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SAP AG 2001
Purchase assignment overview
Price reference plant overview
Purchase Assignment
SAP AG IOG320 7-1
SAP AG 2001
At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:
Purchase Assignment: Unit Obectives
!escribe the business nee" for purchase assignments
!escribe the business nee" for price reference plants
Un"erstan" the impact of price reference plants on
accounting entries
Perform an e#change purchase assignment against a
customer sale
SAP AG IOG320 7-2
SAP AG 2001
Course Overview !iagram
%#change reports
%#change reports
Purchase assignment
Purchase assignment
'ogical inventory
'ogical inventory
!aily business
!aily business
Other features
Other features
agreement setup
agreement setup
&plit con"ition
&plit con"ition
Course overview
Course overview
Unit 0+
SAP AG IOG320 7-3
SAP AG 2001
Purchase Assignment &cenario -./
0O.' customer
When the product used in a sale is purchased directly from a third party, purchase assignment
functionality automates the recording of these purchase documents when the user records the
customer sale documents in the SAP System.
Therefore when the product for a customer sale is supplied from an exchange partners terminal, you
assign an exchange purchase contract item to the delivery document of the customer sale process.
In the first step of the process, you record a sales order in the SAP system as shown in the aove
SAP AG IOG320 7-4
SAP AG 2001
Purchase Assignment &cenario -../
0O.' customer
In the second step of the purchase assignment process, a delivery is created and the exchange
purchase contract line item is assigned to the delivery.
When the delivery is saved, the !uantity to e delivered appears as intended !uantity in the !uantity
schedule of the purchase contract.
SAP AG IOG320 7-5
SAP AG 2001
Purchase Assignment &cenario -.../
0O.' customer

goo"s flow
goo"s flow Goods receipt
Goods receipt
Goods issue
Goods issue
In the third step of the purchase assignment process, the goods issue is posted, which triggers the
system to automatically post the purchase call"off and the exchange related goods receipt.
#uantity schedule functionality is not re!uired for purchase assignment. $owever, when !uantity
schedules are used, the system updates the !uantity schedule in the following way%
When you create the delivery and assign the !uantity to e delivered to an exchange purchase
contract, the !uantity to e delivered appears as an intended !uantity in the !uantity schedule.
As soon as the goods issue is posted &and the system automatically creates the purchase order and the
following goods receipt', the delivered !uantity is listed in the !uantity schedule as a goods receipt
SAP AG IOG320 7-6
SAP AG 2001
Purchase Assignment 3 !ocument view
"elivery note
Purchase Purchase
Purchase assignment postings
Post purchase call off
Post goo"s receipt
Purchase assignment postings
Post purchase call off
Post goo"s receipt
receipt receipt
Purchase assignment
%#change contract items
5on3e#change contract items
Purchase assignment
%#change contract items
5on3e#change contract items
It is possile to assign the delivery to either a purchase contract or to a purchase order. As soon as
the goods issue is posted, an automatic goods receipt is created for the purchase order or, if assigned
to a contract, a purchase call"off is posted efore the automatic goods receipt is carried out.
Purchase assignment functionality is also availale for non"exchange contracts.
SAP AG IOG320 7-7
SAP AG 2001
Price 7eference Plant 3 Overview -./
Prior to pic)up at e#change
partner8s location
0 &toc)
0 &toc)
When posting a goods receipt under a orrow and loan agreement, the system usually ta(es the price
from the receiving plant in order to valuate the material received.
)or plants which are only used for purchase assignments, there may e no stoc( existing.
In the material master, you can assign so"called price reference plants to each plant. When there is no
stoc( availale at the receiving plant, the system will then ta(e the price from the assigned price
reference plant in order to valuate the material received.
*y setting the so"called price reference valuation plant flag in customi+ing, you can specify that the
system should ta(e the price from the price reference plant, even if there is stoc( availale at the
receiving plant.
The slide &aove' is the first of three slides which represent the recording of an exchange receipt at a
partners terminal. This receipt will e followed y a sale to your customer, from this terminal. In
this illustration, your customer has arrived at your exchange partners terminal to pull a load of ,,---
./0 of regular gasoline. In your SAP System, you have defined your exchange partners terminal as
a plant. Since none of the physical stoc( at this terminal is your stoc(, there is no inventory of
material recorded in your SAP System at this plant.
