NASH in Children

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Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Children

Melania Manco, MD, PhD, GianFranco Bottazzo, MD, Rita DeVito, MD, Matilde Marcellini, MD,
Geltrude Mingrone, MD, PhD, FACN, and Valerio Nobili, MD
Scientific Directorate (M.M., GF.B), Dept. of Pathology (R.D.V.) and Hepato-Gastroenterology and Nutrition (V.N., M.M.),
“Bambino Gesu” Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, Dept. of Internal Medicine (G.M.), Catholic University,
Key words: diet, insulin resistance (IR), Metabolic Syndrome (MetS), Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD),
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), pediatric obesity

In view of the epidemic obesity in childhood, facing the disease and its associated morbidities early at this
age becomes crucial for public health researchers and care givers. The present review focuses on pediatric Non
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) among co-morbidities, being the disease yet under diagnosed and under
treated despite a prevalence growing exponentially.
Evidences suggest that the environmental background for the development of NAFLD may be established in
early life, and that the duration of the disease affects probably the likelihood of progression to more severe
disease (necro-inflammation or Non Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis, also termed, NASH; fibrosis and cirrhosis).
NAFLD associates with abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and features of metabolic syndrome. In
genetically prone individuals, malnutrition (i.e., excessive consumption of saturated fats and refined sugars)
leads to the derangement of the adipose tissue architecture and homeostasis, the peripheral and hepatic resistance
to insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, thus favoring a condition of chronic low-grade inflammation. Excessive
nutrients cannot be stored in the adipose tissue and overflow elsewhere, mainly to the muscle tissue and liver.
Fat deposition in both sites enhances insulin resistance and further deposition of fats in a vicious manner.
What is of special interest comparing NAFLD in children and adults is that the histological appearance of
the disease differs significantly, likely representing a yet physiological response to environmental stressors in
children and a long-term adaptation in adults.
In this article, we review the current concepts about paediatric NAFLD, its pathogenesis, diagnosis and
treatment, with particular regard to lifestyle and foods habits.

Key teaching points:

• Pandemic NAFLD parallels increasing prevalence of obesity and components of the metabolic syndrome in children.
• Histology of NAFLD differs in children and adults.
• Obese children with NAFLD show a still naı̈ve response to environmental stressors respect with adults.
• A program targeting gradual weight reduction and physical exercise represents the gold standard for the treatment of NAFLD.
• In the treatment of NAFLD, dietary micro and macronutrient contents should reflect all the acquisitions in the treatment of diseases
clustering in the definition of the metabolic syndrome.

CURRENT SCENARIO IN PEDIATRIC reported from North America, Europe, Australia and Asia [1].
NAFLD. PREVALENCE OF THE It is almost certainly the most common cause of liver disease at
DISEASE this age, with cases described in children as old as 3 years [2].
The increase in its prevalence parallels the epidemic obesity. A
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) may be recent survey on adolescent participants in the NHANES
deemed as a worldwide problem in childhood, with case series 1999 –2004 observes that elevated ALT level, a surrogate

Address correspondence to: Melania Manco, MD Ph.D, Scientific Directorate, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, S. Onofrio 4 Square, 00165 Rome, ITALY. E-mail:

Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 27, No. 6, 667–676 (2008)
Published by the American College of Nutrition

