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University of the East


Aurora Boulevar! "ue#on City
&' (hi)h of the follo*in+ ,est es)ri,es the in+uinal )anal-
A' It is ./0 )1 in len+th'
B' The ee2 in+uinal rin+ is lo)ate a,ove an lateral to the inferior e2i+astri)
C' The ee2 rin+ lies ire)tly 2osterior to the su2erfi)ial rin+ in the ault'
D' It trans1its the iliohy2o+astri) nerve'
The in+uinal )anal is an o,li4ue 2assa+e lo)ate 2arallel an 5ust a,ove the
in+uinal li+a1ent' It is 6/7 )1 in len+th' It e8tens fro1 the ee2 rin+ to the
su2erfi)ial rin+' It is an o2enin+ of the transversalis fas)ia' It trans1its the s2er1ati)
)or 91ale:! roun li+a1ent of the uterus 9fe1ale:! an the ilioin+uinal nerve 91ale an
fe1ale:' In the ne*,orn! the ee2 rin+ lies ire)tly 2osterior to the su2erfi)ial rin+ ,ut
1oves laterally as a result of +ro*th'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' &;</&;>'
<' (hat 2osition *oul 1a?e it i12ossi,le for a 2atient to ?ee2 his a,o1inal
1us)ulature tense urin+ an e8a1ination-
A' *hen the thi+hs are fle8e
B' *hen the thi+hs are e8tene
C' *hen the ar1s lie ,y the sie
D' *hen the ?nees are e8tene

To eter1ine *hether the a,o1inal *all is ri+i fro1 an unerlyin+
infla11ation or voluntary )ontra)tion! the 2atient is as?e to lie su2ine *ith the ar1s
,y the sie an the ?nees ra*n u2 to fle8 the hi2 5oints'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &.0'
6' (hi)h of the follo*in+ vessels is o,literate very early in the evelo21ent of the
u1,ili)al )or-
A' ri+ht u1,ili)al artery C' ri+ht u1,ili)al vein
B' left u1,ili)al artery D' left u1,ili)al vein
The u1,ili)al vein )arries o8y+enate ,loo to the fetus' Of the t*o veins! the ri+ht
o,literates early so that in the u1,ili)al )or there are 6 vessels @ one u1,ili)al vein
an < u1,ili)al arteries' T*o arteries )arry eo8y+enate ,loo fro1 fetus to the
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &0A'
>' (hi)h of the follo*in+ anasto1oses of the su2erfi)ial veins of the anterior
a,o1inal *all ,e)o1es +rossly istene *hen the vena )ava is o,stru)te-
A' su2erior an inferior e2i+astri)
B' lateral thora)i) an su2erfi)ial e2i+astri)
C' su2erfi)ial 2eriu1,ili)al an 2arau1,ili)al
D' ee2 )ir)u1fle8 ilia) an su2erfi)ial e2i+astri)
The su2erior an inferior e2i+astri) veins are ee2 veins of the anterior
a,o1inal *all foun s2e)ifi)ally *ithin the re)tus sheath' Li?e*ise! the ee2
)ir)u1fle8 ilia) veins ,elon+ to the ee2 set that rain the lo*er lateral 2art of the
a,o1inal *all' The anasto1osis ,et*een the su2erfi)ial veins aroun the u1,ili)us
an 2arau1,ili)al vein +ives rise to B)a2ut 1eusaeB in )ase of 2ortal vein o,stru)tion'
The lateral thora)i) vein! ,ein+ a tri,utary of the a8illary vein!
an the su2erfi)ial e2i+astri) vein! ,ein+ a tri,utary of the +reat sa2hernous vein! *ill
eventually 5oin the su2erior an inferior vena )avae res2e)tively'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &;<'
7' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents ,est es)ri,es the fal8 in+uinalis-
A' It is )ontinuous *ith the in+uinal li+a1ent'
B' It is for1e ,y the fusion of the a2oneuroses of the e8ternal an internal o,li4ue
C' It is also ?no*n as the Coo2erCs li+a1ent'
D' It reinfor)es the 2osterior *all of the in+uinal )anal'
The fal8 in+uinalis or )on5oint tenon is for1e ,y the fusion of the a2oneurosis
of the internal o,li4ue an transversus a,o1inis 1us)les ,efore their insertion on the
2u,i) )rest an 2e)ten 2u,is' The 2osterior *all of the in+uinal )anal is for1e ,y the
transversalis fas)ia an its 1eial thir is reinfor)e ,y the )on5oint tenon' The
in+uinal li+a1ent is the lo*er fole en of the a2oneurosis of the e8ternal o,li4ue an
,e)o1es )ontinuous *ith the la)unar an 2e)tineal 9Coo2erDs: li+a1ents'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' 6!
$art II! &A;A 2' &>'
.' Mali+nant tu1or of *hi)h 2art of the ton+ue is e82e)te to 1etastasi#e early an
,ilaterally into the ee2 )ervi)al noes-
A' root
B' a2e8
C' )entral 2ortion! ,oy
D' lateral 2ortion! ,oy
Of the > +rou2s of ly12hati) )olle)tin+ vessels 9a2i)al! 1ar+inal! )entral an ,asal
)olle)tin+ vessels: rainin+ the ton+ue! the )entral vessels
e)ussate an ter1inate in ee2 )ervi)al +rou2 of noes ,ilaterally'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations!
Fol' 6! $art I! &A;A! 2' <0'
;' Choose the )orre)t state1ent a,out the 2haryn8'
A' It e8tens fro1 the ,ase of the s?ull u2 to the lo*er ,orer of the thyroi
B' It )o11uni)ates *ith a total of seven )avities'
C' The *all is efi)ient 2osteriorly'
D' It is )ylinri)al in sha2e'
The 2haryn8 is funnel/sha2e )ha1,er )o11on to ,oth the i+estive an
res2iratory syste1s' It is a,out &< )1' in len+th an e8tens fro1 the ,ase of the s?ull
to the lo*er ,orer of the )ri)oi )artila+e' Mu)h of its *all is a,sent
anteriorly' The )avities *ith *hi)h it has )o11uni)ation are3 ri+ht an left nasal! ri+ht
an left ty12ani)! oral an laryn+eal )avities an eso2ha+us'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' 6!
$art I! &A;A! 2' &0'
0' (hi)h )ha1,er of the heart is 1ost li?ely enlar+e *hen there is flattenin+ of
the *all of the thora)i) eso2ha+us on Bariu1 s*allo*'
A' ri+ht atriu1 C' ri+ht ventri)le
B' left atriu1 D' left ventri)le
Belo* the ,ifur)ation of the tra)hea! the eso2ha+us is se2arate anteriorly fro1
the left atriu1 of the heart ,y the 2eri)ariu1' The left atriu1 has no sterno)ostal
2ro5e)tion sin)e it is lo)ate 2osteriorly'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' 6!
$art I! &A;A! 2' 6>'
A' Choose the )orre)t state1ent re+arin+ the histolo+y of the eso2ha+us3
A' It is line ,y non/?eratini#e si12le s4ua1ous e2itheliu1'
B' It is entirely )overe ,y aventitia'
C' Mu)us se)retin+ +lans are foun in the la1ina 2ro2ria an su,1u)osa'
D' The istal &G6 is 1ae u2 of s?eletal 1us)le'
The *all of the i+estive tra)t has > 2rin)i2al layers3 1u)osa! su,1u)osa!
1us)ularis e8terna an serosa or aventitia' The linin+ e2itheliu1 of the eso2ha+us is
stratifie s4ua1ous! *et ty2e' The eso2ha+eal )aria) +lans are foun in the la1ina
2ro2ria! a 2art of the 1u)osa an the eso2ha+eal +lans 2ro2er are in the su,1u)osa'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations!
Fol! 6! $art I! &A;A! 2' >='
&=' A 2atient 2reviously ia+nose *ith ul)er on the 2osterior *all of the sto1a)h *as
,rou+ht to the e1er+en)y roo1 *ith si+ns an sy12to1s of hy2ovole1i) sho)?'
(hi)h of the follo*in+ arteries is 1ost li?ely eroe-
A' +astrouoenal C' s2leni)
B' retrouoenal D' he2ati)
An ul)er situate on the 2osterior *all of the sto1a)h 1ay 2erforate into the lesser
sa) or ,e)o1e aherent to the 2an)reas' Erosion of the s2leni) artery *ith runs alon+
the u22er ,orer of the 2an)reas 1ay 2rou)e total he1orrha+e'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' <>6'
&&' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents is true a,out the ileu1-
A' $li)ae )ir)ulares are a,sent in the ter1inal 2ortion'
B' The 1esenteri) vessels for1 & or < ar)aes'
C' The 1esenteri) fat is s)anty near the *all'
D' It lies in the lo*er 2art of the lesser sa)'
The ileu1 is foun in the lo*er 2art of the +reater sa)! its 1esentery is atta)he
,elo* an to the ri+ht of the aorta' The )ir)ular fols are s1aller an farther a2art in
the 2ro8i1al 2ortion ,ut they are a,sent in the istal 2ortion' The vessels in the
1esentery for1 6 or > ar)aes *hile the fat is e2osite throu+hout its 1esentery'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' <>6/<>>'
&<' Choose the )orre)t state1ent re+arin+ the $aneth )ells3
A' Life s2an is a,out </6 ays'
B' They are foun at the ,ase of Cry2ts of Lie,er?uhn of the )olon'
C' The eosino2hili) +ranules are foun at the a2i)al 2ortion of the )yto2las1'
D' They re2lenish the e2ithelial )ells of the villi'
$aneth )ells are uni4ue to the s1all intestine' They are foun at the ,ase of the
)ry2ts of Lie,er?uhn an are istin+uishe ,y their 2ro1inent! eosino2hili) a2i)al
+ranules' They are efensive in fun)tion sin)e they )ontain efensins! lyso1e an
2hos2holi2ase A' They are lon+/live 9*ee?s:'
Referen)e 3 Youn+! Bar,ara! Eeath! Hohn (' (heaterCs %un)tional Eistolo+y!
