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Bur den Dist r ibut ion St udies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sect or

Mode l of F Bla s t Fu r n a c e
Tathagata Bhattacharya, Vi pul Mohan Koranne, Mri ganshu Guha,
Sami k Nag, Aji t Kothari and Uttam Si ngh
Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur-831001, India
Burden distribution is a generic term used to denote
the radial ore/coke distribution as well as the particle
size distribution at blast furnace top. Since it has
a close relationship with wind acceptance and gas
utilization in a furnace, the productivity and fuel
rate can be effectively improved if the extent of gas
utilization is improved. Based on this philosophy,
the current work was undertaken to evolve and
identify promising charging sequences from
experimentations in the 1:10 scaled down model at
R&D. A total of five charging sequences were tried
beginning with a base charging program and
information about burden distribution were
generated. The ore/coke ratios were calculated from
actual measurements in the scaled down model. The
simulation results from the existing mathematical
model of R&D were also compared with the
experimental findings and these information would
be further processed to tune the mathematical model
in future. Amongst all the sequences tried, a
particular charging program with considerable
amount of coke charged at the centre was found
suitable. This particular charging program was
operational from last week of September 2004 when
a strong central working of the furnace was
established. It was found that the ore/coke ratio is
qualitatively in line with the above burden probe
temperature profile during that period and was also
in partial agreement with the results obtained from
the mathematical model.
Ke y Wor ds
Burden distribution, Simulation, Ore to coke ratio, Physical
model, Mathematical model, Charging program, Central
The distribution of coke, ore, sinter and other raw materials
at the stock level of a blast furnace is very crucial for its
smooth operation. The charge consists of materials of
various sizes with different physical properties and it is
difficult to distribute all of them at the top of the stock
column in a manner that the entire vertical and horizontal
cross section of the furnace offers minimum resistance
to the hot gas flow. This hot gas actually reduces the
metallic charge and produces hot metal. Burden
distribution is a generic term used to denote the radial
ore/coke distribution as well as the particle size
distribution. Since it has a close relationship with gas
utilisation in a furnace, the fuel rate can be effectively
reduced if the extent of gas utilization is improved. Non-
Tata Search, 2006
uniform distribution of the charge materials results in a
non-uniform radial distribution of particle size, voidage
and hence permeability of the stock column. The resulting
non-uniform radial distribution of the gas flow affects the
charge descent rate because the ascending gas finds the
path of least resistance and the gas will flow through the
areas of higher permeability. Non-uniform flow of gas in
the other localities leads to inadequate utilisation of
thermal and chemical energies and hence to inferior fuel
efficiency, uneven descent of burden, lower productivity
and excessive wall build up or higher thermal load on the
walls. As the stock line pattern has been found to persist
during descent, much attention has been paid to obtain
an optimal burden distribution at the top. Furthermore,
for achieving high driving rates along with smooth descent
of the burden and low thermal load on the furnace walls,
it is desirable to distribute the burden radially across the
furnace cross section in an appropriate manner. The
contour of the cohesive zone is also primarily governed
by the distribution of the burden in the stack region of
the blast furnace. Therefore, proper burden distribution
results in:
(a) Good bed permeability, hence higher productivity
(b) Higher gas utilization, hence lower fuel rate
(c) Smooth burden descent, hence smooth furnace
(d) Lower thermal load on the wall of the furnace, hence
lower heat loss and
(e) Desirable cohesive zone configuration resulting in low
silicon in hot metal
At Tata Steel, extensive model studies in the past
were undertaken for both the MTA (movable throat armor)
and the PW-BLT (paul wurth bell less top) systems to
evolve an understanding of the parameters affecting the
distribution pattern. To develop some understanding of
burden distribution using an MTA, a full scale 30 sector
model of the D furnace top was setup in June, 1982.
Subsequently, when MTAs were installed in the other
blast furnaces (e.g., F furnace in November, 1985), this
model was modified to help study burden distribution in
those furnaces. During this time, tests were also conducted
for other furnaces in reduced scale (1:10) physical models
at R&D. More recently,
both physical model (1:10) as
well as mathematical models were developed for the F
blast furnace during its relining in 2002. At the time of
filling in of F blast furnace in 2002, plant trials were also
conducted to validate the in-house mathematical model.
