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THIS AFFIDAVIT CUM DECLARATION made and executed at _______, this _________
da !" ___________ T#! th!usand and six $
Mrs. Manisha Kalani an Adu%t Inha$itant &esidin' at
(He&eina"te& &e"e&&ed t! as Declarant (#hich ex)&essi!n sha%% un%ess it $e
&e)u'nant t! the c!ntext !& meanin' the&e!", mean and inc%ude thei& &es)ecti*e
%e'a% hei&s and &e)&esentati*es, execut!&s administ&at!&s, success!&s and
assi'ns+ d! he&e$ !n s!%emn dec%a&ati!n state and dec%a&e as unde&,

-. The /este&n India T&ustee and Execut!& C!m)an Limited in the ca)acit
as T&ustee !" India Ad*anta'e Fund III (he&eina"te& &e"e&&ed t! as the "Investr!
&e)&esented $ its in*estment mana'e& ICICI Ventu&e Funds Mana'ement
C!m)an Limited (ICICI Ventu&e+, the 0&!m!te&s (M&. Manish 0&ems#a&u) 1a%ani,
M2s 0adma H!mes 0*t. Ltd and 1a%ani 3&!the&s (Ind!&e+ 0*t. Ltd+ and
Ente&tainment /!&%d De*e%!)e&s 0&i*ate Limited (E/D0L+ sha%% $e executin' a
Secu&ities Su$sc&i)ti!n and Sha&eh!%de&s A'&eement (4the A'&eement5+.
6. In this A'&eement as &e"e&&ed in c%ause -7 headin' 4DEFAULT 0UT O0TION5
the 0&!m!te&s a&e &e8ui&ed t! se%% the assets $e%!n'in' t! the 0&!m!te&s and Ms
Manisha Manish 1a%ani (the Dec%a&ant he&ein+, in !&de& t! ena$%e the 0&!m!te&s
t! d! the same I he&e$ 'i*en m "&ee and i&&e*!ca$%e c!nsent and d! he&e$
i&&e*!ca$% auth!&i9e M&. Manish 0&ems#a&u) 1a%ani t! se%% the assets as %isted
he&ein $e%!# !n m $eha%" and t! &ecei*e sa%e )&!ceeds in &es)ect !" such sa%e
and t! uti%i9e the said sa%e )&!ceeds "!& the sett%ement !" the c%aims !" the
In*est!& as stated he&eina$!*e,

Insert the "r#ert$
:. I "u&the& state and su$mit that I a%s! auth!&i9e M& Manish 1a%ani !n m
$eha%" t! si'n and execute a%% &e8ui&ed d!cuments and c!m)% #ith a%% c!nnected
"!&ma%ities in &es)ect !" the sett%ement !" the c%aims !" the In*est!& as stated in
c%ause 6 he&eina$!*e.
;. I "u&the& state and su$mit that #e ha*e 'i*en the a$!*e c!nsent and
auth!&it !ut !" "&ee #i%% and c!nsent and #e unde&ta<e n!t t! &e*!<e the same
ti%% the In*est!&s "u%% exit "&!m E/D0L as the In*est!&
=. /hate*e& is stated in the a$!*e )a&a'&a)hs is t&ue and c!&&ect and I
$e%ie*e the same t! $e t&ue and c!&&ect.
S!%emn% Dec%a&ed at Mum$ai
This _____ da !" Oct!$e&, 6>>?
3 #ithin named Dec%a&ant
Identi@ed $ me,
3e"!&e Me,

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