven
286 To go vacationing: i nghi h, i nghi mt
287 To go west: i v hng ty
288 To go with a girl: Theo ui, theo tn mt c gi; i vi gi
289 To go with child: (n b) Co cha, co mang
290 To go with the stream: Theo dng (nc), theo tro lu
291 To go with wind in one's face: i ngc chiu gio
292 To go with young: (Th) Co cha, co mang
293 To go within: i vo trong nh, trong phng
294 To go without food: Nhn n
295 To go, come out on strike: Bai cng, nh cng
296 To go, ride, at a foot-pace: (Nga) i, chy chm, chy bc mt
1 To have a bad liver: B au gan
2 To have a bare competency: Va u sng
3 To have a bath: Tm
4 To have a bee in one's bonnet: B m nh
5 To have a bias against sb: Thnh kin vi ai
6 To have a bit of a scrap with sb: Cuc chm trn vi ai
7 To have a bit of a snog: Hng mt cht s hn ht v u ym
8 To have a blighty wound: B mt vt thng co th c gii ng
9 To have a bone in one's last legs: Li bing
10 To have a bone in one's throat: Mt noi khng ra hi
11 To have a bone to pick with sb.:
Co vic tranh chp vi ai;
co vn phi thanh ton vi ai
12 To have a brittle temper: D gin d, gt gng
13 To have a broad back: Lng rng
14 To have a browse in a bookshop: Xem lt qua ti ca hng sch
15 To have a cast in one's eyes: Hi l
16 to have a catholic taste in literature: ham thch rng rai cc ngnh vn hc
17 To have a chat with sb: Noi chuyn bng qu vi ngi no
18 To have a chew at sth: Nhai vt g
19 To have a chin-wag with sb:
Noi chuyn b lp,
noi chuyn nhm vi ngi no
20 To have a chip on one's shoulder: (My) Sn sng gy chuyn nh nhau
21 To have a cinch on a thing: Nm cht ci g
22 To have a claim to sth: Co quyn yu cu vic g
23 To have a clear utterance: Ni r rng
24 To have a clear-out: i tiu
25 To have a close shave of it: Sut na th khn ri
26 To have a cobweb in one's throat: Kh c hng
27 To have a cock-shot at sb: Nm .
28 To have a cold: B cm lnh
29 To have a comical face: Co b mt ng tc ci
30 To have a comprehensive mind: Co tm hiu bit uyn bc
31 To have a concern in business: Co c phn trong kinh doanh
32 To have a connection with..: Co lin quan n, vi.
33 To have a contempt for sth: Khinh thng vic g
34 To have a corner in sb's heart: c ai yu mn
35 To have a cough ho
36 To have a crippled foot: Qu mt chn
37 To have a crush on sb: Yu, m, phi lng ngi no
38 To have a cuddle together: m ly nhau
39 To have a debauch: Chi bi, ru ch, trai gi
40 To have a deep horror of cruelty: Ti cm ght s tn bo
41 To have a delicate palate: Snh n
42 To have a desire to do sth: Mun lm vic g
43 To have a dig at sb: Chi trch ngi no
44 To have a dip in the sea: Tm bin
45 To have a disposition to be jealous: C tnh ghen tung
46 To have a distant relation with sb: Co h xa vi ai
47 To have a distant view of sth: Thy vt g t ng xa
48 To have a down on sb: Ghen ght, th hn ai
49 To have a doze: Ngu mt gic thim thip
50 To have a dram: Ung mt cc ru nh
51 To have a dream: Nm mng, nm chim bao, m mt gic m
52 To have a drench: B ma t sng
53 To have a drop in one's eye: Co v say ri
54 To have a dust-up with sb: Cai ly, gy g vi ngi no
55 To have a far-reaching influence: Gy nh hng ln
56 To have a fast hold of sth: Nm chc vt g
57 To have a favourable result: Co kt qu tt ep
58 To have a feeling for music: Co khiu v m nhc
59 To have a fine set of teeth: Co hm rng ep
60 To have a fine turn of speed:
Co th tng thnh lnh tc hay
mc tin trin
61 To have a finger in the pie: Co nhng tay vo vic g
62 To have a fit: Ln cn ng kinh, ni gin
63 To have a fling at sb: (Nga) ngi no
64 To have a fling of stone at the bird: Nm hn vo con chim
65 To have a flirtation with sb: Co quan h yu ng vi ai
66 To have a flushed face: bng mt