eition! <===! 22' <.>/<.7'
&6' (hi)h state1ent is true a,out the e8ternal anal s2hin)ter-
A' It is 1ae u2 of inner )ir)ular 1us)le of the anal )anal'
B' The ee2 2ortion is elli2ti)al in sha2e an ,lens *ith the 2u,ore)talis'
C' The su2erfi)ial 2ortion oes not atta)h to the )o))y8'
D' The su,)utaneous 2ortion is fre4uently in)ise at e2isioto1y'
The e8ternal anal s2hin)ter is a trila1inar striate 1us)le' It has 6 2arts! the
su,)utaneous! the su2erfi)ial an the ee2' The su,)utaneous 2ortion is a 2ro1inent
annular ,an that ire)tly surrouns the anal orifi)e' The su2erfi)ial 2ortion is
elli2ti)al in sha2e an the lar+e an the lar+est an stron+est of the 2arts' It also arises
fro1 the ti2 of the )o))y8 ,ut inserts at or aroun the )entral 2oint of the 2erineu1 in
,oth se8es' Eo*ever in 1ale! 1a5ority of the fi,ers ,lens *ith ,ul,o)avernosus
1us)le' The ee2 2ortion is also annular' It oes not atta)h to )o))y8 ,ut ,lens *ith
the 2u,ore)talis'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' 6!
$art II! &A;A! 22' .=/.6'
&>' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents is true re+arin+ the istri,ution of the ,loo
vessels *ithin the liver-
A' The 2ortal vein ,ran)hes run 2arallel *ith the ,ran)hes of he2ati) artery'
B' The tri,utaries of he2ati) veins run 2arallel *ith the 2ortal vein ,ran)hes'
C' The he2ati) veins e12ty into the liver sinusois'
D' The 2ortal vein ,ran)hes interi+itate *ith the ,ran)hes of the he2ati) arteries'
;=I of the ,loo +oin+ to the liver )o1es fro1 the 2ortal vein' This ,loo )arrie
,y the 2ortal vein' This ,loo )arrie ,y the 2ortal vein is ri)h in nutrients )o1in+
fro1 the intestines' The re1ainin+ 6=I is o8y+enate an is ,rou+ht ,y the he2ati)
artery' (ithin the liver! the ,ran)hes of the 2ortal vein an he2ati) artery to+ether
*ith the ,ile u)tules run 2arallel *ith one another' On the other han! the tri,utaries
of the he2ati) veins interi+itate *ith the 2ortal vein ,ran)hes' Both the 2ortal vein
an he2ati) artery rain into the sinusois' %ro1 the sinusois! the ,loo +oes into the
)entral veins' The )entral veins unite to su,lo,ular veins! *hi)h! in turn! for1 the ri+ht
an left he2ati) veins an finally 5oin the vena )ava'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' 6!
$art III! &A;A! 22' &&/&<'
&7' (hi)h of the follo*in+ anato1i) relationshi2s a,out the 2an)reas is true-
A' The hea fits in the )on)avity of the uoenu1'
B' The s2leni) artery run+s alon+ the lo*er ,orer of the ,oy an tail'
C' The un)inate 2ro)ess is 2art of the tail'
D' It lies a,ove the o1ental ,ursa'
The 2an)reas e8tens transversely a)ross the a,o1en fro1 the )on)avity of the
uoenu1 to the s2leen' It has 6 2arts3 hea! ,oy an tail' The un)inate 2ro)ess is
2art of the hea an is )rosse anteriorly ,y the su2erior 1esenteri) vessels' It is
lo)ate ee2 in the e2i+astriu1 an left hy2o)honriu1 ,ehin the o1ental ,ursa at
the level of L& J L<' The s2leni) artery runs alon+ the u22er ,orer of ,oy an tail'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations!
Fol' 6! $art III! &A;A! 2' <.'
&.' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents is )orre)t a,out the )ysti) u)t-
A' It for1s the 1eial ,ounary of the trian+le of Calot'
B' The 2ro8i1al 2ortion )ontains the s2iral valves of Eeister'
C' It lies at the thi)?ene istal 2ortion of the lesser o1entu1'
D' It is a,out 0/&= )1 in len+th'
The )ysti) u)t is a fe* )enti1eters in len+th' It unites *ith the )o11on ,ile u)t to
for1 the u)tus )holeo)hus or )o11on ,ile u)t' It has < 2arts the 2ars +la,ra an
the 2ars s2iralis' The 2ars s2iralis )ontains the s2iral valves of Eeister *hi)h are
1u)osal fols that re+ulate the fillin+ an e12tyin+ of the +all ,laer'
The trian+le of Calot is ,oune 1eially ,y the )o11on he2ati) u)t! laterally ,y
the )ysti) u)t an su2eriorly ,y the e+e of the liver'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %ran? E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations!
Fol' 6! $art III! &A;A! 2' <<'
&;' A neurolo+i) e8a1 of a 6> year ol 1an reveals a ire)t an )onsensual li+ht refle8
in his left eyeK ,ut neither a ire)t nor )onsensual refle8 in his ri+ht eye' The nerve
involve is the3
A' ri+ht o2ti) nerve
B' left o2ti) nerve
C' ri+ht o)ulo1otor nerve
D' left o)ulo1otor nerve
The 2u2illary li+ht refle8 is assesse ,y shinin+ a li+ht in one eye an o,servin+
2u2illary )onstri)tion in the sa1e 9ire)t: an the other eye 9)onsensual:' The afferent
li1, of the refle8 is the o2ti) nerve an the efferent li1, is the o)ulo1otor nerve'
Clearly the left o2ti) an o)ulo1otor nerves are *or?in+ ,e)ause a ire)t res2onse is
seen in the left eye' Also! the ri+ht o2ti) nerve is *or?in+ to 2rou)e a )onsensual refle8
in the left eye'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y for Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 22' 667/66.'
&0' A 70 year ol 1an *ith atheros)lerosis suffers an e1,oli) stro?e that leaves hi1
*ith a left le+ 2aresis' $hysi)al e8a1ination reveals Ba,ins?i si+n on the left J
i1inishe sensation over his left le+' Blo)?ae of *hi)h of the follo*in+ vessels is
res2onsi,le for his sy12to1s-
A' left anterior )ere,ral artery C' left 1ile )ere,ral artery
B' ri+ht anterior )ere,ral artery D' ri+ht 1ile )ere,ral artery
Lesion of the ri+ht 1otor )orte8 leas to a left 2aresis' The le+ is re2resente in the
2art of the 1otor )orte8 a5a)ent to the interhe1is2heri) fissure' The anterior )ere,ral
artery su22lies the 1eial surfa)e of the he1is2here' This *oul in)lue 1otor an
so1atosensory )orti)es' 9A: *oul lea to ri+ht le+ 2aresis an i1inishe sensation
over the ri+ht le+K 9C: su22lies the lateral )onve8ity of the ri+ht he1is2here' Blo)?ae
*oul lea to ri+ht fa)e an ar1 2aresisK 9D: Blo)?ae *oul lea to 2aresis of the left
fa)e an ar1'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y for Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 22' &70/&.='
&A' A .> year ol 1an 2resents *ith in)rease lan+ua+e out2ut! 1ost of *hi)h is
in)o12rehensi,le' Neurolo+i)al testin+ reveals that he )annot )o12rehen ver,al or
*ritten lan+ua+e' (hat is the lo)ation of his lesion-
A' ,asal +an+lia
B' frontal lo,e
C' te12oral lo,e
D' 2arietal lo,e
This 2atient has (erni)?eDs 9fluent or sensory: a2hasia' (erni)?eDs area! area << is
lo)ate at the 2osterior 2art of the su2erior te12oral +yrus' Lesions of the ,asal +an+lia
9A: 2rou)e e8tra2yra1ial 1otor sy12to1sK lesions of the frontal lo,e 9B: )an
2rou)e s2asti) 2aralysis! Bro)aDs a2hasia 9non/fluent or 1otor:! isorers of hi+her
orer thin?in+ an eviation of the eyesK lesions of the 2arietal lo,e 9D: )an 2rou)e a
variety of hi+her )orti)al ysfun)tion an a loss of sensation ,ut *oul not 2rou)e the
ty2e of lan+ua+e 2ro,le1 in this 2atient'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y %or Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 2' <A='
<=' Choose the )orre)t relationshi2 9+yrus3 fun)tional area:
A' 2re)entral +yrus @ 2ri1ary sensory )orte8
B' 2ost)entral +yrus @ 2ri1ary 1otor )orte8
C' Ees)hlDs +yrus @ 2ri1ary auitory )orte8
D' inferior frontal +yrus @ (erni)?eDs area
ANS(ER 3 C The Ees)hlDs +yrus Bro1ann areas >& an >< is 2art of the su2erior
te12oral +yrus an is the 2ri1ary auitory )orte8' The 2re)entral +yrus 9A: is the
2ri1ary 1otor )orte8 area >K The 2ost)entral +yrus 9B: is the 2ri1ary sensory )orte8!
areas 6!&!< an (erni)?eDs area! area << 9D: is the area for lan+ua+e )o12rehension
9sensory s2ee)h )enter: an Bro)aDs area! areas >>! >7! is the 1otor s2ee)h )enter an is
2art of the inferior frontal +yrus'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S' J Ne*1an S'('! Manter an Gat#Cs Clini)al
Neuroanato1y an Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
eition! <==6! 22' &0</&07'
<&' All of the follo*in+ )ranial nerves have 2arasy12atheti) )o12onent ELCE$T3
A' tri+e1inal
B' o))ulo1otor
C' fa)ial
D' va+us
Only )ranial nerves III! FII! IL an L have 2arasy12atheti) )o12onent'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S' J Ne*1an S'('! Manter an Gat#Cs Clini)al
Neuroanato1y an Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
eition! <==6! 2'6.'
