Spell Binding Moments

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International Women’s Conference

Spellbinding Moments
By Resha Desai

A couple of year ago, I was looking at a famous picture from an issue of the National
Geographic magazine: Jane Goodall bending towards a chimpanzee, whose fingers
lightly touched the few strands of hair that fell across her eyes. The picture was magical –
highlighted by the natural sun rays in the background and the expression in Goodall’s
eyes. That was when a phrase hit my head – ‘You never know when you’re making a
moment.’ Someone famous has said this – can’t seem to remember who.

Since then – at poignant moments more often than not – this phrase comes to mind.
Recently, I was onboard a Bangalore-Mumbai flight. Gazing at the fast-receding sun and
pools of clouds, images of the past few days circled before me. And then I remembered
my favourite adage: ‘You never know when you’re making a moment.’ The last few days
were certainly moments I will long remember.

It began on February 8. Little girls in white dresses and wings came on the stage at the
Vishalakshi Mantap hall and welcomed everyone to the 3rd International Women’s
Conference, hosted by the Art of Living. There I was sitting in the heart of their
International Campus, contemplating on the ‘light of leadership’ inherent in a woman.
Engaging as I found the theme of the conference, to me it was obvious: Isn’t a woman a
leader anyways? Doesn’t she weave the fabric of society into a richer tapestry? I got my
answer through the mélange of scenes that came before me over the next two days.

Where have you seen a 7-year-old girl garlanding a woman in her fifties? This unique
manner of greeting the dignitaries brought a smile to all the 750 delegates present in the
hall. There were so many such elements that seemed to be echoing the same message of
celebration, appreciation and honour.

The conference was so timely when the threats of terrorism and economic recession loom
like the sword of Damocles over the world. A wide range of subjects were discussed – a
woman’s role in conflict resolution, portrayal of women in the media, providing solutions
of the economic crisis…and of course, the delicate balancing act of a woman - how does
she play so many roles? What struck me was that I could not find a single instance of a
defeatist attitude, not a tone of negativity – which is so common when people come
together for a single cause. All the speakers and delegates that had come in from the 68
countries seemed to approach the topics from a sense of achievement and with an aim to
find what more could be done.

Was it the meditation between the sessions, the Art of Living course that was being held
for the delegates before the conference sessions or the gentle guidance of the chairperson,
Bhanu Narasimhan? In her inaugural speech, Bhanu set the tone for the conference when
she said: “In these coming days, we will be discussing issues in this time of crisis in a
loving atmosphere. Violence cannot be tackled with another act of violence. In these next
few days, we can dwell deep within us.”
Despite the active participation of women from such diverse backgrounds and countries,
and discussions that ranged from quiet reflection to an animated exchange of strong
opinions, there was an underlying calm that would return at the culmination.

The dialogues and interaction were peppered with lively performances by noted danseuse
Hema Malini who showcased a portrayal of Radha-Krishna. A new expression of
Bharatnatyam took form when the classical dance style was adapted to jazz and Oriental
music by Shobana Chandrakumar and her troupe. Sufi singer Zila Khan, magician,
dancer Yoko Mama and Rashmi Gopi Hegde added different elements with their
rendition of different art forms.

The colour and beauty of the performances complemented the steely facets of a woman’s
character which comes up when facing challenging situations. I was intrigued by the slew
of inspiring women. Dr Dafna Paz, a woman that works to bring peace to Israelis and
Palestinians in the conflict-ridden region or Mia Tafara, a positive person, who has
committed herself to caring for underprivileged children, suffering from the disease, in
Harare; Nathalie and Gabriele who guided hundreds of people re-build their lives after
Hurricane Katrina or Mawahib, who works in Iraq, setting up rehabilitation and women
empowerment cells. Their stories of triumph and determination still ring in my ears. The
Vishalakshi Awards, instituted in the memory of the mother of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar, honoured many more women whose lives have transformed the lives of so many

Perhaps the most poignant moment of the conference was when the parents of martyr
Sandeep Unnikrisnan were honoured. Sandeep Unnikrisnan laid down his life to save
thousands at the recent terrorist attack at the Taj Hotel in Mumbai. As his father spoke,
the women rose to honour Unnikrisnan’s memory and spontaneously pledged to work
towards eliminating global terrorism.