Bu r de n Dis t r ibu t ion Ph ilos oph y a t Ta t a St e e l
The static nature of the bed and the large quantities of
raw materials which had to be handled in full scale models
Tata Search, 2006
172 Tathagata Bhattacharya et al. Burden Distribution Studies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sector Model of F Blast Furnace
are the two major limitations of using these models. For
this reason, at present, all studies are carried out in
reduced scale model based on the principles of dimensional
analysis. It is important to mention here that the basic
philosophy of burden distribution is to keep the fines
away from the furnace walls in order to avoid scab
formation and to ensure smooth descent of the burden
inside the furnace. Predominant central working with
some gas flow in the vicinity of the furnace walls to provide
a high driving rate of the furnace along with the possibility
of alkali purging with the gas, thus forms the basis of the
optimum burden distribution at Tata Steel.
Similar studies using the scaled down models have
been carried out elsewhere.
( 10) -( 15)
Parallel with
mathematical modelling efforts,
physical simulation
of burden flow has been attempted by means of full
(3),(11), (18), (20), (24)-(26)
and also measurements in actual
(4)-(6), (27)-(29)
Ba s is of Se le c t ion of Sc a le Down Mode l
There is no better alternative to a full scale model with
regards to simulation of the actual blast furnace burden
distribution. But because of the constraints in material
handling, a 1:10 scaled down model was chosen.
Dimensional analysis for similarity criteria would show
that the scaled down model without the gas flow does not
quite fulfil the conditions for complete correspondence
with the real furnace. The difference, however, occurs
only in the conditions (involving the effect of gas flow, i.e.,
buoyancy and drag force) which are believed to be having
less than 10% effect (gas velocity & density is too small)
compared to the primary governing force, i.e., gravity.
It will be shown below that most of the dimensionless
parameters signifying geometrical similarity are equal in
the model and in the actual furnace, but the kinematic
and dynamic similarity conditions are not quite met owing
to the fact that the model does not employ hot ascending
gas during the experiments.
Let us assume the burden distribution to be represented
by a dimensionless variable Y, which may be the ore to
coke ratio or the particle size distribution at a certain
point in the furnace. Y depends on so many other variables
which affect the burden distribution in the upper part of
the blast furnace. The relevant variables are listed in
Table 1. We have a total of 22 variables including Y for
dimensional analysis as shown in equation 1.
Y=f (d, l, N,
, L, r, h, d
, H, , , d
, E
, E
, f
, f
, v
) ...(1)
The dimensions of all these 22 variables could be written
down with the help of three fundamental dimensions [L]
(for length), [M] (for mass) and [T] (for time). According to
Buckinghams theorem, there would be (22-3) = 19
independent dimensionless groups (or terms). Table 2
shows these dimensionless groups for the process of
burden distribution. We have taken
, v
and d (three
variables) as the recurring variables to create the
dimensionless groups.
From the above table it is obvious that barring group #
3, 5, 15, 16 and 19 (five groups) all other dimensionless
groups are similar in the actual and model systems owing
to the fact that our model was a cold model where gas
flow was absent. All these equal dimensionless groups
pertain to the geometrical similarity of the two systems,
for example, (l/d)
= (3.5 m/7.4 m) = 0.47 and for the
1:10 model, (l/d)
= (0.35 m/0.74 m) = 0.47. This is
true for the other groups in the table. Therefore, a complete
geometrical similarity exists between the actual and the
model system. The physical model does not employ
ascending gas and therefore, the kinematic and dynamic
similarity criteria does not hold good for this system and
the actual blast furnace. The effect of gas flow on the
dynamics of burden distribution is known to be significant
(though not more than 10%), but given the excellent
geometrical similarity conditions and the ease of using a
scaled down model, the decision of using a 1:10 model is
certainly justifiable without much loss of generality.
Considering this and the fact that the final adjustment
of the charging pattern is made during actual blast furnace
operation, the reliability of a small scale model was held
Th e 1:10 Scaled Down Ph ysical Model of F Blast
Fu r n a c e a t R&D
The linear dimensions of the scaled model at R&D are
1/10th of the actual F blast furnace. Figs. 1 and 2 show
Ta bl e 1 : Li s t of Va r i a bl e s for Bu r d e n Di s t r i bu t i on
Pr oc e s s
Variable # Variable Name Symbol
1 o/c ratio Y
2 Throat diameter d
3 Chute length l
4 Chute RPM N
5 Bulk density (coke)
6 Bulk density (metallics)
7 Density of gas
8 Stockline from vertical chute tip L
9 Chute radius r
10 Vertical fall height through gear box h
11 Diameter of spout d
12 Throat height H
13 Shaft angle
14 Chute angle
15 Mean size of coke d
16 Mean size of metallics d
17 Elastic modulus (coke) E
18 Elastic modulus (metallics) E
19 Coefficient of friction (coke) f
20 Coefficient of friction (metallics) f
21 Velocity of ascending gas v
22 Viscosity of gas
Table 2 : Dimen sion less Groups for Burden Dist r ibut ion
Pr oc e s s
Group # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Groups Y l/d Nd/v


L/d R/d h/d d
Group # 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Groups H/d d
/d d
/d E

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Tathagata Bhattacharya et al. Burden Distribution Studies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sector Model of F Blast Furnace 173
the schematic and actual diagram of this 1:10 physical
model. The model is an 180 sector model and is fitted
with a toughened glass in front of it for visualization of
the burden layers. Grid lines were drawn on the glass
using a drafter attached to one side of the model. The
grids were 5 cm apart in radial and axial directions for
recording the layer thicknesses. From the drawing, the
locations of stocklines and the gauge rod on the glass
cover are marked. An electrically operated screw conveyor
was provided for continuously discharging the material
from the bottom of the model in order to keep a desired
stock level at all time.