67 To have a fresh colour: Co nc da ti tn
68 To have a frightful headache: Nhc u kinh khung
69 To have a fringe of curls on the forehead: Ln toc xa xung trc trn
70 To have a full order-book: Co mt s t mua hng dy c
71 To have a gathered finger: Co ngon tay b sng
72 To have a genius for business: C ti kinh doanh
73 To have a genius for doing sth: Co ti lm vic g
74 To have a genius for mathematics: Co thin ti v ton hc
75 To have a German accent: Co ging c
76 To have a gift for mathematics: Co nng khiu v ton hc
77 To have a glass together: Cung ly vi nhau
78 To have a glib tongue: Co ti n noi, li khu
79 To have a go at sth: Th lm vic g
80 To have a good acquaintance with sth: Hiu bit r v ci g
81 To have a good bedside manner: Kho lo i vi bnh nhn
82 To have a good clear conscience: Lng tm trong sch
83 To have a good feed: n ngon
84 To have a good grip of a subject: Am hiu tng tn mt vn
85 To have a good heart: Co tm lng tt
86 To have a good memory: Co tr nh tt
87 To have a good nose: Co khu gic tinh, thnh mi
88 To have a good slack: Nghi mt cch thoi mi
89 To have a good supper: n mt ba ti ngon lnh
90 To have a good tuck-in: Dng mt ba n thnh son
91 To have a great faculty for doing sth: Co d (tha) ti, co nng khiu lm vic g
92 To have a great hold over sb: Co nh hng ln i vi ai
93 to have a great vogue: thnh hnh khp ni, c ngi ta rt chung
94 To have a grouch on: ang gt gng
95 To have a grudge against sb: Th on ai
96 To have a hand at pastry: Lm bnh ngt kho tay
97 To have a handle to one's name: Co chc tc cho tn mnh
98 To have a hankering for a cigarette: Cm thy thm thuc l
99 To have a headache: Nhc u
100 To have a heart attack: B au tim
101 To have a heavy cold: B cm nng
102 To have a heavy in the play: ong mt vai nghim trong v kch
103 To have a high opinion of sb: Knh trng ngi no, nh gi cao ngi no
To have a high sense of duty,
a delicate sense of humour
Co mt tinh thn trch nhim cao,
mt thc tro phng t nh
105 To have a hitch to London: Qu giang xe ti Lun n
106 To have a hobble in one's gait: i c nhc, i khp khnh
107 To have a holy terror of sth: S vt g nh s la
108 To have a horror of sb: Ght, gh tm ngi no
109 To have a horse vetted: em nga cho th y khm bnh
110 To have a house-warming: T chc tic tn gia
111 To have a hump: G lng
112 To have a humpback: B g lng
113 To have a hunch that: Nghi rng, co linh cm rng
114 To have a hungry look: Co v oi
115 To have a jealous streak: C tnh ghen tung
116 To have a joke with sb: Chia x nim vui vi ai
117 To have a joke with sb: Noi chi, noi a vi ngi no
118 To have a knowledge of several languages: Bit nhiu th ting
119 To have a large household: Nh co nhiu ngi
120 To have a lead of ten meters: i trc mi thc
121 To have a leaning toward socialism: Co khuynh hng xa hi chu ngha
122 To have a liability to catch cold: D b cm
123 To have a light foot: i nhe nhng
124 To have a liking for: Yu mn, thch.
125 To have a limp, to walk with a limp: i c nhc, i khp khnh
126 To have a little money in reserve: Co tin dnh
127 To have a load on: (My) Say ru
128 To have a long arm: (Bong) Co th lc, co nh hng, co quyn lc
129 To have a long face: Mt thn ra, chn nn
130 To have a long tongue: Ni ba hoa chch che
131 To have a look at sth: Nhn vt g
132 To have a loose tongue: Noi nng ba bai
133 To have a maggot in one's head: Co mt ngh k qui trong u
134 To have a mania for football: Say m bong
135 To have a mash on sb: Lm cho ai si m
136 To have a memory like a sieve: Tnh mau qun
137 To have a miraculous escape: Trn thot mt cch k l
138 To have a miscarriage: Sy thai, non, sinh thiu thng
