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SAP AG 1999
The Euro
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-1
SAP AG 1999
The Euro: Objectives
Set the currency required by your company
for travel expense settlement in ustomi!in"
#t the conclusion of this unit$ you %ill be able to:
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-2
SAP AG 1999
ourse Overvie% 'ia"ram
ourse Overvie%
Entry and #pproval of Trips
Settlement$ (ayment and (ostin" of Trips
(er 'iems)*lat +ates ,-en..
The Euro
Optical #rchivin"
/umber +an"es and 0aster 'ata
for Travel 0ana"ement
+eimbursements: Travel osts
(er 'iems)*lat +ates ,ustomi!in".
'ialo" and Settlement ontrol
*orm Structure
Settin"s for 1nterfaces
#uthori!ation 0ana"ement and +oles
2+ 0aster 'ata ,0ini 0aster.
#ppendix)System 1nfrastructure
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-3
SAP AG 1999
4efore and #fter the 'ual urrency (hase
4efore: 'ual currency phase:
2+ (ayroll *1
4alance sheet
2+ (ayroll *1
4alance sheet
Travel expense settlement Travel expense settlement
in countries of the E6 in countries of the E6
in country currency in country currency
Travel expense settlement Travel expense settlement
in countries of the E6 in countries of the E6
in trip currency in trip currency
Prior to 01/01/99, the currency that was stored in the system in the view for each company code
applied both for each independent accounting unit and for HR Payroll.
ue to the introduction of the euro, there will be a dual currency phase from 01/01/99 ! 1"/#1/00 for
all participating countries in the $uropean %nion. uring this period, companies are allowed to
prepare their balance sheets on the basis of the euro. &his represents a considerable improvement for
companies with international subsidiaries that produce their own balances. Payments to vendors,
such as wage payments, are still made in the respective country currency. uring this period, the
balance sheet currency can also differ from the official currency used by authorities.
's of 01/01/01, the payment cycle will be the same as prior to 01/01/99, but the country currency
will have been replaced by the euro.
's of Release (.0, every trip entered is assigned a trip currency. &he trip can therefore be settled
either on the basis of the balance sheet currency or the official currency. &he resulting forms indicate
amounts in trip currency.
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-4
SAP AG 1999
Trip urrency
urrency code
-lobal Settin"s
Trip currency
urrency is determined from company co...
Travel expense form
Travel expense settlement
Maintain trip data
/ame: hris 0iller
(ers/o: 89020
Trip: 52005
Trip currency: E6+
%sing the )*+ activity Define global settings you need to specify the trip currency that is assigned
to the individual trips during entry. &his causes all amounts that are entered in dialog to be set in
relation to this currency on the basis of the e,change rate.
&ravel e,pense settlement -RPR&$.00/ calculates the travel e,pense reimbursements in trip
currency. )n forms -such as RPR&$000/, all amounts are indicated in trip currency.
%sing the )*+ activity Settlement control in expert view, in the line Other settlement, position 1 you
can, for each trip provision variant, control that per diems/flat rates stored in a foreign currency -such
as $*/ are converted to the trip currency -such as $%R/ by RPR&$.00.
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-5
SAP AG 1999
The Euro: +evie%
Set the currency required by your company
for travel expense settlement in ustomi!in"
;ou are no% able to:
(C) SAP AG AC270 6-6

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