Expe r ime n t a l De t a ils
Preparat ion of raw mat erials & measurement of mat erial
pr oper t ies : All raw materials are screened in a size range
which should be one tenth of the actual blast furnace
feed material (say, Sinter: -5 +1 mm; Ore: -5 +1 mm;
Coke: -8 +3.15 mm). Size distribution is obtained by
sending weighed quantity of material to the plant laboratory
or performing the analysis in-house as per Indian
Bulk density of sampled material is also
measured in-house as per Indian Standards.
measured values will be used for calculating flow rate of
material in the experiments from the actual charge amount
(amount of material in each dump) in the blast furnace
and also as input to any mathematical model. Angle of
repose of sampled materials should be determined as per
Indian Standards.
But for the present case, a more
sophisticated technique was used to accurately measure
the angle of repose of all raw materials used in the
experiments. It was performed by using a rectangular
box (1500 mm X 500 mm X 500 mm) with transparent
side walls (front and back, Fig. 3). The other two side
walls have the arrangement for free fall on the side of the
box. Once these two side walls are freed, material would
start to flow through the sides until the angle of repose
is attained.
Fig. 1 : Sch emat ic diagr am of t h e 1 :1 0 s caled down ph ys ical
mode l of F bla s t fu r n a c e a t R&D
Fig. 2 : Pa r t ia l vie w of t h e a c t u a l s e t u p of 1 :1 0 s c a le d down
ph ys i c a l mode l of F bla s t fu r n a c e a t R&D. Th i s i s a n 1 8 0
s e c t or m od e l . A t ou gh e n e d gl a s s i s p r ovi d e d i n fr on t t o
vi s u a li s e t h e la ye r p r ofi le s of bu r d e n m a t e r i a ls . Th e gr i d
mar kin gs are used t o capt ure t h e ore an d coke layer t h ickn ess
Fig. 3 : Set u p for meas u r in g an gle of r epos e of r aw mat er ials
Image analysis (by taking digital images of the setup with
no parallax) or manual measurements may be performed
to obtain the angle of repose in degrees. An image handling
software (such as Microsoft(R) Photo Editor or Matlab(R)
Image Processing Toolbox) is employed to transform the
image into gray scale and the edge detection technique
is used to reveal the edges in the picture of our interest
(Fig. 4). The slope line which forms the angle of repose is
revealed in the photograph and a tracing software
used to read the coordinates of a number of points along
these two slopes. These data points are then plotted and
a linear fit (Y= mX+C) gives the slope (m) of the line which
is tan where = angle of repose. The dimension of the
box is critical and has relationship with the maximum
particle size. The moisture content of the material and
particle size profoundly affects the angle of repose, so it
is general practice to mention the moisture content and
size range along with the angle of repose. The moisture
content could be determined from a standard apparatus
in a laboratory but was not done for the present case.
Developmen t of equivalen t ch argin g mat r ix from act ual
ch ar gin g pr ogr am: The charge amount for coke, metallic
etc. is obtained from the actual charging program in the
blast furnace. In each dump, the volume charged in the
1:10 model should be 1/1000
of the actual volume (i.e.,
1/ n
where n is scale down factor of the model) of charge
material in the furnace. The flow rate required for each
Tata Search, 2006
174 Tathagata Bhattacharya et al. Burden Distribution Studies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sector Model of F Blast Furnace
clogging. The points along a layer was traced and recorded
from the grids for both sides of the axis. The layer profiles
and ore to coke ratio along radial locations were plotted
from the data thus generated.