139 To have a monkey on one's back: Nghin thuc phin
140 To have a motion: i tiu
141 To have a narrow squeak:
iu nguy him sut na b mc phi,
nhng may m thot khi
142 To have a nasal voice: Noi ging mi
143 To have a nasty spill: B t mt ci au
144 To have a natural wave in one's hair: Co toc dn (qun) t nhin
145 To have a near touch: Thot him
146 To have a nibble at the cake: Gm bnh
147 To have a nice ear for music: Snh nghe nhc
148 To have a northern aspect: Xoay v hng Bc
149 To have a pain in the head: au u
150 To have a pash for sb: Say m ai
151 To have a pass degree: Thi u hng th
152 To have a passage at arms with sb: Cai nhau, gy ln, u khu vi ngi no
153 To have a passion for doing sth: Ham m lm vic g
154 To have a period: n k co kinh
155 To have a person's guts: (Thtuc) Ght cay ght ng ngi no
156 To have a poor head for figures: Rt d v s hc
157 To have a pull of beer: Ung mt hp bia
158 To have a quaver in one's voice: Noi vi mt ging run run
159 To have a quick bang: Giao hp nhanh
160 To have a quick slash: i tiu
161 To have a quiet think: Suy ngh, ngh ngi
162 To have a ready wit: Lanh tr
163 To have a reputation for courage: Ni ting can m
164 To have a restless night:
Qua mt m thao thc khng ngu c,
thc sut m
165 To have a rinse of beer: Ung mt hp bia
166 To have a roll on the grass: (Nga) Ln trn c
167 To have a rorty time: c hng thi gian vui th
168 To have a roving eye: Mt nhn lo lin, nhn ngang nhn nga
169 To have a rumpus with sb: Gy ln, cai ln vi ngi no
170 To have a run in the country: i du ngon v vng qu
171 To have a scrap: nh nhau, u
172 To have a sensation of discomfort: Cm gic thy kho chu
173 To have a shave: Co ru
174 To have a short memory: Km tr nh, mau qun
175 To have a shot at the goal: St, (bong) vo gn, c st vo gn
176 To have a shot at: Lm th ci g
177 To have a shy doing sth: Th lm vic g
178 To have a silver tongue: Co ti n noi (hng hn)
179 To have a sing-song round the camp fire: Quy qun ca ht bn la tri
180 To have a slate loose: Hi in, khng khng, gn d
181 To have a sleepless night: Thc sut m, thc trng m
182 To have a slide on the ice: i trt bng
183 To have a smack at sb: ngi no
184 To have a smattering of Germany: S hiu bit s si ting c
185 To have a smooth tongue: Co li l ha nha
186 To have a sneaking sympathy for sb: Co cm tnh kn o vi ngi no
187 To have a sore throat: au cung hng
188 To have a spanking brain: u oc thng minh bc nht
189 To have a spite against sb: On hn ngi no, co c cm vi ngi no
190 To have a steady seat: Ngi vng
191 To have a stiff neck: Co tt veo c
192 To have a stranglehold on sb: Tom hng, nm c ngi no
193 To have a strong constitution: Th cht mnh m
194 To have a strong grasp: S nm cht, s hiu bit tng tn
195 To have a strong grip: Nm cht, nm mnh
196 To have a such at one's pipe: Ht ng iu
197 To have a suck at a sweet: Mt keo
198 To have a sufficiency: Sng trong cnh sung tc
199 To have a swollen face: Co mt sng ln
200 To have barely enough time to catch the train: Co va u thi gian on kp xe la
201 To have bats in one's belfry: Gn, d hi
202 To have been done brown: B la gt
203 To have breakfast, to eat one's breakfast: n sng
204 To have buried a relative: a mt mt ngi thn
205 To have but a poor chance of success:
Chi co mt cht hy vng mong manh
thnh cng
206 To have but a tincture of science: Bit s v khoa hc
207 To have capabilities: Co nhiu nng lc tim tng
208 To have capacity to act: Co u t cch hnh ng
209 To have carnal knowledge of sb: n nm vi ai
210 To have cause for dissatisfaction: Co l do t s bt bnh
211 To have circles round the eyes: Mt co qung, mt thm qung
212 To have clean hands in the matter: Khng dnh lu vo vn