Pandemic NAFLD in Children

marker of NAFLD in absence of other causes of liver disease, during the gestational life. According to the hypothesis of a
is present in 8.0% of US adolescents aged 12–19 years [3]. In fetal programming, undernutrition in mid and late gestation
a case series of autopsies performed on children 2–19 years of results in maintaining the brain at the expense of the trunk
age at time of death, the prevalence of histological proven growth, including visceral organs such as the liver [15]. This
NAFLD is 9.6% [4]. Prevalence of the disease increases when causes permanent alterations in the liver function [16]. Con-
samples of subjects are selected for obesity. NAFLD is reported trasting our and other’s thesis, the recent survey from the
to affect 20% of obese children and adolescents from US [5], NHANES 1999 –2004 founds no association of birth weight or
44% from Italy [6] and 74% from China [7]. The disease maternal smoking during pregnancy with elevated ALT level
associates significantly with type 2 diabetes mellitus [8] and all [3].
features of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) [2]. Children start to eat dense calorie food (“junk food” rich in
NAFLD encompasses a spectrum of disease from asymp- both high saturated or hydrogenated fats and high glycaemic
tomatic steatosis, with or without elevated aminotransferases, index carbohydrates; sweaty beverages and carbonate drinks),
to cirrhosis with complications of liver failure and hepatocel- whilst their physical activity is inadequate to burn excessive
lular carcinoma [9]. The histological appearance ranges from calories. Fats accumulate largely in adipose tissue, and, inap-
simple steatosis to hepatocellular damage coupled with inflam- propriately, in muscle and liver. The sequence of events leading
mation (i.e., Non Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis, NASH) and/or to the ectopic accumulation of triglicerydes which causes in-
fibrosis [10]. Diagnosis of NAFLD requires serial measure- sulin resistance to develop has been referred to as the “overflow
ments of aminotransferases and ultrasound evaluation of liver hypothesis” [18]. Insulin resistance represents a physiological
brightness, whilst diagnosis of NASH and fibrosis necessitates energy sparing mechanism which favours survival during lim-
liver biopsy. Therefore, prevalence of NAFLD can be exactly ited food availability or increased energy needs, promoting
estimated in obese children, who are referred to secondary care energy accumulation as fat and reducing energy expenditure.
centers for the treatment of obesity. On the contrary, no accu-
rate information can be provided on the prevalence of NASH.
On the largest two samples of biopsy proven NAFLD described INSULIN RESISTANCE AND
in the literature [2,11], NASH is diagnosed in 84% of NAFLD OXIDATIVE DAMAGE
children from the Rome survey [2] and in 68% from the San
Diego sample [11]. The role of IR in the progression from NAFLD to NASH is
still unclear. Rate of oxidative and non-oxidative glucose dis-
posal seem to be reduced significantly in patients who develop
PATHOGENESIS: BEYOND THE NASH compared with those who do not [18], being almost half
“TWO HIT HYPOTHESIS” of the normal value even in NAFLD patients with no impaired
glucose tolerance [19]. This means that a higher demand of
After the disease was firstly described in 1980, two decades insulin is needed to maintain euglycemia. Consequently, insu-
later a first hypothesis was formulated on its pathogenesis [12] lin secretion is enhanced to balance the decreased glucose
and revised shortly [13]. In brief, excessive dietary fats over- disposal [2,18]. The pathogenetic mechanisms sustaining the
flow to the liver, and fat deposition is the first hit in the model relation between IR and development of NAFLD/NASH are,
(simple steatosis or NAFLD). Second insults, yet unknown, however, far from the intent of this review. They have been
determine the progression from NAFLD to NASH. To date, extensively afforded elsewhere [20]. Therefore, in Fig. 1, we
several researchers still bet on the pathogenetic role of a num- schematise simply main pathways of this relationship. In brief,
ber of mediators as candidate hits. A complex of several agents, IR results from the inability of the adipose tissue to expand and
and not a single one, may interact driving NAFLD to NASH. to accommodate excess fats. This imbalance favours the exces-
The interaction between genes and environment begins during sive release of adipocytokines which further enhances IR in a
the intrauterine and the early years of life to promote NASH. vicious cycle. To mediate signalling, insulin receptor uses
To support this hypothesis is the evidence that the disease is docking proteins, such as insulin receptors substrates (IRS).
diagnosed in children as old as three years [2], and children Tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS is a crucial step which can
born small weight for gestational age (SGA) have greater activate three major pathways: i) PI3K-Akt pathway involved
chance to develop NASH [14]. The concept of a genetic- in glucose, lipid and protein metabolisms; ii) MAPK pathway
environment conspiracy as a major basis for the progression of which mediates cell growth and differentiation; iii) CAP/Cbl/
metabolic diseases (thrifty genotype) applies also to NASH, Tc10 pathway, which, in muscle, controls the membrane trans-
which associates almost constantly with obesity, insulin resis- location of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4). In liver, the acti-
tance (IR) and all the features clustering in the metabolic vation of PI3K-Akt pathway results in abnormally suppressed
syndrome [2]. Apart from predisposing to the development of lipolysis, increased gluconeogenesis and de novo lipogenesis
components of the MetS in the adult life, intrauterine factors [due to the up-regulation of lipogenic transcription factors_i.e.
seem to be important for liver development and function yet the sterol regulatory binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and the

