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Comparison of Various

Analysis Methods
Business Analysis Methods Guide

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The comprehensive guide to business analysis methods
Copyright AKS-Labs

Business Analysis Methods

Comparison of Various Analysis Methods
Variance analysis or analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the estimation of the difference between budgeted,
standard, or planned amount and the actual amount received or incurred. 80/20 Pareto analysis or 80/20
rule holds that in most circumstances, 80% of the
causes. What if simulation or sensitivity analysis is the technique of applying changes in the parameters
in a given situation or model and finding out the effects of such changes.
Competitive analysis explores the level of competition in the industry, sector, or market niche, which could
impact the marketing prospects of a product or a service. Break
point at which the costs and expenses equal the revenues of
analysis is the determination of the relative magnitude ratio of two selective numerical values in the
companys financial statements.
Dozens of key sub-ratio analyses are applied in five major ratio
ratios, debt ratios, profitability ratios, and market ratios. SWOT analysis is the assessment of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could influence the performance of the organization. PE
analysis is the scanning of external macro
economical, social, and technological spheres.

The comprehensive guide to business analysis methods
AKS-Labs 2501 Blue Ridge Road
Suite 150 Raleigh NC 27607
Comparison of Various Analysis Methods
Variance analysis or analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the estimation of the difference between budgeted,
standard, or planned amount and the actual amount received or incurred. 80/20 Pareto analysis or 80/20
rule holds that in most circumstances, 80% of the activities are determined or controlled by 20% of the
causes. What if simulation or sensitivity analysis is the technique of applying changes in the parameters
in a given situation or model and finding out the effects of such changes.
ysis explores the level of competition in the industry, sector, or market niche, which could
impact the marketing prospects of a product or a service. Break-even analysis evaluates the break
point at which the costs and expenses equal the revenues of the firm. Key ratio analysis or financial ratio
analysis is the determination of the relative magnitude ratio of two selective numerical values in the
companys financial statements.
ratio analyses are applied in five major ratio analyses, namely, liquidity ratios, activity
ratios, debt ratios, profitability ratios, and market ratios. SWOT analysis is the assessment of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could influence the performance of the organization. PE
analysis is the scanning of external macro-environmental change factors related to the political,
economical, social, and technological spheres.

Page 2
Comparison of Various Analysis Methods
Variance analysis or analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the estimation of the difference between budgeted,
standard, or planned amount and the actual amount received or incurred. 80/20 Pareto analysis or 80/20
activities are determined or controlled by 20% of the
causes. What if simulation or sensitivity analysis is the technique of applying changes in the parameters
ysis explores the level of competition in the industry, sector, or market niche, which could
even analysis evaluates the break-even
the firm. Key ratio analysis or financial ratio
analysis is the determination of the relative magnitude ratio of two selective numerical values in the
analyses, namely, liquidity ratios, activity
ratios, debt ratios, profitability ratios, and market ratios. SWOT analysis is the assessment of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could influence the performance of the organization. PEST
environmental change factors related to the political,

The comprehensive guide to business analysis methods
Copyright AKS-Labs

Business Analysis Methods

More in the full version of the Business Analysis
Methods Guide:
29 page SWOT guide

Alternative methods to SWOT analysis
Steps in solving problems using Porters Five Forces for Competitive Position
Solving problems using the SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis: conclusions
SWOT checklist
21 PowerPoint templates
32 page PEST Analysis Guide (Adobe PDF file)
Introduction to the method and problem of PEST
PEST and its extensions
Step-by-step guide on how to use PEST for solving business problems
Key success factors of PEST
Examples of real-life usage of PEST
Checklist for PEST
Other aspects related to PEST
Review of the most popular business analysis methods
The review includes introduction to the method, step
80/20 Pareto Analysis (4 page)
Break-even Analysis (4 page)
Competitive Analysis (4 page)
Key Ratio Analysis (3 page)
PEST Analysis (3 page)
SWOT Analysis (4 page)
Variance analysis (4 page)
"What if..." simulation (4 page)
Learn more online:

The comprehensive guide to business analysis methods
AKS-Labs 2501 Blue Ridge Road
Suite 150 Raleigh NC 27607
More in the full version of the Business Analysis
Methods Guide:
SWOT guide (Adobe PDF file):
Alternative methods to SWOT analysis
Steps in solving problems using Porters Five Forces for Competitive Position
Solving problems using the SWOT analysis - 5 examples in format: Problem, Response with SWOT,
SWOT analysis: conclusions
templates (.pptx file; check examples below) for SWOT analysis
32 page PEST Analysis Guide (Adobe PDF file)
Introduction to the method and problem of PEST
PEST and its extensions
on how to use PEST for solving business problems
Key success factors of PEST
life usage of PEST

Other aspects related to PEST
Review of the most popular business analysis methods
introduction to the method, step-by-step algorithms, pros and cons, best
80/20 Pareto Analysis (4 page)
even Analysis (4 page)
Competitive Analysis (4 page)
Key Ratio Analysis (3 page)
PEST Analysis (3 page)
SWOT Analysis (4 page)
e analysis (4 page)
"What if..." simulation (4 page)
Page 3
More in the full version of the Business Analysis
Steps in solving problems using Porters Five Forces for Competitive Position
5 examples in format: Problem, Response with SWOT,
(.pptx file; check examples below) for SWOT analysis
on how to use PEST for solving business problems
Review of the most popular business analysis methods
step algorithms, pros and cons, best

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