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David A.

Rosenberg December 16, 2009

Chief Economist & Strategist Economic Commentary
+ 1 416 681 8919


Special Report — Year Ahead: Can You

Handle the Truth?
It’s that time of the year when ‘sell-side’ research departments publish their
Year-Ahead Reports (as I once did in the not-too-distant past); as do all the After countless emails and
financial magazines. phone conversations, I
realized that there was a
I realized after countless emails and phone conversations (in that order) that there high expectation that I
is a very high expectation that I publish one too. I honestly have no intention of publish a year-ahead
publishing a specific set of forecasts in my current role as the Chief Economist and report
Strategist for Gluskin Sheff for public consumption — the granularity of my
recommendations is reserved for our Investment team and our client base. Be
that as it may, I am more than happy to comment on what I see as an emerging
consensus and my general view on the direction of the economy and the markets
in the coming year without getting into too much detail or numerical forecasts,
which are the domain of the ‘sell-side’ macro teams globally.

At the outset, let it be known that when I read everyone else’s year-ahead
prognostications, all I can think of is, “where do I store this stuff for a year so I
can look back and say ‘That was so wrong!’.” It’s not that the reports are always
bullish every year; it is that they seem so contrived. And, as I mentioned in the
December 10th edition of Breakfast with Dave, this year, probably like most
years, there seems to be a remarkable level of agreement. Based on my
reading, here is what I conclude the consensus views are as we head into 2010:

• Muted recovery, but positive growth, for sure! No risk of a ‘double dip’. Having read various Year-
• Equity markets up! Ahead Reports, it sure
• A barbell strategy of domestic multinational blue chips and emerging market seems like there is a
equities. remarkable level of
• The U.S. dollar is…neutral, but we did locate more bulls than bears (so much agreement for 2010
for the ‘carry trade’ thesis).
• Positive on commodities for the most part.
• Concerned about government balance sheets, and therefore…
• …Bearish on long term government bonds because they are the ‘competition’
and, after all, who would tie their money up for 10 years at 3.5% when you
can lose 22% in stocks? And, therefore…
• …Bullish on spread product (as long as it’s not long-term). And, therefore…
• …Really comfortable with high yield (just for the coupon and the view that
default rates will come down).
• Certain that volatility will not be an impediment.
• The Fed will begin to raise rates in the second half of the year, but that this
will have no impact since they will still be low.

Please see important disclosures at the end of this document.

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. is one of Canada’s pre-eminent wealth management firms. Founded in 1984 and focused primarily on high net
worth private clients, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients by delivering strong, risk-adjusted returns together with the highest
level of personalized client service. For more information or to subscribe to Gluskin Sheff economic reports, visit
December 16, 2009 – SPECIAL REPORT – YEAR AHEAD

So here we are with a glorious opportunity to reintroduce Bob Farrell’s Rule 8:

“When all forecasts and experts agree, something else is going to happen.” Forecasting is a humbling
profession even in the best
That being said, these economists and strategists, many of whom I know, are of times
smart guys (and gals) and they are human. To ‘talk your book’ is human; to have
the courage to ‘buck the consensus’ is divine. I too am human; I also like to feel
that I have courage of my convictions; and I too have a “book” (of sorts — it’s
called reputation). But I have decided to take the opportunity of the “Year-
Ahead Moment” to transition from sell-side to buy-side and more importantly, to
reflect on the past year and really try to prognosticate from the gut. You would
be surprised how a blend of intuition and experience can make a difference in a
cycle like the one we are in that has absolutely nothing in common with the
other recessions of the post-WWII era.

Forecasting is a humbling profession even in the best of times and I have

learned a lot in the past year, especially from my partners here at Gluskin Sheff
who realizes all too well that:

1. It is what is embedded in asset prices benchmarked against the forecast

that is of utmost importance for investors;
2. The focus of any forecast must take into account the reality that
minimizing portfolio risks is at least as critical as maximizing the returns,
3. Every forecast has an error term and the range around any projection in a
post-bubble credit collapse can be extremely wide.
I do not view the economic events of the last two years as a classic
recession/recovery phase. They only exist in the context of a secular credit
expansions and contractions. We are in a post-credit bubble credit collapse that
is ongoing, à la Bob Farrell’s Rule 4: “Exponential rapidly rising or falling markets
usually go further than you think, but they do not correct by going sideways.”

Mainstream economists called this downturn “The Great Recession”. This is

truly a gentle way of saying “Depression”. When we can have the courage to Mainstream economists
come to grips with the fact that we did in fact experience a depression of sorts, called this downturn “The
which is by definition a credit event, then and only then can we draw a Great Recession”. But this
conclusion that a sustainable recovery will not get underway until the ratio of is truly a gently way of
household credit to personal disposable income reverts to the mean (and goes saying “Depression”
to an excess in the opposite direction). I know it sounds harsh, but we shall
endure — believe it. Transition is rarely without pain.

The ratio of household debt to disposable income is up from a 30% ratio back in
the 1950s to 125% today (though down from 139% at the peak in 2007). Mean
reverting to a ratio closer to 60% means that the deleveraging process will be a
multi-year event and by the time it is over, more than $7 trillion in additional
household credit will have to be extinguished. For more on this see the
unbelievably grotesque article on the front page of last Thursday’s (December
10) Wall Street Journal — The New American Dream.

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December 16, 2009 – SPECIAL REPORT – YEAR AHEAD

Perhaps inflation is a consensus forecast but deflation is the present day reality
and often lingers for years following a busted asset and credit bubble of the Perhaps inflation is a
magnitude we have endured over the past two years. The fact that China’s consensus forecast, but
voracious appetite for basic materials will continue to exert upward pressure on deflation is the present
commodity prices does not detract from this view, especially given the day reality
widespread excess capacity in the manufacturing sector and the new frugality
that has gripped, and in many cases, been embraced by the retail sector. Higher
raw material prices, owing to developments in Asia as opposed to demand
pressures here at home, will prove to be a sustained source of profit margin
compression for many sectors and companies linked to finished consumer
goods and services.