668 VOL. 27, NO. 6

Pandemic NAFLD in Children

desensitization of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT-I),

which acts as gate-controller to the entry of long chain FAs into
the mitochondria. Most of the electrons provided to the respi-
ratory chain migrate along the respiratory chain to the cyto-
chrome c oxidase. The imbalance between a high input and a
restricted flow of electrons may cause over-reduction of com-
plexes I and III of the respiratory chain. These overlay reduced
complexes may react with oxygen to form reactive oxygen
species (ROS). Reduction of oxygen at complexes I and III
generates superoxide anion radicals, which are dismutated into
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by the superoxide dismutase
(MnSOD). ROS oxidize unsaturated FAs to trigger lipid per-
oxidation to form products such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)
and malondialdehyde (MDA). ROS, reactive nitrogen species
and reactive aldehydic lipid peroxidation products can directly
Fig 1. Impaired metabolic pathways in NAFLD/NASH. Grey lines
damage mitochondrial DNA and respiratory chain polypep-
show the pathways related to insulin resistance; dotted black lines tides. Furthermore, ROS overproduction increases the expres-
pathways enhanced in NAFLD/NASH; continuous black lines path- sion of several cytokines [TNF-alpha; transforming growth
ways not affected by the above mentioned conditions; continuous red factor beta, (TGF beta); Fas ligand Fas ; interleukin 8, (IL-8)]
line pathways inhibited in NAFLD/NASH. Abbreviations: Carnitine which are able promoting activation of caspases and increase
PalmitoylTransferase (CPT-I); Carbohydrate Responsive Element mitochondrial permeability, neuthrophil infiltration, collagen
Binding Protein (ChREBP); Free fatty acids (FFAs); Glucose Stimu- synthesis in stellate cells [24]. Antioxidants agents (mainly
lated Insulin Secretion (GSIS); Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4); glutathione) are rapidly consumed becoming insufficient to
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE); Hormone counteract increasing concentrations of ROS, which can pro-
Sensitive Lipase (HSL); Insulin Receptors Substrates (IRS); Malondi-
mote necro-inflammation. ROS cause directly cell apoptosis
aldehyde (MDA); Mitogen Activated Protein kinase, (MAPK); Perox-
through the activation of NF-kB (for a review on the relation
isome Proliferators Activated Receptor gamma (PPAR␥); Phosphoino-
sitide 3-kinase, (PI3K); Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); Respiratory
between oxidative stress and NASH see [25]).
Chain (RC); Sterol Regulatory Binding Protein-1c (SREBP-1c); Trans- Several signals from the adipose tissue [i.e., leptin, TNF-
forming Growth Factor beta (TGF␤); Triglycerides (TG). alpha . . .] contribute to enhance hepatic inflammation. In fact,
the maladaptive organization of the adipose tissue architecture
in response to excess nutrients results in generation of inflam-
carbohydrate response element binding protein (CREBP)] [21– matory signals inside the adipose tissue particularly in areas in
22]. In fact, while in healthy subjects, the contribution of the de which cell growth and differentiation are not sufficiently sus-
novo lipogenesis at fast is less than 5% and increases signifi- tained by tight regulation of neo-angiogenesis and stroma gen-
cantly after a meal, in patients with NAFLD, lipogenesis is eration. The net result is an inflamed and hypoxic adipose
significantly greater in fasting condition (up to 26% of the tissue, which can directly contribute to the progression from
normal rate) and fails to increase in response to a meal [23]. De NAFLD to NASH with increased release of TNF-alpha [26]
novo lipogenesis provides a hepatic holding pool of neo syn- and leptin [27], and reduced adiponectin [28].
thesised FAs. A decreased hepatic rate of lipid export, due to
reduced apo-lipoprotein B synthesis and/or excretion and con-
sequently, defective incorporation of triglycerides into the li- CLINICAL FEATURES AND
poproteins, may further exacerbate fat storage in liver [23]. The DIAGNOSIS
second pool of fatty acids which contributes significantly to the
systemic lipid overload in NAFLD patients is constituted by In biopsy-proven series of NAFLD/NASH children, over
circulating free fatty acids. Plasma FAs are part of a fast 90% of subjects are overweight or frankly obese with a prev-
turnover pool and are preferentially incorporated into circulat- alent abdominal distribution of fat [29]. In fact, very recently,
ing lipoproteins. In NAFLD as well as in any similar condition we and others [3,29] have highlighted the association between
of peripheral insulin resistance, the flux of FAs from the central distribution of adiposity and progression from NAFLD
adipose tissue is not suppressed by insulin and plasma FAs are to NASH, which with insulin resistance are common hallmarks
persistently high [23]. Consequently, hypertriglyceridemia, low of NAFLD.
HDL concentrations, and small, dense LDL particles are com- NAFLD children are insulin resistant, as estimated by the
mon features in these patients. homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-
Compensatory pathways to fat accretion in liver and muscle IR) with an index of HOMA-IR ⱖ3 [30], mostly are dyslipi-
include activation of mitochondrial FA beta-oxidation due to a demic with abnormal levels of circulating triglicerydes and/or