213 To have cognizance of sth: Hiu bit v iu g
214 To have commerce with sb: Co giao thip vi ai
215 To have compassion on sb: Thng hi ngi no
216 To have dealings with sb: Giao thip vi ngi no
217 To have designs on against sb: Co mu m hi ai
218 To have difficulty in breathing: Kho th
219 To have done with half-measures: X tr km qu quyt, bin php na vi
220 To have doubts about sb's manhood: Nghi ng v lng dng cm cua ai
221 To have ear-ache: Nhc tai
222 To have empty pockets: Ti khng tin
223 To have enough of everything: Mi th co u dng
224 To have enough of sb: Chn ngy ai
225 To have entire disposal of an estate: c trn quyn s dung 1 bt ng sn ty
226 To have everything at sixes and sevens:
tt c c trong tnh trng ln xn,
khng co th t
227 To have extraordinary ability: Co ti nng phi thng
228 To have eyes at the back of one's heart: Co mt rt tinh vi
229 To have eyes like a hawk: Mt sc nh mt diu hu
230 To have faith in sb: Tin, tn nhim ngi no
231 To have far-reaching influence: Co th lc ln
232 To have firm flesh: (Ngi) Tht rn chc
233 To have fits of giddiness: Chong vng xy xm mt my
234 To have fits of oppression: B ngp hi, ngt hi, tc th
235 To have forty winks: Ngu mt gic ngn, thiu thiu ngu
236 To have free (full) scope to act: c hnh ng (hon ton) t do
237 To have free adit: i vo thong th
238 To have free admission to a theatre: c v rp ht khi tr tin
239 To have full discretion to act: c t do, ton quyn hnh ng
240 To have good lungs: Co b phi tt, ging noi to
241 To have good mind to: Rt mun
242 To have good night: Ngu ngon
243 To have half a mind to do sth: Min cng lm g
244 To have heart trouble, stomach trouble: au tim, au bao t
245 To have inclination for sth: S thch v ci g
246 To have it in for sb: Bc mnh v ai
247 To have it on the tip of one's tongue: Sp sa but ming noi iu y ra
248 To have it out with sb: Gii quyt (mt cuc tranh lun) vi ngi no
249 To have it out: Noi cho ra l, noi cho sng t
250 To have kind of a remorse: Co ci g i khi nh l hi hn
251 To have kittens: (Thtuc) Lo u, cung qut
252 To have legs like match-sticks: Chn nh que dim, nh ng sy
253 To have leisure: Co th gi rnh, ri vic
254 To have long sight: Vin th
255 To have loose bowels: i tiu chy
256 To have lost one's sight: ui, m
257 To have lost one's tongue: Khng th noi ra li, khng pht biu kin
258 To have many calls on one's time: i hi thi gian
259 To have many irons in the fire: Co nhiu vic lm trong mt lc
260 To have measles: B ln si
261 To have mercy on sb: Thng hi ngi no
262 To have money to the fore: Co tin sn
263 To have much experience: Co nhiu kinh nghim
264 To have muscle: Co sc mnh, th lc
265 To have mutton stewed for supper: Cho hm tht cu n ti
266 To have neither chick nor child: Khng c con
267 To have neither house nor home: Khng nh khng ca
268 To have neither kith nor kin:
Tr tri mt mnh, khng bn b,
khng b con thn thuc
269 To have news from sb: Nhn c tin cua ngi no
270 To have no acknowledgment of one's letter: Khng bo co nhn th
271 To have no ballast: Khng chc chn
272 To have no concern in an affair: Khng co li g trong mt vic no
273 To have no concern with sth: Khng co lin quan n vic g
274 To have no conscience: V lng tm
275 To have no energy: Thiu ngh lc
276 To have no feelings: V tnh, v cm, lnh lng
277 To have no intention to..: Khng co g .
278 To have no notion of: Khng co nim v.
279 To have no option but to..: Khng th no lm g hn l.
280 To have no quarrel against sb: Khng co c g phn nn ai
281 To have no regular profession: Khng co ngh chuyn mn
282 To have no society with sb: Khng giao thip vi ngi no
