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FINAL PAPER - SMART C+ Lemon Squeeze 500 mL
Classical- Since the print ad offers only one message and that is making the smart choice
when consumers choose to purchase this product.
1. Product
A. Type of Good
Our product is the idea of making the smart choice. This is suggested by the messages
Refresh the SMART way and #ThinkAboutYourDrink.
Our physical good is refreshment that offers a high amount of Vitamin C. It is surely a
thirst quencher that gives you 500mg of Vitamin C in just one bottle. Its described as choosing
the smartest way when you choose this product over other ready-to-drink beverages. Based on
the print ad, the arrow symbolizes the cycle of having to go back repeatedly to buy another bottle
to completely suffice the desire that you get when drinking one.
This print ad falls under the Shopping type of good. Teenagers today want to embody the
image that Kathryn Bernardo portrays. It does not necessarily mean that they want to send out
the message of Buy me and be like Kathryn to its consumers. It just tells and targets the people
who want the image of beauty, health and fame like Kathryn. Consumers have a lot of other
choices on how to be refreshed; however, with Smart C+, it allows one to be refreshed in a smart
way by drinking not only to quench your thirst; but also to intake a 500mg of vitamin C at the
same time. It implies that when you make the right choice, you get to be an image not only of
health but also of beauty and wellness. Smart C+ wants to attract consumers who have the desire
to be like Kathryn Bernardo, the teen queen and current endorser of the said product. Also, based
on the ad, it was said Refresh in a smart way.
B. Maslows Hierarchy
We describe SMART C+ from the print ad as a product that fulfills the Belongingness
level because the outcome of choosing the right choice of having a Smart C+ bottle is a persons
aura for beauty, health and fame. It gives the consumers an identity of someone who wants to be
like their favorite celebrity endorser, Kathryn Bernardo. They have this desire of being noticed
and they want to belong in a certain social circle as well. And that desire will be attained when
they let themselves be associated with teen queen, Kathryn, by drinking SMART C+.
Just like the example given in class. It was said that the sales of Hermes bags in the
Philippines have gone down because of the acquisition of Pac mom Dionisia. People didnt want
to be associated with her. On the other hand, the example given in our print ad is the opposite
one. Smart C wanted to give the message that if people drink this beverage, they would be
somehow associated with Kathryn Bernardo.

C. Product Life Cycle
The product is on its Growth stage because at the beginning of this level, it yields the
highest sales because the product is sold during its trend. This leads to rapid growth in the
market. At the end of this stage, it will be possible for them to have competition due to the rise
along the price sensitivity of this stage.
The product was already past its introductory stage, now its trying to focus on attracting
its specific target market by giving them messages such as Refresh the SMART way or
#ThinkAboutYourDrink They are also segmenting their market by giving emphasis on who
fits the product more thru advertisements and promotions.

D. BCG Matrix
The product follows a Star Product Life Cycle in the BCG Matrix because we associated
it with being a Shopping Good. Since the product is refreshment and the print ad was published
during summer time in the newspaper Philippine Daily Inquirer, then we can conclude that
during this time, this product is appealing because it is the appropriate thirst quencher. There will
be a great increase in the market share since the product will be in demand during this season,
thus leads to a market growth. But come rainy seasons there might be lesser people who will
purchase this product since they associate it as a summertime drink.

E. Branding
I dentity
The font used in every Smart C+ bottle clearly shows that it is formal thus, being way too
casual. The Times New Roman font of this drink implies that it is a smart way to choose this
drink over the others.
Since the brand name is under the Oishi Company and we know that Oishi is trusted by
many consumers, we can conclude that Smart C+ is a high quality drink since its pale color of
the drink inside the bottle somewhat suggests that there are no preservatives added and it is
purely for the benefit of those who are health conscious.
At the moment that they will have a glance of the physical good, consumers will be
reminded of the quality of the product. It offers pureness of the product as a vitamin C and you
will be assured that the product does not have any preservatives.
Legal Protection
The Smart C+ print ad made it easy for the consumers to distinguish the credible ways to
get in touch with them by placing their official facebook page, twitter page, and email at the
bottom-right of the print ad. This certifies that the contact details attached to the advertisement
are the principal and valid contact details of the Smart C+ Company. It is an insurance to the
customers that what they will be getting into will provide them good services and detailed
information about the product and will not be victims of scams.
The branding of SMART C+ makes it easy for consumers to differentiate their drink to
others because with theirs, they give more emphasis on catering consumers with that 500 mg of
Vitamin C, as also suggested by the C+ in the brand name.
I mage
The image that the product portrays is that whenever consumers buy this good, they
associate it with making a smart choice because with this product, they are not only after the fact
that its a thirst-quencher good but also an excellent source of vitamin C that will make them
healthy and have enough energy for all the tasks they will do in a day.