Pandemic NAFLD in Children

low HDL-cholesterol. Forty percent are hypertensive; 10%

show impaired glucose tolerance and 2% overt type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) [2] at the time of diagnosis. Beta cell function
adapts to reduced peripheral insulin sensitivity [2] and subjects
with reduced first phase insulin secretion progress toward di-
abetes in the late adolescence or young adulthood (personal
data, unpublished). Diabetes is diagnosed in up to 8% of
patients [11], metabolic syndrome in 65% [2]. Presence of one
or more factors associated with the MetS enhances greatly the
chance to develop NASH.
NAFLD/NASH is insidious, with most children having no
symptoms or signs of liver disease despite a severe derange-
ment of the liver structure may be established. Some patients
complain of fatigue, malaise, vague and aching right upper
quadrant discomfort. Hepatomegaly is frequently observed.
Achanthosis nigricans, which is regarded as cutaneous marker
of IR, has been reported in 30% of NAFLD children, but it is
extremely uncommon in our [2] as well as in different case
series [31]. Aminotransferases may range from normal to fairly
or severely increased values (by six-seven folds the normality).
Their course may fluctuate over the time and 20% of NAFLD
patients show normal levels at the time of the liver biopsy [2].
Apart from increased levels of liver enzymes, other laboratory
parameters related to liver function are commonly in the nor-
mal range. Signs and symptoms of chronic liver disease (i.e. Fig 2. Diagnostic flow-chart in suspected NAFLD. Dashed grey lines
ascites or variceal haemorrhage) are very uncommon. represent not routinely assays. Abbreviations: Amino Acides (AA);
In presence of increased aminotransferases, ultrasound eval- Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA); Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody
uation is required to suspect NAFLD. Liver biopsy provides (ASMA); Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer (BIA); Cytomegalovirus
accurate information on the organ damage, allowing discrimi- (CMV); Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA); Epstein Barr Vi-
nating NASH from simple steatosis, to stage the grade of rus (EBV); Euglycemic Hyperinsulinemic Clamp (EHC); Hepatitis
fibrosis and to eliminate competing diagnoses. Staging the Viruses (HAV; HBV; HCV; HEV; HGV); Homeostatic Model Assess-
ment (HOMA); Insulin Resistance (IR); Insulin Sensitivity Index (ISI);
degree of fibrosis is of particular interest since fibrosis may be
Liver Kidney Microsomal antibodies (LKM); Long Chain Free Fatty
associated with progressive liver injury. Not counting the cost,
Acids (LC-FFAs); Quantitative Insulin-Sensitivity Check Index
liver biopsy is not without risk, including haemorrhaging and
(QUICKI); Polimerase Chain Reaction; (PCR); Total Parenteral nutri-
even death. Additional concern may be raised when patients are tion ( TPN).
children and adolescents, thus liver biopsy seems more difficult
to be proposed in paediatric settings. We recommend perform-
ing the biopsy to confirm the diagnosis before starting any appropriate tests. Sensitivity to insulin is evaluated by using
treatment. On the contrary, some Authors prefer to delay this simple derivative methods based on values of glucose and
procedure, starting first a nutritional program and following the insulin in response to a standard glucose challenge [insulin
time course of liver enzymes in the long-term. We describe in sensitivity index (ISI-composite) [33], oral glucose insulin sen-
Fig. 2 the diagnostic flow-chart adopted in our unit. Presence of sitivity (OGIS) [34]], or estimated by more time consuming
metabolic co-factor, i.e. obesity, overweight, or increased vis- although accurate methods [Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic
ceral fat, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and clamp (EHC) [35], intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT)
hypertension, augments all the chance to have complicated [36]]. Apart from giving information on the amount of insulin
fatty liver disease [2,29]. Observations in children [3] as well as released in response to a standard oral load, the oral glucose test
in adults suggest that normal weight subjects also may be allows evaluating tolerance to glucose [37]. Accurate clinical
insulin resistant presenting an unhealthy phenotype character- evaluation is useful to identify adolescents who may benefit
ised by increased abdominal distribution of fat [32]. These from screening for NAFLD, thus offering an opportunity to
individuals are prone to develop all the features of the MetS, intervene and prevent disease progression at an early age.
including NAFLD/NASH. Valuable in future screening programs will be the validation of
Both a history of increased levels of aminotransferases for non invasive tests aimed to i) the quantitative assessment of
at least 6 months and evidence of fatty liver at the ultrasounds necro-inflammatory damage; and ii) the detection and/or quan-
require known causes of liver disease to be ruled out by titative assessment of fibrosis. In line with such emerging