<<' (hen the 1ile 1enin+eal artery is ru2ture ue to a fra)ture at the 2terion!
,loo *ill enters the3
A' su,ara)hnoi s2a)e
B' su,ural s2a)e
C' e2iural s2a)e
D' ural sinuses
The 1ile 1enin+eal artery! a ,ran)h of the 1a8illary artery! one of the ter1inal
,ran)hes of the e8ternal )aroti artery enters the )ranial )avity throu+h the fora1en
s2inosu1' It is in )lose )onta)t *ith the s?ull at the re+ion of the 2terior an 1ar?in+s
on the inner as2e)t of the s?ull are 2rou)e ,y its ,ran)hes' Een)e it lies outsie the
)ranial ura! the e2iural s2a)e'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y %or Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==>! 2' >6<'
<6' %un)tionally! the fas)i)ulus +ra)ilis an fas)i)ulus )uneatus! ena,les one to have
orientation in s2a)e! ,y re)eivin+ i12ulses fro1 the s?in! tenons! 5oints an
s?eletal 1us)les' This )a2a)ity to ?no* *here you are is ?no*n as3
A' lo)o1otor sense
B' 2ro2rio)e2tive sense
C' intero)e2tive sense
D' e8tero)e2tive sense
The sense of 2ro2rio)e2tion 92osition sense: allo*s one to ?no* *hat 2osition of a
2art of the ,oy is even *ith the eyes )lose' $atients *ith involve1ent of the fas)i)ulus
+ra)ilis an fas)i)ulus )uneatus 92art of the orsal )olu1n or 1eial le1nis)us
2ath*ay: 1anifest Ro1,er+ si+n! a for1 of sensory ata8ia'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S'K Ne*1an! S'('! Essentials of Neuroanato1y an
Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
e' 2' 7&'
<>' The 1a5or area that *ill ,e affe)te if there is ru2ture of the 1ile )ere,ral artery
is the3
A' ,asal +an+lia
B' 1eulla
C' 1i,rain
D' o))i2ital lo,e
The lateral an 1eial striate arteries ter1e the lenti)ulostriate arteries 91ost
2rone to CFAs: )o1e fro1 the ,asal 2art of the 1ile an anterior )ere,ral arteries to
su22ly the internal )a2sule an 2ortions of the ,asal +an+lia' The o))i2ital lo,e 9D:
re)eives its ,loo su22ly fro1 the 2osterior )ere,ral artery'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S'K Ne*1an! S'('! Essentials of Neuroanato1y an
Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
e' 2' <<<'
<7' (hi)h of the follo*in+ fi,ers 2rovie the only out2ut fro1 the )ere,ellar )orte8-
A' )li1,in+ fi,ers
B' 1ossy fi,ers
C' 2arallel fi,ers
D' $ur?in5e fi,ers
The a8ons of $ur?in5e )ells are the only efferent fi,ers fro1 the )ere,ellar )orte8
an are inhi,itory to the ee2 )ere,ellar nu)lei' Cli1,in+ fi,ers 9A: @ )o1in+ fro1 the
inferior olive an 9B: 1ossy fi,ers fro1 other sour)es are afferent fi,ers to the
)ere,ellar )orte8K 9C: 2arallel fi,ers are +ranule )ell a8ons that ,ifur)ate at the
1ole)ular layer of the )ere,ellar )orte8' The +ranule )ells are the only e8)itatory )ells in
the )ere,ellar )orte8'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S'K Ne*1an! S'('! Essentials of Neuroanato1y an
Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
e' 2' &60'
<.' All of the follo*in+ ele1ents of the ault ,rain evelo2 fro1 the telen)e2halon
ELCE$T the3
A' )or2us striatu1 C' o))i2ital
B' thala1us D' hi22o)a12us
The thala1us is erive fro1 the ien)e2halon' 9A:! 9C:! an 9D: are erive fro1
telen)e2halon' The telen)e2halon an ien)e2halon! ,oth se)onary ,rain vesi)les are
erive fro1 the 2rosen)e2halon 9a 2ri1ary ,rain vesi)le:'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S'K Ne*1an! S'('! Essentials of Neuroanato1y an
Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
e' 2' &<'
<;' (hen the o2ti) )anal is fra)ture *hi)h of the follo*in+ 2airs of stru)tures are 1ost
li?ely to ,e in5ure-
A' o2ti) nerve an o2hthal1i) vein
B' o2hthal1i) vein an o2hthal1i) nerve
A C' o2hthal1i) artery an o2ti) nerve
B D' o2hthal1i) nerve an o2ti) nerve
The o2hthal1i) artery an o2ti) nerve 2ass thru the o2ti) )anal lo)ate at the
1ile )ranial fossa' The o2ti) nerve in 9A:! 9D: 2ass thru the su2erior or,ital fissureK
li?e*ise the o2hthal1i) nerve 9B:'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y %or Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 2' ;A0'
<0' A 2atient )an 1ove his eye,all nor1ally an see istant o,5e)ts )learly ,ut )annot
fo)us on near o,5e)ts! this )onition 1ay ini)ate a1a+e to the3
C A' )iliary +an+lion an o)ulo1otor nerve
B' o)ulo1otor nerve an lon+ )iliary nerve
D C' short )iliary nerve an )iliary +an+lion
E D' su2erior )ervi)al +an+lion an lon+ )iliary nerve
This fun)tion of the eye is )alle a))o11oation! a fun)tion of the )iliary 1us)le
that is innervate ,y 2arasy12atheti) fi,ers3 Ein+er (est2hal nu)leus 92re+an+lioni)
neurons: a8ons )arrie ,y o)ulo1otor nerve syna2se at the )iliary +an+lion
92ost+an+lioni) neurons: *hi)h sen short )iliary nerves to the )iliary 1us)le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y %or Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 2' 66.'
<A' The 2ri1ary site for CS% a,sor2tion into the venous syste13
A' )horoi 2le8us
B' verte,ral venous 2le8us
C' ara)hnoi villi
D' internal 5u+ular vein
CS% is lo)ate in the su,ara)hnoi s2a)e an a,sor2tion o))urs at the ara)hnoi
villi or $a))hionian +ranulations' These are one/*ay valvular stru)tures that allo*s
CS% to ,e a,sor,e fro1 the su,ara)hnoi s2a)e to the su2erior sa+ittal sinus 9one of
the ural venous sinuses:'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Neuroanato1y %or Mei)al Stuents!
eition'! <==> 2' >7A'
6=' The Gasserian +an+lion is 2art of the3
A' fa)ial nerve
B' tri+e1inal nerve
C' +losso2haryn+eal nerve
D' o)ulo1otor nerve
The Gasserian +an+lion is also ?no*n as the tri+e1inal or se1ilunar +an+lion' 9A:
The +eni)ulate +an+lion is asso)iate *ith the fa)ial nerve 9C: The su2erior +an+lion is
asso)iate *ith the +losso2haryn+eal nerve 9D: The )iliary +an+lion is the
2ost+an+lioni) 2arasy12atheti) +an+lion asso)iate *ith the o)ulo1otor nerve'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S'K Ne*1an! S'('! Essentials of Neuroanato1y an
Neuro2hysiolo+y! &=
e' 2' >.'