283 To have no strength: B kit sc
284 To have no taste: Khng co v
285 To have no truck with: T chi khng lin lc, dnh dp ti, k
cu xt
286 To have noises in the ears: tai
287 To have not enough back-bone: Khng co u ngh lc, nhu nhc
288 To have not the vaguest notion of something: Khng bit mt t g v ci g
289 To have nothing but one's name and sword: Co ting m khng co ming
290 To have nothing on: Trn trung
291 To have nothing to eat: Khng co g n c
292 To have nothing to line one's stomach with: Khng co g n c
293 To have on a coat: Mc mt ci o
To have one foot in the grave,
to be on the brink of the grave Thp th ming l, gn k ming l
295 To have one foot in the grave: Gn t xa tri
296 To have one's car overhauled: a xe i i tu
297 To have one's day: a tng co thi lm n pht t
298 To have one's due reward: c phn thng xng ng
299 To have one's elevenses:
Ung mt tch c ph (nhe) hoc
n mt ba n nhe mi mt gi
300 To have one's eyes glued to: Mt c dn vo (ci g)
301 To have one's first taste of gunpowder: Ra trn ln u
302 To have one's first taste of war: Ln u tin nm mi chin tranh
303 To have one's fling: Ham chi, m mi vui chi
304 To have one's hair cut: i ht toc
305 To have one's hair singed: Lm chy tc
306 To have one's hair trimed: Tia toc
307 To have one's hand free: Rnh tay khng lo lng g
308 To have one's heart in one's mouth: Hong s
309 To have one's heart set on: tm vo
310 To have one's heart unloaded: Lm cho khuy kha ni lng
311 to have one's knees under someone's mahogany: cng n vi ai
312 To have one's nose in sth: c ci g chm ch
313 To have one's own way: Lm theo mnh
314 To have one's place in the sun: Co a v
315 To have one's pockets full of money: Ti y tin
316 To have one's quiver full: Co nhiu con, ng con, gia nh ng
317 To have one's say: Pht biu kin
318 To have one's will: t c mun cua mnh
319 To have only a foggy idea of sth: Chi hiu, bit mp m v chuyn g
320 to have opposite views: co nhng kin i lp nhau
321 to have other views for: co nhng d kin khc i vi
322 To have pains in one's inside: au bao t, rut
323 To have passed one's zenith: a qua thi k oanh lit nht, thnh vng nht
324 To have perilousness to climb a high cliff: Dm liu mnh leo ln mt vch cheo leo
325 To have pins and needles in one's legs: Co cm gic nh kin b chn
326 To have plan up one's sleeve: Chun b mt k hoch
327 To have plenty of beef: Co sc mnh, th lc
328 To have plenty of courage: y can m
329 To have plenty of drive: (Ngi) Co ngh lc, cng quyt
330 To have plenty of gumption: a mu tc tr
331 To have pleny of time: Co nhiu th gi
332 To have pots of money: Rt giu, co nhiu tin
333 To have power in hand: Nm quyn hnh
334 To have practical control of: Nm quyn kim sot trn thc t
335 To have quick (ready) tongue: Nm ming
336 To have quicksilver in one's veins: Rt hot bt
337 To have reached the age of understanding: n tui bit suy xt
338 To have reached the end of life: Gn cht, lm chung
339 To have recourse to sth: Nh n vic g
340 To have recourse to strong action: Dng n thu on p bc
341 To have repair to a place: Nng ti mt ni no
342 To have respect for sb: Tn knh, knh trng ngi no
343 To have respect to sth: co quan h n vic g
344 To have round shoulders: Lng khm, lng tm
345 To have sb by the throat: Bop cht c ai
346 To have sb cold: Nm trong tay s phn cua ai
347 To have sb do sth: Bo, sai ngi no lm vic g
348 To have sb in one pocket: X mi ai, co nh hng i vi ai
349 To have sb in to dinner: Mi ngi no n n cm
350 To have sb in tow: Du dt, trng nom ai; kim sot ai
351 To have sb on a string: X dy vo mi ai
352 To have sb on the hip: Thng th hn ngi no
353 To have sb on toast: (Long) Hon ton nh ot s phn ai