670 VOL. 27, NO. 6

Pandemic NAFLD in Children

needs, some Authors have proposed pooled laboratory param-

eters as means of accomplishing these objectives [38,39]. A
simple scoring system (including age, hyperglycemia, body
mass index, platelet count, albumin, and AST/ALT ratio) ac-
curately separates patients with NAFLD with and without
advanced fibrosis [38]. The European Liver Fibrosis group has
developed and validated to score fibrosis an algorithm combin-
ing age, hyaluronic acid, amino-terminal pro-peptide of type III
collagen, and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase [39].
However, there are no scientific evidences proving reliability of
these scores in children. Very recently, the accuracy and repro-
ducibility of transient elastography to stage stage grade of
fibrosis has been evaluated in a sample of children and adoles-
cents with biopsy proven NAFLD. This technology was found
very useful discriminating all children presenting any degree of
fibrosis from those without, but it showed some uncertainness
discriminating exactly between grade of fibrosis 1 and 2. The
results of the study supports the use of this technique in
selected sample of children with suspected NAFLD only and
not yet as screening technique in an unselected pediatric pop-
ulation [40].

Histological features of NASH differ in childhood respect
with adults [41]. Whilst the adult pattern (termed NASH type 1)
is characterised by the presence of steatosis (mainly macro-
vescicular) with ballooning degeneration and/or perisinusoidal
fibrosis in absence of portal features (Fig. 3A), the pediatric
NASH (NASH Type 2) is defined by the presence of steatosis
along with portal inflammation and/or fibrosis in absence of
ballooning degeneration and perisinusoidal fibrosis (Fig. 3B).
In the San Diego series, NASH type 2 is more common (51
patients out of 100); Type 1 is observed in 17 subjects, and an
overlap of type 1 and 2 is found in 32 cases. When the same
criteria proposed by Schwimmer et al. [41] are applied to the
Rome cohort [42], only 2.4% of 84 patients meet the criteria for
NASH type 1, and 29% the criteria for NASH type 2. The
combination of both types is observed in the largest part of
patients (52%) (Fig. 3C). Simple steatosis is found in the 17%
of the sample. Thus, in the Rome series NASH type 1 is rarely
seen as compared with San Diego survey, while the overlap of
type 1 and 2 pattern is the commonest histological report. In the
Rome series, fibrosis is noted in 58% patients; mostly of mild
severity (stage 1 in 51%), with only 5% patients showing septal Fig 3. Panel A: NASH type 1. Steatosis (S) with ballooning (B), no
fibrosis (stage 3). Fibrosis is significantly associated with older fibrosis and/or inflammation in the portal tract (EE 10X). Panel B:
age, increased body mass index [42], metabolic syndrome and NASH type 2. Steatosis (S) with inflammation (I) and fibrosis in the
its components, decreased insulin secretion and sensitivity [2]. portal tract (EE 10X). Panel C: NASH Overlap. Steatosis (S) and
In the San Diego survey, fibrosis is present in 60% of patients ballooning degeneration (B) are associated with inflammation and
fibrosis in the portal tract (EE 10X).
being moderate to severe in half of them. Cirrhosis is observed
in 3% of children. Fibrosis is positively related to the amount
of fat at the biopsy, and to the presence of lipogranulomas and
portal inflammation [41].