6&' (hen a 2ersonDs ne)? an trun? are fle8e! as in 2re2aration for a s2inal ta2! the
s2inous 2ro)ess of C; ,e)o1es visi,le an it is for this reason that it is )alle3
A' s2ina ,ifia
B' atlas
C' verte,ra 2ro1inens
D' interverte,ral is) herniation
C; verte,ra is an aty2i)al )ervi)al verte,ra 9li?e C& an C< verte,rae:' It has a lon+
s2inous 2ro)ess an is the first s2inous 2ro)ess that )an ,e 2al2ate' Een)e it is use as
a lan1ar? to )ount the level of the verte,rae' 9B: The atlas is the first )ervi)al
verte,ra' C6/C. are ty2i)al )ervi)al verte,rae *ith ,ifi s2inous 2ro)esses' Asie fro1
havin+ shorter s2inous 2ro)esses they are )overe ,y the thi)? li+a1entu1 nu)hae'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' ;</A<;'
6<' (hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures for1s the ,asis of ele)tri)al is)ontinuity ,et*een
the 1yo)aria of the atria an the ventri)les-
A' AF Bunle of Eis C' )aria) s?eleton
B' AF valves D' $ur?in5e fi,ers
In aition to 2roviin+ a stru)tural fra1e*or? for the heart an atta)h1ent
sites for the )aria) 1us)le! the )aria) s?eleton 2rovies a is)ontinuity ,et*een the
1yo)aria of the atria an ventri)les! thus ensurin+ a rhyth1i) an )y)li) ,eatin+ of
the heart )ontrolle ,y the )onu)tion 1e)hanis1 of the AF ,unles'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' &&7'
Gartner! L' J Eiatt! H'! Color Te8t,oo? of Eistolo+y! 2' <<0'
66' Most of the )aria) veins rain into the ri+ht atriu1 throu+h the )oronary sinus
ELCE$T *hi)h of the follo*in+ veins-
A' s1all )aria) C' +reat )aria)
B' 1ile )aria) D' anterior )aria)
The anterior )aria) veins to+ether *ith the s1allest )aria) veins 9The,esian
veins: o2ens ire)tly into the atrial )ha1,er' The )oronary sinus lies in the 2osterior
2art of the AF +roove an is a )ontinuation of the +reat )aria) vein'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' &<&'
(oo,urne! R' J Bur?el! ('! Essentials of Eu1an Anato1y! A
&AA>! 22' 600/60A'
6>' %ro1 the 2la)enta! via inferior vena )ava K o8y+enate ,loo in the ri+ht atriu1
*oul +o ire)t to the left atriu1 ,y 2assin+ thru *hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures-
A' u)tus venosus C' fora1en ovale
B' u)tus arteriosus D' 2ul1onary trun?
%ro1 the 2la)enta! o8y+enate ,loo flo*s to u1,ili)al v' u)tus venosus
9he2ati) v': inferior vena )ava ri+ht atriu1 via fora1en ovale flo*
ire)tly to left atriu1 left ventri)le aorta
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &<>'
67' The 1us)ulature of the ventri)ular *all arises fro1 *hi)h of the follo*in+
A' atrio/ventri)ular valve C' atrial se2tu1
B' )hora teninae D' fi,rous rin+s an tri+ones
The heart is essentially a 1us)ular or+an! an its fi,rous )onne)tive tissue
Ms?eletonN serves as the ori+in an insertion of its 1us)ulature' The fi,rous )onne)tive
tissue e8ists as fi,rous rin+s! +ivin+ )ir)ular for1 an ri+iity to the AF o2enin+s an
to the roots of the aorta an 2ul1onary trun? for1in+ )uff' The offshoot of the )uffs
for1s the fi,rous tri+ones' Another )o12onent of the )aria) s?eleton is the se2tu1
1e1,rana)eu1K a )ontinuation of the aorti) sleeve or )uff into the se2tu1 an for1s
a s1all u22er 1e1,ranous 2art of the interventri)ular se2tu1 *hi)h is lar+ely
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==>! 2' &&7'
6.' The thora)i) u)t ,e+ins in the a,o1en as *hat stru)ture-
A' left ly12hati) u)t C' la)teals
B' ri+ht ly12hati) u)t D' )isterna )hyli
The final < )olle)tin+ vessels of the ly12hati) vas)ular syste1 are the3
&: short ri+ht ly12hati) u)t an
<: The lar+er thora)i) u)t ,e+ins in the a,o1en as the )isterna )hyli' It
as)ens throu+h the thora8 an ne)? to e12ty its )ontents at the
5un)tion of the left internal 5u+ular an su,)lavian veins'
The ri+ht ly12hati) u)t )olle)ts ly12h fro1 the u22er ri+ht 4uarant of
the ,oy an e12ties into the rt' 5u+ulo/su,)lavian 5un)tion *hereas the
thora)i) u)t )olle)ts ly12h fro1 re1ainer of the ,oy 9left u22er
4uarant an rt' an lt' lo*er 4uarants:'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &6<'
6;' (hi)h of the follo*in+ layers of the )aria) *all has fat e2osits s2e)ially seen at
the sul)i-
A' eno)ariu1 C' e2i)ariu1
B' su,eno)ariu1 D' 1yo)ariu1
The 2eri)ariu1 is a fi,rous sa) that en)loses the hear an the roots of the
+reat vessels' It is )o12ose of 9a: outer fi,rous layer 9,: inner serous layer' The serous
2eri)ariu1 lines the 2eri)ariu1 an )reate the heart' It is ivie into 2arietal an
vis)eral layer' The vis)eral layer is )losely a22lie to the heart an often )alle
e2i)ariu1 that is store on the surfa)e of the heart'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2'&.A'
60' The e8)itatory )ells of the SA an AF noes trans1it the ele)tro)he1i)al sti1uli via
*hi)h of the follo*in+-
A' es1oso1es C' ,ase1ent 1e1,ranes
B' +a2 5un)tion D' ti+ht 5un)tion
The e8)itatory )ells of the SA an AF noes are s1all s2e)iali#e 1yo)arial fi,ers
*ith ele)tro)he1i)al sti1uli ,ein+ trans1itte via +a2 5un)tion! a ty2e of syna2se
ifferent fro1 a )he1i)al syna2se *here release of neurotrans1itters o))urs'
Referen)e 3 Youn+! B' J Eeath! H'('! (heaterCs %un)tional Eistolo+y! >
2' &>.'
6A' In +eneral! the ri+ht )oronary artery su22lies the follo*in+ stru)tures ELCE$T
A' ri+ht ventri)le C' AF noe
B' SA noe D' anterior left ventri)le
The left ventri)le is su22lie ,y ,oth ri+ht an left )oronary arteries' Only the
ia2hra+1ati) surfa)e of the left ventri)le is su22lie ,y ri+ht )oronary arteries! the
rest are ,y ,ran)hes of the left )oronary arteries'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' &&A/&<='
>=' In oin+ thora)entesis! *hi)h of the follo*in+ layers is not 2enetrate ,y the neele-
A' inter)ostal 1us)les C' su2erfi)ial fas)ia
B' enothora)i) D' vus)eral 2leura
The vis)eral 2leura inti1ately invests the lun+s' It )annot ,e isse)te fro1 it!
an follo*s all the fissures an inentation of the lo,es of the lun+s' The a22ose
surfa)es of the 2leural layers are line ,y 1esotheliu1 *hi)h nor1ally se)retes a s1all
a1ount of serous flui *hi)h lu,ri)ates the surfa)es! so that res2iration is )arrie on
*ithout fri)tion or interferen)e' The 2leural )avity! *here the flui is lo)ate is the
s2a)e ,et*een the vis)eral an 2arietal 9lines thora)i) *all: layers of the 2leura'
Referen)e 3 Gartner! L' J Eiatt! H'! Color Te8t,oo? of Eistolo+y! 2' 6.6'
>&' Choose the CORRECT state1ent re+arin+ the innervation of the vis)eral 2leura'
A' It is sensitive to 2ain an tou)h'
B' It is su22lie ,y the inter)ostal nerves'
C' It also re)eives innervation fro1 the 2hreni) nerve'
D' It re)eives autono1i) su22ly fro1 the 2ul1onary 2le8us'
The vis)eral 2leura )overin+ the lun+s! re)eives an autono1i) su22ly fro1 the
2ul1onary 2le8us of nerves' It is sensitive to stret)h ,ut is insensitive to )o11on
sensations su)h as 2ain an tou)h' $arietal 2leura is sensitive to 2ain te12erature!tou)h
an 2ressure an is su22lie as follo*s 3 a:' Costal 2leura ,y se+1ental inter)ostal
nervesK ,:' Meiastinal 2leura ,y 2hreni) nervesK ):' Dia2hra+1ati) 2leura ,y 2hreni)
n' at o1eK lo*er . inter)ostal nerves at the 2eri2hery'
Referen)e 3 (oo,urne! R' J Bur?el! ('! Essentials of Eu1an Anato1y! A
&AA>! 2' 6;6'
Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 0A'
><' The inter)ostal nerves )ourse alon+ the inter)ostal s2a)e ,et*een *hi)h of the
follo*in+ stru)tures-
A' inner1ost an internal inter)ostal 1us)les
B' internal an e8ternal inter)ostal 1us)les
C' 2arietal 2leura an transversalis fas)ia
D' 2eriosteu1 of the )ostal +roove an inner1ost inter)ostal 1us)le
The inter)ostal nerves are the anterior ra1i of the &
&& thora)i) s2inal nerves'
The T&< nerve is )alle su,)ostal nerve' Ea)h inter)ostal nerve enters an inter)ostal
s2a)e ,et*een the 2arietal 2leura an the 2osterior inter)ostal 1e1,rane' It runs
anteriorly ,et*een inner1ost an internal inter)ostal 1us)les' The internal inter)ostal
1us)le s2lits to for1 the inner1ost inter)ostal 1us)le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 77'
>6' (hi)h is NOT a fun)tion of the )onu)tin+ 2ortion of the res2iratory syste1-
A' $rovies a )onuit for ins2ire air C' Conitions ins2ire air
B' Eel2s in +as e8)han+e D' Cleans ins2ire air
The )onu)tin+ syste1 2rovies a )onuit throu+h *hi)h air )an travel to an
fro1 the lun+sK an to )onition ins2ire air' Ins2ire air is )leanse! 1oistene an
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C' J Carneiro! H'! Basi) Eistolo+y!
eition! <==6' 2' 6>A'
>>' (hi)h i12ression is NOT seen on the ri+ht lun+-
A' Thora)i) aorta +roove C' Su2erior vena )ava +roove
B' A#y+ous v' +roove D' Caria) i12ression
The ri+ht lun+ has the follo*in+ i12ressions3 Caria) i12ression! su2erior vena
)ava +roove! ,ra)hio)e2hali) v' +roove! su,)lavian a' +roove! a#y+ous v' +roove an the
eso2ha+us +roove'
Referen)e 3 (oo,urne! R' J Bur?el! ('! Essentials of Eu1an Anato1y!
eition! &AA>! 22' >==! >=6'
>7' Eo* 1any se+1ents oes the inferior lo,e of the ri+ht lun+ have-
A' 6 C' 7
B' > D' .