The charging programs as shown in Table 3 were tried in
the physical model. Stock line was maintained at 150
mm below vertical chute tip (which is zero stock line and
at 1.5 m in the actual F blast furnace), corresponding
ring numbers and chute angles (in degree) are given in
Table 4; Table 5 shows the data for charge amount per
skip (2 rings) and flow rate of different charge materials.
Table 6 lists the measured material properties. The weight
fractions of sinter and iron ore in the metallic have been
taken as 66:34.
Ta ble 4 : Ch u t e In c li n a t i on An gle s (i n De gr e e s ) for
Diffe r e n t Ch u t e Pos it ion s
Chute Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Angles (Stock Line 0) 0 8 17 23 30 34 39 41 43 45 47
Ta ble 5 : Amou n t a n d Flow Ra t e of Ch a r ge Ma t e r ia ls
Material Amount Amount Flow Rate
(Plant, Kg) (Experiment, Kg) (Experiment, Kg/s)
Coke 4724 5.17 0.345
Metallic 14650 17.25 1.150
Ta ble 6 : Ma t e r ia l Pr ope r t ie s for t h e Expe r ime n t s
Material Coke Ore Sinter
Size Range (mm) 3.15-8 1-5 1-5
Angle of Repose (deg.) 39-43 36-39 40
Bulk Density (kg/m
) 602 2256 1907
material in the model is calculated from the equivalent
volume. From the actual charging matrix, the time required
for each dump is noted (say, n rings have to be formed
with x Kg of material in a dump at a particular chute
position, then the time required for the material to be
discharged would be 60n/ N seconds, where N = chute
rpm). Therefore, the flow rate of the material in the model
is required to be Nx/ 60n Kg/s. This flow rate is needed
for adjusting the material control gates of the physical
The material control gates for both coke and metallic are
adjusted to match the calculated flow rate of materials.
This can be performed by adjusting the screw of the gates
and then allowing a certain amount of material to flow
through the chute. A bucket can be placed at the tip of
the chute to collect the material. The material may be
allowed to fall on the bucket for a pre-determined time,
say, 10 seconds. Precautions should be taken to avoid
spillage of material out side the bucket. The collected
amount of material in the bucket is then weighed and by
dividing this weight of the material with the pre-determined
time, the flow rate is calculated. If this does not match
with the required flow rate of material, the flow control
gates are adjusted and the measurements are repeated
till the desired flow rate is achieved.
Expe r i me n t a t i on wi t h s e le c t e d c h a r gi n g s e qu e n c e s :
To ensure steady and uniform burden descent along the
axis using the screw conveyor, a number of trials may be
needed to ensure circumferential balance while descent.
A flat surface may be created from material dumps and
the same may be lowered for getting uniformity by adjusting
screw conveyor speed (using a Variac) and discharge
window openings at the bottom.
The charging sequence to be tried was started on the
previously dumped layers and the burden was descended
after each dump. The location of the gauge rod as marked
on the glass plate was used as the guiding point for
descent. The burden descent was stopped (i.e., the screw
conveyor was switched off) as the top layer passed through
the common point formed by the vertical gauge rod and
the horizontal stockline. The burden is stabilised after a
number of rounds of the same charging sequence so that
the effect of the initial layers are nullified. The chute was
rotated in both directions in alternate dumps for
circumferential balance. The top 6 layers (3 coke and 3
metallic) were used for measurements of layer thickness.
The layer thickness was measured manually from the
grids drawn on the front glass of the model and also by
using image processing techniques in order to ensure
correctness and accuracy of measurements. The descended
material was accumulated at the bottom of the model and
was periodically removed by the screw conveyor to avoid
Fi g. 4 : Gr a y s c a le i ma ge of t h e s e t u p a ft e r e dge de t e c t i on
for me a s u r in g a n gle of r e pos e
Ta ble 3 : Ch a r gin g Pr ogr a ms
S/L No. Charging Program (one cycle)

1 CC
2 C
3 C
4 C
5 C

C: coke M: metallic
Fig. 5 shows the comparison of o/c ratio for different
charging programs as mentioned in Table 3. Table 7
shows the corresponding charging map for different
charging programs. Careful observation of the above figure
would reveal that there are basically three types of
distributions formed with these five charging programs
or sequences. Sequences 1, 2 & 4 produce similar type
of o/c plots whereas sequences 3 & 5 produce two
extremes. There is a considerable amount of coke at the
centre in case of sequence # 5 which can also be seen
from the layer profile for sequence 5 in Table 7. This
sequence is expected to give rise to a strong central
working which is clearly evident from Fig. 6 which shows
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Tathagata Bhattacharya et al. Burden Distribution Studies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sector Model of F Blast Furnace 175
Ta ble 7 : Ch a r gi n g Ma p for t h e Ch a r gi n g Se qu e n c e s
t r i e d i n t h e 1 :1 0 Sc a le Ph ys i c a l Mod e l of F Bla s t
Fu r n a c e
Fig. 5 : Compar ison of o/ c r at io of differen t ch argin g progr ams
the above burden probe (ABP) temperature plot. This
particular sequence was in operation during the last week
of September 2004. During this period, the fuel rate was
also on the lower side. For example, daily average coke
rates for the months Jul & Aug 2004 were 594 & 540
Kg/thm respectively, but for the months Sept & Oct 2004,
average coke rates were lowered at 481 & 508 Kg/thm
respectively. The phenomena for charging sequence #3 is
reverse where more coke is present at the wall than the
centre which may cause considerable peripheral working
of the furnace. As evident from the o/c plots, the sequences
1, 2 & 4 would result in moderate central working since
the plots are depressed near the centre.