F. Packaging
The most visible packaging objective from the print ad is the Promoting. Aside from the
brand name itself, the message that they want the consumers to convey is that theyre making a
smart choice when they purchase this particular product. Their Hashtag #ThinkAboutYourDrink
campaign makes it clear that when purchasing goods, you need to think about what drink benefits
you the most and not just put drinks on your carts that tastes good but are not healthy or cannot
sustain your needs. You really need to think about it and not just buy what is convenient for you
or its availability in the market. Thinking about their drink is a way of telling the consumers that
the Smart C+ drink is the best option theyve got. This is because they offer a physical good that
offers a product that allows you to make the right choice of having refreshment and vitamins in
just one drink.

They concentrate on giving the customers the promised 500mg of Vitamin C in each of
their bottles. The fact that they are not only refreshment but a dose of vitamin convinces their
consumers to buy the product because it will also be a part of their daily vitamin intake.
The print ad lacks information about the other flavors offered by Smart C+. The Lemon
Squeeze Flavor is the only one presented in the ad which enables the consumers or those who are
interested to buy this product to limit their choices because they are not aware of the other
flavors Smart C+ can offer.
The product can appeal to those whose preference is a drink that is healthy and beneficial
but doesnt contain a lot of sugar or isnt too sweet. It can also appeal to those who prefer to
drink their vitamins rather than a capsule/tablet intake everyday; those who prefer to consume a
bottle that already contains 500mg of vitamin C than to eat numerous fruits just to get the same
number of vitamins. Lastly, since Vitamin C may include protection against immune system
deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin
wrinkling, those who are so concerned about these complications should be the primary target of
the Smart C+ drink. It would be the best opportunity for them to be known and to make higher
If the company will not be able to fulfill its promise of 500 mg of vitamin C by
compensating it with other ingredients such as artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Consumers
will easily detect when theres change, especially when its predominant in the taste.

H. Target Segmentation
Age (Product Usage): The age range target segment used in the print ad is from 15 to 17
years old. This is the appropriate age range of the target segment because teens at this age are
undergoing a transition phase; they become more conscious on having a better image. Also, they
focus on having a good image of someone who is healthy and fit. The product usage of Smart C+
is basically a refreshment that caters you more than one benefit; health, beauty and wellness.
Gender (To whom the product benefits the most): The target segment will be the
females because they are mostly the ones who always want to look fresh and presentable,
especially when they are going out to meet their friends or if they have outdoor activities. They
are the ones who are more conscious about how others perceive them. Also, they used a female
endorser, whos known as always fresh and looking good, in the print ad to give an emphasis on
the females being their target segment.
Educational Attainment (Level of Analysis): High School because with their level of
analysis, they are predominantly only concerned with the external benefits of the product.
Occupation (Aspiration): Students will be the target segment because most teens in this
generation would want others to notice that theyre changing their image for the better. They
are the usually the ones who compete amongst each other on whos better or more presentable.
In addition, they would to be unique and have an edge amongst their classmates.
Income (Purchase Priority): Consumers of this product do not put this on their top
priority, rather it is bought impulsively. They will buy this whenever they see it but it is not
necessary that they buy this out of habit.
Location (Culture): Location will be in supermarkets. Since it is summer time, the
target segment would usually buy the product in bulks in order to satisfy them for the whole

I. Psychographics
Media Itinerary: Target segment can be exposed to advertisements when they are on the
road, in the parlor, or having breakfast. These are the times when they read magazines, surf the
web or see billboards.
Purchase Itinerary: For our target segment, we can assume that they buy the product
during their outdoor activities such as road trip with friends or when engaging into activities such
as sports. Since the print ad on the newspaper was available during the summer season, its
somehow telling its consumers that its the perfect season to buy their product. This will also
lead the consumers to buying the product more.

2. Price
A. Pricing Strategy
Market Penetration - The product is introduced with a considerably low price to make
the consumers see it as an affordable and reasonable price. But as the awareness of
the people about the product grows and the demand increases as well, the producers
can set it the price a little higher or to its normal price.

3. Place- The product can be found at the different retailer and wholesaler markets.

4. Promotions
A. Promotion Mix Elements
Advertising is used in this advertisement because it is printed in newspapers that are
easily circulated within the nation.
Direct Marketing is used as promotion mix elements since it is in a newspaper
meaning there is no face-to-face endorsement needed.
B. Advertising Execution Styles
Lifestyle - It improves the lifestyle of the consumer by giving them a smarter and
healthier refreshment alternative from all the other drinks. Aside from that, it also
gives the consumer the impression from others that theyre conscious about their
health and that they are choosing a beverage thats quite different.
Endorsement- SMART C+ chose the celebrity Kathryn Bernardo as their endorser
because people see her as an appropriate person for the fresh and smart image. She
may also be credible because even if she has a lot of projects and tapings to do, she
still appears to be energetic as ever. Aside from that, majority of the target segment
knows and likes her. With this, it would help SMART C+ persuade its target segment
to buy their product.
C. Part in advertising life cycle
The advertising life cycle that corresponds to this print ad is the growth stage. They are
portraying an image of being the best because they are trying to tell to its consumers and
competitors that they do not only offer their consumers a thirst-quenching drink, but also a drink
with a dose of Vitamin C for the everyday need of the health-conscious ones. And that what
makes their product distinct and unique from others.

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