The ri+ht lun+ has a total of &= ,ron)ho2ul1onary se+1ents' The su2erior lo,e
has 6 se+1ents3 the a2i)al! 2osterior! an anterior se+1ents' The 1ile lo,e has <! the
lateral an 1eial se+1ents' The inferior lo,e has 7! the su2erior! ,asal 2osterior! ,asal
anterior! ,asal lateral an ,asal 1eial'
The left lun+ has 0 ,ron)ho2ul1onary se+1ents' The u22er lo,e has >! the
a2i)o2osterior! anteriorK su2erior an inferior lin+ula' The lo*er lo,e has >! the
su2erior! ,asal 2osterior! ,asal lateral an ,asal antero/1eial'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' A0'
(oo,urne! R' J Bur?el! ('! Essentials of Eu1an Anato1y! A
&AA>! 2' >=>'
>.' (hi)h state1ent oes NOT )hara)teri#e the RES$IRATORY Bron)hiole-
A' Line ,y si12le )olu1nar e2ith C' Eas no +lans an )artila+es
B' Eas +o,let )ells D' Eas a,unant s1ooth 1us)le
The ter1inal ,ron)hiole is line ,y si12le )olu1nar or )u,oial e2itheliu1 ,ut
no +o,let )ells' There is a,sen)e of +lans an )artila+es' The s1ooth 1usle is 1ost
a,unant *ith in)rease elasti) tissue'
Referen)e 3 Gartner! L' J Eiatt! H'! Color Te8t,oo? of Eistolo+y! 2' 677'
>;' The non/)iliate e2ithelial )ells on the ter1inal ,ron)hioles are )alle3
A' )lara )ells C' Ty2e II 2neu1o)yte
B' Ty2e I 2neu1o)yte D' ust )ells
The ter1inal ,ron)hiole is line ,y si12le )u,oial e2itheliu1 *ith )ilia an the
non/)iliate )lara )ells' These )lara )ells! *hi)h are evoi of )iliaC have se)retory
+ranules in these a2e8 an are ?no*n to se)rete 2roteins that 2rote)t the ,ron)hiolar
linin+ a+ainst o8iative 2ollutants an infla11ation'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C' J Carneiro! H'! Basi) Eistolo+y!
eition! <==6' 2' 677'
>0' A >6 year ol *o1an uner+oes a rai)al 1aste)to1y' M(in+in+N of the s)a2ula is
o,serve after she re)overs fro1 sur+ery' Da1a+e to *hi)h of the follo*in+ nerves
is su++este ,y this finin+-
A' a8illary
B' su2ra)lavi)ular
C' s2inal a))essory
D' lon+ thora)i)
The serratus anterior 1us)le *hi)h hols o*n its atta)h1ent to the s)a2ula is
su22lie ,y the lon+ thora)i) nerve an 1ay ,e in5ure in ,reast sur+ery ,e)ause of its
lo)ation' The lon+ thora)i) nerve arises fro1 the roots of the ,ra)hial 2le8us! C7! C.!
an C;' 9C: su22lies the sterno1astoi an tra2e#iusK 9B: su22lies the su2erior 2ortion
of the shoulerK 9A: su22lies the eltoi 1us)le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' >AA'
>A' A <> year ol 1ale 2atient sustains a fra)ture at the 1ishaft of the hu1erus' The
2atient 1ay sustain in5ury to a nerve *hi)h is li?ely to 2rou)e3
A' )la* han efor1ity
B' *in+in+ of the s)a2ula
C' *rist ro2
% D' )ar2al tunnel synro1e

The raial nerve *hi)h is in ire)t )onta)t *ith the hu1erus alon+ its s2iral +roove
lo)ate at the 1ishaft 1ay ,e in5ure in this )ase' The raial nerve su22lies the
2osterior )o12art1ent 1us)les of the forear1 *hi)h fun)tion to e8ten the *rist an
i+its' Een)e in this )ase the 2atient is una,le to e8ten the *rist! resultin+ in a
efor1ity )alle *rist ro2'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 7&='
7=' A <=/year ol 1ale fell t*i)e in the )ourse of a ,as?et,all +a1e an ea)h ti1e he
use his ri+ht ar1 to ,rea? his fall' Ee felt 2ain in the ri+ht shouler the follo*in+
ay' $hysi)al e8a1ination reveale no efor1ity' Eo*ever! there *as ee2
tenerness in the a)ro1ion 2ro)ess' A,u)tion of the ri+ht ar1 *as 2ainful' The
in5ury is 1ost li?ely a3
A' tear of the eltoi 1us)le
B' shouler 5oint islo)ation
C' fra)ture of the )lavi)le
D' ru2ture of the su2ras2inatus tenon
The su2ras2inatus lo)ate a,ove the s2ine of the s)a2ula! for1s 2art of the rotator
)uff to hel2 sta,ili#e the shouler 5oint' It initiates ar1 a,u)tion 9the first &=/&7: an
this a)tion is )o12lete ,y the eltoi 1us)le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 7></7>6'
7&' (hi)h of the follo*in+ is an e8a12le of a sale 5oint-
A' )ar2o1eta)ar2al 5oint of the thu1,
B' 1eta)ar2o2halan+eal 5oint of the ine8 fin+er
C' shouler 5oint
D' *rist 5oint
Only the first )ar2o1eta)ar2al 5oint is )lassifie as a sale 5oint' The other
)ar2o1eta)ar2al 5oints are 2lane 5oints' 9B: 1eta)ar2o2halan+eal 5oints are )onylar
5ointsK 9C: shouler 5oint is a ,all an so)?et 5oint an 9D: *rist 5oint is a )onylar 5oint'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' >0A J 7=='
7<' The vas)ular anato1osis aroun the shouler involves all of the follo*in+ arteries!
A' the thora)oa)ro1ial artery
B' the 2osterior )ir)u1fle8 hu1eral artery
C' the su2erior ulnar )ollateral artery
D' the su,s)a2ular artery
The su2erior ulnar )ollateral artery for1s 2art of the el,o* 5oint an is a ,ran)h of
the ,ra)hial artery' 9A: 9B: 9D: are ,ran)hes of the a8illary artery'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 7=0/7=A'
76' A 2atient is una,le to fle8 the 2ro8i1al inter2halan+eal 5oint ue to 2aralysis of the3
A' 2al1ar interossei
B' fle8or i+itoru1 2rofunus
C' orsal interossei
D' fle8or i+itoru1 su2erfi)ialis
The fle8or i+itoru1 su2erfi)ialis tenons insert to the 1ile 2halan+es of the <

to the 7
i+its hen)e they are the 2rin)i2al stru)tures to fle8 the $I$ 5oints' 9A: 2al1ar
interossei an 9C: orsal interossei au)t an a,u)t the i+itsK 9B: fle8or i+itoru1
2rofunus tenons insert to the istal 2halan+es of the <
to the 7
i+its! hen)e they
fle8 the DI$ 5oints'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==>! 2' 767'
7>' (hi)h of the follo*in+ 1us)les *ill ,e 2araly#e if there is a lesion of the ulnar
A' 1eial t*o lu1,ri)als an o22onens 2olli)is
B' 2al1ar interossei an au)tor 2olli)is
C' orsal interossei J lateral t*o lu1,ri)als
D' 1eial an lateral lu1,ri)als
The intrinsi) 1us)les of the han are innervate ,y the ulnar nerve e8)e2t 7
1us)les 96 thenar 1us)les an the first < lu1,ri)als: *hi)h are innervate ,y the
1eian n' 9B: 2al1ar interossei an au)tor 2olli)is are su22lie ,y the ulnar nerve'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 7></7>6'
77' A *o1anDs ina,ility to su2inate the forear1 )oul result fro1 an in5ury to *hi)h of
the follo*in+ 2airs of nerve-
A' a8illary an raial C' raial an 1us)ulo)utaneous
B' 1eian an ulnar D' su2ras)a2ular an a8illary
Su2ination is a fun)tion of the ,i)e2s ,ra)hii innervate ,y the 1us)ulo)utaneous
nerve 9anterior )o12art1ent of the ar1: an the su2inator 1us)le innervate ,y the
raial nerve 92osterior )o12art1ent of the forear1:
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 7=6/7=>! 76&'
7.' Intra1us)ular in5e)tion shoul ,e +iven in the u22er outer 4uarant of the ,utto)?s
to 2revent a1a+e to *hi)h of the follo*in+ nerves-
A' s)iati)
B' o,turator
C' su2erior +luteal
D' lateral fe1oral )utaneous
The s)iati) nerve! the lar+est nerve in this re+ion is lo)ate at the lo*er 2art of the
,utto)?s' The other nerves are not vulnera,le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' .&=/.&&'
7;' A 7= year ol 1ale 2atient sustains a ,u12er in5ury to the lateral as2e)t of the ri+ht
?nee' Due to the heavy i12a)t on the in5ure area the nerve 1ost li?ely to ,e
in5ure is li?ely to 2rou)e3
A' 2lantar fle8ion C' orsifle8ion
B' ?nee fle8ion D' foot enversion
The )o11on 2eroneal nerve as it *ins at the ne)? of the fi,ula is the one involve
in this )ase' It ivies into the su2erfi)ial 2eroneal nerve that su22lies the lateral le+
)o12art1ent 1us)les that evert the foot an the ee2 2eroneal nerve that su22lies the
anterior le+ )o12art1ent 1us)les that orsifle8 the foot an e8ten the toes' Een)e the