Pandemic NAFLD in Children

Difference in histological prevalence may resemble the dif- on fatty liver disease in adults with the intent to enable clini-
ferent ethnicity of the two samples: all Caucasians in the Rome cians to evaluate the most appropriate diet for NAFLD/NASH
series; mostly Hispanics and Asians in the San Diego sample. patients and make rational decisions based on this perspec-
As far as the different patterns of histology observed in children tive—in the absence of controlled trials—to help their patients
and adults are concerned, it has been speculated that the liver [47]. Basically, all the speculations made by the Authors apply
responds differently in the pediatric age to an insult which is to children, too and are currently in use at our Unit.
not yet inveterate as in the adults. In this context, periportal First of all, sudden or quick weight loss achieved through
damage may represent the earlier stage of the injury [43]. dietary modification may accelerate the progression from sim-
What is more significant is that there is still no consensus on ple fatty liver to NASH, therefore gradual weight loss is
how to evaluate and score histological features of liver involve- strongly recommended. Consumption of carbohydrate should
ment. The scoring system for the semi quantitative evaluation of be moderate and of low-glycemic index (GI) foods preferred. A
NASH, proposed by Elizabeth Brunt et al [44] assesses steatosis, higher carbohydrate intake is associated with a greater odd of
necro-inflammatory activity (grading) and architectural alterations inflammation than a higher fat intake [48]. A recent meta-
related to fibrosis (staging). The system has been developed for analysis [49] has highlighted all the beneficial effects of low in
NASH, but it does not seem sufficient for the assessment of GI dietary components in individuals with impaired insulin
NAFLD. Based on the initial system of Elisabeth Brunt, the response and dyslipidemia. According to these evidences, it
Pathology Committee of the NASH Clinical Research Network seems reasonable to conclude that the inclusion of carbohy-
has designed and validated a tailored scoring system that encom- drates that are high in indigestible and fermentable fiber and
passes the full spectrum of lesion of NAFLD. This system intro- low in GI can be helpful in maintaining glucose, insulin, and
duces the NAFLD activity score (NAS) including only features of FA concentrations in individuals with IR, such as NAFLD
active injury that are potentially reversible: steatosis, lobular in-
flammation and ballooning [45].
Consumption of sweetened drinks causes excess intake of as
much as 150 –300 kcal/d [50]. Therefore intakes of refined
sugars and high-fructose or high-glucose foods and beverages
ROLE OF DIET AND should be reduced in NAFLD children. High intakes of both
PHARMACOTHERAPY sugars can stimulate de novo synthesis of fatty acids [51] and
lead to changes in long-term energy balance regulation at the
Diet level of the central nervous system, inducing mainly a reduced
post meal suppression of the orexigenic hormone ghrelin [52].
To date, therapeutic strategies for NAFLD/NASH have
