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How to start with Epdm

1. Go to ePDM.
2. You will fnd following screen
3. !en select "n# of t!e folder #ou will $ro%$t to enter usern"%e "nd
&. Usern"%e "nd P"ssword were gi'en (# S).
*. +fter entering usern"%e "nd $"ssword following screen "$$e"rs
Process for new order
1. ,irst c!ec- #our e%"il.
2. Downlo"d e%$l"te "s %ention in e.%"il.
3. o downlo"d t!is te%$l"te o$en #our ePDM following ste$s "s %entioned
&. !en go to +$$ro'ed e%$l"te folder "s s!own (elow.
*. ,ro% !ere #ou c"n downlo"d "ll u$d"ted e%$l"tes.
Process to download fles from ePDM.
1. Login ePDM following $rocess in 1
2. Go to +$$ro'ed e%$l"te folder "s s!own in $re'ious $"rt.
3. Now we "re using s"%$le e.%"il "s s!own in t!is docu%ent
&. Now select /0!ec- 1ut2 o$tion "s s!own (elow
*. !en following window "$$e"rs "fter $ressing t!is o$tion.
3. +s #ou c"n see t!ere is $lent# of "re re"d# for downlo"ded.
4. Now we !"'e to re%e%(er 2 $oints in %ind w!ile c!ec-ing out fles.
)e need to unc!ec- "ll dr"wing fles %"r-ed under colu%n /Get2.
)!# we need to unc!ec- dr"wing fles %"r-ed under colu%n /Get25
6ec"use if we le"'e t!e% unc!ec-ed t!e# "lso get downlo"ded "nd
we do not need t!e%7 "lso t!e# incre"se fle si8e to downlo"d w!ic!
t"-es ti%e to downlo"d. So do SM+9 wor- (# un.c!ec-ing t!e%.
t!ing we need to t"-e in %ind t!"t c!ec-.out o$tion is used for
/EDIING2 $ur$ose onl#. If #ou "s-ed for use e%$l"te it %e"ns t!"t
#ou need to downlo"d /L"test 'ersion2 co$# fro% ePDM.
o do t!is7 "fter unc!ec- dr"wings fles fro% /Get2 colu%n we need
to unc!ec- /0!ec-.out2 in front of e%$l"te. 6# t!is w"# we get
l"test co$# of "ll rel"ted fles "nd Downlo"d e%$l"te wit!out
!"'ing /1wners!i$2.
+fter doing t!is #ou window loo- li-e (elow I%"ge
:. Now $ress 0!ec- 1ut 6utton "nd fles st"rt to downlo"d.
Error during download
Ple"se note t!"t t!ere "re so%eti%es error occurred w!ile downlo"ding. 6elow
"re so%e errors "nd t!ere solution "re gi'en. Ple"se loo- into t!is for future
1. If #ou $ro$erl# follow "(o'e $rocess to downlo"d fle t!en t!ere will (e
onl# one error c"n occurred w!ile downlo"d w!ic! is /,"iled to recei'e
fles2. !is error occurred (ec"use of slow internet connection. 6elow is
gi'en t!e i%"ge of t!"t error. o "'oid t!is $ro(le% downlo"d "ll fles
w!en #ou c"%e to o<ce. It will s"'e ti%e of #ours "nd ot!ers "lso.
2. So%eti%es te%$l"te fles or reference order fles were c!ec-ed out (#
so%eone !ence in t!"t c"se we were not "(le to use c!ec- out o$tion to
downlo"d fles. !ere for we need to follow $rocedure %ention (elow;
". If te%$l"te=reference fle c!ec- out (# so%eone t!en we were not
"(le to use c!ec- out o$tion.
(. In t!is c"se we use /Get L"test >ersion2 o$tion fro% dro$ down list.
c. +fter $ressing /Get L"test >ersion2 o$tion #ou get following window
"s s!own
d. In $re'ious i%"ge #ou c"n see t!"t fle is c!ec- out (# so%eone.
now we flter dr"wing fles "nd $ress /Get2 o$tion. !en we get "
error of /0old stor"ge2. See (elow i%"ge of t!"t error.
e. !is error occurred (ec"use we did not downlo"d l"test 'ersion fles
fro% ePDM. o downlo"d l"test 'ersion fle we c!"nge 'ersion of
fles. o do so $le"se follow $rocedure gi'en in (elow i%"ges.
f. Now "$$l# flter to re%o'e dr"wing fles. +fter "$$l#ing flter #our
fle tree get regener"ted. Due to t!is re?uired dr"wing fle to
downlo"d %o'es downw"rd in tree "nd flter "lso. Ple"se see (elow
for i%"ge.
g. Now we need to fnd t!is fle "nd c!ec- in /Get colu%n2 to
downlo"d fle. Ple"se see (elow for i%"ge.

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