foot in this )ase is 2lantar fle8e an inverte! a efor1ity )alle foot ro2'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' ;&&/;&<'
70' A 2atient suffers a fra)ture of the 1eial 1alleolus' A )onse4uen)e of su)h in5ury is
s)arrin+ J entra21ent of the nerve in this area' If this shoul o))ur *hi)h of the
follo*in+ )onitions *oul result-
A' anesthesia of the sole of the foot
B' e)rease 2ulse in the orsalis 2eis artery
C' foot ro2
D' loss of eversion
The nerve involve here is the ti,ial nerve as it 2asses ,ehin the 1eial 1alleolus
to ivie into 1eial an lateral 2lantar nerves that su22ly the intrinsi) 1us)les of the
foot an the s?in of the sole of the foot'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' ... J ;&<'
7A' (hat li+a1ent 2revents the islo)ation of the fe1ur ,a)?*ars at the ?nee 5oint-
A' anterior )ru)iate C' lateral )ollateral
B' is)hiofe1oral D' 2osterior )ru)iate
The anterior )ru)iate li+a1ent )he)?s the 2osterior 1ove1ent of the fe1ur on the
ti,ial 2lateau 9anterior 1ove1ent of ti,ia *ith referen)e to the fe1ur: *hile the
2osterior )ru)iate li+a1ent )he)?s the anterior 1ove1ent of the fe1ur on the ti,ial
2lateau 92osterior 1ove1ent of the ti,ia *ith res2e)t to the fe1ur:'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' .;0/.;A'
.=' (hi)h of the follo*in+ 1us)les fle8es the thi+h an e8tens the le+-
A' vastus 1eialis
B' re)tus fe1oris
C' +astro)ne1ius
D' sartorius
The re)tus fe1oris 1us)le a 2art of the 4uari)e2s fe1oris )rosses the hi2 5oint
anteriorly an its tenon )rosses the ?nee 5oint anteriorly resultin+ in fle8ion of the
thi+h an e8tension of the le+'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' .<>/.<7'
.&' (hi)h of the follo*in+ nerves is the lar+est ,ran)h of the lu1,ar 2le8us an
su22lies all the 1us)les of the anterior fas)ial )o12art1ent of the thi+h-
A' fe1oral
B' s)iati)
C' o,turator
D' ee2 2eroneal
The fe1oral nerve arises fro1 the 2osterior ivisions of L< L6 L> s2inal nerves an
su22lies the anterior thi+h )o12art1ent' 9B: The s)iati) nerve ivies into )o11on
2eroneal an ti,ial nerves that su22ly the 1us)les of the le+' 9C: The o,turator nerve!
fro1 the anterior ivisions of L<! L6! L> s2inal nerves su22lies the 1ei)al )o12art1ent
of the thi+hK 9D: The ee2 2eroneal nerve su22lies the anterior )o12art1ent of the le+'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' .<A'
.<' A 2atient is una,le to invert his foot! ini)atin+ lesions of *hi)h of the follo*in+
2airs of nerves-
A' o,turator J ti,ial C' ee2 2eroneal J ti,ial
B' su2erfi)ial 2eroneal J ti,ial D' 1eial J lateral 2lantar
Inversion of the foot is a fun)tion of the ti,ialis anterior su22lie ,y the ee2
2eroneal nerve 9anterior le+ )o12art1ent: an the ti,ialis 2osterior su22lie ,y the
ti,ial nerve 92osterior le+ )o12art1ent:' The ti,ialis 2osterior is a stron+er invertor of
the foot'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' ..='
.6' The follo*in+ state1ents a,out the fe1oral trian+le are true! ELCE$T3
A' it is )overe su2erfi)ially ,y fas)ia lata
B' the fe1oral nerve is )overe ,y the fe1oral sheath
C' it is ,oune su2eriorly ,y the in+uinal li+a1ent
D' it is ,oune 1eially ,y the au)tor lon+us 1us)le
The fe1oral nerve lies in the fe1oral trian+le ,ut lies outsie the fe1oral sheath'
The fe1oral sheath is erive fro1 the transversalis fas)ia of the a,o1en an is
ivie into three )o12art1ents' The 1eial )o12art1ent is the fe1oral )anal! the
fre4uent site of fe1oral hernia! 1ore )o11on in fe1ales an )ontain so1e areolar
tissue an ly12h noe' The 1ile )o12art1ent is o))u2ie ,y the fe1oral vein an
the lateral )o12art1ent! ,y the fe1oral artery'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' .<A'
.>' The lar+est su2erfi)ial veins of the lo*er e8tre1ity are the +reat an s1all
sa2henous' The follo*in+ state1ents are features of these veins! ELCE$T3
A' Both veins ori+inate fro1 the 1eial an lateral sies of the orsal venous ar)h
of the foot
B'The +reat sa2henous vein on its u2*ar )ourse 2asses ,ehin 1eial 1alleolus
C' Drains the su2erfi)ial tissues of the lo*er e8tre1ity e8)e2t the lateral sie of the
foot an 2osterolateral as2e)t of the le+
D' The s1all sa2henous vein unites *ith the 2o2liteal vein
The +reat sa2henous vein on its u2*ar )ourse 2asses infront of the 1eial
1alleolus! an i12ortant anato1i)al ?no*le+e use in 2erfor1in+ a )uto*n
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' .&>'
.7' (hi)h is an INCORRECT state1ent a,out an interverte,ral is)-
A' urin+ a+in+! flui *ithin the nu)leus 2ul2osus is re2la)e ,y fi,ro)artila+e
B' atlanto/a8ial 5oint 2ossesses no is)
C' nu)leus 2ul2osus is 1ost li?ely to herniate in an anterolateral ire)tion
D' is) are thi)?est in the lu1,ar re+ion
Eerniation of the interverte,ral is) o))urs at the 2osterolateral ire)tion ,e)ause
the anterior lon+ituinal li+a1ent of the verte,ral )olu1n is *ie )overin+ the anterior
an lateral re+ions *hile the 2osterior lon+ituinal li+a1ent is very narro* leavin+ a
+a2 at the 2osterolateral area'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' A6&/A6<'
..' The first s2inal nerve to su22ly )utaneous innervation to the ,a)? is3
A' C& C' T&
E B' C< D' T<
The 6& 2airs of s2inal nerves ivie into orsal an ventral 2ri1ary ra1i' The
orsal 2ri1ary ra1i su22ly the ee2 ,a)? 1us)les an the s?in of the ,a)? e8)e2t C&!
an )o))y+eal nerves that o not have )utaneous istri,ution'
Referen)e 3 Gil1an! S' J Ne*1an S'('! Manter an Gat#Cs Clini)al
Neuroanato1y an Neuro2hysiolo+y! A
eition! &AA;! 22' >A/7='
.;' (hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures for1s the 1us)les of 1asti)ation-
A' &
2haryn+eal ar)h C' 6
2haryn+eal ar)h
B' <
2haryn+eal ar)h D' >
2haryn+eal ar)h
The 1us)les of 1asti)ation are for1e ,y the &
2haryn+eal ar)h' This is also true
of the nerves that innervate the1! ,y ,ran)hes of the 1ani,ular ivision of CN F' 9B:
for1s the 1us)les of fa)ial e82ression! 2osterior ,elly of i+astri)! stylohyoi an
sta2eiusK 9C: for1s stylo2haryn+eusK 9D: for1s 1ost of the s?eletal 1us)les of the soft
2alate 9e8)e2t tensor veli 2alatini:! the s?eletal 1us)les of the 2haryn8 9e8)e2t
stylo2haryn+eus:! )ri)othyroi an )ri)o2haryn+eus 1us)les'
Referen)e 3 Saler! T'('! Lan+1anCs Mei)al E1,ryolo+y! A
eition! <==>! 2' 6..'
.0' All of the follo*in+ state1ents a,out the arenal +lan are )orre)t ELCE$T3
A' They are retro2eritoneal or+ans'
B' Both arenal veins rain into the inferior vena )ava'
C' The su2erior arenal arteries are ,ran)hes of the inferior 2hreni) arteries'
D' They are innervate 2reo1inantly ,y 2re+an+lioni) sy12atheti) fi,ers'
The ri+ht arenal vein rains into the IFC *hile the left arenal vein rains into
the left renal vein to+ether *ith the left +onaal veins 9ovarian an
testi)ularGs2er1ati):' The su2erior arenal arteries are ,ran)hes of the inferior 2hreni)
arteries' The arenal 1eulla is 2reo1inantly innervate ,y the 2re+an+lioni) a8ons
of neurons foun in the inter1eiolateral horn of s2inal )or se+1ents T& /L& or L<'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' <A='
.A' The Islets of Lan+erhans is 1ost a,unant in *hi)h 2art of the 2an)reas-
A' un)inate 2ro)ess C' ,oy
B' hea D' tail
The 2an)reas )ontains a,out & M islets of Lan+erhans *hi)h are s)attere a,out
a)ini an are nearly as t*i)e as nu1erous in the tail as in the ne)? an ,oy9(heater!