So, much of what I have read in various Year-Ahead Reports predict corporate
earnings, GDP growth here and abroad, interest rates and relative values of
currencies. As I mentioned earlier, the error term is bound to be very wide in this
new paradigm (since WWII) of a secular credit collapse. GDP growth in 1934
was 10%, but the Depression wasn’t over until 1940.

Since 1989, the Japanese stock market has had no fewer than four 50%-plus
rallies and there still has been no period of growth that can be called a
sustained expansion. Today, we have our own special set of conditions and it is
bound to be tricky as is typical during a post-bubble credit collapse, no matter
how intense the government reaction. Prematurely committing to the ‘risk’ trade
is probably going to be the most lamentable action over the next few years.

Suffice it to say, we believe that the dominant focus will be on capital

preservation and income orientation, whether that be in bonds, hybrids, hedge
fund strategies, and a consistent focus on reliable dividend growth and dividend We believe that the
yield would seem to be in order. To reiterate, I see the range of outcomes in the
dominant focus this
coming year will be on
financial markets and the economy to be extremely wide at the current time.
capital preservation and
But one conclusion I think we can agree on is the need to maintain defensive
income orientation
strategies and minimize volatility and downside risks as well as to focus on
where the secular fundamentals are positive such, as in fixed-income and in
equity sectors that lever off the commodity sector.

This, in turn, underscores my primary focus of favouring Canadian dollar

based investments over the U.S. because at no time in my professional life
have the downside risks — economic, fiscal, financial and political — been so
low on a relative basis and the upside potential so high as is the case today.
The near-2,000 basis point gap this year between the TSX and the S&P 500 —
the former leading — should be taken in the context of being just past the
halfway point of a secular (ie, 16-18 year) period of outperformance. Northern
exposure never felt this hot.

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December 16, 2009 – SPECIAL REPORT – YEAR AHEAD

Gluskin Sheff at a Glance

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. is one of Canada’s pre-eminent wealth management firms.
Founded in 1984 and focused primarily on high net worth private clients, we are dedicated to the
prudent stewardship of our clients’ wealth through the delivery of strong, risk-adjusted
investment returns together with the highest level of personalized client service.


As of September 30, 2009, the Firm We have strong and stable portfolio
managed assets of $5.0 billion. management, research and client service
teams. Aside from recent additions, our Our investment
Gluskin Sheff became a publicly traded
Portfolio Managers have been with the interests are directly
corporation on the Toronto Stock
Firm for a minimum of ten years and we
Exchange (symbol: GS) in May 2006 and aligned with those of
have attracted “best in class” talent at all
remains 65% owned by its senior our clients, as Gluskin
levels. Our performance results are those
management and employees. We have Sheff’s management and
of the team in place.
public company accountability and employees are
governance with a private company We have a strong history of insightful collectively the largest
commitment to innovation and service. bottom-up security selection based on client of the Firm’s
fundamental analysis. For long equities, we
Our investment interests are directly investment portfolios.
look for companies with a history of long-
aligned with those of our clients, as
term growth and stability, a proven track
Gluskin Sheff’s management and
record, shareholder-minded management
employees are collectively the largest
and a share price below our estimate of $1 million invested in our
client of the Firm’s investment portfolios.
intrinsic value. We look for the opposite in Canadian Value Portfolio
We offer a diverse platform of investment equities that we sell short. For corporate in 1991 (its inception
strategies (Canadian and U.S. equities, bonds, we look for issuers with a margin of date) would have grown to
Alternative and Fixed Income) and safety for the payment of interest and $15.5 million2 on
investment styles (Value, Growth and principal, and yields which are attractive
1 September 30, 2009
Income). relative to the assessed credit risks involved. versus $9.7 million for the
The minimum investment required to We assemble concentrated portfolios S&P/TSX Total Return
establish a client relationship with the — our top ten holdings typically Index over the same
Firm is $3 million for Canadian investors represent between 25% to 45% of a period.
and $5 million for U.S. & International portfolio. In this way, clients benefit
investors. from the ideas in which we have the
highest conviction.
$1 million invested in our Canadian Value Our success has often been linked to our
Portfolio in 1991 (its inception date) long history of investing in under-
would have grown to $15.5 million on
2 followed and under-appreciated small
September 30, 2009 versus $9.7 million and mid cap companies both in Canada
for the S&P/TSX Total Return Index and the U.S.
over the same period. PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION
$1 million usd invested in our U.S. In terms of asset mix and portfolio For further information,
Equity Portfolio in 1986 (its inception construction, we offer a unique marriage
date) would have grown to $11.2 million please contact
between our bottom-up security-specific
usd on September 30, 2009 versus $8.7

fundamental analysis and our top-down

million usd for the S&P 500 Total
macroeconomic view, with the noted
Return Index over the same period.
addition of David Rosenberg as Chief
Economist & Strategist.
Unless otherwise noted, all values are in Canadian dollars.
1. Not all investment strategies are available to non-Canadian investors. Please contact Gluskin Sheff for information specific to your situation.
2. Returns are based on the composite of segregated Value and U.S. Equity portfolios, as applicable, and are presented net of fees and expenses. Page 4 of 5
December 16, 2009 – SPECIAL REPORT – YEAR AHEAD

Copyright 2009 Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. (“Gluskin Sheff”). All rights and, in some cases, investors may lose their entire principal investment.
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