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China Desulfurization and

China Desulfurization and

Denitration (Flue Gas
Denitration (Flue Gas
Treatment) Industry Report,
Treatment) Industry Report,
Published by : Sino Market Insight
Date : March-2013
Page : 90
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According to the prediction of this report released by Sino Market Insight, the market size
of desulfurization and denitrification (flue gas treatment) industry in China will reach
M!"" billion by #$%", with a CA& of '(") during #$%%*#$%"(
As one of the backbones of en+ironmental protection industry in China, flue gas treatment
industry has witnessed significant de+elopment in the recent years( ,he market scale
climbed up from M!%-(. billion in #$$" to M!.#(/ billion in #$%#, with an AA& of
%-(0)( As the &o+ernment attaches growing importance to air pollution, nitrogen o1ides
ha+e been incorporated into gross control constraint indicators for the first time( 2lue gas
treatment industry will maintain rapid de+elopment momentum(
2lue gas treatment mainly in+ol+es desulfurization, denitrification, dust treatment, other
e1haust gas remo+als, etc(( As one of the earliest treated wast gases in China, sulfur
dio1ide holds relati+ely large market share in flue gas treatment industry, with total market

scale hitting M!#3(" billion, sharing /.(%) of industrial total4 as for denitrification, the
attention on policies of nitric o1ides has been to some e1tent impro+ed since #$$0, and
nitric o1ides ha+e been incorporated into gross control constraint indicators in the %#th
2i+e*5ear period (#$%%*#$%.), and its market scale in #$%# appro1imated M!%3(/ billion(
,he report includes si1 chapters and '- charts, and primarily in+ol+es the market scale of
desulfurization and denitrification (flue gas treatment) industry, market o+er+iew of key
industrail segments (desulfurization, denitrification, etc(), competition pattern and future
de+elopment trend in China(
$et Full Details On :

1# %acro-&conomic &n'ironment in (!ina) *+11-,1 *+1*
%(% China8s &9:
%(# 2i1ed In+estment
%(3 Industrial 9e+elopment
%(/ Import and ;1port ;n+ironments
%(. :er Capita 9isposable Income of <rban and ural =ouseholds
%(" ;ngel Coefficient
%(' Macroeconomic 2orecast, #$%#*#$%3;
*# -olicies an. /e0ulations on Flue $as Treatment 1n.ustry
#(% :olicy

#(%(% ,hermal :ower 9esulphurization Industry
#(%(# ,hermal :ower 9enitrification Industry
#(# elated >%#th 2i+e*5ear? :lanning Issued by Central &o+ernment and @ocal
3# 2tatus 3uo o4 Flue $as &mission in (!ina
3(% Aolume of 2lue &as ;mission
3(# Aolume of So# ;mission
3(3 Aolume of Bo1 ;mission
3(/ Aolume of Industrial 9ust C Soot ;mission

4# 2tatus 3uo o4 1n.ustrial Flue $as Treatment in (!ina
/(% 9esulfurization
/(# 9enitration
/(3 9ust 9isposal
/(/ Soot 9isposal
5# 2tatus 3uo o4 Flue $as Treatment 1n.ustry
.(% Market Size
.(# Competition
.(#(% 9esulphurization of ,hermal :ower
.(#(# 9enitration

.(#(3 9ust emo+al
.(3 2orecast of 2lue &as ,reatment Industry in China
.(3(% D+erall :redication
.(3(# 9esulphurization
.(3(3 9enitration
.(3(/ 9ust emo+al
6# 5ey (om6anies
"(% &uodian @ongyuan
"(%(% :rofile
"(%(# 2lue &as ,reatment !usiness

"(# 2uEian @ongking
"(#(% :rofile
"(#(# Fey 2inancial Indicators
"(#(3 e+enue and &ross Margin by Sector
"(#(/ e+enue and &ross Margin by :roduct
"(#(. e+enue and &ross Margin by egion
-urc!ase 7o8:

&9: in China, #$%$*#$%# (5,9)
&9: in China, #$$0*#$%3 (5D5)
<rban 2i1ed In+estment Bationwide, #$$#*#$%#
5o5 &rowth ate of Added Aalue of Industrial ;nterprises abo+e 9esignated Size, #$$$*
5o5 &rowth ate of ;1port 9eli+ery Aalue in China, #$$-*#$%#
,otal Import C ;1port Aalue and &rowth ,rend in China, #$$%*#$%#
Import C ;1port &rowth and !alance in China, #$$%*#$%#
,otal Import and ;1port Aalue by Country (egion), Hul( #$%#
:er Capita 9isposable Income of <rban =ouseholds in China, %0-.*#$%%
;ngel Coefficient of <rban and ural =ouseholds in China

2lue &as ;mission Aolume in China, #$$3*#$%#
Industrial Sulfur 9io1ide ;mission Aolume in China, #$$%*#$%.
Sulfur 9io1ide ;mission by egion, #$%$
BD1 ;mission Aolume in China, #$$"*#$%.
Bitrogen D1ides ;mission by egion, #$%$
Industrial 9ust C Soot ;mission Aolume in China, #$$%*#$%%
9ust C Soot ;mission by egion, #$%$
Industrial 9ust ;mission by egion, #$%$
:roportion of Industrial Sulphur 9io1ide Meeting 9ischarge Standards in China, #$$%*
Industrial Sulphur 9io1ide emo+ed Aolume in China, #$$%*#$%#

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