Other issues like domestic violence, child labor and female foeticide were also
deliberated upon. It was well summed up at the Valedictory session: “Each one of us
knows what to do. We have to now make it happen. We have to now move on from 'I can'
to 'I will', resolve to wipe away terrorism and spread the message of peace," said Mrs.
Kavita Khanna, legal and financial advisor.

Interestingly, the conference proceeds are dedicated to the education of the girl child. A
round of applause resounded when a young girl studying medicine was introduced on
stage alongwith her father. She will be one of the beneficiaries, whose entire medical
education will be sponsored.

At the Valedictory session, women from the different countries were invited to come on
stage and light a lamp. In India, this practice is done for an auspicious beginning. The
light of the lamp epitomized a new beginning and a new pledge for all the women
present. Another unique moment to be added to the album of memories….
As I walked to the amphitheatre outside the Mantap on the last day of the conference, I
visited an exhibition on women from different civilizations across the world. Women
who have inspired and made changes in their communities. As I looked at the pictures
across the colorful boards and began reflecting on the last three days, I realized that every
change begins with a simple determination to look beyond one’s needs. That shift in
perspective is empowering enough for one to be an agent of change – you don’t need
someone to show you the way and tell you how.

Later, as I spoke to different delegates (some with the help of translators), it was apparent
that the past three days had made an impact on all present. It had crystallized into a
specially-crafted moment for all: from the womb of a spiritual environment, was born
quiet strength and happiness which, I think, would grow and translate into a strong force
of positive change.

Memorable words:

“Leadership is only a social cause but also important on a personal level. Women have
the ability to build character and integrity. Today the situation is such that it is akin to
standing on a running treadmill. You have to run to stay in the same place. In this fast
pace of life, we need to balance our inner beauty, ethical values, and the challenges we
face socially and internationally.”
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder, Art of Living

“In a cordial and happy atmosphere, many solutions can come up whatever the problem
may be. Team spirit comes naturally to women. Just as the saying goes ‘Sanghe Shakti
Kalyuge’ (In Kalyug, a group of people is powerful). Only when you are relaxed or
happy, can you make a difference. At the conference, we have the opportunity to get
Bhanu Narasimhan, Chairperson, International Women’s Conference

“I do believe that the energies in the universe are feminine energies. That's why we call it
Shakti. Each one of is a centre for change.”
Vandana Shiva, noted physicist and environmental activist

“The way we shape our society and economies that we will not have a divided road
where the rich will have a say at the table, but smaller countries as well. This is done
not only by the leaders, but on how much we all bring to the table. The way we govern
our communities our nationstate, its all connected together.”
Erika Mann, Member of European Parliament, Brussels

“Women have unique skills, great listeners, more willing to finding a solution to both
parties wehre both parties experience a winning relationship. Women are better at
peace keeping since they are inherently nurturing.”
Ms Ana Teresa Dengo, Costa Rica’s Ambassador to Austria & permanent representative,
United Nation
“It is a woman’s strength to deal with unannolunced challenges. We do it with no fuss.
Tap into the inner abundance that you have and there is no crisis you cannot face.”
Ruth Kuok,

Life is like riding a bicycle, you have to have balance and you have to keep moving. The
sense of balance has to come with the sense of movement. We are responsible for
whatever sphere of activity we are in.
Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group, India

“Real leadership means you have to have the courage to speak out when issues you don’t
agree with are discussed even if they are the norm.”
Dr Nafis Sadik, author & Former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, Pakistan

“I have attended many conferences but the spirit of happiness, belongingness was very
unique here. Everyone was participating. Otherwise people get bored. The feeling of
belongingness between the people present, the love was strikingly unique. There was a
lot of respect for men. It was not a feminist sort of a conference. There was dance,
meditation, discussion, cultural programme. It was a complete experience.”
Sabrina Pace, participant, Argentina

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