Intake of saturates fats must be limited to ⬍10% of total
revolved around i) identification and treatment of associated
energy, since they promote endoplasmic reticulum stress as well as
metabolic conditions such as obesity, diabetes and dyslipide-
hepatocyte injury [53], insulin resistance [54] and development of
mia; ii) amelioration of insulin resistance by weight loss, ex-
all components of the metabolic syndrome. Consumption of trans
ercise or pharmacotherapy; iii) use of hepato-protective agents
such as antioxidants to protect liver from secondary insults. fatty acids must also be limited. Although the specific pathoge-
A program targeting gradual weight reduction and physical netic mechanisms of trans FAs are not yet clear, the recommen-
exercise continues to be the gold standard of treatment for dation to avoid the intake of those fatty acids deriving from
NAFLD in children as well as in adults, even though little to no hydrogenated oils seems well founded, since they may increase
scientific evidence is available on diet and NAFLD. Change in inflammatory markers [55], induce endothelial dysfunction [56],
lifestyle per sè represents the only effective therapeutic option. and unfavorably alter the blood lipid profile [57]. Conversely,
Lifestyle advice, including mainly low-fat and low-glycaemic some bacterially derived trans FAs typically found in dairy prod-
index diets and regular physical exercise, causes weight loss, ucts seem to not have adverse effects on lipoprotein profiles [58].
improvement of body composition, and amelioration up to Intake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) has been largely
resolution of metabolic associated morbidities, including im- recommended. MUFAs are a key component of the Mediterranean
pairment of glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia and blood hy- diet, representing the olive oil the main source. The beneficial
pertension [42]. Ultrasound liver brightness and liver enzymes effects of MUFAs on cardiovascular disease risk and blood lipid
normalize or improve early after the beginning of the treatment profiles have been extensively addressed [59], as well as a neutral
[42]. This occurs in parallel with the amelioration or resolution in vivo effect on insulin resistance and secretion has been postu-
of steatosis and necro-inflammation, while no significant lated [54]. Contrasting, in part, the latter hypothesis, a recent study
change comes about grade of fibrosis after two years of a [60] evaluating expression of the phosphatase and tensin homo-
treatment based on a nutritional counsel alone [46]. A recent logue on chromosome 10 (PTEN) in the liver of rats and humans
review discusses systematically the effect of macronutrient having steatosis, found that oleic acid induces specifically down
content (carbohydrate, fat, and protein ratios) and specific food regulation of PTEN transcription. PTEN is a major regulator of the
components, such as soluble fiber, n-3 fatty acids, and fructose, insulin receptor substrate, and its down regulation may favor

672 VOL. 27, NO. 6

Pandemic NAFLD in Children

hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. Therefore, according to Pharmacotherapy