%un)tional Eisto':
Referen)e 3 Youn+! B' J Eeath! H'('! (heaterCs %un)tional Eistolo+y! A Te8t J
Colour Atlas! >
eition! <===! 22' 6<>/6<7'
;=' $osto2erative hoarseness after thyroie)to1y results if one of the re)urrent nerves
is a))ientally )ut *hile li+atin+ *hi)h of the follo*in+ vessels-
A' su2erior thyroi artery C' su2erior thyroi vein
B' inferior thyroi artery D' 1ile thyroi vein
The su2erior thyroi artery! a ,ran)h of the e8ternal )aroti artery es)ens to
the u22er 2ole of ea)h lo,e a))o12anie ,y the e8ternal laryn+eal artery' The
re)urrent laryn+eal nerve )rosses either in front or ,ehin the inferior thyroi artery!
or it 1ay 2ass ,et*een its ,ran)hes'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' ;>.'
;&' Clear )ells that se)rete )al)itonin are foun in *hi)h of the follo*in+ +lans-
A' e2i2hysis )ere,ri C' 2arathyroi
B' thyroi D' arenal
The C )ell 92arafolli)ular )ells: of the thyroi +lan are so1e*hat lar+er than the
thyroi folli)ular )ells an stain less intensely' These )ells synthesi#e an se)rete
)al)itonin! a hor1one *hose 1ain effe)t is to lo*er ,loo )al)iu1 level'
Referen)e 3 Youn+! B' J Eeath! H'('! (heaterCs %un)tional Eistolo+y! A Te8t J
Colour Atlas! >
eition! <===! 2' 6&.'
;<' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents a,out the 2ars istalis is CORRECT-
A' The ,aso2hils are the 1ost nu1erous )ells'
B' The a)io2hils se)rete an synthesi#e Gro*th Eor1one an $rola)tin'
C' It re)eives ,loo ire)tly fro1 the internal )aroti artery'
D' It is erive fro1 the floor of the ien)e2halon'
The ,aso2hils are the rarest' The a)io2hils are the 1ost nu1erous an they
se)rete GE an 2rola)tin' The 2ars istalis re)eives ,loo not ire)tly fro1 the
internal )aroti artery! ,ut thru the hy2o2hyseal 2ortal vessels' The 2ars istalis is
erive fro1 oral e)toer1'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 22' 6;0/60.'
;6' The 2elvi) ia2hra+1 is for1e ,y *hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures-
A' s2hin)ter urethrae 1us)le
B' 2erineal 1e1,rane
C' ee2 transverse 2erineal 1us)le
D' levator ani
The 2elvi) ia2hra+1 is for1e ,y the levator ani 1us)les 9levator 2rostati) or
s2hin)ter va+ina! 2u,ore)talis an 2u,o)o))y+eus: an the s1all )o)y+eus 1us)le an
their )orres2onin+ fas)iae'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 6>6/6>>'
;>' The su2erfi)ial 2erineal 2ou)h lies ,et*een the ColleCs fas)ia an the3
A' inferior fas)ial layer of the uro+enital ia2hra+1
B' su2erior fas)ial layer of the uro+enital ia2hra+1
C' inferior fas)ial layer of the 2elvi) ia2hra+1
D' su2erior fas)ial layer of the 2elvi) ia2hra+1
The su2erfi)ial 2erineal 2ou)h is ,oune ,elo* ,y the 1e1,ranous layer
9ColleCs fas)ia: of the su2erfi)ial fas)ia an the inferior fas)ia layer of the uro+enital
ia2hra+1 ?no*n as the 2erineal 1e1,rane'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' ><./><0'
;7' In 1ales! the 1u)us/se)retin+ +lans foun *ithin the ee2 2erineal 2ou)h are the3
A' se1inal )uneatus C' Co*2erCs +lans
B' S?eneCs +lans D' 2rostate +lans
The Co*2erCs 9Bul,ourethral +lans: are < s1all 1u)us se)retin+ +lans that lie
*ithin the ee2 2erineal 2ou)h' Their u)ts 2ier)e the 2erineal 1e1,rane an o2en
into the 2enile 2art of the urethra'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' >67'
;.' The ty2e of 2elvis *hi)h is flattene antero/2osteriorly is the3
A' +yne)oi C' 2laty2elloi
B' anroi D' anthro2oi
The +yne)oi 2elvis is the 1ost )o11on ty2e of 2elvis' ItCs A$ ia1eter
a22ro8i1ates its transverse ia1eter'The anthro2oi is lon+!narro* an oval in sha2e'
The anroi ty2e is the 1ale or funnel/sha2e 2elvis' The 2laty2elloi 2elvis is flattene
antero /2osteriorly ,e)ause the sa)ral 2ro1ontory is 2ushe for*ar'
Referen)e 3 Moore! O'L' J Dalley! A'%'! Clini)ally Oriente Anato1y! >
&AAA! 2' 66<'
;;' (hi)h of the follo*in+ arteries ire)tly su22ly the su2erfi)ial 9fun)tional: layer of
the eno1etriu1-
A' ar)uate C' )oile
B' raial D' strai+ht
The ar)uate arteries *hi)h arise fro1 the uterine arteries )ir)le the uterus 5ust
,eneath the serosal surfa)e' At re+ular intervals! they +ive off ,ran)hes *hi)h
2enetrate ire)tly in*ar' Before enterin+ the eno1etriu1 the raial artery ivies
into straight arterioles *hi)h su22ly only the ee2er thir of the eno1etriu1! an the
spiral (coiled) arterioles! rea)h to the surfa)e of the eno1etriu1 an e8hi,it 1ar?e
)han+es in res2onse to hor1onal sti1uli throu+h out the nor1al )y)le'
Referen)e 3 Netter! %'E'! The CIBA Colle)tion of Mei)al Illustrations! Fol' <
Re2rou)tive Syste1! &A7>! 2' &&<'
;0' The li+a1entous su22ort of the uterus that e8tens fro1 the su2erolateral an+le of
the uterus to the la,ia 1a5us is the PPPPPPP li+a1ent'
A' transverse )ervi)al C' roun
B' ,roa D' uterosa)ral
The roun li+a1ent re2resents the re1ains of the lo*er half of +u,erna)ulu1
testis! e8tens ,et*een the su2erolateral an+le of the uterus! throu+h the ee2 in+uinal
rin+ an in+uinal )anal! to the su,)utaneous tissue of the la,ius 1a5or' It hel2s ?ee2
the uterus anteverte an antefle8e'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 60.'
;A' The stru)ture that serves as a lan1ar? in oin+ 2uenal ,lo)? anesthesia
throu+h a transva+inal a22roa)h is the3
A' ilia) )rest C' is)hial s2ine
B' is)hial tu,erosity D' sa)ral 2ro1ontory
The ,ony lan1ar? is the is)hial s2ine' The neele is inserte on the 1eial sie of
the is)hial s2ine to a e2th of a,out & in)h' The anestheti) is in5e)te aroun the
2uenal nerve'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' >></>>6'
0=' The 2elvi) vis)era are su22lie 1ainly ,y *hi)h of the follo*in+ arteries-
A' internal ilia) C' su2erior 1esenteri)
B' e8ternal ilia) D' 1ile sa)ral
The internal ilia) artery 9hy2o+astri): is the 1ain sour)e of arterial ,loo to the
2elvi) )avity' It ,ran)hes into anterior an 2osterior ivisions that su22ly the 2elvi)
vis)era!*alls an the ,utto)?s'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 67&/67<'
0&' The e5a)ulatory u)t is for1e ,y the union of the vas eferens an the u)t of
A' 2rostate +lan C' Co*2erCs +lan
B' se1inal vesi)le D' e2iiy1is
The t*o e5a)ulatory u)ts are ea)h less than & in)h lon+ an are for1e ,y the
union of the vas eferens an the u)t of the se1inal vesi)le'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 6;0'
0<' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents a,out the )ells in the testis is CORRECT-
A' The s2er1ato#oa are the lar+est )ells in the se1iniferous tu,ule'
B' The sertoli )ells are resistant to ioni#in+ raiation'
C' The Leyi+ )ells se)rete Anro+en Binin+ $roteins'
D' The 1ost 1ature s2er1ato)ytes rest on the ,ase1ent 1e1,rane'
The 2ri1ary s2er1ato)ytes are the lar+est )ells *ithin the se1iniferous tu,ules'
The 1ore 1ature s2er1ato)ytes are near the lu1en of the tu,ule' The Leyi+ )ells
se)rete testosterone' The Anro+en Binin+ $rotein is se)rete ,y the sertoli )ells' The
sertoli )ells serve to 2rote)t the evelo2in+ s2er1ato)ytes an are resistant to ioni#in+
raiation urin+ the re2rou)tive years'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 22' ><6/>6&'
06' The *iest 2art of the fallo2ian tu,e an the 1ost fre4uent site of fertili#ation is
the 3
A' infuni,ulu1 C' a12ulla
B' isth1us D' intra1ural
The a12ulla is the *iest 2art of the fallo2ian tu,e an the 1ost )o11on site
of fertili#ation 9an of e)to2i) +estation:' The isth1us is the narro*est 2art' The
infuni,ulu1 is the funnel / sha2e lateral en *hi)h has fin+erli?e 2ro5e)tions'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 60A'
0>' The uterine artery 2asses for*ar fro1 the internal ilia) artery an )rosses the
PPPPPPPPP to rea)h the )ervi8 at the level of the internal os'
A' urinary ,laer C' va+inal a'
B' ureter D' 2uenal nerve
Durin+ hystere)to1y! +reat )are 1ust ,e e8er)ise not to a1a+e the ureter as it
)rosses uner the uterine artery' NOTE3B *ater uner the ,ri+eB'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 6A<'
07' (hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures is erive fro1 the 1esone2hri) u)t-
A' fallo2ian tu,e C' vas eferens
B' uterus D' testes
The 1esone2hri) 9(olfiann: u)t +ives rise to the u)t of the e2iiy1is! the vas
eferens! e5a)ulatory u)t an se1inal vesi)le'The uterus an fallo2ian tu,es arise fro1
the 2ara1esone2hri) 9Mullerian: u)ts'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' 60. J 6A<'
0.' (hi)h of the follo*in+ is true of the oo+enesis-
A' At ,irth! the 2ri1orial folli)les )ontain oo+onia'
B' The first 1eioti) ivision is )o12lete at fertili#ation'
C' At ovulation! the ovu1 is release to+ether *ith the #ona 2ellu)ia an )orona
D' The se)onary oo)ytes has >. )hro1oso1es'
The 2ri1orial folli)les )onsist of a 2ri1ary oo)yte envelo2e ,y a sin+le layer
of flattene folli)ular )ells' The first 1eioti) ivision is )o12lete 5ust ,efore ovulation
9until this 1o1ent the oo)ytes *as in $ro2hase I of 1itosis initiate urin+ fetal life:'
The se)onary oo)ytes have <6 )hro1oso1es'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 22' >6A/>><'
0;' Eistolo+i)ally! ,one is )lassifie a))orin+ to its )olla+enous or+ani#ation as *oven
A' la1ellar C' hyalini#e fi,rous tissue
B' )al)ifie D' osteoi tissue
(oven ,one is 2ri1ary ,one an la1ellar ,one is se)onary ,one' (oven ,one is
the first ty2e of ,one that for1s an is +raually re2la)e ,y la1ellar ,one' La1ellar
,one is )lassifie into )o12a)t 9)orti)al: an s2on+y 9)an)ellous: ,one'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 2' &6;'
00' Eo* 1any )onstri)tions oes the ureter have-
A' > C' <
B' 6 D' None
The ureter has three )onstri)tions' The uretero2elvi) 5un)tion! *here it )rosses
the 2elvi) ,ri1 ,e)ause it is ?in?e! an at the ureterovesi)al 5un)tion'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' 6;='
0A' To *hat vein oes the left ovarian vein rain into-
A' Renal C' 2ortal
B' IFC D' ilia) vein
The left ovarian or testi)ular vein rains into the left renal vein' The ri+ht
ovarian or testi)ular vein rains into the inferior vena )ava'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' &;.'