354 To have sb on: Gt, la phinh ngi no
355 To have sb over a barrel: y ai vo ng cng
356 To have sb secure: Gi ai mt ni chc chn
357 To have sb within one's grasp:
Co ngi no di quyn lc cua mnh,
trong tay mnh
358 To have scrape: Ko l chn
359 To have scruples about doing sth: Ngn ngi lm vic g
360 To have several goes at the high jump: C gng nhy cao nhiu ln
To have several languages at one's command;
to have a command of several languages:
Bit thng tho nhiu th ting,
tinh thng nhiu ngn ng
362 To have sex: Giao hp
363 To have sharp ears: Thnh tai
364 To have solid grounds for supposing: Co c s vng chc cho rng
365 To have some time free: Co cht th gi rnh
366 To have some whiff: Ht vi hi
367 to have someone at vantage: chim u th so vi ai, thng th ai
368 to have something in view: d kin mt vic g
369 To have speech with sb: Noi chuyn vi ngi no
370 To have stacks of work: Co nhiu vic
371 To have sth at heart: Quan tm lm ti vic g
372 To have sth at one's finger's ends: Qu quen thuc vi
373 To have sth before one's eyes: Co vt g trc mt
374 To have sth down on one's notebook: Ghi chp ci g vo s tay
375 To have sth in detestation: Ght, gm, khng a vt g
376 To have sth in one's genes: c di truyn
377 To have sth in prospect: Hy vng v vic g
378 To have sth lying by: Co vt g dnh
379 To have sth on good authority: Bit c vic g theo ngun tin ch xc
380 To have sth on the brain: Lun lun ngh n mt iu g m nh
381 To have success within one's grasp: Nm chc s thnh cng
382 To have taste in music: Co khiu v m nhc
383 To have tea with sb: Ung tr vi ngi no
384 To have ten years' service: Lm vic c mi nm
385 To have the (free) run of the house: c t do i khp nh
386 To have the advantage: Thng th
387 To have the bellyache: au bung
388 To have the best of the running: Gn ti ch, ti mc
389 To have the collywobbles: Si bung
390 To have the conscience to do (say) sth: C gan (dm) lm (ni) ci g
391 To have the courage to do sth: Co can m lm vic g
392 To have the edge on sb: th thun li hn ai
1 To see double: Nhn vt g thnh hai
2 To see everything in rose-colour: Lc quan, nhn mi vt bng mu hng
3 To see eye to eye with sb: ng vi ai
4 To see red: Bng bng ni gin
5 To see sb in the distance: Nhn thy ngi no ng xa
6 To see sb off (at the station): a ngi no (ra tn ga)
7 To see sb safely through: Gip ngi no n cng
8 To see service: Phuc vu (qun i)
9 To see stars: T ha tam tinh
10 To see sth again: Xem li vt g
11 To see sth at a distance: Thy vt g t xa
12 To see sth done: Gim st s thi hnh ci g
13 To see sth in a dream: Chim bao thy vic (vt) g
14 To see sth with the unaided eye: Nhn vt g bng mt trn (k
cn knh hin vi)
15 To see the back of: Tng c cho khut
16 To see the colour of sb's money:
Tm hiu kh nng ti chnh cua ai
(co u sc tr tin khng)
17 To see the elephant; to get a look at the elephant: i thm nhng k quan cua thnh ph
18 To see the humorous side of a situation: Nhn kha cnh khi hi cua tnh th
19 To see the lions of a place: i xem nhng k quan cua mt ni no
20 To see the miss of sb in the room: Thy thiu ai trong phng
21 To see the mote in sb's eye: Li ngi th sng, li mnh th ti
22 To see the same tired old faces at every party:
Thy nhng khun mt quen thuc pht chn
trong mi ba tic
23 To see the sights of the town: i xem nhng cnh cua mt thnh ph
24 To see the war through: Tham chin n cng
25 To see things in their right perspective: Nhn s vt theo ng bi cnh cua no
26 To see things through a mist?: Nhn mi vt l m
27 To see to one's business: Chm lo cng vic cua mnh
28 To see to the children: Trng nom tr con
To see whether the houses are fit for
human habitation:
