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Assalamualaikum Wr.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Alhamdulillahirobbil Alamin, Wassolatuwassalamu Ala
Asrofil AmbiyaI Wal Mursalin, Waala Alihi Wasohbihi Ajmain Amma Badu

1. Shinainaru almukarom romo kyai san, isuramu kishuku-ka no ubato shite,
Manbaul Ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi.
(Excellency almukarom romo the nanny of Islamic boarding house of
Manbaul Ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi)
2. Shinainaru.san, Issuramu kishuku gakko, Manbaul Ulum Muncar,

(Excellency Mr.., As the Islamic Association foundation of Islamic
boarding school of Manbaul ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi)

3. Drs. Afumado khusairi san ni rippa, SMKN Darul Ulum Muncar Banyuwangi no
shokugyo koko no heddomasuta to shite
(Respectable to Mr. Drs. Achmad Chusairi, as the head master of vocational high
school of Darul ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi)
4. SMKN Darul ulum Muncar, Banyuwangino, shokugyo koto gakko no, subete no, kyoshi
ni rippana
(Respectable to all teachers of vocational high school of Darul ulum Muncar,
5. Wassureranai, shotai gesuto, iinkai ya isuramu no, geshuku no, subete no, gakusei no,
(The unforgettable, all of invitation guest, committees and all students of Islamic
boarding House)

Anata gata to, anata tachi
Well ladies and gentlement

Subete no shosan wa arra, watashi tachiwa kono shinpuru de arinagara, shizukana basho
de isho ni mitasu tame ni, kanoni suru tame no sekai no, shu uchuno masuta oyobi subete
no, kurieta subete no yokuatsu no, kuchikukan to yokuatsu no, kiboni yoru monodes.

(All praise is due to Allah, the lord of the world, the master and the creator of
everything in the universe, the destroyer off all oppressord and the hope of the
oppressed, for enabling us to meet together in this simple but peacefull place)

Heiwa to aisatsu wa tokini isuramu no, kokina yogen sha ni nari, Muhammadowa so kare
no katei, nakama to isuramu no arra no shukyo ni sutomeru kare no, chujitsuna shinbosha

(Peace and salutation be upon to the noble prophet of Islam, Muhammad S.A.W.
and his household, his companions and his faithful followers who strive in Allah
religion of islam)

Kyowa - ni seng ju ni neng/ni seng jusang neng, no gakunen de SMKN Darul Ulum
Muncar Banyuwangi no, shokugyo koko de gatsuki ni, ju sannici, ni seng ju sang neng ni,
wareware wa, masuta to gishiki no, gishiki no, aijin to shite wa, wareware wa, gakusei
no, sotsugyo no, gyoretsu no, gidai no, junjoo teikyo, shiyou to sa rete, koto watsugi no

(To day on may twenty three, two thousand and thirtheen at Vocational High
School Darul Ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi in academic year of two thousand and
twelve AND two thousand thirteen , we are as master and mistress of ceremony, we
are going to deliver the sequence of agenda for the procession of student graduation,
that are: )

1. Daichi no gidai wa, Kaiketsu
(The first agenda is opening)

2. Daini no ibento wa wisudawan wisudawati no gyretsudes
( The second agenda is the student graduation procession)

3. Di san gidai wa, hiiragi korano ansho saretei mas.
(The third agenda is reciting the holly quran)

4. Tsugi no gidai wa, iinkai no enzetsu des
(The next agenda is the speech of the commite)

5. Acara berikutnya adalah paduan suara dan puisi
(The next agenda is..)

6. Tsugi no gidai wa, gakusei no sotsugyo gyorotsudes
(The next agenda is the student graduation procession)

7. Tsugi no gidai wa, gakusei no sotsugyo hanketsu oyonde iru
(The next agenda is reading the student graduation decree)

8. Tsugi no gidai wa, kokka, ragu indoneshia rayao utatte iru
(The next agenda is singing national anthem, Indonesia raya)

9. Tsugi no gidai wa, koki no eiyuni keii woarawashite, mijikai chinmokuo kansatsu
(The next agenda is observing a brief silence in honor of the late heroes)

10. Tsugi no gidai wa, Prosesi pemberian tanda tamat belajar kelas XII tahun ajaran
(The next agenda is)

11. Tsugi no gidai wa, supichides
(The next agenda is the speech)

a. Saishono enzetsu wa, ni nensei no, fuku karades
(The first speech is from vice of the eleventh grade)
b. Dainino enzetsu wa, juni tokyu no, fuku karades
(The second speech is from vice of the twelve grade)
c. San kaimeno supichiwa, komite SMKN darul ulum Mucar, Banyuwangi
(The third speech is from the commite of Vocational high school Darul Ulum
Muncar, Banyuwangi)
d. Dai shi supichi wa SMKN Darul Ulum Muncar no koko kara
(The fourth speech is from the headmaster of Vocational high school Darul Ulum
Muncar, Banyuwangi)

