Feminism in Horror

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Robyn Marriner

How does the director use microelements to present genders in MAMA?

2013 movie Mama presents gender in a modern, unconventional manner, which challenges
the norms of gender in horror. Director Andres Muschetti uses microelements to represent
gender in a diferent light in this flm. In most horror the women are portrayed as weak and
dependent on the males for safety, Andres Muschetti challenges this convention by
representing females as strong, independent and liberated.
Mama challenges the conventions of horror in relation feminism, due to the unconventional
female characters the director has chosen to use in this flm. The main character Annabelle
(girlfriend of the sisters Victoria and lilys uncle)breaks the stereotype and convention,
which is upheld in horrors, that females are weak and dependent on men in order for them
to survive/for their safety. Annabelles character subverts this, as her clothing is not the
typical feminine dress wear, instead, this character wears black gothic clothing and heavy
black eye makeup, which removes any sense of innocence or vulnerability.
In addition to this there is a scene in the movie where this character is relieved not to be
pregnant, indicating that she has neither maternal instinct nor the desire to have children.
This is diferent to the typical woman who is quite maternal and broody. The use of props
like cigarettes helps portray her bad female impression. Furthermore, Andres Muschetti
challenges the convention of femininity in horrors, by making Annabelle an independent
liberated woman. Due to her boyfriend (the two sisters uncle) being involved in an accident
that leaves him in a coma, Annabelle has to step up as the dominant fgure, who is head of
the house, in charge. However, due to her stepping up as a carer to the two girls, she does
develop an emotional and maternal attachment to the girls that she did not originally have.
Additionally this flm re-presents feminism, as the threat in this flm (MAMA) is a female
threat; this contrasts with the majority of horrors (especially in a supernatural sub-genre
movie) whose threat is male. This creates, yet again, an image that women are strong and not
The director also challenges the conventions in horror of young females. This is due to him
presenting the children as wild and in a position of power. The two girls are not are not
oppressed by any male (which could be their father or a father fgure). Throughout the flm
they have a high level of control.

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