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A Letter to a friend Describing Your Visit to a Place of Natural Beauty

Q. Write a letter within 1! words to a friend describing to hi"#her your $isit to a

%lace of natural beauty # a hill station. (10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
Your letter had been waiting or me in our letter!bo" as # was away rom home or
a week$ You know, # had a long %herished desire to &isit Dar'eeling, a (la%e o natural
beauty$ )o my 'oy knew no bounds when my (arents agreed to take me there$
*e rea%hed Dar'eeling by +oy +rain and lodged in a hotel or a week$ From the
irst day we started going out or sight!seeing$ # was greatly %harmed by the s%eni% beauty
o the mountain orests, tea!gardens and the sky!kissing (eak o the snow!%o&ered
,an%han'ungha$ *e &isited the attra%ti&e s(ots like the -oo, the .i%toria Falls, the
/ebong ra%e!%ourse, the highest ra%e! %our%e in the world$ *e also saw the ro(eway rom
the 0orth 1oint to the 2angit .alley$ One dawn, we &isited the +iger 3ill rom where we
had a wonderul &iew o the sunrise$ #t was a rare e"(erien%e to us$ +he Mall was another
attra%ti&e s(ot where we walked about in the aternoon$ # %an ne&er orget the %harming
beauty o Dar'eeling$
0o more today$ 1lease a%%e(t my sin%ere lo&e and %on&ey my best regards to your
(arents$ (140 words)
Yours e&er,
(Own name)
5Friends address6
Letter to a &riend Describing Your Visit to a Place of 'istorical (nterest
Q. Write a letter within 1! words to a friend describing to hi"#her your $isit to a
%lace of historical interest. (10 Marks) 53) 076
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
Your letter had been waiting or me in our letter!bo" as # was not at home or a
%ou(le o days$ # (arti%i(ated in an e"%ursion organised by our s%hool$
You know, # had a long %herished desire to &isit Murshidabad, a (la%e o histori%al
interest$ My 'oy knew no bounds when my (arents agreed to allow me to 'oin the
e"%ursion$ *e rea%hed Murshidabad by bus and lodged in a hotel or two days$ From the
irst day we started going out or sight!seeing by tangas, the horse!dri&en %arts$ 8t irst
we &isited the 3a-arduary$ #t is a ni%e (la%e with many real and some alse doors$ *e saw
the wea(ons used by the 0awabs o 9engal$ *e saw so many (re%ious (aintings there$
*e &isited the Moti'hil, a big tank$ *e saw ,hasbag where 8libordy lay buried$ *e went
to the ,atra mos:ue the ne"t day$ #t is now in ruins$ Finally, we saw the tomb o )hira' on
the other side o the 9hagirathi$ +hese histori%al (la%es took me to the golden days o
Muslim rulers in #ndia$
3o(e, this inds you :uite well$ # am O, and ho(e you are also so$ (14; words)
Yours e&er,
(Own name)
5Friends address6
A Letter to a &riend Describing Your Ai" in Life
Q. Write a letter within 1! words) describing your ai" in life # your %lan of future
study # your choice of %rofession in future. (10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
# ha&e re%ei&ed your sweet letter$ You ha&e wanted to know about my aim in lie <
my (lan o uture study < my %hoi%e o (roession in uture$ *ell, # am trying my best to
gi&e a brie des%ri(tion o the same$
Man li&es in ho(es$ )o do # with an aim o my own$ My aim is to go in or
edu%ation line$ # ha&e de%ided to be a s%hool tea%her$ 1erha(s you will wonder,
%onsidering the wret%hed %ondition o s%hool tea%hers in our state$ 9ut # eel, it is the
noblest (roession$ My ather was a res(e%ted 3eadmaster$ 3is ins(iring lie has taught
me that nothing %an be more &aluable than to sha(e u( the %hara%ter o the uture %iti-ens
o the %ountry in the tenderest age o their li&es$ My ambition is to (lay my (art humbly
in this im(ortant work$ # am %onident o my ability to ins(ire the green minds$ # lo&e and
res(e%t this noble task$
1lease let me know about your aim o lie$ 0o more today$ 3o(e, this inds you
:uite well$ # am O, and ho(e you are also so$ 1lease a%%e(t my sin%ere lo&e and %on&ey
my best regards to your (arents$ (140 words)
Yours e&er,
(Own name)
5Friends address6
A Letter to a &riend about a Boo* +ecently +ead
Q. Write a letter within 1! words to your friend about a boo* you ha$e recently
read and en,oyed. -1! .ar*s/
Own address
& Date
My dear (Friends name),
+hank you &ery mu%h or the ine book =1ather 1an%hali> that you (resented me
on my birthday$ #t is an immortal master(ie%e o 9ibhutibhushan 9andyo(adhyay$ # ound
the book so gri((ing that # read it a number o times$
#t is a story o a (oor amily o 0is%hindi(ur, a ba%kward &illage$ 3arihar li&es there
with his wie )arba'aya, daughter Durga, son 8(u and his distant sister #ndir +hakrun$ O
all these %hara%ters, 8(u is the hero o the story$ 3e was born and brought u( in the la( o
nature$ 3is elder sister Durga is a %entre round whom the little boy grows u( with all his
dreams and an%ies$ 9ut inally Durga and #ndir +hakrun die under &ery (ainul
%ir%umstan%es$ +heir death brings tears to my eyes and haunts my mind re:uently$ # ha&e
en'oyed the book &ery mu%h or the writers dee( insight into human %hara%ters, &i&id
des%ri(tions o the natural surroundings o the &illage and or its sim(le, easy language$
+he book has let a lasting im(ression on my mind$
0o more today$ 3o(e, this inds you :uite well$ (17@ words)
Yours e&er,
(Own name)
5Friends address6
Letter to Brother#0ister Ad$ising to +ead 1nglish News%a%er Daily
Q. 0u%%ose your brother li$es in a boarding school and reads nothing beyond his
school boo*s. Write a letter to hi" ad$ising hi" to read an 1nglish news%a%er daily.
(10 Marks)
Own address
& Date
My dear (brother name),
# am glad to learn that you ha&e s%ored high marks in the last e"am$ #t is true that
%lass books are ne%essary or good results, but you also need to read a news(a(er
0owadays you %ant kee( (a%e with the outer world i you dont read a news(a(er
on a regular basis$ #t gi&es you an all!round knowledge on &ariety o to(i%s$ #t gi&es
inormation on %urrent e&ents, s(orts, %areer o(tions, 'ob o((ortunities, et%$ 8 man who
does not read news(a(er remains ignorant o the outer world like a rog in a narrow well$
3e %annot take (art in talks and dis%ussions in a learned so%iety$ Most o all, an Anglish
news(a(er will in%rease your &o%abulary and the (ower o %om(rehension whi%h are &ital
to ollow your Anglish syllabus$ #t will hel( you to a%:uire skill in Anglish$
)o, de&elo( the habit o reading an Anglish news(a(er daily$ #t will hel( you in
the long run$ (1B7 words)
*ith lo&e and best wishes,
Yours ae%tionately,
(own name)
5Friends address6

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