SAP AG IOG320 7-8
SAP AG 2001
Price 7eference Plant 3 Overview -../
7ecor" Exchange Receipt at
e#change partner8s location
6,000 gal. &toc)
6,000 gal. &toc)
ref. plant
(orrow*loan agreement:
!ebit: P<=&.CA' .5>%5?O7= :6,000
Cre"it: 'O4.CA' .5>%5?O7= :6,000
4eneral le"ger:
4eneral le"ger:
The first step is to record the exchange receipt. At SAP, this process involves creating the purchase
order and goods receipt documents. 1onfiguration has een set to value the product on the purchase
order with the value maintained for that same material in the price reference plant. In other words,
the value of 2egular at the price reference plant is 34.--. Therefore, the posting of the exchange
receipt of 2egular at the exchange plant is valued ased on 34.--.
SAP AG IOG320 7-9
SAP AG 2001
Price 7eference Plant 3 Overview -.../
7ecor" Customer Sale from
e#change partner8s location
0 gal. stoc)
0 gal. stoc)
7egular -6,000 gal/
(orrow*loan agreement:
Cre"it: P<=&.CA' .5>%5?O7= :6,000
!ebit: CO&? O@ 4OO!& &O'! :6,000
4eneral le"ger:
4eneral le"ger:
The last step in the process is to record the sale of 2egular to your customer. The accounting entry
for the sale to your customer is a credit &decrease' of physical inventory of 2egular and a deit
&increase' to a cost of goods sold account. The value &cost' of the 2egular eing sold to your
customer, you will rememer, was derived from the value of 2egular at the price reference plant.
Therefore, the value at the price reference plant not only determines the valuation on exchange
receipt postings, ut is also responsile for the value of the posting to the cost of goods sold account
associated with the customer sale, following the exchange receipt.
SAP AG IOG320 7-10
SAP AG 2001
Purchase Assignment 3 %#ercise
Create sale to customer
Perform purchase assignment
SAP AG IOG320 7-11
SAP AG 2001
=ou are now able to:
Purchase Assignment: Unit &ummary
!escribe the business nee" for purchase
!escribe the business nee" for price reference plants
Un"erstan" the impact of price reference plants on
accounting entries
Perform a e#change purchase assignment against a
customer sale
SAP AG IOG320 7-12
Unit: Purchase Assignment
Topic: Exchange Agreements with Purchase Assignments
At the conclusion of this exercise, you will e ale to%
Assign deliveries to exchange purchase contracts
.nderstand how to configure purchase assignments
A5I6 7lifts7 product from the exchange partners location and delivers
that product to its own service station.
8"4 A service station calls you to order a specific !uantity of product, which is to e
delivered from your exchange partners location. That means that you create an
order and assign the suse!uent delivery to the purchase contract that is connected
to an exchange agreement.
9ote% This is not a sale from you to your exchange partner, ut to your own
8"4"4 1reate a sales order for the service station &no reference to a contract'.
Ship"to party% CUST01-##
5rder type% !
Sales area AES"A1"A1
:aterial% !E#U$A!-##
#uantity% 1%000 #A$
Plant% AP0%
Save the sales order and ma(e a note of the document numer.
8"4"< 1reate the delivery for the sales order. Assign the purchase contract from
=xercise >"<"? to the delivery. @o not post the goods issue yet.
Shipping point% AS&%
Storage location% A%$1
Purchase document numer% '(um)er *rom 3-%-+,
Item% 10
Assigned !uantity% 1%000 #A$
Save the delivery &do not post the goods issue yetA' and ma(e a note of the
document numer.
SAP AG IOG320 7-13
8"4"> @isplay the !uantity schedule of the purchase contract.
9ote% Starting from the purchase assignment screen of the delivery, you can
go directly to the purchase contract.
What affect did the purchase assignment have on the !uantity scheduleB
8"4"C 5pen another 2D> session and post the goods issue for the delivery from
exercise 8"4"<. /o ac( to the !uantity schedule of the purchase contract
and refresh the !uantity schedule view. What has changedB
8"4"? 2eview the goods receipt that was created y the system.
9ote% )rom the purchase assignment screen of the delivery, you can go
directly to the material document of the goods receipt.