A=' (hi)h stru)ture evelo2s fro1 the ureteri) ,u-
A' Renal )or2us)le C' EenleDs loo2
B' Convolute tu,ules D' Colle)tin+ tu,ules
The renal )or2us)le 9+lo1erulus an Bo*1anDs )a2sule:! the 2ro8i1al an
istal )onvolute tu,ules an the EenleDs loo2 1a?e u2 the ne2hron! are erive fro1
the 1etane2hro+eni) )a2sule'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' <0.'
A&' (hi)h stru)ture is 2art of the Bo*1anCs )a2sule-
A' 1esan+ial )ell C' Glo1erulus
B' vas)ular 2ole D' Urinary s2a)e
The Bo*1anDs )a2sule is 1ae u2 of the 2arietal layer! the urinary or Bo*1anDs s2a)e!
an the vis)eral layer' The +lo1erulus is a tuft of )a2illaries that re)eives ,loo fro1
the afferent arteriole'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y!
eition! <==6! 2' 606'
A<' (hi)h is a )hara)teristi) of the $ro8i1al Convolute Tu,ule-
A' Linin+ e2itheliu1 is si12le )u,oial
B' S1aller )ell si#e
C' Lar+er lu1en
D' Less a)io2hili) stainin+
The linin+ e2itheliu1 of the $CT is si12le )olu1nar or )u,oial *ith ,rush
,orer' The linin+ )ells are lar+er *ith a 1ore a)io2hili) stainin+ ,e)ause of the
2resen)e of a,unant 1ito)honria' Co12are *ith the istal )onvolute tu,ule! the
lu1en of the $CT is narro* *ith a lesser nu1,er of nu)lei in the *all an the lateral
,orers of the )ells are inistin)t'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y!
eition! &AA7! 2' 6.<'
A6' (hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures is relate to the 2osterior surfa)e of the
left ?iney-
A' $ro5e)tion of &&
B' Costoia2hra+1ati) re)ess of the 2leura
C' Ilioin+uinal nerve
D' "uaratus lu1,oru1 1us)le
The stru)tures relate to the 2osterior surfa)e of the ri+ht ?iney are the
inferior surfa)e of the ia2hra+1! )ostoia2hra+1ati) re)ess of the 2leura! 2ro5e)tion
of &<
ri,! the 2soas! 4uaratus lu1,oru1 an transverses a,o1inis 1us)les! an the
su,)ostal! ilioin+uinal an iliohy2o+astri) nerves' Hust a the 2ro5e)tion of the &&
for the stru)tures relate to the 2osterior surfa)e of the left ?iney'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 2' <0&'
A>' Corti)al tissue foun in ,et*een 1eullary 2yra1is are )alle3
A' Colu1ns of Bertin C' Corti)al la,yrinth
B' Area )ri,rosa D' Minor )aly8
The )orti)al tissue foun ,et*een 1eullary 2yra1is are )alle the Colu1ns of
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 2' 67A'
A7' Ly12h fro1 the )entral 2arts of the 1a11ary +lans! 9the s?in! areola an ni22le:
rain initially to*ar the PPPPPPPPP +rou2 of noes'
A' anterior or 2e)toral C' su,)lavian
B' a8illary D' internal 1a11ary
Ly12h fro1 the )entral 2arts of the ,reast! the s?in! areola an ni22le rains
laterally to*ar the a8illa! 2assin+ first to the anterior or 2e)toral +rou2 of noes!
*hi)h are often referre to as the lo* a8illary +rou2 of noes'
Referen)e 3 Snell! Ri)har S'! Clini)al Anato1y! ;
eition'! <==> 22' >70/>.='
A.' (hi)h of the follo*in+ state1ents is )orre)t a,out the e2ithelial tissue-
A' It is hi+hly vas)ular'
B' It has a,unant inter)ellular su,stan)e'
C' It has re+enerative )a2a)ity
D' All )ells rest on the ,ase1ent 1e1,rane
The e2ithelial tissue is )hara)teri#e ,y a 2au)ity of inter)ellular su,stan)e an
hi+h re+enerative )a2a)ity' E2ithelial tissue is avas)ular' Cells in stratifie e2ithelia o
not all rest on the ,ase1ent 1e1,rane'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y!
eition! <==6! 22' .A/;<'
A;' The +ro*th of )artila+e resultin+ fro1 1itosis of 2re/e8istin+ )honro)ytes
I is )alle PPPPPPPP +ro*th3
A' interstitial C' eno)honral
B' a22ositional D' intra1e1,ranous
Gro*th of )artila+e resultin+ fro1 1itosis of 2ree8istin+ )honro)ytes is )alle
interstitial +ro*th' A22ositional +ro*th results fro1 ifferentiation of 2eri)honral
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 22' &<;/&<0'
A0' The ste1 )ell 2re)ursor of 1ost of the )onne)tive tissue )ells is the3
A' fi,ro,last C' 1esen)hy1al
B' 1a)ro2ha+e D' ai2o)yte
The )onne)tive tissue ori+inates fro1 1esen)hy1al )ells *hi)h evelo2 1ainly
fro1 1esoer1' This )ell is the ste1 )ell of all )onne)tive tissue )ells'
Referen)e 3 Hun4ueira! L'C'! Carneiro! H' J Oelly! R' Basi) Eistolo+y! 0
&AA7! 2' 00'
AA' Eistolo+i)ally! 2las1a )ells )an ,e re)o+ni#e ,y the arran+e1ent of the3
A' )yto2las1i) +ranules
H B' 1ito)honria
O C' hetero)hro1atin +ranules
L D' nu)leoli
Eeter)hro1atin +ranules re2resent ina)tive )hro1atin an stain ar?ly' They are
arran+e li?e the nu1,ers of a )lo)?! hen)e M)lo)?/fa)eN nu)leus is use to es)ri,e a
2las1a )ell'
Referen)e 3 Gartner! L'$' J Eiatt! H'L'! Color Te8t,oo? of Eistolo+y! <
<==&! 2' &<<'
&==' (hi)h of the follo*in+ stru)tures )ontains EassalDs )or2us)les-
A' thyroi
B' 2arathyroi
C' 2ineal +lan
D' thy1us
EassalDs )or2us)les! )hara)teristi) features of the thy1us are foun in the
1eulla' They are )on)entri)ally la1inate stru)tures of un?no*n fun)tion that a22ear
urin+ fetal evelo21ent an in)rease in nu1,er *ith a+e' They are thou+ht to ,e
e+enerate 1eullary e2ithelial )ells an is2lay varyin+ e+rees of ?eratini#ation or
Referen)e 3 Gartner! L'$' J Eiatt! H'L'! Color Te8t,oo? of Eistolo+y! <
<==&! 2' <0.'

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