xem nhng cn nh co thch hp cho ni c
tr cua con ngi khng
30 To see, speak clearly: Trng thy, noi r rng
1 To take a ballot: Quyt nh bng b phiu
2 To take a bath: i tm
3 To take a bear by the teeth: Liu lnh v ch; hy sinh v ngha
4 To take a bee-line for sth: i thng ti vt g
5 To take a bend: Queo (xe)
6 To take a boat, a car in tow: Ko, dng tu, xe
7 To take a book back to sb: em cun sch tr li cho ngi no
8 To take a bribe (bribes): Nhn hi l
9 To take a car's number: Ly s xe
10 To take a cast of sth: c vt g
11 To take a census of the population: Kim tra dn s
12 To take a chair: Ngi xung
13 To take a chance: nh liu, mo him
14 To take a circuitous road: i vng quanh
15 To take a corner at full speed: Quanh goc tht le
16 To take a couple of xeroxes of the contract: Chup hai bn sao hp ng
17 To take a dim view of sth: Bi quan v ci g
18 To take a dislike to sb: Ght, khng a, co c cm vi ngi no
19 To take a drop: Ung cht ru
20 To take a false step: Bc trt, tht sch
21 To take a fancy to sb/sth: Thch, khoi ai/ci g
22 To take a fetch: Rng, gng sc
23 To take a few steps: i vi bc
24 To take a firm hold of sth: Nm chc vt g
25 To take a firm stand: ng mt cch vng vng
26 To take a flying leap over sth: Nhy vt qua vt g
27 To take a flying shot bird: Bn chim ang bay
28 To take a fortress by storm: t nh, chim ly mt n ly
29 To take a gander of sth: Nhn vo ci g
30 To take a girl about: i chi, i do (thng thng) vi mt c gi
31 To take a good half: Ly hn phn na
32 To take a great interest in: Rt quan tm
33 To take a hand at cards: nh mt vn bi
34 To take a header: T u xung trc
35 To take a holiday: Nghi l
36 To take a horse off grass: Khng th nga ng c na
37 To take a jump: Nhy
38 To take a knock: B c sc
39 To take a leaf out of sb's book: Noi gng ngi no
40 To take a leap in the dark: Liu, mo him; h/ng m qung, k
suy ngh
41 To take a liking (for) to: Bt u thch.
42 To take a lively interest in sth: Hng say vi vic g
43 To take a load off one's mind: Trt sch nhng ni bun phin
44 To take a long drag on one's cigarette: Rt mt hi thuc l
45 To take a machine to pieces: Tho, m mt ci my ra tng b phn
46 To take a mean advantage of sb: Li dung ngi no mt cch hn h
47 To take a muster of the troops: Duyt binh
48 To take a note of an address: Ghi mt a chi
49 To take a passage from a book: Trch mt on vn trong mt quyn sch
50 To take a peek at what was hidden in the cupboard Lic nhanh ci g a c giu trong tu chn
51 To take a permission for granted: Coi nh a c php
52 To take a person into one's confidence: Tm s vi ai
53 To take a pew: Ngi xung
54 To take a photograph of sb: Chup hnh ngi no
55 To take a piece of news straight away to sb: em mt tin st do ngay cho ngi no
56 To take a ply: To c mt thoi quen
57 To take a pull at one's pipe: Ko mt hi ng iu, ht mt hi ng iu
58 To take a quick nap after lunch: Ngu tra mt cht sau khi n (tra)
59 To take a responsibility on one's shoulders: Gnh, chu trch nhim
60 To take a rest from work: Nghi lm vic
61 To take a rest: Nghi
62 To take a ring off one's finger: Ci, tho chic nhn (eo ngon tay) ra
63 To take a rise out of sb: Lm cho ngi no gin d
64 To take a risk: Lm liu
65 To take a road: Ln ng, bt u mt cuc hnh trnh
66 To take a roseate view of things: Lc quan, yu i
67 To take a seat: Ngi xung
68 To take a short siesta: Ngu tra, nghi tra
69 To take a sight on sth: Nhm vt g
70 To take a smell at sth: nh hi, bt hi vt g
71 To take a sniff at a rose: Ngi mt ci bng hng
72 To take a spring: Nhy
73 To take a step back, forward: Lui mt bc, ti mt bc
74 To take a step: i mt bc
75 To take a story at a due discount: Nghe cu chuyn co tr hao ng mc
76 To take a swig at a bottle of beer: Tu mt hi cn chai bia
77 To take a swipe at the ball: nh bong ht sc mnh
78 To take a toss: T nga; tht bi
79 To take a true aim, to take accurate aim: Nhm ngay, nhm trng; nhm ch ( bn)
80 To take a turn for the better: Chiu hng tt hn
81 To take a turn for the worse: Chiu hng xu i
82 To take a turn in the garden: i do mt vng trong vn
83 To take a walk as an appetizer: i do trc khi n cho thy thm n, mun n
84 To take a walk, a journey: i do, i du lch
85 To take a wife: Ly v, ci v
86 To take accurate aim: Nhm ng