The other general observations from these experiments
are noted below:
1. The rise of metallic particles along the curved chute
surface could be seen due to coriolis force but the rise
angle could not be quantified.
2. The chute touched the top burden layer at lower chute
angles owing to the steep angle of repose of small sized
particles, therefore charging at chute positions less
than 7 is to be avoided. Charging sequence # 3 uses
chute positions 4, 5 & 6 where chute tip touched the
burden material (this explains the flattening of the top
layer for CP #3 in Table 7) since the pile volume was
not spreading across larger area and there was no
visible rolling which restricted the spread of material.
This phenomenon may be specific for the case of 1:10
model, but in actual blast furnace the materials do
roll down.
3. The coke layer collapse can not be seen as the kinetic
energy of metallic particles was not sufficient to dislodge
coke layers. At lower stocklines, the material may hit
the wall if charged beyond chute position 9.
4. The particle size segregation could not be observed
due to the close size range of the particles; re-
arrangement and packing of particles could be seen
during descent and the interface between coke and
metallic layers became indistinct due to mixing at the
interface though the extent of mixing was very less.
5. Sudden sliding of the whole mass of material was
experienced for a shorter duration during descent.
This may be caused due to smooth surface of furnace
wall and the covering front glass and also due to non-
uniform descent.
The output from the existing mathematical model at
(9), (34)
was used to compare the results from the
measurements. The model was originally developed for
the actual F blast furnace and all dimensions in the
mathematical model were changed to suit the 1:10 scale
Fi g. 6 : Plot s h owi n g t h e a bove bu r de n pr obe t e mpe r a t u r e s
o n a p a r t i c u l a r d a y (3 0 Se p t e m be r ) o f t h e l a s t we e k o f
Se p t e m be r 2 0 0 4 wh e n t h e c h a r gi n g p r o gr a m # 5 wa s
ope r a t ion a l in F bla s t fu r n a c e


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176 Tathagata Bhattacharya et al. Burden Distribution Studies in 1:10 Scaled Down Sector Model of F Blast Furnace
model. The agreement between the measurements and
the output of the mathematical model is not so good and
a considerable tuning is under progress in order to assess
the usefulness of the mathematical model in replacing
experimentations in future. Fig. 7 shows one such
comparison of o/c plots between the mathematical and
the physical model for the charging sequence # 5. Though
the trend in o/c is followed up to the mid-radius of the
furnace, the comparison becomes very poor near the
walls. Presently, this issue is being addressed and the
mathematical model is being modified accordingly.
Fi g. 7 : Comp a r i s on of t h e ou t p u t fr om t h e ma t h e ma t i c a l
m od e l a n d t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s i n t h e 1 :1 0 s c a le p h ys i c a l
mode l
Amongst all the charging programs tried, the charging
program # 5 (C
/ M
) produced a distribution
in which a considerable amount of coke was present at
the centre. This charging program was in operation during
the last week of September 2004 where a strong central
working was established. This sequence produces a low
o/c ratio at the centre.
The furnace should be run by considering sequence # 5
as the base charging sequence and other sequences can
be evolved around the base charging sequence in order
to obtain a smooth operation with lower fuel rate. The
effectiveness of the derived sequences should be evaluated
by performing final adjustment of the charging patterns
during actual blast furnace operation.
We would like to thank Mr. Santanu Ghosh and Mr. Anjan
De for their observations and valuable comments. We
would also like to thank Dr. Sanjay Chandra (Chief, R&D)
and Prof. A. K. Lahiri (IISC, Bangalore) for their guidance
and encouragement.
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