12. Tsugi no gidai wa, menyanyikan lagu hymne teacher
(The next agenda is singing hymne teacher)
13. Saigo no gidai wa, tojite iru
(The last agenda is closing)

Anata gata to, anata tachi
Well ladies and gentlemen

1. Dai ichi no gidai wa, aitemasu Bismillahirrohmanirrohim oansho suru koto de,
kono gidai o kido shite mimashou
(The first agenda is opening, Lets start this agenda by reciting

2. Dai ni gidai wa, ibento wa, wisudawan wisudawati no, gyretsudes
(The second agenda is the student graduation procession)

3. Di san gidai wa, hiiragi korano ansho shite imas, sore wa, Muhammad Mashuri san
Mariyatus Sholeha to shite iru.
(The third agenda is reciting the holy quran, its going to be recited by
Muhammad Mashuri and Mariyatus Sholeha)

Jikan wa anatano, monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

4. Tsugi no gidai wa, iinkai kara no, supichi soreha, shi Muhammad Ridwan S.pd. De
haisin sareru yotei des
(The next agenda is speech from the committee, its going delivered by Mr.
Muhammad Ridwan S.pd)

Jikan wa anatano, monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

5. Tsugi no gidai wa, paduan suara dan puisi, soreha petugas di persilahkan
(The next agenda is...)

Jikan wa anatano, monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

6. Tsugi no gidai wa, gakusei no sotsugyo gyuret sudes. Indonesia kokako, utatte
kaishi,-kankyaku, ga tachiagatte kudaisi
(The next agenda is the student graduation procession. Started by singing
Indonesia anthem) Audience please stand up
Suwate kudasai
Please sit down
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

7. Tsugi no gidai wa, koki no eiyuni keiwoarawashite, mijikai chinmokuo kansatsu shite
iru, soreha hakaseni yotte teikyo, sa reru yoteides.
(The next agenda is observing a brief silence in honor of the late heroes, and its
going to be delivered by Mr. Drs. Achmad Khusairi)

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

8. Tsugi no gidai wa, gakusei no, sotsugyo hanketsuo, yonde iru, soreha-shi
de haisin sa reru yotei des
(The next agenda is reading the student graduation decree, its going to be
delivered by Mr..)

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

9. Tsugi no gidai wa, gakusei no, gyoretsu de, ni seng ju ni neng/ni seng ju sang neng,
jikan wa gyoretsu no, monodes.
(The next agenda is the student graduation procession, THE TIME OF THE

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

10. Tsugi no gidai wa, supichides
(The next agenda is the speech)

a. Onsei de ari, saisho no, supika no, tame ni juici no, gakusei no, fuku Agung Faiz
Abdul Rozaq de haishin sa reru yotei
(The First speaker is going to be delivered by the vice of eleventh grade
student Agung Faiz Abdul Rozaq)

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

b. To dai ni no, supika no, tame ni koko san-nen no, gakusei no, fuku Dani Eka
Budiarto de haisin sareru yotei.
(The second speaker is going to be delivered by the vice of twelfth grade
student, Dani Eka Budiarto)

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

c. Tsugi no supichiwa, komite SMKN darul ulum Mucar, Banyuwangi, soreha ni
yotte teikyo sa reyou to dhite iru .san
(The next speech is from the committee of Vocational high school Darul
Ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi, and its going to be delivered

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

d. Tsugi no supichiwa, SMKN Darul Ulum Muncar no, koko karano, monodeari,
soreha Drs. Achmad Khusairi, ni yotte haishin sa remas
(The next speech is from the headmaster of Vocational High School Darul
Ulum Muncar, Banyuwangi and it will be delivered by Mr. Drs. Achmad

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

11. Tsugi no gidai wa, menyanyikan lagu hymne guru, soreha petugas di silahkan
(The next agenda is singing hymne teacher, and it will be lead by.)

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

12. Saigo no gidai to shite, saigo no gidai wa shuryo, to inorides. Ni yotte shudo, sarete
iru KH..san
(The last agenda as the final agenda is closing and prayer, that will be led by

Jikan wa anatano monodes
The time is yours
Arigato gozai mas
Thank you

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