87 To take advantage of sth: Li dung iu g
88 To take after sb: Ging ngi no
89 To take aim: Nhm bn
90 To take all the responsibility: Nhn ht trch nhim
91 To take amiss: Bun bc, mt lng, pht
92 To take an action part in the revolutionary movement Tham gia hot ng phong tro cch mng
93 To take an affidavit: Nhn mt bn khai co tuyn th
94 To take an airing: i do mt, hng gio
95 To take an empty pride in sth: Ly lm t cao, t i hao v chuyn g
96 To take an examination: i thi, d thi
97 To take an example nearer home..: Ly mt t du gn y, k
cn phi tm u xa
98 To take an honour course:
Hc mt khoa c bit v vn bng C nhn
hay Cao hc
99 To take an interest in: Quan tm n, thch th v
100 To take an opportunity: Tha dp, tha c hi, nm ly c hi
To take an option on all the future works of
an author
Mua trc tt c tc phm sp xut bn
cua mt tc gi
102 To take an unconscionable time over doing sth: B th gi v l lm vic g
103 To take an X-ray of sb's hand: Chup X quang bn tay cua ai
104 To take away a knife from a child: Git ly con dao trong tay a b
105 To take back one's word: Ly li li ha, khng gi li ha
106 To take bend at speed: Queo ht tc
107 To take breath: Ly hi li, nghi ly sc
108 To take by storm: Tn cng o t v chim ot
109 To take by the beard: Xng vo, ln x vo
110 To take care not to: C gi ng.
111 To take care of one's health: Gi gn sc khe
112 To take charge: Chu trch nhim
113 To take children to the zoo: em tr i vn th
114 To take colour with sb: ng hn v phe ai
115 To take command of: Nm quyn chi huy
116 To take counsel (together):
Trao i kin, thng ngh,
hi tho lun (vi nhau)
117 To take counsel of one's pillow:
Suy ngh mt m; nht d sinh b k;
bui ti ngh sai bui mai ngh ng
118 To take counsel with: Tham kho kin vi ai
119 To take defensive measures: Co nhng bin php phng thu
120 To take delight in: Thch th v, khoi v
121 To take dinner without grace: n nm vi nhau trc khi ci
122 To take down a machine: Tho mt ci my ra
123 To take down a picture: Ly mt bc tranh xung
124 To take down sb's name and address: Ghi, bin tn v a chi cua ngi no
125 To take down, to fold (up) one's umbrella: Xp d li
126 To take drastic measures: Dng nhng bin php quyt lit
127 To take driving lessons: Tp li xe
128 To take effect: Co hiu lc;(thuc) cng hiu
129 To take exception to sth: Phn i vic g, chng vic g
130 To take for granted: Cho l tt nhin
131 To take form: Thnh hnh
132 To take freedom with sb: Qu sung sa vi ai
133 To take French leave: Chun m, i m; lm ln (vic g)
134 To take French leave: Trn, chun, ln i
135 To take fright: S hai, hong s
136 To take from the value of sth, from the merit of sb:
Gim bt gi tr cua vt g,
cng lao cua ngi no
137 To take goods on board: em hng hoa ln tu
138 To take great care: Sn soc ht sc
139 To take great pains: Chu kho khn lm
140 To take half of sth: Ly phn na vt g
141 To take heed to do sth: Ch , cn thn lm vic g
142 To take heed: phng, lu , ch
143 To take hold of one's ideas: Hiu c t tng cua mnh
144 To take hold of sb: Nm, gi ngi no
145 To take holy orders, to take orders: c thu phong chc thnh (chc 1, chc 2, ..)
146 To take in (a supply of) water: Ly nc ngt ln tu (i bin)
147 To take in a reef:
Cun bum li cho nh,
(bong) tin mt cch thn trng
148 To take in a refugee, an orphan:
Thu nhn (cho nng nu) mt tr t nn,
mt ngi m ci
149 To take in a sail: Cun bum
150 To take in coal for the winter: Tr than dng cho ma ng
151 To take industrial action: T chc nh cng
152 To take kindly to one's duties: Bt tay lm nhim vu mt cch d dng
153 To take land on lease: Thu, mn mt ming t
154 To take leave of sb: Co bit ngi no
155 To take lesson in: Hc mn hc g
156 To take liberties with sb:
Co c chi sung sa, s sng,
ct nh vi ai (vi mt phu n)
157 To take lodgings: Thu phng nh ring
158 To take long views: Bit nhn xa trng rng
159 To take medicine: Ung thuc
160 To take mincemeat of sb: H ai trong cuc tranh lun
161 To take Monday off.: Nghi ngy th hai
162 To take more pride in:
Cn quan tm hn na v,
cn thn trng hn v
163 To take no count of what people say: Khng g n li ngi ta noi
164 To take note of sth: , ch n vic g, ghi lng vic g
165 To take notes: Ghi ch
166 To take notice of sth: Ch , n, nhn thy vic g

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