Which movement type was used y the systemB $ow do you specify your
own movement type for the system to use hereB
8"< $ow do you set up the system so that the purchase contract is automatically
assigned during delivery creationB
SAP AG IOG320 7-14
Unit: Purchase Assignment
Topic: Exchange Agreements with Purchase Assignments
8"4"4 To create a sales order for your customer, to whom product is to e
delivered from your exchange partners location, choose%
Logistics Sales and Distribution r/er Create
=nter ! as the order type and choose Enter. 5n the next screen, enter%
Ship"to party% CUST01-##
:aterial% !E#U$A!-##
5rder !uantity% 1%000 #A$
Plant% AP0%
1hoose =nter and select sales area% AES"A1"A1 from the suse!uent
dialog ox &if the sales area has not yet een defaulted', and save the order.
9ote% Eou can also choose Sales Document Deliver from the order entry
screen to save the order and go directly to the delivery create screen.
8"4"< To create the delivery for the sales order, choose%
Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation
Outbound Delivery Create Single Document With Reference to
Sales Order
=nter the following shipping data%
Shipping point% AS&%
Selection date% 'To/a01s /ate,
5rder% 'r/er num)er *rom 2-1-%,
1hoose Enter. 5n the following overview screen, enter the storage location
A%$1 &if not defaulted on line item level' and choose the Purchase
assignment on the ottom of the screen or select the item and choose Goto
Item urchase !ssignment.
In the Purchase Assignment"ta, enter%
Purchase document numer% 'Contract num)er *rom 3-%-+,
Item% 10
Assigned !uantity% 1%000
1hoose Enter, confirm the information message.
Save the delivery &do not post the goods issue yet' and ma(e a note of the
document numer.
SAP AG IOG320 7-15
8"4"> To display the !uantity schedule of the purchase contract, choose%
Logistics "#changes "#change operations "#change agreements
Display e#change agreement.
=nter the agreement numer from >"4">, then select Enter. Select the
Purchase Contracts ta. @oule"clic( the purchase contract numer, select
the item and choose Quantity Schedule.
As you will see, the delivery !uantity &4<--- /A6 F CC>48 64?' from
exercise 8"4"< is assigned as an intended !uantity &meaning% not yet called"
off' within the !uantity schedule of the assigned purchase contract. The
value in the Unit field is the ase unit of measure.
8"4"C 5pen another 2D> session, choose System Create session.
5n the next session, choose Logistics "#changes "#change
operations "#change deliveries Delivery Change delivery
The system defaults the delivery from exercise 8"4"<. 1hoose Post goods
/o ac( to the Purchasing Contract Quantity Schedule screen and choose
Refresh. The previously intended !uantity is now added to the called"off
!uantity. The system automatically posted a goods receipt on the purchase
side for the goods issue that you posted for the delivery.
1hoose "nvironment Document flo$ contract to display the purchase
order &4<--- gal' that the system has automatically posted. Stay on this
screen for the next step.
9ote% The system handles the goods flow as if it would e a 7real7 goods
flow. Geep in mind that it is actually a 7logical7 goods flow and the product
was delivered from your exchange partners location.
8"4"? To review the goods receipt, select the purchase order from the Release
Order Docu. for Contract .. screen and choose "nvironment Display
document to display the purchase order, then select the Purchase order
history ta"strip on the item details view on the lowe part of the screen. 5n
the following screen, clic( on the material document numer to ranch to
the material document.
&5r go directly from the purchase assignment screen of the delivery using
Environment Document flow to the material document of the goods
In field ovement !y"e, you see that the system used the movement type
#$# % goods recei"t for this goods receipt.
To specify your own movement type for the system to use here, go to
customi+ing and choose Industry Solution Oil % Gas &Do$nstream'
"(G urchase !ssignment Define item categories for deliveries.
1hoose the details for the standard item category !A&.
In the E'change assignment data section, you can enter the movement type
which the system should use for the goods receipt in the field ovement
SAP AG IOG320 7-16
8"< In the Purchase assign. e'it field on the same customi+ing screen as aove in 8"
4"?, you can select your own user exit routine to determine a purchase contract,
which the system then assigns automatically to the delivery item with the
specific item category.
SAP AG IOG320 7-17

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