this report, olive oil should be consumed with caution.
The use of medications for the treatment of NAFLD has
Consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is
provided uncertain results since there are yet few controlled
recommendable as well. PUFAs include n-6 and n-3 fatty acids.
studies done in children and adults, which can offer convincing
The n-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid is the only dietary
evidences on the efficacy of a pharmacological approach also
precursor for the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapen-
in terms of histological outcomes. A strong rationale supports
taenoic acid (EPA), which are essential fatty acids in the
the use of certain drugs, i.e. metformin, thiazolidindiones
architecture of the membrane phospholipids. A lower n-6 to n-3
(TZD) and antioxidants in the treatment of the disease. Vitamin
ratio seems to be important in determining the metabolic shift
E may be effective for its antioxidant properties, while met-
toward beneficial inflammatory pathways [54]. To support the
formin and TZD for the ability to improve peripheral and
usefulness of PUFAs in preventing and contrasting NAFLD,
hepatic insulin sensitivity. Metformin has been proved able to
studies have shown that deficiency of essential fatty acids
reduce hyperinsulinemia, hepatomegaly in humans [65] and
associates with the development of steatosis in animal models
hepatic steatosis in murine obese models [66]. TZD have been
[61– 62] and that n-3 fatty acids exert positive effects on
prescribed only in adults and the administration of pioglitazone
amelioration of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance [54]. With
for six month, in a controlled study, was associated with a
regard to the NAFLD, DHA and EPA can reduce fat depots by
inducing catabolism of fatty acids through the activation of greater reduction as compared with the placebo in grade of
peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-mediated necro-inflammation (85% vs. 38%, P ⫽ 0.001) but not of
pathways [63] and down-regulate de novo lipogenesis through fibrosis [67].
SREBP pathways [64]. Vitamin E and Metformin are the only drugs that have been
In our clinical experience, we prescribe patients a hypoca- prescribed in childhood presenting with NAFLD/NASH so far.
loric diet of 25–30 cal/kg/d in case of overweight or overt A large controlled study granted by the NIH on the use of both
obesity, and isocaloric (40 – 45 cal/kg/d) for normal body drugs in pediatric NAFLD is now underway [68], even though
weight children, thus inducing a negative calorie balance in the the results of the few previous studies are contrasting and not
former and to allow a neutral calorie balance in the latter encouraging at all.
subjects. The amount of calories prescribed apart from anthro- Vitamin E was first prescribed to 11 obese NAFLD
pometrics takes into account physical and daily activities. Diet children in an open-label 6 month pilot trial with doses
composition consists of low GI carbohydrate (50%– 60%); fat ranging from 400 to 1200 IU daily [69]. Levels of amin-
(23%–30%); and protein (15%–20%); with a fat composition of otransferases normalized independently of any change in
two in third unsaturated and one in third saturated; the ␻6/␻3 body weight; however, liver brightness did not improve and
ratio is approximately 4:1 as recommended by the Italian patients experienced an increase in concentrations of liver
Recommended Dietary Allowances. Diet is tailored on individ- enzymes after withdrawing vitamin E therapy. Successively,
ual preferences to improve compliance, which may result par- Vajro et al [70] observed normalisation of liver enzymes
ticularly poor in children and adolescents. The above diet occurring early after two months of therapy; but again no
regimen is prescribed with a recommendation to engage in a changes in liver brightness. The Authors recommended pre-
moderate daily exercise program (45 min/d aerobic physical scribing vitamin E only to those patients with NAFLD who
exercise). At each visit, subjects or their parents fill out a three present with normal body weight.
day dietary and physical activity recall to evaluate adherence to In a cohort of 90 biopsy proven NAFLD/NASH children,
lifestyle recommendations. A multidisciplinary team including we have recently observed, in a 2 year controlled study, that
dieticians, hepatologists, endocrinologists, psychologists, and antioxidant supplementation (vitamin E 600 UI/die and vitamin
cardiologists evaluates and closely follows-up patients. The C 500 mg/die) is not better than placebo, outcomes being
weight loss program focuses on long-term dietary modification histology, levels of liver enzymes and ultrasound brightness
(low fat meals, decrease of nutrient dense foods and consequent [46,71].
increases of fruits and vegetables, ingestion of small to mod- Same results were obtained by our group after 2 year
erate size portions of meals throughout the day), increment in treatment with metformin (1500 mg/die) in a clinical trial
daily physical activity physical activities and reduction of sed- running in parallel with the trial on antioxidants and with the
entary activities), and behaviour change skills (self monitoring, same study design [72].
family based reinforcement systems, identification of high risk Before our study, there was a pilot study in which met-
situations, self awareness, stimulus controls, and cognitive be- formin alone was administered in ten non diabetic NAFLD
haviour strategies). Participants and their parents are instructed children for six month [73]. Use of metformin (1500 mg/d)
on how to exercise and maintain adherence to the exercise was associated with the improvement of liver histology
program by a skilled exercise physiologist as part of this with the reduction of fat depot at the magnetic resonance
multidisciplinary program [42,46]. spectroscopy.


Pandemic NAFLD in Children

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inflammation and/or necrosis, and others do not and how the
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