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The Solitary Reaper

The Solitary Reaper

- William Wordsworth
1. Describe the high land lass in The Solitary Reaper.
Ans. -- The high land girl was a reaper whom the poet saw in a valley. She was all alone
in a corn field cutting and binding the grains. She was singing a melancholy tune
stooping over her sicle. The reaper was very nearly merged with the !ature that she
wored within.
". What were the different pictures which the reaper#s song called up$
Ans. -- The poet was standing in the deep valley over flown with the most appealing tune
of the Scottish girl. At first% he remembered the song of a nightingale which refreshes the
weary traveler in an oasis in the Arabian Desert. Then the poet remembered the islands of
&ebrides getting the e'citement of life in cucoo#s song at the advent of spring after a
long fro(en winter.
). What guesses did the poet mae about the theme of the solitary reaper#s song$
Ans.-- The solitary reaper was singing in *+rse#% a dialect unnown to the poet. So he
tried to guess the sub,ect matter eeping the sad tune of the song in mind. &e thought that
the girl was probably singing about some sad incidents of battles fought in the long past.
The song might also be based on familiar matters lie some natural sorrow of everyday
life or sense of loss due to death.
-. What was the effect of the reaper#s song on the poet$
Ans. -- the poet was highly impressed after listening to the song. The mournful tune
touched his inner self and as a result he guessed that the song might be narrating the
unhappy events of the remote past or the usual pain and sorrow of everyday life. So% the
song found a permanent position in his heart and he would recount it in tran.uility in
The school that I would like
The School That / would lie
1. /deal school.
Ans. According to William in ideal school the class rooms should be less formal. /ntimate
relationships should be grown by their first names. /nstead of imparting nowledge in a
mechanical way% teacher must encourage free thining. /nteractions and debates should
be the method of teaching. An ideal school should have a less number of students in the
". What is the second method of teaching that William write about$
Ans . The second method of teaching brings ,oy of learning in the classroom. Teachers
adopt interactive method which encourages free thining among his few students.
Teachers mae his students intimate to him% calling them by their first names. They learn
through debate and discussion in a less formal way.
). / ate scoow#
What dose the e'pression mean$
Ans.- This utterance% a distort pronunciation of */ hate school#% e'presses his immense
hatred for the school. The use of capital letters signifies that 0ohnny was so annoyed that
he wanted to share his disgust with the neighbouring people. This also tells about the
shortcomings of conventional schools and the sufferings of students.
-. What according to William should be the features of an /deal school$
William gives his view of an ideal school. The classrooms should be less formal. /ntimate
relationship should be grown by calling the students by their first names. /nstead of
imparting nowledge in a mechanical way% teachers must encourage free thining.
/nteractions and debates should be the method of teaching. An ideal school should have a
less number of students in a classroom.
1. The second method of teaching.
The second method of teaching brings ,oy of learning in the class2room. Teachers adopt
interactive method which encourages free thining among his few students. Teachers
mae his students intimate to him% calling them by their first names. /n a less formal
classroom situation% they learn through debate and discussion.
3. &ow can 4ritain maintain its position in the world of progress$
The 4ritish schools% instead of imparting nowledge in a mechanical way must encourage
free thining to mae the classes interactive. Students should be taught in an attractive
method lie debate and discussion. +'change of views and thoughts with teachers and
classmates can open a new hori(on of learning. Then only% these thoughtful human beings
will e'cel in the field of technology and art.
5. &ow did 0ohnny attend his history lesson$
The history teacher entered and announced to give dictation. The students e'pressed their
reluctance. The teacher threatened to punish them. 0ohnny repeatedly interrupted his
teacher by telling that hi6 pen had no in% his continuity had been lost and again his nib
was broen to escape from taing dictation. 4eing interrupted repeatedly he sent 0ohnny
outside the classroom. 0ohnny hardly learnt anything that day.

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