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1. Advantages of offshore energy
The degree of difficulty in implementing wind projects offshore in the Great Lakes is
significantly less than in ocean or saltwater applications is a great advantage to Michigan. This is
made possible by the fact that there is less wear and tear on the offshore wind component due to
less corrosion in fresh water as opposed to ocean water. Project implementation costs for Great
lakes applications are likely to be lower than in marine applications because of the less cost of
materials that are used in such applications. The water levels in the fresh water do not change
frequently as in the case in marine waters whose depth varies inconsiderably. This means that
they applications have to be changed each time in the case of marine offshore as the water levels
varies which incurs huge costs. Salt water is more corrosive than fresh water hence offshore
marine water projects are less durable. This further reduces the maintenance costs for offshore
energy in Michigan since the applications can last for a longer period of time without being
corroded or wearing out quickly.

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2. Wind maps
The map on page two demonstrates annual wind power estimates for Michigan based on
wind power class, resource potential, wind power density at 50m W/m
, wind speed at 50m m/s
and wind speed at 50 mph. it further demonstrates key transmission lines which differ based on
different voltages. The second map indicates the geographical location of Michigan in relation to
other parts of the neighboring states in the Great lakes region that are likely to benefit from the
offshore wind power in Michigan. The third map shows wind speed measured in mph and m/s as
well as the effects of the wind speed on the surrounding regions of the Great Lakes. Offshore
wind turbines should be located in regions with very strong winds and yet not very deep. From
the maps areas with superb wind resource potential, offer good grounds for location of turbines
despite the fact that they are very scarce.
3. Study methodology
The study methodology offers the theoretical analysis of the various methods applied in
the study. It further includes a consideration of the main concepts as well as theories that form
part of the methods used in the research. It seeks to offer explanation on how the research
questions will be addressed. In this case, the study methodology seeks to expound on the various
means of determining the capacity of offshore wind energy in Michigan. It explains and justifies
each stage of developing an offshore power plant.
4. Shallow water adjustments
Shallow water adjustments relates to alterations made in the lake water in areas that are
very shallow in order to accommodate offshore wind energy apparatus. This is done by digging
the shallow areas in order to increase their depth. This has been included in the study in order to
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portray the actual areas that need to be adjusted before offshore wind energy is conducted in
them. The areas require additional work to be performed before any material can be erected in
5. Michigas offshore energy potential
Michigan is well endowed with offshore wind energy potential and they need to pursue this
form of energy as it will increase the total amount of energy being generated in the entire state.
The highest estimated offshore wind energy potential is 3,470 Kw per single turbine which can
meet increased energy demands in Michigan as well as the entire Great lakes region. Another
reason for investing in this form of energy is that it is cost effective in comparison to other
sources of energy.

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