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Q.1 A current of 5 A exists in a 10 resistance for
4 minutes. How many coulombs pass through
any cross-section of the resistor in this time?
(A 1! " (# 1!0 "
(" 1!00 " ($ 1!000 "
Q.2 A current of 0.5 A flows in a %0 & lamp' then the
total charge passing through it in two hours will
(A 1(00 " (# !4 00 "
(" )000 " ($ )%00 "
Q.3 A charge of ! * 10
" mo,es at )0 re,olutions
per secon- in a circle of -iameter (0 cm. .he
current lin/e- with the circuit is.
(A 0.0! A (# !0 A
(" 0.%0 A ($ %0 A
Q.4 "urrent of 4.( ampere is flowing through a
con-uctor. .he number of electrons crossing per
secon- the cross-section of con-uctor will be.
(A ) * 10
(# ) * 10
(" 1.%( * 10
($ 1.%( * 10
Q.5 .he resistance of a wire is 2 . .he wire is stretche-
to -ouble its length /eeping ,olume constant. 3ow
the resistance of the wire will become.
(A 4 2 (# ! 2
(" 2 4 ! ($ 2 4 4
Q.6 5f an increase in length of copper wire is 0.56
-ue to stretching' the percentage increase in its
resistance will be.
(A 0.16 (# 0.!6
(" 16 ($ !6
Q.7 A wire 1 m long has a resistances of 1 . 5f it is
uniformly stretche-' so that its length increases
by !56' then its resistance will increase by.
(A !56 (# 506
(" 5%.!56 ($ 11.))6
Q.8 A gi,en piece of wire of length l ra-ius r an-
resistance 2 is stretche- uniformly to a wire of
ra-ius r 4 !. .he new resistance is
(A 1% 2 (# 4 2 (" 244 ($ 241%
Q.9 &hat length of a copper wire of cross-sectional
are 0.01 mm
' resisti,ity 1.1 * 10
m' will be
nee-e- to repare a resistance of 1.1 /?
(A 0.1 /m (# 0.1 /m
(" 1 /m ($ 10 /m
Q.10 1 /g piece of copper is -rawn into a wire 1 mm
thic/' an- another piece into a wire ! mm thic/.
"ompare the resistance of these wires.
(A ! 7 1 (# 4 7 1
(" ( 7 1 ($ 1% 7 1
Q.11 A resistor of !0 cm length an- resistance 5 ohm
is stretche- to a uniform wire of 40 cm length.
.he resistance now is-
(A 10 ohm (# 5 ohm
(" !0 ohm ($ !00 ohm
Q.12 "ertain wire has resistance of 10 . 5f it is
stretche- by 1410th of its length' then its
resistance is nearly.
(A 0 (# 10 (" 11 ($ 1!
Q.13 8asses of the three wires of same material are in
the ratio of 1 7 ! 7 ) an- their lengths in the ratio
of ) 7 ! 7 1. 9lectrical resistance of these wires
will be in the ratio of.
(A 1 7 1 7 1 (# 1 7 ! 7 )
(" 0 7 4 7 1 ($ !1 7 % 7 1
Q.14 A wire of resistance % is cut into three e:ual
pieces' which are ;oine- to form a triangle. .he
e:ui,alent resistance between any two corners
of the triangle is.
(A () 4 4 (# (4 4 )
(" ! ($ 4
Q.15 .he e:ui,alent resistance of networ/ of three
! resistors can not be.
(A 0.%1 (# !
(" ) ($ %
Q.16 <our wires each of same length -iameter an- material
are connecte- to each other to form a s:uare. 5f the
resistance of each wire is 2' then e:ui,alent
resistance across the opposite corners is.
(A 2 (# 24!
(" 244 ($ none of the abo,e
Q.17 Three resistances each of 4 are connected in
the form of an equilateral triangle. The effective
resistance between any two corners is.
(A) (3/8) () (8/3)
(!) 8 (") #$
Q.18 The electrical resistance between %oints A and
of the fig. #3.43 shown is.
(A) ($/3) () $
(!) (3/$) (") &
Q.19 'n the circuit fig( the voltmeter reads 3) *. +hat
is the resistance of the voltmeter,
(A) #$)) () -))
(!) 4)) (") 3))
Q.20 The equivalent resistance between %oints A and
in the fig( is # . +hat is the value of un.nown
resistance /,
(A) # () 3
(!) & (") 0
Passage - 1 (Qus. 21 to Qus. 27)
The fig. shows a networ. of five resistances and
a battery.
As!e" t#e $o%%o!&g 'uest&os.
Q.21 The total resistance of the networ. across the
battery is1
(A) 2 () &
(!) 3.2 (") 3one of these
Q.22 The current coming out of the battery is1
(A) $.2 A () 3 A
(!) 4 A (") 3one of these
Q.2( The voltage dro% across the #) resistor is.
(A) & * () 0 *
(!) #) * (") 3one of these
Q.2) The current in the #2 resistor is1
(A) # A () ).& A
(!) #.2 A (") ).4 A
Q.2* The current through the #$ resistor is
(A) ).4 A () ).& A
(!) ).-2 A (") # A
Q.2+ The %ower dissi%ated in the 3 resistor is
(A) $2 () 3-.2
(!) #$ (") 3.&
.27 The ma4imum %ower is dissi%ated in the resistor
(A) #2 () #$
(!) 4 (") &
Passage - 2 (Qus. 28 to Qus. (2)
The fig. shows a networ. of four resistance and
two batteries along with two switches 5
and 5
As!e" t#e $o%%o!&g 'uest&os.
Q.28 With the S
closed and S
(A) The current in the 4 resistor in 5 A
(B) The current in the 1 resistor is zero
(C) The current in the middle branch is ! 5 A
(") All the abo#e
Q.29 With the s$itch S
closed and S
(A) The current in the 4 resistor is zero
(B) The current in the 1 resistor is 5 A.
(C) The current in the middle branch is ! 5 A
(") All the abo#e
Q.30 With both the s$itches S
and S
(A) The current in the 4 resistor is zero.
(B) The current in the 1 resistor is zero.
(C) The current in the middle branch is zero.
(") %one o& these
Q.31 With both the s$itches closed' the ma(imum
po$er is dissipated in.
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 4 (") )iddle branch
Q.32 With both the s$itches closed
(A) the 4 and 2 resistances in the le&t loop
are in parallel.
(B) the 4 and 2 resistances in the le&t loop
are in series.
(C) the le&t loop and the ri*ht loop are in series.
(") the le&t loop and the ri*ht loop are in parallel.
Q.33 n the &i*ure sho$n' each resistance is +. )atch
the &ollo$in* ,
Column-I Column-II
(A) +esistance bet$een a and b (-)
(B) +esistance bet$een a and c (.)
(C) +esistance bet$een b and d (+) +
(S) none
Q.34 Three $ires o& same material are connected in
parallel to a source o& em&. The len*th ratio o&
the $ires is 1 , 2 , 0 and the ratio o& their area
o& cross section is 2 , 4 , 1. Then match match
the &ollo$in* ,
Column-I Column-II
(A) +esistance ratio (-) 1 , 1 , 1
(B) Current ratio (.) 1 , 1 , 1
(C) -o$er ratio (+) 1 , 1 , 1
(S) %one
Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. C " C A A C C A C " C " " B B A B A A B
Q.No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Ans. A B A " C C C " " " C B
33. A S # C R
34. A Q # C R $ Q

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